Presented pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Census Act () 1969






Presented pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969




Area (hectares) vi

Population vi

Dwellings vi

Private households vii

Rooms vii

Tenure vii

Household amenities viii

Cars and garaging viii

Non-private establishments ix

Usual address ix

Age ix

Birthplace ix

Religion x

Economic activity x

Presentation conventions xi

Administrative divisions xi PART II—TABLES

Table Areas for which statistics Page No. Subject of Table are stated

1. Area, Buildings for Habitation and County 1 Population, 1971

2. Population, 1821-1971 County 1

3. Population 1966 and 1971, and Intercensal Administrative Areas 1 Changes

4. Acreage, Population, Buildings for Administrative Areas, Habitation and Households District Electoral Divisions 2 and Towns

5. Ages by Single Years, Sex and Marital County 11 Condition

6. Population under 25 years by Individual Administrative Areas 13 Years and 25 years and over by Quinquennial Groups, Sex and Marital Condition

7. Population by Sex, Marital Condition, Area Administrative Areas 23 of Enumeration, Birthplace and whether visitor to Northern Ireland

8. Religions Administrative Areas 27

9. Private dwellings by Type, Households, Administrative Areas 28 Rooms and Population

10. Dwellings by Tenure and Rooms Administrative Areas 31

11. Private Households by Size, Rooms, Administrative Areas 35 Dwelling type and Population

12. Private Households by Size, Dwelling Type Administrative Areas 39 and Density of Population (persons per room)

13. Households by Dwelling Type, Number of Administrative Areas 43 Rooms and Household Amenities

14. Households by Number of Cars; Cars by Administrative Areas 54 Garaging Arrangements

15. One and Two-Person Households containing Administrative Areas 56 Persons of Pensionable Age by Sex/ Condition Combination

16. Persons Enumerated in each type of Non- Administrative Areas 57 private Establishment

17. Economically active persons by sex and Administrative Areas 58 Status 1971 CENSUS

Programme of Census Reports

1. A Preliminary Report on the 1971 Census was published in October, 1971, and contained a brief statistical commentary and provisional figures of the population, private dwellings and private households for all local authority areas (counties, county boroughs, municipal boroughs, urban and rural districts) and population figures for small towns and villages with 50 or more houses but having no defined boundaries.

2. County Reports

There will be reports for each of the Counties of Fermanagh, Tyrone, Londonderry (including Londonderry County Borough), Armagh Down, Antrim and the County Borough of Belfast. The tables give figures for counties, local authority areas, wards, district electoral divisions and towns and villages with 50 or more houses. The subjects covered are population and area (hectares); sex* age and marital condition; birthplace; religion; private dwellings, households, tenure and amenities; private motor cars and garaging; economically active persons and their sex and occupational status.

3. Summary Tables

Summary Tables will give summaries of the information contained in the County Reports for Northern Ireland. Additionally, this report will give statistics covering the same subjects included in the County Reports for the new local authority areas which will come into being in 1973.

4. Housing and Household Composition Tables

The Housing Tables will contain tabulations, not covered by the County Reports, on dwellings, households, tenure, household amenities, cars and garaging. Most tables will refer to Northern Ireland but some tables will include figures for local authority areas. The Household Composition Tables will provide information on the composition and social and economic characteristics of households.

5. Economic Activity Tables

The Economic Activity Tables will give statistics of the occupied population based on their personal occu­ pation and the employed population classified according to the branches of industry in which they are employed with reference to age, marital condition, employment status, socio-economic group, etc. Most tables will refer to Northern Ireland but some tables will cover local authority areas.

6. Workplace and Transport to Work Tables

These tables will contain details of the resident population and the population employed in each area, the main workplace movements from one area to another and the main means of transport to work used for such movements.

7. Migration Tables

These tables will give statistics of the numbers and characteristics of people who changed their usual residence in the year or in the five years before Census day with details of their age, sex, marital condition, area of previous residence; and of the number and characteristics of migrant households. 8. Religion Tables

The Religion Tables will give, by the main religious denominations, details of the people by sex, age, marital condition, occupation, industry and socio-economic group; and the numbers and characteristics of households.

9. Education Tables

These tables will give details of the age, sex, occupation and industry of those people who had obtained any academic or vocational qualification and details of the type level and subject of the qualification held. 10. Fertility Tables

The Fertility Tables will give statistics derived from information supplied for married women under 60 years of age at Census about the date of marriage and the number and spacing of children born alive to them in marriage v FART 1 Explanatory Notes and Definitions of Terms used in Hie Report

Area (hectares) The figures, which have been supplied by the Ordnance Survey, relate to the various administrative and other divisions as constituted at the date of 1971 Census. Foreshore is excluded. The extent of areas covered by the large rivers, lakes and tideways are also excluded from the body of Table 4, but the total is given in a footnote thereto. A hectare is equivalent to 2.471 acres.

Population The 1971 Census population comprises all living persons, irrespective of their usual address or nationality, who spent census night in the area of enumeration. Members of the Armed Forces (including those of Common­ wealth and foreign countries except personnel aboard foreign naval vessels) are included. Persons travelling on census night were enumerated with the population of the district in which they arrived the next day unless they had already been enumerated elsewhere. Persons on vessels at moorings or anchorages in Northern Ireland waters or on board ships on coastwise voyages to Northern Ireland ports were counted as part of the population of the district containing the mooring, anchorage or arrival port. (The enumerated population excludes persons who, although usually resident in the area, spent census night elsewhere. People on night work were regarded as present in their homes for census purposes). Population figures for the 1961 and 1966 Censuses are adjusted to relate to areas as constituted at the date of the 1971 Census. Figures for earlier censuses relate, generally, to areas as constituted at the respective census dates.

Dwellings Dwellings are classified on the basis of instructions issued to the Census enumerators and which are summarised as follows: Dwellings were normally private dwelling houses, bungalows, including prefabricated bungalows provided by a local authority, or flats with independent access to the street or to a common staircase or hall.

Where houses or other buildings had been adapted to provide residential accommodation in smaller units, these smaller units were regarded as dwellings if they were structurally separate, i.e., if such a unit had a seperate front door to the street, or if access to the main door was gained by means of a common staircase or landing. In order for such a unit to count ^s a dwelling it also had to be self-contained, allowing movement between its rooms internally without making use of the common staircase or landing, and the household arrangements, viz., kitchen, bathroom and water closet were not shared with the occupants of another unit of accommodation in the building. Bed-sitting rooms (sometimes called flatlets) were not counted as separate dwellings. An occupied dwelling is one in which at least one household was enumerated on census night. An occupier absent dwelling is one in which at least one household usually, or occasionally, lives but was absent on census night.

A vacant dwelling was one which was fit or ready for habitation but was awaiting occupancy—this type ol dwelling would invariably be unfurnished. Derelict or uninhabitable dwellings were ignored by the census enumerators.

Separate dwellings within non-private establishments In these premises if a group of people were regarded as forming a private household their accommodation was regarded as constituting a dwelling even if it was not structurally separate and had access to the street only through the hotel, hospital, etc. Houses attached to hotels, hospitals, etc., were only regarded as dwellings if they were occupied by private households; if occupied by hotel guests or hospital patients they were counted as part of the non-private establishment. Married quarters in defence establishments were without exception counted as dwellings.

Non-permanent dwellings Caravans or mobile structures and such non-permanent structures as huts, shacks, tents, etc., were treated as dwellings if they were some person's usual residence on census night. If such structures were vacant they were ignored by the enumerators. Shared dwellings A shared dwelling is a dwelling occupied by more than one private household. Whether or not a house­ hold shared a dwelling was ascertained by the enumerator. Households in shared dwellings are shown separately in some tabulations. vi Private Households The private household is the basic unit of enumeration in the census. A private household was defined as: — (a) any person living alone and providing his or her own meals; or (b) any group of persons, whether related or not, who live together, partaking of meals prepared together and benefiting from a common housekeeping.

A boarder having at least one meal a day with the household (breakfast is a meal for this purpose) counts as a member of the household. A lodger taking no meals with the main household counts as a separate one- person household, even if he shares kitchen and bathroom.

A person or group of people living in a non-private establishment were treated as a separate household if they were either: — (a) a family which does not normally depend on the establishment for the provision of meals; or (b) a person or group for whom the establishment does not provide any daily meals.

A private household had to have the exclusive use of at least one room. If two people shared one room, although each may have had separate catering arrangements, and did not have exclusive use of at least one other room they were treated as one household. Rooms The following question and notes were included on the Census H form for private households: —

How many rooms are there in your household's accommodation? Do not count Bathrooms and toilets, small kitchens less than 6 feet by 6 feet, sculleries not used for cooking, c'osets, pantries and storerooms, landings, halls, lobbies or recesses, offices or shops used solely for business purposes. Note A large room divided by a sliding or fixed partition should be counted as two rooms. A room divided by curtains or portable screens should be counted as one room.

In unshared dwellings, the head of the household completed the answer to this question. In shared dwell­ ings, the enumerator was instructed to enquire of each household in the dwelling if any room was shared by another household. If any room was shared by two or more households he was further instructed to check the answer to the question and, if necessary, alter it to show the extent of the sharing.

In the tables classifying households by rooms occupied, any room shared by two or more households is allocated to one (usually the main) household to avoid the use of fractions and to ensure that the total number of rooms in the dwelling is not altered.

The enumerator provided an estimate of the number of rooms in vacant accommodation and in accom­ modation from which the occupier was absent on census night.

The 1971 Census definition of 'room' included all kitchens, provided they were at least 6 feet wide, whereas at the 1961 and 1966 censuses kitchens were only counted if regularly used for meals.

Tenure Heads of households were required to indicate under the following headings how they occupied their accommodation: —

(1) As an owner occupier (including purchase by mortgage)

(2) — By renting it from a local or public authority (3) As an unfurnished letting from a private landlord or company (4) As a furnished letting (5) In some other way (Please give details, including whether furnished or unfurnished): If more than one box was ticked the census staff decided the most appropriate answer, and in the absence of any further information assigned to the lowest numbered category. If answer five applied and it was indicated that the accommodation was rented with a farm, shop or other business premises, or occupied by virtue of employment, the tenure was classified as renting unfurnished from a private landlord unless furnished was specified, when the tenure was treated as rented furnished.

A shared dwelling was classified according to the tenure stated by the main household, the latter being identified on the basis of a graded list of tenures, 'owner occupied' taking precedence over 'rented' and 'rented unfurnished' taking precedence over 'rented furnished'.

Household Amenities

The amenities on which information was collected in respect of each private household are listed below. The householder was required to indicate whether individual amenities were used only by the household, shared with another household or were not available: —

(a) A cooker or cooking stove with an oven (b) A kitchen sink permanently connected to a water supply and a waste pipe (c) A fixed bath or shower permanently connected to a water supply and a waste pipe (d) A hot water supply (to a washbasin, a kitchen sink, or bath, or shower) from a heating appliance or boiler which is connected to a piped water supply (e) A flush toilet (W.C.) with entrance inside the building (f) A flush toilet (W.C.) with entrance outside the building

If part (e) (flush toilet with entrance inside the building) or part (f) (flush toilet with entrance outside the building) was unanswered, with answer 'yes' to the other part, the unanswered part was assumed not to be available.

Cars and Garaging The head of each private household was asked the following question: —

(a) How many cars and vans are normally available for use by you or members of your household (other than visitors)?

If none, write 'None'

Note Include any provided by employers if normally available for use by you or members of your house­ hold, but exclude vans used solely for the carriage of goods.

(b) Show where each car or van is normally kept overnight. If there are more than two vehicles, give answers for only two of them:—

1st 2rd 1 I In a garage or carport within the grounds of your dwelling 2 In a garage or carport elsewhere 3 I Within the grounds of your dwelling but not in a garage or carport 4 On the road, street or verge 5 Elsewhere—please give details

The term car means a car or van taxed wholly or in part as a private vehicle and owned and/or used exclusively by a resident member(s) of the household.

As will be seen from (b) above, information on garaging was collected for up to two cars per household. In the tables dealing with garaging arrangements, the third and subsequent cars were regarded as 'Not stated'. If there was more than one answer given in respect of a car, the lowest numbered answer was selected. via Religion It was not obligatory to answer the question on religion. The question was worded as follows: — State the particular Religion, Religious Denomination or Body to which the person belongs. (The term Protestant should not be used alone and the title of any denomination should be given as precisely as possible). In this classification, religions which differ only or mainly in denominational terminology are generally grouped together, and the figures for the group as a whole are shown under the name by which the group is officially or commonly known. Thus the heading Presbyterian includes United Presbyterian, Trinitarian and Church of . Church of Ireland is regarded as embracing both Anglican and Episcopalian except for persons so described who had a usual address in England; such persons are classified as Church of England. Economic Activity

Table 17 sets out a partial classification of the population aged 15 and over by economic position and employment status. Visitors to Northern Ireland are excluded from this table.

The classification is as follows: —

Economic Position—

Economically inactive

Retired means wholly retired from employment and no longer seeking paid work. Married women engaged on unpaid home duties are not regarded as retired but classed as 'Others' economically in­ active.

Students are persons in full time attendance at an educational establishment irrespective of whether or not they have part-time or seasonal employment.

Other persons economically inactive—included those persons never in employment and not seeking it. Included are persons of independent means, housewives and others engaged on unpaid domestic duties, the permanent sick or disabled and persons who have spent more than six months in a chronic sick or psychiatric hospital and, but for this, would have been classified as out of employment. Economically active

In employment means having a job or being self-employed during the week ended 24th April 1971. Temporary, part-time or casual employment is included. Persons absent from their employment due to holidays, strikes, lock-outs, short time working or temporary stoppages are regarded as in employ­ ment. Persons off work sick are regarded as in employment if their jobs are waiting for them on return.

Out of employment means seeking work or prevented from seeking work by temporary sickness or having obtained an appointment which has not yet been taken up.

Employment status Self-employed

Self-employed without employees—includes persons not employed by any person or company and persons working in their own home for an employer (outworkers). All parochial clergy and members of a partnership without paid employee(s) are also included. Domestic servants do not count as em­ ployees for determining whether or not a self-employed person has employees. Self-employed with employees means having one or more employees who are not family workers. Employees Managers—includes all employees coded to occupation groups 173-180 (Administrators and Man­ agers), all employees not being self-employed coded to groups 002 (Farmers, farm managers, market gardeners), 115 (Deck, engineering officers and pilots, ship), 138 (Office Managers), 143 (Proprietors and managers, sales), 149 (Finance, insurance brokers, financial agents), 154 (Publicans, innkeepers), 156 (Proprietors and managers boarding houses and hotels), 159 (Restaurateurs) and 171 (Proprietors and managers, services, sport and recreations); persons occupied as managers, persons returned as managers and other persons of equivalent rank whose occupation code is preceded by 'M' in the occupation index and all persons returned as directors of companies, except professional workers with occupation groups, 181, 182, 184, 186, 195-198, 200-205, 209-214 and 217, who are excluded.

IX Non-private Establishments

Non-private establishments comprise hotels, boarding houses, old people's homes, hospitals and establish­ ments which exist for a functional purpose other than that of providing accommodation. They also include defence establishments and ships at moorings or anchorages or on coastwise voyages. A household originally enumerated as private was re-classified as a non-private establishment where the number of boarders or the number of inmates, patients, staff, etc., was five or more.

The difference between the population enumerated in an area and the population in private households is the number of people enumerated in non-private establishments. This figure can be deduced from the figures contained in Table 4.

Usual Address

The census enumeration forms (except the special forms used for enumeration of Service personnel stationed in naval, army or air force establishments, other than those living in married quarters) contained the following question: —

If the person usually lives here, write 'Here'. If not write the person's usual address.

The persons regarded as having their usual address in the area of enumeration include:

(i) Persons enumerated in their own homes, and those enumerated in, and having a settled residence in private lodgings, boarding houses and hotels.

(ii) Resident domestic staff enumerated at their place of work.

(iii) Resident staff and persons who were shown to be permanent inmates of homes for old people, homes for terminal care, homes for handicapped persons and homes for persons requiring special care.

(iv) Persons with no fixed address and persons for whom usual addresses were not stated and which could not be assumed for the census returns.

School children and students living away from home during term time were required to give their home addresses. Members of H.M. Forces not enumerated on the special Forces forms had to give the addresses oi their married quarters or other home addresses. Merchant seamen enumerated on vessels and usually living aboard ship were assigned to the countries in which their ships were registered.

For the purpose of these tables the answer to the usual address question was used to determine whether a person was resident in the household or a visitor.


Age is the completed years of age at census date and was calculated from the information given in reply to the question on date of birth.

Pensionable Age

Pensionable age is the minimum age at which a person may receive a National Insurance Retire­ ment Pension—60 for women and 65 for men.


The census question on birthplace was phrased as follows: — If born in Northern Ireland write the name of the County of birth. If born in 'Belfast', write 'Belfast'. If born elsewhere give the present name of the country.

Information on birthplace was coded to counties within Northern Ireland and elsewhere to countries.

If the birthplace of an individual was not stated on the census form, the county or country of birth was assumed only where this could be done with reasonable certainty from other entries on the form. x Large establishments. This includes managers in establishments employing 25 or more persons, includ­ ing civil servants, local government officials and ships' officers coded as managers, aircraft captains and flight managers.

Small establishments—includes all persons of managerial status not included in the 'Large establish­ ment' category and in particular it includes all farmers, trawler skippers and foresters.

Foremen and Supervisors This group includes all persons described on the census form as foreman, boss, chargehand, charge- man, gaffer, ganger, headman, overlooker, overman, overseer, supervisor or the equivalent.

Manual supervisors: persons as above supervising manual occupations.

Non-manual supervisors: others.

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees—includes persons undergoing training for a period fixed in advance, leading to recognition as a skilled worker or technician and/or to a recognised technical, commercial or professional qualification or management post. The status of apprentice is only applied to economically active persons in employment.

Family workers. Persons employed by and living in the same household as a relative. Family workers who are managers, foremen, or apprentices are coded as managers, etc., and not as family workers. Professional workers are never coded as family workers.

Other employees. This status is given to all employed persons not elsewhere classified.

Presentation Conventions

A dash (—) indicates that the entry is zero.

A blank indicates that a particular combination of line and column is impossible.

In the presentation of rates, a rate shown as 0 indicates that the actual rate is less than one half of a unit but is not zero Administrative Divisions

The administrative divisions for which statistics aie presented are those existing at the date of the census. They consist of four urban districts and six rural districts. For elections to the Parliament, part of the counity is combined with County Fermanagh to form one constituency and the remainder is combined with Magherafelt Rural District (in County London­ derry) to form another constituency.


1 TABLE 1 Area, Buildings for Habitation County and Population, 1971

Area (Hectares) Buildings for Habitation Population ! Water ; Private dwellings 1 Other | Total Land inhabited Persons j Males Females buildings Tidal Inland j °CGa^d t (SSf ; Vacant i | .... _. |.._

326,549-73 • 313,707-38 34,780 469 1,593 69 139,073 70,575 68,498 , J 288 54 12,553-81 1 1 , L

TABLE 2 Population, 1821 - 1971 County

Population lntercensal variation Females Date of Census per 1,000 Females males

1821 261,865 126,990 134,875 1,062 1831 304,468 149,410 155,058 42,603 + 22,420 20,183 16 3 1,038 1841, June 6-7 313,011 153,518 159,493 8,543 + 4,108 4,435 2-8 1,039 255,720 126,234 129,486 57,291 - 27,284 30,007 18 3 1.026 1851, March 30-31 1,039 238,500 116,961 121,539 17,220 - 9,273 7,947 6 7 1861, April 7-8 215,766 105,146 110,620 22,734 10,919 1,052 1871, April 2-3 - 11,815 9-5 ( 197,719 96,466 101,253 18,047 9,367 8-4 ! 1,050 1881. April 3-4 171,401 84,5% 86,805 26,318 - 8,680 14,448 13 3 1,026 1891. April 5-6 150,567 74,290 76,277 20,834 - 11,870 10,528 12-2 i 1,027 1901, March 31-April 1 142,665 71,738 70,927 7,902 - 10,306 5,350 5 3 989 1911 April 2-1 - 2,552 1926. April 18-19 ! 132,792 67,136 65,656 9,873 - 4,602 5,271 6-9 j 978 1937. February 28-March 1 127.586 65,678 61,908 5,206 - 1,458 V748 ' 3-9 j 943

1951, April 8-9 132,082 67,531 64,551 + 4,496 + 1,853 + 2,643 -i - 3-5 ! 956 1961, April 23-24 133,919 68,127 65,792 + 1,837 + 596 - 1,241 + .-4j 966 1966, October 9-10 136,040 68,914 67,126 + 2,121 + 787 + 1,334 + 16 ! 974 + 1971, April 25-26 139.073 70,575 68,498 - 3,033 + 1,661 - 1,372 971 1 "1

TABLE 3 Population, 1966 and 1971, and Administrative Areas Intercensal Changes

Intercensal variation

Population By excess of births By net migration Total over deaths

Persons Persons Per cent.

