Jason gideon on

Continue Unnamed grandfather Stephen Gideon (son) Supervisor Special Agent Senior Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon was a profile of bau and former Senior Supervisory Special Agent of bau. In the first episode of the third season, he abruptly quit his job at the BAU due to emotional problems over the death of his girlfriend Sarah Jacobs. She was previously killed by serial killer Frank Breitkopf. Gideon was supposed to leave Baut on the show because the actor Gideons, Mandy Patinkin, wanted to leave the show. He thought the series would be too brutal, and he abhorred this cruel nature. The position of Gideon is now taken over by (), he replaced Gideon in the episode Masks. Image caption Mr Gideon reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown after six of his colleagues were killed in a bomb attack on a warehouse run by Adrian Bale. It happened before Criminal Minds started. In red or blue (third episode of season 1) he's dealing with Bale again. He was called out of the hospital to lead the BAU team in the pilot episode The Abyss, but later stepped down to leave the place to Aaron Hotchner. He then became a senior supervisory assistant until retiring in Season 3. Gideon had a talent for counseling and was always a great help to his colleagues, both Derek Morgan and . He is also an avid chess player, as was proven in several matches against Dr. Reid. He had a relationship with a woman named Sarah Jacobs, who later fell victim to Frank Breitkopf. In the job, after a series of emotional outbursts, one of which had been the death of his girlfriend Sarah, Gideon began to feel as if he was suffering from burnout. The last thing missing was Hotchner's two-week suspension, for which he felt responsible. He retreated to his cabin during that time and left a letter to Reid, knowing that he would come to see him. When Reid arrived at the cabin, she was empty except for Gideon's gun, his ID and the letter. Gideon was last seen talking to a waitress at a nevada diner and told her where he wanted to go that he didn't know where he wanted to go. Then he leaves the diner and drives away with his car. He mentioned that one of the reasons for his resignation was that he did not want to lose faith in the good and in happy endings. The character of Jason Gideon was built partly on the real profiles of John Douglas, as well as David Rossi. He wears a Sig Sauer P226. Gideon is a talented chef. Gideon is in contemporary art Gideon sollte eigentlich Jason Donovan heißen. Gideon hat die BAU unerwartet verlassen. Gideon liebt Vögel. in there 10. Staffel wird is getötet. Is hat einen Sohn namens Stephen, my ones are long nicht Contact hats. Erst in der elften Folge in der 1.Staffel ruft Gideon ihn an. Der Sohn ist zum Zeitpunkt in der 14.Folge in der 1.Staffel 25 Jahre alt. Senior Supervisory Special Agent Mandy PatinkinBen Savage (young) And in the end ... (via flashbacks) I'm just looking for it again. For the faith I had left in college. The belief I had when I first met Sarah and it all seemed so right. Faith in happy endings. - Gideon's farewell letter to Reid from In Name and Blood Jason Gideon was a criminal profiler, former Senior Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. At the beginning of season three, Gideon abruptly retired from the BAU due to emotional problems stemnated by the murder of his girlfriend. His position is now held by his former partner and best friend David Rossi, who has kept it to this day. In the Season Ten episode Nelson's Sparrow, he was murdered by Donnie Mallick. Background Gideon was the protégé of Max Ryan, who taught him everything he knew about profiling, but he did not escape the humiliation of being a new recruit. One of Gideon's earliest cases was a bomb case that max was monitoring. As a joke for the new member, Max and the other investigators involved planted a list of the FBI director's whereabouts over the next 48 hours in the bomber's car for Gideon to find. When he found it before Max could stop him, Gideon rushed up 25 flights of stairs and interrupted a meeting between the director and the U.S. Attorney's Office in an attempt to save him. During the investigation into the case of Adrian Bale, aka The Boston Shrapnel Bomber, Gideon had reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown after he sent six men into a warehouse before Bale detonated a bomb inside. All six agents and one hostage were killed, and he was heavily criticized for the incident. He took six months of sick leave because he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. When he returned from sick leave, he was given the position of senior agent when Hotch was confirmed as unit manager. Not much is known about his personal life, except that he has a son named Stephen, with whom he was estranged because of his commitment to his job. Season one I can't tell you how much joy I'm just told I put you in this little little cage. You can even call it an emotional release. In the show's first episode, Extreme Aggressor, Gideon was called back to work