Apprenticeships | Parent & Child Classes | Prom '14 | Beauty Event | Results Day | Plan Your Future

December 2014 | Winter

Ghost Production Victory Façade's latest success #VictoryFest 2014 Photographic celebration of our grand opening 100th Anniversary WWI We remember…

“Achievement is outstanding because every student matters” (Ofsted 2013) December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

IN YOUR NEW ISSUE :HOFRPHIURPWKH3ULQFLSDO ...... 3 Ghost - The Musical (Facade) ...... 3 :H5HPHPEHU::,$QQLY ...... 3 Ormiston Victory Apprenticeships ...... 3 &ODVVRI3URPSKRWRV ...... 3 Top of the Bench ...... 3 European Day of Languages ...... 3 3DUHQW &KLOG&ODVVHV ...... 3 Costessey Cluster...... 3 Governance of Victory ...... 3 7KH2$76PDOO6KLS5DFH ...... 3 Victory Festival 2014 photos ...... 3 3ODQ | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 3 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter Ormiston Victory Students this year had the opportunity Baraza, British to try out more unusual languages for Shalom! Ciao! Apprenticeships the European Day of Languages on the Values & Our 26th September. ']LHĔGREU\ is an +HEUHZ,WDOLDQ3ROLVKDQG/DWLQZHUHWKHODQJXDJHVRIWKHGD\DV Miss Sheldrake - enterprising school, focused on students took language master classes. Students practiced introducing themselves Curriculum Leader Academy and in the Hebrew classes, learnt how to read a completely new alphabet – from right to left! of MFL Salve! raising aspiration and creating Miss SheldrakeS held whole academy assemblies on the importance opportunity. Baraza is the name for the ooff learninglea languages. Candidates with languages on their CV are We've teamed up Student Council here at Ormiston PPRUHOLNHO\WREHR̆HUHGDMREDQGODQJXDJHJUDGXDWHVHDUQPRUHRU  oveoverr their lifetime thanks to their linguistic skills. This aside from with innovative social Victory Academy. The name enterprise Swarm the doorsd that travelling and meeting new people and cultures Apprenticeships to create comes from a Swahili word for a ccan open… four new jobs here on council of wise or learned people, Members of the MFL department the Costessey campus. and is attended every Monday wore traditional dress – Each apprentice works to 0V%XUQVLQWUDGLWLRQDO3ROLVK support student progress, morning by two representatives GUHVVDQG0UV3HWWLWDQG0LVV as well as gaining a Sheldrake in German Dirndl. EXVLQHVVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ from each form group, as well as But the fun wasn’t just in the Swarm will provide our Ambassador team, members department – mathematics training, support and and science taught their starter lots of encouragement from the Senior Leadership Team to set and achieve of the academy, and myself. DFWLYLWLHVLQGL̆HUHQWODQJXDJHV measurable goals. and every classroom had the This round-table council is an opportunity for our students date on the board in a Swarm was established to raise any concerns which they may have about any aspect GL̆HUHQWODQJXDJH in 2013 by social of the academy, be it the canteen, uniform, rules, rewards or AfterAf a successful day, the MFL department look forward to the entrepreneur and sanctions. Our form representatives ask for the opinions of *HU*HUPDQH[FKDQJHWKDWLVKDSSHQLQJRQWKHWKRI'HFHPEHUP EXVLQHVVDXWKRU5REHUW$VKWRQ2QHRIRXU*RYHUQRUV&KULV3HUU\ their peers and ideas for improving the academy, vote on new A groupgro of our Year 11s are spending a week in Dinkelsbuhl, near joined Swarm as Director at the end of July. Chris will be responsible ideas and measures, and help to keep an eye out for issues for strengthening Swarm's links with schools and recruiting around the academy. MMunich,unic enjoying the Christmas markets and life in a German school. businesses as Swarm employers. 6RPH6RPHWKLQJIRURXUFXUUHQW


2Q7KXUVGD\WK2FWREHUDXWKRU*37D\ORUYLVLWHGXV and ‘The Enemy Series’, He is the author of best-selling novels; ‘Shadowmancer’, which students were able ‘Wormwood’ and ‘Tersias’. He has written four series of books, to buy and get signed on

RQHRIZKLFKZDVPDGHLQWRD¿OPµ7KH$GYHQWXUHU the day. Come along to the library on When?(YHU\7XHVGD\ The Curse of the Midas Box’. Who is it for?$Q\VWXGHQWIURP

 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad  December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

A massive well done Appeal for to all of our Able, Events that are coming up: information… Gifted and Talented Year 10 Challenge Event - being run by the mathematics department. We are looking for professionals from This is an opportunity for students to compete against other schools in a mathematics DUDQJHRIGL̆HUHQWFDUHHUVWRJLYHWDONV students who took part challenge. If you are interested in taking part please get in contact with Ms Hazell in the to our students. If you know of anyone in events this term mathematics department on DKD]HOO#RUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN who has left the predecessor school and which included a very become a real success in their chosen UKMT - $* 7IURP

 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 9 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

