This document provides pertinent information concerning the reissuance of the VPDES Permit listed below. This permit is being processed as a Minor, Municipal permit. The discharge results from the operation of a 0.667 MGD wastewater treatment plant, with an expansion flow tier of 0.94 MGD. This permit action consists of updating the proposed effluent limits to reflect the current Water Quality Standards (effective June 5, 2017) and updating permit language as appropriate. The effluent limitations and special conditions contained within this permit will maintain the Water Quality Standards of 9VAC25-260 et seq.

1. Facility Name and Mailing Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant SIC Code: 4952 WWTP Address: NAICS Code: 221320 Sewage P.O. Box 148 Treatment Facility Ruckersville, VA 22968 Facility Location: 735 Hill Road County: Orange Gordonsville, VA 22942 Facility Contact / Title: Edwin Jarrell / Plant Superintendent Telephone Number: (434) 985-7811 Facility Email Address: [email protected]

2. Permit No.: VA0021105 Expiration Date: March 19, 2018 Other VPDES Permits: VAN030046 Other Permits: None E2/E3/E4 Status: Not Applicable

3. Owner Name: Rapidan Service Authority Owner Contact / Title: Timothy L. Clemons / Telephone Number: (434) 985-7811 General Manager Owner Email Address: [email protected]

4. Application Complete Date: September 12, 2017 Permit Drafted By: Caitlin Shipman Date Drafted: May 23, 2018 Draft Permit Reviewed By: Ann Zimmerman Date Reviewed: May 30, 2018 Draft Permit Reviewed By: Alison Thompson Date Reviewed: June 26, 2018 Public Comment Period : Start Date: February 15, 2019 End Date: March 18, 2019

5. Receiving Waters Information: See Attachment 1 for the Flow Frequency Determination. Receiving Stream Name: UT to South Anna River Stream Code: 8-XAFO Drainage Area at Outfall: 0.9 mi2 River Mile: 0.23 Stream Basin: Subbasin: None Section: 3 Stream Class: III Special Standards: None Waterbody ID / 6th Order HUC: VAN-F01R / YO01 7Q10 Low Flow: 0.0 MGD* 7Q10 High Flow: 0.0 MGD 1Q10 Low Flow: 0.0 MGD* 1Q10 High Flow: 0.0 MGD 30Q10 Low Flow: 0.0 MGD* 30Q10 High Flow: 0.0 MGD Harmonic Mean Flow: 0.0 MGD* 30Q5 Flow: 0.0 MGD * It is staff’s professional judgment that when a drainage area is 5 mi2 or less, the critical flows are equal to 0.0 MGD.

6. Statutory or Regulatory Basis for Special Conditions and Effluent Limitations: X State Water Control Law EPA Guidelines X Clean Water Act X Water Quality Standards X VPDES Permit Regulation Other (PES, Occoquan Policy, Dulles) X EPA NPDES Regulation

7. Licensed Operator Requirements: Class II

8. Reliability Class: Class II

9. Facility / Permit Characterization: Private Effluent Limited Possible Interstate Effect Federal X Water Quality Limited Compliance Schedule State X Whole Effluent Toxicity Program Interim Limits in Permit X POTW X Pretreatment Program Interim Limits in Other Document X eDMR Participant X Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 2 of 17

10. Wastewater Sources and Treatment Description:

The Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant receives influent from the Town of Gordonsville and sanitary wastewater from Klöckner Pentaplast plant and Dominion Gordonsville Power Station. In 1987, the facility was expanded to include the overland flow system to polish the effluent from the existing aerated lagoon system.

Influent flows through a bar screen and is monitored before entering into a transfer pump, known as the splitter box, which can send flows either to an unlined equalization basin or an unlined aerated lagoon. Debris from the bar screen are disposed of in a dumpster on site, which is then emptied and hauled off site approximately every other week. The equalization basin is mainly used for storage during rain events. During the site visit, DEQ staff was informed that all flows from the equalization basin are sent to the aerated lagoon.

The aerated lagoon typically has two aerators in operation; however, during the site visit only one aerator was operational. Flow is sent from the aerated lagoon to a clarifier. The clarifier is divided into two sections; however, only one was operational during the site visit. Sludge from the clarifiers is returned to the splitter box, which is cleaned on an as needed basis. From the clarifiers, flow enters a baffled pump station and is disinfected by chlorine. After disinfection, flow is sent to the pond pump station. Chlorine contact time is accomplished through the baffled pump station and the pipeline leading to the pond pump station.

In the event that additional chlorine contact time is necessary, flow can be pumped into the one day pond, which would be used as a chlorine contact basin and the residual will be monitored at the pump station wet well prior to being pumped onto the spray fields. However, additional chlorine contact time is typically not need.

The pond pump station can send flows either to the one day pond, storage pond, or to the wet well for the overland flow system. Both ponds are unlined. The storage pond has a capacity of 25 million gallons; therefore, the facility has the ability of going for extended periods of times without discharging.

The flow is then sprayed over 37 acres of fields. These fields are divided into 10 zones; operators can choose which zone to spray on and for how long. The fields are mowed to maintain the vegetation. Collection ditches surround the fields and funnel the discharge to one point, where the flow is measured and undergoes post aeration before being discharged into the receiving stream.

See Attachment 2 for a facility schematic/diagram.

TABLE 1 OUTFALL DESCRIPTION Number Discharge Sources Treatment Design Flow Latitude / Longitude 001 Domestic and Commercial Wastewater See Section 10 0.667 MGD, 0.94 MGD 38.125841 / -78.199725 See Attachment 3 for the topographic map of Boswells Tavern (172C).

11. Sludge Treatment and Disposal Methods:

An anaerobic digester and drying beds are on site; however, they are no longer operational. During the site visit, DEQ staff was informed that wasting is not needed, as settling occurs in the lagoons and ponds and any remaining solids are taken up on the fields. The digester and drying beds have been out of use for approximately 18 years. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 3 of 17

12. Other Discharges, Intakes, Monitoring Stations, Other Items (Located Within Waterbody YO01):

TABLE 2 DISCHARGES, INTAKES & MONITORING STATIONS ID / Permit Facility Name Type Receiving Stream Number VAG406484 Haney Heather and Carol Residence Bowles Creek, UT VAG406049 Neighborhood Properties LLC Domestic Sewage GP VAG406455 Green Springs Estates LLC South Anna River, VAG406571 Gholson Adam Residence UT VAR050848 Stormwater Industrial GP Klockner Pentaplast of America VAG250135 Cooling Water Discharge GP Nonmetallic Mineral Mining VAG840026 Virginia Vermiculite Limited GP South Anna River VA0087033 Dominion - Gordonsville Power Station VA0076678 Shenandoah Crossing STP VPDES IP Lickinghole Creek VA0091332 Old Dominion Electric Cooperative - Louisa Happy Creek, UT 8-SAR101.03 Ambient DEQ Monitoring Station South Anna River 8-SAR097.82 Ambient and Biological

13. Material Storage:

TABLE 3 MATERIAL STORAGE Materials Description Volume Stored Spill/Stormwater Prevention Measures Chlorine Gas 4 - 150 lb. cylinders Stored inside building. Sodium Hypochlorite 5 - 15 gallon barrels

14. Site Inspection:

DEQ-NRO Water Permitting staff, Caitlin Shipman, and DEQ-NRO Water Compliance staff, Rebecca Johnson, conducted a recon inspection on September 26, 2017 (Attachment 4).

15. Receiving Stream Water Quality and Water Quality Standards:

a. Ambient Water Quality Data

This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to South Anna River that has been neither monitored nor assessed. The nearest DEQ monitoring station is 8-SAR101.03, at Route 231, approximately 0.78 miles upstream of the confluence of unnamed tributary 8-XAF with South Anna River. The following is the water quality summary for this segment of South Anna River, as taken from the 2016 Integrated Report:

Class III, Section 3.

DEQ monitoring stations located in this segment of South Anna River: • Ambient monitoring station 8-SAR101.03, at Route 231.

E. coli monitoring finds a bacterial impairment, resulting in an impaired classification for the recreation use. A bacteria TMDL for the South Anna River watershed has been completed and approved. The aquatic life and wildlife uses are considered fully supporting. An observed effect for the aquatic life use is noted for total phosphorus, based on the information from the 2006 Integrated Assessment and an observed effect was noted based on biological monitoring from the 2010 Integrated Assessment.

The nearest downstream DEQ monitoring station is 8-SAR097.82, at Route 603, approximately 2.7 miles downstream from Outfall 001. The following is the water quality summary for this segment of South Anna River, as taken from the 2016 Integrated Report: VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 4 of 17

Class III, Section 3c.

DEQ monitoring stations located in this segment of South Anna River: • Ambient and biological station 8-SAR097.82, at Route 603.

E. coli monitoring finds a bacterial impairment, resulting in an impaired classification for the recreation use. A bacteria TMDL for the South Anna River watershed has been completed and approved. Biological monitoring finds benthic macroinvertebrate impairments, resulting in an impaired classification for the aquatic life use. An observed effect for the aquatic life use is noted for total phosphorus, based on the information from the 2006 Integrated Assessment. The fish consumption use is considered fully supporting with an observed effect based on PCBs in fish tissue. The wildlife use is considered fully supporting. b. 303(d) Listed Stream Segments and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

TABLE 4 INFORMATION ON DOWNSTREAM 303(d) IMPAIRMENTS AND TMDLs Waterbody Impaired Year First Listed Distance TMDL Basis for Cause WLA Name Use as Impaired From Outfall Completed WLA Impairment Information in the 2016 Integrated Report: Pamunkey 126 cfu River Basin 1.64E+12 /100 mL Bacteria TMDL Recreation E. coli 2002 0.23 mile cfu /year --- South 08/02/2006 E. coli 0.94 Anna River Modified MGD 04/27/2015 Aquatic Benthic Macro- 2010 1.7 miles No ------Life invertebrates

This facility discharges directly to a UT to South Anna River; located within the watershed. The receiving stream has been addressed in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, completed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 29, 2010. The TMDL addresses dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll a and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) impairments in the main stem Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries by establishing non-point source load allocations (LAs) and point-source waste load allocations (WLAs) for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) to meet applicable Virginia Water Quality Standards contained in 9VAC25-260-185. This facility is considered a Significant Chesapeake Bay wastewater discharge and has been assigned wasteload allocations as noted in Table 3 above.

Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay TDML is currently accomplished in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP); approved by EPA on December 29, 2010. The approved WIP recognizes that the TMDL nutrient WLAs for Significant Chesapeake Bay wastewater dischargers are set in two regulations: 1) the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9VAC25-720); and 2) the General VPDES Watershed Permit Regulation for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Discharges and Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed of Virginia (9VAC25-820). The WIP states that since TSS discharges from wastewater facilities represent an insignificant portion of the Bay’s total sediment load, they may be considered aggregated and wastewater discharges with technology- based TSS limits are considered consistent with the TMDL.

40 CFR 122.44(d)(1)(vii)(B) requires permits to be written with effluent limits necessary to meet water quality standards and to be consistent with the assumptions and requirements of applicable WLAs. DEQ has provided coverage under the VPDES Nutrient General Permit (GP) for this facility under permit VAN030046. The requirements of the Nutrient GP currently in effect for this facility are consistent with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. This individual permit includes TSS limits that are also consistent with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and WIP. In addition, the individual permit addresses limitations for the protection of instream dissolved oxygen concentrations as detailed in Section 19 of this Fact Sheet. The proposed effluent limits within this individual permit are consistent with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and will not cause an impairment or observed violation of the standards for DO, chlorophyll a or SAV as required by 9VAC25-260-185.

The full planning statement is found in Attachment 5. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 5 of 17 c. Receiving Stream Water Quality Criteria

Part IX of 9VAC25-260(360-550) designates classes and special standards applicable to defined Virginia river basins and sections. The receiving stream, UT to the South Anna River, is located within Section 3 of the York River Basin and classified as Class III water.

At all times, Class III waters must achieve a dissolved oxygen (DO) of 4.0 mg/L or greater, a daily average DO of 5.0 mg/L or greater, a temperature that does not exceed 32° C and maintain a pH of 6.0 – 9.0 standard units (S.U.).

A Freshwater Water Quality/Wasteload Allocation Analysis details other water quality criteria applicable to the receiving stream; an analysis was completed for the current and expansion flow tier (Attachments 6a and 6b).

Some Water Quality Criteria are dependent on the pH, temperature and total hardness of the receiving stream and/or final effluent. These values were utilized to determine the criterion found in Attachment 6 for the following pollutants:

pH and Temperature for Ammonia Criteria

The fresh water, aquatic life Water Quality Criteria for ammonia is dependent on the instream pH and temperature. Since the effluent may have an impact on the instream values, the pH and temperature values of the effluent must also be considered when determining the ammonia criteria for the receiving stream. The 90th percentile pH and temperature values are utilized because they best represent the critical conditions of the receiving stream.

During the last permit reissuance, staff evaluated effluent pH and temperature data from June 2009 – April 2012. The 90th percentile pH and temperature was determined to be 7.7 SU and 22.6 °C, respectively (Attachment 7a). A 10th percentile pH was not calculated. For this permit reissuance, staff evaluated effluent pH data from September 2016 – August 2017 and determined that the 90th and 10th percentile pH were 7.6 SU and 7.0 SU, respectively (Attachment 7b). Staff determined that there was no significant difference from the data used to establish ammonia criteria and subsequent effluent limits in the previous permit. Therefore, the previously established pH and temperature values for the final effluent shall be carried forward as part of this reissuance process.

Hardness Dependent Metals Criteria

The Water Quality Criteria for some metals are dependent on the receiving stream and/or effluent total hardness values (expressed as mg/L calcium carbonate).

There is no hardness data for this facility/receiving stream. Staff guidance suggests utilizing a default hardness value of 50 mg/L CaCO3 for streams east of the Blue Ridge. The hardness dependent metals criteria in Attachment 6 are based on this default value.

Bacteria Criteria

The Virginia Water Quality Standards at 9VAC25-260-170A state that the following criteria shall apply to protect primary recreational uses in surface waters:

E. coli bacteria per 100 mL of water shall not exceed the following: Geometric Mean1 Freshwater E. coli (N/100 mL) 126 1For a minimum of four weekly samples taken during any calendar month d. Receiving Stream Special Standards

The State Water Control Board's Water Quality Standards, River Basin Section Tables (9VAC25-260-360, 370 and 380) designates the river basins, sections, classes and special standards for surface waters of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The receiving stream, UT to South Anna River, is located within Section 3 of the York River Basin. This section has been has not been designated with a special standard. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 6 of 17

e. Threatened or Endangered Species

The Virginia DGIF Fish and Wildlife Information System Database was searched on November 8, 2017 for records to determine if there are threatened or endangered species in the vicinity of the discharge. The following threatened or endangered species were identified within a 3 mile radius of the discharge: James Spinymussel (Parvaspina collina), Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis), Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus lucifugus), Tri-Colored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus), Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicose), Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus), Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), Appalachian Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus wyandot), Green Floater (Lasmigona subviridis), and Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans). The limits proposed in this draft permit are protective of the Virginia Water Quality Standards and protect the threatened and endangered species found near the discharge.

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service was coordinated with during this reissuance. A summary of the comments received can be found in Section 26 of this Fact Sheet.

16. Antidegradation (9VAC25-260-30):

All state surface waters are provided one of three levels of antidegradation protection. For Tier 1 or existing use protection, existing uses of the water body and the water quality to protect these uses must be maintained. Tier 2 water bodies have water quality that is better than the water quality standards. Significant lowering of the water quality of Tier 2 waters is not allowed without an evaluation of the economic and social impacts. Tier 3 water bodies are exceptional waters and are so designated by regulatory amendment. The antidegradation policy prohibits new or expanded discharges into exceptional waters.

