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Protesters lie down as they are ar- rested by Police during protests in Human last week. The case against them was later withdrawn. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso Rights Day comme- morated P2 Searching for Vaal’s cutest babies and toddlers P8 SeeSee alsoalso P3P3 Blue Lions

VEREENIGING.- The taxi strike came roads in the region demanding the comple- (Santaco) said the strike was called off to an end with 55 protesters (drivers) tion of the new Vereeniging taxi rank that after a meeting with the office of the roar on top handing themselves over to police after has been under construction for over five Premier, David Makhura, Law first hiding in a garage shop to avoid years. Enforcement Agencies and Municipali- arrest in Beaconsfield, Vereeniging last This strike affected and left commuters ties. The case against the arrested 55 Wednesday. stranded. protesters was withdrawn after they of Stream A The strike was brought into action by Midday Mali, the Regional Chairperson of briefly appeared in the Vereeniging taxi operators who closed all the main the South African National Taxi Council Magistrate’s Court on Friday. P12 2 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 Human Rights Day commemorated

Zacharia Nale SHARPEVILLE.- The of Sharpeville came to a standstill as com- memorations of the historical Human Rights Day took place at the George Tha- be Cricket grounds last Thursday. The streets of Sharpeville were pain- ted in gold, black, green, black and red with all political parties coming to com- memorate this historical event in the ca- lendar of politics in this country. ANC, EFF and PAC members took to the streets of Sharpeville chanting politi- cal songs. The commemoration was at- tended by the who’s who of politics in this country with President Cyril Ramap- hosa addressing the Vaal community about the significance of the day that saw 69 people brutally killed by the apartheid police in protest against the pass laws. The day’s programme started with Ra- maphosa and PAC President Narius Mo- loto visiting the Sharpeville graveyard to pay their respects where the 69 victims were laid to rest. Apart from commemo- ration the community, especially small businesses, had the opportunity to mar- ket themselves, selling food and other items on street corners. Unlike other pre- vious years, no violence was reported with the PAC and ANC sharing the stage at the main event while EFF members held their event near the Dlomo Dam.

Right:. PAC members march the streets of Sharpeville in commemora- tion of Human Rights Day last week. Insert: A Presidentail Guard parade during the Human Rights Day cele- brations in Sharpeville last week. Photo: Zacharia Nale 27 March - 2 April 2019 SEDIBENG STER 3

Trucks block a road near Sebok- eng following a taxi drivers’ strike last Wednesday.

EmfuleniEmfuleni comescomes toto aa standstillstandstill asas taxitaxi driversdrivers protestprotest

Lerato Serero officers from Emfuleni Local Municipality SEDIBENG.- Local taxi drivers made real (ELM) who issue them with trafic fines nily their threat that they can bring the area to a willy. “We are not playing games. halt if and when they want to last Wednesday. “ Government officials need to heed our call The drivers took to the streets in protest and or something bad will happen the next time making various demands. around,” they said. Meanwhile the Democratic The public suffered the most as no transport Alliance (DA) in Gauteng called on the MEC was available to take people to and from work. for Roads and Transport, Ismail Vadi, to ur- Amongst the taxi drivers’ demands is the gently engage with the taxi-owners and opera- completion of the Vereeniging taxi rank, clou- tors pertaining to the incomplete taxi rank and sure of potholes on the area’s roads and the the poor state of roads, which damages their halt to what they term victimisation by traffic vehicles and puts commuters in harm’s way. “The Emfuleni Municipality must ensure that Left: A policeman helps push a taxi that the upgrading of taxi ranks is included in the had blocked the road on the Potchef- Integrated Development Plan (IDP) so that stroom/Sebokeng intersection last Wed- funds can be allocated from provincial govern- nesday. Photos: Lerato Serero ment for any upgrades that are needed.” ManManMan (22)(22)(22) rapesrapesrapes sisterssisterssisters

