Mackinac Breccia
MACKINAC BRECCIA considered by the Michigan Geological Survey to be not only more euphonious but also to be "in use" according to the rules of The Mackinac breccia is composed of masses of rock nomenclature. G. M. Ehlers is not in accord with this decision and protested the change from "Islands" to "Island" in his manuscript. from many of the described formations. It is not a Editor. stratigraphic unit representing a distinct episode of 20 deposition, but is a record of events that involved the Stauffer, C. R., Relative age of the Detroit River Series; Geol. Soc. Amer. Vol. 27, 1916. fracture and displacement of sedimentary rocks. The 21 geologic processes which compose this record and a Williams, M. Y., The Silurian Geology and faunas of Ontario Peninsula, Manitoulin and adjacent islands: Canada Dept. Mines and detailed description of the breccia are given in Chapter Geol. Survey, Mem. 111. III. 22Carman, J. E., The Monroe Division of rocks in Ohio: Jour. Geol., 1Bigsby, J. J., Geological and Mineralogical Observation on the Vol. 35, No. 6, 1929. Northwest Portion of Lake Huron, Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. 3, 1821. 23 Notes on Geography and Geology of Lake Huron, Trans. Carman, J. E., Sylvania Sandstone of Northwestern Ohio: Bull. Geol. Geol. Soc. London, 2nd ser., Vol. 1, 1824. Soc. Amer., Vol. 47, 1 pl., 5 figs., 1936. 23 2Houghton, Douglass, Third Annual Report of the State Geologist. Lane, A. C., Deep wells and prospects for oil and gas. Geol. Surv. Documents accompanying Jour., House of Representatives, State of Michigan. 3rd Ann. Rep't.
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