Façade productions We have a whopping great video wall, an person into an animated ghost, who can On behalf of the whole cast; we would like outstanding live orchestral band and an walk through closed doors! to say thank you to all who helped put the don’t compare to any extremely talented cast and crew of over VKRZWRJHWKHUHVSHFLDOO\RXU3HUIRUPLQJ Not just students and teachers are involved PDGHXSRIPHPEHUVRIWKHVFKRRO Arts teachers, and our conductor. You others throughout but members of the community, and and local community. The musical is full are the reason we have such an amazing previous students that have given up their . Every year of magical illusions, with vast amounts of experience we can both enjoy and gain own time to be a part of this production. laughs, cries and crazy musical numbers. valuable skills from. Thank you for giving we challenge ourselves Every year we get wonderful people us this experience and believing in us. and every year we 7KLVZDVGH¿QLWHO\ coming back, such as Glen, our stage a challenging manager who also creates and builds our From Tia Carey-Smith and Chloe Hunter (Year 12) exceed the expectationss musical with many set, year after year and puts up with our of a normal school problems, such as endless requests. production. Ghost, turning a living WKHWRSFKLFNÀLFN and hugely successful musical was this year’s challenge.


10 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 11 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter Class of  7KXUVGD\WK-XO\'XQVWRQ+DOO

12 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 13 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter Parent & Gorleston Makes Music Child Classes Ormiston Victory Academy’s leading singing ensemble Parent and child classes at Ormiston )DoDGH6LQJHUVWRRNSDUWLQWKH*RUOHVWRQ0DNHV0XVLF¿QDO Victory Academy are proving RQ6XQGD\WK$XJXVWKRVWHGE\*RUOHVWRQ¶V5RWDU\&OXE as popular as ever with parents tremendously valuing and enjoying Propella Performs the opportunity to learn and spend quality time with their children. 2QQG2FWREHU2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\$FDGHP\KRVWHG3URSHOOD 7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\¶VSURGXFWLRQRI3RFNHW'UHDPDVL[W\PLQXWH 7KLV\HDUWRGDWHRYHUIDPLOLHVLQFOXGLQJVRPHIURPDORFDO version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, especially primary school, have taken part in our parent and child learning GHYLVHGIRU\RXQJDXGLHQFHV9LFWRU\VWXGHQWVLQ

commented that it had really made them change the way they think about and speak to their children and ensured that “everyone in the house now has their voice heard”. Another parent reported that it had helped her to, “get a positive reaction rather than escalate an argument”. We are planning another free parenting programme starting in the new year, in conjunction with Ormiston Families, an accredited ³7ULSOH3´ 3RVLWLYH3DUHQWLQJ3URJUDPPH ZKLFKZLOOUXQIRUD A number of parents have also recently completed a six week similar length of time but will comprise of a mixture of face to face FRXUVHHQWLWOHG³7DFNOLQJ&RQÀLFWZLWK\RXU&KLOG±$5HVWRUDWLYH classes and telephone consultations. Anyone interested in enrolling Approach”. This focused on changing the language and types of RQWKLVSURJUDPPHRUMXVW¿QGLQJRXWPRUHVKRXOGHPDLO TXHVWLRQVXVHGGXULQJSRWHQWLDOO\LQÀDPPDWRU\VLWXDWLRQVDQG Dr Allen on [email protected] - also choosing to concentrate on the feelings and issues behind the 'U$OOHQ±$VVLVWDQW3ULQFLSDO behaviour rather than the behaviour itself. The parents involved for Extended Learning THE


14 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad  December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

The embraced an opportunity for students The across their academies to participate in a sailing adventure on the south coast for a week long voyage.A total of six academies took part in the exciting sailing Small adventure, nominating two students from each academy to have this once in a lifetime Ship experience. Students departed their home towns and Race embarked on a long journey to Gosport in Hampshire where they boarded the Queen *DODGULHODPHWHU*D̆ .HWFK%DOWLF7UDGHU7KHYHVVHO accommodates 20 people and regularly takes people of all ages and abilities sailing to experience life on the seas ‘Beau Tea Party’ On Monday 1st December the Beauty Department hosted a Beauty Event run by the Year 13 Beauty students, supported by their teachers Mrs Downs, Mrs Woodhouse and Miss Pollard. 7KHHYHQWZDVRSHQWRVWD̆DQGPHPEHUVRI WKHSXEOLFR̆HULQJDUDQJHRIEHDXW\ treatments including manicures, facials, massage and gel nails. All therapists were fully booked all evening and worked very hard to support the department. In order to provide an excellent service and experience for our clients, the students all baked cakes and brought refreshments along for the guests; these were much enjoyed by all! Both Years 12 and 13 Beauty students were very professional throughout the evening and all clients truly enjoyed the event, the feedback given from clients has been super. :HOOGRQH%HDXW\*LUOV IRUDOO\RXUKDUGZRUN DQGFRPPLWPHQWZH ORRNIRUZDUGWRKRVWLQJ DQRWKHUHYHQWLQWKH 1HZ