(Persons 136,040 139,073 3,033 2-2 7,991 5-9 4,958 3-6 (Males 68,914 70,575 1,661 2-4 3,881 5 6 2,220 3-2 20 4,110 2,738 (Females 67,126 68,498 1,372 6 1 4 1

Cookstown Persons 5,620 6,683 1,063 18 9 414 7-4 649 11-5 7,335 7,634 299 41 509 6 9 210 2 9 9,989 11,961 1,972 197 865 8-7 1,107 11 1 8,812 9,413 601 6 8 877 10 0 276 31 ! CasUederg R.D. 375 4-5 8,375 8,346 29 0 3 346 4 1 ' 9,862 9,497 365 3-7 247 - 612 6-2 14,410 14,418 0 1 2-5 ; 926 6-4 8 934 6 5 ! Dungannon 26,080 25,998 82 0-3 1,390 - 1,472 5 6 28,643 27,919 5-3 2,049 7-2 Omagh 724 2-5 16,914 17,204 1-7 1,325 4 6 794 4-7 Strabane 290 1,084 6 4 TABLE 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation Local Authority Areas; District Electoral Divisions and Towns and Private Households

Population Buildings for habitation Private housenoids 1971 1971 Area Local authority areas, etc. (Hectares) 1961 1966 1961 1966 Private dwellings Other Persons Males Females Total inhabited Number Population Rooms occupied occupy | °agr Vacant buildings

County Tyrone 315,475* 12* 133,919 136,040 139,073 70,575 68,498 33,664' 34,969 36,911 34,780 469 1,593 69 34,980 135,992 167,127

All Urban Districts 2,402-34 28,740 31,756 35,691 17382 18309 6,712 8,166 9,504 8,967 170 329 38 9,103 34,214 45315

All Rural Districts 313,072-78 105,179 104,284 103382 53,193 50,189 26,952 26,803 27,407 25,813 299 1,264 31 25,87? 101,778 121312

Cobkstown Urban District 572-12 5,153 5,620 6,683 3,188 3,495 1,342 1,573 1,949 1353 24 67 5 1,856 6,594 9,411

Dungannon Urban District 316-99 6,511 7,335 7,634 3,719 3,915 1,694 1,936 2,106 1,956 49 91 10 1,984 7,290 9,793

Central Ward 71-23 1,252 1,143 1,010 471 539 356 350 335 318 5 10 2 318 995 1,620 East 146-62 3,283 3,680 3,841 1,869 1,972 857 953 1,041 983 20 31 7 998 3,716 5,170 West 99 14 1,976 2,512 2,783 1,379 1,404 481 633 730 655 24 50 1 668 2,579 3,003

Omagh Urban District 765-69 9,293 9,989 11,961 5,960 6,001 1,898 2,635 3,167 2,984 59 110 14 3,023 11,142 15351

North Ward 237-40 2.908 2,769 3,483 1,876 1,607 489 783 903 843 12 41 7 849 2,901 4,321 South 202 19 1,697 1,802 2,027 950 1,077 466 537 605 564 21 16 4 572 1,859 3,254 West 326 10 4,688 5,418 6,451 3,134 3,317 943 1,315 1,659 1,577 26 53 3 1,602 6,382 7,776

Strabane Urban District 747-54 7,783 8,812 9,413 4,515 4,898 1,778 2,022 2,282 2,174 38 61 9 2,240 9,188 10,760

East Ward 125-50 2,096 2,418 2,808 1,337 1,471 473 557 670 640 6 21 3 650 2,729 2,844 North 256-54 1,184 1,192 1,320 620 700 295 308 358 340 9 7 2 379 1,267 1,928 South 325-27 3,706 4,532 4,837 2,356 2,481 799 960 1,101 1,054 18 25 4 1,064 4,744 5,295 West 40-23 797 670 448 202 246 211 197 153 140 5 8 147 448 693

Castlederg Rural District 37,163-81 8,750 1 8375 8,346 4,291 4,055 2,251 2,196 2,249 2,143 22 82 2 2,149 8316 9,509

Ardarver D.E.D. 1,945-83 470 412 387 211 176 116 109 106 98 8 - 98 387 450

Ballymongan 3,998 66 481 393 419 219 200 126 107 111 108 3 - 108 419 429

Castlebane 1,061 78 705 699 686 351 335 183 173 179 173 2 4 - 173 686 740

Spamount Town 295 278 276 125 151 65 62 65 63 1 / - 63 276 271

Castlederg D.E.D. 25-78 689 533 516 235 281 202 159 152 146 2 4 - 151 516 858

Castlederg Town, part of (a) 689 528 516 235 281 202 159 152 146 2 4 - 152 516 858

Castlegore D.E.D. 922-43 1,112 1,501 1,621 765 856 273 388 430 419 3 6 Y 419 1,591 1,929

Castlederg Town, part of (a) 678 1,014 1,250 589 661 166 266 320 314 3 / 2 314 1,220 1,408

Clare D.E.D. 2,172-26 534 1 487 431 222 209 132 122 124 115 1 8 . 115 431 485 Clunahill D.E.D. 2,702-91 393 348 369 203 166 110 107 103 96 1 6 - 96 369 341 « Corgary 6,211 79 457 399 356 189 167 116 99 99 88 2 9 " 88 356 298

Garvagh - 1,836 66 502 444 465 247 218 126 111 114 109 3 2 - 109 465 421

Killen 2,431 50 500 <27 527 273 254 129 128 132 125 7 125 527 552

Killeter 1,828-76 442 402 385 208 177 116 112 108 105 1 2 105 385 4%

Kirlish 2,205 60 532 499 485 245 240 ,42 139 139 133 2 4 .33 485 591

Lisnacloon 1,559 39 549 498 507 284 223 128 118 129 127 1 1 127 507 521

Listymore 1,927 84 560 488 502 265 237 144 129 134 127 4 3 - 128 502 616

Longfield 4,514-42 382 318 286 162 124 97 91 88 77 - 11 - 77 286 268

Magheracreggan 1,818 20 442 427 404 212 192 111 104 101 97 - 4 - 97 404 514

Clogher Rural District 36,15308 10,249 9,862 9,497 4,957 4,540 2,819 2,778 2,709 2,545 25 130 9 2,557 9,414 12,647

Aghitain D.E.D. 2,571-31 561 511 462 256 206 130 130 122 112 10 - 112 462 550

Augher 1,495 07 639 664 687 343 344 194 200 204 196 7 1 196 683 1,009

Augher Town 222 300 357 176 181 109 104 5 - 104 357 527

Aughnacloy Rural D.E.D. 2,505 66 469 467 523 268 255 140 139 146 139 2 5 139 523 731

Aughnacloy Town, part of (b) 17 38 85 46 39 8 11 25 24 / - 24 85 96

Aughnacloy Urban D.E.D. 63-58 788 770 663 328 335 239 251 234 210 3 19 2 213 653 1,121

Aughnacloy Town, part of (b) 788 770 663 328 335 239 251 234 210 3 19 2 213 653 1,121

Ballagh D.E.D. 4,154 03 498 407 334 191 143 137 131 116 105 - 11 - 105 334 512

Ballygawley 1,372-54 699 638 764 381 383 175 173 199 186 3 10 - 193 764 939

Ballygawley Town, part of (c) 246 243 408 196 212 72 * 115 103 2 10 • 110 408 541 Clogher D.E.D. 1,338 06 851 838 7% 415 381 228 232 220 214 ' 2 3 214 738 1,042

Clogher Town 197 314 415 205 210 56 79 119 117 / / 117 409 589

Cole D.E.D. 3,437-84 479 419 361 201 160 144 127 123 105 1 17 - 105 361 556

Cullamore 4,048 46 551 4% 449 253 1% 144 135 123 116 7 116 449 480

Errigal 2,527-45 606 610 568 284 284 155 153 139 132 2 5 132 568 628

Favour Royal 2,384-78 636 611 562 304 258 166 159 156 143 5 8 - 143 562 713

Fivemiletown 764-21 934 954 978 490 488 272 283 302 290 1 8 3 292 967 1,513

* Excluding 11,074 -54 hectares under the larger rivers, lakes and tideways. (b) Augnacloy town is in the D.E.D.'s of Aughnacloy Rural and Aughnacloy Urban. The entire town contains 748 persons. (a) Castlederg town is in the D.E.D.'s of Castlederg and Castlegore. The entire town contains 1,766 persons. (c) Ballygawley town is in the D.E.D.'s of Ballygawley and Tuflyvar. The entire town contains 578 persons. TABLK 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation Local Authority Areas; District Electoral Divisions and Towns and Private Households - continued 4*

Population Buildings for habitation Private households 1971 1971 Area Local authority areas, etc. (Hectares) Private dwellings 1961 1966 1961 1966 Other Persons Males Females Total inhabited Number Population Rooms occupied o«upied

Ciogher Rural District (continued)

Fivemiletown Town 777 727 808 397 411 212 203 245 235 I 7 2 235 803 1,204

Foremass D.E.I 2,63199 661 642 629 334 295 165 160 146 141 3 2 141 629 606

Killyfaddy 2,390 09 532 491 466 255 211 148 146 123 123 - 123 466 612

Newtownsaville 2,319-86 586 613 547 272 275 159 152 146 132 3 11 132 547 655

Tullyvar 2,148 15 759 731 708 382 326 223 207 210 201 1 8 201 708 982

Ballygawley Town, part of (a) 181 165 170 87 83 41 38 45 45 - 45 170 198

Cookstown Rural District 38,658-58 14,496 14,410 14,418 7,422 6,996 3,747 3,731 3333 3,611 46 174 2 3,620 14,292 16^91

BaUyclog DEC 2,583 11 774 733 751 369 382 195 202 199 188 2 9 189 751 1,006

Beaghmore 5,640 90 840 697 650 350 300 218 189 184 167 2 15 167 650 653

Coagh 1,622-76 1,013 1,035 1,027 509 518 274 280 300 269 4 27 I 269 1,027 1,332

Coagh Town 471 440 527 257 270 139 130 177 149 4 24 149 527 706

Grange D.E.E 1,452 61 mi 886 949 464 485 220 243 281 259 2 20 259 949 1,251

Killeenan 3,285-47 870 877 828 423 405 238 219 210 206 2 2 206 828 786

Killycolpy 2,219-73 905 915 927 459 468 214 219 226 213 1 12 214 927 1,006

Lissan Lower 1,541 49 732 699 709 389 320 208 200 192 182 5 5 183 709 927

Mullanahoe " j 1,270-71 800 778 910 490 420 176 186 220 213 1 6 213 910 944

Munterevlin 1,378 09 1,133 1,221 1,257 657 600 254 266 282 264 7 11 265 1,257 1,108

Oaklands 2,710-48 842 767 783 433 350 248 227 222 215 1 6 215 783 1,045

Oritor 4,243-81 7% 759 753 373 380 216 219 206 198 3 5 198 753 916

Pomeroy " j 1,539-79 1,075 1,045 1,108 554 554 288 286 305 285 6 14 286 1,108 1,292

Pomeroy Town 349 483 557 261 296 100 136 ISO 142 1 7 142 557 705

Slate Quarry D.E.D 2,922-30 1 1,018 i 1,031 i 908 484 424 271 256 241 231 2 8 . 231 908 872 Stewartstown D.E.p. 1,607 38 1,143 1,195 1,132 536 596 280 287 299 283 3 13 285 1,132 1,521

Stewarstown Town 621 636 720 326 394 142 152 181 172 / 776 720 945

The 2,456-23 852 795 756 416 340 227 220 232 212 2 18 213 756 999

Tullaghoge 2,183-72 901 977 970 516 484 | 240 232 234 226 3 3 227 844 1,233

I Tullaghoge Town 170 87 83 56 51 5 5/ 770 246

Dungannon Rural District 44,350-35 25,713 26,080 25,998 13,201 12,797 6,659 6,677 6,929 6,503 96 322 6,516 25,685 30,894

Aghnahoe 3,522-46 929 928 871 466 405 254 252 236 222 1 13 222 871 1,116

Altmore 3,628 21 1,220 1,235 1,173 597 576 307 288 284 271 1 11 271 1,171 1,070

Benburb 2,520-48 1,234 1,211 1,063 564 499 322 311 311 287 3 20 288 1,052 1,398

Benburb Town 254 249 287 156 131 60 62 86 76 2 7 76 276 352

Bernagh D.E.D. 1,428 01 1,912 1,867 1,943 991 952 | 512 514 585 550 7 28 550 1,943 2,638

Moygashel Town 1,146 1,120 1,086 564 522 j 305 308 315 308 J 4 308 1,086 1,431

Bush D.E.ri. 1,437-56 1,240 1,252 1,329 659 670 342 346 358 346 4 8 347 1,329 1,729

Coalisland Town, part of (b) 24 8 44 22 22 14 3 18 16 2 16 44 67

Caledon D.E.D. 2,842 55 799 769 723 359 364 263 251 258 229 4 24 230 722 1,170

Caledon Town 350 357 367 180 187 118 115 133 119 3 10 120 366 52*

CastlecauJfield D.E.p. 1,855 92 1,295 1,289 1,237 611 626 349 348 364 337 3 23 337 1,220 1,596

Castlecaulfield Town 274 200 628 304 324 67 54 181 176 i 4 /76 628 £20

Clonaneese D.ED. 3,436-52 1,350 1,057 956 503 453 316 292 282 258 4 20 258 956 1,247

Clonavaddy 2,927-45 961 890 894 495 399 258 248 , 247 232 2 13 232 894 991

Coalisland 263 29 2,445 2,845 2,946 1,453 1,493 602 704 715 691 14 9 692 2,938 3,114

Coalisland Town, part of (b) 1,464 2,285 2,758 1,347 1,411 372 581 666 654 7 4 655 2,750 2,905

Crossdernot D.E.D 2,768-16 1,017 1,027 976 504 472 282 266 261 252 2 1 252 976 1,223

Donaghmore 1,512-38 1,591 1,653 1,660 764 896 382 386 | 393 364 12 16 364 1,502 1,754

Donaghmore Town 462 489 248 241 110 130 72/ 3 6 121 489 591

Granville 2,278-76 1,247 1,229 1,338 702 636 322 332 405 373 4 28 376 1,338 1,797

Granville Town 200 107 93 j 71 59 12 5£ 200 275

(a) Ballygawley town is in the D.E.D.'s of Ballygawley and Tullyvar. The entire town contains 578 persons. (b) Coalisland town is in the D.E.D.'s of Bush, Coalisland and Meenagh. The entire town contains 3,614 persons. T A »» r^

TABLE 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation Local Authority Areas; District Electoral Divisions and Towns and Private Households - continued Os

Population Buildings for habitation Private households 1971 Area Local authority areas, etc. (Hectares) Private dwellings 1961 1961 1966 Other Rooms Persons I Males Females inhabited Number | Population occupied Occupier buildings Occupied absent Vacant

Dungannon Rural District (continued)

Killyman D.E.D. 2,048 43 1,355 1,297 ! 1,277 657 620 354 | 352 367 6 21 339 1,242 1,615

Laghey Town 180 212 299 153 146 »! 59 90 / 1 88 299 430 i Meenagh D.E.D. | 1,704-68 1,835 1,888 1,890 952 938 390 I 398 410 390 10 10 390 1,890 1,704

Coalisland Town, part of (a) 605 622 812 399 413 109 116 155 149 3 3 149 812 644 I Minterburn D.E.D. I 4,183-53 1,053 1,003 938 493 445 290 267 266 239 2 25 239 938 1,196

Mount joy " I 2,200-48 1,356 1,432 1,503 759 744 322 302 328 315 5 8 320 1,503 1,346

Moy " | 1,874-32 1,320 1,479 1,471 755 716 379 414 421 392 7 22 392 1,471 2,101

Moy Town 751 879 931 466 465 215 251 264 244 4 16 244 931 1,320

Newmills D.E.D. | 1,917 16 1,754 1,729 1,810 917 893 413 406 438 416 5 16 417 1,729 2,089

Omagh Rural District 1 102,03022 29,032 28,643 27,919 14,545 13,374 7,272 7,200 7,289 6,758 77 448 6,769 26381 31,883

Aghafad D.E.D. j 2,143-37 657 640 586 309 277 171 165 158 144 3 11 144 586 607

Bancran " 2,615 11 737 705 605 319 286 203 178 169 155 3 11 155 605 763

Beragh " | 1,493-55 702 671 651 325 326 191 182 185 174 1 10 175 651 906

Beragh Town 349 309 345 164 181 102 92 112 105 1 6 105 345 517

Camderry D.E.D. I 3,333 08 651 561 520 295 225 172 166 150 140 10 140 520 577

Carrickmore " | 2,474-82 829 848 888 477 411 216 218 221 208 5 7 209 884 947

Carrickmore Town 231 303 398 206 192 56 77 94 88 2 3 88 394 450

Castletown D.E.D. | 2,903 40 640 607 529 288 241 160 155 151 143 2 6 143 529 761

Corlea " 2,791 -67 616 568 471 244 227 144 145 129 117 12 117 471 557

Creggan " 4,895-85 868 838 770 418 352 213 203 208 186 20 186 770 689

Crockanboy " I 3,309-37 544 545 557 283 274 169 160 173 146 27 147 557 612 Dervaghroy D.E.D. 2,416-52 832 825 713 379 334 193 194 183 170 11 170 713 845

Dromore 1,412 69 I 929 1,001 1,042 520 522 243 262 284 271 10 271 1,042 1,241

Dromore Town, part of (b) 503 528 634 304 330 134 149 182 173 7 173 634 738

Drumharvey D.E.D. 1,749-46 ! 610 582 546 289 257 158 i 146 145 137 7 137 546 632

Irvinestown Town, part of (c) 71 74 HI 53 58 15 31 29 / 29 HI 154 "!

Drumquin D.E.D. 704 799 785 395 390 178 j 206 189 187 187 785 840 I Town 307 465 585 283 302 80 | 110 141 139 139 585 631 | Dunbreen 3,438-31 665 570 521 279 242 185 ! 161 158 137 19 137 521 710

Ecclesville 2,091 76 993 972 980 491 489 i 262 301 268 27 268 974 1,289 252 I

89 81 Town, part of (d) 212 183 302 151 151 51 45 6 81 302 402

1,867 67 178 223 205 Edenderry 663 645 745 376 369 173 15 206 745 1,087

5,254-64 167 146 132 Fallagh 579 581 538 285 253 165 14 132 538 535

161 154 140 Fallaghearn 2,790 45 584 578 503 277 226 166 13 140 503 665

233 244 229 Fintona 42-98 808 813 889 434 455 217 14 229 889 1,137

244 229 Fintona Town, part of (d) 778 765 888 434 454 209 220 14 229 888 1,145

116 118 104 Glenlark D.E.D. 6,608 16 466 443 428 238 190 145 13 104 428 423

3,089-54 177 183 165 669 656 605 294 311 203 18 165 605 859

Gortin Town 261 266 262 121 141 80 73 86 76 10 76 262 396

191 160 154 Greenan D.E.D. 2,845 10 732 673 654 352 302 192 4 154 654 668

176 166 152 1,975-81 729 680 625 323 302 182 11 155 625 788

118 123 107 Lifford 2,081-99 499 434 419 226 193 137 16 107 419 459

220 237 3,221 03 882 837 952 489 463 210 221 5 11 222 952 937

153 146 Loughmuck 2,656-73 649 645 528 281 247 184 137 9 137 528 723

196 Maine 3,225-12 729 774 759 408 351 181 191 176 2 13 176 759 833

Moorfield 2,021-55 637 641 606 345 261 162 147 140 133 3 4 133 606 560

2 Mountjoy Forest East 2,730-66 796 769 817 418 399 208 202 216 207 7 209 817 1,022

Mountjoy Forest West 2,129-27 851 892 923 458 465 240 237 223 3 10 1 223 892 1,145 ^ 228 (a) Coalisland town is in the D.E.D.'s of Bush, Coalisiand and Meenagh. The entire town contains 3,614 persons. (b) Dromore town is in the D.E.D.'s of Dromore and Rahony. The entire town contains 731 persons. (c) The remainder of Irvinestown town is in the D.E.D.'s of Irvinestown and Milltown in County Fermanagh. The entire town contains 1,457 persons. (d) Fintona town is in the D.E.D.'s of Ecclesville and Fintona. The entire town contains 1,190 persons. TABLE 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation Local Authority Areas; District Electoral Divisions and Towns and Private Households - continued

Population Buildings for habitation Private households ____ 1971 1971 Area Local authority areas, etc. (Hectares) r Private dwellings 1961 1966 1961 1966 Other Persons Males Females Total j inhabited Number Population Rooms < occupied <»« 5ssr Vacant buildings

Omagh Rural District (continued)

Moyle D.E.D. 2,659-37 645 605 541 280 261 156 154 151 145 6 145 541 641

Mullaghslin 2,037-20 793 758 817 408 409 186 186 203 189 2 12 189 817 732

Omagh Rural 1,693-97 2,448 2,715 2,806 1,447 1,359 303 415 484 456 10 16 2 456 1,813 2,233

Killyclogher Town 378 444 229 215 94 104 101 2 1 101 444 477

Rahony D.E.D. 2,890 36 690 675 682 365 317 176 170 184 170 2 12 170 682 860

Dromore Town, part of (a) 97 49 48 25 25 - 25 97 124

Seskinore D.E.D. 2,283-47 767 736 689 383 306 193 187 185 170 2 13 170 689 885

Sixmilecross 1,290-60 647 649 630 322 308 177 162 164 151 5 7 1 151 626 807

Sixmilecross Town 245 228 201 93 108 70 65 67 60 4 3 60 201 345

Sluggan D.E.D. 3,098-58 602 586 528 265 263 155 141 131 125 6 125 528 499

Tattymoyle 2,663-27 560 485 437 239 198 147 125 123 112 11 112 437 504

Trillick 1,939-06 630 641 634 321 313 178 182 176 172 4 173 634 905

Trillick Town 220 238 261 121 140 66 70 71 69 2 69 261 363

Strabane Rural District 54,716-74 16,939 16,914 17,204 8,777 8,427 4,204 4,221 4,398 4,253 33 108 4 4,266 17,190 19,988

Ardstraw D.E.D. 1,693-50 638 612 586 296 290 148 149 153 142 2 9 142 586 788

Ardstraw Town 233 120 113 50 50 - 50 233 229

Balix D.E.D. 2,730-35 409 347 349 191 158 110 94 90 90 - 90 349 313

Ballyfatten 515-65 695 725 922 449 473 181 214 248 246 1 1 250 916 1,209

Sion Mills Town, part of (b) 504 520 591 286 305 135 149 152 151 1 151 585 687

Ballymagorry D.E.D. 851-61 867 1,035 1,102 554 548 226 253 274 269 1 4 270 1,102 1,309

Artigarvan Town 185 258 255 127 128 50 61 59 58 / - 58 255 284 Town 253 348 464 242 222 55 78 110 110 110 464 551 Baroascourt D.E 3,143-86 637 571 487 243 244 157 150 1 128 121 121 487 596

Birnaghs 1,298 70 942 901 1,091 540 551 212 211 273 267 267 1,091 1,365 I Town, part of (c) 568 642 927 455 472 127 154 227 224 224 927 1.104

Bready D.E.D 1,863 91 845 863 451 412 i 191 219 210 202 202 863 1.013

Afagheramason Town i 289 158 131 64 64 289 299 i 67

Camus D.E.D. 1,604-58 604 607 648 341 307 142 139 155 148 148 648 651

Carnkenny | 1,535-72 557 586 577 306 271 134 151 155 148 148 577 761

Clady 754-73 995 1,105 1,408 716 692 224 231 301 296 297 1,408 1,289

Clady Town 338 393 415 210 205 76 79 82 82 82 415 351 Glebe Town 261 614 313 301 50 128 126 126 614 522

Cranagh D.E.D. 3,471-72 348 315 291 162 129 95 90 86 83 83 291 354

Cullion " 1,521-40 598 659 713 371 342 140 162 170 164 164 713 803

Doorat 4,092 66 397 375 351 184 167 103 100 94 93 93 351 295

Douglas 2,807 09 437 418 418 223 195 120 108 116 109 109 418 468

Dunnamanagh 1,294-47 772 827 859 420 439 184 190 201 200 200 858 952

Dunnamanagh Town 352 489 609 287 322 82 107 138 137 137 608 656

Edymore D.E.D. 1,679 10 551 566 543 284 259 141 138 135 128 128 543 627

Glenmornan 3,214-89 608 575 497 281 216 151 121 129 113 14 113 497 492

Glentimon 1,869 39 537 493 460 233 227 132 I 125 127 118 6 118 460 610

Killyclooney 1,720-61 725 692 620 324 296 164 161 157 153 3 156 620 639

Leckpatrick 1,724-85 639 618 694 333 361 174 159 169 167 2 167 694 851

Lislea 2,213-69 365 317 332 172 160 111 98 97 95 95 332 442

Loughash 2,164-18 540 491 463 245 218 124 130 116 115 1 115 463 448

Newtownstewart 25-27 ; 561 583 506 243 263 161 157 144 136 4 139 503 724

Newtownstewart Town, part of (c) 561 583 506 243 263 161 157 145 136 5 139 503 724 j 1 D.E.D. 2,092-37 | 439 467 444 227 217 118 115 115 106 9 106 444 519

Seein 284-84 697 674 657 308 349 177 181 184 181 1 181 657 849

Sion Mills Town, part of (b) 538 510 481 226 255 i 132 ; 133 134 131 131 477 601 L VO (a) Dromore town is in the D.E.D.'s of Dromore and Rahony. The entire town contains 731 persons. (b) Sion Mills town is in the D.E.D.'s of Ballyfatten, Seein and Sion. The entire town contains 1,588 persons. (c) Newtownstewart town is in the D.E.D.'s of Biraaghs and Newtownstewart. The entire town contains 1,433 persons. TABLE 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation Local Authority Areas; District Electoral Divisions and Towns and Private Households - continued

Popu ation Buildings for habitation

1 Private nousenoias 1971 1971

Local authority areas, etc. Area (Hectares) Private dwellings 1961 ! 1966 1961 1966 Other Persons Males Females Total inhabited Number Population Rooms ! Occupier buildings occupied Occupied absent Vacant i

Strabane Rural District (continued)

Sion D.E.D. 6-29 595 539 517 238 279 160 160 164 162 1 i 162 513 715

Sion Mills Town, part of (a) %74 ' 139 516 238 278 156 160 164 162 1 / 162 512 707

Sperrin D.E.D. 6,368 31 314 310 278 150 128 86 83 80 79 1 79 278 335

Tullyard 2,173 00 627 613 528 292 236 _n1J 132 128 123 - 5 - 123 528 571 1 i (a) Sion Mills town is in the D.E.D.'s of Ballyfatten, Seein and Sion. The entire town contains 1,588 persons. 11

TABLE 5 Ages by Single Years, Sex County and Marital Condition

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

All ages 139,073 70,575 43,617 25,250 1,666 42 68,498 37347 25331 53S5 65

0 3,028 1,565 1,565 1,463 1,463 1 2,998 1,561 1361 1,437 1,437 2 3,001 1,472 1,472 1,529 1,529 3 3,060 1,607 1,607 1,453 1,453 4 3,091 1,599 1,599 1,492 1,492

0-4 15,178 7,804 7,804 7,374 7374

5 3,102 1,563 1363 1,539 1,539 6 3,135 1,593 1393 1342 1342 7 3,131 1,602 1,602 1,529 1,529 8 3,032 1,605 1,605 1,427 1,427 9 2,946 1,545 1,545 1,401 1,401

5-9 15,346 7,908 7,908 7,438 7,438

10 2,976 1,541 1341 1,435 1,435 11 2,904 1,447 1,447 1,457 1,457 12 2,839 1,426 1,426 1,413 1,413 13 2,828 1,417 1,417 1,411 1,411 14 2,732 1,414 1,414 1,318 1,318

