City Council Donegal House, Bore Street, Lichfield, , WS13 6LU Tel: (01543) 250011 Fax: (01543) 258441 e-mail: [email protected] Town Clerk: Anthony D Briggs

23 July 2019

To: Members of Lichfield City Council Public

Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Lichfield City Council to be held in the Guildhall, Lichfield, on TUESDAY, 30 July 2019 at 6.30 pm at which the following business will be transacted. Any councillor unable to attend should forward their apologies to the Town Clerk.

Yours sincerely

Tony Briggs Town Clerk

Please note that PRAYERS will be said at 6.28pm before the opening of the meeting.





4. COUNCIL MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 17 June 2019 (Nos. 16-32) (copy attached).


6. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Chairman of the Planning Committee to move that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 30 May and 27 June 2019 be received (copies previously circulated).


THE MEETING TO ADJOURN FOR PUBLIC FORUM 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN IMPLEMENTATION WORKING PARTY (NPIWP) To adopt the Minutes and recommendations of the meeting of the NPIWP held on 17 July 2019, APPENDIX 1 attached. Members’ particular attention is drawn to the following recommendations which include a total CIL allocation of approximately £5,057.00, and a request for amendment to the terms of reference of the Working Party. Further detail is provided within the Minutes at Appendix 1.

a) That a sum of £837.24 be allocated from the City Council’s CIL funds to contribute towards the additional cost of the replacement outer doors at Curborough Community Centre b) That the terms of reference of the NPIWP be expanded to include corresponding with relevant bodies to advise of the issues highlighted by the U3A Street Survey, to request action is taken to resolve such issues and to collate responses. c) That approximately £2,350.00 of CIL monies be allocated to cover the costs of the quoted work to the ‘Welcome to Lichfield’ signage. d) That a sum of £1,870.00 be allocated from the City council’s CIL funds to contribute towards the cost of the restoration of 11 City Centre plaques; and that the work be managed by City council officers in consultation with the Civic Society.

9. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES 2019/20 Further to Minute 21 of the City Council meeting held on 17 June 2019, further discussions have now taken place in regard to the composition of the City Council’s Committees, Panels and Advisory Committees. The revised draft memberships are included at APPENDIX 2 (attached), together with their respective Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen. RECOMMENDED: That the memberships as listed at Agenda appendix 2 be adopted, and supersede the document adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 13 May 2019.

10. REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES To receive nominations for appointment as detailed below. Following the meeting of the City Council held on 17 June 2019, the City Council’s appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies remains incomplete, with three vacancies as listed below; • Friends of Lichfield Historic Parks Group – 1 vacancy, one-year term • Staffordshire Parish Councils Association (Executive Committee) – 1 vacancy, two-year term • Twinning Association – 1 vacancy, one-year term.

11. OFFICERS’ REPORT To receive the Officers’ Report, APPENDIX 3 attached. RECOMMENDED: That the Report be noted.

12. ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARKET SQUARE REFUSE DISPOSAL To consider the Town Clerk’s report at APPENDIX 4 attached. RECOMMENDED: That following the result of the trader survey, the City Council formalises its position on the provision of the refuse skip at its Friday and Saturday Markets, specifically; a) A consultation with traders in regard to a variation in licence conditions to be carried out b) Subject to (a) above, the removal of current skip provision to coincide with a reduction in service charge at Friday and Saturday markets of £1 VAT inclusive per stall c) The Town Clerk to enter into discussions with traders who wish the skip service to remain in order to establish their appetite to fund the service themselves. If a mutually acceptable arrangement can be reached, the Town Clerk in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into that agreement on behalf of the Council for a trial period of no more than 12 months. Such an agreement to protect the Council’s interests by charging arrears when traders do not attend the market and, subject to legal advice, being on the basis of joint and several liability.

13. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS To confirm payment of accounts as listed in the attached schedule (APPENDIX 5) for the periods; • 1 April 2019 to 30 April 2019 in the sum of £137,410.59 General Account, and £870.87 Imprest Account. • 1 May 2019 to 31 May 2019 in the sum of £98,757.65 General Account, and £1,036.94 Imprest Account.

14. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To Resolve: that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, by reason of the confidential nature of the business next to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting.

15. STAFFING COMMITTEE To adopt the confidential Minutes and recommendations of the meeting of the Staffing Committee held on 3 July 2019 (APPENDIX 6, attached for members). Members’ particular attention is drawn to recommendation numbers 1 to 5 as they include changes to job roles and new appointments within the Markets service.

16. TENDERS COMMITTEE To adopt the Minutes and recommendations of the Tenders Committee meeting held on 25 July 2019 (to follow under separate cover as APPENDIX 7) at which tenders for the following were considered; 1. The erection, maintenance and dismantling of the Christmas Illuminations in Lichfield 2. The renovation of the Guildhall Main Hall to include repairs to the wooden panelling, repainting and redecoration to the ceiling and walls, new flooring and lighting upgrades. In relation to (2) above, at its meeting of 28 January 2019 the City Council allocated funds from its 2019/20 Repair and Renewals programme to allow the preparation of a detailed schedule and tender document for the renovation of the Guildhall main hall. The resulting tenders will allow properly costed proposals to be considered at the City Council meeting scheduled for 27 January 2020 where the 2020/21 budget will be set. All parties submitting a tender under (2) above have been made aware of the current situation.

17. BAD DEBT WRITE OFF To consider the confidential report at APPENDIX 8 (attached for members), recommending debts totalling £1,950 be “written off” as irrecoverable.


Residents of Lichfield City have an opportunity to speak at each full City Council meeting. This brief Guide sets out the procedure to be followed. 1. The public participation session will usually be held after the seventh item on the agenda – this will usually be about 5 to 10 minutes into the meeting 2. The public participation session will last for up to 15 minutes at which residents of the City can ask the Council a question (or make a statement) 3. You must give advance notice not later than NOON on the day of the meeting, with brief details of the statement / question to be asked – we need to know what your question is so that we can provide as full an answer as possible. Forms are available and we would ask you to call in person at the Council Offices at Donegal House, Bore Street so that your question/statement can be duly receipted. 4. Your statement/question must relate to a matter of special relevance to Lichfield City area, or within the responsibility of the City Council. 5. Matters relating to the conduct of any individual councillor or member of staff will not be allowed – in such circumstances you should write to the Council 6. At the Council meeting statements/questions will be taken in the order in which they have been received. You will be allowed up to 5 minutes, and you can raise more than one issue within the overall limit of 5 minutes allowed to you, but you must have given advance notice of each statement/question to be asked 7. After each speaker, the Leader of Council (or his/her representative) will respond, or give notice that he/she will provide a written response as soon as possible

If a written answer is to be given, this will be sent to you at your stated address, and a copy will be made available for public inspection at the Council Offices, Donegal House, Bore Street. Lichfield City Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Lichfield City Council held in the Guildhall, Lichfield, on Monday 17 June 2019 at 6.30pm

PRESENT: Councillors R Yardley (Deputy Mayor, in the Chair), J Anketell, H Ashton, C Ball, Mrs G Boyle, J Checkland, D Dundas, Mrs J Eagland, M Field, C Greatorex, Mrs J Greaves, I Jackson, Mrs A Lax, Miss J Marks, T Matthews, P McDermott, C Rapley, R Rathbone, P Robertson, A Smith, J Smith, C Spruce, M Trent & M Warfield.

APOLOGIES: Councillors Mrs D Baker (Mayor), P Jones & Mrs S Pritchard.


The Deputy Mayor reported on several recent engagements which the Mayor has attended including opening of the Peace Woodland, Ramadan celebrations at Cruck House and the Soroptimists Dinner. The Deputy Mayor reported he had attended the High Sheriff’s Cocktail party.

17 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor D Dundas declared an interest under Appendix B of the City Council Code of Conduct with respect to agenda item 17, lease of City Council land to Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Trust.