At the forum meetings, the topics of discussion can be varied and wide ranging, but the FHQWUDOSRLQWDQGWKHIRFXVLVWU\LQJWR¿QGZD\VWKDWWKHDFDGHP\DQGLWVVWXGHQWVFDQZRUNWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHEXVLQHVVHV7KLVLVLQRUGHU IRURXUVWXGHQWVWREHQH¿WIURPWKLQJVOLNHZRUNH[SHULHQFHDQGJDLQLQJVNLOOVVXFKDVLQWHUYLHZWHFKQLTXHVDQG&9ZULWLQJIURPSHRSOH ZKRZRUNLQWKDWHQYLURQPHQWDQGFDQJLYHUHDO¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFH,QUHWXUQIRUWKLVLQYDOXDEOHKHOSWRRXUVWXGHQWVZHZRXOGOLNHWR give something back to the businesses involved, be it publicity or assistance with their business activities should they require it. If you work for a business and you think that this may be something that you would be interested in joining, we are planning to have DQRWKHUPHHWLQJGXULQJWKHVSULQJWHUPDOWKRXJKDGDWHIRUWKLVLV\HWWREHFRQ¿UPHGMiss Blyth – Sixth Form Apprentice VictoryFundraisers WK(QWHUSULVH  The students of Ormiston Victory Academy wore onesies and took part in a number of :RUNLQJ/XQFK have been busy participating in fund sponsored events; more importantly raising UG(QGHDYRXU  At Ormiston Victory Academy, we are proud to raising for a number of charities this year. money for an amazing cause, allowing us to Students ran a bake sale for MacMillan UDLVHDQLQFUHGLEOH  QG'LVFRYHU\  R̆HURXUVWXGHQWVµ:RUNLQJ/XQFKHV¶LQYLWLQJ &R̆HHPRUQLQJLQYLWLQJPHPEHUVRIWKH &KDULW\HYHQWVKDYHDOVR VW&RXUDJH  professionals into the academy during lunchtime local community to enjoy a cake and a chat in our new Community Hub room, EHHQOLQNHGWRRXULQWHU We have many more events to look to talk with students about the jobs that they have, ZKLOVWPDQDJLQJWRUDLVHDWRWDORI  forward to this year, including Christmas FROOHJHFRPSHWLWLYHQDWXUH Jumper Day! Who will raise the most the industry that they work in and also the path Students also wore it pink for breast cancer, accessorising their uniform with DPRXQWVUDLVHGVRIDUDUH this academic year? that they took in order to get to where they are VRPHWKLQJSLQNFROOHFWLQJDWRWDORI  now in their careers. In honour of the 100 years anniversary The purpose of this is to inspire our students, We have welcomed professionals from many Should you be interested in being a part of the outbreak of World War One, our to give them ideas about what they would types of businesses and organisations; this is of the Victory Business Forum or hosting students and created beautiful poppies, like to do as a career after they leave the in order to give the students a broad range a Working Lunch session here at the using a number of creative styles and academy, armed with the knowledge of how of career possibilities for them to learn academy, please get in touch with Vanessa materials, and took part in our bake sale to get to where it is that they want to be. about. We have had an accountant, a Blyth for more information on: YEO\WK# for Help for Heroes, making a grand total Another aim of these sessions is to network journalist, a business consultant and a RUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN or by RI  and build connections with the professionals librarian and in the future we have plans JHWWLQJLQWRXFKZLWKXVRQ Our biggest event in order to help them in the future. for representatives from sectors like health, Miss Blyth – Sixth Form Apprentice so far has been for sales and local government. Children in Need. The true talents of the Victory PHPEHUVRIVWD̆ -XQLRU$PEDVVDGRUV were shown in an interesting Two of our Junior Ambassadors joined the Head Ambassadors to rendition of ‘God JLYHDOHFWXUHDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI(DVW$QJOLDWR3*&(VWXGHQWV 2QO\.QRZV¶ in October on "promoting good behaviour". Students had fun 7KH\WKHQR̆HUHGDGYLFHWRVWXGHQWVLQVPDOOVWXG\JURXSV guessing which A nerve wracking day, but what an experience! They were so PHPEHURIVWD̆ ZHOOUHFHLYHGWKDWWKH\KDYHEHHQR̆HUHGIXOOWRXUVRI8($ sang each and the academy has been invited back in January to deliver line, Our Junior Ambassadors are really another lecture. starting to develop as a group These roles are developing fast and across the academy. the teams have so many ideas about They look extremely smart with their silver trimmed blazers; what they want to do. It hasas been /DXUHQ6D̆HU+HDG$PEDVVDGRUPHHWVZLWKWKHPUHJXODUO\ a very strong start! and they are highly visible around the academy to support Year VWXGHQWV7KH\KDYHEHHQEXV\PHHWLQJ9,3JXHVWVDQGJLYLQJ 0V/H)XU±9LFH3ULQFLSDOIRU6WXGHQW(QJDJHPHQW tours around our new building.