10-14 14,279 7,245 7,245 7,034 7,034

15 2,725 1,384 1384 1341 1,341 16 2,605 1334 1334 1,271 1,264 7 17 2,555 139 138 1 1,256 1,226 30 : : 18 2366 1,260 1,247 13 1,106 1,042 64 19 2,050 1,087 1,057 30 963 847 116

15-19 12301 6,364 6,320 44 5,937 5,720 217 -

20 2,027 1,100 1,011 89 927 759 168 21 1,937 1,007 879 128 930 613 317 22 1,877 773 215 889 507 382 23 1351 988 665 276 910 432 477 24 1347 941 625 376 846 332 512 2 1,001 20-24 9^39 5,037 3,953 1,084 4,502 2,643 1,856 3

25 1,683 906 511 395 777 275 501 1 26 1,727 852 430 421 1 875 226 648 27 1,723 903 389 514 820 189 631 28 1,642 830 322 506 1 1 812 158 650 3 1 29 1,572 809 264 763 134 544 - 1 627 2

25-29 8347 4,300 1,916 2,380 2 2 4,047 982 3,057 6 2

30 1,493 741 226 514 1 752 130 620 2 31 1,522 781 230 548 3 741 119 618 3 1 32 1,457 704 177 526 1 753 127 620 5 1 33 1,410 723 223 497 3 687 95 586 5 1 34 1,483 764 200 563 1 719 95 615 5 4

30-34 7,365 3,713 1,056 2,648 6 3 3,652 566 3,059 20 7

35 1,454 770 184 585 - 1 684 98 578 8 36 1332 675 175 4% 3 1 657 76 570 7 4 37 1381 707 186 517 2 2 674 114 549 11 38 1,428 695 175 517 2 1 733 105 618 10 39 1,404 720 183 535 2 684 98 571 11 4

35-39 6,999 3,567 903 2,650 7 7 3,432 491 2,886 47 8

40 1,431 695 181 513 1 736 99 622 12 3 41 1,432 724 1% 527 1 708 94 5% 17 1 42 1,406 680 184 491 3 2 726 103 593 29 1 43 1,444 702 177 519 4 2 742 112 617 13 44 1,444 744 182 551 10 1 700 111 568 21

40-44 7,157 3345 920 2,601 19 5 3,612 519 2,996 92 5

45 1394 702 158 532 8 4 692 110 552 29 1 46 1,436 727 194 524 7 2 709 127 540 40 2 47 1,433 722 162 555 5 711 119 558 33 1 48 1,447 716 196 510 9 1 731 148 540 42 1 49 1,493 746 223 511 11 1 747 132 559 55 1

45-49 7,203 3,613 933 2,632 40 8 3,590 636 2,749 199 6 mmimmmmmmm—mm 12

TABLE 5 Ages by Single Years, Sex County and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons | Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

50 1,520 778 202 566 8 2 742 138 543 59 2 51 1,513 802 218 568 13 3 711 131 515 59 6 52 1,456 750 213 525 12 706 134 489 78 5 53 1,308 657 186 463 8 - 651 126 462 61 2 54 1,409 740 217 499 23 1 669 125 477 66 1

50-54 7,206 3,727 1,036 2,621 64 6 3,479 654 2,486 323 16

55 1,353 674 177 481 15 1 679 141 452 84 2 56 1,498 791 219 549 23 707 131 461 112 3 57 1,377 689 170 501 18 688 135 442 110 1 58 1,484 747 194 526 26 1 737 161 464 110 2 59 1,361 738 194 518 25 1 623 132 376 115 -

55-59 7,073 3,639 954 2,575 107 3 3,434 700 2,195 531 8

60 1,419 718 181 508 29 701 151 405 144 , 61 1,287 641 148 458 33 2 646 144 348 153 1 52 1,239 625 195 406 24 614 140 336 137 1 63 1,173 605 154 402 47 2 568 139 282 146 1 64 1,148 576 147 384 45 572 132 299 141 -

60-64 6,266 3,165 825 2,158 178 4 3,101 706 1,670 721 4

65 1,131 523 141 335 45 2 608 146 275 185 2 66 1,059 498 148 316 34 561 152 238 171 67 1,008 537 151 336 50 471 111 192 167 1. 68 989 483 146 293 44 506 139 211 154 2 69 924 433 114 270 49 491 127 189 173 2

65-69 5,111 2,474 700 1,550 222 2 2,637 675 1,105 850 7

70 1,016 474 132 268 74 542 125 195 222 71 915 419 114 248 57 4% 128 178 190 72 812 364 88 218 58 448 108 150 190 . 73 743 354 89 201 63 1 389 104 103 181 1 74 756 364 86 204 74 392 % 102 193 1

70-74 4,242 1.975 509 1,139 326 1 2,267 561 728 976 2

75 685 335 95 173 67 350 76 100 174 76 617 269 72 156 41 348 83 84 181 77 562 263 69 136 58 299 66 58 175 . 78 438 205 51 105 49 233 58 36 139 . 79 458 205 54 93 58 253 55 57 141 - 75-79 2,760 1,277 341 663 273 1,483 338 335 810 -

80 403 188 56 87 45 215 46 30 139 81 378 172 44 86 41 1 206 44 39 123 82 370 163 29 73 61 207 38 36 133 . 83 286 140 29 60 51 146 30 21 95 . 84 241 108 23 45 40 133 33 13 87 -

80-84 1,678 771 181 351 238 1 907 191 139 577 -

85 188 89 23 39 27 99 25 10 64 86 189 73 19 25 29 116 17 15 84 . 87 158 74 22 24 28 84 24 3 57 . 88 100 48 6 15 27 52 7 6 39 . 89 111 59 14 24 21 52 9 6 H - 85-89 746 343 84 127 132 403 82 40 281 -

90 81 37 10 12 15 44 9 6 29 9! 61 24 5 5 14 37 10 1 26 . 92 41 15 5 3 7 26 3 3 20 . 93 26 10 2 2 6 16 3 13 . 94 19 5 3 - 2 14 1 1 12 - 90-94 228 91 25 22 44 137 26 11 100 -

95 and over 49 17 4 5 8 32 11 2 19 - 13 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Cookstown Urban District All ages 6,683 3,188 1,675 1,447 64 2 3,495 1,702 1,458 326 9

0 179 92 92 87 87 158 86 86 72 72 2 157 76 76 81 81 3 162 85 85 77 77 4 158 87 87 71 71

0-4 814 426 426 388 388

5 134 66 66 68 68 6 151 84 84 67 67 7 155 74 74 81 81 8 136 75 75 61 61 9 134 70 70 64 64

5-9 710 369 369 341 341

10 127 64 64 63 63 11 125 58 58 67 67 12 117 59 59 58 58 13 125 63 63 62 62 14 110 62 62 48 48

10-14 604 306 306 298 298

15 91 47 47 44 44 16 98 48 48 50 50 : 17 116 56 56 60 55 5 18 96 51 50 1 45 42 3 - 28 52 45 7

15-19 481 230 229 1 251 236 15 -

20 99 46 40 6 53 46 7 21 84 41 29 12 43 23 20 - 22 92 38 22 16 54 18 36 23 105 48 29 19 57 18 39 24 107 57 19 38 50 15 35

20-24 487 230 139 91 257 120 137 -

25-29 483 212 57 155 271 58 213 -

30-34 441 226 21 205 215 32 182 1 -

35-39 375 193 23 169 - 1 182 14 167 1 -

40-44 350 164 23 140 1 186 11 170 5 -

45-49 360 169 22 146 1 191 32 147 11 1

50-54 318 142 12 127 2 1 176 27 127 19 3

55-59 311 151 12 137 2 160 28 104 26 2

60-64 266 116 14 94 8 150 28 79 42 -

65-69 218 80 7 67 6 138 34 48 54 2

70-74 182 71 7 49 15 111 20 39 52 -

75-79 136 55 5 36 14 81 11 19 51 -

8044 100 34 2 22 10 66 15 9 42

85-89 36 13 1 7 5 23 9 2 12 -

90-94 9 1 - 1 8 - 8 -

95 and over 2 - - - 2 - 2 14 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Dungannoo Urban District

All ages 7,d34 3,719 2,152 1,477 84 6 3,915 2,014 1,538 359 4

0 183 1 113 113 70 70 167 82 82 85 85 2 166 88 88 78 78 3 160 91 91 69 69 4 97 97 68 68 165

0-4 841 471 471 370 370

5 190 101 101 89 89 6 188 101 101 87 87 7 189 89 89 100 100 8 194 98 98 96 96 9 158 83 83 75 75

5-9 919 472 472 447 447

10 178 89 89 89 89 It 152 85 85 67 67 12 156 84 84 72 72 13 146 75 75 71 71 14 143 77 77 66 66

10-14 775 410 410 365 365

15 150 69 69 81 81 16 135 76 76 59 57 2 17 136 73 72 1 63 61 2 : : 18 118 63 62 1 55 53 2 102 1 58 53 5

15-19 641 325 322 3 316 305 11 - -

20 86 38 36 2 48 39 9 21 104 51 42 9 53 28 25 22 87 38 28 10 4$ 26 23 - 23 110 55 43 12 55 25 29 1 24 102 48 26 22 54 15 39

20-24 489 230 175 55 259 133 125 1 -

25-29 471 246 93 152 1 225 46 179 - -

30-34 488 237 39 197 - 1 251 45 204 1 «

35-39 407 189 24 164 - 1 218 29 186 3 -

40-44 439 197 20 175 2 242 35 205 1 «

45-49 410 196 20 172 3 1 214 30 166 18 -

50-54 351 169 36 127 5 1 182 35 120 25 2

55-59 369 176 14 157 4 1 193 27 135 31 -

60-64 320 129 8 HI 9 1 191 45 95 51 -

65-69 259 104 24 66 14 155 33 50 72 -

70-74 218 84 11 54 19 134 31 35 68 -

75-79 123 43 6 28 9 80 19 21 40 -

80-84 69 28 3 14 11 41 12 5 24 -

85-89 12 4 2 6 25 7 18 l 37 - -

90-94 8 1 - 1 7 - 1 6 -

95 and over ------15 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Omagh Urban District All ages 11,961 5,960 3,400 2,432 123 5 6,001 3,181 2,384 426 10

0 313 163 163 150 150 282 154 154 128 128 2 277 129 129 148 148 3 250 122 122 128 128 4 278 134 134 144 144

0-4 1,400 702 702 698 698

5 274 132 132 142 142 6 281 139 139 142 142 7 263 135 135 128 128 8 268 140 140 128 128 9 250 117 117 133 133

5-9 1,336 663 663 673 673

10 224 110 no 114 114 11 240 123 123 117 117 12 236 107 107 129 129 13 229 121 121 108 108 14 239 120 120 119 119

10-14 1,168 581 581 587 587

15 215 113 113 102 102 16 204 107 107 97 97 17 215 98 98 117 113 4 - : 18 235 136 133 3 - 99 86 13 19 217 125 113 12 92 63 29

15-19 1,086 579 564 15 507 461 46 -

20 212 118 97 21 94 66 28 : 21 214 116 85 31 98 50 48 22 241 138 92 46 103 39 64 23 235 135 63 72 100 22 78 24 213 121 58 63 92 29 62 1

20-24 1,115 628 395 233 487 206 280 1 -

25-29 928 518 151 366 - 1 410 73 336 - 1

30-34 712 331 55 275 - 1 381 57 319 3 2

35-39 599 304 44 260 295 32 252 9 2

40-44 600 277 42 234 - 1 323 40 266 16 1

45-49 549 248 36 210 1 1 301 56 223 21 1

50-54 578 273 29 237 6 1 305 65 209 28 3

55-59 495 231 26 192 13 264 51 157 56 -

60-64 469 231 36 176 19 238 51 136 51

65-69 347 153 27 107 19 194 45 81 68

70-74 238 105 11 76 18 133 34 48 51 -

75-79 162 58 16 29 13 104 24 19 61 -

80-84 105 45 16 15 14 60 20 10 30 -

85-89 52 24 4 5 15 28 5 2 21 -

90-94 18 8 2 1 5 10 3 - 7 -

95 and over 4 1 1 3 - 3 - 16 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Strabane Urban District

All ages 9,413 4,515 2,733 1,677 101 4 4^98 2,823 1,741 328 6

0 267 113 113 154 154 1 229 115 115 114 114 2 219 118 118 101 101 3 251 133 133 118 118 4 221 123 123 98 98

0-4 1,187 602 602 585 585

5 266 130 130 136 136 6 256 113 113 143 143 7 236 123 123 113 113 8 231 113 113 118 118 9 241 122 122 119 119

5-9 1,230 601 601 629 629

10 232 127 127 105 105 11 229 119 119 110 110 12 216 107 107 109 109 13 207 97 97 110 110 14 184 91 91 93 93

10-14 1,068 541 541 527 527

15 191 91 91 100 100 16 171 82 82 89 88 17 172 87 87 85 81 4 18 136 75 74 1 61 57 4 -" - 130 3 66 52 14

15-19 800 399 395 4 401 378 23 - -

20 115 55 49 6 60 46 14 : 21 128 60 51 9 68 38 30 : 22 126 53 28 25 73 36 37 23 134 52 31 21 82 34 48 24 137 69 32 37 68 23 45

20-24 640 289 191 98 351 177 174 - -

25-29 573 298 84 213 1 275 57 217 ' -

30-34 546 259 42 216 1 287 27 258 2 -

35-39 483 232 30 200 1 1 251 46 201 2 2

40-44 500 244 39 203 2 256 46 204 6 -

45-49 412 187 42 143 1 1 225 47 162 16 -

50-54 383 190 18 170 11 193 32 141 19 1

55-59 377 164 31 127 6 213 52 125 35 '

60-64 368 156 23 118 14 1 212 62 109 39 2

65-69 302 115 32 71 12 187 61 64 62 -

70-74 252 117 30 62 25 135 40 42 53 -

75-79 142 57 16 28 13 85 30 13 42 -

80-84 81 38 11 14 13 43 14 5 24 -

85-89 44 20 3 8 9 24 5 ' 18 -

90-94 18 4 1 1 2 14 5 2 7 -

95 and over 7 2 1 1 5 3 - 2 - 17 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Castlederg Rural District ill ages 8,346 4,291 2,670 1,503 115 3 4,055 2,186 1,521 343 5

0 142 71 71 71 71 1 206 87 87 119 119 2 166 85 85 81 81 3 170 88 88 82 82 4 193 90 90 103 103

0-4 877 421 421 456 456

5 173 85 85 88 88 6 188 101 101 87 87 7 172 98 98 74 74 8 178 93 93 85 85 9 177 101 101 76 76

5-9 888 478 478 410 410

10 188 104 104 84 84 11 168 89 89 79 79 12 186 85 85 101 101 13 144 69 69 75 75 14 139 80 80 59 59

10-14 825 427 427 398 398

15 165 93 93 72 72 16 135 75 75 - 60 60 - 17 155 80 80 75 75 18 127 64 64 63 60 3 - 19 60 50 10

15-19 701 371 369 2 - 330 317 13 - -

20 121 72 68 4 49 41 8 21 101 44 41 3 57 39 18 : 22 103 52 42 10 51 29 22 -" 23 100 50 36 14 50 28 22 24 119 65 45 20 54 18 36

20-24 544 283 232 51 261 155 106 -

25-29 458 214 110 104 - 244 67 176 1 -

30-34 455 242 74 167 1 213 42 168 2 '

35-39 400 207 58 147 1 1 193 32 159 1 1

40-44 417 203 57 146 - 214 34 176 4 -

45-49 426 228 71 153 4 198 32 157 9 -

50-54 473 252 97 149 6 221 34 164 21 2

55-59 457 243 76 156 11 214 51 134 29 -

60-64 401 211 58 140 12 1 190 43 102 45 -

65-69 327 176 51 112 13 151 32 67 51 1

70-74 306 142 40 84 18 164 36 65 63 -

75-79 213 107 33 52 22 106 27 21 58 -

80-84 105 48 9 27 12 57 9 9 39 -

85-89 50 28 5 10 13 22 8 3 11 -

90-94 19 9 3 3 3 10 2 1 7 -

95 and over 4 1 - - 3 1 - 2 - !_ 18 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Clogher Rural District All ages 9,497 4,957 3,080 1,710 165 2 4,540 2,372 1,722 443 3

0 169 99 99 70 70 1 185 103 103 82 82 2 163 77 77 86 86 3 184 101 101 83 83 4 197 109 109 88 88

0-4 898 489 489 409 409

5 i 179 101 101 78 78 6 163 85 85 78 78 7 191 87 87 104 104 83 8 193 110 110 83 197 108 89 89 9 108

5-9 923 491 491 432 432

10 157 90 90 67 67 11 206 108 108 98 98 12 173 76 76 97 97 13 185 88 88 97 97 14 172 82 82 90 90

10-14 893 444 444 449 449

15 195 106 106 89 89 16 183 92 92 91 91 - 17 160 85 85 -" 75 72 3 18 149 78 76 2 71 69 2 - 19 132 76 75 1 56 51 5

15-19 819 437 434 3 - 382 372 10 - -

20 110 56 54 2 54 45 9 21 108 54 49 5 54 40 14 : 43 28 22 117 74 63 11 : : 15 : 23 113 58 49 9 55 28 27 24 99 52 41 11 47 30 17

20-24 547 294 256 38 253 171 82

25-29 524 279 155 124 - 245 62 183 - -

30-34 462 233 86 146 1 229 31 197 1 -

35-39 455 247 85 162 208 25 177 5 1

40-44 481 243 77 161 3 2 238 35 193 10

45-49 570 289 94 192 3 281 48 220 12 1

50-54 581 294 102 187 5 287 66 195 25 1

55-59 538 289 95 185 9 249 50 146 53

60-64 505 268 89 165 14 237 55 130 52 -

65-69 454 246 75 147 24 208 55 89 64

70-74 342 165 45 % 24 177 46 55 76 -

75-79 257 130 33 69 28 127 40 27 60 -

80-84 159 78 21 24 33 81 18 14 49 -

85-89 66 35 8 10 17 31 6 4 21 -

90-94 19 4 - > 3 15 1 - 14 -

95 and over 4 2 1 - 1 2 i_ - 1 - 19 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued ___

Males Females Ages Persons 1 Total Single Married j Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced !

Cookstown Rural District All ages 14,418 7,422 4,730 2,533 156 3 6,996 3,892 2,547 556 1

0 308 156 156 152 152 1 315 166 166 149 149 2 2% 149 149 147 147 3 317 158 158 159 159 4 298 145 145 153 153

0-4 1,534 774 774 760 760

5 335 161 161 174 174 6 321 169 169 152 152 7 335 163 163 172 172 8 297 173 173 124 124 9 314 153 153 161 161

5-9 1,602 819 819 783 783

10 327 161 161 166 166 11 303 150 150 153 153 12 295 164 164 131 131 13 294 141 141 153 153 14 291 160 160 131 131

10-14 1,510 776 776 734 734

15 276 134 134 142 142 16 278 132 132 146 146 17 303 159 159 144 141 3 18 238 134 134 : 104 98 6 ~- 247 123 3 121 107 14

15-19 1,342 685 682 3 - 657 634 23 -

20 246 141 127 14 105 86 19 21 214 109 101 8 105 78 27 22 186 104 86 18 82 51 31 - 23 199 97 72 25 - : 102 53 49 24 195 108 68 40 87 34 53

20-24 1,040 559 454 105 481 179 • 302 -

25-29 891 462 244 218 - 429 120 309 - -

30-34 713 369 121 248 344 52 291 1 -

35-39 665 332 85 245 2 333 53 277 3 -

40-44 730 405 136 267 2 325 51 267 7 -

45-49 779 386 116 266 3 1 393 56 315 22

50-54 786 417 125 286 6 369 59 277 33 -

55-59 762 404 110 281 13 358 72 233 52 1

60-64 626 330 101 216 13 296 81 146 69

65-69 487 242 69 158 15 245 54 110 81 -

70-74 422 206 56 117 33 216 45 69 102 -

75-79 255 136 35 77 24 119 21 29 69 -

80-84 183 83 16 33 34 100 11 15 74 -

85-89 61 24 10 9 5 37 1 5 31 -

90-94 30 13 ' 4 8 17 3 2 12 -

95 and over ------J 1 20 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Dungannon Rural District

411 ages 1 25,998 1 13,201 8,090 4^11 295 5 1 12,797 6,910 4331 1,048 8

0 535 280 280 255 255 514 267 267 247 247 1 547 268 268 279 279 2 3 548 294 294 254 254 4 578 287 287 291 291

0-4 2,722 1,396 1,3% 1,326 1,326

5 538 256 256 282 282 <> 577 299 299 278 278 594 313 313 281 281 7 528 267 267 261 261 8 9 540 294 294 246 246

5-9 2,777 1,429 1,429 1,348 1,348

10 590 319 319 271 271 555 1 253 253 302 302 n 581 295 295 286 286 12 569 285 285 284 284 13 549 280 280 269 269 14

10-14 2,844 1,432 1,432 1,412 1,412

1^ 556 2% 296 260 260 16 521 268 268 253 251 2 - 17 | 489 250 250 239 235 4 18 472 240 239 1 232 219 13 - 19 377 213 210 3 " " 164 157 7

15-19 2,415 1,267 1,263 4 - 1,148 1,122 26 - -

20 401 229 211 18 172 140 32 : 21 371 191 174 17 180 119 61 22 353 192 151 41 161 107 54 23 330 157 113 44 " " 173 95 78 24 313 158 110 48 155 76 78 1

20-24 1,768 927 759 168 - 841 537 303 1 -

25-29 1,512 779 367 412 - 733 174 558 1 -

30-34 1,325 668 205 462 • 657 100 552 5 -

35-39 1,478 746 203 541 2 732 94 627 9 2

40-44 1,356 679 131 543 4 1 677 92 571 13 '

45-49 1,359 6% 159 524 12 1 663 89 539 34 '

50-54 1,372 715 172 532 10 1 657 96 502 59 -

55-59 1,235 641 156 468 17 594 98 401 95 -

60-64 1,152 590 136 425 28 1 562 101 310 151 -

65-69 923 442 107 284 51 481 103 213 162 3

70-74 789 349 84 206 58 1 440 105 140 194 '

75-79 536 237 48 140 49 299 57 73 169 -

80-84 276 138 26 71 41 138 31 11 96 -

85-89 128 55 10 28 17 73 22 5 46 -

90-94 24 13 7 2 4 11 1 - 10 -

95 and over 7 2 |_ 1 5 2 - 3 - 21 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued

Males Females

Ages Persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Omagh Rural District Ml ages 27,919 14,545 9,550 4,613 373 9 13,374 7,591 4,691 1,083 9

0 553 304 304 249 249 1 561 289 289 272 272 2 599 282 282 317 317 3 585 289 289 2% 2% 4 593 311 311 282 282

0-4 2,891 1,475 1,475 1,416 1,416

5 600 316 316 284 284 6 611 311 311 300 300 7 627 322 322 305 305 8 612 335 335 277 277 9 562 2% 296 266 266

5-9 3,012 1,580 1,580 1,432 1,432

10 603 305 305 298 298 11 578 285 285 293 293 12 568 290 290 278 278 13 588 303 303 285 285 14 571 286 286 285 285

10-14 2,908 1,469 1,469 1,439 1,439

15 550 271 271 279 279 16 549 288 288 261 260 1 - 17 509 259 259 : 250 247 3 18 488 263 262 - 225 217 8 '- 19 394 214 213 1 180 168 12

15-19 2,490 1,295 1,293 2 - 1,195 1,171 24 -

20 387 202 192 10 185 159 26 21 381 220 201 19 : : 161 123 38 : 22 331 176 161 15 155 111 44 23 305 174 142 32 131 81 50 - 24 320 191 148 43 129 61 68

20-24 1,724 963 844 119 761 535 226

25-29 1,482 754 419 335 - 728 196 530 1 1

30-34 1,341 6% 270 424 2 645 108 532 4 1

35-39 1,303 684 232 451 1 619 105 507 7 -

40-44 1,392 704 258 442 3 1 688 98 569 19 2

45-49 1,463 753 251 492 8 2 710 160 510 40 -

50-54 1,527 833 316 504 12 1 694 149 484 59 2

55-59 1,639 899 315 559 23 2 740 184 465 89 2

6044 1,331 718 246 435 37 613 149 334 130 -

65-69 1,136 5% 210 340 45 1 540 166 233 141 -

70-74 971 486 159 248 79 485 133 149 202 1

75-79 626 307 109 137 61 319 80 71 168 -

80-84 424 205 62 91 51 1 219 43 42 134 -

85-89 187 94 32 28 34 93 16 12 65 -

90-94 56 26 9 5 12 30 8 2 20 -

95 and over 16 8 |_ 1 6 8 3 i 4 - 22 TABLE 6 Population under 25 years by individual years Administrative Areas and 25 years and over by Quinquennial groups, Sex and Marital Condition - continued 1— —

Males Females Ages Persons i i Total Single 1 Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced i ., .. Strabane Rural District All ages 17,204 8,777 5,537 3,047 190 3 8,427 4,676 3,098 643 10

0 379 174 174 205 205 1 381 212 212 169 169 2 411 200 200 211 211 } 433 246 246 187 187 4 410 216 216 194 194

0-4 2,014 1,048 1,048 966 966

5 413 215 215 198 198 6 399 191 191 208 208 7 369 198 198 171 171 8 395 201 201 194 194 9 373 201 201 172 172

5-9 1,949 1,006 1,006 943 943

10 350 172 172 178 178 11 348 177 177 171 171 12 311 159 159 152 152 13 341 175 175 166 166 14 334 176 176 158 158

10-14 1,684 859 859 825 825

15 336 164 164 172 172 16 331 166 166 165 164 - 17 300 152 152 : - 148 146 2 - 18 307 156 153 3 151 141 10 252 114 101 13

15-19 1,526 776 769 7 - 750 724 26 -

20 250 143 137 6 107 91 16 : 21 232 121 106 15 111 75 36 22 241 123 100 23 118 62 56 23 220 115 87 28 '• - 105 48 57 - 24 242 132 78 54 110 31 79

20-24 1,185 634 508 126 - 551 307 244 - -

25-29 1,025 538 236 301 1 487 129 356 2 -

30-34 882 452 143 308 1 430 72 356 - 2

tf-39 834 433 119 311 3 401 61 333 7 -

40-44 892 429 137 290 2 463 77 375 11

45-49 875 461 122 334 4 1 414 86 310 16 2

50-54 837 442 129 302 11 395 91 267 35 2

55-59 890 441 119 313 9 449 87 295 65 2

60-64 828 416 114 278 24 412 91 229 91 1

65-69 658 320 98 198 23 1 338 92 150 95 •

70-74 522 250 66 147 37 272 71 86 115

75-79 310 147 40 67 40 163 29 42 92

80-84 176 74 \5 40 19 102 18 19 65

85-89 85 38 7 20 11 47 3 6 38

90-94 27 12 2 4 6 15 3 3 9

95 and over 5 1 1 - 4 1 . 2 23 TABLE 7 Population by Sex, Marital Condition, Area of Administrative Areas Enumeration, Birthplace, and whether visitor to Northern Ireland.

