AAH ASSOCIATION OF ART HISTORIANS BULLETIN For information on advertising, membership and distribution contact: AAH Administrator, Claire Davies, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ 91 Tel: 020 7490 3211; Fax: 020 7490 3277; <
[email protected]> Editor: Jannet King, 48 Stafford Road, Brighton BN1 5PF <
[email protected]> FEB 06 TH i Chair's Annual Report 2005 BY COLIN CRUISE his has been an exciting and productive year for the ARTISTS' PAPERS REGISTER T AAH, with the completion of a major and The AAH has supported the APR since it was proposed longstanding project, much public work, excellent some 20 years ago. I am pleased to record the Members' Groups activities and a great deal of behind- triumphant completion of the project, which was the-scenes forward-planning, discussion and debate. I marked by a reception at the Victoria and Albert have summarised the chief events of the year here, Museum in June. although many of them are described more fully in the I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rupert reports of the Chairs of Members' Groups. I have also Shepherd for guiding us to this final stage of the project. taken the liberty of including details of on-going projects In his survey of the APR's history (in the Bulletin, and further plans where I thought it gave a fuller picture October 2005), Rupert thanked all of his predecessors of my activities and those of the Executive Committee. and co-workers by name. The AAH is indeed indebted ANNUAL CONFERENCES to the hard work of all these individuals and to the The Thirty-First Annual Conference, hosted by the agencies that supported the project financially, University of Bristol, was a resounding success, with particularly the Getty Foundation, the Pilgrim Trust, the well-attended sessions, distinguished plenary speakers and exciting discussions.