Apprenticeships | Parent & Child Classes | Prom '14 | Beauty Event | Results Day | Plan Your Future December 2014 | Winter Ghost Production Victory Façade's latest success #VictoryFest 2014 Photographic celebration of our grand opening 100th Anniversary WWI We remember… “Achievement is outstanding because every student matters” (Ofsted 2013) December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter IN YOUR NEW ISSUE www.ormiston.org :HOFRPHIURPWKH3ULQFLSDO ................... 3 Ghost - The Musical (Facade) .........3 :H5HPHPEHU::,$QQLY ..........3 Ormiston Victory Apprenticeships ......... 3 &ODVVRI3URPSKRWRV ...........3 Top of the Bench ...................................3 European Day of Languages ................... 3 3DUHQW &KLOG&ODVVHV ...........................3 Costessey Cluster...................................3 Governance of Victory Academy ............ 3 7KH2$76PDOO6KLS5DFH ......................3 Victory Festival 2014 photos .......... 3 3ODQ<RXU)XWXUH ..................................... 3 %HDX7HD3DUW\ ......................................3 Christmas Fair ....................................... 3 Author Visits ............................................ 3 Working Lunch ..................................... 3 5HVXOWV'D\ ...................................3 Able, Gifted & Talented ......................3 Victory Fundraisers ................................3 Victory Sports news updates .........3 The Victory Flag is printed on 100% recycled paper | Design by www.fusional.co.uk Beauty, Welcome to the Performing Arts, Christmas edition Childcare, Business, of the Victory Flag. Academic A-levels. I hope that by now, We hope you will enjoy looking at the images from :HR̆HUFRXUVHVWRVXLWLQGLYLGXDO many of you will have the gallery and the poppy UHTXLUHPHQWV2XUSULRULW\LVSURYLGLQJ joined us in celebrating installation. the achievements of Our excellent enrichment DUDQJHRIOHDUQLQJSDFNDJHVWRHQDEOH activities continue, HYHU\VWXGHQWWRSXUVXHWKHLUFKRVHQFDUHHU our Performing Arts including water-skiing, family in the recent snow-skiing, swimming, • Are you interested in studying within sailing and our regular an µRXWVWDQGLQJ¶ institution? production of ‘Ghost’. sports experience days. Our trip to Germany runs We are delighted they rose to such a tough at the end of this term • Do you want a personalised approach challenge and reviews from members and in the New Year we of the public have been full of praise for to your studies? look forward to visits to \RXUFKLOGUHQ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRUHÀHFW Austria for skiing and two on the incredible skill-set they will have In October, we were delighted to be one of • Do you want to achieve top grades? %DWWOH¿HOGVWULSVIRUDUDQJHRIVWXGHQWV gained from their hard work: team- the few featured schools and academies in We also continue to run a range of parent • Do you want to enjoy the social aspect of work, resilience, striving for perfection, 7KH3DUOLDPHQWDU\5HYLHZ±LI\RXZRXOG presentation skills…and the list goes on. and child classes in the evenings – these like a copy, please call in at reception and sixth form as well as studying? include ceramics, astronomy and life- :HFDQQRWZDLWWR¿QGRXWZKDWWKH\ZLOO DVN1LFROHP\3$ZKRZLOOSURYLGH\RX EHWDNLQJRQQH[W\HDU3KRWRJUDSKVDQG drawing. If you would like to discuss the with one. • Do you want continued, personalised a story written by some of the stars are places available for the coming year, or VXSSRUWIURPVWD̆" included in this edition. suggest a new course, please contact Dr Thank you all, as ever, Allen on d.allen@ormistonvictoryacademy. for your support and • Do you want free membership to our gym, co.uk We organise these courses because we believe in the importance of family enthusiasm for all that subsidised beauty treatments learning. They are free to attend, so why we do – enjoy a great and fantastic new sports facilities? not enjoy some precious quality time with your child and sign up? Christmas break • Do you want the opportunity to take part with your family. LQ¿UVWFODVV3HUIRUPLQJ$UWVSURGXFWLRQV Thank you all for supporting our events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of We look forward performed in a brand new, purpose built, the start of World War 1 this November. to welcoming back 240 seat theatre? We were so moved to see the hand-crafted poppies made by the children with their all students on 6th messages of remembrance. It is important January at 8.40am. ,I\RXDQVZHUHG “YES” WRDQ\RI to our community that young people XQGHUVWDQGWKHVLJQL¿FDQFHRIWKLV\HDU With all good wishes WKHDERYHZK\QRWJLYHXVDFDOOWR so we dedicated a curriculum day to It is hard to believe that it is already H[SHULHQFH2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\¶V6L[WK understanding the causes and what life several months since our Grand Opening from a proud Principal, was like for a young recruit in 1914. at ‘VictoryFest’ – it was super to see )RUPR̆HU¿UVWKDQG" so many families and members of the Naomi Palmer community supporting the event – we /LPLWHGSODFHVVWLOODYDLODEOHIRU6HSWHPEHUVWDUW Follow us @VictoryAcad would love to do it again next year. 3ULQFLSDO2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\$FDGHP\ Follow us @VI_Form_Victory | ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk RUPLVWRQDFDGHPLHVWUXVWFRXN www.ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 3 December 2014 Victory Flag: Winter Ormiston Victory Students this year had the opportunity Baraza, British to try out more unusual languages for Shalom! Ciao! Apprenticeships the European Day of Languages on the Values & Our 26th September. ']LHĔGREU\ Ormiston Victory Academy is an +HEUHZ,WDOLDQ3ROLVKDQG/DWLQZHUHWKHODQJXDJHVRIWKHGD\DV Miss Sheldrake - enterprising school, focused on students took language master classes. Students practiced introducing themselves Curriculum Leader Academy and in the Hebrew classes, learnt how to read a completely new alphabet – from right to left! of MFL Salve! raising aspiration and creating Miss SheldrakeS held whole academy assemblies on the importance opportunity. Baraza is the name for the ooff lelearninga languages. Candidates with languages on their CV are We've teamed up Student Council here at Ormiston PPRUHOLNHO\WREHR̆HUHGDMREDQGODQJXDJHJUDGXDWHVHDUQPRUHRU oveoverr their lifetime thanks to their linguistic skills. This aside from with innovative social Victory Academy. The name enterprise Swarm the doorsd that travelling and meeting new people and cultures Apprenticeships to create comes from a Swahili word for a ccan open… four new jobs here on council of wise or learned people, Members of the MFL department the Costessey campus. and is attended every Monday wore traditional dress – Each apprentice works to 0V%XUQVLQWUDGLWLRQDO3ROLVK support student progress, morning by two representatives GUHVVDQG0UV3HWWLWDQG0LVV as well as gaining a Sheldrake in German Dirndl. EXVLQHVVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ from each form group, as well as But the fun wasn’t just in the Swarm will provide our Ambassador team, members department – mathematics training, support and and science taught their starter lots of encouragement from the Senior Leadership Team to set and achieve of the academy, and myself. DFWLYLWLHVLQGL̆HUHQWODQJXDJHV measurable goals. and every classroom had the This round-table council is an opportunity for our students date on the board in a Swarm was established to raise any concerns which they may have about any aspect GL̆HUHQWODQJXDJH in 2013 by social of the academy, be it the canteen, uniform, rules, rewards or AfterAf a successful day, the MFL department look forward to the entrepreneur and sanctions. Our form representatives ask for the opinions of *HU*HUPDQH[FKDQJHWKDWLVKDSSHQLQJRQWKHWKRI'HFHPEHUP EXVLQHVVDXWKRU5REHUW$VKWRQ2QHRIRXU*RYHUQRUV&KULV3HUU\ their peers and ideas for improving the academy, vote on new A grgroupo of our Year 11s are spending a week in Dinkelsbuhl, near joined Swarm as Director at the end of July. Chris will be responsible ideas and measures, and help to keep an eye out for issues for strengthening Swarm's links with schools and recruiting around the academy. MMunich,unic enjoying the Christmas markets and life in a German school. businesses as Swarm employers. 6RPH6RPHWKLQJIRURXUFXUUHQW<HDUVWXGHQWVWRORRNIRUZDUGWRW Our system of student government and feedback is a great Two of the four positions are to support Victory’s Intervention example of the British values which we take pride in. These 3URJUDPPHZKLFKVXSSRUWVVWXGHQWVLQPDQDJLQJUHYLVLRQ YDOXHVHQFRPSDVVWKHXQLYHUVDOYDOXHVRI3HDFH)UHHGRP RYHUVHHWKH¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH For example we have had talks about how and examination preparation – they will be trained to support THE GOVERNANCE OF 6RFLDO3URJUHVVDQG(TXDOLW\ZKLFKZHVHHGHEDWHGDQG academy to ensure that the money is well the progress of the students is monitored, students in and out of lessons and maintain contact with families. understood to be important the world over. According to ORMISTON VICTORY spent. We have three committees to enable how safeguarding works and about the Sixth 7KHDSSUHQWLFHVKLSLGHDRULJLQDOO\FDPHIURP5LNNL&ROHZKROHDGV 'DYLG&DPHURQVSHFL¿FDOO\%ULWLVKYDOXHVDUH³IUHHGRP us to do this. We have the Finance and Form. We then go on a walkabout and drop WKH9,3 9LFWRU\,QWHUYHQWLRQ3URJUDPPH SDFNDJHDW9LFWRU\ ACADEMY. tolerance, respect for the rule of law, belief in personal and *HQHUDO3XUSRVHV&RPPLWWHHZLWK¿YH into any lesson that we might be interested He said: “The concept of the apprenticeship scheme arose from social responsibility and respect for British institutions”. I often wonder how much people know governors, the Curriculum and Standards in, to observe the teaching and to talk to about their local school, or in this
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