New York City Municipal Government Energy Benchmarking Results 2017 September 2018 New York City Government Building Energy Benchmarking Results 2017 Overview The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) submitted the revised 2010 - 2017 benchmarking results for City government buildings to the Department of Finance (DOF) for publication on September 1, 2018 in compliance with Local Law 84 of 2009. Since 2009, DCAS has coordinated with City agencies to benchmark nearly 3,000 public buildings including libraries, police stations, firehouses, schools, colleges, courthouses, hospitals, community centers and government offices. The following report discloses energy performance metrics for each required City government building for calendar year 2017 as well as calendar year 2010 data as published in the original New York City Government Building Energy Benchmarking Results. The performance metrics included in the report are: Energy Star score, energy use intensity (EUI), and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity. The U.S. EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager Tool calculates Energy Star scores for certain common property types. For properties ineligible for an Energy Star score, the report will indicate “Not Available.” Summary of Results A year-to-year analysis reveals that the average Energy Star score for 2017 for eligible City buildings is 71.2, which is a 22% improvement from the average Energy Star score of 58.6 for 2010, the first year City government buildings were benchmarked under Local Law 84 of 2009. The information in this report is subject to change due to ongoing data quality improvements, energy efficiency and conservation efforts, and changes in building use over time. For additional information on these benchmarking results, contact NYC DCAS Energy Management at
[email protected].