 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 19 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

Jaden Hurr who took part in the trip to the Castle said, ‘We got to see loads of artefacts and weapons that would have been used in the war and we heard about a soldier from Norfr olk that had died during the war. It was very inttere esting.’ Tommy King also in Year 8 added to this by saying, ‘We got to commmem morate World War One sooldiers in a fun way’y . Yeeara 9 studentts took part in drir lls with a Tommmy,y a debbate about whether Germany shhouould be blamed for the outbreak of the war and a poppy workshhop. During 2014 the 100th anniversary of the The popppies sstudents made,e were added to outbreak of World War One was marked RWR KHUVU WKKDWVWWD̆DQGG VWWXGHQWQ VKDGPDGHLQWKH and the Humanities team felt this week leading up to Remmembrrance Sunday. They weere then disi pllaya ed in tthe atrium to make could not pass by without our students ouo r very own insn taallation inspired by thhe TTower of London. considering the impact the war had on a range of people's lives. With the help of all RIWKHVWD̆DQGVRPHH[WHUQDOYLVLWRUVRQWKH 7th November the academy became a hub of DFWLYLW\ORRNLQJDWZKDWLWZDVUHDOO\OLNHWR be alive during the First World War

Duurinngg thee moro nniingg of the 7t7 h,h Year 7 sttuddents sppeennt ttiimee wiith a rere-enan ctc mementn teaam where e ththey exxpperrieencn eded thhee enrollment procec sss . VViisisitotorsr attt eennded d the acacaddeemy dreessed inin Woorrldd Wara One attiri e anand broouughght wiw th thhem a wew alth of artteefaf ctcts ththaatt were ussed duurining thhe wwarr. Thehey sspokke to stuudedennts abboout whho ccoouulld enrol aannd hhow this waas done,, soommee stuuddeentn s even hada the chancce tot get ini vov lvedd andd takake papart in a variiete y of tesstts thah t WoW rlld WWar Onne sos ldl ieerss woulld have gone throouugh.h Steelll a Fllynn, who wwas innvolveded in tthhe YYearr 7 events saaidd, ‘‘It reallyy madde mme thih nknk abbout whatt it wow ululd hah ve beee n lil kke durini g Worlr d WWar OOne’ Alsos durrinng thhe daday,y forrttyy Yeaar 8 ssttudu ene ts visiteded Noorrwiw ch Castlle too take paartt in WWoorlld WaWar OnO e focuseed woworkr shhopps, whiilslst ototheerss sttaayey d inin thhe aacaddemmy aannd commpplleetted actiivitieess likike ttrreenncchh buiillddiningg, pere foormr ing arrtst wworrkshoops aand liiststenenining to a taalklk abboouut Worrldd Wara One weapoonrry annd mem dicinene.

20 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 21 22 Spring Term 2015 conducting experiments. conducting experiments. resources andanindustrialsetupfor them tosomehighqualitylaboratory under timepressure.Italsointroduced VRPHLQWHUHVWLQJO\GL̆HUHQWH[SHULPHQWV chemistry problemsandunder-taking working reallycloselysolvingunusual The competitioninvlovedthestudents were selectedtorepresentouracademy. Musset, FreddieNeilandChelseaHalewho enthusiastic teamofscientists:Maddison 5RDG1RUZLFKDQGLQYROYHGRXUYHU\ place at‘BriarChemicals’onSweetBriar ‘Top oftheBench’.Thecompetitiontook Norfolk (includingprivateschools)called competition againstotherschoolsin WDNHSDUWLQD5R\DO6RFLHW\RI&KHPLVWU\ Victory Academytookateamofstudentsto 2QWKHWK1RYHPEHU2UPLVWRQ the Bench Top of Victory TermDates2014-2015 Spring termbeginsforallstudents (Closed tostudents) 7HDFKPHHW $FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ )ULGD\WK0DUFK Monday 23rdFebruary Friday 13thFebruary 7XHVGD\WK-DQXDU\ 0RQGD\WK-DQXDU\ for halftermbreak $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSP 5HWXUQWR$FDGHP\ for Easterbreak $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSP

Summer Term 2015 considering wewereonememberdown. of theelevenschoolsrepresented,notbad managed toachieveacreditablesixthout chemistry quizinwhichourteamofthree During thedaytherewasalsoaninteractive investigating testingthehardnessofwater. Finally, therewasanexperiment colder andhotterwhenmixingchemicals. looking atreactionswhichbecameboth garden. Therewasalsoanexperiment experiment lookingatmakingacrystal This year’scompetitioninvolvedan (Closed tostudents) :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ (Academy closed) May DayBankHoliday (Closed tostudents) :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ 5HWXUQWR$FDGHP\ Friday 24thJuly Thursday 23rdJuly Monday 1stJune Friday 22ndMay Monday 13thApril Monday 4thMay for halftermbreak $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSP Summer termbeginsforallstudents #9LFWRU\$FDG .HHSXSWRGDWHZLWKDOOXSDQGFRPLQJHYHQWVDWWKHDFDGHP\E\ Stay in-touch… RUYLVLWLQJ