Lazarus Dithagiso members of the public were in support of the SEBOKENG. - A 22-year-old suspect victims and their families. charged with rape, murder and attempted The uncle of the victims told Sedibeng Ster murder appeared stone-faced in front of a that the children were alone in the house dur- Sebokeng Magistrate last week. ing the incident. Information received was The victims were a 9-year-old girl and that the suspect, who is known to the children, her 13-year-old sister. The 9-year-old died requested them to open the door. Community members of multiple stab wounds. It is alleged that He claimed to have been sent by their uncle protest outside the Se- both girls were raped. to look after them. bokeng Magistrates This incident happened in the early Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Si- Courts hours of the morning on Wednesday in a zakele Nkosi-Malobane, expressed concern Zone 10 Extension 3 shack in Sebokeng. following the incident. Police spokesperson, Sergeant Thembe- She appealed to the community to be ka Kaogo, said Police received a complaint calm and allow the police and the court to of children screaming and immediately deal with the matter. went to the scene. “My thoughts and prayers are with the “They opened the door and discovered families of the deceased and the victims that the house was full of blood with about during these trying times,” said Nkosi- three knives lying on the floor. Malobane. “The naked 13-year-old was found with Meanwhile, the suspect briefly appeared multiple stab wounds. The nine-year-old at the Sebokeng Margistrates Courts on girl was also found with multiple stab Monday for a formal bail application and wounds and was declared dead on the to access a legal representative. scene.” The case has been postponed for further During the court proceeding last week investigations and bail was denied. 4 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 Cosatu demands sacking of Modisakeng and her MM Lazarus Dithagiso We as Cosatu will die for the workers. Let’s those who are brushing shoulders with man- for encouraging the expulsion of workers. VEREENIGING. - Locked doors met mem- mobilise to fight corruption in Sedibeng.” agement on this issue must know that they are At the time of going to print, the unionists bers of the local Congress of South African South African Communist Party (SACP) selling out workers. were preparing for another day to arrange a Trade Union (Cosatu) who marched to the Sed- Regional Secretary, Thembinkosi Pulu, said He blamed SDM Speaker, Melina Gumba march. ibeng District Municipality (SDM) to demand the resignation of the Municipal Manager and Executive Mayor Busi Modisakeng recently. The frustrated members wanted the pair to resign because they come from outerlying are- as of Emfuleni such as Lesedi and Zimbabwe. Cosatu, however, were unable to even present their memorandum of demands be- cause no one was there to receive them. They were informed that Modisakeng was attending a Lekgotla. Eight employees were recently sacked by the SDM over the allegations that they had as- saulted SDM Municipal Manager, Stanley Khanyile. They apparently took part in an ille- gal picket and threatened to damage the munic- ipal building. Khanyile’s MM position was questioned for not being advertised. The local Cosatu has threatened not to par- ticipate in ANC election campaigning unless their members are reinstated. The union alleged that the mayor has given the MM executive powers and that he has a bad track record from the Eastern Cape. Sedibeng Cluster secretary of Cosatu, Nko- Members of Cosatu in the region went to the sinathe Ndwandwe said the MM is presently Sedibeng District Municipal offices to demand using divide-and-conquer tactics against any- thethe sackingsacking ofof thethe ExecutiveExecutive MayorMayor BusiBusi Modi-Modi- one he perceives as an enemy. sakeng and Municipal Manager Stanley Khan- “We will dismiss ourselves from campaign- yile. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso ing if those members are not being reinstated. Record number of Moerane commands that applications to vote abroad in power be restored urgently national elections Craig Kotze the slow pace of power restoration and rea- Lerato Serero . - Restore electri- sons given by ELM officials and contrac- SEDIBENG. – A total of 30 532 voters have city to those areas cut off due to a major tors on delays in both restoring service and applied to cast their vote in the national elec- explosion at a Vanderbijlpark substation the slow pace of contingency plans with tions at ’s 121 foreign missions. - do whatever it takes, but do it now! cables and mobile generators. It is said that The applications were received by the deadline That”s the uncompromising message some contractors reported for duty intox- to submit a notification to vote abroad (using from both Emfuleni’s new Executive icated a VEC 10 form) recently. Of these, 29 334 were Mayor, Gift Moerane and Golden Triang- “My view is that all issues should have approved. The IEC said that in 2014 it received le Chamber of Commerce (GTCoC) Pre- been anticipated well in advance by ELM 27 899 applications to vote outside the country sident Stefan Olivier - after several hou- - I am determined to make effective gover- of which 26 716 were approved and a total of sehoulds in CW5 and CW6 have been nance and service delivery by ELM non- 18 446 actually voted in the election. without power for almost two weeks now negotiable,” Moerane told Sedibeng Ster The breakdown of approved applications after the explosion of the substation in this week. per region is as follows: Curie Boulevard. The slow pace of restoring power has Region Total approved applications: Moerane has now adopted a zero tole- also resulted in hundreds of students living Africa 2 868 rance stance on bad decision-making by without power in accommodation threate- Asia 7 174 certain ELM officials on this crisis - and ning mass protest whilst hundreds of resi- Europe 14 838 for the future - after his direct instructions dents at places such as Pioneer House in North America 2 196 to rectify and restore power supply as Vanderbijlpark have also been left stran- Oceania 2 133 soon as possible were not implemented. ded. South America 125 A high-level investigation is now un- At time of writing ELM and contractors Total 29 334 der way at ELM after Moerane described still had not fully replaced damaged cables The top 10 foreign missions with the most actions and non-actions by some officials and mobilised sufficient mobile generators applications are: as “insubordination”. to fully restore electricity supply on a tem- Mission Approved applicants: “Not only residents but business have porary basis to all affected areas. London 9 084 suffered major losses due to the denial of ELM spokesperson, Stanley Gaba said Dubai 1 542 service and failure to rectify - but ELM it is expected that power would be restored The Hague 1 355 is also losing much-needed revenue due and generators be in place by the end of Canberra 1 195 to extended interrupted power supply and this week - this was whilst ELM sourced Abu Dhabi 1 061 this will in turn have a domino-effect on and installed new transformer equipment Wellington 927 the goal of improving service delivery. at the extensively damaged substation near Dublin 817 “The GTCoC believes that Mayor the CBD in a massive explosion. Kinshasa 797 Moerane is entirely right in demanding However, informed sources said that the New York 605 better and faster power restoration as well slow pace was completely unacceptable Contractors still have not fully replaced dama- Doha 566 as more effective contingency plan im- for Moerane whose view was that all con- ged cables and mobilise sufficient mobile ge- Voters whose applications have been ap- plementation from ELM,” Olivier said. tingencies should have been covered by nerators to fully restore electricity supply on proved will vote at the foreign missions indi- Moerane is “extremely dissatisfied” at ELM to begin with. a temporary basis to all affected areas. cated on Saturday 27 April 2019 between 07H00 and 19H00. Emfuleni residents take charge and submit a name for your street