Males Females

All Birthplace persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

County Tyrone

TOTAL 139,073 70,575 43,617 25,250 1,666 42 68,498 37^47 25^31 5355 65

Birthplace not stated 973 476 300 166 10 497 282 175 40 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 137,623 69353 43,155 25,005 1,651 42 67,770 36,928 25,286 5,491 65

Belfast County Borough 2,707 1,352 765 573 14 1355 660 621 72 2 Antrim County 1,131 555 234 305 16 576 200 317 57 2 Armagh County 3,145 1,469 817 626 24 2 1,676 731 816 129 Down County 977 451 206 236 8 1 526 199 280 47 Fermanagh County 2,752 1,253 635 571 47 1,499 531 794 173 1 Londonderry County 7,645 3,714 2,688 960 66 3,931 2,534 1,176 217 4 Tyrone County 108,579 56,085 35,730 19,021 1,300 34 52,494 30,216 18,163 4,066 49

Great Britain 4,507 2,369 1,241 1,076 47 5 2,138 996 956 182 4 Irish Republic 5,279 2,168 589 1,460 119 3,111 637 1,963 508 3 Commonwealth countries 371 191 100 88 3 180 78 91 11 Other countries and at sea 530 246 150 89 7 284 146 109 29

Visitors to Northern Ireland 477 246 162 79 5 231 137 70 24 - Northern Ireland 51 22 14 8 29 13 - 13 3 Great Britain 331 174 114 57 3 157 98 45 14 Irish Republic 61 32 19 11 2 29 13 9 7 "- Commonwealth countries 16 7 4 3 9 6 3 Other countries and at sea 18 11 11 7 7

Cookstown Urban District

TOTAL 6,683 3,188 1,675 1,447 64 2 3,495 1,702 1,458 326 9

Birthplace not stated 40 21 12 9 - 19 12 5 2 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 6,602 3,147 1,654 1,427 64 2 3,455 1,677 1/446 323 9 Belfast County Borough 263 127 62 65 136 47 80 9 Antrim County 190 94 34 58 2 96 32 59 5 Armagh County 105 42 14 28 63 15 39 9 Down County 75 37 12 24 1 38 7 25 6 Fermanagh County 70 32 20 1 38 23 5 Londonderry County 1,599 782 560 203 19 817 10 233 46 Tyrone County 3,794 1,805 876 891 36 2 1,989 538 852 205 8 924

Great Britain 282 126 64 59 3 156 71 68 16 Irish Republic 159 70 12 56 2 89 20 52 17 ! Commonwealth countries 34 15 4 11 19 8 9 2 Other countries and at sea 31 17 5 12 14 5 6 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 41 20 9 // - 21 13 7 / -

Northern Ireland 11 5 2 3 6 4 2 : Great Britain 14 6 1 5 8 4 3 1 Irish Republic 14 8 6 2 6 4 2 Commonwealth countries 2 - - 1 1 Other countries and at sea

Dungannon Urban District

TOTAL 7,634 3,719 2,152 1,477 84 6 3,915 2,014 1338 359 4

Birthplace not stated 62 26 14 12 - 36 19 14 3 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 7^31 3,665 2,114 1,461 84 6 3^66 1,989 1318 355 4 Belfast County Borough 352 199 98 97 4 153 51 85 17 Antrim County 111 56 18 34 4 55 20 28 6 1 Armagh County 463 201 104 89 6 2 262 126 114 22 Down County 130 54 29 24 1 76 23 46 7 Fermanagh County 89 13 21 37 3 52 12 34 6 Londonderry County 184 90 54 36 94 52 34 8 Tyrone County 5,521 1,678 2,746 1,007 57 4 2,775 1,571 970 233 1

Great Britain 320 147 76 66 5 173 75 75 22 1 Irish Republic 297 106 32 71 3 191 48 111 31 1 Commonwealth countries 24 8 3 4 1 16 6 10 Other countries and at sea 40 21 9 12 19 5 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 41 28 24 4 - 13 6 6 / - Northern Ireland 6 5 4 1 1 1 : Great Britain 19 10 8 2 9 4 5 Irish Republic 5 3 2 1 - 2 1 1 Commonwealth countries 2 2 2 Other countries and at sea 9 8 8 1 ' 24 TABLE 7 Population by Sex, Marital Condition, Area of Administrative Areas Enumeration, Birthplace, and whether visitor to Northern Ireland. - continued

Males Females

All Birthplace persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

Omagh Urban District

TOTAL 11,961 5,960 3,400 2,432 123 5 6,001 3,181 2384 426 10

Birthplace not stated 92 39 19 19 1 53 27 22 4 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 11,822 5,900 3,370 2,404 121 5 5,922 3,144 2352 416 10 Belfast County Borough 350 172 75 95 2 178 91 79 8 Antrim County 179 93 32 59 2 86 27 43 15 1 Armagh County 166 83 23 60 83 32 44 7 Down County 159 65 23 40 2 94 43 46 5 Fermanagh County 303 135 41 89 5 168 54 95 19 Londonderry County 297 159 63 87 9 138 60 61 15 2 Tyrone County 8,181 3,920 2,506 1,331 81 2 4,261 2,495 1,485 274 7

Great Britain 1,390 924 453 461 7 3 466 180 266 20 - Irish Republic 534 226 54 160 12 308 71 190 47 Commonwealth countries 86 49 32 17 37 19 15 3 Other countries and at sea 177 74 68 5 1 103 72 28 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 47 21 // 9 / 26 10 10 6 - Northern Ireland 8 4 2 2 4 3 1 Great Britain 26 12 9 3 14 6 5 3 : Irish Republic 9 5 4 1 4 1 1 2 Commonwealth countries 1 1 1 Other countries and at sea 3 3 3

Strabane Urban District

TOTAL 9,413 4^15 2,733 1,677 101 4 4^98 2323 1,741 328 6

Birthplace not stated 85 48 31 16 1 37 22 13 2 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 9,281 4,439 2,684 1,651 100 4 4^42 2,791 1,720 325 6

Belfast County Borough 133 75 32 43 58 22 33 3 Antrim County 64 33 12 20 i 31 12 17 2 Armagh County 32 19 9 9 1 13 4 7 2 Down County 45 18 10 7 1 27 12 14 1 Fermanagh County 51 25 6 19 26 13 12 1 Londonderry County 793 389 261 122 6 404 290 % 18 Tyrone County 6,909 3,329 2,162 1,099 66 2 3,580 2,220 1,145 210 5

Great Britain 318 171 94 73 3 1 147 69 66 12 Irish Republic 873 346 78 245 23 527 134 317 75 1 Commonwealth countries 36 19 U 8 17 6 10 1 Other countries and at sea 27 15 9 6 12 9 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 47 28 18 10 . 19 10 8 / - Northern Ireland 2 2 2 Great Britain 36 23 13 10 13 8 4 ^ Irish Republic 7 3 3 4 2 2 1 Commonwealth countries - - Other countries and at sea 2 2 2

Castledei-g Rural District

TOTAL 8346 4,291 2,670 1303 115 3 4,055 2,186 1321 343 5

Birthplace not stated 33 18 10 8 15 10 4 1 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 8,298 4,266 2,655 1,493 115 3 4,032 2,171 1314 342 5 Belfast County Borough 101 61 47 14 40 22 14 4 Antrim County 24 13 8 5 11 2 9 Armagh County 14 1 1 2 11 3 6 2 Down County 23 14 8 6 9 1 6 2 Fermanagh County 92 45 14 26 5 47 8 33 6 Londonderry County 65 27 14 12 1 38 16 19 3 Tyrone County 7,288 3,818 2,437 1,279 99 3 3,470 1,983 1,205 277 5

Great Britain 242 112 77 35 130 80 41 9 - Irish Republic 410 155 41 105 9 255 48 171 36 Commonwealth countries 14 8 2 6 6 2 4 Other countries and at sea 25 10 6 3 1 15 6 6 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 15 7 5 2 - 8 5 3 . . Northern Ireland 2 2 2 Great Britain 11 6 5 5 4 1 Irish Republic 1 1 Commonwealth countries ^ : : Other countries and at sea 1 —————————— m rm 25

TABLE 7 Population by Sex, Marital Condition, Area of Administrative Areas Enumeration, Birthplace, and whether visitor to Northern Ireland. - continued

___ y

Males Females

All Birthplace persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married j Widowed Divorced I

Clogher Rural District

TOTAL 9,497 4,957 3,080 1,710 165 2 4,540 2,372 1,722 443 3

Birthplace not stated 74 46 31 13 2 28 12 15 1

Resident in Northern Ireland 9,399 4397 3,038 1,694 163 2 4302 2,355 1,705 439 3 Belfast County Borough 154 84 54 30 70 32 37 1 Antrim County 69 35 21 14 34 12 16 6 Armagh County 116 63 24 36 3 53 17 31 5 Down County 75 38 14 22 2 37 17 14 6 Fermanagh County 571 258 133 112 13 313 117 163 33 Londonderry County 66 29 17 9 3 37 13 23 1 Tyrone County 7,677 4,096 2,650 1,320 124 2 3,581 2,039 1,218 *21 3

Great Britain 165 68 39 25 4 97 43 45 9 " Irish Republic 452 200 72 115 13 252 51 146 55 Commonwealth countries 28 12 7 4 I 16 8 7 1 Other countries and at sea 26 14 7 7 12 6 5 1

Visitors to Northern Ireland 24 14 11 3 10 5 2 3 -

Northern Ireland : Great Britain 19 11 9 2 8 5 2 1 - Irish Republic 5 3 2 1 2 2 Commonwealth countries Other countries and at sea

Cookstown Rural District

TOTAL 14,418 7,422 4,730 2333 156 3 6,996 3392 2,547 556 1

Birthplace not stated 84 40 23 15 2 44 26 14 4

Resident in Northern Ireland 14,299 7366 4,697 2312 154 3 6,933 3355 2328 549 1 Belfast County Borough 306 146 107 38 1 160 92 62 6 Antrim County 147 71 46 24 1 76 25 43 8 Armagh County 124 61 37 24 63 !9 39 5 Down County 81 38 23 15 43 25 16 Fermanagh County 11 16 14 30 14 3 Londonderry County 2,075 989 176 12 1,086 2 270 54 Tyrone County 11,052 5,851 801 2,130 136 3 5,201 762 1,926 441 1 3,582 2,833

Great Britain 289 131 81 47 3 158 75 67 16 Irish Republic 151 39 6 32 1 112 17 80 15 Commonwealth countries 19 10 5 5 9 3 6 Other countries and at sea 25 16 6 10 9 2 5 2

Visitors to Northern Ireland 35 16 to 6 - 19 // 5 3 Northern Ireland 7 2 2 5 2 2 I Great Britain 25 12 6 6 13 9 3 i Irish Republic 3 2 2 1 i Commonwealth countries Other countries and at sea

Dungannoo Rural District

TOTAL 25,998 13,201 8,090 43H 295 5 12,797 6,910 4331 1,048 8

Birthplace not stated 184 91 65 25 1 93 50 33 10

Resident in Northern Ireland 25,734 13,075 8,002 4,774 294 5 12,659 6,827 4,789 1,035 8 Belfast County Borough 598 263 163 96 4 335 169 144 20 2 Antrim County 154 71 29 40 2 83 31 44 8 Armagh County 1,988 937 576 349 12 1,051 490 497 64 Down County 221 91 34 56 1 130 47 70 S3 Fermanagh County 145 62 24 33 5 83 19 50 14 Londonderry County 480 225 58 165 2 255 162 83 10 Tyrone County 20,810 10,834 3,807 242 5 9,976 5.658 3,508 806 4 6,780

Great Britain 607 263 120 131 12 344 162 140 40 2 Irish Republic 591 260 77 172 11 331 59 220 52 Commonwealth countries 52 29 16 12 1 23 12 10 1 88 40 18 Other countries and at sea 20 2 48 18 23 7

Visitors to Northern Ireland 80 35 23 12 - 45 33 9 3 . Northern Ireland 5 1 4 3 1 Great Britain 62 30 20 10 '- 32 24 6 2 - Irish Republic 5 2 1 1 3 1 2 Commonwealth countries 6 1 1 5 4 1 Other countries and at sea 2 1 1 1 1 26 TABLE 7 Population by Sex, Marital Condition, Area of Administrative Areas Enumeration, Birthplace, and whether visitor to Northern Ireland. - continued

Males Females

All Birthplace persons

Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Total Single Married Widowed Divorced

i Omagh Rural District

rOTAL 27,919 14,545 9,550 4,613 373 9 13,374 7,591 4,691 1,083 9

Birthplace not stated 205 95 62 31 2 110 67 33 10 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 27,620 14,401 9,453 4,569 370 9 13,219 7,494 4,647 1,069 9

Belfast County Borough 297 144 82 59 3 153 92 57 4 Antrim County 136 65 26 37 2 71 31 38 2 Armagh County 107 44 24 19 1 63 21 31 11 Down County 116 66 40 25 50 16 32 2 Fermanagh County 1,353 628 385 228 15 725 289 349 86 Londonderry County 282 133 74 55 4 149 67 69 12 1 Tyrone County 12,630 8,527 11,204 6,709 3,644 844 23,834 3,778 317 8 7

Great Britain 504 244 142 95 6 1 260 140 100 20 : Irish Republic 882 392 123 250 19 490 106 300 84 Commonwealth countries 57 31 15 16 26 13 12 1 Other countries and at sea 52 24 15 7 2 28 10 15 3

Visitors to Northern Ireland 94 49 35 13 / 45 30 // 4 - Northern Ireland 4 1 1 3 3 Great Britain 83 47 34 12 1 36 24 9 3 Irish Republic 1 1 4 2 1 -* Commonwealth countries \ 2 1 1 Other countries and at sea

Strabane Rural District

TOTAL 17,204 8,777 5,537 3,047 190 3 8,427 4,676 3,098 643 10

Birthplace not stated 114 52 33 18 1 62 37 22 3 -

Resident in Northern Ireland 17,037 8,697 5,488 3,020 186 3 8^40 4,625 3,067 638 10 Belfast County Borough 153 81 45 36 72 42 30 Antrim County 57 24 8 14 2 33 8 20 5 Armagh County 30 16 5 10 1 14 4 8 2 Down County 52 30 13 17 22 8 11 3 Fermanagh County 48 17 5 12 31 7 21 3 Londonderry County 1,804 891 679 202 10 913 574 288 50 1 Tyrone County 13,513 7,056 4,532 2,379 142 3 6,457 3,784 2,210 455 8

Great Britain 390 183 95 84 4 207 101 88 18 Irish Republic 930 374 94 254 26 556 83 376 % 1 Commonwealth countries 21 10 5 5 11 1 8 2 Other countries and at sea 39 15 7 7 1 24 13 7 4

Visitors to Northern Ireland 53 28 16 9 3 25 14 9 2 - Northern Ireland 6 4 3 1 2 1 1 Great Britain 36 17 9 6 2 19 10 7 2 " Irish Republic 7 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 Commonwealth countries 3 3 2 1 Other countries and at sea 1 1 1 TABLE 8 Religions Administrative Areas

Note:- Persons with usual address outside Northern Ireland and members of the Armed Forces enumerated in barracks or on naval vessels are excluded from this table. 1 1 ' Population Roman Catholic Presbyterian Church of Ireland Methodist Other and not Area 1 Persons Males ' Females 1 Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons County 138,158 69,895 68,263 65,370 32,785 32,585 24,426 12,513 11,913 26,564 13,476 13,088 2,619 1,310 1,309 19,179 9,811 9368

Cookstown U.D. 6,642 3,168 3,474 2,288 1,091 1,197 1,543 721 822 1,759 864 895 127 67 60 925 425 500 Dungannon 7,593 3,691 3,902 3,168 1,547 1,621 1,102 551 551 1,709 820 889 217 95 122 1,397 678 719 Omagh 11,481 5,506 5,975 6,148 2,910 3,238 1,392 666 726 2,140 1,036 1,104 272 128 144 1,529 766 763 Strabane 9365 4,486 4,879 6,696 3,196 3,500 727 339 388 661 319 342 64 37 27 1,217 595 622

Castlederg R.D. 8,331 4,284 4,047 3,747 1,914 1,833 1,776 911 865 1,799 930 869 434 225 209 575 304 271 Clogher 9,472 4,943 4,529 4,179 2,198 1,981 1,643 857 786 2,303 1,184 1,119 311 156 155 1,036 548 488 Cookstown " 14,383 7,406 6,977 6,423 3,269 3,154 2,857 1,511 1,346 2,592 1,366 1,226 95 41 54 2,416 1,219 1,197 Dungannon 25,917 13,166 12,751 11,153 5,559 5,594 4,337 2,254 2,083 5,722 2,928 2,794 433 222 211 4,272 2,203 2,069 Omagh 27,824 14,496 13,328 14,260 7,389 6,871 4,260 2,232 2,028 4,732 2,423 2,309 569 294 275 4,003 2,158 1,845 Strabane 17,150 8,749 8,401 7,308 3,712 3,596 4,789 2,471 2,318 3,147 1,606 1,541 97 45 52 1,809 915 894

Analysis of column headed 'Other and not stated denominations' Persons Males Female

Brethren 1533 721 812 Atheist 29 19 10 Baptist 724 348 376 Cooneyite 22 12 10 Free Presbyterian 618 325 293 Elim Church 19 9 10 Protestant 267 136 131 Catholic Apostolic Church 17 6 11 Congregational Church 150 77 73 Church of Christ 15 8 7 Society of Friends 122 56 66 Sikh 15 10 5 Hindu 91 46 45 Mohammedan 13 11 2 Undenominational 83 41 42 Lutheran 11 3 8 Church of God 72 36 36 Salvation Army 10 6 4 Agnostic 72 49 23 Other denominations* 101 44 57 Reformed Presbyterian 70 35 35 Not stated 14,952 7,720 7,232 Pentecostal 60 30 30 Jehovah's Witness 44 24 20 Total 19,179 9,811 9,368 Mormon 36 19 n *This heading comprises denominations each of which had less than ten adherents enumerated in the County; 23 different terms were used in describing these denominations on the Census returns. 28

TABLE 9 Private Dwellings by Type, Households, Administrative Areas Rooms and Population

Dwellings with Total Total Population dwellings rooms in private 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I 10 dwellings rooms or more room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

County Tyrone

Permanent dwellings 256 2,169 4,592 8,086 9,673 5,406 2,230 1,278 481 463 34,634 166,894 135,645 N on-permanent dwellings 87 33 24 2 - - - - 146 233 347

Dwellings with - 1 household 343 2,199 4,612 8,074 9,663 5,394 2,212 1,266 468 435 34,666 166,254 135,185 2 households 3 1 11 7 10 9 6 10 16 73 528 452 3 or more households 3 3 3 2 9 6 3 12 41 345 355

Total dwellings 343 2,202 4,616 8,088 9,673 5.406 2,230 1,278 481 463 34,780 167,127 135,992

Percentage 10 6-3 13 3 23-3 27-8 15 5 6-4 3-7 1-4 1-3

Households therein 343 2,205 4,623 8,107 9,686 5,421 2,263 1,298 501 533 34,980

Cookstowrs Urban District

Permrnent dwellings 11 49 109 381 697 394 106 66 24 9 1,846 9,402 6,569 Non-permanent dwellings 5 2 - - - - 7 9 25

Dwellings with -

1 household 16 51 109 381 697 394 105 65 23 9 1,850 9,387 6,571 2 households 1 1 1 3 24 23 3 o! more households

Total dwellings 16 51 109 381 697 394 106 66 24 9 1,853 9,411 6,594 Percentage 0 9 2 8 5-9 20-6 37-6 21 3 5-7 3-6 1-3 0-5

Households therein 16 51 109 381 697 394 107 67 25 9 1,856

Dungannon Urban District

Permanent dwellings 15 % 173 337 721 407 94 67 18 26 1,954 9,789 7,281 Non-permanent dwellings 1 1 - - 2 4 9

Dwellings with -

1 household 16 94 173 333 720 406 92 67 17 22 1,940 9,680 7,212 2 households 2 2 1 1 2 8 44 28 3 or more households 1 2 2 1 2 8 69 50

Total dwellings 16 % 174 337 721 407 94 67 18 26 1,956 9,793 7,290 Percentage 0-8 4-9 8-9 17-2 36-9 20-8 4-8 3-4 0-9 1-3

Households therein 16 98 176 345 722 408 99 67 20 33 1,984

Omagh Urban District

Permanent dwellings i 85 178 580 1,094 696 164 86 44 36 2,966 15,303 11,102 Non-permanent dwellings 3 15 - - - - - 18 48 40

Dwellings with

1 household 6 85 192 577 1,093 692 159 85 42 33 2,964 15,209 11,025 2 households 3 1 2 1 2 9 61 38 3 or more households 1 2 5 1 1 11 81 79

Total dwellings 6 85 193 580 1,094 696 164 86 44 36 2,984 15,351 11,142 Percentage 0-2 2-8 6-5 19-4 367 23-3 5-5 2-9 1-5 1-2

Households therein _ 85 195 583 1,095 703 178 88 47 43 3,023 29 TABLE 9 Private Dwellings by Type, Households, Administrative Areas Rooms and Population - continued

Dwellings with Population Total Total in private 10 dwellings rooms 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 dwellings rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms or more rooms

Strabane Urban District

Permanent dwellings 7 69 210 511 807 344 100 57 30 37 2,172 10,756 9,185 Non-permanent dwellings 2 - - - - - 2 4 3

Dwellings with - 1 household 7 71 210 508 802 341 98 53 27 28 2,145 10,528 8,932 2 households 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 18 119 109 3 or more households 1 1 1 1 7 11 113 147

Total dwellings 7 71 210 511 807 344 100 57 30 37 2,174 10,760 9,188 Percentage 0-3 3-3 9-7 23-5 37 1 15-8 4-6 2-6 1-4 1-7

