DR. KANAILAL BHATTACHARYYA COLLEGE (NAAC RE-ACCREDITED (Thrice) WITH GRADE-‘B’) Valid Upto March 2020 (A Co-Educational Degree College) Affiliated to University of Calcutta & U. G. C. Estd – 1985 PROSPECTUS Academic Session – 2019-2020 15, Kona Road, Ramrajatala, P.O. - Santragachi, Howrah-711104 Ph : 2627-2490 (College Office) 2627-2471 (NSOU Office) (SAT.-SUN. 2.00 P.M. - 4.00 P.M.) Fax : 91332627-3241 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : www.drklbcollege.ac.in Important Warning The College Authority reserves the right to cancel/reject/nullify any admission of any candidate unless and until the admission is regularised by the University authority. If any mistake/error is noticed at the time of scrutiny of Registration by the University authority, the sole responsibility of such error will lie with the candidate concerned. Students are hereby instructed to sign in the University Check List from the date of commencement of B.A. / B.Sc. / B. Com. 1st Yr. Classes within 31/07/ 2019 of also to fillup C.U. Registration Form, failing which C.U. Registration would be cancelled. 1 : NAAC ACCREDITION-Brief Summary : Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharyya College is now one of the few tertiary institutions of higher education to be assessed and accredited thrice by NAAC. The College was assessed and accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2004 and reassessed and reaccredited by the same authority in 2009. After meticulous inspections, the college was awarded C++(67.70%) and 'C' (1.91 CGPA) grades in 2004 and 2009 respectively. The College has been also assessed and accredited by NAAC for the third time in Dec.