The streams critical flows have been determined to be zero; therefore, at times the stream may only be comprised of effluent. The proposed permit limits have been established by determining wasteload allocations which will result in attaining and/or maintaining all water quality criteria which apply to the receiving stream, including narrative criteria. These wasteload allocations will provide for the protection and maintenance of all existing uses. Given the aforementioned, it is staff’s professional judgement that the receiving stream be classified as Tier 1.

17. Effluent Screening, Wasteload Allocation, and Effluent Limitation Development:

To determine water quality-based effluent limitations for a discharge, the suitability of data must first be determined. Data is suitable for analysis if one or more representative data points are equal to or above the quantification level ("QL") and the data represent the exact pollutant being evaluated.

Next, the appropriate Water Quality Standards are determined for the pollutants in the effluent. Then, the Wasteload Allocations (WLAs) are calculated. The WLA values are then compared with available effluent data to determine the need for effluent limitations. Effluent limitations are needed if the 97th percentile of the daily effluent concentration values is greater than the acute wasteload allocation or if the 97th percentile of the four-day average effluent concentration values is greater than the chronic wasteload allocation. In the case of ammonia evaluations, limits are needed if the 97th percentile of the thirty-day average effluent concentration values is greater than the chronic WLA. Effluent limitations are then calculated on the most limiting WLA, the required sampling frequency and statistical characteristics of the effluent data.

a. Effluent Screening

Effluent data obtained from Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) has been reviewed and determined to be suitable for evaluation. Please see Attachment 8 for a summary of effluent data.

The following pollutants require a wasteload allocation analysis: total residual chlorine and ammonia. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 7 of 17 b. Mixing Zones and Wasteload Allocations (WLAs)

Wasteload allocations (WLAs) are calculated for those parameters in the effluent with the reasonable potential to cause an exceedance of water quality criteria. The basic calculation for establishing a WLA is the steady state complete mix equation:

C [ Q + ( f ) (Q ) ] – [ ( C ) ( f ) ( Q ) ] WLA = o e s s s Qe Where: WLA = Wasteload allocation Co = In-stream water quality criteria Qe = Design flow Qs = Critical receiving stream flow (1Q10 for acute aquatic life criteria; 7Q10 for chronic aquatic life criteria; harmonic mean for carcinogen-human health criteria; 30Q10 for ammonia criteria; and 30Q5 for non-carcinogen human health criteria) F = Decimal fraction of critical flow Cs = Mean background concentration of parameter in the receiving stream.

The water segment receiving the discharge via Outfall 001 has been determined to have critical 7Q10, 1Q10 and 30Q10 flows of 0.0 MGD. As such, there is no mixing zone and the WLA is equal to the Co.

Staff derived wasteload allocations where parameters are reasonably expected to be present in an effluent (e.g., total residual chlorine where chlorine is used as a means of disinfection) and where effluent data indicate the pollutant is present in the discharge above quantifiable levels. With regard to the Outfall 001 discharge, ammonia as N is likely present since this is a WWTP treating sewage and total residual chlorine may be present since chlorine is used for disinfection. As such, Attachment 6 details and WLA derivations for these pollutants. c. Effluent Limitations, Outfall 001 – Toxic Pollutants

9VAC25-31-220.D. requires limits be imposed where a discharge has a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an in- stream excursion of water quality criteria. Those parameters with WLAs that are near effluent concentrations are evaluated for limits.

The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-230.D requires that monthly and weekly average limitations be imposed for continuous discharges from POTWs and monthly average and daily maximum limitations be imposed for all other continuous non-POTW discharges.

1) Ammonia as N/TKN

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized new, more stringent ammonia criteria in August 2013. It is staff’s understanding that the new ammonia criteria may result in significant reductions in ammonia effluent limitations and that the incorporation of those criteria into the Virginia Water Quality Standards is forthcoming.

0.667 MGD Flow Tier:

A stream model was conducted to determine the effluent limitations for the 0.667 MGD facility in December 1985. The stream model results indicated that the following limits were needed to protect water quality: dissolved oxygen of 6.5 mg/L, BOD5 of 3 mg/L, and TKN of 1 mg/L (Attachment 9). However, in a Memorandum dated December 3, 1985, the State Water Control Board’s Central Office decided that due to the limited confidence in the December 1985 model, the effluent limitations would be relaxed to a BOD5, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia of 10 mg/L, 6.5 mg/L, and 1.5 mg/L, respectively (Attachment 10). It is staff’s understanding that ammonia limits in subsequent permits have been based off of the Water Quality Standards.

During the 2013 reissuance, staff replaced seasonal ammonia limits with a year round monthly average and weekly maximum limits of 2.3 mg/L and 3.1 mg/L, respectively.

Staff evaluated effluent pH data from September 2016 – August 2017 and determined that it is not significantly different from the pH data used during the last reissuance (June 2009 – April 2012). Therefore, the previously established ammonia water quality criteria, wasteload allocations (WLAs), and ammonia limits will be carried forward with this reissuance (Attachment 11). VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 8 of 17

0.94 MGD Flow Tier:

A stream model was conducted on June 24, 1996 for the 0.94 MGD facility; this model established TKN limit of 3 mg/L was needed to ensure that the dissolved oxygen in the receiving stream was protected (Attachment 12).

It is generally accepted that total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) consists of approximately 60% ammonia in raw wastewater. As the waste stream is treated, the ammonia component of TKN is converted to nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2). It is estimated that a facility achieving a TKN limit of 3.0 mg/L essentially removes ammonia from the waste stream, resulting in a ‘self-sustaining’ quality effluent that protects against ammonia toxicity.

It is staff’s professional judgement that a TKN monthly average limit of 3.0 mg/L is still protective of ammonia toxicity given the aforementioned and will be carried forward in this reissuance. The weekly average limit will be 4.5 mg/L based on a multiplier of 1.5 times the monthly average.

2) Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)

Chlorine is utilized for disinfection and is potentially in the discharge. Staff reviewed the WLAs for the 0.667 MGD and 0.94 MGD flow tiers and determined there are identical to the WLAs determined during the 2013 reissuance, where staff employed a default data point of 0.2 mg/L and the calculated WLAs to derive limits. Therefore, the monthly average of 0.008 mg/L and the weekly average limit of 0.010 mg/L will be carried forward at both flow tiers with this reissuance (Attachment 13). d. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring, Outfall 001 – Conventional and Non-Conventional Pollutants

No changes to dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand-5 day (BOD5), carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand-5 day (cBOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) or pH limitations are proposed.

It is staff’s practice to equate the total suspended solids limits with either BOD5 or cBOD5 limits since the two pollutants are closely related in terms of treatment of domestic sewage.

pH limitations are set at the water quality criteria.

E. coli limitations are in accordance with the Water Quality Standards 9VAC25-260-170.

0.667 MGD Flow Tier:

A stream model was conducted to determine the effluent limitations for the 0.667 MGD facility in December 1985. The stream model results indicated that the following limits were needed to protect water quality: dissolved oxygen of 6.5 mg/L, BOD5 of 3 mg/L, and TKN of 1 mg/L (Attachment 9). However, in a Memorandum dated December 3, 1985, the State Water Control Board’s Central Office decided that due to the limited confidence in the December 1985 model, the effluent limitations would be relaxed to a BOD5, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia of 10 mg/L, 6.5 mg/L, and 1.5 mg/L, respectively (Attachment 10).

0.94 MGD Flow Tier:

A stream model was conducted on June 24, 1996 for the 0.94 MGD facility; this model established that a cBOD5, TKN, and dissolved oxygen limits of 10 mg/L, 3 mg/L and 6.5 mg/L, respectively, were needed to ensure that the dissolved oxygen in the receiving stream was protected (Attachment 12). e. Effluent Annual Average Limitations and Monitoring, Outfall 001 – Nutrients

VPDES Regulation 9VAC25-31-220(D) requires effluent limitations that are protective of both the numerical and narrative water quality standards for state waters, including the Chesapeake Bay. As discussed in Section 15, significant portions of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are listed as impaired with nutrient enrichment cited as one of the primary causes. Virginia has committed to protecting and restoring the Bay and its tributaries.

Only concentration limits are now found in the individual VPDES permit when the facility installs nutrient removal technology. 9VAC25-40 – Regulation for Nutrient Enriched Waters and Dischargers within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed requires new or expanding discharges with design flows of ≥ 0.04 MGD to treat for TN and TP to either BNR (Biological VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 9 of 17

Nutrient Removal) levels (TN = 8 mg/L; TP = 1.0 mg/L) or SOA (State of the Art) levels (TN = 3.0 mg/L and TP = 0.3 mg/L). This facility has not expanded or installed nutrient removal technology, therefore, annual average total nitrogen and total phosphorus limits are not included at the 0.667 MGD flow tier.

This facility has also obtained coverage under 9VAC25-820 – General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Watershed Permit Regulation for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Discharges and Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Virginia. This regulation specifies and controls the nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from facilities and specifies facilities that must register under the general permit. Nutrient loadings for those facilities registered under the general permit as well as compliance schedules and other permit requirements, shall be authorized, monitored, limited, and otherwise regulated under the general permit and not this individual permit. This facility has coverage under this General Permit; the permit number is VAN030046.

Total Nitrogen Annual Loads and Total Phosphorus Annual Loads from this facility are found in 9VAC25-720 – Water Quality Management Plan Regulation which sets forth TN and TP maximum wasteload allocations for facilities designated as significant discharges, i.e. those with design flows of ≥ 0.5 MGD above the fall line and > 0.1 MGD below the fall line. The annual loads found in 9VAC25-720 are based on the 0.94 MGD flow tier.

0.667 MGD Flow Tier:

Monitoring for nitrates + nitrites, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus is included in this reissuance; the monitoring is needed to protect the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Standards.

0.94 MGD Flow Tier:

9VAC5-720-120 states that the allocated annual loads for this facility are 17,177 lb/year for total nitrogen and 1,145 lb/year for total phosphorus. The annual average limits for total nitrogen and total phosphorus are calculated from the allocations using the following formula:

Wasteload Allocation (lb/year) Annual Average (mg/L) = [ Existing Flow (MGD) x 365 (day/year) x 8.345 (conversion factor) ]

17,177 lb/year Total Nitrogen (mg/L) = = 6.0 mg/L [ 0.94 MGD x 365 day/year x 8.345]

1,145 lb/year Total Phosphorus (mg/L) = = 0.40 mg/L [ 0.94 MGD x 365 day/year x 8.345]

Annual average effluent limitations, as well as monthly and year to date calculations, for total nitrogen and total phosphorus are included in this individual permit. f. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Summary

The effluent limitations and monitoring requirements are presented in Section 19.

The mass loading (kg/d) for monthly and weekly averages were calculated by multiplying the concentration values (mg/L), with the flow values (in MGD) and then a conversion factor of 3.785.

Sample Type and Frequency are in accordance with the recommendations in the VPDES Permit Manual.

The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-30 and 40 CFR Part 133 require that the facility achieve at least 85% removal for BOD5 or cBOD5 and TSS; the limits in this permit are water quality-based effluent limits and result in greater than 85% removal.

The limit for total suspended solids is based on Professional Judgment.

0.667 MGD Flow Tier:

Limits were established for biochemical oxygen demand-5 day (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), ammonia as N, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), E. coli, and total residual chlorine. Monitoring was established for flow and influent flow. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 10 of 17

0.94 MGD Flow Tier:

Limits were established for carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand-5 day (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), E. coli, and total residual chlorine. Monitoring was established for flow, influent flow, and nitrite+ntrate.

18. Antibacksliding:

All limits in this permit are at least as stringent as those previously established. Backsliding does not apply to this reissuance. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 11 of 17

19. Effluent Limitations/Monitoring Requirements: a. Municipal Outfall 001: 1) Design flow is 0.667 MGD. Effective Dates: During the period beginning with the permit's effective date and lasting until the expiration date or the issuance of the Certificate to Operate (CTO) for the 0.94 MGD facility, whichever occurs first. MONITORING BASIS DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS PARAMETER FOR REQUIREMENTS LIMITS Monthly Average Weekly Average Minimum Maximum Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) NA NL NA NA NL Continuous TIRE Influent Flow (MGD) NA NL NA NA NL Continuous TIRE pH 3 NA NA 6.0 S.U. 9.0 S.U. 1/D Grab

BOD5 3,5 10 mg/L 25 kg/day 15 mg/L 38 kg/day NA NA 3D/W 8H-C Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 2 10 mg/L 25 kg/day 15 mg/L 38 kg/day NA NA 3D/W 8H-C Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 3 NA NA 6.5 mg/L NA 1/D Grab Ammonia, as N 3,5 2.3 mg/L 3.1 mg/L NA NA 3D/W 8H-C E. coli (Geometric Mean) a 3 126 n/100mL NA NA NA 1/W b Grab Total Residual Chlorine 2,4 NA NA 1.0 mg/L NA 3/D Grab (after contact tank) Total Residual Chlorine 3 0.008 mg/L 0.010 mg/L NA NA 3/D Grab (after dechlorination)

The basis for the limitations codes are: 1. Federal Effluent Requirements MGD = Million gallons per day. 1/D = Once per day. 2. Professional Judgement NA = Not applicable. 3/D = Three times per day, at 4-hr intervals. 3. Water Quality Standards NL = No limit; monitor and report. 3D/W = Three times per week. 4. DEQ Disinfection Guidance S.U. = Standard units. 1/W = Once per week. 5. SWCB Memo – Attachment 10 TIRE = Totalizing, indicating and recording equipment. 6. Chesapeake Bay TMDL

8H-C = A flow proportional composite sample collected manually or automatically, and discretely or continuously, for the entire discharge of the monitored 8-hour period. Where discrete sampling is employed, the permittee shall collect a minimum of eight (8) aliquots for compositing. Discrete sampling may be flow proportioned either by varying the time interval between each aliquot or the volume of each aliquot. Time composite samples consisting of a minimum eight (8) grab samples obtained at hourly or smaller intervals may be collected where the permittee demonstrates that the discharge flow rate (gallons per minute) does not vary by 10% or more during the monitored discharge.

Estimate = Reported flow is to be based on the technical evaluation of the sources contributing to the discharge. Grab = An individual sample collected over a period of time not to exceed 15 minutes.

a The permittee shall sample and submit E. coli results at the frequency of once every week for three (3) months.

If all reported results for E. coli do not exceed 126 n/100mL, reported as the geometric mean, the permittee may submit a written request to DEQ-NRO for a reduction in the sampling frequency to once per quarter.

Upon approval, the permittee shall collect four (4) samples during one month within each quarterly monitoring period as defined below. The results shall be reported as the geometric mean.

The quarterly monitoring periods shall be January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December. The DMR shall be submitted no later than the 10th day of the month following the monitoring period.