18 COUNCIL MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 13 May 2019 (Nos 1-15) be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


20 PLANNING COMMITTEE RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4 April and 25 April 2019 be received.

21 NOTICE OF MOTION - CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Members considered the motion submitted by Councillors P Ray, D Robertson, H Ashton, C Ball, P McDermott and M Trent and it was; RESOLVED: That given the increased diversity of the Council following the elections of May 2, that this increased diversity be reflected in the composition of the various committees appointed by the Council, thereby amending the resolution taken at the Annual Meeting of 13 May 2019 regarding the composition of these committees, with such changes in composition to be mutually agreed between the different political parties and groupings represented in the composition of the Council.

22 AUDIT COMMITTEE Councillor Warfield thanked the Internal Auditor for his thorough report. Councillor Spruce commented that the report showed that good financial controls were being operated by the Council and thanked the Officers for their excellent work. RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Audit Committee held on 6 June 2019 be adopted and that;

1 The Out-Turn Statement 2018/19 be received.

2 The Council as Trustee of the Johnson Birthplace Charitable Trust make a payment of £9,969 from the Trust Funds to the City Council as the contribution to the expenditure incurred by the City Council in operating the Museum during the 2018/19 financial year.

3 In respect of the External Auditor Annual Return for the year ending 31 March 2019:

a. The Council approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return) and that this be signed by the Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk on behalf of the Council.

b. The Council approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the Annual Return) and this be signed by the Deputy Mayor on behalf of the Council.

c. The Council note the Annual Internal Audit Report section of the Annual Return.

23 DISPENSATIONS Members considered the Town Clerk’s report and recommendations at Agenda Appendix 2. Cllr Greatorex proposed an amendment to the recommendation, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs J Eagland, that the dispensation would not apply to interests declarable by County Council members, only to members who are dual hatted by virtue of being members of the District Council. On being put to the vote the motion was carried and it was; RESOLVED: a) That subject to a member submitting a written application, the Council grant a dispensation for the period up to the next full Council elections in 2023 permitting any ‘dual-hatted’ member to speak and vote on any matter relating to their District council membership.

b) That, subject to the member submitting a written application, the Council grant a dispensation for the period up to the next full Council elections in 2023 permitting any member to vote on any matters relating to the affairs of a body onto which they have been appointed or nominated by the Council. [Applications were received from the following members; J Anketell, Mrs D Baker, C Ball, Mrs G Boyle, J Checkland, Mrs J Eagland, Mrs J Greaves, I Jackson, Mrs A Lax, Miss J Marks, T Matthews, C Rapley, P Ray, A Smith, C Spruce, M Warfield and R Yardley.]

24 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES RESOLVED: That the representatives as detailed in Agenda Appendix 3 (as reproduced below) be appointed as representatives of the City Council on the bodies indicated.

Current Outside Body No of Reps Period of Office 2019/2020 Appt Ends BID Steering Group/Board 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr C Spruce Jun-20 Cllr M Warfield Boley Park Community Hall Jun-20 Cllr Mrs D Baker 4 1 Year Management Committee Jun-20 Cllr R Yardley Jun-20 Cllr Mrs J Eagland Cllr Mrs J Eagland Until retire or Until retire Cllr R Yardley Boley Park Community Hall Trustees 4 replaced or replaced Cllr C Spruce Cllr M Warfield

Current Outside Body No of Reps Period of Office 2019/2020 Appt Ends Bower Committee 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs J Greaves Jun-20 Cllr D Robertson Curborough Community Association 3 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr P Jones Jun-20 Cllr D Dundas Cllr J Checkland Darwin Hall Community Association Until retire or Until retire or Cllr S Pritchard 4 Trustees [and Company Directors] replaced replaced Cllr I Jackson Cllr A Smith Dr Milley's Hospital 1 4 Years Mar-23 Cllr C Rapley

Erasmus Darwin Foundation 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs G Boyle Friends of Samuel Johnson 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs A Lax Community Hosp. Friends of Lichfield Historic Parks 1 1 Year Jun-20 TBC Group Guild of St Mary's Centre Lichfield 1 1 Year - Mayor in Office (Ltd) Johnson Council (non-voting - Mayor in Office 2 1 Year observers) - Sheriff in Office Arts Executive 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs J Greaves Committee [non-voting observer] Jun-20 Cllr M Field LDC – Parish Forum 2 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Miss J Marks Lichfield Camera Club 1 1 Year Jun-20 Mayor in Office South East Staffs C.A.B. 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Miss J Marks 1 Year - Mayor in Office Lichfield Conduit Lands Trust 2 4 Years Jun-21 Cllr Mrs G Boyle Museums & Heritage Lichfield District Tourism Association Jun-20 2 1 Year Officer Executive Jun-20 Cllr Miss J Marks Lichfield Rail Alliance, West Coast Rail 250, and all other rail related 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr M Warfield matters - Mayor in Office Mary Slater's Charity 2 1 Year - Sheriff in Office 15 July 20 Mr T Finn 23 April 22 Mrs D Greatorex Michael Lowe’s and Associated 5 4 years 3 April 22 P Hitchman Charities 26 July 20 Cllr M Warfield 5 July 23 Cllr Mrs J Eagland

Current Outside Body No of Reps Period of Office 2019/2020 Appt Ends 1 Year - Mayor in Office Oct-23 Cllr P Jones Municipal Charities 4 4 Years Nov-20 Cllr Mrs J Greaves Nov-20 Mrs D English Speakers Corner Committee 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs D Baker SPCA - Executive Cttee (nomination only – subject to election 1 2 Years Nov-21 TBC by SPCA) St Giles Hospice Local Government 1 4 Years Jun-23 Cllr J Anketell Friends' Cllr C Spruce St John’s Lichfield 2 2 Years Jun-21 Cllr J Checkland Support Staffordshire (formerly 1 1 Year Jun-20 Cllr Mrs D Baker Lichfield and District CVS) - Mayor in Office Twinning Association 3 1 Year Jun-20 TBC Jun-20 Cllr D Dundas

25 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 22 May 2019 be noted.

26 MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES 2019/20 RESOLVED: That the Council confirms the membership of the Johnson Birthplace Advisory Committee to include Cllr Mrs J Eagland and that Cllr Mrs J Greaves be removed from the Committee.

27 OFFICERS’ REPORT The Deputy Mayor took each item from the Officers’ Report in turn. Councillor Greatorex congratulated the former Mayor, Cllr David Leytham and former Sheriff, Mr Michael Mullarkey on raising over £10,000 for their chosen charities during their year in office. He also commended the Samuel Johnson Birthplace museum for involving many volunteers in projects at the Museum. RESOLVED: That the Report as contained in Agenda Appendix 5 be received

28 PAYMENT OF REGULAR SERVICE PROVISON BY DIRECT DEBIT Members considered the Town Clerk’s report and recommendations at Agenda Appendix 6.

RESOLVED: That the City Council renews its resolution to enter into direct debit payment arrangements with those providers listed at Appendix 6; the resolution to be considered for further renewal at the meeting of the City Council in June 2020.

29 GENERAL POWER OF COMPETENCE Members considered the Town Clerk’s report and recommendations at Agenda Appendix 7. RESOLVED: That from the 17 June 2019 until the next relevant Annual Meeting of the Council in 2023, the City Council adopts the General Power of Competence having met the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012.

30 LEASE OF CITY COUNCIL LAND TO LICHFIELD AND HATHERTON CANALS RESTORATION TRUST (LHCRT) Members considered the Town Clerk’s report and recommendations at Agenda Appendix 8. An amendment to the wording of recommendation 3 was proposed by Cllr J Smith and seconded by Cllr H Ashton and it was RESOLVED: 1. That the council considered the principle of the requests to be appropriate

2. That further discussion with the Canal Trust in regard to their proposals for Open Space 26c be sought, including detailed design, assurances regarding protection of trees/hedges and the availability of the footpath for public use during the works etc

3. Delegated authority be given to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Councillors relevant to the Ward to arrange for such discussions to take place

4. The matter to be returned to Council for further consideration together with the comments and recommendations of Ward Councillors following discussions held as a result of point 3 above.

31 LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL EMAIL ADDRESSES Members discussed the introduction of City Council email addresses and the benefits thereof, particularly regarding data protection and best practice and it was RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be instructed to pursue the introduction of ‘City Council’ email addresses for all Councillors, and to enter into agreements as appropriate in order that the service can be provided.

