Loughran Wednesday
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... f «»——»»»»—w»»« The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION mm L . cm »»»§>«■ r — ■ niiiiiiiiaiJ| '■' !'' ':;'1 2 ..___ L.— IS FAVORED TO DEFEAT WEDNESDAY CARNERA8 ■■■ — — LOUGHRAN^___ a. ............ GATE I l FROM DRIVE TO DIVE CAMERON MEET BALL PLAYERS KEEP FIT THIS WAY Leading Teams Enter IS ARRANGED Reynosa Polo Tourney TO BE SMALL• ‘ BY ALAN GUI LD bought or traded, during a life- MIAMI. Fla Feb 27. JP»-Flglit- time of .spectacular baseball achieve- Dance Matter Unable To New to Be Used and courage were Ute two I Regulations ing spirit ments. Hurt 258 Pound In Baseball And qualities that appealed most to John Joseph McOraw ln the host of great That was why two players atood • Champion Volley Ball players he handled 'or developed out as coming closest of all to tha affections of the old mast*.—th* iSpecial to The Herald; BY EDWARD J NEIL immortal Christy Matthewson and LA FERIA. m. 27 —Coach C- E. Rons the Texan that MIAMI. Pit.. Peb 27—The artis- Young, Mae Vail has hi* hand* lull in preparing developed Into one of the great cut- tic success of Primo Camera's Helen Hiclca. lor the Cameron county Inter- Visitor Hooks ; fielders of modern times Roth are heavyweight title defense against | scholastw league meet to be held dead now and if there’s a Valhalla 1PM A meriean I Tommy Loughran amid a back- at San Benito March 16 and 17, ah are the heroes of baseball gath- iroman's golf I but a considerable amount of the er, will have ground of palms seems assured, Record Bass they a welcome for preliminary details ha* been ar- their former chief tala. of the outcome, but from champion and 9 regardless ranged already. master o* the 19 a financial standpoint the receipts Tennis will get under way Fri- Dr. wm E OKeefe whose home Sentimental art 9 March Wednesday night probably will of driring. day. 15. with the girls’ Is In Appleton Wis- but who Is liv- preliminaries at Har- "Matthew.son," McOraw once told lade ail the back to the low gave Georgia H being held way ing now at Weslaco and thinking me -not only was a master rafts- Coir man Gilson, lingen and the boys’ preliminaries records of boxing s dark ages. g of man in the bos but be had tha teamen's 9 at San Benito. 'Hie final* are to moving permanently to the Val- former heart of a lion. Ho As the huge champion from be conducted at San Benito Sat- was in Brownsville ex- greater pitcher Olympic diving p ley, Monday ever lived." and his veteran urday morning, according to pres- Italy Loughran, t hampion. a lev. M amining the largest black bass ever Pictures ent arrangements. of Matty and Young had challenger, were content Tuesday son in dtir• in the so rar as rec- a golf ] The track preliminaries are to caught Valley prominent place for years in Mc- with exercise and rest, the the Miami- a Graw’s office light ing get under way at 4 p. in. Friday ords show. at the Polo Grounds. it became 4 Biltmore tour- Junior Dr O'Keefe Shortly after he turned th* club training campaign over, ™ j high and ward school caught the base. apparent from lack of interest at namettt recent• 9 coaches met with Vail recently and The big fellow weighed 7 pounds, over to Bill Terry in 1933 Mac can* will ! In early one day and the box olfice that the match ly. In return. I decided to use the interscholastic lour ounces, and a-as 22 inches in removed them, not draw more than $75,000 in gate Georgia gave £ league rules lor playground base- length. Dr. OKeefe caught the at a time when he thought no cn* || would receipts a* "Billie" a lesson "* ball contests. These rules are very bass in the Llano Grande lake observe this evidence of sen- out timent. Not since Tex Rickard came in fancy diving. 