Should any of the quarterly monitoring results for E. coli exceed 126 n/100mL, reported as the geometric mean, the monitoring frequency shall revert to once per week for the remainder of the permit term.

b Sample shall be collected between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 12 of 17

2) Design Flow: 0.94 MGD. Effective Dates: During the period beginning with the issuance of the Certificate to Operate (CTO) for the 0.94 MGD facility and lasting until the expiration date. MONITORING BASIS DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS PARAMETER FOR REQUIREMENTS LIMITS Monthly Average Weekly Average Minimum Maximum Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) NA NL NA NA NL Continuous TIRE Influent Flow (MGD) NA NL NA NA NL Continuous TIRE pH 3 NA NA 6.0 S.U. 9.0 S.U. 1/D Grab cBOD5 3,5 10 mg/L 36 kg/day 15 mg/L 53 kg/day NA NA 3D/W 8H-C Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 2 10 mg/L 36 kg/day 15 mg/L 53 kg/day NA NA 3D/W 8H-C Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 3 NA NA 6.5 mg/L NA 1/D Grab E. coli (Geometric Mean) a 3 126 n/100mL NA NA NA 1/W b Grab Total Residual Chlorine 2,4 NA NA 1.0 mg/L NA 3/D Grab (after contact tank) Total Residual Chlorine 3 0.008 mg/L 0.010 mg/L NA NA 3/D Grab (after dechlorination) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 3,5 3.0 mg/L 10 kg/day 4.5 mg/L 16 kg/day NA NA 3D/W 8H-C Nitrate + Nitrite 3,6 NL mg/L NA NA NA 2D/W 8H-C Total Nitrogen 3,6 NL mg/L NA NA NA 2D/W Calculated Total Nitrogen – Year to Date 3,6 NL mg/L NA NA NA 1/M Calculated Total Nitrogen – Calendar Year 3,6 6.0 mg/L NA NA NA 1/YR Calculated Total Phosphorus 3,6 NL mg/L NA NA NA 2D/W 8H-C Total Phosphorus – Year to Date 3,6 NL mg/L NA NA NA 1/M Calculated Total Phosphorus – Calendar Year 3,6 0.40 mg/L NA NA NA 1/YR Calculated

The basis for the limitations codes are: 1. Federal Effluent Requirements MGD = Million gallons per day. 1/D = Once per day. 2. Professional Judgement NA = Not applicable. 3/D = Three times per day, at 4-hr intervals. 3. Water Quality Standards NL = No limit; monitor and report. 3D/W = Three times per week. 4. DEQ Disinfection Guidance S.U. = Standard units. 2D/W = Two days per week. 5. Stream Model – Attachment 12 TIRE = Totalizing, indicating and recording equipment. 1/W = Once per week. 6. Chesapeake Bay TMDL 1/M = Once per month. 1/YR = Once per year.

8H-C = A flow proportional composite sample collected manually or automatically, and discretely or continuously, for the entire discharge of the monitored 8-hour period. Where discrete sampling is employed, the permittee shall collect a minimum of eight (8) aliquots for compositing. Discrete sampling may be flow proportioned either by varying the time interval between each aliquot or the volume of each aliquot. Time composite samples consisting of a minimum eight (8) grab samples obtained at hourly or smaller intervals may be collected where the permittee demonstrates that the discharge flow rate (gallons per minute) does not vary by 10% or more during the monitored discharge.

Estimate = Reported flow is to be based on the technical evaluation of the sources contributing to the discharge. Grab = An individual sample collected over a period of time not to exceed 15 minutes.

a The permittee shall sample and submit E. coli results at the frequency of once every week for three (3) months.

If all reported results for E. coli do not exceed 126 n/100mL, reported as the geometric mean, the permittee may submit a written request to DEQ-NRO for a reduction in the sampling frequency to once per quarter.

Upon approval, the permittee shall collect four (4) samples during one month within each quarterly monitoring period as defined below. The results shall be reported as the geometric mean.

The quarterly monitoring periods shall be January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December. The DMR shall be submitted no later than the 10th day of the month following the monitoring period.

Should any of the quarterly monitoring results for E. coli exceed 126 n/100mL, reported as the geometric mean, the monitoring frequency shall revert to once per week for the remainder of the permit term.

b Samples shall be collected between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 13 of 17

20. Other Permit Requirements:

a. Part I.B. of the Permit Contains Additional Chlorine Monitoring Requirements, Quantification Levels and Compliance Reporting Instructions.

These additional chlorine requirements are necessary per the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations at 9VAC25-790 and by the Water Quality Standards at 9VAC25-260-170. Minimum chlorine residual must be maintained at the exit of the chlorine contact tank to assure adequate disinfection. No more that 10% of the monthly test results for TRC at the exit of the chlorine contact tank shall be < 1.0 mg/L with any TRC < 0.6 mg/L considered a system failure. E. coli limits are defined in this section as well as monitoring requirements to take effect should an alternate means of disinfection be used.

9VAC25-31-190.L.4.c. requires an arithmetic mean for measurement averaging and 9VAC25-31-220.D. requires limits be imposed where a discharge has a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an instream excursion of water quality criteria. Specific analytical methodologies for toxics are listed in this permit section as well as quantification levels (QLs) necessary to demonstrate compliance with applicable permit limitations or for use in future evaluations to determine if the pollutant has reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a violation. Required averaging methodologies are also specified.

The calculations for the nitrogen and phosphorus parameters shall be in accordance with the calculations set forth in 9VAC25-820 – General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Watershed Permit Regulation for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Discharges and Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Virginia. §62.1- 44.19:13 of the Code of Virginia defines how annual nutrient loads are to be calculated; this is carried forward in 9VAC25- 820-70. As annual concentrations (as opposed to loads) are limited in the individual permit, these reporting calculations are intended to reconcile the reporting calculations between the permit programs, as the permittee is collecting a single set of samples for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with two permits.

b. Permit Section Part I.C. Details the Requirements of Groundwater Monitoring.

DEQ-NRO reviewed the monitoring completed during the previous permit term (Attachment 14). The variability of the data indicates that surface water may be intruding into the groundwater monitoring wells. The monitoring wells were installed in 2002; over time, the effectiveness of well casings in preventing surface water from entering into the wells can be compromised. Therefore, it is staff’s professional judgement that the data being provided may not accurately characterize this site and any potential impacts as a result of treatment operations.

1. Ground Water Quality Monitoring Plan. No later than 180 days following the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Regional Office a revised Groundwater Quality Monitoring (GQM) Plan for DEQ’s review and approval. Once approved, the plan shall be incorporated by reference as an enforceable part of this permit. Any changes to the approved plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the Regional Office prior to implementation. The GQM plan shall be amended or updated if requested by the DEQ or in cases where new information or data warrants changes to the plan. The revised GQM Plan shall, at a minimum, include: a. Geologic information; b. Site aquifer characterization, including a potentiometric map indicating the direction of groundwater flow and methods for calculating flow rate; c. Network description including the location, identification of the upgradient and downgradient well(s), proposed additional wells, and the location of all monitored units on the site; d. Upon installation of the proposed wells, the installation and construction (completion logs) of those wells. e. An updated constituent list including the following pollutants: i. Total Arsenic ii. Total Cadmium iii. Total Chloride iv. Total Copper v. Total Lead vi. Total Molybdenum vii. Total Nickel viii. Total Selenium ix. Total Sulfate VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 14 of 17

x. Total Zinc xi. pH xii. E. coli xiii. Ammonia xiv. Nitrate xv. Nitrite f. The plan shall identify applicable Virginia groundwater quality standards and federal maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for all monitored constituents. In addition, background concentrations shall be calculated for each constituent based on the sampling results from the upgradient well(s) utilizing the initial four semi-annual sampling events completed following plan approval. The methodology for determining site background shall meet the technical criteria defined in EPA’s March 2009 Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities – Unified Guidance (EPA 530/R-09-007) and the August 2010 Errata Sheet (EPA 530/R-09-007a). The permittee shall update the plan with the site’s natural background concentrations with the first annual report submittal following completion of the first four sampling events. The background concentrations shall be updated annually following initial calculation, and this updated information shall be incorporated in the plan and included in the annual report. g. Monitoring frequency and sampling methodology, which shall include: i. Monitoring of all wells shall be conducted on a calendar semiannual basis, beginning with the first complete monitoring period following well installation. Monitoring results shall be reported to DEQ by the tenth of the month following the completion of the semiannual monitoring period. ii. Prior to sampling, groundwater elevation measurements to the nearest 0.01 feet shall be obtained in order to calculate groundwater flow direction and rate for each groundwater sampling event, and the wells shall be properly purged to ensure collection of representative groundwater samples. iii. Any time it is recognized that a monitoring well on site does not contain a sufficient volume of groundwater for sampling purposes, the Regional Office shall be notified no later than 30 days following the sampling event with a description of the problem. The DEQ may require a proposal and schedule to replace or relocate the well. iv. Groundwater samples analyzed for metal constituents shall be taken without field filtering. All final metals analytical data shall be reported as total recoverable (not dissolved fraction) and determined by using an approved EPA SW-846 analytical method. The lab method utilized shall be listed in the Annual Report. h. Discussion of any surface water quality sampling points that are used in conjunction with the groundwater monitoring well network (to include the identification of the upgradient and downgradient sampling points and a site map showing the location of these points. i. A data evaluation method to be performed by the permittee, including a method to determine site background that meets the technical criteria defined in EPA’s March 2009 Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities – Unified Guidance (EPA 530/R-09-007) and the August 2010 Errata Sheet (EPA 530/R-09- 007a). j. Closure procedures for any wells proposed to be abandoned or replaced. 2. Reporting. The results of the annual groundwater sampling actions in accordance with the approved GQM Plan shall be submitted to the Regional Office once per year in an Annual Report due 90 days following the end of the 2nd semiannual monitoring period. The permittee shall submit the site’s natural background concentrations with the first Annual Report, following completion of the first four sampling events. The background concentrations shall be updated annually following initial calculation and included in the Annual Report. The Annual Report shall include, at a minimum: a. A site map, a site location map, and a potentiometric map, b. Lab methods utilized for data evaluation, c. A copy of the analytical data from each sampling event, d. A summary of the concentrations of all detected constituents in each monitoring well per sampling event during the year, e. A discussion of the groundwater flow rate and direction as determined during the calendar year, VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 15 of 17

f. A demonstration, including the evaluation required in Part I.C.1.e of whether the sampling results exceed background concentration. 3. Future Actions. In the event groundwater sampling results demonstrate exceedance of one or more background concentrations, the permittee shall, prior to the next regularly scheduled groundwater sampling event request a meeting with the Regional Office to discuss the appropriate response action(s) to maintain protection of human health and the environment. The Board may require corrective action, modifications to the plan, or alternatively modify or revoke and reissue the permit.

c. Permit Section Part I.D. details the requirements of a Pretreatment Program.

The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-730 through 900., and the Federal Pretreatment Regulation at 40 CFR Part 403 requires POTWs with a design flow of > 5.0 MGD and receiving from Industrial Users (IUs) pollutants which pass through or interfere with the operation of the POTW or are otherwise subject to pretreatment standards to develop a pretreatment program.

The Gordonsville STP is a POTW with a current design capacity of 0.667 MGD and an expansion flow tier of 0.94 MGD. This facility has an active pretreatment program with no Significant Industrial Users (SIUs). Until such a time any SIU permit is issued by the facility, the pretreatment program requirements are deferred. With this reissuance, the requirement to survey industrial users to identify any SIUs is included.

The pretreatment program conditions in the proposed permit reissuance will include: implementation of the approved pretreatment program that complies with the Clean Water Act, State Water Control Law, state regulations, and the approved program.

d. Permit Section Part I.E. details the requirements for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Program.

The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-210 requires monitoring and 9VAC25-31-220.I., requires limitations in the permit to provide for and assure compliance with all applicable requirements of the State Water Control Law and the Clean Water Act. A WET Program is imposed for municipal facilities with a design rate >1.0 MGD, with an approved pretreatment program or required to develop a pretreatment program or those determined by the Board based on effluent variability, compliance history, instream waste concentration (IWC) and receiving stream characteristics.

The Town of Gordonsville has an active pretreatment with no SIUs, therefore the potential for effluent toxicity is greatly reduced. The whole effluent toxicity monitoring requirement has been delayed until such time there is an issuance of any SIU permit by the facility and notification by DEQ.

21. Other Special Conditions:

a. 95% Capacity Reopener. The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-200.B.4 requires all POTWs and PVOTWs develop and submit a plan of action to DEQ when the monthly average influent flow to their sewage treatment plant reaches 95% or more of the design capacity authorized in the permit for each month of any three consecutive month period. This facility is a POTW.

b. Indirect Dischargers. Required by VPDES Permit Regulation, 9VAC25-31-200.B.1 and B.2 for POTWs and PVOTWs that receive waste from someone other than the owner of the treatment works.

c. O&M Manual Requirement. Required by Code of Virginia §62.1-44.19; Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations, 9VAC25-790; VPDES Permit Regulation, 9VAC25-31-190.E. The permittee shall maintain a current Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual. The permittee shall operate the treatment works in accordance with the O&M Manual and shall make the O&M Manual available to DEQ personnel for review upon request. Any changes in the practices and procedures followed by the permittee shall be documented in the O&M Manual within 90 days of the effective date of the changes. Non-compliance with the O&M Manual shall be deemed a violation of the permit.

d. Licensed Operator Requirement. The Code of Virginia at §54.1-2300 et seq. and the VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25- 31-200.C., and by the Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators and Onsite Sewage System Professionals Regulations (18VAC160-20-10 et seq.) requires licensure of operators. This facility requires a Class IV operator. VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 16 of 17 e. CTC, CTO Requirement. The Code of Virginia § 62.1-44.19; Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations, 9VAC25-790 requires that all treatment works treating wastewater obtain a Certificate to Construct (CTC) prior to commencing construction and to obtain a Certificate to Operate (CTO) prior to commencing operation of the treatment works. f. Reliability Class. The Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations at 9VAC25-790 require sewage treatment works to achieve a certain level of reliability in order to protect water quality and public health consequences in the event of component or system failure. Reliability means a measure of the ability of the treatment works to perform its designated function without failure or interruption of service. The facility is required to meet a Reliability Class of II. g. Water Quality Criteria Reopener. VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-220.D. requires establishment of effluent limitations to ensure attainment/maintenance of receiving stream water quality criteria. Should effluent monitoring indicate the need for any water quality-based limitations, this permit may be modified or alternatively revoked and reissued to incorporate appropriate limitations. h. Sludge Reopener. The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-220.C. requires all permits issued to treatment works treating domestic sewage (including sludge-only facilities) include a reopener clause allowing incorporation of any applicable standard for sewage sludge use or disposal promulgated under Section 405(d) of the CWA. The facility includes a sewage treatment works. i. Sludge Use and Disposal. The VPDES Permit Regulation at 9VAC25-31-100.P; 220.B.2, and 420 through 720 and 40 CFR Part 503 require all treatment works treating domestic sewage to submit information on their sludge use and disposal practices and to meet specified standards for sludge use and disposal. The facility includes a treatment works treating domestic sewage. j. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Reopener. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires that Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) be developed for streams listed as impaired. This special condition is to allow the permit to be reopened if necessary to bring it into compliance with any applicable TMDL approved for the receiving stream. k. E3/E4. 9VAC25-40-70.B. authorizes DEQ to approve an alternate compliance method to the technology-based effluent concentration limitations as required by subsection A of this section. Such alternate compliance method shall be incorporated into the permit of an Exemplary Environmental Enterprise (E3) facility or an Extraordinary Environmental Enterprise (E4) facility to allow the suspension of applicable technology-based effluent concentration limitations during the period the E3 or E4 facility has a fully implemented environmental management system that includes operation of installed nutrient removal technologies at the treatment efficiency levels for which they were designed. l. Nutrient Offsets. The Virginia General Assembly, in their 2005 session, enacted a new Article 4.02 (Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Credit Exchange Program) to the Code of Virginia to address nutrient loads to the Bay. Section 62.1- 44.19:15 sets forth the requirements for new and expanded dischargers, which are captured by the requirements of the law, including the requirement that non-point load reductions acquired for the purpose of offsetting nutrient discharges be enforced through the individual VPDES permit. m. Nutrient Reopener. 9VAC25-40-70.A. authorizes DEQ to include technology-based annual concentration limits in the permits of facilities that have installed nutrient control equipment, whether by new construction, expansion or upgrade. 9VAC25-31-390.A. authorizes DEQ to modify VPDES permits to promulgate amended water quality standards. n. Overland Flow System. The application rate of the wastewater to the overland flow system shall be recorded daily and reported monthly with the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). Application of wastewater during periods of significant rainfall is prohibited. All rainfall events shall be measured, recorded daily, and reported monthly on the DMR. o. Calculation of Mass Data. Calculations for mass limits (kg/day) shall be based upon the effluent flow at the time of sampling. If at the time of sampling, the effluent exceeds the treatment works design flow due to rainfall events, then the calculations shall be based on the wastewater volume applied to the overland flow fields for the previous 24-hour period prior to the rainfall event. p. Treatment Works Closure Plan. This condition establishes the requirement to submit a closure plan for the treatment works if the treatment facility is being replaced or is expected to close. This is necessary to ensure treatment works are properly closed so that the risk of untreated wastewater discharge, spills, leaks and exposure to raw materials is eliminated and water quality maintained. Section §62.1-44.21 requires every owner to furnish when requested plans, specification and other pertinent information as may be necessary to determine the effect of the wastes from his discharge on the quality of state waters, or such VPDES PERMIT PROGRAM FACT SHEET VA0021105 PAGE 17 of 17

other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose of the State Water Control Law. 22. Permit Section Part II.