Follow us 0U9DQ5DDOWH±'HSXW\'LUHFWRURI6FLHQFH :HOOGRQH FRQJUDWXODWLRQV ambassadors. well andallofthemmadeoutstanding They representedouracademyextremely had learntagreatdealfromtheexperience. students allenjoyedthedayimmenselyand attempt thechallengingexperiments.The enthusiasm andtheirwillingnessto were impressedwiththeirteamwork, commented tomeashowthey superbly andindustrialchemists Our studentsconductedthemselves Dates for2015 Victory Diary @ VictoryAcad 2015

|  \ J \\I XN IROORZLQJXV December 2014

Victory Flag: been askedtobeinvolvedintheorganisationofthisevent. students inthesummertermandJulieisdelightedtohave We arehopingtoholdawell-beingdayforparentsofSEND families whomayneedsomeextrahelpforavarietyofreasons. be workingwithalltheschoolstosupportstudentsandtheir with theOrmiston“Engage”programmetoourCluster.Juliewill RI2UPLVWRQ)DPLOLHVZHOFRPH-XOLH:HEEHUD6HQLRU3UDFWLWLRQHU We areextremelyfortunatetohavebeenableto,withthesupport with ourclusterprimaryschools. opportunities forworkingtogether the brimwithexcitingactivitiesand This termhas,asalways,beenfullto to Strength goes fromStrength Costessey Cluster Evenings. VLEOLQJVGXULQJRXU3DUHQWV¶DQG2SHQ outside academyhoursandforyounger It willalsobeenjoyedbythecommunity WRKHOS

@ VictoryAcad

for studentstoenjoyandsocialiseon, The teamwantsplaygroundequipment helping launchtheprojectwithus. Operational SupportAssistant,hasbeen FRPSDQLHVDQG0U5RELQVRQRXU REWDLQHGWKUHHGL̆HUHQWELGVIURP Now thehardworkstarts;wehave fund toputtowardsthisproject. IURPWKH2UPLVWRQ0DNHD'L̆HUHQFH Last yeartheyweresuccessfulinsecuring






MRHITIRHIRXP]· ¶XLI&YHH]  be joiningusforthis. of ourPrimarySchoolstudentswill Ghost andarethrilledthatover200 Primary Schoolperformanceof As usualweareholdingaspecial of our local schools will be meeting Father Christmas. of ourlocalschoolswillbemeetingFatherChristmas. 'U$OOHQ±$VVLVWDQW3ULQFLSDOIRU([WHQGHG/HDUQLQJ Some ofouryoungerfriendsfromtheinfantandnurseryclasses the shedwasfor,butwecannowrevealitstruepurpose! shrouded bymysteryandagreatdealofspeculationaboutwhat for thelasttwoweeksofterm.Thearrivalgrottowas has takenupresidenceinhisgrottoatOrmistonVictoryAcademy 3HUKDSVWKHPRVWH[FLWLQJQHZVUHFHQWO\LVWKDW)DWKHU&KULVWPD We verymuchlookforwardtohearingwhattheycando! and learningtogether,alongwithstudentsfromouracademy. YDULRXV3ULPDU\6FKRROVDQGVSHQGDQKRXUDQGDKDOIVLQJLQJ earlier starttimeof3.30pm.Studentswillbecollectedfromthe The ClusterChoirisbeingre-launchedinJanuary,withanew support oftheTitan programmeatVictoryAcademy. Our thanksgotoNorfolkCounty Councilfortheircontinued in July.Thisislikelytobegin thesummerterm.

V 23 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

Thursday 18th September 2014 was an incredibly special day for all at Ormiston Victory Academy ±LWZDVWKHGD\WKH¿HOG poignantly the site where the old building once © stood, was converted into our very own country style IHWHWRPDUNWKHṘFLDO © opening of our beautiful new building. We were extremely lucky to be able to welcome some incredible guests to help us celebrate the occasion, all of whom have supported the academy and helped to make it such an amazing place. Guests included people from our Ormiston Academies Trust family; WKH&KDLUPDQ3HWHU0XUUD\DQGKLVZLIHZHUHMRLQHGE\7RE\6DOW CEO, along with our Ormiston Families friends, including CEO, Mark Heasman, Chris Lee and fundraiser Ginny Seppings, our Chair RI*RYHUQRUV7ULVK3KLOOLSVDVZHOODVVRPHYHU\VSHFLDOIULHQGVRI WKHDFDGHP\0DWWIURP&DPRXÀDJHG/HDUQLQJDQG0HODQG3KLO from Fusional, who have helped to make the inside of our academy a truly beautiful space, to name but a few. 2XU9,3VZHUHWUHDWHGWRDQDPD]LQJSHUIRUPDQFHE\RXUSKHQRPHQDO Façade Singers who stunned guests by breaking into song with a special ÀDVKPREZKLOVWVHUYLQJGULQNVDQGFDQDSpVLQWKHPDUTXHH7KHFHOHEUDWLRQVFRQWLQXHG with a selection of speeches to mark the occasion followed by the cutting of the gold ribbon by Mr Murray, accompanied by an explosion thanks to a pair of ribbon cannons.