32 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS RESOLVED: That payment of accounts be approved and confirmed as listed in Agenda Appendix 9 for the period 1 March 2019 to 31 March 2019 in the sum of £95,423.64 General Account and £1,023.87 Imprest Account.



For Council 30 July 2019: APPENDIX 1

Lichfield City Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Party (NPIWP) held in the Ashmole Room at Guildhall, Lichfield, on Wednesday 17 July 2019 at 6.30pm

PRESENT: Councillors D Dundas (Chairman), J Checkland, P Jones, Mrs G Boyle and M Trent.



31. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the minutes of the NPIWP meeting held on 15 April 2019 be confirmed as a correct record (Minutes adopted by Council on 23 April 2019).


33. TERMS OF REFERENCE For the benefit of new members, the terms of reference for the Working Party were considered. RESOLVED: That the terms of reference be noted.

34. CIL MONIES RECEIVED, COMMITETED AND FORECAST Members considered CIL commitments, balances and forecast.

RESOLVED: That the update be noted.

35. CURBOROUGH COMMUNITY CENTRE UPDATE The Working Party considered the update regarding provision of CCTV at Curborough Community hall that had been part funded by CIL and noted that the installation was now complete.

Following an update from the Chairman, the Working Party considered whether any CIL allocation should be recommended in the event that the final quotation for the replacement outer doors at the Community Centre differed significantly from the budgeted sum included within the City council’s 2019/20 Repair and renewal programme. A total of three quotes have been received ranging from £15,000 - £11,837.24

RESOLVED: That the update be noted. RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That a sum of £837.24 be allocated from the City Council’s CIL funds to contribute towards the additional cost of the replacement outer doors at Curborough Community Centre

36. U3A STREET FURNITURE SURVEY The Working Party was advised that the completed street survey was formally presented to the Mayor of Lichfield by U3A members on 15 July 2019. The Working Party agreed that an action

plan should be prepared in regard to next steps, to include writing in the first instance to the bodies concerned to advise of the issues as identified in the survey that relate to their own specific responsibilities. It is envisaged this will include Staffordshire County Council, Lichfield District Council and private companies such as British telecom and Network Rail. Cllr Checkland suggested that the relevant Ward Councillors may wish to work together to progress any action required.

As the instigator of this survey, the Working Party felt it was logical that the NPIWP pursue this correspondence and to collate responses but noted that this falls outside of the current terms of reference for the Working Party.

RESOLVED: a) That the best thanks of the Working Party be passed on to U3A for their efforts b) That the survey results be collated and analysed by the Working party to identify potentially appropriate CIL spend

RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That the terms of reference of the NPIWP be expanded to include corresponding with relevant bodies to advise of the issues highlighted by the Street Survey, to request action is taken to resolve such issues and to collate responses.

37. REFURBISHMENT OF ‘WELCOME TO LICHFIELD’ SIGNAGE The Working Party considered the Town Clerk’s agenda report concerning the condition of the ‘Welcome to Lichfield’ signs located at various entrance points into the City and the quotation received for the removal, cleaning, printing of new digital legend, application of anti-graffiti film and reinstallation (approximately £2,350+VAT)

RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That approximately £2,350 of CIL monies be allocated to cover the costs of the quoted work to the ‘Welcome to Lichfield’ signage.

38. CITY CENTRE PLAQUES The Working Party considered the submission by the Civic Society regarding City centre plaques that should be considered for restoration as a priority

RESOLVED: That the submission from the Civic Society be noted RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That a sum of £1,870.00 be allocated from the City council’s CIL funds to contribute towards the cost of the restoration of 11 City Centre plaques; and that the work be managed by City council officers in consultation with the Civic Society.

39. ACTION PLAN UPDATE The Working Party considered the action plan; the updated document is included at ENCLOSURE 1 to these Minutes.

40. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 2 October at 6:30pm.


For Council 30 July 2019: APPENDIX 2

COMMITTEES, PANELS, AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP 2019/20 a) Planning Committee (All members of Council) Chairman: Mrs A Lax Vice Chairman: R Yardley b) Audit Committee (7 members) 5 Majority Group – Councillors: Mrs J Greaves, Mrs A Lax, A Smith, C Spruce, M Warfield 2 Minority Group – Councillor I Jackson (LD), D Robertson (Lab) Chairman: M Warfield Vice Chairman: C Spruce

c) Grants Advisory Committee (10 members) 6 Majority Group – Councillors: Mrs D Baker, Mrs J Greaves, P Jones, Miss J Marks, M Warfield, R Yardley 4 Minority Groups – Councillors: J Anketell (Ind), M Field (Lab), P McDermott (LD), R Rathbone (LD) Chairman: Mrs D Baker Vice Chairman: M Warfield

d) Johnson Birthplace Advisory Committee (8 members + 1 representative member) 6 Majority Group – Councillors: Mrs G Boyle, D Dundas, Mrs J Eagland, T Matthews, C Spruce, R Yardley 2 Minority Groups – Councillors: J Anketell (Ind), C Rapley (LD) 1 Johnson Society (appointed by Society) Chairman: Mrs G Boyle Vice Chairman: C Spruce

e) Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Party (7 members) 5 Majority Group – Councillors: J Checkland, P Jones, D Dundas, Mrs G Boyle, Mrs S Pritchard 2 Minority Groups – Councillors: C Ball (Lab), M Trent (LD) Chairman: D Dundas Vice Chairman: Mrs G Boyle

f) Staffing Committee (8 members) 6 Majority Group – Councillors: Mrs J Eagland, Mrs J Greaves, Mrs A Lax, T Matthews, Miss J Marks, M Warfield 2 Minority Groups – Councillors: P McDermott (LD), D Robertson (Lab) Chairman: M Warfield Vice Chairman: Miss J Marks

g) Tenders Committee (6 members) Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Council Leader, Deputy Leader, Councillors J Smith (LD), C Ball (Lab) Chairman: Leader of Council Vice Chairman: Deputy Leader of Council

h) Twinning Grants and Youth Grants Award Panel (3 members) Leader of Council, Deputy Leader, plus Councillor H Ashton (LD)

i) Complaints Panel (4 members) Councillors: Mrs D Baker, Mrs A Lax, C Spruce, M Warfield

For Council: 30 JULY 2019 APPENDIX 3 XX


1. Civic Matters: Lucy Clarke, Civic Officer On Monday 24 June representatives from St Mary’s on the Market Square and Lichfield Greenhill Bower Charitable Trust were invited to the Mayors Parlour for the official charity cheque presentations by the former Mayor Cllr David Leytham and Sheriff Mr Michael Mullarkey. The Mayor and Sheriff together raised £10,206.26 hosting various charity events during their year in office 2018-19. The amount raised was split equally between the two charities, each charity was presented with a cheque to the value of £5103.13.

The Swinfen Broun Bowls Match took place on 17 July, and preparations remain ongoing for the Mayor & Sheriff’s Charity Indoor Street Party on 27 July and Mayor & Sheriff’s Summer Barn Dance on 23 August. Detail of all these events will be included in the Civic Officer’s report to September Council. Preparations also continue for the Sheriff’s Ride on 7 September and Samuel Johnson Birthday Celebrations on 14 September.

2. Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum: Jo Wilson, Museums and Heritage Officer

June at Johnson’s Birthplace was a busy month with over 2,000 visitors. Events included temporary display ‘Imagination and Reality’ about Johnson and travelling which ran until July 6, and family activities during Half Term themed on travel including pirate storytelling for families and craft sessions.

Sue and Christine from the Museum team visited Chadsmead school and presented to the whole school as part of a special week of house assemblies, and pupils visited the Birthplace from Chadsmead and Charnwood schools in Lichfield, as well as Dame Catherine Harper and Myton schools from further afield. Outreach to adult groups this month included a talk to Colton Women’s Institute.