Required by VPDES Regulation 9VAC25-31-190, Part II of the permit contains standard conditions that appear in all VPDES Permits. In general, these standard conditions address the responsibilities of the permittee, reporting requirements, testing procedures and records retention.

23. Changes to the Permit from the Previously Issued Permit:

a. Special Conditions: i. Influent Flow Measurement special condition has been incorporated into Effluent Limits/Monitoring Requirements (Section 19). ii. Treatment Works Closure Plan special condition was added.

b. Monitoring and Effluent Limitations: i. Groundwater monitoring language has been updated to be in accordance with DEQ’s current policy and practice.

24. Variances/Alternate Limits or Conditions:


25. Public Notice Information:

First Public Notice Date: February 14, 2019 Second Public Notice Date: February 21, 2019

Public Notice Information is required by 9VAC25-31-280 B. All pertinent information is on file and may be inspected and copied by contacting the: DEQ Northern Regional Office; 13901 Crown Court; Woodbridge, VA 22193; Telephone No. (703) 583-3859, [email protected]. See Attachment 15 for a copy of the public notice document.

Persons may comment in writing or by email to the DEQ on the proposed permit action, and may request a public hearing, during the comment period. Comments shall include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester, and shall contain a complete, concise statement of the factual basis for comments. Only those comments received within this period will be considered. The DEQ may decide to hold a public hearing, including another comment period, if public response is significant and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit. Requests for public hearings shall state 1) the reason why a hearing is requested; 2) a brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit; and 3) specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. Following the comment period, the Board will make a determination regarding the proposed permit action. This determination will become effective, unless the DEQ grants a public hearing. Due notice of any public hearing will be given. The public may request an electronic copy of the draft permit and fact sheet or review the draft permit and application at the DEQ Northern Regional Office by appointment.

26. Additional Comments:

Previous Board Action(s): None.

Staff Comments: None.

State/Federal Agency Comments: USFWS recommends inclusion of EPA’s 2013 Ammonia criteria, if adopted into the State’s WQS prior to the reissuance of this permit. See Attachment 16 for the full comment.

Public Comments: None.

Owner Comments: None. Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant (VA0021105) Fact Sheet Attachments:

Attachment 1 – Flow Frequency Determination

Attachment 2 – Facility Schematic

Attachment 3 – Topographic Map

Attachment 4 – Inspection Report

Attachment 5 – Planning Statement

Attachment 6 – Water Quality Criteria / Wasteload Allocation Analysis a. 0.667 MGD Flow Tier b. 0.94 MGD Flow Tier

Attachment 7 – Effluent pH Data a. June 2009 – April 2012 b. August 2016 – August 2017

Attachment 8 – Discharge Monitoring Reports Data

Attachment 9 – Stream Model, December 1985

Attachment 10 – State Water Control Board Memo, December 1985

Attachment 11 – Ammonia Limit Calculation, 2013 Reissuance

Attachment 12 – Stream Model, June 1996

Attachment 13 – TRC Limit Calculation

Attachment 14 – Review of Groundwater Monitoring Data

Attachment 15 – Public Notice

Attachment 16 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Coordination Attachment 1 – Flow Frequency Determination Attachment 1 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - WATER DIVISION Water Quality Assessments and Planning 629 E. Main Street P.O. Box 10009 Richmond, Virginia 23240

•'."a' SUBJECT: Flow Frequency Determination Gordonsville STP - #VA0021105 TO: Kultar Singh, NRO FROM: Paul Herman, WQAP DATE: May 8, 1996

COPIES: Ron Gregory, Charles Martin, Eugene Powell, File

The Gordonsville STP discharges to an unnamed tributary of the South Anna River near Gordonsville, VA. Stream flow frequencies are required at this site by the permit writer for the purpose of calculating effluent limitations for the VPDES permit. At the discharge point, the receiving stream is depicted as intermittent on the USGS Gordonsville Quadrangle topographic map. The flow frequencies for intermittent streams are 0.0 cfs for the 1Q10, 7Q10, 30Q5, high flow 1Q10, high flow 7Q10, and harmonic mean. For modeling purposes, flow frequencies have been determined for the perennial reach of the receiving stream. The receiving stream becomes perennial at its confluence with the South Anna River. Therefore, flow frequencies have been determined for the South Anna River just upstream of its confluence with the discharge receiving stream. The VDEQ conducted several flow measurements on the South Anna River in 1981 and since 1991. The measurements were made approximately 0.2 miles west of the Gordonsville STP. The measurements correlated very well with the same day measurements made at the discontinued gage on the Contrary Creek near Mineral, VA #01670300. The Contrary Creek gage operated continuously from 1976 through 1986. The measurements were plotted on a logarithmic graph and a best fit line was drawn through the data points. The required flow frequencies from the reference gage were plotted on the regression line and the associated flow frequencies at the measurement site were determined from the graph. The flow frequencies for the measurement site represent the flows in the South Anna River at the point just above its confluence with the discharge receiving stream. The data for the reference gage and the measurement site are presented below. The values at the measurement site do not account for discharges or withdrawals which may lie upstream.

Attachment 1 Contrary Creek near Mineral, VA (#01670300):

Drainage Area = 5.53 mi2 1Q10 = 0.04 cfs High Flow 1Q10 =0.64 cfs 7Q10 = 0.05 cfs High Flow 7Q10 = 0.79 cfs 30Q5 = 0.21 Cfs HM = 0.90 cfs South Anna River at measurement site (#01671200):

Drainage Area = 5.0 mi2 1Q10 =0.0 Cfs High Flow 1Q10 = 0.112 cfs 7Q10 = 0.001 cfs High Flow 7Q10 =0.17 cfs 30Q5 = 0.015 Cfs HM = 0.0 cfs The high flow months are November through April. If there are any questions concerning this analysis, please let me know. Attachment 2 – Facility Schematic z-z "'' ; — \

Attachment 3

Attachment 3 – Topographic Map Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant ³

USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, National Elevation Dataset, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; U.S. Census Bureau - TIGER/Line; HERE Road Data. Data Refreshed July, 2017.

Legend VA0021105 Gordonsville STP and Outfall 001 Attachment 4 – Inspection Report COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY NORTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE Molly Joseph Ward 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193 David K. Paylor Secretary of Natural Resources (703) 583-3800 Fax (703) 583-3821 Director Thomas A. Faha Regional Director

November 1, 2017

Mr. Timothy Clemons General Manager Rapidan Service Authority (RSA) P.O Box 148 Ruckersville, VA 22968

Re: Town of Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant - Permit # VA0021105

Dear Mr. Clemons:

Attached is a copy of the Inspection Report generated while conducting a Facility Recon Inspection of the Town of Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant on September 26, 2017. This letter is not intended as a case decision under the Virginia Administrative Process Act, Va. Code § 2.2-4000 et seq. (APA).

Please review the “Compliance Recommendations for Action” section and submit in writing, a narrative outlining how the facility plans to address these items, to the Department of Environmental Quality – Northern Regional Office (DEQ-NRO) by December 1, 2017. If you have any questions or comments concerning this report, please feel free to contact me at (703) 583-3854 or email at [email protected]


Rebecca Johnson Environmental Specialist II cc: Permits / DMR File; Compliance Manager; Compliance Auditor; Compliance Inspector Virginia Department of Environmental Quality


FACILITY NAME: Gordonsville WWTP INSPECTION DATE: September 26, 2017 INSPECTOR Rebecca Johnson PERMIT No.: VA0021105 REPORT DATE: November 1, 2017 TYPE OF TIME OF INSPECTION: ☑Municipal ☐Major FACILITY: 1100 1330 ☐Industrial ☑Minor ☐Federal ☐Small Minor TOTAL TIME SPENT 15 Hours ☐HP ☐LP (including prep & travel) PHOTOGRAPHS: ☑Yes ☐No UNANNOUNCED ☑Yes ☐No INSPECTION? REVIEWED BY / Date:

10/31/17 PRESENT DURING INSPECTION: Caitlin Shipman – DEQ Eddie Jarrell – Operator


The purpose of this site visit was to conduct a recon inspection. Ms. Caitlin Shipman, Permit Writer - DEQ, wanted to tour the facility in preparation of re-issuing the permit. The current permit expiration date is March 19, 2018.

The operator onsite, Steve Gibson, met with DEQ and called Mr. Eddie Jarrell, the RSA Superintendent. DEQ reviewed laboratory documents and pH, D.O. and TRC meters. Once Mr. Jarrell arrived DEQ made a few recommendations as noted below:

Laboratory Inspection: Operations staff had already conducted the final effluent dissolved oxygen and pH analysis: D.O. 7.64 mg/L @ 10:20 pH 7.2 S.U. @ 1020

pH meter – The pH meter NIST certification was last conducted in June 2017. After the tour of the facility, DEQ staff asked Mr. Jarrell to collect and analyze a final effluent sample. The meter was unable to stabilize before the 15-minute holding time expired. An additional effluent sample was collected and analyzed. The sample was collected 1312 and analyzed within 15 minutes. The probe was dirty and providing a sluggish response. Photo 1 DEQ recommended cleaning the probe because the manufacturer recommends cleaning the probe if the bulb, guard and electrode stem are dirty. See Request for Corrective Action.

D.O. meter – No problems were observed. The D.O. meter NIST certification was last conducted in June 2017.

Total Residual Chlorine – The bench sheets for TRC needs to be updated to incorporate the current spec check certificate of analysis. Operations staff are not documenting the analysis of the TRC sample within the 3 to 6-minute window after the DPD powder pillow is added to the TRC sample. In order to show compliance with this requirement in the Hach User manual, DEQ staff recommended documenting the time the sample is collected, the sample is zeroed, powder pillow is added and the time the sample is analyzed.

DEQ form: 06-2011 1 VA DEQ Recon Inspection Report

Permit # VA0021105

Mr. Jarrell gave DEQ staff a tour of the facility.

The following observations were made:

Barscreen – Influent comes from the Town of Orange, Klockner Pentaplast, and Dominion Power Station. Approximately 150-180K gallons per day enters the facility. Screenings from the barscreen are placed in the dumpster and emptied about every other week. The process control tests conducted on the influent include pH and temperature. No problems were observed. Photo 2

Flow meter – Flow from the bar screen is sent through the parshall flume and magmeter. The flow meter was last calibrated in June 2017. Flow from the flow meter goes into the splitter box which is either sent to the equalization basin or the aerated lagoon. The sludge return pump sends flow to the splitter box. No problems were observed. Photo 3

Equalization Basin – This unit process is utilized during periods of high flow. There was an old septic smell emanating from this unit process. The EQ basin is an unlined lagoon. See Request for Corrective Action. Photo 4

Aerated Lagoon – This unit process is also unlined. One floating aerator was online. The other aerator was inoperable and sitting on the ground. The last technical inspection report for the technical inspection conducted January 5, 2012 stated, “Two aerators are used in the winter time and three aerators are used in the summer time.” The last recon inspection reported for the recon inspection conducted on June 25, 2015 stated, “Two aerators are always operating in the lagoon. The lagoon has three aerators.” See Request for Corrective Action. Photos 5 & 6

Clarifier – There are two clarifier units. According to Mr. Jarrell, one of the clarifiers was offline due to broken chains and flights since the end of 2016. Grass and small plants were growing from the offline clarifier effluent weirs. The maintenance staff was supposed to order new parts to fix the clarifier offline. The clarifier supernatant was green. See Request for Corrective Action. Photos 7 – 9

Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) – No problems were observed. Photos 10 & 11

Overland Flow Pump Station – Flow is metered to monitor the amount of flow entering into the ponds. The flow meter was last calibrated in June 2017. Flow is directed to either the one day pond or the primary storage pond. From there it is land applied. The fields are not sprayed over the weekends and therefore there is no discharge on the weekends. No problems were observed. Photo 12

One Day Pond and Primary Storage Pond – No problems were observed. Photos 13 & 14

Overland Flow System – The overland flow system is design so that the effluent that does not evaporate or percolate into the ground and directional flows to a single channel to the Outfall 001. No problems were observed. Photo 15

Final Effluent Parshall Flume – No problems were observed. Photo 16

DEQ form: 06-2011 2 VA DEQ Recon Inspection Report Permit # VA0021105

Automatic Sampler – There is no thermometer in the refrigerator of the automatic sampler. In order to show compliance with the preservation of samples during composite sampling, a NIST thermometer shall be in the automatic sampler refrigerator. The steps leading up to the automatic sampler are dangerous and are in need of repair. DEQ recommended the facility repair/replace these steps and platform structure for the safety of operations staff. See Request for Corrective Action. Photo 17.

Post Aeration Tank – Prior to final effluent discharge flow enters into a post aeration tank. No problems were observed. Photos 18 & 19

Outfall 001 and Receiving Stream – The effluent was clear-amber in appearance. No problems were observed. Photos 20 & 21

DEQ staff departed at 1330.

DEQ form: 06-2011 3 VA DEQ Recon Inspection Report Permit # VA0021105

EFFLUENT FIELD DATA: N/A Flow 1.2 MGD Dissolved Oxygen Did not analyze TRC (Contact Tank) Did not analyze pH 7.3 S.U. Temperature 18˚C TRC (Final Effluent) Did not analyze

Was a Sampling Inspection conducted? ☐Yes (See Sampling Inspection) ☑No

CONDITION OF OUTFALL AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS: 1. Type of outfall: ☑Shore Based ☐Submerged Diffuser? ☐Yes ☑No 2. Are the outfall and supporting structures in good condition? ☑Yes ☐No 3. Final Effluent (evidence of following problems): ☐Sludge Bar ☐Grease ☐Turbid effluent ☐Visible foam ☐Unusual color ☐Oil sheen 4. Is there a visible effluent plume in the receiving stream? ☐Yes ☑No 5. Receiving stream: ☑No observed problems ☐Indication of problems (explain below) Comments: The final effluent is clear-amber in appearance.