to help profile a killer, called The Seattle Strangler by the media, who abducts women and holds them captive before choking them and dumping their bodies. After Gideon puts together a profile they believe the unsub is Richard Slessman, a convicted Rapist. When they pick up Slessman, the pieces don't all fit together, and they conclude Slessman is the brains of a duo. The team eventually discovers that Timothy Vogel, a prison officer who protected Slessman while he was in prison, is the actual perpetrator of the crimes. Gideon manages to save Heather Woodland's life by angering Vogel to the point that he forgets the victim and tries to kill Gideon, only to be shot by Elle. Gideon is amazed to discover that he has seen The Footpath Killer. After solving the seattle strangler case, Gideon is seen at an old-fashioned gas station in Dumfries, Virginia. While inside, Gideon notes that the cashier fit his profile of the Footpath Killer, a serial killer he had been investigating before being called up for the Seattle Strangler case: a white man in his twenties, owned an American-made truck, worked on a menial job, and spoke to a serious strain. The man notices Gideon's gun and threatens him with a shotgun and insists he tells him who he is. When Gideon reveals he's from the FBI, the gunman gets even more agitated. Gideon then tells the man that he can tell him the one thing no one has ever been able to tell him: why he stutters. But Gideon didn't really know the answer, only trying to provoke a strain to distract the killer. The killer forced Gideon down a hall and into a small room filled with pictures of his many victims, an amount that was more than law enforcement had found. Gideon deliberately demeans and insults the killer, increasingly agitating him and making his tribe worse. He takes his eyes off Gideon long enough for him to grab the gun and subdue the killer. I Will not be fooled again, a copycat bomber uses the methods of serial bomber Adrian Bale (the same criminal who committed the warehouse bombing that killed his six colleagues), and Gideon faces his past and Bale, to find out who the bomber is and stop him. After saving the lives of several agents from a suicide bomb, Gideon was forced to make a deal with Bale to get him to help them get a bomb out of an innocent man. When Gideon realizes that Bale is lying about how to dismantle it, he calls his bluff and saves them all from a bomb going off. He has the pleasure of returning Bale to prison, the burden of the six agents' death presumably gone, even mocking him while he was placed in a cell using Bale's own words ([A]n emotional release) in one sentence; He says he finds it an emotional release in putting away criminals like Bale. In Plain Sight, Gideon is a major reason why the team is able to catch The Tommy Killer, a serial rapist and killer who would glue his victims' eyes open. Gideon discovers that this serial killer is a phone technician Glue his victims eyes open because he feels invisible. He manages to confront the killer when he is To kill another woman, persuade him that he will make him famous, causing the killer to surrender and release the hostage. In The Fox, Bau was able to connect Karl Arnold, aka The Fox, to the murders of five families. Without forensic evidence to link Karl to the crimes, they needed a confession to convict him. Gideon, knowing that Karl was obsessed with keeping things in order, mixed up the images of the victims' bodies. This was more successful than he expected; Karl knew that not only were the images out of order, but were able to identify the bodies that only the killer would know. With this evidence, Bau was able to convict and imprison Karl. In What Fresh Hell?, Gideon saves the life of 11-year-old Billie Copeland, who was abducted by a paedophile. When bau receives information from a neighbor of a man named Donald Curtis, they discover that he matches the description of the unsub, with Curtis himself having the same green van and a deceased dog named Candy. Gideon forced his way into the home, but no trace of the girl was found. When they thought he had damaged the case without repair due to an illegal entry, he notices some isolation on a broom and remembers that Curtis had insulation on his jacket. Gideon realizes that Billie can be held aloft, an assumption that was correct. In Riding the Lightning, bau travels to a prison to interview a murderer couple, Jacob Dawes and Sarah Jean Mason; Jacob killed at least 18 women, while Sarah admitted killing her son Riley Dawes under Jacob's orders. Gideon believed, however, that Sarah was innocent and that Sarah was protecting her son from Jacob. But even after Jacob was executed, Sarah wouldn't tell Gideon anything. The team eventually discover that Riley was alive after finding a picture of him in one of Sarah's paintings, and found that he was adopted by another family. Even with this discovery, Gideon realizes that Sarah wants her son to have a whole new life without the knowledge that his parents were criminals, so he allows Sarah to be executed just as she