Households therein 7 71 210 514 813 347 103 63 38 74 2,240

Castlederg Rural District

Permanent dwellings 35 303 359 430 429 259 127 104 28 31 2,105 9,453 8,212 Non-permanent dwellings 24 10 4 38 56 104

Dwellings with -

1 household 59 313 363 429 429 259 126 103 28 30 2,139 9,476 8,285 2 households 1 1 2 21 16 3 or more households 1 1 2 12 15

Total dwellings 59 313 363 430 429 259 127 104 28 31 2,143 9,509 8,316 Percentage 2 8 14 6 16 9 20 1 200 12 1 5-9 4 9 1-3 1-4

Households therein 59 313 363 432 429 259 128 106 28 32 2,149

Clogher Rural District

Permanent dwellings 11 130 367 595 594 403 236 112 34 56 2,538 12,639 9,402 Non-permanent dwellings 6 1 - - - 7 8 12

Dwellings with -

1 household 17 131 366 595 594 403 236 111 34 53 2,540 12.598 9,379 2 households 2 2 23 12 3 or more households 1 1 1 3 26 23

Total dwellings 17 131 367 595 594 403 236 112 34 56 2,545 12,647 9,414 Percentage 0-7 51 14-4 23-4 23 3 15-8 9 3 4-4 1-3 2-2

Households therein 17 131 369 595 594 403 236 114 34 64 2,557

Cookstown Rural District

Permanent dwellings 35 201 583 981 849 490 263 118 43 37 3,600 16,875 14,277 Non-permanent dwellings 8 2 - 1 - - - 11 16 15

Dwellings with -

1 household 43 202 583 982 849 490 263 117 39 35 3,603 16,825 14,240 2 households 1 4 2 7 58 49 3 or more households 1 1 8 3

Total dwellings 43 203 583 982 849 490 263 118 43 37 3,611 16,891 14,292 Percentage 12 5-6 16-1 27-2 23-S 13 6 7-3 3-3 1-2 10

Households therein 43 204 583 982 849 490 263 120 47 39 3,620 30

TABLE 9 Private Dwellings by Type, Households, Administrative Areas Rooms and Population - continued

Dwellings with Population Total Total in private 10 dwellings rooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 dwellings or more room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

Dungannon Rural District

Permanent dwellings 19 300 965 1,688 1,869 920 378 193 72 80 6,484 30,866 25,624 Non-permanent dwellings 12 5 2 ------19 28 61

Dwellings with -

1 household 31 305 967 1,688 1,869 918 373 191 71 77 6,490 30,788 25,569 2 households 2 5 2 3 13 106 116 3 or more households

Total dwellings 31 305 967 1,688 1,869 920 378 193 72 80 6,503 30,894 25,685

Percentage 0-5 4-7 14-9 260 28-7 14-1 5-8 30 11 1-2

Households therein 31 305 967 1,688 1,869 922 383 195 73 83 6,516

Omagh Rural District

Permanent dwellings 64 638 1,070 1,464 1-505 954 513 308 116 97 6,729 31,840 26,829 Non-permanent dwellings 19 7 2 1 - - - - 29 43 52

Dwellings with -

1 household 83 645 1,071 1,465 1,504 953 511 308 115 95 6,750 31,822 26,833 2 households 1 1 1 2 6 49 36 3 or more households 1 1 2 12 12

Total dwellings 83 645 1,072 1,465 1,505 954 513 308 116 97 6,758 31,883 26,881 Percentage 1-2 9 5 15*9 21-7 22-3 14! 7 6 4-6 1-7 1-4

Households therein 83 645 1,073 1,465 1,507 955 517 308 117 99 6,769

Strabane Rural District

Permanent dwellings 56 298 578 1,119 1,108 539 249 167 72 54 4,240 19,971 17,164 Non-permanent dwellings 9 4 - - - 13 17 26

Dwellings with -

1 household 65 302 578 1,116 1,106 538 249 166 72 53 4,245 19,941 17,139 2 households 3 1 5 23 25 3 or more households 1 1 1 3 24 26

Total dwellings 65 302 578 1,119 1,108 539 249 167 72 54 4,253 19,988 17,190 Percentage 15 7-1 13 6 26-3 26 1 12-7 5 9 3-9 1-7 1-3

Households therein 65 302 578 1,122 1,111 540 249 170 72 57 4,266 31

TABLE 10 Dwellings by Tenure and Rooms Administrative Areas

Notes:- (1) For definitions, see Part I. (2) This table is restricted to dwellings with an occupier present at Census, classified by the highest ranking tenure among occupiers present in the dwellings.


1 Dwellings with Total Total Tenure 10 Total rooms persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

County Tyrone All tenures Dwellings | 343 2,202 4,616 8,088 9,673 5,406 2,230 1,278 481 463 34,780 167,127 135,992 Households j 343 2,205 4,623 8,107 9,686 5,421 2,263 1,298 501 533 34,980 167.127 135,992

Owner occupied Dwellings ; 173 1,083 2,284 3,286 4,044 3,870 1,895 1,097 398 384 18,514 95,731 72,584 Households 1 173 1,083 2,285 3,288 4,046 3,877 1,900 1,102 413 413 18,580 95,731 72,584

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings j 51 430 1,401 3,504 4,735 914 58 13 3 2 11,111 48,846 46,127 Households 51 430 1,401 3,506 4.736 914 60 14 3 3 11,118 48,846 46,127

Rented unfurnished from a private person or cc mpany Dwellings 86 606 791 1,077 716 504 217 128 60 52 4,237 18,256 14,327 Households 86 607 793 1,084 721 507 224 140 61 87 4,310 18,256 14,327

Rented furnished from a private person oi com pany Dwellings I 21 60 88 151 109 81 38 25 14 16 603 2,809 1,840 Households 21 62 92 159 114 86 57 27 18 21 657 2,809 1,840

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 12 23 52 70 69 37 22 15 6 9 315 1,485 1,114 Households 12 23 52 70 69 37 22 15 6 9 315 1,485 1,114

Cookstown Urban District All tenures Dwellings 16 51 109 381 697 394 106 66 24 9 1,853 9,411 6,594 Households 16 51 109 381 697 394 107 67 25 9 1,856 9,411 6,594

Owner occupied Dwellings i 3 5 20 78 220 259 76 51 18 8 738 4,234 2,635 Households ! 3 5 20 78 220 259 77 52 19 8 741 4,234 2,635

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 7 42 71 225 423 85 11 1 1 866 3,923 3,294 Households 7 42 71 225 423 85 11 1 1 - 866 3,923 3,294

Rented unfurnished from a private person or cc mpany Dwellings 3 4 13 71 45 46 15 11 4 213 1,078 566 Households 3 4 13 71 45 46 15 11 4 1 213 1,078 566

Rented furnished from a private person oi com pany Dwellings j 3 4 6 6 3 2 2 1 27 126 72 Households 3 4 6 6 3 2 2 1 - 27 126 72

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings j - 1 1 3 1 2 1 - 9 50 27 Households j 1 1 3 1 2 1 9 50 27 1

Dungannon Urban District

All tenures Dwellings | 16 96 174 337 721 407 94 67 18 26 1,956 9,793 7,290 Households 16 98 176 345 722 408 99 67 20 33 1,984 9,793 7,290

Owner occupied Dwellings | 1 6 13 47 159 194 63 52 15 17 567 3,391 2,116 Households 1 6 13 47 159 194 63 52 15 18 568 3,391 2,116

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 10 47 123 231 490 155 9 - 1 1,067 4,858 4,245 Households 10 47 123 231 490 155 9 2 1,068 4,858 4,245

Rented unfurnished from a private person or c« mpany Dwellings 3 33 35 49 67 50 20 11 2 5 275 1,322 779 Households 3 33 35 50 67 50 20 11 2 8 279 1,322 779

Rented furnished from a private person or com pany Dwellings 1 8 2 7 2 6 2 1 2 32 148 100 Households ; 1 10 4 14 3 7 7 3 4 54 148 100 1 Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 1 2 1 3 3 2 - 2 : 1 15 74 50 Households 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 15 74 32 TABLE 10 Dwellings by Tenure and Rooms - continued Administrative Areas

Dwellings with Total Total Tenure 10 Total rooms persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rooms or more room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

Omagfa Urban District All tenures Dwellings 1 6 85 193 580 1,094 696 164 86 44 36 2,984 15,351 11,142 Households 6 85 195 583 1,095 703 178 88 47 43 3,023 15,351 11,142

Owner occupied Dwellings 1 1 4 15 114 324 344 113 69 35 29 1,048 6,173 3,909 Households 1 4 15 115 325 349 113 69 36 36 1,063 6,173 3,909

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 47 116 306 651 269 15 3 1 1,408 6,673 5,603 Households - 47 116 307 651 269 15 3 1 - 1,409 6,673 5,603

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings 2 22 20 60 45 42 18 8 5 4 226 1,101 653 Households 2 22 20 60 45 42 20 8 5 4 228 1,101 653

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings 3 10 35 86 60 36 17 4 3 3 257 1,200 844 Households 3 10 37 87 60 38 29 6 5 3 278 1,200 844

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings - 2 7 14 14 5 1 2 - 45 204 133 Households 2 7 14 14 5 1 2 - 45 204 133

Strabane Urban District All tenures Dwellings J 7 71 210 511 807 344 100 57 30 37 2,174 10,760 9,188 Households 7 71 2S0 514 813 347 103 63 38 74 2,240 10,760 9,188

Owner occupied Dwellings 1 18 55 126 209 234 79 49 23 26 819 4,595 3,140 Households 18 55 126 210 234 79 49 31 34 836 4,595 3,140

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 1 19 109 313 543 72 4 1 " 1,061 4,800 5,090 Households 19 109 314 543 72 5 2 - 1,064 4,800 5,090

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings 22 36 64 41 30 14 6 6 8 228 1,085 748 Households 1 22 36 66 42 31 14 11 6 34 263 1,085 748

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings 1 6 12 10 7 7 4 2 1 1 2 52 199 147 Households 6 12 10 7 11 6 4 1 1 5 63 199 147

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings - 1 7 4 1 - - 14 81 63 Households - 1 7 4 1 1 14 81 63

Castlederg Rural District AH tenures Dwellings 1 59 313 363 430 429 259 127 104 28 31 2,143 9,509 8,316 Households 59 313 363 432 429 259 128 106 28 32 2,149 9,509 8,316

Owner occupied Dwellings 1 28 149 187 172 193 184 104 89 23 26 1,155 5,581 4,428 Households 28 149 187 172 193 184 104 89 23 27 1,156 5,581 4,428

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 1 7 52 69 161 179 18 2 - 488 ! 1,979 2,0% Households 7 52 69 161 179 18 2 - 488 | 1,979 2,0%

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings j 20 106 99 88 52 53 21 10 4 2 455 1 1J42 | 1,650 Households 20 106 99 90 52 53 22 12 4 2 460 1,742 1,650

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings I 2 3 4 3 5 2 5 1 1 26 129 1 79 Households 2 3 4 3 5 2 - 5 1 1 26 129 79

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings i 2 3 4 6 - 2 : 2 19 | 78 1 63 Households 2 3 4 6 2 ^ '- 2 19 78 63 33

TABLE 10 Dwellings by Tenure and Rooms - continued Administrative Areas

Dwellings with Total Total 10 rooms persons 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 rooms rooms or more rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

Clogher Rural District

All tenures Dwellings 17 131 367 595 594 403 236 112 34 56 2,545 12,647 9,414 Households 17 131 369 595 594 403 236 114 34 64 2,557 12,647 9,414

Owner occupied Dwellings 10 97 225 312 328 324 208 97 28 48 1,677 8,751 6,290 Households 10 97 225 312 328 324 208 97 28 50 1,679 8,751 6,290

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings I 2 10 78 173 196 29 5 3 497 2,171 1,894 Households i 2 10 78 173 1% 29 5 3 497 2,171 1,894

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings ! 5 23 56 103 67 42 20 10 6 336 1,543 1,125 Households , 5 23 58 103 67 42 20 12 12 346 1,543 1,125

Rented furnished from a private person or companompanyy Dwellings J 1 7 6 3 7 2 2 ! I 30 153 87 Households I 1 7 6 3 7 2 2 30 153 87

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 18 Households 18

Cookstown Rural District All tenures Dwellings I 43 203 583 982 849 490 263 118 43 37 i 3,611 16,891 14,292 Households j 43 204 583 982 849 490 263 120 47 39 i 3,620 16,891 14,292

Owner occupied Dwellings j 28 144 410 561 449 409 230 104 36 33 I 2,404 11,618 9,404 Households 28 144 410 561 449 409 230 106 39 35 2,411 11,618 9,404

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings I 1 10 100 302 335 33 1 1 783 3,417 3,417 Households ! 1 10 100 302 335 33 1 1 783 3,417 3,417

Rented unfurnished from a private person o>r company Dwellings I 8 44 62 108 54 41 26 10 2 ; 359 1,550 1,287 Households ' 8 45 62 108 54 41 26 10 2 ! 361 1,550 1,287

Rented furnished from a private person or compancompar y Dwellings ! 4 3 6 6 2 5 2 1 31 135 72 Households 4 3 6 6 2 5 2 1 31 135 72

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 2 2 5 5 9 2 4 2 2 1 34 171 112 Households 2 2 5 5 9 2 4 2 2 1 34 171 112 i 1

Dungannon Rural District AH tenures Dwellings 31 305 967 1,869 920 378 193 72 6,503 ! 30,894 25,685 Households 31 305 967 1,869 922 383 195 73 6,516 J 30,894 25,685

Owner occupied Dwellings 20 153 556 717 858 729 337 173 60 64 3,667 18,533 14,735 Households 20 153 556 717 858 730 340 175 61 67 3,677 18,533 14,735

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings ! 2 70 250 751 852 89 2,019 8,728 8,160 Households 2 70 250 751 852 89 2,020 8,728 8,160

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings 70 141 186 135 87 33 16 10 14 697 3,110 2,381 Households 70 141 186 135 34 16 10 14 699 3.110 2,381

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings I 7 14 50 226 I 157 Households I - 7 14 50 226 157

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 15 20 12 70 297 252 Households 15 20 12 70 297 252 34

TABLE 10 Dwellings by Tenure and Rooms - continued Administrative Areas

Dwellings with Total Total Tenure 10 Total rooms persons 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms or more rooms rooms rooms

Omagh Rural District

All tenures Dwellings 83 645 1,072 1,465 1,505 954 513 308 116 97 6,758 31,883 26,881 Households 83 645 1,073 1,465 1,507 955 517 308 117 99 6,769 31,883 26,881

Owner occupied Dwellings 53 363 600 790 899 816 463 273 102 86 4,445 22,437 18,014 Households 53 363 601 790 899 817 464 273 103 86 4,451 22,437 18,014

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 1 6 100 279 474 462 63 4 2 - 1,390 5,671 5,621 Households 6 100 279 474 462 63 4 2 - 1,390 5,671 5,621

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings i 20 164 171 176 124 61 29 23 10 7 785 3,104 2,769 Households 20 164 171 176 126 61 32 23 10 7 790 3,104 2,769

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings 1 2 12 10 13 7 6 11 6 3 3 73 367 208 Households 2 12 10 13 7 6 11 6 3 3 73 367 208

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 2 6 12 12 13 8 6 4 1 1 65 304 269 Households 2 6 12 12 13 8 6 4 1 65 304 269

Strabane Rural District All tenures Dwellings 65 302 578 1,119 1,108 539 249 167 72 54 4,253 19,988 17,190 Households 65 302 578 1,122 1,111 540 249 170 72 57 4,266 19,988 17,190

Owner occupied Dwellings 1 29 144 203 369 405 377 222 140 58 47 1,994 10,418 7,913 Households 29 144 203 370 405 377 222 140 58 50 1,998 10,418 7,913

Rented from a local or public authority Dwellings 1 16 33 206 568 604 101 4 - - 1,532 6,626 6,707 Households 16 33 206 568 605 101 4 - 1,533 6,626 6,707

Rented unfurnished from a private person or company Dwellings 1 19 118 158 172 86 52 21 23 11 3 663 2,621 2,369 Households 19 118 158 174 88 53 21 26 11 3 671 2,621 2,369

Rented furnished from a private person or company Dwellings | 4 5 3 5 3 - 1 2 2 25 126 74 Households 4 5 3 5 3 1 2 2 25 126 74

Other tenures and not stated Dwellings 1 3 6 7 8 6 2 3 1 2 39 197 127 Households 1 3 6 7 8 6 2 3 1 2 39 197 127 35

TABLE 11 Private Households by Size, Rooms, Dwellings Administrative Areas Type and Population

Households with Average Number of persons Total Total Total number of present 10 households persons rooms persons at Census 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more per room room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

County Tyrone

AH households

1 person 245 872 1,012 1,273 748 392 166 97 27 35 4,867 4,867 18,786 0-26 2 persons 83 661 1,179 1,905 1,762 1,042 400 223 91 72 7,418 14,836 33,858 0-44 3 " 45 299 778 1,369 1,706 893 383 210 73 71 5,827 17,481 28,127 0-62 4 " 11 184 516 1,116 1,641 920 383 219 66 56 5,112 20,448 25,745 0-79 5 " 9 131 401 840 1,301 727 314 175 70 64 4,032 20,160 20,631 0-98 6 " 9 66 299 576 932 515 204 129 53 52 2,835 17,010 14,620 116 7 " 5 45 178 391 604 343 152 90 33 32 1,873 13,111 9,718 1-35 8 " 2 26 131 276 425 239 92 61 30 30 1,312 10,496 6,869 1 53 9 " 13 64 132 232 132 51 26 17 13 680 6,120 3,556 1-72 10 or more persons 2. 21 113 220 322 205 77 40 12 12 1,024 11,463 5,217 2-20

Total households 411 2,318 4,671 8,098 9,673 5,408 2,222 1,270 472 437 34,980 Total persons 764 5,758 15,70(5 29,9! 9 41,349 23,364 9,564 5,493 2,118 1,963 135,992 0-31 Total rooms 411 4,636 14,013 32.392 48,365 32,448 15,554 10,160 4,248 4,900 167,127

Households in shared dwellings Total households 68 119 59 24 10 14 10 4 4 2 1 314 1 Total persons 109 272 153 90 36 52 46 19 20 10 807 0-92 Total rooms 68 238 177 96 50 84 70 32 36 _JiL 873 Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 87 33 24 3 - 1 147 ! Total persons 198 86 50 17 i 351 1 48 Total rooms 87 66 72 12 " 1 1 237 Cookstown Urban District

All households

1 person 9 29 28 78 56 19 10 5 1 235 235 976 0-24 2 persons 5 14 25 125 121 25 11 5 427 854 2,097 0-41 3 M 1 4 21 65 171 7%5 18 13 4 1 373 1,119 1,913 0-58 4 " 3 20 55 123 69 17 18 2 4 311 1,244 1,640 0-76 5 " . 1 7 24 103 65 10 7 4 1 222 1,110 1,196 0-93 6 " 1 2 5 17 5! 34 12 5 2 129 774 689 112 7 " ] . 8 37 18 6 4 2 1 77 539 432 1-25 8 " . . 2 7 24 10 3 l 1 1 50 400 271 1-48 9 " . . . 1 6 4 3 . . 14 126 79 1 59 10 or more persons - 1 1 5 6 2 - 2 1 18 193 118 1-64

Total households 17 53 109 381 697 396 106 65 23 9 1,856 Total persons 35 98 312 1,097 2,683 1,549 417 247 105 51 6,594 0-70 Total rooms 17 106 327 1,524 3,485 2,376 742 520 207 107 9,411 1 .... Households in shared dwellings Total households 1 2 - - - 2 1 - - - 6 Total persons 3 4 - - - 11 5 - - - 23 0-96 Total rooms ] 4 ... 12 7 24

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 5 2 ------7 Total persons 13 12 ------25 2-78 Total rooms 5 4 ...... 9

Dungannon Urban District

All households

1 person 28 46 61 81 48 32 6 6 1 2 311 311 1,186 0-26 2 persons 2 27 49 88 122 74 15 16 8 6 407 814 1,985 0 41 3 " 1 18 22 50 115 71 19 7 2 4 309 927 1,553 0-60 4 " - 7 21 54 152 82 25 15 1 - 357 1,428 1,849 0-77 5 " - 8 8 31 108 56 14 7 3 4 239 1,195 1,262 0-95 6 " . 1 9 17 74 40 4 5 . 1 151 906 790 115 7 " 1 4 6 56 20 5 6 3 101 707 556 1-27 M - . 8 - - 4 3 24 13 3 3 1 1 52 416 288 1-44 9 " . - 2 1 8 7 . 2 . 1 21 189 119 1-59 10 or more persons - - - 4 15 11 2 2 2 36 397 205 1-94

Total households 32 107 180 335 722 406 93 69 18 22 1,984 Total persons 42 228 481 1,001 3,048 1,664 368 293 75 90 7,290 0-74 Total rooms 32 214 540 1,340 3,610 2,436 651 552 162 256 9,793

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 16 13 7 2 2 1 2 1 44 1 Total persons 16 23 10 2 6 8 11 2 78 0-69 Total rooms 16 26 21 8 10 7 16 9 113 — 1 Households in •m-permanent dwellings

Total households 2 Total persons 7 - 2 - - - - - '- - 9 2-25 Total rooms 1 - 3 ------4 36 TABLE 11 Private Households by Size, Rooms, Dwellings Administrative Areas Type and Population - continued

Households with Average Number of persons Total Total Total present 10 households persons rooms number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 persons at Census room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms or more rooms per room

Omagh Urban District

All households 1 person 12 52 58 105 72 37 14 6 4 2 362 362 1,495 0-24 2 persons 8 44 65 173 213 142 36 29 9 8 727 1,454 3,549 0-41 3 " 1 6 39 133 213 109 27 9 8 3 548 1,644 2,746 0-60 4 " 1 6 16 68 217 132 34 11 6 2 493 1,972 2,610 0-76 5 " 2 9 51 134 117 24 11 3 5 356 1,780 1,945 0-92 6 " . 4 29 109 59 6 8 4 7 226 1,356 1,249 109 7 " 3 15 46 39 7 8 3 3 124 868 707 1 23 8 " . 1 4 47 29 5 1 2 2 91 728 512 1 42 9 " . 3 . 15 13 4 1 3 1 40 360 235 1-53 10 or more persons - - 1 3 29 19 3 1 - - 56 618 303 2 04

Total households 24 108 199 581 1,095 6% 160 85 42 33 3,023 Total persons 45 182 504 1.722 4,479 2,946 620 323 173 148 11,142 0-73 TotaJ rooms 24 216 597 2.324 5,475 4,176 1,120 680 378 361 15,351

Households in shared dwellings Total households 18 23 7 4 2 4 1 - - - 59 Total persons 30 48 17 4 5 11 2 - - - 117 0-82 Total rooms 18 46 21 16 10 24 7 142

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 3 15 Total persons 10 30 40 0-83 Total rooms 3 45 48

Strabane Urban Distri

All households 1 person 11 28 33 69 52 32 6 4 3 3 241 241 1,027 0-23 2 persons 5 33 67 122 126 67 18 9 6 5 458 916 2,101 0-44 3 " 4 31 44 92 132 48 18 8 4 6 387 1,161 1,805 0-64 4 '" 1 16 33 64 124 61 22 10 3 2 336 1,344 1,655 0-81 5 - 7 20 51 91 44 10 6 6 3 238 1,190 1,201 0-99 6 " . 3 16 32 97 36 10 6 3 5 208 1,248 1,088 115 7 - - 5 32 75 27 5 3 1 148 1,036 750 1 38 8 " . 4 5 23 47 15 6 3 1 2 106 848 535 1 59 9 " - . 10 32 4 2 1 1 . 50 450 255 1-76 10 or more persons - 8 16 26 9 4 4 - 1 68 754 343 2-20

Total households 21 122 231 511 802 343 101 54 27 28 2,240 Total persons 37 336 786 1,967 3,713 1,434 443 248 104 120 9,188 0-85 Total rooms 21 244 693 2,044 4,010 2,058 707 432 243 308 10,760