The Birthplace continues to work in partnership across the City, and this month included leaflets at the Festival Market and provided a venue for one of Lichfield Festival’s ‘wellness hour’ events at the Museum. The Birthplace will be the studio venue for the L2F folk festival again this year in October and following a meeting with the organisers will also host a display of painting competition shortlisted entries ahead of the event. The Birthplace provided a venue for a

meeting about developing a Cultural Education Partnership in the city, and the MHO attended regular city partnerships this month including the Group Tourism Partnership, aimed at

increasing coach and group visitors, and the Lichfield District Tourism Association Management Committee.

Amongst the regular publicity and promotion for Museum activities, Museum Administration Assistant Penny Taylor wrote an article about Councillor Yardley’s digital enhancement of the painting of a Prospect of Lichfield, which was published on the Birthplace Museum Blog and as a full-page feature in City Life Magazine.

Work on the Birthplace Development project has included meetings with the architect regarding potential designs for DDA compliant ground-floor access, and behind the scenes much work has also gone into confirming the arrangements for Johnson’s Birthday, the autumn and winter events programme, and initial planning for the 2020 schedule.

The MHO also looks after the Guildhall Prison Cells, which are open every Saturday from April - October. The fourth cell was opened to the public this month, and students from South Staffordshire College used the display area as a set for filming projects.

3. Open Spaces and Tree Management: Nick Burton, Open Spaces Officer

The Lichfield Bloom judging has now been finalised with even more projects for the judges to see in 2019. So many Lichfield groups have gained this year by sharing their individual challenges with others in a common goal of Gold. At the July meeting of Blooming Lichfield, Mrs. Lilas Rawling was thanked for stepping in as Chair two years ago and for the successes achieved. Results will be known for this year on 5 September 2019.

In 2020 the responsibility of the Bloom project will be returned to the Lichfield Chamber of Trade and Commerce. To improve the main road approaches to Lichfield the seven welcome signs have been cleaned, and colourful plants have been provided by the City Council for the 7 new large black planters sponsored by the BID.

To help the environment a section of the Festival Gardens has been left un-mown, providing food and shelter for wildlife. It has still required some management and volunteers have helped to clear the ground of unwanted thistles and docks. The meadow will be cut in August and the grass removed. This reduces the fertility levels over time so wildflowers can thrive against the grasses. Explanation signs have now been erected on the site by to explain the concept of the new meadow.

The plant quality of the annuals in the formal beds around the City have been much improved on last year. The impact as the plants become established has been quick. This may in part be due to the weather which this year has caused some difficulties in keeping footpaths open. The growth from the sides of the hedges and the footpath margins has been so great this year that it has been decided to bring the hedge maintenance programme forward by two months, so it started in July.

4. Twinning: Gabriele Lasch-Burden, Twinning Officer

During the official opening of the Peace Woodland in Beacon Park on 4 June, the artist Peter Walker informed the assembled crowd that the woodland has been seen by the City of Limburg as a cultural link and a symbol of peace. Plans by the Mayor of Limburg, Dr. Marius Hahn, include the dedication of 2 trees from the original exhibition “Imagine Peace” outside the last August, to this project. The trees are to be planted near the newly refurbished Limburg Cathedral later this year. The official opening and blessing are planned for the springtime of 2020, ready to be viewed during the next official ring twinning weekend in September 2020.

Planning of the next official ring twinning weekend in Limburg from 25 - 28 September 2020 is now underway. The official invitation from Limburg Council for 100 guests from each twin town was received in June. Limburg Council are planning to organise a large citizen festival with musical, theatrical and dance performances. Table tennis and junior hockey tournaments have also been planned and Lichfield groups have been invited to take part. Please contact the Twinning Officer with any suggestions of Lichfield groups/teams which would be able to participate in the programme. or if you would like to join the celebrations in Limburg.

5. Guildhall: Helen Winter, Guildhall Bookings Secretary

Many of the long standing regular hirers continue to make good use of the Guildhall, these include such groups as Chess, Slimming World, Bridge, the City of Lichfeld Concert Band, Italian and Spanish Classes and a Ladies Cameo Group to name but a few.

In addition to the regualr bookings, a further sixteen meetings have been held in the building by various organisations and the National Citizenship Scheme also held some workshops in July.

The Old Prison Cells are open to the public on Saturdays from 10.00am – 4.00pm, and there have also been some Green Badge Cell Tours and school visits to the Cells.

South Staffordshire College hired the main hall in June for two events; students work was showcased at a Fashion Show and also at a Film Show. Croft Primary School held their Year 6 Leavers Disco and the Springfields Nursery held a Graduation Ceremony in the main hall.

Private bookings have included two Wedding Ceremonies, four Wedding Receptions and two birthday parties.

There has also been a Craft Fair and the Annual Cathedral Pen Fair. Lichfield Arts Annual Blues and Jazz Festival proved to be a popular event in June. As part of the Lichfield Festival three productions were held in the Guildhall: ‘HMS Pinafore’, ‘The National Trust Fan Club’ (Comedy) and ‘The Malachites’ (Macbeth).

Maintenance work in the Guildhall has included re-touching some of the paintwork in the smaller rooms and the corridors. The first floor kitchen, lift, and ground floor toilets have also been deep cleaned. Repairs to the lift were carried out in mid July and it is hoped that this will bring to an end the many issues that have been experienced with the lift over the past few months.

At Boley Hall Community Centre maintennance work has been carried out on the post box and CCTV system and the annual inspection of the boiler by Zurich has also been undertaken. During June/July there are six children’s parties booked. In addtion the PCSO holds a regular drop in session, the next one being Monday 5 August 3.30pm – 4.30pm.

6. Deputy Town Clerk: Sarah Thomas The Deputy Town Clerk is working closely with the Markets Officers to ensure the smooth running of the Markets operation and that Traders are adhering to the City Council’s procedures. The Deputy is also monitoring the service Cockerhoop Creative are providing regarding the Farmers Market during this trial period.

On advice of the City Council’s fire alarm contractors an independent Fire Risk Assessment was carried out at the Guildhall, Donegal House and Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum. All buildings were found to be compliant and the Deputy is working on suggested areas of improvement and documentation highlighted in the assessor’s report. The Deputy is also working on further Health & Safety requirements such as a Legionella risk assessment.

Following the staff appraisal process various IT training sessions have been arranged to meet individual needs.

In July the Deputy will be attending the Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Party, Planning & Tenders Committee meetings.

For Council 30 July 2019: APPENDIX 4


Background For many years the City council has provided a skip to allow market traders to dispose of market related trade waste at Friday and Saturday markets. The cost of the skip (plus toilets, kitchen, etc) is covered by a service charge that is made in addition to the pitch hire charges and set by council each year. Due to VAT regulations it is necessary for the costs to be separated in this manner, the service charge currently being £3.00 per stall including VAT; there is no VAT applicable to the fees charged for pitch hire.

Considerable disquiet has been expressed by some traders over several years as they are required to pay the full service charge despite not using the skip often or indeed at all; the skip being mostly utilisied by a small number of traders only. The cost of the skip alone represents around £1 (VAT inclusive) of the service charge per stall, or around 33% of the total. There is no skip facility provided at Tuesday Markets, the Farmers’ Market or (in most instances) any ad-hoc hire of the Square.

Poll of Traders and Result In order to establish the strength of opinion, traders were asked whether they wished to retain the skip and continue with the current service charge, or would prefer there to be no skip available with a corresponding reduction of around £1 in the service charge. 36 regular traders were asked their opinion and the results were;

• 29 traders (81%) voted for a reduced service charge and no skip provision

• 7 traders (19%) voted against a reduced service charge and no skip provision

Some traders have more than one stall so could argue that, pro-rata, their votes should carry more weight. If the results of the poll are interpreted in this way the result in percentage terms is split 74/26 in favour of there being no skip provision.

Next Steps and Options Representations have been received from a minority of traders who wish the skip to be retained, including concerns that the consequences of removal of the service have not been appropriately considered. Meanwhile, other traders have expressed their pleasure that the skip service may be withdrawn.