DEQ form: 06-2011 4 VA DEQ Recon Inspection Report REQUEST for CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1. As stated in Permit Number, VA0021105, Part II, Q. Proper Operation and Maintenance. “The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes effective plant performance adequate funding, adequate staffing and adequate laboratory and process controls, including appropriate quality assurance procedures…”

The following observations were noted: • There was an old septic smell emanating from the equalization basin; • One aerator was in operation in the aerated lagoon; • One of the clarifiers were offline due to broken chains and flights since the end of 2016; • Grass and small plants were growing from the offline clarifier effluent weirs; • The clarifier supernatant was green; and • The steps leading up to the automatic sampler are dangerous and are in need of repair or replacement.

DEQ requested the following: • Address the old septic smell emanating from the equalization basin; • Fix the aerators that are currently out of service and in need of repair and based on the O&M Manual put back in to operation the required number of aerators to properly aerate the lagoon; • Repair the clarifier out of service and clean out the grass and plants from the clarifier effluent weirs; and • Repair/replace the steps and platform structure leading to the automatic sampler for the safety of operations staff.

Please provide an explanation and photographic evidence as to how the facility plans to address these issues to DEQ-NRO by November 30, 2017.

DEQ form: 06-2011 5 VA DEQ Recon Inspection Report

2. As stated in Permit Number, VA0021105, Part II. A. Monitoring. “The permittee shall periodically calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical instrumentation at intervals that will insure accuracy of measurements.”

The following observations were made: • The pH probe was dirty and providing a sluggish response; • The bench sheets for TRC were not up to date with the current spec check certificate of analysis; • Operations staff are not documenting the analysis of the TRC sample within the 3 to 6-minute window after the DPD powder pillow is added to the TRC sample; and • There was no thermometer in the automatic sampler refrigerator.

DEQ requested the following: • Clean the pH electrode as required by the manufacturer electrode manual, i.e. cleaning the probe if bulb, guard and electrode stem are dirty; • Update the benchsheets for TRC with the most up to date spec check certificate of analysis; • Document the time the final effluent and CCT sample is collected, the sample is zeroed, the powder pillow is added and the sample is analyzed, as required by the Hach pocket colorimeter user manual; and • Place a NIST certified thermometer in the automatic sampler refrigerator.

Please provide an explanation and photographic evidence as to how the facility plans to address these issues to DEQ-NRO by November 30, 2017.

DEQ form: 06-2011 6 1) pH probe – dirty 2) Barscreen

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 1 of 13 3) Influent Parshall Flume – Flow meter 4) EQ Basin

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 2 of 13 5) Aerated Lagoon 6) Aerator offline

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 3 of 13 Offline

7) Clarifiers 8) Clarifier – green supernatant

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 4 of 13 9) Clarifier offline with grass and plants growing in effluent weirs

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 5 of 13 Sample Collection point

10) Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) 11) CCT - Sample Collection Point

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 6 of 13 12) Overland Flow Pump Station

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 7 of 13 13) One Day Pond 14) Primary Storage Pond

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 8 of 13 15) Spray Irrigation Field – Yellow arrows indicate direction of flow towards Outfall 001

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 9 of 13 16) Final Effluent Parshall Flume 17) Automatic Sampler and dangerous steps and platform

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 10 of 13 18) Post Aeration Tank 19) Post Aeration Tank

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 11 of 13 20) Final Effluent Outfall – Clear amber colored effluent

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 12 of 13 21) Receiving stream – down stream

Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant VA0021105 September 26, 2017 Photos & Layout by: Rebecca Johnson Page 13 of 13 Attachment 5 – Planning Statement To: Caitlin Shipman From: Rebecca Shoemaker

Date: March 9, 2018 Subject: Planning Statement for Gordonsville STP Permit Number: VA0021105

Information for Outfall 001: Discharge Type: Municipal Discharge Flow: 0.667MGD, upper flow tier of 0.94 MGD Receiving Stream: UT to South Anna River Latitude / Longitude: 38.125841, -78.199725 Rivermile: 0.23 Streamcode: 8-XAF Waterbody: VAN-F01R 6th Order HUC: YO01 Water Quality Standards: Class III, Section 3, no special standards Drainage Area: 0.9 mi2

1. Please provide water quality monitoring information for the receiving stream segment. If there is not monitoring information for the receiving stream segment, please provide information on the nearest downstream monitoring station, including how far downstream the monitoring station is from the outfall.

This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to South Anna River that has been neither monitored nor assessed. The nearest DEQ monitoring station is 8-SAR101.03, at Route 231, approximately 0.78 miles upstream of the confluence of unnamed tributary 8-XAF with South Anna River. The following is the water quality summary for this segment of South Anna River, as taken from the 2016 Integrated Report:

Class III, Section 3.

DEQ monitoring stations located in this segment of South Anna River: • ambient monitoring station 8-SAR101.03, at Route 231.

E. coli monitoring finds a bacterial impairment, resulting in an impaired classification for the recreation use. A bacteria TMDL for the South Anna River watershed has been completed and approved. The aquatic life and wildlife uses are considered fully supporting. An observed effect for the aquatic life use is noted for total phosphorus, based on the information from the 2006 Integrated Assessment and an observed effect was noted based on biological monitoring from the 2010 Integrated Assessment.

The nearest downstream DEQ monitoring station is 8-SAR097.82, at Route 603, approximately 2.7 miles downstream from Outfall 001. The following is the water quality summary for this segment of South Anna River, as taken from the 2016 Integrated Report:

Class III, Section 3c.

DEQ monitoring stations located in this segment of South Anna River: • ambient and biological station 8-SAR097.82, at Route 603.

Page 1 of 2 E. coli monitoring finds a bacterial impairment, resulting in an impaired classification for the recreation use. A bacteria TMDL for the South Anna River watershed has been completed and approved. Biological monitoring finds benthic macroinvertebrate impairments, resulting in an impaired classification for the aquatic life use. An observed effect for the aquatic life use is noted for total phosphorus, based on the information from the 2006 Integrated Assessment. The fish consumption use is considered fully supporting with an observed effect based on PCBs in fish tissue. The wildlife use is considered fully supporting.

2. Does this facility discharge to a stream segment on the 303(d) list? If yes, please fill out Table A.


3. Are there any downstream 303(d) listed impairments that are relevant to this discharge? If yes, please fill out Table B.

Table B. Information on Downstream 303(d) Impairments and TMDLs Year Distance Waterbody Impaired first TMDL Basis for Cause From WLA Name Use Listed as completed WLA Outfall Impaired Impairment Information in the 2016 Integrated Report Basin 126 Bacteria 1.64E+12 cfu/100ml Recreation E. coli 2002 0.23 mile TMDL cfu/year --- South Anna 08/02/2006 E. coli 0.94 MGD River Modified 04/27/2015 Benthic Aquatic Macro- 2010 1.7 miles No ------Life invertebrates

4. Is there monitoring or other conditions that Planning/Assessment needs in the permit?

There is a completed downstream TMDL for the aquatic life use impairment for the Chesapeake Bay, but the Bay TMDL and the WLAs contained within the TMDL are not addressed in this planning statement. However, this facility is accounted for in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. (Appendix Q). It has individual WLAs based on edge of stream loads for total nitrogen (17,177 lbs/yr), total phosphorus (1,145 lbs/yr), and total suspended solids (85,884.792 lbs/yr).

This facility is a candidate for additional monitoring based on the downstream benthic macroinvertebrate impairment for the South Anna River. However, the benthic macroinvertebrate impairment in the 2016 Integrated Report was based on biological monitoring performed in 2007 and 2008. Biological monitoring performed at this location in 2015 and 2016 (after the completion of the 2016IR assessment period) indicated a healthy aquatic community and support of the aquatic life use. Therefore, no additional monitoring is requested.

5. Fact Sheet Requirements – Please provide information regarding any drinking water intakes located within a 5 mile radius of the discharge point.

There are no public water supply intakes located within five miles of this discharge.

Page 2 of 2 Attachment 6 – Water Quality Criteria / Wasteload Allocation Analysis a. 0.667 MGD Flow Tier FRESHWATER WATER QUALITY CRITERIA / WASTELOAD ALLOCATION ANALYSIS

Facility Name: Gordonsville STP Permit No.: VA0021105

Receiving Stream: UT to South Anna River Version: OWP Guidance Memo 00-2011 (8/24/00)

1 1 1.995E-08 Stream Information 1 Stream Flows Mixing Information Effluent Information 1 1 Mean Hardness (as CaCO3) = mg/L 1Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD Annual - 1Q10 Mix = 100 % Mean Hardness (as CaCO3) = 50 mg/L 90% Temperature (Annual) = deg C 7Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD - 7Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Temp (Annual) = 22.6 deg C 90% Temperature (Wet season) = deg C 30Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD - 30Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Temp (Wet season) = deg C 90% Maximum pH = SU 1Q10 (Wet season) = 0 MGD Wet Season - 1Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Maximum pH = 7.7 SU 10% Maximum pH = SU 30Q10 (Wet season) = 0 MGD - 30Q10 Mix = 100 % 10% Maximum pH = SU Tier Designation (1 or 2) = 1 30Q5 = 0 MGD Discharge Flow = 0.667 MGD Public Water Supply (PWS) Y/N? = n Harmonic Mean = 0 MGD Trout Present Y/N? = n Early Life Stages Present Y/N? = y

Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Acenapthene 5 -- -- na 9.9E+02 -- -- na 9.9E+02 ------na 9.9E+02 9.9E+02 Acrolein 0 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 ------3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 1.2E+00 C Acrylonitrile 0 -- -- na 2.5E+00 -- -- na 2.5E+00 ------na 2.5E+00 2.5E+00 C Aldrin 0 3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 ------3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 5.0E-04 Ammonia-N (mg/l) (Yearly) 0.12 1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na -- 1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na ------1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na -- 1.3E+00 Ammonia-N (mg/l) (High Flow) 0.12 1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na -- 1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na ------1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na -- 2.1E+00 Anthracene 0 -- -- na 4.0E+04 -- -- na 4.0E+04 ------na 4.0E+04 4.0E+04 Antimony 0 -- -- na 6.4E+02 -- -- na 6.4E+02 ------na 6.4E+02 6.4E+02 Arsenic o 3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na -- 3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na ------3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na -- 9.0E+01 Barium 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Benzene 0 -- -- na 5.1E+02 -- -- na 5.1E+02 ------na 5.1E+02 5.1E+02 C Benzidine 0 -- -- na 2.0E-03 -- -- na 2.0E-03 ------na 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 C Benzo (a) anthracene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (b) fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (k) fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (a) pyrene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Bis2-Chloroethyl Ether 0 -- -- na 5.3E+00 -- -- na 5.3E+00 ------na 5.3E+00 5.3E+00 Bis2-Chloroisopropyl Ether 0 -- -- na 6.5E+04 -- -- na 6.5E+04 ------na 6.5E+04 6.5E+04 C Bis 2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 2.2E+01 -- -- na 2.2E+01 ------na 2.2E+01 2.2E+01 C Bromoform 0 -- -- na 1.4E+03 -- -- na 1.4E+03 ------na 1.4E+03 1.4E+03 Butylbenzylphthalate 0 -- -- na 1.9E+03 -- -- na 1.9E+03 ------na 1.9E+03 1.9E+03 Cadmium 0 1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na -- 1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na ------1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na -- 3.9E-01 C Carbon Tetrachloride 0 -- -- na 1.6E+01 -- -- na 1.6E+01 ------na 1.6E+01 1.6E+01 Carbaryl 2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na -- 2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na ------2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na -- 8.4E-01 C Chlordane 0 2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 ------2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 2.6E-03 Chloride 0 8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na -- 8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na ------8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na -- 1.4E+05 TRC 0 1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na ------1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 6.6E+00 Chlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.6E+03 -- -- na 1.6E+03 ------na 1.6E+03 1.6E+03

page 1 of 12 Attachment 6a - MSTRANTI - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value C Chlorodibromomethane 0 -- -- na 1.3E+02 -- -- na 1.3E+02 ------na 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 Chloroform 0 -- -- na 1.1E+04 -- -- na 1.1E+04 ------na 1.1E+04 1.1E+04 2-Chloronaphthalene 0 -- -- na 1.6E+03 -- -- na 1.6E+03 ------na 1.6E+03 1.6E+03 2-Chlorophenol 0 -- -- na 1.5E+02 -- -- na 1.5E+02 ------na 1.5E+02 1.5E+02 Chlorpyrifos 0 8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na -- 8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na ------8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na -- 2.5E-02 Chromium III 0 3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na -- 3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na ------3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na -- 2.5E+01 Chromium VI 0 1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na ------1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 6.4E+00 Chromium, Total 0 -- -- 1.0E+02 ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Chrysene 0 -- -- 3.8E-02 1.8E-02 -- -- na 1.8E-02 ------na 1.8E-02 1.8E-02 Copper 0 7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na -- 7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na ------7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na -- 2.8E+00 Cyanide, Free 0 2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 ------2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 3.1E+00 C DDD 0 -- -- na 3.1E-03 -- -- na 3.1E-03 ------na 3.1E-03 3.1E-03 C DDE 0 -- -- na 2.2E-03 -- -- na 2.2E-03 ------na 2.2E-03 2.2E-03 C DDT 0 1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 ------1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 6.0E-04 Demeton 0 -- 1.0E-01 na -- -- 1.0E-01 na ------1.0E-01 na -- 1.0E-01 Diazinon 0 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na -- 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na ------1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na -- 6.8E-02 C Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.3E+03 -- -- na 1.3E+03 ------na 1.3E+03 1.3E+03 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 9.6E+02 -- -- na 9.6E+02 ------na 9.6E+02 9.6E+02 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.9E+02 -- -- na 1.9E+02 ------na 1.9E+02 1.9E+02 C 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 0 -- -- na 2.8E-01 -- -- na 2.8E-01 ------na 2.8E-01 2.8E-01 C Dichlorobromomethane 0 -- -- na 1.7E+02 -- -- na 1.7E+02 ------na 1.7E+02 1.7E+02 C 1,2-Dichloroethane 0 -- -- na 3.7E+02 -- -- na 3.7E+02 ------na 3.7E+02 3.7E+02 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 7.1E+03 -- -- na 7.1E+03 ------na 7.1E+03 7.1E+03 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 1.0E+04 -- -- na 1.0E+04 ------na 1.0E+04 1.0E+04 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0 -- -- na 2.9E+02 -- -- na 2.9E+02 ------na 2.9E+02 2.9E+02 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 1,2-DichloropropaneC 0 -- -- na 1.5E+02 -- -- na 1.5E+02 ------na 1.5E+02 1.5E+02 1,3-Dichloropropene C 0 -- -- na 2.1E+02 -- -- na 2.1E+02 ------na 2.1E+02 2.1E+02 C Dieldrin 0 2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 ------2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 5.4E-04 Diethyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 4.4E+04 -- -- na 4.4E+04 ------na 4.4E+04 4.4E+04 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0 -- -- na 8.5E+02 -- -- na 8.5E+02 ------na 8.5E+02 8.5E+02 Dimethyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 1.1E+06 -- -- na 1.1E+06 ------na 1.1E+06 1.1E+06 Di-n-Butyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 4.5E+03 -- -- na 4.5E+03 ------na 4.5E+03 4.5E+03 2,4 Dinitrophenol 0 -- -- na 5.3E+03 -- -- na 5.3E+03 ------na 5.3E+03 5.3E+03 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol 0 -- -- na 2.8E+02 -- -- na 2.8E+02 ------na 2.8E+02 2.8E+02 C 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0 -- -- na 3.4E+01 -- -- na 3.4E+01 ------na 3.4E+01 3.4E+01 Dioxin 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0 -- -- na 5.1E-08 -- -- na 5.1E-08 ------na 5.1E-08 5.1E-08 C 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 0 -- -- na 2.0E+00 -- -- na 2.0E+00 ------na 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 Alpha-Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 3.4E-02 Beta-Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 3.4E-02 Alpha + Beta Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 -- -- 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 -- -- 3.4E-02 Endosulfan Sulfate 0 -- -- na 8.9E+01 -- -- na 8.9E+01 ------na 8.9E+01 8.9E+01 Endrin 0 8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 ------8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 2.2E-02 Endrin Aldehyde 0 -- -- na 3.0E-01 -- -- na 3.0E-01 ------na 3.0E-01 3.0E-01