Households in shared dwellings Total households Total persons Total rooms

Castlederg Rural District

All households

1 person 26 91 50 53 29 23 6 12 1 3 294 294 1,036 0-28 2 persons 14 91 74 111 87 53 24 14 4 8 480 960 2,029 0-47 3 " 16 41 65 63 82 43 22 18 6 6 362 1,086 1,626 0-67 4 " 2 33 53 56 65 45 20 18 2 4 298 1.192 1,388 0-86 5 " 22 41 59 47 24 19 13 4 4 233 1,165 1,095 106 6 " 3 17 33 26 45 28 12 11 3 3 181 1,086 864 1-26 ,' - 10 18 22 33 15 9 9 2 . 118 826 570 1-45 8 " - 1 14 16 15 13 6 2 3 2 72 576 370 1-56 9 " - 4 7 7 11 11 5 4 - 1 50 450 255 1 76 •0 or more persons " 7 10 16 16 4 3 2 3 * 61 681 276 2-47

Total households 61 317 365 429 430 259 126 103 28 31 2,149 Total persons 128 931 1,425 1,660 1,837 1,087 554 432 146 116 8,316 0-87 Total rooms 61 634 1,095 1,716 2,150 1,554 882 824 252 341 9,509

Households in shared dwellings Total households j 2 4 2 Total persons 6 8 3 0-94 Total rooms 2 8 6

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households I 24 10 4 38 Total persons 55 38 11 104 ! •86 Total rooms 24 20 12 56 37

TABLE 11 Private Households by Size, Rooms, Dwellings Administrative Areas Type and Population - continued

Households with Number of persons Total Total Total present 10 households persons rooms at Census 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

Clogher Rural District

All households 1 person 14 55 94 103 70 52 19 8 . 9 424 424 1,778 0-24 2 persons 5 42 108 134 128 78 37 22 9 8 571 1,142 2,661 0-43 3 " 1 20 58 108 94 81 43 14 2 11 432 1,296 2,156 0-60 4 " 1 9 36 101 105 58 40 19 5 6 380 1,520 1,947 0-78 5 " 4 27 48 70 41 37 13 6 8 254 1,270 1,391 0-91 6 " . . 16 35 41 33 20 13 4 4 166 9% 927 107 7 " . 5 14 29 33 24 15 7 4 4 135 945 716 1 32 8 " . 2 8 17 20 16 11 7 3 2 86 688 476 1-45 9 " _ 1 2 7 10 9 4 5 2 1 41 369 237 1 56 10 or more persons - 1 5 14 23 11 10 3 - 1 68 764 358 213

Total households 21 139 368 596 594 403 236 111 35 54 2,557 Total persons 31 329 1,092 2,117 2,356 1,588 1,030 494 168 209 9,414 0-74 Total rooms 21 278 1,104 2,384 2,970 2,418 1,652 888 315 617 12,647

Households in shared dwellings Total households ] 4 Total persons 5 15 Total rooms 4 16

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 6 Total persons 11 Total rooms 6

Cookstown Rural District

All fa 1 person 34 82 113 153 82 33 20 7 3 5 532 532 2,042 0-26 2 persons 7 55 143 202 150 99 55 19 7 4 741 1,482 3,340 0-44 3 M 2 30 106 165 140 77 42 20 6 8 5% 1,788 2,792 0-64 4 " 1 14 69 130 131 82 40 15 4 5 491 1,964 2,391 0-82 5 " 1 10 52 109 116 58 39 18 9 3 415 2,075 2,071 100 6 " 1 8 41 77 77 54 24 13 3 4 302 1,812 1,498 1 -21 7 " 2 25 48 39 34 21 7 4 1 181 1,267 919 1 38 8 " . 2 16 41 52 18 13 17 2 4 165 1,320 884 1-49 9 " . 1 7 24 27 15 3 . 1 1 79 711 385 1 -85 10 or more persons - 1 15 34 36 22 7 2 1 118 1,341 569 2-36

Total households 46 205 587 983 850 492 264 118 40 35 3,620 Total persons 69 487 2,042 3,849 3,706 2,167 1,107 544 177 144 14,292 0-85 Total rooms 46 410 1,761 3,932 4,250 2,952 1,848 944 360 388 16,891

Households in shared dwellings Total households 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 ,7 total persons 5 8 8 1 6 4 8 5 7 1 52 0-79 Total rooms 3 6 12 4 5 12 7 8 9 1 66 Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households j 8 2 Total persons 9 2 Total rooms 8 4

All I 1 person 15 139 225 245 124 59 19 8 4 5 843 843 3,208 0-26 2 persons 4 88 249 381 356 171 54 30 8 9 1,350 2,700 6,064 0-45 3 " 5 27 160 269 333 167 67 38 9 12 1,087 3,261 5,272 0-62 4 " 1 19 83 229 311 137 78 38 16 9 921 3,684 4,676 0-79 5 " 3 15 100 197 282 134 63 31 11 20 856 4,280 4,337 0-99 6 " 6 62 137 191 104 32 24 11 8 575 3,450 2,928 118 7 " 1 5 38 95 94 55 23 10 2 5 328 2,2% 1,622 1 42 8 " 1 4 27 60 86 35 10 2 5 5 235 1,880 1,154 1 -63 9 " 2 11 33 43 26 12 5 5 2 139 1,251 729 1-72 10 or more persons 1 2 21 50 52 32 16 5 1 2 182 2,040 904 2-26

Total households 31 307 976 1,696 1,872 920 374 191 72 77 6,516 Total persons 86 692 3,217 6,539 7,954 4,005 1,676 816 343 357 25,685 0-83 Total rooms 31 614 2,928 6,784 9,360 5,520 2,618 1,528 648 863 30,894

HowhoMs ia shared dwellings

Total households 2 9 8 3 2 1 1 26 Total persons 4 39 44 10 11 3 5 116 109 Total rooms 4 27 32 15 12 7 9 106

i hi non-permanent dwellings Total households 12 5 Total persons 51 7 Total rooms 12 10 38 TABLE 11 Private Households by Size, Rooms, Dwellings Administrative Areas Type and Population - continued

Households with Number of persons Average Total Total Total number of present 10 households persons rooms at Census 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 persons or more per room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms

Omagh Rural District

AH households 1 person 55 248 240 207 124 71 37 28 6 4 1,020 1,020 3,723 0-27 2 persons 20 185 272 340 285 166 91 46 21 18 1,444 2,888 6,377 0-45 3 " 5 77 163 239 246 136 85 52 23 13 1,039 3,117 5,013 0-62 4 " 3 48 116 185 243 167 74 44 12 14 906 3,624 4,530 0-80 5 " 1 38 79 153 193 122 68 41 12 10 717 3,585 3,649 0-98 6 " 3 20 69 124 134 81 53 32 16 13 545 3,270 2,817 116 14 41 81 112 69 45 26 9 8 405 2,835 2,154 1-32 78 "" . 10 36 60 56 57 27 17 10 5 278 2,224 1,459 1-52 9 " 4 22 25 47 31 13 5 4 4 155 1,395 806 1-73 10 or more persons - 7 35 53 65 55 20 17 2 6 260 2,923 1,355 2 16

Total households 87 651 1,073 1,467 1,505 955 513 308 115 95 6,769 Total persons 145 1,646 3,712 5,726 6,558 4,404 2,301 1,405 521 463 26,881 0-84 Total rooms 87 132 3,219 5368 7,525 5,730 3,591 2,464 1,035 1,062 31,883

Households in shared dwellings Total households 6 2 2 Total persons 9 10 6 48 Total rooms 12 12 14

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 19 7 29 Total persons 27 12 Total rooms 19 14

Strabane Rural DistrU

All households 1 person 41 102 110 179 91 34 29 13 4 2 605 605 2,315 0-26 2 persons 13 82 127 229 174 96 45 27 14 6 813 1,626 3,655 0-44 3 " 9 45 100 185 180 86 42 31 9 7 694 2,082 3,251 0-64 4 " 1 29 69 174 170 87 33 31 15 10 619 2,476 3,059 0-81 5 " 2 26 58 117 157 66 30 28 12 6 502 2,510 2,484 101 6 " 1 9 44 82 113 46 31 12 7 7 352 2,112 1,770 119 7 "' 2 9 30 55 79 42 16 10 7 6 256 1,792 1,292 1*39 8 " 1 3 18 45 54 33 8 7 2 6 177 1,416 920 1*54 1 10 24 33 12 5 3 1 2 91 819 456 1-80 190 or- more persons 1- 3 17 29 55 36 10 4 1 1 157 1,752 786 2-23

Total households 71 309 583 1,119 1,106 538 249 166 72 53 4,266 Total persons 146 829 2,129 4,241 5,015 2,520 1,048 691 306 265 17,190 0-86 Total rooms 71 618 1,749 4,476 5,530 3,228 1,743 1,328 648 597 19,988

Households in shared dwellings Total households 6 7 5 3 Total persons 12 17 8 14 Total rooms 6 14 15 12 47

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 9 Total persons 15 26 •53 Total rooms 9 39

TABLE 12 Private Households by Size, Dwelling Type and Density Administrative Areas of Population (persons per room)

All households I

Over 1 Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Less Over Over Over 1 Over 0-75 0-5 and Total and up and up over and than and up over and than 1-5 1-5 and up 1 to 1-5 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5 to 1-5 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5

1 Number Percentage

County Tyrone AH households 1 person 4,867 245 872 3,750 5-0 17-9 77-0 2 persons 7,418 83 661 3,084 3,590 11 8-9 41 6 48-4 3 " 5,827 45 299 778 3,968 737 0-8 51 13-4 68-1 12 6 4 " 5,112 195 516 2,757 1,522 122 3-8 10 1 53-9 29-8 2-4 4,032 541 840 2,028 592 31 50-3 14-7 0-8 5 " 13-4 20-8 6 " 2,835 374 1,508 719 224 10 13 2 53-2 25-4 7-9 04 7 " 1,873 619 947 275 29 3 330 50-6 14-7 1-5 0-2 8 " 1,312 860 331 104 14 3 65-5 25-2 7-9 11 0-2 9 " 680 441 209 27 3 64-9 30-7 40 0-4 1,024 934 80 7 3 - 91-2 7-8 0-7 10 or more persons - 0-3 Total households 34,980 4,092 4,730 7,601 10,311 8,246 11-7 13-5 21-7 29 5 23-6 Total persons 135,992 31,734 28,204 32,455 29.710 13,889 23-3 20-7 23-9 21 8 10-2

Households in shared dwellings Total households 314 50 41 113 70 15 9 131 36-0 22-3 12-7 Total persons 807 219 163 224 147 27-1 20-2 27-8 18 2 6-7

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 147 57 53 34 38-8 1-4 36-1 23 1 0-7 Total persons 351 218 70 55 62 1 2-0 19 9 15-7 0-3

Cookstown Urban District Ail households 1 person 235 | 9 29 197 3-8 12 3 83-8 2 persons 427 5 14 150 258 12 3-3 35 1 60-4 3 " 373 1 4 21 311 36 0-3 11 5-6 83-4 9-7 4 " 311 3 20 178 104 6 10 6-4 57-2 33-4 1-9 222 ! 8 24 168 22 3-6 5 " 10-8 75-7 9-9 6 " 129 68 46 6 2 52-7 35-7 5-4 7 " 77 9 55 12 117 71-4 15-6 1-3 8 " 50 33 13 660 260 60 2-0 9 " 14 7 7 50 -0 500 18 13 4 10 or more persons 72-2 22-2

Total households 1,856 ! 87 195 451 626 497 4-7 10 5 24-3 33-7 26-8 Total persons 6,594 I 644 1,212 2,036 1.857 845 9-8 18-4 30-9 28-2 12-8

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 6 i 167 16-7 33 3 33-3 . Total persons 23 130 30 4 17 4 39 1

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 7 6 85 -7 14 3 Total persons 25 24 96 0 40

Dungannon Urban District All households

1 person j 311 28 46 237 90 14-8 76-2 2 persons ! 407 2 27 137 241 0-5 6-6 33-7 59-2 3 " 309 1 18 22 236 32 0-3 5-8 71 76-4 10-4 4 " ! 357 7 21 206 122 1 20 5-9 57-7 34-2 0-3 5 " | 239 16 31 164 27 1 6-7 130 68-6 11-3 0-4 6 " : i5i 10 91 44 5 1 6-6 60-3 29-1 3-3 0-7 7 " 101 11 76 11 3 10-9 75-2 10 9 30 8 " • 52 31 16 4 1 59-6 30-8 7-7 1-9 9 * 21 11 9 I 52-4 42-9 4-8 10 or more persons 36 34 2 94-4 5-6

Total households 1,984 123 264 507 577 513 6-2 13 3 25-6 29 1 25-9 Total persons 7,290 974 1,602 2,174 1,710 830 13-4 22 0 29-8 23-5 114

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 44 3 25 7 9 6-8 56-8 15 9 20-5 Total persons 78 14 42 11 11 17-9 53-8 14 1 14 1

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 500 50 0 Total persons 77-8 22-2 40

TABLE 12 Private Households by Size, Dwelling Type and Density Administrative Areas of Population (persons per room) - continued

All households

Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Over 1 Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Over Over 1 Over Total and up and up over and than and up and up over and than 1-5 1-5 to 1-5 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5 to 1-5 up to 0-75 0-5


Omagh Urban District

All households 1 person 362 12 52 298 3-3 14 4 82-3 2 persons 727 8 44 238 437 11 61 32-7 601 •^ « 548 1 6 39 455 47 0-2 11 7-1 83 0 8-6 4 " 493 7 16 285 177 8 1-4 3-2 57-8 35-9 1-6 5 " 356 11 51 251 39 4 31 14 3 70-5 110 11 6 " 226 4 138 65 17 2 1-8 61 1 28-8 7-5 0-9 7 " 124 18 85 18 3 14-5 68-5 14-5 2-4 8 " 91 52 34 3 2 57-1 37-4 3-3 2-2 - 40 18 18 4 . 450 45 0 100 - 9 » - - - 10 or more persons 56 54 2 - - - 96-4 3-6 - - Total households 3,023 173 350 721 983 796 5-7 11 6 23-9 32-5 26-3 Total persons 11,142 1,426 2,216 3,188 2,935 1,377 12-8 19 9 28-6 26-3 12-4

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 59 i 10 27 9 10 16-9 51 45-8 15-3 16-9 Total persons 117 ! 31 47 15 13 26-5 9<4 40-2 12 8 111

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 18 ! 15 16 7 83-3 Total persons 40 i 30 25-0 75-0

Strabane Urban District

All households 1 person 241 11 28 202 4-6 11-6 83-8 2 persons 458 5 33 389 233 11 7-2 41-3 50-4 3 " 387 4 31 44 272 36 10 80 11 -4 70-3 9-3 4 " 336 17 13 188 93 5 51 9-8 560 27-7 1-5 5 238 27 51 135 24 1 11-3 21 4 56-7 101 0-4

f> 208 19 129 46 12 2 91 62 -0 22-1 5-8 10 7 " 148 37 102 8 1 . 25-0 68-9 5-4 0-7 - 8 " 106 79 21 6 . . 74-5 19 8 5-7 . . 9 ' 50 42 7 1 . 840 140 20 - - 10 »r more persons 68 62 6 - 91-2 8-8 - - Total households 2,240 292 380 472 619 477 130 170 211 27-6 21-3 Total persons 9,188 2,297 2,264 2,025 1,793 809 25 0 24-6 22 0 19-5 8-8

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 95 21 17 31 22 22-1 17-9 32-6 23-2 4-2 TotaJ persons 256 89 52 68 39 34-8 20-3 26-6 15-2 31

Households in non-permaaent dwellings

Totai households 66-7 33-3 Total persons 7 i 85-7 14-3

Castkderg Rural District All h

1 person 294 26 91 177 8-8 310 60-2 2 persons 480 14 91 185 190 2-9 190 38-5 39-6 3 " 362 ' 6 41 65 188 52 4-4 11-3 180 51 9 14-4 4 " 298 35 53 121 83 6 11-7 17-8 40-6 27-9 20 5 233 63 59 71 40 - 27-0 25-3 30-5 17-2 - 6 " 181 53 71 40 17 29-3 39-2 22-1 9-4 . 7 " 118 50 48 20 . _ 42-4 40-7 16 9 . . 8 "* 72 46 19 5 2 . 63-9 26-4 6 9 2-8 . 9 " 50 29 20 1 _ 580 400 2-0 . . 10 or more persons 61 54 7 - - 88-5 11 -5 - - Total households 2,149 360 318 440 606 425 16-8 14-8 20-5 28-2 19 8 Total persons 8,316 2,434 1,799 1,671 1,675 737 29-3 21-6 201 20-1 8-9

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 10 3 300 100 100 400 100 Total persons 31 10 32-3 19 4 6-5 38-7 3-2

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 38 22 11 57-9 5-3 28-9 7-9 Total persons 104 76 16 73-1 6-7 15-4 4-8 41 TABLE 12 Private Households by Size, Dwelling Type and Density Administrative Areas of Population (persons per room) - continued

All households

Over 1 Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Over 1 Over 0 75 0-5 and Less Over over and than Over and up over and than Total 1-5 and up and up 1-5 and up to 1-5 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5 to 1-5 tol up to 0-75 0-5

Number Percentage

Oogher Rural District All households 1 person 424 14 55 355 3-3 130 83-7 2 persons 571 5 42 242 282 0-9 7-4 42-4 49-4 3 " 432 1 20 58 283 70 0-2 4-6 13-4 65-5 16-2 4 " 380 10 36 206 117 11 2-6 9-5 54-2 30-8 2-9 5 " 254 31 48 111 60 4 12 2 18-9 43-7 23-6 1-6 6 " 166 16 76 53 19 2 9-6 45-8 31-9 11 -4 1-2 7 " 135 48 57 26 4 . 35-6 42-2 19 3 30 - 8 " 86 47 27 10 2 - 54-7 31-4 11-6 2-3 - 9 " 41 20 18 3 - - 48-8 43-9 7-3 - - 10 or more persons 68 59 8 1 - - 86-8 11 -8 1-5 - - Total households 2,557 237 290 524 782 724 9-3 11-3 20-5 30-6 28-3 Total persons 9,414 1,869 1,758 2,268 2,314 1,205 19-9 18 7 24 1 24-6 12-8

Households in shared dwellings Total households 7 5 5-9 118 41-2 29-4 Total persons 13 11 5-7 17-1 37 1 31-4 8-6

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 42-9 42-9 14-3 Total persons 66-7 250 8-3

Cookstown Rural District

All households 1 person 532 34 82 416 6-4 15-4 78-2 2 persons 741 7 55 345 334 0-9 7-4 46-6 45 1 3 " 5% 2 30 106 382 76 0-3 50 17 8 641 12-8 4 " 491 15 69 261 137 9 31 141 53-2 27-9 1-8 5 " 415 63 109 174 67 2 15-2 26-3 41 9 16 1 0-5 6 " 302 50 154 78 20 _ 16-6 510 25-8 6-6 . 7 " 181 75 73 32 1 41-4 40-3 17-7 0-6 8 " 165 111 31 21 1 1. 67-3 18 8 12-7 0-6 0-6. 9 " 79 59 18 2 . - 74-7 22-8 2-5 . . 10 or more persons 118 113 5 - - - 95-8 4-2 - - - Total households 3,620 495 489 763 1,035 838 13-7 13-5 211 28-6 23-1 Total persons 14,292 3,930 2,806 3,254 2,936 1,366 27-5 19 6 22-8 20-5 9-6

Households in shared dwellings Total households 4 11 -8 23-5 17-6 23-5 23-5 Total persons 21 13 5 40-4 17-3 21-2 7-7

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 11 8 91 72-7 18-2 Total persons 15 11 13 3 73-3 13-3

Dungannon Rural District All households

1 person 843 15 139 689 1-8 16-5 81-7 2 persons 1,350 4 88 630 628 0-3 6-5 46-7 46-5 3 " 1,087 5 27 160 769 126 0-5 2-5 14-7 70-7 11 -6 4 " 921 20 83 540 253 25 2-2 90 58-6 27-5 2-7 5 " 856 118 197 416 113 12 13-8 23 0 48-6 13-2 1-4 6 " 575 68 328 136 42 1 118 57-0 23-7 7-3 0-2 7 " 328 139 149 35 4 1 42-4 45-4 10-7 1-2 0-3 8 " 235 178 45 10 2 . 75-7 19-1 4-3 0-9 . 9 " 139 89 43 7 . . 640 30-9 50 . . 10 or more persons 182 167 13 2 - - 91-8 7-1 11 - - Total households 6,516 788 885 1,409 1,952 1,482 121 13 6 „ 21-6 300 22-7 Total persons 25,685 6,184 5,290 6,136 5,579 2,4% 24-1 20-6 23-9 21-7 9-7

Households in shared dwellings

Total households 26 5 4 6 6 19 2 15-4 23-1 23 1 19-2 Total persons 116 51 21 18 18 440 18-1 15-5 15-5 6 9

Households in non-permanent dwellings

Total households 19 9 47-4 26-3 211 5-3 Total persons 61 48 78-7 11 -5 8-2 1-6 42 TABLE 12 Private Households by Siae, Dwelling Type and Density Administrative Areas of Population (persons per room) - continued

All households

Over 1 Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Over 0-75 0-5 and Less Over Over and up and up over and than and up and up over and than 1-5 1-5 to 15 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5 to 1 up to 0-75 0-5

Number Percentage

Omagh Rural District All households I person 1,020 55 248 717 5-4 24-3 70-3 2 persons 1,444 20 185 612 627 1-4 12-8 42-4 43-4 1,039 5 77 163 621 173 0-5 7-4 15-7 59-8 16-7 4 " 906 51 116 428 285 26 5-6 12-8 47-2 31-5 2-9 5 717 118 153 315 126 5 16 5 21 -3 43-9 17-6 0-7 6 " 545 92 258 134 59 2 16 9 47-3 24-6 10-8 0-4 --, 405 136 181 80 6 2 33-6 44-7 19-8 1-5 0-5 8 " 278 162 84 30 2 58-3 30-2 10-8 0-7 - 9 - 155 98 49 6 2 . 63-2 31-6 3-9 1-3 - 10 or more persons 260 230 25 3 2 - 88-5 9-6 1-2 0-8 - Total households 6,769 912 943 1,399 1,963 1,552 13-5 13 9 20-7 290 22-9 Total persons 26,881 7,138 5,653 5,890 5,555 2,645 26-6 210 21-9 20-7 9-8

Households in shared dwellings Total households 4 7 2 1 5-3 211 26-3 36-8 10 5 Total persons 19 14 3 8-3 39-6 16 7 29-2 6-3

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 29 8 15 27-6 51 -7 20-7 Total persons 52 27 17 51 9 32-7 15 4

Strabane Rural District

AH households 1 person 605 41 102 462 6-8 16-9 76-4 2 persons 813 13 82 356 362 1-6 101 43-8 44-5 •\ '•• 694 9 45 100 451 89 1-3 6 5 14-4 65 0 12-8 4 619 30 69 344 151 25 4-8 111 556 24-4 40 502 86 117 223 74 2 171 23-3 44-4 14-7 0-4 s 6 '" 352 54 195 77 26 15-3 55-4 21 9 7-4 .. ? " 256 121 33 6 37-5 47-3 12 9 2-3 8 " 177 12%1 41 12 1 2- 68-4 23-2 6-8 0-6 11- o 91 68 20 2 1 74-7 22-0 2-2 11 . 10 or more persons 157 148 8 1 - 94-3 51 0-6 - Total households 4,266 625 616 915 1,168 942 14-7 14-4 21 4 27-4 22 1 Total persons 17,190 4,838 3,604 3.813 3,356 1,579 28-1 210 22-2 19 5 9-2

Households in shared dwellings Total households 6 6 28-6 9-5 28-6 190 14-3 Total persons 22 13 431 11-8 25-5 13-7 5-9

Households in non-permanent dwellings Total households 4 30-8 61 5 7-7 Total persons 16 61-5 34-6 3-8 TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities

! With outside flush With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With no toilet (wc) only With no With exclusive With no hot water supply fixed batn flush fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use l Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Nnmb Number Per NumbCT Number Number Number Number Number Number NumbCT Number Number « | £t cent «m cent cent cent cent «t cent St cent cent

County Tyrone

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 34,980 22,966 65-7 206 0-6 11,808 33-8 21,486 61 4 234 13,260 37-9 22,174 63-4 2,820 81 0-2 9,649 27-6 21,128