Thabiso Radebe mocracy and strengthen public participation dential areas. cipality’s SRACLIS Department said, “A SEDIBENG.-There are many streets across in the municipality. The outcome of the process must be re- public notice calling for all residents to make the 45 wards of Emfuleni Local Municipality For many years, both old townships and flective of the diversity of contributions of written submissions will be publicized.” (ELM) that still don’t have names. new RDP settlements such as Evaton West pioneering individuals, living or posthu- Residents are urged to visit their local li- Through the municipality’s Sport, Recrea- “Mkhelele”, Tshepong, Sebokeng Zones 14, mously, across fields such arts and culture, braries to acquire the relevant forms during tion, Arts and Culture, Library Information 16 and 17, Boitumelo, Golden Gardens, Po- education, sports, business and religious lea- the month of March, with the process expec- Services, Parks and Cemeteries (SRACLIS) lokong and Bophelong extensions in “Muv- dership. ted to close later in May this year. Department, a geographical name change hango” have not had formal street names. Names put forward by residents must be All the received names will go into the committee is calling upon residents to sub- To change this, the Council of Emfuleni indicative of the selfless contributions to hu- municipality’s databank of names and the mit name proposals for unnamed streets in Local Municipality introduced a name-chan- manity and the greater good of individuals next step in the process would be for Ward their wards. ge policy which allows residents to make in our region. Councillors to convene public meetings in It is envisaged this process will deepen de- suggestions of names of streets in their resi- Lenah Nkele from Emfuleni Local Muni- their areas. 27 March - 2 April 2019 SEDIBENG STER 5 ArcelorMittal seeks resolution with NUMSA to end strike Zacharia Nale To give effect to this interdict, ArcelorMit- VANDERBIJLPARK. - ArcelorMittal South tal South Africa reconfirmed the picketing ru- Africa and NUMSA are at loggerheads over les agreement with NUMSA to ensure safe the ongoing workers’ strike. and orderly demonstrations at the company’s ArcelorMittal said that it is extremely dis- sites. Meanwhile ArcelorMittal South Africa appointed with the statement issued on March claimed they continue to receive reports of ArcelorMittal South Africa seeks 19 by NUMSA. serious acts of violence and intimidation a resolution with NUMSA to end The company said the statement is not only against ArcelorMittal South Africa employ- the strike. Photo: Zacharia Nale factually inaccurate but is completely against ees travelling to and from the workplace. the spirit in which the parties have been eng- aging in an effort to collectively find an agree- able resolution to the current strike at Arcelor- Mittal South Africa operations. The original demands from NUMSA cen- tred around two historical issues, the insour- cing of Real Tree employees within Arcelor- Mittal South Africa and a 2016 investigation which resulted in the dismissal of two NUM- SA shop stewards. “Firstly, NUMSA is demanding that Arce- lorMittal South Africa offers permanent em- ployment to Real Tree employees. Real Tree is an independently registered service provi- der that secures contracts from ArcelorMittal South Africa through a robust tender pro- cess.” ArcelorMittal said that NUMSA did not follow the provisions of the Recognition Agreement before bringing this demand to the company, in an attempt to find common ground, proposed to embark on a process over the next three years to insource some critical skills currently employed at service provi- ders, such as Real Tree. On the second matter it said that, despite the matter already having been fully investi- gated and a finding in favour of ArcelorMittal South Africa at the Metals and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council of South Africa (MEIBC), in order to resolve this, the compa- ny has agreed to a second investigation of the matter. The proposal was apparently not accepted by NUMSA during the conciliation engage- ment and NUMSA made further demands, in- cluding the reinstatement of one of the NUM- SA shop stewards dismissed in 2016, a decisi- on upheld by the MEIBC despite ArcelorMittal South Africa agreeing to the original demand to investigate the matter. “This means that the matter remains unresol- ved, regardless of ArcelorMittal South Africa having met the substance of the demands ta- bled by the union.” ArcelorMittal South Africa vehemently denies the assertions made by NUMSA that employees, whether permanent or contracted, are in any way placed at risk when working for or at the company. “Safety remains Arce- lorMittal South Africa’s number one priority and not only underpins the company’s licence to operate but is essential to its sustainability. “ArcelorMittal South Africa has ensured that the necessary contingency plans are in place to limit the impact of the strike on pro- duction and is extremely grateful that most employees have shown commitment and de- dication to coming to work.” “However, the safety and security of our employees remains our primary concern and, as such, the company applied for and was granted an interdict to ensure that the operati- on’s entrances and exits were not unduly bloc- ked by protestors and that employees who choose to come to work are not threatened or intimidated in any way.” 6 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 27 March - 2 April 2019 SEDIBENG STER 7 8 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 SearchingSearching forfor Vaal’sVaal’s cutestcutest babiesbabies andand toddlers!toddlers! SEDIBENG.- It’s almost time for Ster and Competition, presented in collaboration with and other appreciated sponsors. Vaalweekblad’s annual Baby and Toddler Chilli PicNic Photography, radio station IFM The competition starts on March 30 and par- ents of little ones from 3 months to 6 years can get them ready to be photographed! Photos will be taken every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00 from March 30 until May 26 at , Vanderbijlpark. The entry fee is R80 per child. Like Chilli PicNic on Facebook to get regu- lar updates and view the photos entered. Lots of fun prizes, including cash, can be won. For more information call Nicky on 083 744 7711.