page 2 of 12 Attachment 6a - MSTRANTI - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Ethylbenzene 0 -- -- na 2.1E+03 -- -- na 2.1E+03 ------na 2.1E+03 2.1E+03 Fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.4E+02 -- -- na 1.4E+02 ------na 1.4E+02 1.4E+02 Fluorene 0 -- -- na 5.3E+03 -- -- na 5.3E+03 ------na 5.3E+03 5.3E+03 Foaming Agents 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Guthion 0 -- 1.0E-02 na -- -- 1.0E-02 na ------1.0E-02 na -- 1.0E-02 C Heptachlor 0 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 ------5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 7.9E-04 C Heptachlor Epoxide 0 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 ------5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 3.9E-04 C Hexachlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 2.9E-03 -- -- na 2.9E-03 ------na 2.9E-03 2.9E-03 C Hexachlorobutadiene 0 -- -- na 1.8E+02 -- -- na 1.8E+02 ------na 1.8E+02 1.8E+02 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Alpha-BHC 0 -- -- na 4.9E-02 -- -- na 4.9E-02 ------na 4.9E-02 4.9E-02 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Beta-BHC 0 -- -- na 1.7E-01 -- -- na 1.7E-01 ------na 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0 9.5E-01 na na 1.8E+00 9.5E-01 -- na 1.8E+00 ------9.5E-01 -- na 1.8E+00 3.8E-01 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0 -- -- na 1.1E+03 -- -- na 1.1E+03 ------na 1.1E+03 1.1E+03 C Hexachloroethane 0 -- -- na 3.3E+01 -- -- na 3.3E+01 ------na 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 Hydrogen Sulfide 0 -- 2.0E+00 na -- -- 2.0E+00 na ------2.0E+00 na -- 2.0E+00 C Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 Iron 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Isophorone 0 -- -- na 9.6E+03 -- -- na 9.6E+03 ------na 9.6E+03 9.6E+03 Kepone 0 -- 0.0E+00 na -- -- 0.0E+00 na ------0.0E+00 na -- 0.0E+00 Lead 0 4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na -- 4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na ------4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na -- 3.0E+00 Malathion 0 -- 1.0E-01 na -- -- 1.0E-01 na ------1.0E-01 na -- 1.0E-01 Mercury 0 1.4E+00 7.7E-01 - - - - 1.4E+00 7.7E-01 ------1.4E+00 7.7E-01 - - - - 4.6E-01 Methyl Bromide 0 -- -- na 1.5E+03 -- -- na 1.5E+03 ------na 1.5E+03 1.5E+03 C Methylene Chloride 0 -- -- na 5.9E+03 -- -- na 5.9E+03 ------na 5.9E+03 5.9E+03 Methoxychlor 0 -- 3.0E-02 na -- -- 3.0E-02 na ------3.0E-02 na -- 1.8E-02 Mirex 0 -- 0.0E+00 na -- -- 0.0E+00 na ------0.0E+00 na -- 0.0E+00 Nickel 0 1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 ------1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 6.8E+00 Nitrate (as N) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Nitrobenzene 0 -- -- na 6.9E+02 -- -- na 6.9E+02 ------na 6.9E+02 6.9E+02 C N-Nitrosodimethylamine 0 -- -- na 3.0E+01 -- -- na 3.0E+01 ------na 3.0E+01 3.0E+01 C N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0 -- -- na 6.0E+01 -- -- na 6.0E+01 ------na 6.0E+01 6.0E+01 C N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0 -- -- na 5.1E+00 -- -- na 5.1E+00 ------na 5.1E+00 5.1E+00 Nonylphenol 0 2.8E+01 6.6E+00 -- -- 2.8E+01 6.6E+00 na ------2.8E+01 6.6E+00 na -- 4.0E+00 Parathion 0 6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na -- 6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na ------6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na -- 7.8E-03 C PCB Total 0 -- 1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 -- 1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 ------1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 6.4E-04 C Pentachlorophenol 0 7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 ------7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 3.1E-03 Phenol 0 -- -- na 8.6E+05 -- -- na 8.6E+05 ------na 8.6E+05 8.6E+05 Pyrene 0 -- -- na 4.0E+03 -- -- na 4.0E+03 ------na 4.0E+03 4.0E+03 Radionuclides 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- Gross Alpha Activity (pCi/L) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Beta and Photon Activity (mrem/yr) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Radium 226 + 228 (pCi/L) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Uranium (ug/l) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00

page 3 of 12 Attachment 6a - MSTRANTI - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Selenium, Total Recoverable 0 2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 ------2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 3.0E+00 Silver 0 1.0E+00 -- na -- 1.0E+00 -- na ------1.0E+00 -- na -- 4.2E-01 Sulfate 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0 -- -- na 4.0E+01 -- -- na 4.0E+01 ------na 4.0E+01 4.0E+01 C Tetrachloroethylene 0 -- -- na 3.3E+01 -- -- na 3.3E+01 ------na 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 Thallium 0 -- -- na 4.7E-01 -- -- na 4.7E-01 ------na 4.7E-01 4.7E-01 Toluene 0 -- -- na 6.0E+03 -- -- na 6.0E+03 ------na 6.0E+03 6.0E+03 Total dissolved solids 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Toxaphene 0 7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 ------7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 1.2E-04 Tributyltin 0 4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na -- 4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na ------4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na -- 4.3E-02 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 7.0E+01 -- -- na 7.0E+01 ------na 7.0E+01 7.0E+01 C 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0 -- -- na 1.6E+02 -- -- na 1.6E+02 ------na 1.6E+02 1.6E+02 C Trichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 3.0E+02 -- -- na 3.0E+02 ------na 3.0E+02 3.0E+02 C 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0 -- -- na 2.4E+01 -- -- na 2.4E+01 ------na 2.4E+01 2.4E+01 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid (Silvex) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Vinyl Chloride 0 -- -- na 2.4E+01 -- -- na 2.4E+01 ------na 2.4E+01 2.4E+01 Zinc 0 6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 ------6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 2.6E+01

Notes: 1. All concentrations expressed as micrograms/liter (ug/l), unless noted otherwise 2. Discharge flow is highest monthly average or Form 2C maximum for Industries and design flow for Municipals 3. Metals measured as Dissolved, unless specified otherwise 4. "C" indicates a carcinogenic parameter 5. Regular WLAs are mass balances (minus background concentration) using the % of stream flow entered above under Mixing Information. Antidegradation WLAs are based upon a complete mix. 6. Antideg. Baseline = (0.25(WQC - background conc.) + background conc.) for acute and chronic = (0.1(WQC - background conc.) + background conc.) for human health 7. WLAs established at the following stream flows: 1Q10 for Acute, 30Q10 for Chronic Ammonia, 7Q10 for Other Chronic, 30Q5 for Non-carcinogens and Harmonic Mean for Carcinogens. To apply mixing ratios from a model set the stream flow equal to (mixing ratio - 1), effluent flow equal to 1 and 100% mix.

page 4 of 12 Attachment 6a - MSTRANTI - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Attachment 6 – Water Quality Criteria / Wasteload Allocation Analysis b. 0.94 MGD Flow Tier FRESHWATER WATER QUALITY CRITERIA / WASTELOAD ALLOCATION ANALYSIS

Facility Name: Gordonsville STP Permit No.: VA0021105

Receiving Stream: UT to South Anna River Version: OWP Guidance Memo 00-2011 (8/24/00)

1 1 1.995E-08 Stream Information 1 Stream Flows Mixing Information Effluent Information 1 1 Mean Hardness (as CaCO3) = mg/L 1Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD Annual - 1Q10 Mix = 100 % Mean Hardness (as CaCO3) = 50 mg/L 90% Temperature (Annual) = deg C 7Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD - 7Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Temp (Annual) = 22.6 deg C 90% Temperature (Wet season) = deg C 30Q10 (Annual) = 0 MGD - 30Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Temp (Wet season) = deg C 90% Maximum pH = SU 1Q10 (Wet season) = 0 MGD Wet Season - 1Q10 Mix = 100 % 90% Maximum pH = 7.7 SU 10% Maximum pH = SU 30Q10 (Wet season) = 0 MGD - 30Q10 Mix = 100 % 10% Maximum pH = SU Tier Designation (1 or 2) = 1 30Q5 = 0 MGD Discharge Flow = 0.94 MGD Public Water Supply (PWS) Y/N? = n Harmonic Mean = 0 MGD Trout Present Y/N? = n Early Life Stages Present Y/N? = y

Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Acenapthene 5 -- -- na 9.9E+02 -- -- na 9.9E+02 ------na 9.9E+02 9.9E+02 Acrolein 0 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 ------3.0E+00 3.0E+00 na 9.3E+00 1.2E+00 C Acrylonitrile 0 -- -- na 2.5E+00 -- -- na 2.5E+00 ------na 2.5E+00 2.5E+00 C Aldrin 0 3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 ------3.0E+00 -- na 5.0E-04 5.0E-04 Ammonia-N (mg/l) (Yearly) 0.12 1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na -- 1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na ------1.44E+01 2.13E+00 na -- 1.3E+00 Ammonia-N (mg/l) (High Flow) 0.12 1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na -- 1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na ------1.44E+01 3.58E+00 na -- 2.1E+00 Anthracene 0 -- -- na 4.0E+04 -- -- na 4.0E+04 ------na 4.0E+04 4.0E+04 Antimony 0 -- -- na 6.4E+02 -- -- na 6.4E+02 ------na 6.4E+02 6.4E+02 Arsenic o 3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na -- 3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na ------3.4E+02 1.5E+02 na -- 9.0E+01 Barium 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Benzene 0 -- -- na 5.1E+02 -- -- na 5.1E+02 ------na 5.1E+02 5.1E+02 C Benzidine 0 -- -- na 2.0E-03 -- -- na 2.0E-03 ------na 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 C Benzo (a) anthracene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (b) fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (k) fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Benzo (a) pyrene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 C Bis2-Chloroethyl Ether 0 -- -- na 5.3E+00 -- -- na 5.3E+00 ------na 5.3E+00 5.3E+00 Bis2-Chloroisopropyl Ether 0 -- -- na 6.5E+04 -- -- na 6.5E+04 ------na 6.5E+04 6.5E+04 C Bis 2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 2.2E+01 -- -- na 2.2E+01 ------na 2.2E+01 2.2E+01 C Bromoform 0 -- -- na 1.4E+03 -- -- na 1.4E+03 ------na 1.4E+03 1.4E+03 Butylbenzylphthalate 0 -- -- na 1.9E+03 -- -- na 1.9E+03 ------na 1.9E+03 1.9E+03 Cadmium 0 1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na -- 1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na ------1.8E+00 6.6E-01 na -- 3.9E-01 C Carbon Tetrachloride 0 -- -- na 1.6E+01 -- -- na 1.6E+01 ------na 1.6E+01 1.6E+01 Carbaryl 2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na -- 2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na ------2.1E+00 2.1E+00 na -- 8.4E-01 C Chlordane 0 2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 ------2.4E+00 4.3E-03 na 8.1E-03 2.6E-03 Chloride 0 8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na -- 8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na ------8.6E+05 2.3E+05 na -- 1.4E+05 TRC 0 1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na ------1.9E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 6.6E+00 Chlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.6E+03 -- -- na 1.6E+03 ------na 1.6E+03 1.6E+03

page 1 of 12 Attachment 6b - MSTRANTI - Expansion Flow Tier - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value C Chlorodibromomethane 0 -- -- na 1.3E+02 -- -- na 1.3E+02 ------na 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 Chloroform 0 -- -- na 1.1E+04 -- -- na 1.1E+04 ------na 1.1E+04 1.1E+04 2-Chloronaphthalene 0 -- -- na 1.6E+03 -- -- na 1.6E+03 ------na 1.6E+03 1.6E+03 2-Chlorophenol 0 -- -- na 1.5E+02 -- -- na 1.5E+02 ------na 1.5E+02 1.5E+02 Chlorpyrifos 0 8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na -- 8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na ------8.3E-02 4.1E-02 na -- 2.5E-02 Chromium III 0 3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na -- 3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na ------3.2E+02 4.2E+01 na -- 2.5E+01 Chromium VI 0 1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na ------1.6E+01 1.1E+01 na -- 6.4E+00 Chromium, Total 0 -- -- 1.0E+02 ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Chrysene 0 -- -- 3.8E-02 1.8E-02 -- -- na 1.8E-02 ------na 1.8E-02 1.8E-02 Copper 0 7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na -- 7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na ------7.0E+00 5.0E+00 na -- 2.8E+00 Cyanide, Free 0 2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 ------2.2E+01 5.2E+00 na 1.6E+04 3.1E+00 C DDD 0 -- -- na 3.1E-03 -- -- na 3.1E-03 ------na 3.1E-03 3.1E-03 C DDE 0 -- -- na 2.2E-03 -- -- na 2.2E-03 ------na 2.2E-03 2.2E-03 C DDT 0 1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 ------1.1E+00 1.0E-03 na 2.2E-03 6.0E-04 Demeton 0 -- 1.0E-01 na -- -- 1.0E-01 na ------1.0E-01 na -- 1.0E-01 Diazinon 0 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na -- 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na ------1.7E-01 1.7E-01 na -- 6.8E-02 C Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.3E+03 -- -- na 1.3E+03 ------na 1.3E+03 1.3E+03 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 9.6E+02 -- -- na 9.6E+02 ------na 9.6E+02 9.6E+02 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 1.9E+02 -- -- na 1.9E+02 ------na 1.9E+02 1.9E+02 C 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 0 -- -- na 2.8E-01 -- -- na 2.8E-01 ------na 2.8E-01 2.8E-01 C Dichlorobromomethane 0 -- -- na 1.7E+02 -- -- na 1.7E+02 ------na 1.7E+02 1.7E+02 C 1,2-Dichloroethane 0 -- -- na 3.7E+02 -- -- na 3.7E+02 ------na 3.7E+02 3.7E+02 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 7.1E+03 -- -- na 7.1E+03 ------na 7.1E+03 7.1E+03 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 1.0E+04 -- -- na 1.0E+04 ------na 1.0E+04 1.0E+04 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0 -- -- na 2.9E+02 -- -- na 2.9E+02 ------na 2.9E+02 2.9E+02 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 1,2-DichloropropaneC 0 -- -- na 1.5E+02 -- -- na 1.5E+02 ------na 1.5E+02 1.5E+02 1,3-Dichloropropene C 0 -- -- na 2.1E+02 -- -- na 2.1E+02 ------na 2.1E+02 2.1E+02 C Dieldrin 0 2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 ------2.4E-01 5.6E-02 na 5.4E-04 5.4E-04 Diethyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 4.4E+04 -- -- na 4.4E+04 ------na 4.4E+04 4.4E+04 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0 -- -- na 8.5E+02 -- -- na 8.5E+02 ------na 8.5E+02 8.5E+02 Dimethyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 1.1E+06 -- -- na 1.1E+06 ------na 1.1E+06 1.1E+06 Di-n-Butyl Phthalate 0 -- -- na 4.5E+03 -- -- na 4.5E+03 ------na 4.5E+03 4.5E+03 2,4 Dinitrophenol 0 -- -- na 5.3E+03 -- -- na 5.3E+03 ------na 5.3E+03 5.3E+03 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol 0 -- -- na 2.8E+02 -- -- na 2.8E+02 ------na 2.8E+02 2.8E+02 C 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0 -- -- na 3.4E+01 -- -- na 3.4E+01 ------na 3.4E+01 3.4E+01 Dioxin 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0 -- -- na 5.1E-08 -- -- na 5.1E-08 ------na 5.1E-08 5.1E-08 C 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 0 -- -- na 2.0E+00 -- -- na 2.0E+00 ------na 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 Alpha-Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 3.4E-02 Beta-Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 na 8.9E+01 3.4E-02 Alpha + Beta Endosulfan 0 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 -- -- 2.2E-01 5.6E-02 ------2.2E-01 5.6E-02 -- -- 3.4E-02 Endosulfan Sulfate 0 -- -- na 8.9E+01 -- -- na 8.9E+01 ------na 8.9E+01 8.9E+01 Endrin 0 8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 ------8.6E-02 3.6E-02 na 6.0E-02 2.2E-02 Endrin Aldehyde 0 -- -- na 3.0E-01 -- -- na 3.0E-01 ------na 3.0E-01 3.0E-01

