*ESSE*AMES3PECIALs0AGE Here’s Why , Son Of Preacher, Became Outlaw *ESSE*AMESRIDESAGAIN The anniversary and reenactment of the Jesse James Train Robbery, which took place July 21, 1873, on a curve of the Rock Island Rail road  MILESWESTOF!DAIR ISOBSERVED each year on the Friday and Saturday NEARESTTO*ULY)TWASTHEWORLDS lRSTROBBERYOFAMOVINGTRAIN 4HE ACRE*AMESFAMILYHOME stead lies three miles east of Kearney, Mo., northwest of Kansas City. It was there that Frank and Jesse rode and the second time to a physician. Dr. www.insurancestoreltd.com Robert Samuel. Jesse, born Sept. 5, 1847, ap Brick PLAYEDASYOUNGSTERS)TWASTHERETHAT parently liked his stepfather, and Judy THEYSAWTHEIRSTEPFATHERHANGEDBY FREQUENTLYSPOKEOFHIMWITHWARMTH Union Mili tiamen. It was there that and cordiality. The two lads, Jesse Jodie 0INKERTONDETECTIVESALLEGEDLYTOSSED and Frank, attended Sunday school, ABOMBTHROUGHAWINDOWTHATKILLED AND APPARENTLY ENJOYED A NORMAL Chanel THEIR YEAR OLDSTEPBROTHERANDTORE boyhood in Clay County, Mo. Both brothers early learned the OFFTHELOWERPARTOFTHERIGHTARMOF (ILLCREST3Ts!DAIR )OWAs   Bret their mother, and started Jesse on a USEOFlREARMSFORHUNTING ASWAS CAMPAIGNOFVIOLENCE customary, and Jesse became re Betty The father of Jesse and his brother, markably proficient with the pistol. Paul Frank, was the Rev. Robert James, a said when Jesse heard Baptist preacher, abundant in piety a noise in the house, “he would whip Insurance but short of cash. He died in the OUTHISPISTOLSOFASTYOUCOULDNTSEE #ALIFORNIAGOLDlELDS WHEREHEHAD the motion of his hand.” Store GONETOSEEKHISFORTUNE HAVINGLEFT Jesse always was armed, declares ADAIR his family in Missouri. ONEBIOGRAPHER hWITHTWOCALIBER 742-3358 However, the wife and two small #OLTREVOLVERS THREECARTRIDGEBELTS Wholesale CASEY ANDPLENTYOFSPARECARTRIDGESINHIS 746-2714 SONSWERENOTLONGWITHOUTPROTEC tors, for Mrs. James remarried twice, pockets, and when he went on a trip Plumbing Supplies HETOOKALONGA7INCHESTERRImEv %ARLYIN&RANK*AMESJOINED the notorious Missouri bushwhacker Rochholz Labor Services, LLC AND GUERRILLA LEADER 7ILLIAM # -IKE2OCHHOLZ 1UANTRILL THEREBYDRAWINGTHEWHOLE (OME  s#ELL   family into the orbit of north versus SOUTHFEELINGS ——36 Years Experience Installing—— *ESSESlRSTTASTEOFVIOLENCESEEMS !DDITIONSn(OME"ARNs.EW"UILDINGS'ARAGES TOHAVEOCCURREDTHEFOLLOWINGYEAR SHOP SMART...SHOP LOCAL #ABINETS4RIMs$ECKS0RIVACY&ENCES when a militia band appeared at Dr. 2ESTORE9OUR/LD"ARNSs6INYL3TEEL3IDING7INDOWS )NSULATIONs-AINTENANCE2EPAIRS 3AMUELS HOME AND DEMANDED TO Stop in and check out our Showroom KNOWTHEWHEREABOUTSOF1UANTRIL featuring shower units, vanities, sinks and Dr. Samuel and Jesse declared they faucets. DIDNOTKNOWWHERE1UANTRILMIGHT be. Jacobsen’s is now a proud distributor of The 4HE ENRAGED SOLDIERS BELIEVING ONYX Collection – shower units and vanity THEYWERELYING HUNG$R3AMUEL tops in almost any size, shape and color, for from a tree limb until he was nearly your bathroom remodeling needs. DEAD ANDLASHED YEAR OLD*ESSE -ONDAYn&RIDAYsAMTOPM with a knotted rope and put him in 3ATURDAYsAMTONOON JAILAT,IBERTY -O WHEREHEWAS held a short time. That was the only time Jesse is known to have been the INMATEOFAJAIL See You Next Soon after that the militiamen took TOTHE3T*OSEPHJAIL*ESSESMOTHER Year at ANDHISSISTER 3USAN AGIRLINHER EARLYTEENS HOLDINGTHEMTHERENEARLY a month. Chuchwagon Days This was too much for Jesse. (E RODE AWAY TO JOIN HIS BROTHER IN 1UANTRILS BAND AND STARTED ON "ROAD3TREETs!DAIR )OWA A CAMPAIGN OF WARTIME VIOLENCE FOLLOWEDBYASERIESOFSTAGE TRAIN 641-742-3668 or bank and other robberies by Jesse ANDHISNEWLYORGANIZEDGANG   ")$ 0)0%