1-3 rooms 7,400 2,106 28-5 148 20 5,146 69-5 1,834 24-8 170 2-3 5,396 72-9 2,031 27-4 202 2-7 656 8-9 31 0-4 4,480 60-5 1,780 4 " 8,098 4,491 55-5 16 0-2 3,591 44-3 4,086 50-5 19 0-2 3,993 49-3 4,276 52-8 21 0-3 1,056 130 19 0-2 2,726 33-7 3,965 5 " 9,673 7,987 82-6 14 01 1,672 17-3 7,614 78-7 17 0-2 2,042 211 7,808 80-7 20 0-2 564 5-8 5 01 1,276 13-2 7,534 0-3 1,829 0-3 6 or more rooms 9,809 8,382 85-5 28 0-3 1,399 14 3 7,952 811 28 18-6 8,059 82-2 33 544 5-5 6 01 1,167 11-9 7,849

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes | 34,520 ] 22,881 66-3 11,611 33 6 21,441 62 1 13,052 37-8 22,129 641 81 9,515 27-6 21,098

1-3 rooms 7,010 2,039 29 1 01 4,963 70-8 1,797 25-6 01 5,205 74-3 1,993 28-4 0-2 644 9-2 11 0-2 4,351 62 1 1,754 25 0 4 " 8,072 4,485 55-6 01 3,582 44-4 4,084 50 6 01 3,983 49-3 4,274 52-9 01 1,056 131 13 0-2 2,721 33-7 3,964 49-1 5 " 9,663 7,983 82-6 01 1,672 17-3 7,612 78-8 01 2,042 211 7,808 80-8 01 564 5-8 4 1,276 13-2 7,534 78 0 01 01 5-6 2 6 or more rooms 9,775 8,374 85-7 01 1,394 14-3 7,948 81 3 1,822 18 6 8,054 82-4 544 1,167 11-9 7,846 80-3

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 331 78 48-8 29 18-1 10 6 110 20-6 75-6 1-9 10-6 0-6

1-3 rooms 118 37 31-4 60 50-8 21 17-8 10 8-5 85 72 0 23 19 5 11 9-3 95 80-5 2-5 6-8 0-8 4 " 11 5 45-5 3 27-3 3 27-3 1 91 6 54-5 4 36-4 2 18-2 4 36-4 45-5 5 M 5 4 800 20 0 2 400 3 600 4 80 0 200 69-2 11-5 6 or more rooms 26 7 26-9 53-8 19 2 4 15-4 16 615 18

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 153 4 2-6 100 65-4 49 320 3 20 97 63-4 53 34-6 3 20 116 75-8 15-7

1-3 rooms 128 2 1-6 80 62-5 46 35-9 2 1-6 77 60-2 49 38-3 3 2-3 96 75 0 ! 6-3 21 16 4 4 " 12 1 8-3 8 66-7 3 25-0 1 8-3 8 66-7 3 25 0 8 66-7 8-3 3 25 0 5 1000 5 1000

All sizes 147 28 190 119 81 0 25 170 122 830 24 16-3 1 0-7 61 2-7 109 74- 22 1-3 rooms 144 28 19 4 - 116 80-6 25 17-4 - 119 82-6 24 16-7 6:3 2-8 107 74-3 22 4 " 3 - 3 1000 3 1000 1 33-3 2 66-7 5 " - - - - - 6 or more rooms 4^ 4^ 4^

TABLE 13 Households by DweUing Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With outside flush With no toilet (wc) only With exclusive With no hot With no water supply fixed bam flush fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number *» Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Per Number Per cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent

Cookstown Urban District

Households in all dwettmgs

All sizes 1,856 1,700 01-6 0-3 90-3 9-3 1.742 93-9 01 0-9 1,676 90-3

1-3 rooms 179 137 76-5 1-7 39 21 -8 136 76-0 1-7 22-3 148 82-7 3 1-7 18 10 1 0-6 9 50 136 760 4 " 381 302 79-3 79 20-7 294 77-2 0-3 22-6 328 86 1 1 0-3 50 131 2 0-5 294 77-2 5 " 697 673 96-6 24 3-4 661 94 8 36 5-2 676 97-0 17 2-4 4 0-6 661 94-8 6 or more rooms 599 588 98-2 8 1-3 585 97-7 11 1-8 590 98-5 3 0-5 5 0-8 1 0-2 585 97-7

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes 1,843 1,700 92-2 143 1,676 1 01 166 90 1,742 94-5 1 01 89 4-8 0-6 1,676 90-9 1-3 rooms 169 137 81 1 32 18 9 136 80-5 33 19-5 148 87-6 17 101 4 2-4 136 80-5 4 " 381 302 79-3 79 20-7 294 77-2 1 0-3 86 22-6 328 861 1 0-3 50 131 2 0-5 294 77-2 5 " 697 673 96-6 24 3-4 661 94-8 36 5-2 676 970 17 2-4 4 0-6 661 94-8 6 or more rooms 596 588 98-7 8 1-3 585 98-2 11 18 590 990 5 0-8 1 0-2 585 98-2

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 1-3 rooms 1 1000 1 1000 1 1000 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms 1 1000 1 1000 1 1000

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 1000 4 1000 4 1000 1-3 rooms 1000 2 1000 2 1000 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 1000 7 1000 14 3 14-3 71-4

1-3 rooms 1000 7 1000 14-3 14-3 71-4 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With outside flush With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) toilet (wc) only With no With exclusive With no use of hot water With no hot fixed bath flush water supply or shower Shared toilet (wc) fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive use inside w.c. households use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per Number Number Number Number Per Number Per Number Per Number Per Number Per Number Number Number Number cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent

Dvngaoaon Urban District

Households in all dwellings 4 0-2 0-9 1,750 All sizes 1,984 1,822 91-8 40 20 122 61 1,770 89-2 41 21 173 8-7 1,781 89-8 42 21 139 70 3 0-9 205 1-3 rooms ' 319 229 71-8 32 10 0 58 18 2 209 65-5 34 10 7 76 23-8 214 67-1 35 110 56 17-6 42 12-5 280 4 " 335 302 901 1 0-3 32 96 285 85 1 2 0-6 48 14-3 288 860 2 0-6 1 01 680 722 697 96-5 2 0-3 23 3-2 687 95-2 2 0-3 33 4-6 686 95 0 2 0-3 29 40 a 585 5 " 608 594 97-7 5 0-8 9 1-5 589 96-9 3 0-5 16 2-6 593 97-5 3 0-5 12 20 6 or more rooms Households in unshared permanent dwelling s 0 1 0-9 1,749 AH sizes 1,938 1318 93-8 2 0 1 118 61 1,767 91 2 2 0 1 169 8-7 1,778 91-7 3 0-2 139 7-2 56 19-9 10 3-6 204 281 226 80 4 0-4 54 19-2 207 73-7 2 0-7 72 25-6 212 75-4 3 1-1 3 09 280 4 " 333 301 90-4 32 96 285 85-6 48 14 4 288 86-5 42 12-6 29 40 01 4 0-6 680 5 " 720 697 96-8 23 3-2 687 95-4 33 4-6 686 95-3 585 604 594 98-3 1 0-2 9 1-5 588 97-4 16 2-6 592 98 0 12 20 - 6or more rooms Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 16 3 18 8 13 81-3 - - 2 12-5 14 87-5 - - 2 12-5 14 87-5 - - 1-3 rooms 12 2 16-7 10 83-3 - 1 8-3 11 91 7 1 8-3 11 91-7 4 " 2 1 500 1 500 . 2 100-0 . . 2 1000 - - 5 " 2 : : 2 1000 - " 500 1 500 " - > 500 ! 500 - - 6or more rooms i ' Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove anJ sink 10-7 All sizes 28 - - 25 89-3 3 10-7 - - 25 89-3 3 10-7 - ' - 25 89-3 - - 12-5 1-3 rooms 24 - - 21 87-5 3 12-5 - 21 87-5 3 12-5 - - 21 87-5 - - 4 " 2 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 5 " ------2 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 - 6 or more rooms Households in non-permanent dwellings 500 All sizes 2 1 500 - 1 50 0 l 500 - - 1 500 1 500 • - - 500 1-3 rooms 2 1 50 0 - 1 500 l 50 0 - - 1 500 1 50 0 - - 4 M . . 5 " : : : : : : : : : : : : : - 6 or more rooms " _- — 4*

TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With outside flush With no toilet (wc) only With no With exclusive 1 [ With no hot fixed bath use of hot water ! water supply 1 flush fixed bath and ! or shower toilet (wc) I Total Exclusive Shared J Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared inside w.c. households use use | use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per TPT" Nun Number Number } Number Number Number Number Per Number Number Per Number Per Number Per 1 *« SSt cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 1 Number cPeent

Omagh Urban District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 3,023 2,686 88-9 38 1-3 299 9-9 2,617 86-6 54 1-8 352 11-6 2,687 88-9 59 20 218 7-2 7 0-2 52 1-7 2,606 86-2 1-3 rooms 331 226 68-3 28 8-5 77 23-3 205 61-9 41 12-4 85 25-7 221 66-8 47 14-2 28 8-5 6 1-8 29 8-8 202 61 0 581 431 74-2 2 0-3 2 0-3 168 28-9 434 74-7 2 0-3 128 220 1 0-2 16 2-8 409 70-4 5 " 1,095 1,028 93-9 4 0-4 63 5-8 1,014 92-6 5 0-5 76 6-9 1,035 94-5 5 0-5 49 4-5 6 0-5 1010 92-2 6 or more rooms 1,016 1,001 98-5 4 0-4 11 11 987 971 6 0-6 23 2-3 997 98 1 5 0-5 13 1-3 01 985 96-9

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes 2,946 2,649 89-9 6 0-2 291 9-9 2,594 881 8 0-3 344 11-7 2,664 90-4 10 0-3 217 7-4 3 01 52 1-8 2,583 87-7 1-3 rooms 265 193 72-8 2 0-8 70 26-4 184 69-4 3 11 78 29-4 201 75-8 5 1-9 27 10-2 3 11 29 10-9 183 69 1 4 " 577 430 74-5 147 25-5 410 71 1 167 28-9 433 750 128 22-2 16 2-8 408 7t-f 5 " 1,093 1,027 940 3 0-3 63 5-8 1,014 92-8 3 0-3 76 70 1,035 94-7 3 0-3 49 4-5 6 0-5 1,010 92-4 6 or more rooms 1,011 999 98-8 1 01 11 11 986 97-5 2 0-2 23 2-3 995 98-4 2 0-2 13 1-3 01 984 97-3

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and siri k

All sizes 35 20 571 11 31-4 4 11 -4 6 17-1 25 71-4 4 11 -4 7 20 0 26 74-3 - 2 5-7 - - 5 14-3

1-3 rooms 28 17 60-7 8 28-6 3 10-7 4 14 3 21 75 0 3 10-7 4 14-3 23 82 1 3-6 : 3 10-7 4 " 2 1 500 - - 1 50 0 I 500 I 500 1 500 1 500 - 1 500 5 " 1 1 1000 1 1000 1000 - 6 or more rooms 4 1 25-0 3 750 1 25 0 3 75 0 2 500 2 500 1 25 0

Households m shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove an i sink

All sizes 24 1 4-2 21 875 2 8-3 1 4-2 21 87-5 2 8-3 - - 23 95-8 - 1 4-2 - - -

1-3 rooms 20 18 900 2 100 1 50 17 85 0 2 100 : 19 95 0 50 4 " 2 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 " : ! : " 5 " 1 1 1000 1 1000 ~- 1 1000 - 6 or more rooms 1 1000 1 1000 1000

Households in non-permanent dwellings

AH sizes 18 16 88-9 2 111 16 88-9 - - 2 111 16 88-9 - . 1 5-6 1 5-6 - - 16 88-9 1-3 rooms 18 16 88-9 2 111 16 88-9 - - 2 111 16 88 9 - 1 5-6 1 5-6 - - 16 88-9 4 " 5 " : : : : 6 or more rooms : : ; - '- " - - - "- " • - - TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With outside flush With hot water supply toilet (wc) only With no With no With exclusive With no hot fixed bath water supply flush or shower toilet (wc) fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number Number Number Number Number Number U£ Number Number Number Number Numb Number cent cent cent cent cent t cent cent cent cent « cem cent

Strabane Urban District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 2,240 1,859 83 0 2-4 i 327 14-6 1,813 63 2-8 364 16 3 1,864 83-2 39 1-7 1,798 1-3 rooms 374 205 54-8 49 131 120 32-1 184 49-2 57 15 2 133 35-6 212 56-7 >8 18 2 66 17-6 1-6 22 5-9 181 4 " 511 386 75-5 2 0-4 123 24 1 371 72-6 2 0-4 138 27-0 382 74-8 3 0-6 112 21 9 0-4 12 2-3 368 5 " 802 751 93-6 1 01 50 6-2 745 92-9 1 01 56 70 748 93-3 1 01 49 61 4 0-5 738 6 or more rooms 553 517 93-5 2 0-4 34 61 513 92-8 3 0-5 37 6-7 522 94-4 4 0-7 25 4-5 0-2 1 0-2 511

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes I 2,143 | 1,844 860 298 13 9 1,811 84-5 331 15-4 1,856 86-6 2 01 249 11 -6 2 01 1-6 1,797 1-3 rooms 286 192 67 1 94 32-9 183 640 103 360 205 71-7 1 0-3 63 220 17 5-9 181 4 " 508 386 760 122 240 371 73 0 137 270 382 75-2 . . 112 22 0 2 0-4 12 2-4 368 5 " 802 751 93-6 50 6-2 745 92-9 56 7-0 748 93-3 1 01 49 61 4 0-5 738 6 or more rooms 547 515 941 32 5-9 512 93-6 35 6-4 521 95-2 - 25 4-6 1 0-2 510 Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 14 28 0 25 500 22 0 40 36 72-0 24-0 6 120 36 72-0 60 80 20

1-3 rooms 12 27-3 23 52-3 20-5 2-3 33 75-0 22-7 5 11 4 32 72-7 6-8 6-8 2-3 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms 33-3 3 500

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 2-3 15 34-1 26 59 1 18 40-9 6-8 4-5

1-3 rooms 2-4 26 61 9 15 35-7 24 57-1 18 42-9 35 83-3 7-1 4-8 4 " 2 1000 1000 2 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 1 33-3 2 66-7 1-3 rooms I 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 4 " | 1 1000 1 1000 1 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms oo

TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With outside flush With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With no toilet (wc) only With With exclusive With no hot no use of hot water water supply fixed batn flusn fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

i Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number £j, Number Number , £« Number Numbcr P Number Number Number Number N ber P Number Number *• cent cent c £t cent cent cent cent ™ c ent cent

Castlederg Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 2,149 43-8 01 135 56 1 853 39-7 3 01 1,293 60-2 42-3 0-4 145 0-4 1,078 50-2 845 39-3 1-3 rooms 743 82 110 0-3 659 88-7 67 90 2 0-3 674 90-7 85 11-4 0 9 36 4-8 01 614 82-6 64 8-6 4 " 429 175 40-8 254 59-2 156 36-4 273 63-6 169 39-4 38 8-9 1-9 214 49-9 156 36-4 5 " 430 297 691 133 30-9 278 64-7 152 35-3 287 66-7 0-2 27 6-3 115 26*7 274 63-7 6 or more rooms 547 387 70-7 159 29 1 352 64-4 1 0-2 194 35-5 367 67 1 0-2 44 80 135 24-7 351 64-2

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes 2,101 935 44-5 1,166 55-5 848 40-4 1,253 59-6 905 43 1 6-8 0-4 1,044 49-7 842 40 1 1-3 rooms 697 77 110 620 890 63 90 634 91 0 82 11 8 34 4-9 1 0-1 580 83-2 61 8-8 4 " 429 175 40-8 254 59-2 156 36-4 273 63-6 169 39-4 38 8-9 8 1-9 214 49-9 156 36-4 5 " 429 296 690 133 310 277 64-6 152 35-4 287 66-9 27 6-3 115 26-8 274 63-9 546 64-5 194 44 . . 6 or mom rooms 387 70-9 159 29 1 352 35-5 367 67-2 81 * 135 24-7 351 64-3 Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 22-2 33-3 44-4 2 22-2 3 33-3 44-4 1000 1-3 rooms 14-3 28-6 57 1 1 14-3 2 28 6 57-1 1000 4 " 5 " 1000 1 1000 1000 6 or more rooms 1 1000 1 1000 1000

Househokis in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 1000 1 1000 1000 1-3 rooms 1000 1 1000 1000 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

AH sizes 38 4 10-5 34 89-5 3 7-9 35 92 1 3 7-9 2 5-3 33 86-8 3 7-9 1-3 rooms 38 4 10-5 34 89-5 3 7-9 35 92 1 3 7-9 2 5-3 33 86-8 3 7-9 4 " 5 " : : : : : : : : 6 or more rooms : - - : : : - - - : : : - TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With outside flush With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) toilet (wc) only With exclusive With no hot With no With no use of hot water water supply fixed bath flush fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number Number Number £« Number Number *£ Number Number Number Number Number P F Number ** Number cent cent cent cent cent cent cent c en t cent

Ctogher Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 2,557 1,373 53-7 0-4 1,173 45-9 1,252 49 0 0 4 1,295 50-6 1,319 51-6 0-7 236 9-2 983 38-4 1,226 47-9 1-3 rooms 528 106 20 1 1-7 413 78-2 93 17-6 1-5 427 80-9 104 19 7 14 2-7 44 8-3 366 69-3 89 16-9 4 " 596 238 39-9 0-2 357 59 9 218 36-6 0-2 377 63-3 237 39-8 2 0-3 72 121 1 0-2 284 47-7 212 35-6 5 " 594 400 67-3 194 32-7 365 61-4 229 38-6 384 64-6 45 7-6 165 27-8 359 60-4 6 or more rooms 839 629 75 0 01 209 24-9 576 68-7 01 262 31 -2 594 70-8 0-2 75 8-9 168 200 566 67-5

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes 2,533 1,371 54 1 1,161 45-8 1,250 49-3 1,282 50-6 52 0 9-3 1,226 48-4 1-3 rooms 507 105 20-7 402 79-3 92 181 415 81 9 103 20-3 44 8-7 360 710 89 17-6 4 " 595 237 39-8 0-2 357 600 217 36-5 0-2 377 63-4 237 39-8 1 0-2 72 121 1 0-2 284 47-7 212 35-6 5 " 594 ! 400 67-3 194 32-7 365 61-4 229 38-6 384 64-6 45 7-6 165 27-8 359 60-4 6 or more rooms 837 629 75-1 208 24-9 576 68-8 261 31 -2 594 71-0 75 90 168 20 1 566 67-6

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 12-5 500 37-5 12-5 37-5 50 0 8 1000 1-3 rooms 16-7 50 0 33-3 167 33-3 500 6 1000 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms 1 50 0 50 0 2 1000

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 111 6 66-7 22-2 1 111 66-7 22-2 1000 1-3 rooms 6 75 0 250 75-0 250 8 1000 4 " 100 0 1 1000 1 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 1000 1000 14-3 6 85-7

1-3 rooms 1000 1000 14 3 6 85-7 4 w 5 " 6 or more rooms TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With hot water supply W•'iti h fixetl bath or shower With inside flush toile•wt (wc.„„.j With outside flush OL]et ,Ww) J toilet (wc) only With exclusive With no hot ; . With no With no fixed bath "j flush use of hot water water supply ; or shower ! tailzt (wc) fixed bath and Totaioiail ; Exclusivcxuus e j Shared \ Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared inside w.c. households j use use use use use use use use

Per Per Number j £, I Number j ** j Nu ber | *» j Number j £, | Number j J* Number Number Number j ?*L Number Per m _£ \ N-*- ! £f, \ «-*« £t | N-mbcr | £t cent cent cent cent

Cookstown Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 3,620 2,117 1,4S0 41 2 52-8 324 90 01 1,298 35-9 1,872 51-7 1-3 rooms 838 186 22-2 0-6 647 77-2 143 17-1 6 0-7 ] 689 82-2 164 19-6 0-7 78 9-3 0-2 588 70-2 138 16-5 4 " 983 519 52-8 01 463 47 1 453 46-1 1 01 ! 529 53-8 483 49 1 01 95 9-7 404 41 1 447 45-5 5 " 850 631 74-2 01 218 25-6 579 681 1 0-1 j 270 31-8 597 70-2 01 79 9 3 173 20-4 571 67-2 6 or more rooms 949 781 82-3 0-6 162 171 735 77-4 4 04 | 210 22-1 739 77-9 0-4 72 7-6 01 133 140 716 75-4

Households hi unshared permanent dwellings

3,592 2,115 58-9 1,476 41 1 1,909 53 1 1,683 46-9 1,981 55-2 90 1,288 35-9 1,872 52-1 1-3 rooms 818 184 22-5 634 77-5 j 142 174 676 82-6 162 19 8 77 9-4 579 70-8 138 16-9 4 " 981 519 52-9 462 47-1 453 46-2 528 53-8 483 49-2 95 9-7 403 41 1 447 45-6 5 " 849 631 74-3 218 25-7 579 682 270 318 597 70-3 79 9 3 173 20-4 571 67-3 6 or more rooms 944 781 82-7 1 01 162 17-2 1 735 77-9 209 22-1 739 78-3 72 7-6 133 141 716 75-8

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 22-2 77-8 111 88-9 11 1 1-3 rooms 400 600 200 80 0 20 0 800 4 " 1000 1000 1000 5 " 1000 1000 1000 6 or more rooms 1000 1000 1000

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 62-5 37-5 4 500 4 500 4 500 25 0 25 0 1-3 rooms 400 600 2 400 3 600 2 400 200 400 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms 2 66-7 1 33-3 33-3

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 11 | - - 11 1000 11 1000 191 - - 1 91 1 91 8 72-7 - 1-3 rooms 10 - 10 1000 - 10 1000 1 100 1 100 1 100 7 70 0 4 " 1 1000 1 1000 1 1000 . 5 " 6 or more rooms "I " ' ' ------TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With outside flush With hot water supply With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) toilet (wc) only With exclusive With no hot With no With no use of hot water water supply fixed bath flusn fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use • use use use use use use

Per Per I Per Per Per Per Per Per Number *» Number j *» Number Number Number PPer Number j £« Number Number Number Number Number Number cent cent c ent cent cent cent cent cent cent i

Dungannon Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 6,516 4,141 63-6 0-2 2,363 36-3 3,774 57-9 0-3 2,724 41-8 3,756 57-6 03 681 10 5 0-3 2,045 31 4 3,635 55-8 1-3 rooms 1,314 396 30 1 0-3 914 69-6 343 26-1 0-3 967 73-6 359 27-3 4 0-3 147 11 -2 0-5 797 60-7 328 25 0 4 " 1,696 51-9 0-2 813 47-9 776 45-8 0-3 915 54 0 749 44-2 4 0-2 280 16 5 0-2 659 38-9 714 42-1 5 " 1,872 1,487 79-4 0-2 381 20-4 1385 740 0-3 482 25-7 1,394 74-5 5 0-3 133 71 0-2 337 180 1,361 72-7 6 or more rooms 1,634 1,378 84-3 01 255 15 6 1,270 77-7 0-2 360 22-0 1,254 76-7 4 02 121 7-4 0-2 252 15-4 1,232 75-4

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes 6,471 4,132 63-9 2,334 36 1 3,771 58-3 2,692 41-6 3,754 580 0-1 2,024 31 3 3,633 56- 1-3 rooms 1,284 393 30-6 891 69-4 341 26-6 943 73-4 357 27-8 146 11-4 0-2 778 60-6 326 25-4 4 " 1,688 878 520 01 47-9 776 460 3 0-2 909 53-9 749 44-4 2 01 280 16-6 657 38-9 714 42-3 5 " 1,869 1,486 79-5 01 381 20-4 1,384 74 1 3 0-2 482 25-8 1,394 74-6 3 0-2 ! 133 7-1 01 337 180 1,361 72-8 6 or more rooms 1,630 1,375 84-4 01 254 15 6 1.270 77-9 2 01 358 22-0 1,254 76-9 2 01 j 121 7-4 01 252 15 5 1,232 75-6

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 400 200 53-3 400 600 1-3 rooms 50 0 50 0 500 50 0 50-0 50 0 4 " 50 0 500 25-0 750 25-0 75 0 5 " 1000 1000 6 or more rooms 75-0 25-0 50 0 500 50 0 500