page 2 of 12 Attachment 6b - MSTRANTI - Expansion Flow Tier - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Ethylbenzene 0 -- -- na 2.1E+03 -- -- na 2.1E+03 ------na 2.1E+03 2.1E+03 Fluoranthene 0 -- -- na 1.4E+02 -- -- na 1.4E+02 ------na 1.4E+02 1.4E+02 Fluorene 0 -- -- na 5.3E+03 -- -- na 5.3E+03 ------na 5.3E+03 5.3E+03 Foaming Agents 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Guthion 0 -- 1.0E-02 na -- -- 1.0E-02 na ------1.0E-02 na -- 1.0E-02 C Heptachlor 0 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 ------5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 7.9E-04 7.9E-04 C Heptachlor Epoxide 0 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 ------5.2E-01 3.8E-03 na 3.9E-04 3.9E-04 C Hexachlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 2.9E-03 -- -- na 2.9E-03 ------na 2.9E-03 2.9E-03 C Hexachlorobutadiene 0 -- -- na 1.8E+02 -- -- na 1.8E+02 ------na 1.8E+02 1.8E+02 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Alpha-BHC 0 -- -- na 4.9E-02 -- -- na 4.9E-02 ------na 4.9E-02 4.9E-02 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Beta-BHC 0 -- -- na 1.7E-01 -- -- na 1.7E-01 ------na 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 Hexachlorocyclohexane C Gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0 9.5E-01 na na 1.8E+00 9.5E-01 -- na 1.8E+00 ------9.5E-01 -- na 1.8E+00 3.8E-01 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0 -- -- na 1.1E+03 -- -- na 1.1E+03 ------na 1.1E+03 1.1E+03 C Hexachloroethane 0 -- -- na 3.3E+01 -- -- na 3.3E+01 ------na 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 Hydrogen Sulfide 0 -- 2.0E+00 na -- -- 2.0E+00 na ------2.0E+00 na -- 2.0E+00 C Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene 0 -- -- na 1.8E-01 -- -- na 1.8E-01 ------na 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 Iron 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Isophorone 0 -- -- na 9.6E+03 -- -- na 9.6E+03 ------na 9.6E+03 9.6E+03 Kepone 0 -- 0.0E+00 na -- -- 0.0E+00 na ------0.0E+00 na -- 0.0E+00 Lead 0 4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na -- 4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na ------4.4E+01 5.0E+00 na -- 3.0E+00 Malathion 0 -- 1.0E-01 na -- -- 1.0E-01 na ------1.0E-01 na -- 1.0E-01 Mercury 0 1.4E+00 7.7E-01 - - - - 1.4E+00 7.7E-01 ------1.4E+00 7.7E-01 - - - - 4.6E-01 Methyl Bromide 0 -- -- na 1.5E+03 -- -- na 1.5E+03 ------na 1.5E+03 1.5E+03 C Methylene Chloride 0 -- -- na 5.9E+03 -- -- na 5.9E+03 ------na 5.9E+03 5.9E+03 Methoxychlor 0 -- 3.0E-02 na -- -- 3.0E-02 na ------3.0E-02 na -- 1.8E-02 Mirex 0 -- 0.0E+00 na -- -- 0.0E+00 na ------0.0E+00 na -- 0.0E+00 Nickel 0 1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 ------1.0E+02 1.1E+01 na 4.6E+03 6.8E+00 Nitrate (as N) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Nitrobenzene 0 -- -- na 6.9E+02 -- -- na 6.9E+02 ------na 6.9E+02 6.9E+02 C N-Nitrosodimethylamine 0 -- -- na 3.0E+01 -- -- na 3.0E+01 ------na 3.0E+01 3.0E+01 C N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0 -- -- na 6.0E+01 -- -- na 6.0E+01 ------na 6.0E+01 6.0E+01 C N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0 -- -- na 5.1E+00 -- -- na 5.1E+00 ------na 5.1E+00 5.1E+00 Nonylphenol 0 2.8E+01 6.6E+00 -- -- 2.8E+01 6.6E+00 na ------2.8E+01 6.6E+00 na -- 4.0E+00 Parathion 0 6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na -- 6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na ------6.5E-02 1.3E-02 na -- 7.8E-03 C PCB Total 0 -- 1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 -- 1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 ------1.4E-02 na 6.4E-04 6.4E-04 C Pentachlorophenol 0 7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 ------7.7E-03 5.9E-03 na 3.0E+01 3.1E-03 Phenol 0 -- -- na 8.6E+05 -- -- na 8.6E+05 ------na 8.6E+05 8.6E+05 Pyrene 0 -- -- na 4.0E+03 -- -- na 4.0E+03 ------na 4.0E+03 4.0E+03 Radionuclides 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- Gross Alpha Activity (pCi/L) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Beta and Photon Activity (mrem/yr) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Radium 226 + 228 (pCi/L) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 Uranium (ug/l) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00

page 3 of 12 Attachment 6b - MSTRANTI - Expansion Flow Tier - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Parameter Background Water Quality Criteria Wasteload Allocations Antidegradation Baseline Antidegradation Allocations Most Limiting Allocations Method (ug/l unless noted) Conc. Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Acute Chronic HH (PWS) HH Target Value Selenium, Total Recoverable 0 2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 ------2.0E+01 5.0E+00 na 4.2E+03 3.0E+00 Silver 0 1.0E+00 -- na -- 1.0E+00 -- na ------1.0E+00 -- na -- 4.2E-01 Sulfate 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0 -- -- na 4.0E+01 -- -- na 4.0E+01 ------na 4.0E+01 4.0E+01 C Tetrachloroethylene 0 -- -- na 3.3E+01 -- -- na 3.3E+01 ------na 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 Thallium 0 -- -- na 4.7E-01 -- -- na 4.7E-01 ------na 4.7E-01 4.7E-01 Toluene 0 -- -- na 6.0E+03 -- -- na 6.0E+03 ------na 6.0E+03 6.0E+03 Total dissolved solids 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Toxaphene 0 7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 ------7.3E-01 2.0E-04 na 2.8E-03 1.2E-04 Tributyltin 0 4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na -- 4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na ------4.6E-01 7.2E-02 na -- 4.3E-02 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0 -- -- na 7.0E+01 -- -- na 7.0E+01 ------na 7.0E+01 7.0E+01 C 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0 -- -- na 1.6E+02 -- -- na 1.6E+02 ------na 1.6E+02 1.6E+02 C Trichloroethylene 0 -- -- na 3.0E+02 -- -- na 3.0E+02 ------na 3.0E+02 3.0E+02 C 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0 -- -- na 2.4E+01 -- -- na 2.4E+01 ------na 2.4E+01 2.4E+01 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid (Silvex) 0 -- -- na ------na ------na -- 0.0E+00 C Vinyl Chloride 0 -- -- na 2.4E+01 -- -- na 2.4E+01 ------na 2.4E+01 2.4E+01 Zinc 0 6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 ------6.5E+01 6.6E+01 na 2.6E+04 2.6E+01

Notes: 1. All concentrations expressed as micrograms/liter (ug/l), unless noted otherwise 2. Discharge flow is highest monthly average or Form 2C maximum for Industries and design flow for Municipals 3. Metals measured as Dissolved, unless specified otherwise 4. "C" indicates a carcinogenic parameter 5. Regular WLAs are mass balances (minus background concentration) using the % of stream flow entered above under Mixing Information. Antidegradation WLAs are based upon a complete mix. 6. Antideg. Baseline = (0.25(WQC - background conc.) + background conc.) for acute and chronic = (0.1(WQC - background conc.) + background conc.) for human health 7. WLAs established at the following stream flows: 1Q10 for Acute, 30Q10 for Chronic Ammonia, 7Q10 for Other Chronic, 30Q5 for Non-carcinogens and Harmonic Mean for Carcinogens. To apply mixing ratios from a model set the stream flow equal to (mixing ratio - 1), effluent flow equal to 1 and 100% mix.