Arguments for retention of waste collection provision • The skip was introduced in the first instance to entice traders likely to generate footfall such as fruit and veg, meat/fish produce etc who would utilise it. There is a strongly held view in some quarters that food traders provide a significant amount of attraction and strong passing trade to the general goods traders; the shared cost of the skip is therefore counteracted by benefits in footfall and trade. • Existing traders who use the skip may feel they are unable to continue to trade at the market or have to make alternative arrangements. • The skip is an important part of the overall market ‘offer’ and all should pay for it; thereby adopting similar principles to the adage that tax income from those with private healthcare can be used to fund the NHS – the benefit does not have to be direct for it to be chargeable. • New traders may be discouraged by the absence of refuse disposal facilities

• The majority of markets offer refuse collection provision in some form • Removal of the skip may lead to incorrect disposal or dumping • It may be difficult for traders to contain rubbish during their trading day • The City Council would need to ensure it had properly communicated the requirement for traders to dispose of their own trade waste and may need to undertake on-the-spot waste carrier licence verification exercises.

Arguments against retention of waste collection provision • 81% of traders have stated they do not wish skip provision to continue if the service charge is reduced; to ignore such an overwhelming result may lead to traders leaving the market and generate considerable criticism against LCC • The reduction in service charge reduces overall costs and benefits the majority of traders • Many traders feel they have been subsidising the minority for a number of years by being charged for something they don’t use. • The principle of not providing refuse disposal at Lichfield markets is already established through the Tuesday Market and Farmers’ Market over many years, and has not raised any issues of note • In most circumstances no skip provision is provided with non-market ad-hoc hire of the Square; again, no problems of note have been raised • Existing licence conditions guard against improper disposal of rubbish and allow sanction against the trader for breaching such conditions • While the City council would be in the minority in not offering trade waste collection it would certainly not be alone. Other markets offering no such provision include the Bull Ring indoor, outdoor and rag markets, Salisbury, Fenland, Wisbech and Kettering.

Other Options There is the possibility of a third, potentially more complex, option. Discussions could begin with the seven traders who wish the skip to remain to establish whether some or all of them would be willing to cover the cost of the skip or a smaller equivalent at reduced cost. The monies could be collected along with stall rent and similar principles regarding arrears applied in order to ensure costs do not fall on the council in the event of absence. It would also be recommended that such a system be established on the basis of joint and several liability to protect the council’s interests. The participating traders would be given their own key to the skip to ensure the service is not misused by those who are not party to the scheme. The contract for the skip itself would remain between the provider and LCC. This third option would appear to be the best opportunity to satisfy all parties but further discussion is clearly required.

RECOMMENDED: That following the result of the trader survey, the City Council formalises its position on the provision of the refuse skip at its Friday and Saturday Markets, specifically;

a) A consultation with traders in regard to a variation in licence conditions to be carried out

b) Subject to (a) above, the removal of current skip provision to coincide with a reduction in service charge at Friday and Saturday markets of £1 VAT inclusive per stall

c) The Town Clerk to enter into discussions with traders who wish the skip service to remain in order to establish their appetite to fund the service themselves. If a mutually acceptable arrangement can be reached, the Town Clerk in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into that agreement on behalf of the Council for a trial period of no more than 12 months. Such an agreement to protect the Council’s interests by charging arrears when traders do not attend the market and, subject to legal advice, being on the basis of joint and several liability.

For Council 30 July 2019: APPENDIX 5

LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL - General Account Payment Schedule From 1 April to 30 April 2019

Date Chq Payee Budget Head Details Nett VAT Gross 01/04/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council ADMIN Offices Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 1st instalment 911.50 0.00 911.50 01/04/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council BIRTHPLACE Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 1st instalment 31.08 0.00 31.08 01/04/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council G/HALL Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 1st instalment 532.80 0.00 532.80 01/04/2019 DDebit Biffa Waste Services Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Glass recycling - February 64.31 12.86 77.17 01/04/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council MARKET Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 1st instalment 1,964.00 0.00 1,964.00 03/04/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Elavon card and activity fees - March 10.56 0.00 10.56 03/04/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Elavon PCI fee - April 4.00 0.80 4.80 04/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd G/HALL Energy Electricity - February 450.49 90.10 540.59 05/04/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services MARKET Supplies/Services Elavon card and activity fees - March 16.21 0.00 16.21 05/04/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services MARKET Supplies/Services Elavon PCI fee - April 4.00 0.80 4.80 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd ADMIN Donegal House Energy Electricity - February 191.07 38.21 229.28 10/04/2019 DDebit British Telecommunications PLC ADMIN Tel/Postage Phones/internet - Usage Jan-Mar, rental Mar-May 77.70 15.54 93.24 10/04/2019 DDebit British Telecommunications PLC BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Phones/internet - Usage Jan-Mar, rental Mar-May 339.79 67.96 407.75 10/04/2019 DDebit British Telecommunications PLC G/HALL Supplies/Services Phones/internet - Usage Jan-Mar, rental Mar-May 324.36 64.87 389.23 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd BIRTHPLACE Energy Electricity - February 45.05 2.25 47.30 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd BIRTHPLACE Energy Electricity - February 42.67 2.13 44.80 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd MARKET Energy Toilet Block electricity - February 45.36 2.27 47.63 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd MARKET Energy Feeder Pillar electricity - February 91.92 4.60 96.52 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Clock Tower electricity - February 32.31 1.62 33.93 10/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Friary electricity - February 14.44 0.72 15.16 11/04/2019 21715 Ratcliffe Fernley Media t/a Adverta MARKET Supplies/Services High impact market advertising on buses 1,497.00 299.40 1,796.40 15/04/2019 DDebit NatWest Autopay EMPLOYEE COSTS Wages and salaries - April (incl. final Night Shelter pay) 24,509.90 0.00 24,509.90 15/04/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems ADMIN Supplies & Services Monthly IT services (Backups,anti-virus & Office365)-March 485.12 97.02 582.14 15/04/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Internet, March 45.00 9.00 54.00 15/04/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems G/HALL Supplies/Services Internet, March 45.00 9.00 54.00 15/04/2019 DDebit Pennon Water Services ADMIN Offices Rates/Water Donegal water usage 27/7/18 - 31/1/19 88.26 0.00 88.26 15/04/2019 DDebit Pennon Water Services G/HALL Rates/Water Guildhall water usage 27/7/18 - 31/1/19 285.88 0.00 285.88 15/04/2019 DDebit Pennon Water Services MARKET Rates/Water Toilet Block water usage 27/7/18 - 31/1/19 177.72 0.00 177.72 17/04/2019 DDebit EE Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Monthly markets mobile bill (incl. price increase) - April 13.75 2.75 16.50 18/04/2019 21716 Adcocks Solicitors Ltd ADMIN Professional Fees Legal advice relating to markets 1,500.00 300.00 1,800.00 18/04/2019 21717 Bridgtown Door Co. G/HALL Repair/Maint Change PAs' office door to stable door 480.00 96.00 576.00 18/04/2019 21718 Brownhill Hayward Brown Ltd R&R FUND Guildhall/Donegal Hs Architects - Guildhall exploratory works & Johnson railings 575.00 115.00 690.00 18/04/2019 21719 Croft Building and Conservation Ltd R&R FUND Guildhall/Donegal Hs Guildhall - removal of decorative panel for inspection 624.37 124.87 749.24 18/04/2019 21720 Focus Security & Surveillance Ltd BIRTHPLACE Repair/Maint Security system maintenance & monitoring to 31/3/20 599.00 119.80 718.80 18/04/2019 21721 Lichfield District Council ADMIN Supplies & Services Donegal - weekly collection of 2 Eurobins 1,540.00 0.00 1,540.00 18/04/2019 21721 Lichfield District Council G/HALL Supplies/Services Guildhall - weekly collection of 1 Eurobin 570.00 0.00 570.00 18/04/2019 21722 D McCarthy Bros (Lichfield) Ltd R&R FUND General Surface repair of footpaths at 6 sites 5,200.00 1,040.00 6,240.00 18/04/2019 21722 D McCarthy Bros (Lichfield) Ltd R&R FUND General Further surface repairs to footpaths at 8 sites 5,200.00 1,040.00 6,240.00 18/04/2019 21723 MODES Users Association BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services MODES support and membership 19/20 216.00 43.20 259.20 National Assoc of British Mkt 18/04/2019 21724 MARKET Supplies/Services NABMA subscription 19/20 358.00 0.00 358.00 Authorities 18/04/2019 21725 Npower Ltd ARTS/TOURISM Lights Costs Christmas 2018 electricity 494.06 98.81 592.87 18/04/2019 21726 Mrs K Simmons BIRTHPLACE Stock for sale Copies of 'Coaching City' 33.30 0.00 33.30 18/04/2019 21727 Smith of Derby Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Clock Tower - overhaul of hammers 2,412.00 482.40 2,894.40 18/04/2019 21728 The Society of Local Council Clerks ADMIN Subscript/Training SLCC membership for Town Clerk to 30/4/20 357.00 0.00 357.00

