1965 Annual Index
INDEX TO FRIENDS JOURNAL 1965-VOLUME 11 A Theology, 87; Gorer, Geoffrey, Death, Grief, and Mourning, 592; Gottwald, Norman K., All the Kingdoms of the Earth, 85; Adult Literary "York in Tanzania-Thomas D. Elkinton 60~ Hackett, Allen, For the Open Door, 35; Haselden, Kyle, and Adventure at Gnndstone Island-Robert E. Fatherley, JI. 61:.> Martin E. Marty, eds., What's Ahead for the Churches? 230; "Amongst Friendly Folk"-A. Margaret Worsdell 109 Hedgeman, Ann Arnold, The Trumpet Sounds: A Memoir of A You a Mystic?-Wilberta Hardy 524 Negro Leadership, 486; Herber, Lewis, Crisis in Our Cities, A:gnment: Thirteen Countries in Ferment:-Richard Dickinson 30 509; Holt, Len, An Act of Conscience, 510; Hodges, Graham R., Attached Americans, The-Dudley M. Pruitt 387 , Talks for Childl'en on Science and God, 35; Hughes, William Australia Yearly Meeting-William T. Cooper 85 R., Indomitable Friend: Cm'def Catchpool, 1883-1952, 112; B Hulme, William, Youth Considers Sex, 365; Iglehart, Charles Baltimore Ecumenicity-Emerson Lamb 587 W., International Christian University: An Adventure in Chris• Baltimore Yearly Meetings-Emerson Lamb, Bertha Buckman, tian Higher Education in Japan, 289; Jarman, W. Maxey, A and Margaret L. Matthews 458 Businessman Looks at the Bible, 390; Johnson, Philip A., Call "Bang, Bang, You'J'e Dead!"-Edith Lovejoy Pierce., 162 Me Neighbor, Call Me Friend, 534; Jones, Mary Hoxie, Beyond Basis of Our Fellowship, The-New York Yearly Meeting Min- This Stone, 340; Joy, Charles R., Albert Schweitzer, An Anthol• istry and Counsel , 478 ogy, 317; Kauper, Paul G., Religion and the Constitution, 85; Bogota's Cosmopolitan.
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