More Victory Fest' photos over the page

24 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad  December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

On the 15th November 2014, we held our YHU\¿UVW&UDIW)DLU Christmas Fair at Ormiston Victory in. Miss Fairy and Miss Budd ran an This event promoted engagement with the interactive art table where children could local community and provided an example Academy. make their own Christmas decorations. Mr for our young people on how to turn their 2YHUFUDIWHUVVHWXSVWDOOVLQWKHPDLQ 5RVHPDGHKLPVHOIDYDLODEOHIRU,7TXHULHV creative interests into an entrepreneurial The fun continued when our students DWULXP&UDIWVLQFOXGHGÀRUDO&KULVWPDV WKURXJKRXWWKHGD\DQG0U5RELQVRQ endeavour. joined the party, enjoying all that the fete helped with setting out the stalls and wreaths, glassware, pyrography, shabby The money raised will pay for our parent KDGWRR̆HULQFOXGLQJD1HUIDUHQD6XPR chic crafts, textiles, African gifts, mosaics, clearing away at the end of the day. Myself suits, classic stalls such as hoopla and and child classes, again, an opportunity Christmas decorations, original artwork, and Miss Curson organised the day and coconut shies, bouncy castles, a fantastic to involve the community in academy life. clothing, bags, jewellery, photographs, were there to help stallholders set up and falconry display and not forgetting the all Due to the success of the fair, we wooden plaques, jams and chutneys, a WRRYHUVHHWKHIDLU,WZDVDUHDOWHDPH̆RUW important doughnuts, hotdogs and burgers DUHKRSLQJWRUHSHDWWKLVHYHQWLQ candy cart and homemade cakes. and was nice to work alongside students, – no fete would be complete without them. outside a classroomm environment.environment. Mrs Gallagher – Cover Supervisor 6HYHUDORIRXU3HUIRUPLQJ$UWVVWXGHQWV We were extremely proud to welcome JDYHXSWKHLU6DWXUGD\WRUXQWKHUD̈H some fantastic acts who provided the table and welcomed visitors as they came entertainment on the purpose built stage. .LFNLQJR̆WKHHQWHUWDLQPHQWZHUHORFDO band The Anyone’s, featuring our very own $O¿H:RROWRUWRQDQGWZRH[VWXGHQWVIURP our sister academy Ormiston Venture. Continuing the festival was local singer Dale Bullimore, followed by Bill Downs, a very special friend of the academy.

The celebrations wouldn’t have been complete without our extended family and continued well into the afternoon when we opened up our gates to Victory’s friends, families and local community, all of whom thoroughly enjoyed playing, dancing, laughing and celebrating with us. The sun shone beautifully and we could not have dreamt of a more perfect day.

Some students are more patient though, We will have to see if the students approve and have been saving up for a bigger of the idea! Rewards reward, such as a cinema screening with $QG¿QDOO\VWD̆KDYHQRPLQDWHGVWXGHQWV popcorn or half an hour in the Innovation LQ

 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad  December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