9 similar to regular baseball, allow- southwest of Mercedes, using a light * of the lands of the far a his life-iime McOraw al- gambling Here they are I ing bunting, scoring on passed ball, casting rod and line, and floating During west ago to set new records on throw back. etc. A 12- He had the fish ways ducked the issue of picking years posed for piling- 9 ixormg plug. mounted by lor fight receipts tlirough a com- 4 inch ball will be used by mutual George Blanchard of an all-star team from -he Giants kl ing. Miss Hicks 9 Brownsville, ot and it there is a he directed over s 30 bination promoting genius wm- i,tt consent, but, disagree- and it attracted considerable atten- year period, the fighting ability ol Jack Demp- ment, the 14-uich ball will be used. tion Monday when displayed at but It can be told now that Terry sey has the heavyweight champion- The volley ball rules to be used Batse 11-Wells. was Ills choice for first, wVh Frame ship fight business fallen to such also are new. a 7 1-2 foot net will Dr. OKeefe said that ’i* Is not Frisch, Dave Bancroft and Arthur low financial state. In fact the be used and two senes instead of a veteran fisherman, and has en- Devlin completing the infield. lac • heavyweight title match that one are to be allowed. All other joyed the bass fishing in the Val- Your*. Mike Donlln and Georg* dropped below $75,000 in receipts /aoiiey ball rules will be the ley this winter more than any oth- Browne In the outfield, Matthew- was Jim Corbett's failure to legain Spaulding Mens rules. This leans er fishing he has tried In telling son and Brrshnahan the number in his crown from Jim Jeffries that only teams of six- v ill ba of the big fish he said MI let the one battery He did not Include Rog- 1903 That match drew $63,340. allowed to compete, even in girls' bait rest on the water for a ume. ers Hornsby, who played only cn* competition. then gave it a little and un- year with the Giants. Sugar pull Heavy Ward school* are getting recog- der it went. He went to the bottom iyj ;;; Hans Greatest 1 mtion for the first tune, according and was soon in weeds bince that far heavy- j trangled up gone day ( >! rules, the chailen to Vail. events will be to be Queensbury I Their sep- and moss. At first I though I had weight championships grew ■er was John I Frank Crosatti George Pucinelli g His 1911-12 teams were tv* fav- the under dog arated from the Class “A- and hooked a catFsh.• with millions At the , synonymous lulhvan was a 4 to 1 favorite whe orites. although they failed to ach- career—and I Champ Frogs Cop B junior high schools. Frank Crosetti of the New York to fit the winter The largest bass previously caught height of Rickards ( torbett beat him. and Corbett wa keep during ieve the world championship glory For instance, according to pres- in the <* 4 the boom Dempsey and ,, and Funnelli of month*. The are shown In a Valley weighed pounds, gamed his 190fi days—Jack 5 to 3 choice when Bob FiUfiUn ent will be Yankees George pair by outfit and 1921- drew $1,895,733 in records, competition ounces Some bass weighing as much Gene Tunney ions Knocked him out. Final Contest the St. Louis in a San 22 combination!1 classified as follows: "Class "A” Browns And volley- game Francisco, Cal., as 10 been their first match m Philadelphia pounds have reported Hans was idea John-on was 3 to 1 but he loj t: _ Wagner McOraw1* Junior highs--Harlingen. La Ferla. ball an excellent with which when some lakes were drain- in 1926. and the top gate ot all . sport gymnasium. found of the all-round of 0 Jess Willard and Wii ird ha if Rio Hondo. Santa Rosa and San greatest player for their return ed. but Dr. O'Keefe's fi*h la the air boxing. $2,658,660 u n 8 to jedRe when bea FORT Feb 26— Tht time and none of Babe Ruths Dempsey WORTH. Benito. Class "B junior highs— ever tackle. match in Chicago the next year largest caught on made j iim down. Dempsey was a 2 1* Itxm Stuart PIsoe, Wilson Tract. Port exploits ever the old man the champion, is Christian University cagers Dr. O Keefe was visiting nere with Camera, present d 1 favorite o\er Tunney the firs change his mind. To him the Babe champions oi Die Soutttwest con- Isabel. Lm Fresnos. El Jardln, Were Herb Thlenell. who formally in bankruptcy. Matty, Young Mac’s golj professional was a *wo out- ime they met Max Schmeling wa s ference. their season Santa Mar a and Ward just slugger. Then# the fact that Miami is completed Rangerviile. is guest at the Cmmaek home near Despite a slight favorite when Jack Shar here the schools 'known’—La Fens, Fred standing figures. Ruth and Me- with visitors, the sun is Monday tughi by taking Brownsville. Dr O'Keefe and Thie- jammed ^ e> beat him and Sharkey was 3 ol the Booth Jardin. Favorite Baseball Graw, waged a battle of powe- and has in- measure Rice Owls 42-25. i 'SB'. El Harlingen Players nell are from the same city. shining, and Loughran 1 wits t‘ > 1 when Camera knocked hin It was the tcr>h of the (three Rio Hondo.