Kananelo Motaung, yet another cute en- trant in a previous year's competition. Pho- to: Chilli PicNic Eureka learner invited to go to London VEREENIGING. - One of Eureka School’s ted to attend a congress in London with her learners, Tiisetso Moagi (11) who has Promo- mother. The congress will focus on the syn- ridia Dwarf Typy II Syndrome has been invi- drome, additional tests and treatment. To assist them financially to attend this congress in June, Eureka School is having a pancake sale on April 5. Pancakes will cost R3 each and orders can be placed with Wanda at 082 722 2374. Donations towards Tiisetso and her mother’s trip are also welcome.

Tiisetso Moagi and her teacher Janicke Hills.

Enjoy Responsibly. Not For Persons Under The Age Of 18. 27 March - 2 April 2019 SEDIBENG STER 9 10 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 27 March - 2 April 2019 SEDIBENG STER 11 12 SEDIBENG STER 27 March - 2 April 2019 SportSport Sport at its best

Sebokeng Karate club clinches seven trophies

Zacharia Nale SEBOKENG. - Vaal Dojo Karate Club from Zone 11 in Sebokeng conquered Klerksdorp when they brought home seven trophies at the Karate Tournament held in Klerdorp recently. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, Vaal Dojo Karate Club Sensei, Buti Maqabe said this is an incredible achievement not only for his club but Sedibeng. Sensei Maqabe said they went to this two- day tournament well prepared. “We went there with one thing in our thoughts - to win the tournament in all our di- visions and it came as no surprise when we finished first, second and third in all the age Blue Lions FC and VUT FC are seen in action during these two teams’ Safa Sedibeng SAB League match at Isak Steyl Stadium groups. in Vanderbijlpark over the weekend. Photo: Zacharia Nale “All our fighters came home with trophies in their hands. “We worked very hard to prepare for this tournament and we would like to thank the the Zone 11 community for their support,” he told Sedibeng Ster Sport. The Vaal Dojo Karate Club fighters, who Blue Lions roar at made Sedibeng proud are Lethu Radebe, Sam- kelo Mbatha, Unathi Dudula, Innocent Ndu- miso, Kamohelo Mokabane, Bongani Mkwai and Lerato Mohanwe. Maqabe said Sedibeng is full of champions not only in karate but other sporting activities such as soccer, boxing, netball and athletics, the top of Stream A to mention but few. Meanwhile, Vaal Dojo Karate Club will Zacharia Nale second on the log with 13 points from the same ing football skills. host its 2nd Annual Karate Celebration sche- SEDIBENG. - Blue Lions FC extended number of games as Blue Lions FC. VUT FC Meanwhile in Stream B, NWU Vaal FC duled to take place at the clubhouse in Zone their lead on top of the Safa Sedibeng SAB started the game like a house on fire and when maintained their lead at the top of the log 11 on April 13. League’s Stream A League Log when they the game went to half time they were leading with 14 points despite having a game in Maqabe said the Sedibeng residents are in- beat VUT FC 2 - 1 at Isak Steyl Stadium 1-0. However, Blue Lions FC came back in the hand. NWU Vaal FC has played six games, vited to come and witness miracles when in Vanderbijlpark over the weekend. second half with guns blazing - forcing the won four and drew two. bricks and stones will be broken, and cars are Blue Lions are sitting at the summit of home team to defend with their backs to the Hot on their heels is Metro Stars FC but pulled apart as part of the day’s programme. the log with 21 points from eight games they wall for the better part of the second half. over the weekend they lost 3-1 to Try Me “We are looking forward to our 2nd annual have played so far this season. It came as no surprise when they got an Again FC in another Safa Sedibeng SAB event and this time we aim to make it bigger The team looks set to be crowned the equaliser, much to the delight of the home sup- League match played at General Smuts Sec- and better. champions of Stream A if their recent per- porters. Despite the rain, local soccer fans en- ondary School in Vereeniging. “We will leave no stone unturned to bring formance is anything to go by. Blues Lions joyed each and every moment of action with Real Hearts FC are second on the log with the best entertainment on the day,” said Maqa- FC have won all their games. VUT FC is Blue Lions FC displaying some mouth water- 15 points from eight games. be.