$OWKRXJKWKHUHSRUWHGKHDGOLQH¿JXUHRI Results Day 2014 $ ±&VLQFOXGLQJ(QJOLVKDQG &RPPXQLW\+XE Basketball mathematics (soon to be replaced by a more This Autumn saw the launch of Thursday 14th August was a day for valid measure)was down on previous years, Basketball club has celebration at the academy as students this had been expected. The main focus, 2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\$FDGHP\¶V¿UVW been running every returned the best set of A-level results ever ensuring as many students as possible left ever Community Hub Room. achieved. The average point score per with English and mathematics at a grade Thursday since the student had increased for the third year in &RUDERYHZDVDFKLHYHG:LWK¿IW\VHYHQ We are incredibly fortunate to have been able to develop beginning of term with DURZWREHLQJVLJQL¿FDQWO\DERYHQDWLRQDO percent of students achieving Cs or higher a special area dedicated to family and community events a committed number ¿JXUHVERWKIRUDFDGHPLFDQGYRFDWLRQDO LQERWKVXEMHFWVRQFHDJDLQWKLV¿JXUHZDV which has been fully equipped with some superb toys subjects. Average point score per entry above national comparisons, with progress and games to ensure that our younger visitors enjoy the of students turning ZDVDZKROHJUDGHDERYHQDWLRQDO¿JXUHV in English especially strong. Clearly all of time they spend in it and can socialise with, and enjoy the up every week for vocational subjects and increased to the hard work that students had put into company of, other children while their hardworking parents DERYHQDWLRQDO¿JXUHVIRU$OHYHOVWDNHQ WKHLUFRQWUROOHGDVVHVVPHQWVKDGSDLGR̆ DQGFDUHUVFKDWGULQNFR̆HHDQGHQMR\WKHSOHWKRUDRI wanting to ‘shoot FKRFRODWHELVFXLWVRQR̆HU in 2014. Even more impressively, nearly A big focus for the government is schools some hoops’. sixty percent of students left the academy closing the gap between the achievement Our weekly “Family ,QDGGLWLRQZHPXVWR̆HULQGLYLGXDO The progress that they have made since September with at least one grade A*/A, and just under of ‘vulnerable’ and ‘non-vulnerable’ &R̆HHDQG&KDW´ half left with at least two. In fact, over forty congratulations to Lauren Streathern who has been incredible. They were initially unaware of any VWXGHQWV$YXOQHUDEOHVWXGHQWLVGH¿QHG meeting is from 10- gained an impressive three A*s in biology, of the rules or tactics needed to play the game and their percent of all entries resulted in the as someone who has received free school 11am on Mondays chemistry and mathematics; Tayma basic ball skills requiring some work, as basketball hasn’t A* or A grade. meals at any time in the last six years. We (during term time) Bartram who gained A in mathematics, EHHQWUDGLWLRQDOO\WDXJKWDVSDUWRIWKH3(FXUULFXOXP were delighted to be able to report that and we would love to Students’ academic achievement in A in chemistry and B in biology; Adam for students at the academy, this is not welcome more families biology, chemistry and health & social Ewles who gained A* in history, A in The boys have listened and worked hard and this has resulted a barrier to academic success. The gap DQGWKHLUR̆VSULQJ care was outstanding. Good results English literature and C in biology in a huge improvement to all areas of their game, so much so between vulnerable and non-vulnerable to this fantastic were also obtained in English literature, DQG5HEHFFD0XVVHWWZKRJDLQHG$  WKDWZHDUHFRQVLGHULQJRUJDQLVLQJVRPH¿[WXUHVIRUWKHPVRWKDW students achieving the EBacc was less community facility. geography, history, ICT and mathematics. in psychology, double Distinction in they can measure their progress against some other schools than 30% of the national gap and for the Vocationally, students achieved well performing arts and A in biology, as well as in the new year. across the board; applied science, business AS-levels in English language and literature. SHUFHQWDJHRIVWXGHQWVJDLQLQJ*&6(VLW was a quarter that of the national gap. studies, beauty, child care, travel & tourism (OOLH3DXOLQJDOVRJDLQHGWKUHH$JUDGHVDQG and performing arts were all included Jessica Matthews leaves us with triple A Outstanding progress was made by many under this measure. Squash JUDGHVLQFKLOGFDUHDQGD3DVVLQEHDXW\ VWXGHQWV%XWLQWHUPVRI¿QDORXWFRPHV More importantly were the successes of congratulations must go to the following: Victory is continuing to build upon individual students. All students achieved Monica Bondalicci who attained eight the strong link that it has established the grades they needed to take the next A*/A grades, including A*s in history step of their choice; with seventy percent and French and As in English language, with Barnham Broom Hotel and their of students moving on to university and English literature, mathematics and further squash professional Craig Aldred. the remaining thirty percent gaining PDWKHPDWLFV5DFKHO+RQGRUDZLWKVL[$  places on apprenticeships or moving into As including As in both English language $QHZJURXSRIVWXGHQWVKDYHEHHQEHQH¿WWLQJIURPVSHFLDOLVWFRDFKLQJ full time employment. and English literature and Samuel Henden and this has seen the standard of their squash skills and ability to play with seven A*/As including four A*s in the game improve dramatically over a relatively short number mathematics and science. of weeks. The boys continue to make great progress and a match against Gresham’s High School is on the cards for the new year. 2QFHDJDLQZHR̆HURXUVLQFHUH FRQJUDWXODWLRQVWRDOOWKRVHVWXGHQWV I would like to give a special mention to Tyree OHDYLQJWKHDFDGHP\LQ (GZDUGV.QLJKWDQG5\DQ&RRSHU ERWK LQ

1. Tell us when you joined Victory and what you did before you had the pleasure of joining us! 4. Where would you love to travel to most? ,MRLQHG9LFWRU\LQ6HSWHPEHU%HIRUHWKDW,ZDVZRUNLQJDWDKLJKVFKRROLQ*UHDW


 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 29 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter

We have added a Badminton new extra-curricular The excellent attendance and commitment of our students to activity at Ormiston EHIRUHDQGDIWHUVFKRROEDGPLQWRQFOXELVSD\LQJR̆ZLWKVRPH really good performance in the academy's badminton leagues. Victory Academy - :HKDYH¿YHWHDPVLQWKHEDGPLQWRQOHDJXHVDQGWKH\KDYH Gymnastics Club. all made a positive start to the season with three very good This club was set up due to many students ZLQV7KHUHDUHRYHUEDGPLQWRQ¿[WXUHVVWLOOWREHSOD\HG over the coming weeks and I’m sure students’ dedication and requesting to do gymnastics after school, as GHWHUPLQDWLRQZLOOSD\R̆DQGZLOODGGPRUHZLQVWRWKHWKUHH ZHOODVLQWKHLUQRUPDO3(OHVVRQV7KHFOXE has been as huge success! We have had at we already have. 0U7LPP±+HDGRI.H\VWDJHDQG7HDFKHURI3( OHDVWVWXGHQWVHDFK0RQGD\DIWHUQRRQ all getting to make new gymnastic routines ZLWKWKHLUIULHQGVDQGOHDUQLQJQHZÀRRUDQG Gymnastics Academy but didn’t perform to their vaulting skills. best against CNS. The team still has Football: games to play against Sprowston and Due to being so popular and well attended, Gymnastics Club will continue on a Monday after Christmas, with the addition of trampolines. Skiing which are both games Students will be able to learn and develop both gymnastics and trampolining skills. If you are interested in coming to Gymnastics and 7UDPSROLQLQJFOXESOHDVHVSHDNWRDPHPEHURIWKH3('HSDUWPHQWMiss Shorten The ski trip is getting closer and our VWKDOIWHUP we want to win. VWXGHQWVDQGVWD̆DUHVWLOONHHQWRJHWLQ :HKDYHSOD\HGHLJKW 7KH8WHDPKDYHRQO\SOD\HGRQH some extra practice before hitting the IRRWEDOO¿[WXUHVLQWKH JDPHGXHWRKDYLQJRQHFDOOHGR̆ This September we slopes for real. because of the bad weather and another ¿UVWKDOIWHUPZLWKVRPH VFKRROUHDUUDQJLQJD¿[WXUH7KH8 had a new group of 13 We have been taking groups of students team are very keen to play and are to Norfolk Snowsports Club for six UHDOO\JRRGSHUIRUPDQFHV keen sailors from Years ORRNLQJWRHPXODWHODVW\HDU¶V8WHDP hours of lessons. We have students DQGVRPHWKLQJVWRZRUN and win the league, but with a number 7 to 9 who were lucky enough to receive ranging in ability and age with members RQLQIXWXUH¿[WXUHV RIJDPHVWRSOD\WKLVFRXOGEHDGL̇FXOW RIVWD̆JHWWLQJLQYROYHGWRRWKH LQVWUXFWLRQIURPWKHDPD]LQJVWD̆DWWKH1DQF\ All four teams have been a credit to the task. atmosphere is brilliant. academy when representing us on away 2OG¿HOG7UXVWRQ%DUWRQ%URDG 7KLVLVWKH¿UVWWLPHLQWKHDFDGHP\¶V Students have been learning the basics ¿[WXUHV KLVWRU\ZHKDYHHQWHUHGDQ8WHDP The students learned about basic water safety, sailing terminology and parts of the DQGEHFRPLQJPRUHFRQ¿GHQWDQGE\ The U12 team have played three into the schools leagues, they have boats and how to perform the basic skills of sailing independently. They were a fantastic the end of the six hour lessons, have games, with all the possible results played two games so far, wining one group, who worked really hard and have become quite competent sailors! progressed from the nursery slope onto DFKLHYHG7KLVLVWKH¿UVWWLPHVRPHRI and losing one. The loss (3-2) was due the full slope. There has been a few 6DLOLQJ&OXEZLOOEHJLQDJDLQDIWHU(DVWHUVRGRFRPHWRWKH6SRUW2̇FHDQGSXW\RXU the students have played together and to a last minute penalty to Thorpe St spectacular falls but no serious injuries, name down if you are interested. Mrs Bunnin ngg – Curricuulul m Leeadderer of Spporo t they are making good progress and Andrews, who had reached the last 32 of which highlight our students’ natural developing as a team, which was shown the national competition, so considering ability on the slopes. LQWKHLUODVWJDPHDZLQRYHU2SHQ WKLVLVWKH¿UVWJDPHWKLVWHDPKDG With the ski trip taking place during Academy. The games will continue after played together, there were a lot of )HEUXDU\KDOIWHUPDOOSUHSDUDWLRQ February half term with games against positives to take from the game. The are in place and the students are Hewett and CNS. second game was a more comfortable getting excited. The U14 team have also played three win, we hope to continue in winning 0U7LPP±+HDGRI.H\6WDJHDQG7HDFKHURI3( games, winning two and losing one. ways with a number of games coming They have played really well in games up after the Christmas break. against Thorpe St Andrews and City 0U7LPP±+HDGRI.H\6WDJHDQG7HDFKHURI3(

:DWHUVNLLQJVWDUWHGDJDLQWKLV 6HSWHPEHUDW1RUZLFK:DWHUVNL&OXE :DWHUVNLLQJVHVVLRQVWDNHVSODFH DIWHUVFKRRORQD0RQGD\DQGZLWK DOOVWXGHQWVEHLQJJLYHQWKHFKDQFH WRWU\ZDWHUVNLLQJIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH Our students were amazing, they all did so well – some even got on to the long line behind the boat! Unfortunately, sessions ended earlier than planned due to the cold English weather, however it is an excellent opportunity to try out a new sport. Waterskiing Club will start again after Easter so if you would like to have a go WKHQSOHDVHVHHDPHPEHURIWKH3('HSDUWPHQWIRU more details! .HOO\6KRUWRQ Waterskiing

30 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 31 Sailing Football Waterskiing Gymnastics

December 2014 | Winter

Mrs Bunning - Curriculum Leader of Sport

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