wants. In Machismo, the team travels to Mexico to profile a serial killer/rapist. Gideon discovers that the killer kills the mothers of his former rape victims and in the same order in which he raped their daughters. With this information, the team is able to detect his next planned victim. But his rape victims get to him before law enforcement does, and attack him, stab him repeatedly and castrate him, presumably killing him. In Secrets and Lies, Gideon is asked for help by Bruno Hawks, an old friend who worked for the CIA after another friend of the Gideons, John Summers, was murdered. Bruno thinks there's a mole in the CIA, and he wants Gideon to find him. During the investigation, they find that Summer's last case was that Aaliyah Nadir, by Hassan Nadir, a Saudi diplomat who also funded terrorist groups. Bau has narrowed the list of suspects to one of sixteen people in Bruno's unit and knows that this person knows they are there and tracks him. But they quickly have this list narrowed again to four, which just happens to be the highest ranking in the unit, including Bruno himself. Gideon is able to infer that the mole is Bruno, and he has him arrested. At the end of the episode, Bruno is alleged to have been killed in a car accident, but his true status is never known. Season two I've been playing at this job somehow for almost 30 years. I've felt lost. I've had a good time. I've felt scared, sick and insane. I don't know. I guess the day this job stops gnawing at your soul and... Hands.. .your hands stop feeling cold. Maybe it's time to go. In The Perfect Storm, Gideon and BAU investigate a killer pair, one of whom tortures and rapes the victims while the partner records the process and kills the victims. When police discover that a man named Joey Davin has one of the rape victims' cars in his house, they visit him. However, he denies being arrested and pulls a gun, committing suicide by the officer. Bau then discovers that Joey knew a man named Tony Canardo in prison. When they arrive at Tony's house, they find his wife Amber, who is having one of the victim's rings on. They arrested Tony, but during interrogation, they get nothing out of him. They send Amber in to interrogate him, and he tells her where the women were being held, but it turned out to be a fake place. Gideon quickly discovers that while Amber was with her husband, she made eye contact with him, she wasn't afraid of him, and that she was calm when she saw the pictures of the bodies on the wall. Gideon realizes that Amber, not Tony, is the dominant figure of the homicide squad. Gideon convinces Tony to tell him in the right place where the woman was tortured, creating Amber's arrest and life-saving of Canardos' latest victim. In The Boogeyman, Gideon and the team investigate the deaths of three juveniles who were killed. In addition to the study and debriefing with local authorities, Bau talk to both parents and children about how to protect themselves, telling kids to work on the buddy system where they are never going anywhere without a friend. BAU is sure that unsub is a local person. They eventually learn from a local legend who points out that there is a boogeyman living in the hills: a hermit named Joseph Finnegan. Authorities search Finnegan's house and discover fingerprints that could prove crucial to finding the unsub. Police later discovered that Finnegan could not have been unsub since had been dead long before the killings began. Authorities discover that the fingerprints belong to a man named James Charles, a school counselor. James becomes the prime suspect since he was abandoned by his wife, has the baseball cap of the second victim in his possession, and his twelve-year-old son Jeffrey is missing. While Morgan was interrogating James, Reid and JJ discovered that all dairy products in James's house had been covered in duct tape, like the cream spinach found in Finnegan's house. Gideon decides to interrogate James, offer him coffee and ask if he wanted milk; James said yes to both. Gideon found out that James was only protecting his son, who was the real unsub. Gideon later rescued a young girl named Tracy Belle before Jeffrey could kill her. In The Last Word, Gideon and BAU are asked to help catch a pair of serial killers, both known only as The Mill Creek Killer and The Hollow Man, respectively, in St. Louis. Eventually, Reid discovers that the two killers communicate with each other through the classified ads in the local newspaper. With this knowledge, Reid has been fabricating a note addressed to the Mill Creek Killer, sent from Hollow Man; The memo claims that Hollow Man killed a victim and left the body of the Mill Creek Killer to find. Since the Mill Creek Killer likes to revisit the victims he kills and have sex with the bodies, Gideon's trap works and they are able to catch the killer. Gideon interrogates the killer and initially gets nothing out of him. But as soon as Gideon starts talking about how the Mill Creek Killer visited his victims over and over again, the man becomes increasingly visibly upset and admits