18/04/2019 21729 Staffs Parish Councils' Association ADMIN Subscript/Training SPCA subs 19/20 1,624.00 0.00 1,624.00 18/04/2019 21730 Zurich Municipal ADMIN Insurance Annual LCC insurance (excl. museum) to 30/4/20 16,662.74 0.00 16,662.74 18/04/2019 21730 Zurich Municipal ADMIN Insurance Annual LCC insurance - inspection contract 688.18 137.64 825.82 23/04/2019 DDebit Virgin Media Payments Ltd ADMIN Tel/Postage Phones - March usage/ April rental 128.87 25.78 154.65 23/04/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Pool Walk electricity - March 45.01 9.00 54.01 25/04/2019 21731 HM Revenue & Customs Only EMPLOYEE COSTS Tax and NI contributions - April 6,039.98 0.00 6,039.98 25/04/2019 21732 Staffordshire Pension Fund EMPLOYEE COSTS Pension Fund contributions - April 7,828.83 0.00 7,828.83 25/04/2019 21733 Lichfield Arts GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 600.00 0.00 600.00 25/04/2019 21734 SE Staffs Citizens Advice Bureau GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 25/04/2019 21735 Lichfield Greenhill Bower GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 25/04/2019 21736 The Erasmus Darwin Foundation GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 25/04/2019 21737 Lichfield Festival Ltd GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 25/04/2019 21738 Lich Trent Valley First Responders GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 25/04/2019 21739 Voluntary Transport for the Disabled GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 25/04/2019 21740 Lich Branch - Royal British Legion GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 520.00 0.00 520.00 25/04/2019 21741 The City of Lichfield Concert Band GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 500.00 0.00 500.00 25/04/2019 21742 City of Lichfield Friends GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 425.00 0.00 425.00 25/04/2019 21743 Abacus Pre-School Playgroup GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 200.00 0.00 200.00 25/04/2019 21744 Friends 2 Friends GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 300.00 0.00 300.00 25/04/2019 21745 Lich & Burntwd Social Club for Blind GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 200.00 0.00 200.00 25/04/2019 21746 Open Door of Hope GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 350.00 0.00 350.00 25/04/2019 21747 Lichfield Festival of Music GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 100.00 0.00 100.00 25/04/2019 21748 Darwin WalkTrust GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 100.00 0.00 100.00 25/04/2019 21749 Speakers' Corner Lichfield GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 50.00 0.00 50.00 25/04/2019 21750 Beacon Park Tennis GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 25/04/2019 21751 Parkinson's UK Lichfield Branch GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 25/04/2019 21752 Wade Street Church GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 845.00 0.00 845.00 25/04/2019 21753 Lichfield Talking News GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 600.00 0.00 600.00 25/04/2019 21754 MHA-Lich & Dist Live At Home Sch GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 500.00 0.00 500.00 25/04/2019 21755 Support Staffordshire GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 900.00 0.00 900.00 25/04/2019 21756 Lichfield Round Table Football Club GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 250.00 0.00 250.00 25/04/2019 21757 Wildfire Folk GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 250.00 0.00 250.00 25/04/2019 21758 Dovehouse Community Gardens GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 300.00 0.00 300.00 25/04/2019 21759 Lichfield Singers GRANTS General Grant per Council minute 105 of 4/3/19 200.00 0.00 200.00 25/04/2019 21760 Christchurch PCC GRANTS Open Churchyards Churchyard grant per Council budget 28/1/19, Min 92 2,380.00 0.00 2,380.00 25/04/2019 21761 St Chad's PCC GRANTS Open Churchyards Churchyard grant per Council budget 28/1/19, Min 92 2,380.00 0.00 2,380.00 25/04/2019 21762 St Michael's PCC GRANTS Open Churchyards Churchyard grant per Council budget 28/1/19, Min 92 2,380.00 0.00 2,380.00 25/04/2019 21763 Lichfield & District Allotment Society PARKS Other Repair/Maint Sponsorship of allotments show 19/20 (Min 127, 15/1/96) 150.00 0.00 150.00 25/04/2019 21764 Lichfield Greenhill Bower ARTS/TOURISM Expenditure Grant for Bower 19/20 per letter to A Lock, 3/4/97, item 1 225.00 0.00 225.00 25/04/2019 21765 Friends 2 Friends GRANTS General Grant for room hire for Mental Health Wk (Min 112, 4/3/19) 70.00 0.00 70.00 25/04/2019 21766 Home Instead GRANTS General Grant for room hire for Dementia event (Min 112, 4/3/19) 25.68 0.00 25.68 25/04/2019 21767 Lichfield District Council GRANTS General Grant for Proms in the Park, per Council min 124 of 23/4/19 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 25/04/2019 DDebit NatWest Autopay EMPLOYEE COSTS Autopay amendments fee 16.00 0.00 16.00 25/04/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council PARKS Contract Repair/Maint Period 11/3 - 10/4 10,332.09 2,066.41 12,398.50 30/04/2019 DDebit Nat West ADMIN Supplies & Services Bank charges - current account 68.96 0.00 68.96 30/04/2019 DDebit Ricoh UK Ltd ADMIN Supplies & Services Photocopier - usage Nov-Jan, rental Feb-Apr 787.05 157.41 944.46 30/04/2019 DDebit Wm M Briers & Son (Tamworth) Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Skip hire - March 675.00 135.00 810.00 130,697.37 6,713.22 137,410.59

LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL - Imprest Account Payment Schedule From 1 April to 30 April 2019

Date Chq Payee Budget Head Details Nett VAT Gross 02/04/2019 05296 Cash CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Entertainment & tea - sandwiches, cakes, jam 254.98 0.00 254.98 02/04/2019 05296 Cash CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Entertainment & tea - crisps, platters, napkins etc 40.12 8.02 48.14 02/04/2019 05296 Cash CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Entertainment & tea - singer's fee 20.00 0.00 20.00 02/04/2019 05296 Cash CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Entertainment & tea - extra cash (later paid back in) 26.88 0.00 26.88 04/04/2019 05297 Soroptimist International Lichfield CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Baker Mayor Elect's tickets to Soroptimist Dinner 60.00 0.00 60.00 08/04/2019 05298 Michael Morris BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 6/1/19 5.07 0.00 5.07 18/04/2019 05299 Together for Tamworth CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Mayor's tickets to Mayor of Tamworth's curry evening 40.00 0.00 40.00 18/04/2019 05299 Together for Tamworth CIVIC Sheriff's Allowance - M Mullarkey Sheriff's tickets to Mayor of Tamworth's curry evening 40.00 0.00 40.00 18/04/2019 05300 Cash Various Petty cash vouchers 7432 - 7449 269.78 21.06 290.84 25/04/2019 05301 Takhar Trading Ltd MARKET Saturday income Refund of Saturday market fees to trader 66.00 0.00 66.00 25/04/2019 05301 Takhar Trading Ltd MARKET Saturday income Refund of Saturday market fees to trader 7.50 1.50 9.00 30/04/2019 DDebit Nat West ADMIN Supplies & Services Bank charges - imprest account 9.96 0.00 9.96 840.29 30.58 870.87

LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL - General Account Payment Schedule From 1 May to 31 May 2019

