Running head: STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT 1 Strategies for Effective Engagement A Guide for Youth Environmental Activists Sarah A. Voska University of Wisconsin- Parkside Author’s Note For Correspondence, direct emails to
[email protected]. STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT 2 Abstract This guidebook will address the topic of youth engagement strategies for environmental activists. Through collaboration across regions, sectors and industries, we can accomplish more to protect our planet. This project encompasses various aspects of activism: focusing primarily on organization management and communication. The guidebook will be shared with current or aspiring activists, to provide them with a framework from which to launch strategic campaigns and best utilize limited resources through the development of smart goals and project management guidelines. This paper aspires to delineate what makes a campaign successful, and what strategies are most effective to spur engagement. It includes observational data, and research from the fields of sustainability psychology, marketing, strategic management, and education. The guide was designed to empower youth activists to promote sustainability initiatives in their communities using the tactics optimized by businesses and management professionals. Keywords: Activism, Act on Climate, Care About Climate, Climate Change, Communication, COP, Environmental Action, Environmentalist, Non-profits, Power Mapping, Strategic Planning, UNFCCC. STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT 3 Acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the constant support of family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. First and foremost, my family has been incredible. Thank you to my parents for teaching me to be a critical thinker and respectful of the natural world. Thanks for giving me the tools I need and allowing me to explore and discover, and for supporting me while I’m traveling or at home.