that he killed the women, adding that he doesn't want his necrophilia to become public knowledge. Gideon then JJ set up a press conference where she talks about how intelligent and complex the Mill Creek Killer investigation was, all the while ignoring or giving short, simple answers to questions about Hollow Man, which Gideon theorizes will take bait as the killer was simply seeking attention to himself. His theory was proven correct when Hollow Man walked into the police station, holding a security guard hostage. But when Hollow Man spots the Mill Creek Killer in the interrogation room, he lets his guard down and is quickly arrested. In Lessons Learned, DEA agents and a SWAT team storm into a barricaded house and where they had expected to find a meth lab and drug dealers, only to instead find an escape tunnel and a bomb/chemical dispersal device. Investigations point in the direction of Al-Qaeda member, Jind Allah, as the man behind the proliferation unit. In the two months he was detained at Guantanamo Bay, the CIA has not been able to extract even his real name. That's why Gideon is asked to lead the interrogation. He decides to take Reid and new agent with him. Gideon Out of his plan: he decides to interview Jind, he tells Prentiss to listen to how Jind uses his words to see if there is a subtext or ulterior motives for them, and Reid is tasked with looking for nonverbal micro-expressions and noting changes in his behavior when Gideon challenges Jind Allah's belief systems to emphasize him. The reason for this plan is that Gideon must get Jind to reveal something personal before he can determine when and where the terrorists plan to attack. During his time with Jind, Gideon is able to discover that he is from Egypt, his real name is Jamal Abaza, and he had an eight-year-old son who was killed. At one point, Gideon is interrupted during his interview with Jamal. He opens the cell door and reveals a TV screen showing the report of an anthrax attack. When Gideon questions why Jamal did what he did, Jamal rants about the mistakes the U.S. has made, and accidentally reveals that the terrorists are targeting a big mall just to be opened. With Jamal's confession, Gideon Hotch and Morgan announce that the new United States Mall in McLean, Virginia, is the target. The two arrive at the mall and prevent the terrorists from activating the bomb. In No Way Out, Gideon faces the scariest and most evil serial killer of his entire career, Frank Breitkopf. At the beginning of the episode, Gideon and Morgan entered a remote diner in Nevada. Gideon stops at the booth where Frank sits and sits opposite him. He tells Frank that they are looking for a man in his mid to late Fifties who listens to Beethoven, wears a corduroy jacket with a fleece-lined collar, is left-handed, and has a notebook in his right jacket pocket with extensive, detailed accounts of torture inflicted on all his victims. Morgan discovers a black notebook in his right inner jacket pocket. Frank tells Gideon that when he finishes his milkshake, he'll get what he wants. He goes on to tell him that he would eventually get up and escape authorities and that Gideon would let him. He simply replies that it would be a magic trick as the diner is surrounded by Golconda police officers. Frank gets curious about how Gideon was able to find out it was him, and the agent tells him about the chain of past events. Bau had received a call from Georgia Davis, the sheriff of the Golconda Sheriff's Department, who had recently found two murder victims, both of whom were missing their right ribs, similar to a case that took place in 1996. Gideon realized, however, that this unsub has been killing for 30 years. After studying one of the murder victims, he ruled that unsub has extensive medical knowledge, his victims are alive when he cut off their limbs, and that he uses ketamine to immobilize his victims. With this information, Gideon and the team were able to build a profile of the killer. To find unsub, sheriff's Create a road-block looking for an RV, truck, or trailer, which is believed to be the killer's mode of transport. Gideon later noticed that something was bothering Sheriff Davis, and she told him that the profile bau gave them reminded her of the experiences of a local named Jane Hanratty, aka Crazy Jane. Jane had come across unsub thirty years ago when her car broke down, but she believed that a foreigner had abducted her; She survived the abduction. Gideon knew that unsub allowed Jane to survive because she wasn't afraid of him. When the team wasn't able to find unsub's mobile home, Reid figured that no one has seen the RV because the killer doesn't use an RV, but a trailer that he can detach from his truck, hide, and move freely. BAU soon learns that the killer abducted Sheriff Davis, who had taken Jane home with her the previous night; The team realizes that unsub tried to abduct Jane, but took Georgia instead when Jane managed to escape. Garcia eventually gets a signal from the cellphone of one of the killer's most recent victims. He wants the BAU to find him