Date Chq Payee Budget Head Details Nett VAT Gross 01/05/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council ADMIN Offices Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 2nd instalment (May) 908.00 0.00 908.00 01/05/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council BIRTHPLACE Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 2nd instalment (May) 34.00 0.00 34.00 01/05/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council G/HALL Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 2nd instalment (May) 530.00 0.00 530.00 01/05/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council MARKET Rates/Water Rates 19/20 - 2nd instalment (May) 1,964.00 0.00 1,964.00 01/05/2019 DDebit Corona Energy Retail 4 Ltd Gas - Donegal 35% + Guildhall 65% Gas - March 747.74 149.55 897.29 02/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd G/HALL Energy Electricity - March 467.74 93.55 561.29 03/05/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Elavon card and activity fees - April 6.32 0.00 6.32 03/05/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Elavon PCI fee - May (new rate) 6.00 1.20 7.20 03/05/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services MARKET Supplies/Services Elavon card and activity fees - April 22.34 0.00 22.34 03/05/2019 Debit Elavon Financial Services MARKET Supplies/Services Elavon PCI fee - May (new rate) 6.00 1.20 7.20 07/05/2019 DDebit British Telecommunications PLC BIRTHPLACE Energy Gas 5/1 - 10/4/19 934.17 186.83 1,121.00 08/05/2019 DDebit Biffa Waste Services Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Glass recycling - March 64.31 12.86 77.17 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd ADMIN Donegal House Energy Electricity - March 190.91 38.18 229.09 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd BIRTHPLACE Energy Electricity - March 49.93 2.50 52.43 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd BIRTHPLACE Energy Electricity - March 47.27 2.36 49.63 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd MARKET Energy Toilet Block electricity - March 38.19 1.91 40.10 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd MARKET Energy Feeder Pillar electricity - March 76.06 3.80 79.86 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Clock Tower electricity - March 35.75 1.79 37.54 09/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Friary electricity - March 16.13 0.81 16.94 10/05/2019 21768 Alan & Thomas Insurance Group ADMIN Insurance Museum insurance to 30/4/20 6,371.68 0.00 6,371.68 10/05/2019 21769 All-Fit Towbars & Trailers Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Stall storage - March 304.50 0.00 304.50 10/05/2019 21769 All-Fit Towbars & Trailers Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Stall erection - March 3,915.00 783.00 4,698.00 10/05/2019 21770 Banner Group Ltd ADMIN Supplies & Services Stationery 82.70 16.52 99.22 10/05/2019 21771 BEE-LINE Pest Control PARKS Other Repair/Maint Quarterly pest control 5/1 - 5/4 250.00 0.00 250.00 10/05/2019 21772 Nigel Boden PARKS Other Repair/Maint Bike barrier cleaned and repainted 45.00 0.00 45.00 10/05/2019 21772 Nigel Boden PARKS Other Repair/Maint Bench posts removed and made good at Curborough CC 35.00 0.00 35.00 10/05/2019 21773 Eastern Shires Purchasing Org ADMIN Supplies & Services Hand towels and liquid soap 80.20 16.04 96.24 10/05/2019 21773 Eastern Shires Purchasing Org BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Operator chair 70.00 14.00 84.00

10/05/2019 21773 Eastern Shires Purchasing Org G/HALL Supplies/Services Cleaning, cloakroom & first aid kit supplies, cutlery 147.95 29.60 177.55 10/05/2019 21773 Eastern Shires Purchasing Org G/HALL Supplies/Services New truck 187.00 37.40 224.40 10/05/2019 21774 Forward Cleaning Contractors ADMIN Supplies & Services Monthly window cleaning - April 16.00 3.20 19.20 10/05/2019 21774 Forward Cleaning Contractors ADMIN Supplies & Services Monthly window cleaning - March 16.00 3.20 19.20 10/05/2019 21774 Forward Cleaning Contractors Ltd BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Quarterly window cleaning - April 48.00 9.60 57.60 10/05/2019 21774 Forward Cleaning Contractors Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Quarterly window cleaning - April 77.70 15.54 93.24 10/05/2019 21775 G-Scapes of Lichfield Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Shrubs for Pool Walk using donation for Lichfield In Bloom 108.60 21.72 130.32 10/05/2019 21776 Hedgerow Publishing Ltd BIRTHPLACE Stock for sale Souvenir pens for sale 20.95 4.19 25.14 10/05/2019 21777 Justice Fire and Security R&R FUND Guildhall/Donegal Hs Upgrade Donegal Hs fire alarm & link to G'hall system 1,942.01 388.40 2,330.41 10/05/2019 21778 Cancelled 0.00 0.00 0.00 10/05/2019 21779 Lichfield Lock & Key Repairs Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Repair of lock on PA office door 45.83 9.17 55.00 10/05/2019 21779 Lichfield Lock & Key Repairs Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Supply & fit new lock to men's toilet on Market Square 217.90 43.58 261.48 10/05/2019 21780 Pioneer Roadshows CIVIC Events PA system for St George's Court 300.00 0.00 300.00 10/05/2019 21781 Sage (UK) Ltd ADMIN Supplies & Services Sage Payroll updates and support to 2/5/20 871.00 174.20 1,045.20 10/05/2019 21782 Service Metals (Midlands) Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services 5 stall boards from new supplier after successful test order 325.00 65.00 390.00 10/05/2019 21783 Mel Thomas BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Supply & fit shelf in Museum bookshop 100.00 0.00 100.00 10/05/2019 21784 Travel Wood Ltd CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Leytham Transport for Entertainment & Tea party 200.00 0.00 200.00 10/05/2019 21785 Westphalia Windows Ltd HALLS Boley Hall 2 replacement door closers on front entrance doors 488.00 97.60 585.60 10/05/2019 21786 Acme Tree Services Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Netherstowe Allotments - Reduce 3 ivy covered sycamores 1,900.00 380.00 2,280.00 10/05/2019 21786 Acme Tree Services Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Various tree work at Birchwood Rd, Cornfield Dr & Jordan Cl 1,050.00 210.00 1,260.00 10/05/2019 21786 Acme Tree Services Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint St Michael's - Make safe silver birch with split 380.00 76.00 456.00 10/05/2019 21787 Bag Market Limited MARKET Supplies/Services Roof sheets for sale 335.00 67.00 402.00 10/05/2019 21787 Bag Market Limited MARKET Supplies/Services Metal clips for sale 146.00 29.20 175.20 10/05/2019 21788 The Blinds & Shutter Co (UK) Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Annual inspection & tension check of blinds and winders 350.00 70.00 420.00 10/05/2019 21789 Brownhill Hayward Brown Ltd R&R FUND General Architect for railings for Dr Johnson statue 652.50 130.50 783.00 10/05/2019 21789 Brownhill Hayward Brown Ltd R&R FUND Guildhall/Donegal Hs Architect interim fees - Guildhall redecoration/restoration 1,250.00 250.00 1,500.00 10/05/2019 21790 Darwin Electrical Services HALLS Boley Hall Replacement of kitchen lights with LED fittings 201.00 40.20 241.20 10/05/2019 21791 Frederica Greetings Ltd BIRTHPLACE Stock for sale Various cards for sale 72.48 0.00 72.48 10/05/2019 21792 Friends of Friary Clock Tower PARKS Other Repair/Maint Annual donation for clock winders 19/20 500.00 0.00 500.00 10/05/2019 21793 Hampshire Flag Company CIVIC Supplies/Services Roll of halyard for flag 34.50 6.90 41.40 10/05/2019 21794 Lichfield District Council BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Museum listing on Visit Lichfield website 2019 54.00 10.80 64.80 10/05/2019 21794 Lichfield District Council G/HALL Supplies/Services Wedding & conference listings, Visit Lichfield website 2019 108.00 21.60 129.60 10/05/2019 21794 Lichfield District Council MARKET Supplies/Services Markets listing on Visit Lichfield website 2019 54.00 10.80 64.80 10/05/2019 21675 Lichfield Tree Works Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Cancel chq 21675 of 19/3 - mislaid -250.00 -50.00 -300.00 10/05/2019 21795 Lichfield Tree Works Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Replace chq 21675 of 19/3 - Fell failed chestnut, Furnivall 250.00 50.00 300.00 10/05/2019 21796 Lyco Group Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Various light bulbs to hold in stock 83.37 16.68 100.05 10/05/2019 21797 Nisbets HALLS Boley Hall Replacement tables for Boley Hall 268.96 53.79 322.75 10/05/2019 21798 Npower Ltd G/HALL Energy Metering and intelligent analytics service 2019/20 215.00 43.00 258.00 10/05/2019 21799 Preservation Equipment Limited CIVIC Supplies/Services Cotton gloves for cleaning civic silver 25.85 5.17 31.02 10/05/2019 21800 R J Lift Services Ltd G/HALL Repair/Maint Supply & fit new battery backup & carry out full load test 1,287.80 257.56 1,545.36 10/05/2019 21801 Viking ADMIN Supplies & Services Binders 186.93 37.39 224.32 10/05/2019 21802 Vision ICT Ltd ADMIN Supplies & Services Website hosting and support 1/7/19 - 30/6/20 245.00 49.00 294.00 10/05/2019 21803 Shakespeare Antiques Ltd BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 28/4/19 98.00 0.00 98.00 10/05/2019 21804 A & JM Carroll BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 28/4/19 57.33 0.00 57.33 10/05/2019 21805 PR & JM Stockham BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 28/4/19 10.00 0.00 10.00 10/05/2019 21806 Taylor Maids UK Ltd BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Museum cleaning - March (24 hours) 312.00 62.40 374.40 10/05/2019 21806 Taylor Maids UK Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Guildhall cleaning - March (60.75 hours) 789.75 157.95 947.70 10/05/2019 21807 Shakespeare Antiques Ltd BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 31/3/19 135.33 0.00 135.33 10/05/2019 21808 Steve Brown BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 31/3/19 42.00 0.00 42.00 10/05/2019 21809 A & JM Carroll BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 31/3/19 67.00 0.00 67.00 10/05/2019 21810 Alison Swabey BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 31/3/19 10.00 0.00 10.00

