PROGRAM OF THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING HELD IN DURHAM AND CHAPEL mLL, N. C., DECEMBER 30-31, 1929, AND JANUARY I, 1930 Monday, December 30 WASHINGTON DUKE HOTEL BALL ROOM 10.30 ll. m. JOINT SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL STUDIES AND THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION.-Chairman, Guy S. Ford, Univer sity of Minnesota. Report of Progress in the Investigation of History and other Social Studies in the Schools, A. C. Krey, University of Minnesota; Possibilities of Testing the Values in the Teaching of the Social Studies, Truman L. Kelley I Stanford University. Discussion, led by Laurence B. Packard, Amherst College; O. M. Dickerson, Teachers' College, Greeley, Colo., Frederic Duncalf, University of Texas. ASSEMBLY ROOM, NO 1 10.30 a. m. AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICy.--Chairman, James Phinney Baxter, 3d, Harvard University. Opportunities for Research in American Foreign Relations, Samuel F. Bemis, George Washington University. Discussion, led by Tyler Dennett, Department of State, Washington; Joseph V. Fuller, Depart ment of State, Washington. ASSEMBLY ROOM, NO 2 10.30 a. m. MEDIEVAL HISTORy-HERESY AND PERSECUTION.-Chairman, Edgar H. McNeal, Ohio State University. The theory of Persecution, Ernest W. Nelson, Duke University; The Social Aspects of French Heresy, Austin P. Evans, Columbia University; Restrictions on the Teacher in the Medieval University of Paris, Dorothy Louise Mackay, West Virginia University. Dis cussion, led by Alfred H. Sweet, Washington and Jefferson College. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASSEMBLY ROOM, TRUST BUILDING (ADJOINING WASHINGTON DUKE HOTEL) 10.30 a. m. CONFERENCE OF STATE AND LOCAL HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. Chairman, A. R. Newsome, North Carolina Historical Commlssion.
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