because he thinks they have Jane. Eventually, Gideon discovered Frank in Fat Sam's Diner and Deputy Silo told Gideon he had fifteen minutes to negotiate with the unsub. Meanwhile, bau investigates Frank's trailer where they find Sheriff Davis alive. When fifteen minutes pass, the sheriff's department storms into the diner, but seconds later, everyone is alerted to a school bus hijacking. Frank tells them that he had left schoolchildren in the middle of a desert, and that if he gets Jane, he will tell them where they are. Gideon makes a deal with Frank: He and Jane will come with him if he takes them to where the kids are. Frank is happy to accept it. After they pick up Jane and hand her over to Frank, Gideon drives the two of them to the desert and throws them off, which Frank tells Gideon where the kids are. Frank and Jane then go out while Gideon runs in the opposite direction and finds the children, all unharmed. Gideon and Hotch try to follow Frank's lead, but they suddenly disappear in the desert. In No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank, while Gideon tries to make up his mind about what flowers to buy his friend, Sarah Jacobs, he sees Jane. When he looks up again, she's gone. Gideon then receives a call from Frank, who is in Gideon's apartment, after murdering Sarah. He demands to get Jane back before he hangs up. When the BAU begins to investigate, Gideon contacts Hotch from a payphone and tells him that Frank dumped something in the trash on the street, later turned out to be bloody clothes. During the investigation, it is inferred that Frank is chasing people Gideon has previously rescued. Frank later kills one such person, Rebecca Bryant, who was abducted by Randall Garner and held captive for two years before being by bau. At the scene, Prentiss discovers a note in Rebecca's hand that reads: 7am, Union Station. Later, Tracy Belle, Jeffrey Charles's sole survivor, disappears. Gideon and Garcia are later able to find out that the only story that moved Frank the first time Gideon met him was the body of a woman who was found in an apartment on the Upper East Side in New York City because he was talking about his mother. Gideon then realizes that Frank hid his mother's existence from everyone. Later, the team manages to find Frank, who is calmly sitting on a bench at the Union Train Station, waiting for them to bring him Jane. The team brings in Jane, who refuses to go with Frank. Gideon shows up and tells Frank about Sarah, Frank's mother, who Gideon claims was a whore. As Gideon and Hotch describe Frank's mother, JJ and Reid find Tracy, who is bound and gagged but alive and unharmed. Frank persuades Jane to come back to him, and the two commit suicide. Later, Tracy calls Gideon and thanks him for saving her again. Season three of Doubt, Gideon and the rest of bau are being asked to investigate the murders of three girls at a college campus in Flagstaff, Arizona. After examining the crime scenes and the bodies of the victims, the team releases their profile. Afterwards, a local police officer suggests that the unsub could be a college security guard who tasered his victims, which is confirmed by strange marks on the bodies of the victims. The team then arrests Nathan Tubbs, a campus security guard, and Gideon interrogates him. While Nathan is in custody, a fourth woman is murdered, and the killer leaves a note about the FBI following the wrong suspect. While bau begins to doubt that Nathan is the killer, Gideon remains positive that he is and that this unsub is a copycat. He eventually decides to release Nathan, but continues to keep an eye on him so they can decide who the copycat killer is. Later, a suicidal young woman named Anna Begley approaches Nathan and asks him to kill her. Nathan thinks she works for the FBI and denies killing her. After a brief argument, Anna stabs Nathan in the stomach and commits suicide. Due to the handling of the investigation, Hotch is suspended for two weeks. This, plus the trauma of Frank killing Sarah, causes Gideon to leave his gun, badge, and a letter to Reid. He then leaves and begins to travel abroad. Gideon was last seen walking into a Nevada diner to make an order. When asked by a waitress where he was going, he replies that he doesn't know where he was going or how he would know when he got there. He then leaves the diner and then drives off into his vehicle. Despite no longer appearing in the series, Gideon has several characters, including Reid, mentioned him occasionally from time to time. The last reference to him prior to the Death was in Season Ten episode Burn, where Reid briefly mentioned him during a conversation with Morgan about killer sniper Phillip Dowd. Gideon's body (bottom left) In Nelson's Sparrow, Gideon is found dead, murdered by an apparent home intruder. Morgan and Rossi examine the crime scene and discover that unsub shot Gideon three times, first injuring his dominant hand from the outside of Gideon's cabin so he couldn't hold his hand firmly to shoot back. The unsub then stood over Gideon to deliver the final