10/05/2019 21811 PR & JM Stockham BIRTHPLACE 3rd Party Sales Booksale proceeds to 31/3/19 32.00 0.00 32.00 15/05/2019 DDebit Nat West ADMIN Supplies & Services Monthly Bankline online banking charge (1st) 20.00 0.00 20.00 15/05/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems ADMIN Supplies & Services Monthly IT services (Backups,anti virus,Office 365)-April 485.12 97.02 582.14 15/05/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Birthplace internet - April 45.00 9.00 54.00 15/05/2019 DDebit MT Services Computer Systems G/HALL Supplies/Services Guildhall internet - April 45.00 9.00 54.00 15/05/2019 DDebit NatWest Autopay EMPLOYEE COSTS Wages and salaries - May 23,949.11 0.00 23,949.11 17/05/2019 DDebit Water Plus Ltd ADMIN Offices Rates/Water Used water & surface water drainage 1/2-30/4/19 57.41 0.00 57.41 17/05/2019 DDebit Water Plus Ltd G/HALL Rates/Water Used water & surface water drainage 1/2-30/4/19 254.19 0.00 254.19 17/05/2019 DDebit Water Plus Ltd MARKET Rates/Water Toilet Block used water & surface water drainage 1/2-30/4 83.79 0.00 83.79 17/05/2019 DDebit EE Ltd MARKET Supplies/Services Monthly markets mobile bill - May 14.20 2.84 17.04 20/05/2019 DDebit British Telecommunications PLC ADMIN Tel/Postage Broadband line rental, May-July 79.30 15.86 95.16 20/05/2019 DDebit Virgin Media Payments Ltd ADMIN Tel/Postage Phones - April usage/ May rental 130.54 26.11 156.65 20/05/2019 DDebit Npower Ltd PARKS Energy Pool Walk electricity - April 43.80 8.76 52.56 28/05/2019 DDebit Lichfield District Council PARKS Contract Repair/Maint Period 11/4 - 10/5 including RPI increase 10,590.39 2,118.07 12,708.46 30/05/2019 21812 Bradshaw & Wright R&R FUND Guildhall/Donegal Hs Redecoration works & timber repair to 11 windows in G'hall 4,140.00 828.00 4,968.00 30/05/2019 21813 CBS Complete Ltd G/HALL Repair/Maint Supply & install 2 replacement sensors on heating pumps 228.44 45.69 274.13 30/05/2019 21814 Lichfield Lock & Key Repairs Ltd BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Release lock on granddaughter clock 45.83 9.17 55.00 30/05/2019 21815 Lichfield Tarmacadam Ltd PARKS Other Repair/Maint Tamworth Rd OS - Filling of pothole by tree root 600.00 120.00 720.00 30/05/2019 21816 MT Services Computer Systems ADMIN Supplies & Services New keyboard 40.00 8.00 48.00 30/05/2019 21817 Preseli Ltd BIRTHPLACE Stock for sale Bespoke bio-degradable pens for sale 321.90 64.38 386.28 30/05/2019 21818 Society of Local Council Clerks ADMIN Subscript/Training SLCC membership for Deputy Clerk to 31/5/20 247.00 0.00 247.00 30/05/2019 21819 Taylor Maids UK Ltd BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Museum cleaning - April (22.5 hours) 292.50 58.50 351.00 30/05/2019 21819 Taylor Maids UK Ltd G/HALL Supplies/Services Cleaning of Guildhall & Donegal Hse - April (54 hours) 702.00 140.40 842.40 30/05/2019 21820 HM Revenue & Customs Only EMPLOYEE COSTS Tax and NI contributions - May 5,806.89 0.00 5,806.89 30/05/2019 21821 Staffordshire Pension Fund EMPLOYEE COSTS Pension Fund contributions - May 7,849.87 0.00 7,849.87 31/05/2019 DDebit Nat West ADMIN Supplies & Services Bank charges - current account 99.45 0.00 99.45 31/05/2019 DDebit Corona Energy Retail 4 Ltd Gas - Donegal 35% + Guildhall 65% Gas - April 530.00 106.00 636.00 31/05/2019 DDebit Wm M Briers & Son (Tamworth) MARKET Supplies/Services Skip hire - April 675.00 135.00 810.00 90,741.41 8,016.24 98,757.65

LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL - Imprest Account Payment Schedule From 1 May to 31 May 2019

Date Chq Payee Budget Head Details Nett VAT Gross 09/05/2019 05302 Cash CIVIC Banquet Expenditure Juice for Banquet 10.00 0.00 10.00 09/05/2019 05302 Cash CIVIC Banquet Expenditure Prosecco and beer for Banquet (within ticket price) 196.33 39.27 235.60 09/05/2019 05302 Cash CIVIC Banquet Expenditure Extra cash (unspent & subsequently credited) 54.40 0.00 54.40 09/05/2019 05303 S P Robinson & Son PARKS Other Repair/Maint Two loads of manure for Rose Garden 60.00 0.00 60.00 09/05/2019 05304 Charlene Field MARKET Misc. Income Return of deposit for use of Toilet Block during event 50.00 0.00 50.00 09/05/2019 05305 Harriett Hastie MARKET Supplies/Services Contribution to glasses damaged by market feeder pillar 50.00 0.00 50.00 16/05/2019 05306 Cash Various Petty cash vouchers 7450 - 7462 215.58 18.80 234.38 20/05/2019 05307 All Aspect Art & Print BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Removing/reframing 'Prospect of Lichfield' for photography 75.00 0.00 75.00 20/05/2019 05308 Lichfield Greenhill Bower CIVIC Mayor's Allowance - D Baker Mayor Elect's tickets to Bower celebration luncheon 24.00 0.00 24.00 20/05/2019 05308 Lichfield Greenhill Bower CIVIC Sheriff's Allowance - D Brown Sheriff's Elect's ticket to Bower celebration luncheon 12.00 0.00 12.00 30/05/2019 05309 Wire Fittings Designs Ltd BIRTHPLACE Supplies & Services Leaflet display unit 184.00 36.80 220.80 31/05/2019 DDebit Nat West ADMIN Supplies & Services Bank charges - imprest account 10.76 0.00 10.76 942.07 94.87 1,036.94