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 36-4 63-6 36-4 36-4 1 91 54-5 1-3 rooms 20 0 800 200 80 0 200 80 0 4 " 250 750 250 75-0 250 1 250 50 0 5 " 1000 1000 1000 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 19 3 15-8 - , 16 84-2 2 10 5 17 89-5 2 10-5 1 5-3 1 5-3 15 78-9 2 10 5 1-3 rooms 19 3 15-8 -' 16 84-2 2 10-5 17 89-5 2 10-5 1 5-3 1 5-3 15 78-9 2 10-5 4 " - | 5 " : : ; ; : : . : : : : : : : : 6 or more rooms - " 1 - - '- TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With outside flush With hot water supply- With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) toilet (wc) only With no With no With exclusive With no hot fixed bath use of hot water water supply flush or shower toilet (wc) fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number Number Number Number Number I Number Number Number Number Number cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent

Omagh Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 6,769 56-3 0-2 2,948 43-6 3,440 50-8 0 2 3,317 49-0 3,553 52-5 0-2 516 7-6 01 2,676 39-5 3,361 49-7

1-3 rooms 1,811 340 18 8 0-3 1,465 80-9 275 15-2 0-3 1,530 84-5 302 16-7 6 0-3 117 6-5 0-2 1382 76-3 263 14-5 4 " 1,467 762 51-9 01 703 47-9 662 45 1 01 803 54-7 691 47-1 2 01 168 11 5 0-2 603 41 1 629 42-9 5 " 1,505 1,108 73-6 397 26-4 1,023 680 0 1 481 32-0 1,054 700 1 01 102 6-8 01 347 23-1 1,010 67*1 6 or more rooms 1,986 1,599 80-5 383 19 3 74-5 0-2 503 25-3 1,506 75-8 7 0-4 129 6-5 344 17-3 1,459 73-5

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes I 6,721 ] 3,803 56-6 2,913 43-3 3,436 511 3,282 48 8 3,552 52-8 01 516 7-7 01 2,640 39 3 3,360 500 1-3 rooms 1,771 337 19 0 01 1,432 80-9 272 15 4 01 1,497 84-5 302 17-1 1 01 117 6-6 0-2 1,348 76-1 263 14-9 4 " 1,464 761 52-0 01 702 480 662 45-2 802 54-8 691 47-2 2 01 168 11 5 01 601 41 -1 629 43 0 5 " 1,504 1,107 73-6 397 26-4 1,023 680 481 32-0 1,054 70 1 - - 102 6-8 01 347 231 1,010 67-2 6 or more rooms 1,982 1.598 80-6 01 382 19 3 1,479 74-6 502 25-3 1,505 75-9 4 0-2 129 6-5 344 17-4 1,458 73-6

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 44-4 44-4 1 111 22-2 66-7 111 66-7 22-2 1-3 rooms 33-3 66-7 33-3 66-7 66-7 33-3 4 " 1000 1000 1000 5 " 1000 1000 1000 6 or more rooms 250 25 0 25-0 50 0 25 0 75-0 25 0

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 300 70 0 7 70-0 ' 300 70 0 1-3 rooms 22-2 77-8 22-2 7 77-8 33-3 6 66-7 4 " 1000 1000 1 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 6-9 27 93 1 6-9 29 1-3 rooms 7-1 26 92-9 7-1 26 92-9 28 1000 4 " 1 1000 1 1000 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms TABLE 13 Households by Dwelling Type Number of Administrative Areas Rooms and Household Amenities - continued

With fixed bath or shower With inside flush toilet (wc) With outside flush With hot water supply toilet (wc) only With exclusive With no hot With no With no water supply fixed batn flush fixed bath and Total Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared or shower Exclusive Shared Exclusive Shared toilet (wc) inside w.c. households use use use use use use use use

Per Per Nurabe Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Number Number Number Number Number Number NumbCT r Number Numbcr P r Number Number cent cent ' «„1 cent cent cent cent «„ t cent c en t cent cent

Strabane Rural District

Households in all dwellings

All sizes 4,266 2,518 590 1,731 40-6 2,381 1,871 43-9 2,581 60 5 0-5 219 51 2 1,444 33-8 2,359

1-3 rooms 963 199 20-7 0 10 754 78-3 179 18 6 0-9 775 80-5 222 23 1 1-2 66 6-9 1 01 662 68-7 174 4 ** 1,119 4% 44-3 4 0-4 619 55-3 460 411 0-3 656 58-6 515 460 0-4 71 6-3 529 47-3 456 5 " 1,106 915 82-7 2 0-2 189 171 877 79-3 0-2 227 20-5 947 85-6 0-4 34 31 121 10-9 870 6 or more rooms 1,078 84-2 1 01 169 15-7 865 80-2 213 19 8 897 83 2 48 4-5 1 01 132 12-2 859

Households in unshared permanent dwellings

All sizes | 4,232 I 2,514 59-4 0-2 1,711 40-4 2,379 56-2 3 01 1,850 43-7 2,579 60-9 0-2 216 51 1,428 33-7 2,358

1-3 rooms 932 195 20-9 0-3 734 78-8 177 190 1 01 754 80-9 221 23-7 01 63 6-8 1 01 646 69-3 173 4 M 1,116 496 44-4 01 619 55-5 460 41 2 656 58-8 514 461 0-2 71 6-4 529 47-4 456 5 " 1,106 915 82-7 0-2 189 171 877 79-3 2 0-2 227 20-5 947 85-6 0-4 34 31 121 10-9 870 6 or more rooms 1,078 908 84-2 01 169 15-7 865 80-2 213 19 8 897 83-2 48 4-5 1 01 132 12-2 859

Households in shared permanent dwellings having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 14-3 1 14-3 85-7 1-3 rooms 16-7 83-3 6 1000 1000 4 " 1000 1 1000 1 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in shared permanent dwellings not having exclusive use of both stove and sink

All sizes 71 28-6 64-3 ' 7-1 28-6 64-3 7-1 50 0 42-9

1-3 rooms 8-3 16-7 75-0 8-3 16-7 750 8-3 41-7 50 0 4 " 1000 1000 1000 5 " 6 or more rooms

Households in non-permanent dwellings

All sizes 15-4 84-6 7-7 12 92-3 231 10 76-9

1-3 rooms 15-4 84-6 7-7 12 92-3 23 1 10 76-9 4 " 5 " 6 or more rooms TABLE 14 Households by Number of Cars; Cars by Administrative Areas Garaging Arrangements

Note:- For definitions, see Part I. <-£

Households with Cars normally kept at night

1 car 2 or more cars Total No car Total In a garage Not in a garage private cars households Not Within Within stated Households Persons Households , Persons Households j Persons dwelling Elsewhere dwelling On Elsewhere curtilage curtilage road i i County Tyrone

All households 34,980 14,001 44,048 17,534 74,733 3,445 17,211 24,872 12,882 1,361 6,436 332 150 541

1-3 person households 18,112 9,543 17,259 7,622 17,439 947 2,486 9,569 5,542 631 2,001 1,238 70 87 5,112 1,301 5,204 3,069 12,276 742 2,968 4,636 2,340 252 1,212 715 24 93 4 " 4,032 1,013 5,065 2,412 12,060 607 3,035 3,688 1,847 180 1,049 516 22 74 5 " 7,724 2.144 16,520 4,431 32,958 1,149 8,722 6,979 3,153 298 2,174 1,033 34 287 6 or more person households

Cookstown Urban District

All households 1,856 742 232 935 3,534 179 758 1320 658 109 214 303 5 31

1-3 person households 1,035 497 919 464 1,091 74 198 619 347 55 97 110 2 8 311 79 316 191 764 41 164 281 137 25 45 63 3 8 »M 45 222 63 315 131 655 28 140 192 93 15 31 47 - 6 6 or more person households 288 103 752 149 1,024 36 256 228 81 14 41 83 - 9

Dungannon Urban District

All households 1,984 901 2^85 940 3,811 143 594 1046 525 131 143 409 17 21

1-3 person households 1,027 567 977 411 951 49 124 514 246 73 58 126 6 5 357 111 444 199 796 47 188 303 115 26 32 117 3 10 54 »" 239 79 395 138 690 22 110 182 80 15 20 64 3 6 or more person households 361 144 1,069 192 1,374 25 172 247 84 17 33 102 5 6.

Omagh Urban District

All households 3,023 1,313 4390 1,466 5,709 244 1,043 1,972 968 196 293 469 20 26

1-3 person households 1,637 849 1,657 695 1,566 93 237 886 470 99 102 192 14 9 4n 493 148 592 284 1,136 61 244 410 197 38 75 94 1 5 5 " 356 101 505 218 1,090 37 185 294 148 26 46 69 3 2 6 or more person households 537 215 1,636 269 1,917 53 377 382 153 33 70 114 2 10

Strabane Urban District

All households 2,240 1,203 4,542 914 4,049 123 597 1,172 475 146 174 333 29 15

1-3 person households 1,086 676 1,360 373 868 37 90 452 197 59 54 120 15 7 336 153 612 159 636 24 96 209 96 18 31 60 2 2 45 ^" 238 105 525 108 540 25 125 160 63 19 29 41 5 3 6 or more person households 580 269 2,045 274 2,005 37 286 351 119 50 60 112 7 3 TABLE 14 Households by Number of Cars; Cars by Administrative Areas Garaging Arrangements - continued

Households with Cars normally kept at night

1 car 2 or more cars Total No car Total In a garage Not in a garage private cars households Not Within Within On stated Households Persons Households Persons Households Persons dwelling Elsewhere dwelling Elsewhere curtilage curtilage road

Castlederg Rural District

All households 2,149 909 2,779 1,032 4,446 208 1,091 1,479 753 67 479 138 5 37

1-3 person households 1,136 640 1,160 444 1,038 52 142 549 313 30 149 53 2 2 4 » 298 77 308 181 724 40 160 264 135 11 93 20 1 4 5 " 233 57 285 135 675 41 205 223 116 7 69 24 7 6 or more person households 482 135 1,026 272 2,009 75 584 443 189 19 168 41 2. 24

Ciogher Rural District

AU households. 2,557 937 2,510 1357 5,613 263 1,291 1,909 1,072 89 499 211 9 29

1-3 person households 1,427 731 1,272 618 1387 78 203 776 501 47 142 80 3 3 380 69 276 258 1,032 53 212 369 179 15 117 50 3 5 54 ^" 254 37 185 171 855 46 230 267 148 10 82 22 1 4 6 or more person households 496 100 777 310 2,339 86 646 497 244 17 158 59 2 17

Cookstown Rural District

AH households 3,620 1,224 3,741 1,965 8354 431 2,197 2,887 1,535 59 942 278 7 66

1-3 person households 1,869 877 1,565 879 1,937 113 300 1,110 671 20 307 101 4 7 » 491 89 356 314 1,256 88 352 499 260 10 167 51 2 9 45 " 415 85 425 261 1,305 69 345 407 200 12 144 43 H 6 or more person households 845 173 1,395 511 3,856 161 1,200 871 404 17 324 83 1. 42

Dungannon Rural District

All households 6,516 2337 7,172 3,423 14,727 756 3,786 5,033 2,780 235 1332 550 16 120

1-3 person households 3,280 1,622 2,861 1,452 3,395 206 548 1,872 1,138 113 409 187 5 20 4 » 921 183 732 580 2,320 158 632 912 500 46 238 106 1 21 5 " 856 184 920 532 2,660 140 700 829 430 35 246 94 5 19 6 or more person households 1,459 348 2,659 859 6,352 252 1,906 1,420 712 41 439 163 5 60

Omagh Rural District

All households 6,769 2,566 7,552 3312 15,632 691 3,697 5,000 2,725 164 1,519 426 31 135

1-3 person households 3,503 1871 3 279 1,484 3,357 148 389 1,788 1,093 66 441 157 15 16 4 " 906 '201 804 563 2,252 142 568 862 465 25 271 79 6 16 5 " 717 148 740 439 2,195 130 650 712 372 11 250 60 1 18 346 2 729 1,026 7,828 271 2,090 795 62 557 130 9 85 6 or more person households 1,643 1,638 TABLE 14 Households by Number of Cars; Cars by Administrative Areas Garaging Arrangements - continued

Households with Cars normally kept at night

Total No car 1 car i 2 or more cars Total In a garage Not in a garage private households cars Not I Within j 1 Within stated Households J Persons Households Persons Households Persons dwelling Elsewhere dwelling On Elsewhere curtilage ! 1 curtilage road l i Strabane Rural District i All households 4,266 1369 6,175 1,990 8358 407 2,157 j 2354 1,391 165 841 385 11 61 i 1-3 person households 1 2,112 1,213 2.209 802 1,849 97 255 1 1.003 566 69 242 112 4 10 4 " " 619 191 764 340 1,360 88 352 ; 527 256 38 143 75 2 13 5 " 502 154 770 279 1.395 69 345 : 422 197 30 132 52 4 7 6 or more person households j 1,033 311 2,432 569 4,254 153 1,205 1 902 372 28 324 146 1 31

TABLE 15 One and Two Person Households containing Persons of Administrative Areas Pensionable Age by Sex/Condition Combination Notes:- *1) For definitions, see Part I. (2) Persons of pensionable age are males age 65 and c *r and females aged 60 and over. (3) This table is restricted to households of which at le^v: one member was present at Census.

One person Two person households households Total one Total persons of and two containing persons of pensionable age A male and a female pensionable age person in one and two households Two males Two females person households containing Total Married couple Other relationship persons of Male Female pensionable 65 60 j age and over and over Husband Wife Both Male Female Both One Both One Both All One Both pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable pensionable

County 6,6% 916 1,800 3,980 203 406 1,179 136 845 272 230 67 438 204 8,418 4,974 3,444

Cookstown U.D 373 30 134 209 11 17 78 6 36 7 3 36 15 473 273 200 Dungannon 404 32 168 204 3 26 77 8 27 11 6 - 31 15 507 301 206 Omagh 475 42 134 299 15 49 86 9 48 19 9 - 51 13 593 357 236 Strabane 383 34 109 240 12 24 80 13 41 10 9 1 33 17 491 275 216

Castlederg R.D 445 53 111 281 17 21 86 10 62 24 19 10 24 8 573 317 256 Clogher 562 90 145 327 14 34 99 14 77 22 22 7 18 20 710 414 2% Cookstown 668 101 170 397 28 32 101 16 105 32 28 6 38 11 818 518 300 Dungannon 1,214 164 332 718 40 82 204 19 163 32 43 16 74 45 1,511 917 594 Omagh 1,372 236 296 840 42 71 230 31 186 83 63 18 77 39 1,742 1,002 740 Strabane 800 134 201 465 21 50 138 10 100 32 28 9 56 21 1,000 600 400 57

TABLE 16 Persons Enumerated in each type of Non-private Establishment Administrative Areas

Total population i Inmates only (classes 3-8) Number Type of Establishment and area in which situated of establishments Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1. Boarding houses Dungannon U.D. 1 12 9 3 Omagh 7 4 3 Strabane 1 12 6 6 Clogher R.D. 2 12 5 7 i 1 5 5 Cookstown 2 8 3 5 Omagh 1 3 3 Strabane

Total 9 59 35 24

2. Hotels and hostels Cookstown U.D. 2 7 5 2 Dungannon 2 6 3 3 Omagh 3 12 6 6 Strabane 2 13 5 8 1 1 1 Clogher R.D. 1 Dungannon 1 2 1 1 Omagh 14 8 6

Total 12 55 29 26

3. Hospitals under the control of the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority (a) Psychiatric hospitals Omagh R.D. 1 979 538 441 953 538 415

Total ! 979 538 441 953 538 415 (b) Others Dungannon U.D. ! 204 97 107 199 94 105 Omagh 185 81 104 172 79 93 Strabane \ 44 13 31 44 13 31 26 11 15 26 11 15 Castlederg R.D. 1 81 32 49 77 32 45

Total 6 540 234 306 518 229 289

4. Other hospitals and nursing homes Omagh R.D. 1 6 - 6 4 - 4

Total 1 6 - 6 4 - 4

5. Old people's homes Cookstown U.D. 1 58 19 39 54 19 35 Omagh 2 68 25 43 64 25 39 Strabane 1 55 36 19 54 36 18 48 33 15 47 33 14 Clogher R.D. 1 1 35 15 20 34 15 19 Dungannon

Total 6 264 128 136 253 128 125

6. Children's homes Omagh R.D. 1 31 14 17 23 14 9

Total 1 31 14 17 23 14 9

7. Homes for the disabled Dungannon R.D. 1 17 10 7 116 5

Total 1 17 10 7 11 6 5

8. Other homes for persons needing care and attention

9. Places of detention . . -

10. Ship, civilian . - -

11. Miscellaneous communal establishments

Cookstown U.D. 2 24 6 18 Dungannon 6 122 100 22 Omagh 6 547 455 92 Strabane 4 101 29 72 1 4 4 Castlederg R.D. 5 22 15 7 Clogher 1 121 82 39 Cookstown 4 178 20 158 Dungannon 3 11 5 6 Strabane Total 32 1,130 716 414

Overall Total 69 3,081 1,704 1,377 1,762 915 847 58 TABLE 17 Economically active persons by Administrative Areas Sex and Status

Note:- Visitors to Northern Ireland who were not required to answer the economic activity questions are excluded from this table.

County Tyrone Cookstown Urban District

Married Married Economic Activity females females Males Females Males Females Part Part Total time Total time

Total population aged 15 and over 47,418 46,451 25,459 2,072 2,451 1,451

Total economically inactive 10,984 33,057 20,494 395 1,576 1,025 Retired 6,360 533 56 236 31 7 Students 2,793 3,211 6 117 112 Others 1,831 29,313 20,432 42 1,433 1,018

Total economically active 36,434 13^94 4,965 1,102 1,677 875 426 95 Out of employment 5,284 990 259 136 42 21 In employment 31,150 12,404 4,706 1,102 1,541 833 405 95


Total self-employed 11,409 855 377 67 303 72 49 15 Self-employed without employees 8,978 603 214 44 158 43 26 9 Self-employed with employees 2,431 252 163 23 145 29 23 6

Total employees 19,741 11,549 4,329 1,035 1,238 761 356 80 209 110 7 99 16 8 large establishments 320 30 15 1 42 3 3 small establishments 523 179 95 6 57 13 5 - Foremen and supervisors 799 257 115 14 53 23 7 manual 592 92 38 3 37 17 5 non-manual 207 165 77 11 16 6 2

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 1,097 270 5 56 12 Professional employees 304 44 22 7 25 7 Family workers 222 18 4 4 3 Other employees (excluding professional) 16,476 10,751 4,073 1,007 1,001 700 340 80

Dungannon Urban District Omagh Urban District

Married Married Economic Activity females females Males Females Males Females Part Part Total time Total time

Total population aged 15 and over 2348 2,724 1,532 3,997 4,021 2,374

Total economically inactive 514 1,749 1,072 744 2,650 1,751 Retired 248 40 6 351 46 7 Students 207 205 297 300 1 Others 59 1,504 1,066 % 2,304 1,743

Total economically active 1^34 975 460 114 3,253 1,371 623 150 Out of employment 289 77 28 251 79 26 In employment 1,545 898 432 114 3,002 1,292 597 150


Total self-employed 260 59 25 4 400 69 46 12 Self-employed without employees 146 34 9 2 208 27 15 7 Self-employed with employees 114 25 16 2 192 42 31 5

Total employees 1,285 839 407 110 2,602 1,223 551 138 Managers 115 24 9 2 133 32 11 large establishments 41 4 1 48 5 2 small establishments 74 20 8 2 85 27 9 Foremen and supervisors 72 18 9 2 119 39 16 4 manual 56 j 3 2 1 74 7 3 non-manual 16 15 7 1 45 32 13 4

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 54 8 99 i 58 2 Professional employees 46 4 2 64 7 3 Family workers 1 1 I 998 106 519 134 Other employees (excluding professional) | 784 386 2,187 1,087 59 TABLE 17 Economically active persons by Administrative Areas Sex and Status - continued

Strabane Urban District Castlederg Rural District

Married Married Economic Activity females females Males Females Males Females Part Part Total Total time time

Total population aged 15 and over 2,746 3,140 1,733 2,960 2,784 1,518

Total economically inactive 597 1,998 1,276 722 2,084 133

Retired 337 51 4 488 15 1 Students 183 181 125 156 Others 77 1,766 1,272 109 1,913 1,302

Total economically active 2,149 1,142 457 119 2,238 700 215 59

Out of employment 438 57 20 466 64 9 In employment 1,711 1,085 437 119 1,772 636 206 59


Total sell-employed 315 70 28 5 811 50 22 5

Self-employed without employees 165 47 15 4 622 38 14 3 Self-employed with employees 150 23 13 1 189 12 8 2

Total employees 1,396 1,015 409 114 961 586 184 54

Managers 69 16 8 1 28 4 3 34 S 3 1 6 - small establishments 35 11 5 22 4 3 Foremen and supervisors 66 29 19 2 29 4 manual 43 15 11 2 22 2 non-manual 23 14 8 7 2

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 57 8 59 12 Professional employees 33 6 2 1 6 1 Family workers 4 2 19 1 Other employees (excluding professional) 1,167 954 380 110 820 564 181 54

Clogher Rural District Cookstown Rural District

Married Married Economic Activity females females Mates Females . Males Females 1 Part Part Total Total time time 1 1 Total population aged 15 and over 3,522 3,241 1,719 5,038 4,701 2,542

Total economically inactive 871 2,492 1,438 1,127 3,404 2,171

Retired 566 37 3 660 26 Students ?00 242 1 301 325 Others i05 2,213 1,434 166 3,053 2,171

Total economically active 2,651 749 281 56 3,911 1,297 371 66

Out of employment 293 34 8 667 138 34 In employment 2,358 715 273 56 3,244 1,159 337 66


Total self-employed 1,180 77 36 3 1,532 101 28 4

Self-employed without employees 976 58 24 3 1,284 86 21 3 Self-employed with employees 204 19 12 248 15 7 1

Total employees 1,178 638 237 53 1,712 1,058 309 62

Managers 39 12 5 42 14 8 1 large establishments 11 1 1 16 3 small establishments 28 11 4 26 11 8 1 Foremen and supervisors 48 9 3 65 20 7 1 manual 26 4 1 54 10 1 non-manual ->2 5 2 11 10 6 1

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 73 18 128 25 Professional employees 7 1 11 2 1 1 Family workers 39 2 1 32 2. Other employees (excluding professional) 972 596 228 53 1,434 995 293 59 60 TABLE 17 Economically active persons by Administrative Areas Sex and Status - continued

Dunganaon Rural District Omagh Rural District

Married Married Economic Activity females females Males Females Males Females Part Part Total time Total time

Total population aged 15 and over 8,913 8,672 4,821 9,979 9,045 4,680

Total economically inactive 1,957 6,214 3,903 2336 6^)18 4,026 Retired 1,128 126 12 1,562 99 12 Students 574 667 2 544 714 1 Others 255 5,421 3,889 730 6,105 4,013

Total economically active 6,956 2,458 918 157 7,143 2,127 654 135 Out of employment 1,143 235 56 892 154 23 In employment 5,813 2,223 862 157 6,251 1,973 631 135


Total self-employed 2,165 130 47 8 3,049 149 64 7 Self-employed without employees 1,795 95 27 5 2,524 124 47 5 Self-employed with employees 370 35 20 3 525 25 17 2

Total employees 3,648 2,093 815 149 3^2 1324 567 128 Managers 160 38 27 2 98 34 20 1 large establishments 68 4 3 24 2 small establishments 92 34 24 2 74 32 20 Foremen and supervisors 141 41 19 100 47 22 3 manual 122 17 8 71 5 1 non-manual 19 24 11 29 42 21 3

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 239 38 218 72 2 Professional employees 57 8 7 3 38 6 4 2 Family workers 36 5 2 65 1 Other employees (excluding professional) 3,015 1,963 760 144 2,683 1,664 519 122

Strabane Rural District

Married Economic Activity females Males Females Part Total time

Total population aged 15 and over 5^43 5,672 3,089

Total economically inactive 1,221 3,972 2,529 Retired 784 62 4 Students 245 309 1 Others 192 3,601 2,524

Total economically active 4,622 1,700 560 151 Out of employment 709 110 34 In employment 3,913 1,590 526 151


Total self-employed 1,394 78 32 4 Self-employed without employees 1,100 51 16 3 Self-employed with employees 294 27 16 1

Total employees 2,519 1^12 494 147 Managers 60 19 11 large establishments 30 3 2 small establishments 30 16 9 Foremen and supervisors 106 27 13 2 manual 87 12 6 non-manual 19 15 7 2

Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees 114 19 1 Professional employees 17 2 2 Family workers 23 1 Other employees (excluding professional) 2,199 1,444 467 145


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