blow, enjoying the fact that his face would be the last thing that the former agent would see. But Rossi notes that Gideon deliberately shot at a bird painting, leading him to believe that the unsub that killed Gideon was the same unsub from a case they failed to solve in 1978. As Gideon traveled along the East Coast, he was told that a woman in her 50s was found dead in a shallow grave in Roanoke, Virginia, who reminded Gideon of the 1978 Unsub's M.O. One day, unsub saw Gideon in a local diner and noticed that he was standing out when he was not a local. When he realized gideon was on to him, he killed him to remove loose ends. The team eventually discover unsub's name is Donnie Mallick and that he has abducted another woman. Garcia can give them Mallick's address. The team arrives in time to rescue the hostage and Rossi confronts Mallick as he tries to escape. Instead of arresting him, Rossi goads Mallick into trying to shoot him, then avenges Gideon and his victims by killing him. Even after his death, Gideon continues to be mentioned by the characters. He was referenced in the Season Fourteen episode, Flesh and Blood, by JJ. A younger Gideon appeared as a manifestation to Rossi in Face Off and in And eventually..., he is mentioned repeatedly in Reid's dream and his grave is seen. (Fisher King, Part 1) Jason Gideon's character was based in part on the real criminal profiles of John Douglas, one of the founders of modern Behavioral Science. [2] David Rossi was also based in part on other aspects of Douglas. Made annual visit to the Smithsonian Museum. He carried a SIG Sauer P226 as his service weapon, with the exception of the pilot episode where he carried a Glock 17. In season two, Gideon switched to a P228. Gideon was a talented chef. It is suggested that Gideon took all the free toiletries from the hotel rooms he is staying in. They are already in his bag before he is finished unpacking, as seen in Aftermath. He continued to do this even after his departure from bau, right up until his death in Nelson's Sparrow (as evidenced by a suitcase full of hotel soaps, JJ found in his cabin). Ⅰ Episode, Garcia mentions that Gideon used to put toiletries in gift bags and hand them out to the homeless. Gideon is very compassionate, even against unsubs, such as when he tried to calm Johnny Mulford (Open Season) and tried to convince Marvin Doyle (A Real Rain) to surrender before they both died. He has appeared in the show's first 47 episodes as the protagonist, In Name and Blood is his last. He has been profiling since at least 1975. (The Popular Kids, Nelson's Sparrow) His grandfather was an accountant for the studios Charles Chaplin worked for in Chicago. (Older) Throughout the series, people would comment on his lack of manners at times. Gideon was interested in contemporary art. (Secrets and lies) He took military service with Bruno Hawks. (Secrets and lies) Jason Gideon was originally named Jason Donovan at the beginning of the series, as mentioned in the screenplay for the series premiere Extreme Aggressor. The name also appears on the front page of a copy of the Journal of Applied Criminal Psychology, a fictional scientific journal that appears in this episode. According to Frank Breitkopf, the name Jason is from Greek mythology that means Healer or To Heal. The name Gideon is a hero of the Old Testament who led the Israelites against the Midianites. This implies Gideon is Jewish or was raised in a Jewish household. His actor, Mandy Patinkin, is actually Jewish. He kept pictures of people rescued by the BAU in his office, facing his desk. At the end of What Fresh Hell?, he is seen adding a picture of rescued abduction victim Billie Copeland to other images (among which, for example, stands the image of Josh Patel, who was rescued by the BAU under Derailed). He also kept a diary containing a list of victims, both rescued and deceased, along with photos and the dates they were rescued or killed. The list was later stolen by Frank Breitkopf and used to target Rebecca Bryant and Tracy Belle. At the end of the episode, Gideon is seen adding Sarah Jacobs' picture to the magazine. He carried the diary with him until his death, as seen when Reid finds it in his cabin in Nelson's Sparrow. At the start of season three there were plans to kill Gideon instead of having him abruptly resign, although Mandy Patinkin refused to go through with it and the scenario was dropped. Eight seasons later, the character was eventually killed off, albeit off-screen. He is the first protagonist to be successfully murdered by an unsub, his killer being Donnie Mallick. He had an obsession with birds and birdwatching. (The Big Game, No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank, Nelson's Sparrow) The team once celebrated Gideon's birthday by blindfolding him and having him taste-test different flavors of ice cream until he identified his favorite, mint (Nelson's Sparrow) He hated hunting. (Nelson's Sparrow) References ^ And in the end ... ^ Wikipedia article about Douglas Douglas

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