page 4 of 12 Attachment 6b - MSTRANTI - Expansion Flow Tier - Freshwater WLAs 6/1/2018 - 2:34 PM Attachment 7 – Effluent pH Data a. June 2009 – April 2012 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Jun-09 1 n/d n/d Jul-09 17 7.19 22.2 2 n/d n/d 18 7.28 21.2 3 n/d n/d 19 7.07 19.8 4 n/d n/d 20 7.16 20.4 5 n/d n/d 21 7.18 20.2 6 6.32 17.3 22 7.28 20.3 7 6.91 18.6 23 7.09 21.1 8 6.88 20 24 7.18 21.3 9 6.79 21.5 25 n/d n/d 10 6.84 20.9 26 n/d n/d 11 6.73 19.2 27 n/d n/d 12 6.52 21.1 28 n/d n/d 13 7.02 21.2 29 n/d n/d 14 7.12 21 30 n/d n/d 15 6.98 21.1 31 n/d n/d 16 7.1 20.7 Aug-09 1 n/d n/d 17 7.2 20.4 2 6.44 22.7 18 7.18 20.3 3 7.32 22.1 19 7.2 20.4 4 7.29 21.9 20 7.12 21.8 5 7.23 21.9 21 7.15 21.8 6 6.97 22 22 6.84 21.3 7 7.15 21.7 23 7.16 21.2 8 7.47 21.3 24 7.45 21.3 9 7.12 22.4 25 n/d n/d 10 7.15 22.3 26 n/d n/d 11 7.19 22.9 27 7.02 22.5 12 7.27 22.5 28 6.9 21.3 13 6.75 22 29 6.9 20.8 14 6.91 21.8 30 7.2 20.2 15 7.47 22 Jul-09 1 7.43 20.8 16 7.54 21.9 2 7.15 20.6 17 7.45 21.5 3 7.19 20.4 18 7.46 22.3 4 7.05 19.5 19 7.54 22.1 5 7.18 20.7 20 7.13 23.1 6 6.99 20 21 n/d n/d 7 6.95 20 22 7.4 22.3 8 6.97 20.1 23 7.63 21.2 9 6.96 20.8 24 7.63 22.2 10 6.37 20.3 25 6.98 21.6 11 7.06 20.2 26 7.35 21.4 12 7.1 20.4 27 7.21 22.3 13 7.08 21.8 28 7.11 22.9 14 7.16 20.4 29 7.08 22.4 15 7.03 20.7 30 7.23 22.1 16 7.07 21.7 31 7.25 21.3 Page 1 of 12 Attachment 7 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH •c Year Day PH Temperature °C Sep-09 1 7.66 20 Oct-09 19 7.42 10.1 2 7.26 19.4 20 7.45 10.5 3 8.7 17.8 21 7.42 11.5 4 6.95 18.6 22 7.48 13 5 7.51 20.4 23 7.49. 14.3 6 7.38 20.6 24 7.44 15.3 7 7.49 20.7 25 7.33 14.5 8 7.52 20.9 26 7.62 13.4 9 7.65 19.5 27 7.16 14.3 10 7.79 20.2 28 7.09 15.9 11 6.99 19.3 29 6.8 14.5 12 7.44 18.5 30 7.25 15.6 13 7.65 18.9 31 7.36 15.5 14 7.15 18.4 Nov-09 1 7.23 14.9 15 6.92 19 2 7.27 14.4 16 7.23 20 3 7.47 11.9 17 7.51 19.8 4 7.52 10.4 18 7.28 19.7 5 7.59 10.9 19 7.06 19.7 6 7.57 10.7 20 7.16 19.1 7 7.41 10 21 7.11 18.7 8 7.39 11.9 22 7.22 18.9 9 7.5 12 23 7.06 19.9 10 7.24 12.8 24 7.27 20.5 11 7.11 12.9 25 7.33 19.2 12 7.11 10.8 26 6.96 19.5 13 7.24 11.9 27 6.98 18.4 14 7.16 13.3 28 7.4 17.3 15 7.12 11.8 29 7.45 16.5 16 7.1 11.4 30 7.21 15.9 17 7.25 13.2 Oct-09 1 7.18 16.4 18 6.87 10.8 2 6.3 14.2 19 6.78 12.5 3 7.34 18.4 20 6.87 13.4 4 7.05 15.3 21 6.59 10 5 7.23 15.1 22 7.17 10.4 6 7 15 23 7.24 12.4 7 7.38 20.7 24 7.29 12.9 8 7.14 14.8 25 7.42 12.8 9 7.04 16.4 26 7.36 10.5 10 7.49 18.6 27 7.32 12.2 11 7.68 14.7 28 7.36 10.8 12 7.55 14.6 29 7.27 8.8 13 7.75 14.6 30 7.36 11.7 14 7.56 13.7 Dec-09 1 7.23 9.8 15 7.11 13.5 2 7.35 10.1 16 7.4 13 3 7.3 11.8 17 7.71 11.9 4 7.36 8.2 18 7.47 11.7 Page 2 of 12 5 7.39 9.7 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Dec-09 6 6.92 5.9 Jan-10 23 6.96 6.2 7 6.73 6 24 6.9 7 8 7.2 6.6 25 6.93 9.4 9 6.79 7.3 26 6.83 7.3 10 6.75 7.6 27 6.86 4.6 11 7.19 5.9 28 6.93 6 12 6.78 4.9 29 6.71 4.8 13 6.71 6.3 30 6.43 3.4 14 6.99 5.8 31 n/d n/d 15 7.19 9.3 Feb-10 1 n/d n/d 16 7.07 7.6 2 n/d n/d 17 7.16 5.9 3 n/d n/d 18 7.52 6.8 4 n/d n/d 19 5 n/d n/d 20 6.77 5.7 6 n/d n/d 21 6.99 5.7 7 n/d n/d 22 7.04 5.5 8 n/d n/d 23 7.5 3.2 9 n/d n/d 24 6.55 3 10 n/d n/d 25 6.59 1.9 11 n/d n/d 26 6.77 5.2 12 n/d n/d 27 6.95 4.6 13 n/d n/d 28 7.07 5.2 14 n/d n/d 29 7.18 5 15 n/d n/d 30 7.24 4.1 16 7.09 4.9 31 7.17 5.8 17 6.76 4.5 Jan-10 1 7.04 5.7 18 6.7 4.6 2 6.74 1.9 19 6.75 4.2 3 6.61 1.7 20 6.83 5 4 n/d n/d 21 6.72 4.1 5 n/d n/d 22 6.68 4.2 6 6.9 4.6 23 6.73 6.5 7 7.53 1.5 24 7.59 5.3 8 7.11 1.3 25 7.02 7.2 9 n/d n/d 26 6.77 5.3 10 n/d n/d 27 6.57 5.2 11 n/d n/d 28 7.02 7.2 12 n/d n/d Mar-10 1 6.75 7 13 n/d n/d 2 6.59 6.8 14 n/d n/d 3 6.88 6.1 15 n/d n/d 4 6.49 5.9 16 7.11 3.9 5 7.26 6 17 6.8 5.1 6 6.74 5.1 18 6.84 4.9 7 6.78 5.5 19 7.28 5.1 8 6.76 7.1 20 6.74 7.1 9 6.77 7.8 21 6.9 7 10 6.71 10.3 22 6.89 6.7 Page 3 of 12 11 7.04 12.8 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Mar-10 12 6.94 13.9 Apr-10 29 7.19 13 13 6.63 12.8 30 7.09 13.4 14 6.9 12.6 May-10 1 7.38 16.3 15 6.8 10.8 2 7.45 20 16 6.74 11.1 3 7.37 20.8 17 6.85 8.4 4 7.64 19.8 18 6.51 9.3 5 8,04 18.5 19 6.75 9.5 6 6.93 18.3 20 6.71 10.5 7 7.43 16.6 21 6.62 11.4 8 7.23 18.8 22 6.63 15.4 9 7.3 16.2 23 6.61 12.1 10 7.36 14.5 24 6.82 11.5 11 7.27 13.8 25 6.74 10.9 12 7.44 14.7 26 6.63 13.5 13 7.17 16.6 ' 27 6.73 8.6 14 6.78 16.3 28 6.7 9.4 15 6.87 19 29 6.52 11.7 16 7.59 18 30 6.94 12.2 17 7.5 16.6 31 6.84 13 18 7.4 14.3 Apr-10 1 6.69 9.9 19 7.59 15.2 2 6.44 11.2 20 8.03 16.6 3 6.9 12.8 21 7.77 16.4 4 6.47 14.4 22 7.81 18.2 5 6.81 14.3 23 7.55 18.8 6 6.96 18.1 24 7.68 19.9 7 6.93 18.2 25 7.65 19.5 8 6.91 17.8 26 7.81 18.8 9 7.11 15.4 27 7.81 20.5 10 7.39 12.5 28 7.34 20 11 7.33 12.4 29 7.68 20.6 12 7.17 14.3 30 7.68 20.8 13 7.36 14.4 31 7.74 21.8 14 7.3 15.7 Jun-10 1 7.75 21.9 15 7.38 • 12.3 2 7.74 21.4 16 7.25 14.5 3 7.75 21.9 17 7.34 17.1 4 7.74 21.8 18 7.61 13.6 5 7.7 23.1 19 7.31 11.6 6 7.78 23 20 7.26 12.6 7 7.64 21.2 21 7.47 14.1 8 7.97 19.8 22 6.86 13.2 9 8.05 19.9 23 7.31 13.8 10 7.85 20.6 24 7.11 15 11 7.84 20 25 7.11 14.5 12 7.93 20.8 26 7.26 15.9 13 7.78 22.1 27 7.1 15.5 14 7.87 22.5 28 7.06 11.5 Page 4 of 12 15 7.83 20.8 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day PH Temperature °C . Jun-10 16 7.78 22.5 Aug-10 3 7.94 22.7 17 7.69 21.3 4 7.89 23.2 18 7.81 21.2 5 8 22.8 19 7.88 21.4 6 7.99 22.8 20 7.93 23 7 n/d n/d 21 7.94 23.2 8 8.02 21.2 22 7.89 22.7 9 7.86 22.6 23 7.89 22.2 10 7.83 23.1 24 7.91 22.9 11 7.8 23.7 25 7.94 23.2 12 n/d n/d 26 8.06 22.8 13 n/d n/d 27 7.94 22.3 14 n/d n/d 28 7.76 23.1 15 7.61 23.4 29 7.77 22.4 16 7.53 23 30 7.64 22.3 17 7.36 22.3 Jul-10 1 n/d n/d 18 7.87 23.4 2 n/d n/d 19 n/d n/d 3 n/d n/d 20 n/d n/d 4 7.15 19.7 21 n/d n/d 5 6.81 21.5 22 7.6 23.5 6 7.56 21.5 23 7.37 22.2 7 7.68 22.4 24 7.77 22.5 8 n/d n/d 25 7.78 21.6 9 n/d n/d 26 7.61 21.1 10 n/d n/d 27 n/d n/d 11 7.38 22 28 n/d n/d 12 7.48 21.6 29 n/d n/d 13 7.66 22 30 7.18 23.2 14 7.66 22.3 Sep-10 1 7.2 23.2 15 n/d n/d 2 7.54 22.9 16 n/d n/d 3 7.38 22.7 17 n/d n/d 4 7.83 21.4 18 7.52 22.4 5 7.76 21.1 19 7.74 22.6 6 7.87 21 20 7.84 22.5 7 7.4 20.9 21 7.83 22.7 8 7.48 21.5 22 n/d n/d 9 n/d n/d 23 n/d n/d 10 n/d n/d 24 n/d n/d 11 n/d n/d 25 7.65 23.4 12 7.53 21.4 26 7.53 23.5 13 7.06 19.8 27 8.01 22.7 14 7.25 21.9 28 7.59 22.5 15 7.05 19.8 29 7.65 23.5 16 n/d n/d 30 7.62 22.2 17 n/d n/d 31 7.99 21.5 18 n/d n/d Aug-10 1 7.74 21.5 19 7.64 20.5 2 7.91 21.7 Page 5 of 12 20 7.12 20.8 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH "C Year Day PH Temperature °C Sep-10 21 7.29 19.2 Nov-10 8 6.78 9.7 22 7.38 21.1 9 7 11.1 23 7.31 21.1 10 6.95 11.4 24 n/d n/d 11 6.93 11 25 n/d n/d 12 6.81 9.7 26 7.19 20.3 13 7.03 10.2 27 7.06 19.3 14 7.12 9.6 28 7.07 21 15 7 11.1 29 7.5 19 16 6.95 11.5 30 6.72 19.6 17 7.03 13.1 Oct-10 1 7.34 20 18 7.04 10.7 2 7.52 17.4 19 7.08 11.1 3 7.6 17.2 20 7.21 11 4 7.23 17 21 7.35 10.5 5 7.36 15.9 22 7 11.8 6 7.31 15.5 23 7.18 16.1 7 7.29 16.6 24 7.1 11.3 8 7.54 17.2 25 7.19 12.1 9 7.43 17.6 26 7.18 14.1 10 7.5 16.6 27 7.2 9.7 11 7.48 17.9 28 7.32 9.3 12 7.49 17.3 29 7.11 7.3 13 7.23 20.6 30 7.22 10.9 14 n/d n/d Dec-10 1 7.09 13.7 15 n/d n/d 2 7.08 7.8 16 n/d n/d 3 7.41 7.7 17 7.35 14.6 4 7.11 7.8 18 7.19 15.4 5 6.93 7.1 19 7.26 15.6 6 6.76 5.3 20 7.08 16.4 7 6.75 5 21 7.2 15.9 8 7.01 6 22 7.11 14.3 9 6.87 5 23 7.51 14.6 10 6.91 4.8 24 7.11 19.3 11 6.88 5.9 25 6.88 19.3 12 7.18 5.8 26 6.81 17.1 13 7.2 7 27 6.86 19.2 14 7.05 5.1 28 6.66 18.5 15 n/d n/d 29 6.83 15.2 16 n/d n/d 30 7.27 12.6 17 n/d n/d 31 7.2 13.6 18 7.17 5.8 Nov-10 1 7.31 12 19 7.32 6.4 2 6.77 10.2 20 7.2 8 3 6.99 11.4 21 7.12 6.8 4 6.81 12.1 22 7.07 4.8 5 6.98 12.7 23 7.24 6.1 6 7.24 11.9 24 7.5 11.9 7 7.28 10.9 Page 6 of 12 25 7.26 5.9 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Dec-10 26 7.14 5.2 Feb-11 12 n/d n/d 27 7.11 3.3 13 n/d n/d 28 6.68 5.6 14 n/d n/d 29 6.99 6.2 15 n/d n/d 30 6.94 6.4 16 n/d n/d 31 6.88 7.6 17 n/d n/d Jan-11 1 n/d n/d 18 n/d n/d 2 n/d n/d 19 n/d n/d 3 n/d n/d 20 n/d n/d 4 n/d n/d 21 n/d n/d 5 n/d n/d 22 n/d n/d 6 n/d n/d 23 n/d n/d 7 n/d n/d 24 n/d n/d 8 n/d n/d 25 n/d n/d 9 n/d n/d 26 n/d n/d 10 n/d n/d 27 n/d n/d 11 n/d n/d 28 n/d n/d 12 n/d n/d Mar-11 1 n/d n/d 13 n/d n/d 2 n/d n/d 14 n/d n/d 3 n/d n/d 15 n/d n/d 4 n/d n/d 16 n/d n/d 5 6.67 10.1 17 n/d n/d 6 6.64 12.6 18 n/d n/d 7 6.71 11.6 19 n/d n/d 8 6.76 10.1 20 n/d n/d 9 7.46 8.5 21 n/d n/d 10 6.66 11.8 22 n/d n/d 11 6.64 10.1 23 n/d n/d 12 7.27 11 24 n/d n/d 13 7.24 11.1 25 n/d n/d 14 7.42 9.5 26 n/d n/d 15 7.37 10 27 n/d n/d 16 6.26 10.3 28 n/d n/d 17 7.11 11.1 29 n/d n/d 18 6.74 13.5 30 n/d n/d 19 6.83 13.2 31 n/d n/d 20 7.02 12.2 Feb-11 1 n/d n/d 21 6.8 13.2 2 n/d n/d 22 7.23 14.8 3 n/d n/d 23 7.09 14.5 4 n/d n/d 24 7.17 14 5 n/d n/d 25 7.23 12.3 6 n/d n/d 26 7.19 13.7 7 n/d n/d 27 7.36 9.5 8 n/d n/d 28 7.34 9.8 9 n/d n/d 29 7.3 9.3 10 n/d n/d 30 6.67 10.4 11 n/d n/d Page 7 of 12 31 6.76 10.5 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day PH Temperature °C Apr-11 1 7.29 12.3 May-11 19 7.27 18.1 2 7.44 11.2 20 7.24 18.4 3 6.94 12.2 21 7.7 20.3 4 7.11 14.2 22 7.66 20.2 5 7.13 14.4 23 7.5 21 6 6.95 12.9 24 7.53 22.8 7 7.29 14.2 25 7.69 21.5 8 7.01 14.7 26 7.5 21.7 9 6.85 12.4 27 7.58 22.3 10 6.9 13.7 28 7.91 22.3 11 7.4 17.6 29 7.6 22.8 12 7.02 15.9 30 7.44 22 13 6.97 16.2 31 7.64 23.9 14 7.1 15 Jun-11 1 7.66 24.3 15 7.02 18.2 2 7.66 22.4 16 6.95 14.6 3 7.63 20.3 17 7.09 16.2 4 7.24 21.8 18 7.07 16.4 5 7.64 21.7 19 6.97 16.1 6 7.63 21.1 20 7.06 18.3 7 7.8 21.4 21 7.06 17 8 8.04 24.5 22 6.99 14.3 9 n/d n/d 23 7.06 15.3 10 n/d n/d 24 7.13 18.5 11 n/d n/d 25 7.26 20.5 12 n/d n/d 26 7.19 20.3 13 n/d n/d 27 7.21 20.3 14 7.61 20 28 7.13 20.1 15 7.34 19.3 29 7.14 18.6 16 7.15 20.2 30 7.19 18.9 17 7.39 20.7 May-11 1 7.53 16.1 18 7.67 22.5 2 7.63 18.2 19 7.65 21.8 3 7.76 19.7 20 7.07 21 4 7.22 15.8 21 7.21 21.4 5 7.29 . 15.2 22 7.4 22.1 6 7.26 14.8 23 7.7 22.4 7 7.37 15.9 24 7.5 22.8 8 7.26 17 25 8.04 22.4 9 7.54 17.1 26 8.12 22.5 10 7.55 16.2 27 7.25 20.8 11 7.4 17.1 28 7.46 22.8 12 7.41 17.5 29 7.34 22.7 13 7.29 17.9 30 7.3 22 14 7.54 17.7 Jul-11 1 7.48 22.6 15 7.44 19 2 7.88 22.6 16 6.99 19 3 7.55 23.2 17 6.51 17.9 4 7.61 24.8 18 6.94 18.4 Page 8 of 12 5 7.27 23.4 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Jul-11 6 7.62 23.1 Aug-11 23 7.27 22.4 7 7.47 23.3 24 7.28 22.6 8 7.6 23.3 25 n/d n/d 9 7.71 23.7 26 n/d n/d 10 7.46 23.8 27 n/d n/d 11 7.17 24.1 28 7.09 23.6 12 8.05 24.6 29 6.93 23.1 13 7.92 24.8 30 6.98 22.8 14 7.67 22 31 n/d n/d 15 7.65 21.2 Sep-11 1 n/d n/d 16 n/d n/d 2 6.83 21.3 17 n/d n/d 3 6.97 21.5 18 7.76 23 4 7.07 24.3 19 7.82 22.4 5 7.18 23.5 20 7.84 23.7 6 6.93 19.4 21 7.69 24.2 7 7.04 20.1 22 6.99 22.1 8 7.13 21.2 23 7.79 25.7 9 7.15 22.9 24 7.42 25 10 7.79 23.1 25 7.42 24.6 11 7.23 23.3 26 7.74 24 12 7.44 22.5 27 7.76 24.1 13 7.26 22.8 28 n/d n/d 14 7.24 22.9 29 n/d n/d 15 8 23.2 30 n/d n/d 16 n/d n/d 31 n/d n/d 17 n/d n/d Aug-11 1 n/d n/d 18 n/d n/d 2 n/d n/d 19 n/d n/d 3 n/d n/d 20 7.01 19.5 4 n/d n/d 21 7.07 20.1 5 n/d n/d 22 7.3 21.6 6 n/d n/d 23 7.18 20.5 7 n/d n/d 24 7.19 21.4 8 6.71 23.4 25 7.45 21.4 9 7.73 24.3 26 7.08 21.2 10 7.78 23.2 27 7.48 22.2 11 7.44 20.6 28 7.48 22.2 12 n/d n/d 29 7.44 22 13 n/d n/d 30 7.84 19.6 14 7.44 23 Oct-11 1 7.02 17.8 15 7.32 21.7 2 6.98 16.1 16 7.45 21.8 3 7.04 15.3 17 7.83 23 4 7.1 18.2 18 7.26 22.9 5 7.09 17.5 19 6.8 22 6 n/d n/d 20 7.28 23.6 7 n/d n/d 21 7.29 24.5 8 7.19 17.6 22 7.3 22.9 Page 9 of 12 9 7.11 18.1 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day PH °C Year Day pH Temperature °C Oct-11 10 7.39 18 Nov-11 27 6.81 11.3 11 7 18.1 28 7.04 14.5 12 7.19 18.2 29 6.76 14.5 13 6.85 19.7 30 6.95 10.8 14 7.19 19.2 Dec-11 1 6.83 9.7 15 7.1 18.6 2 7.24 8 16 7.05 16.4 3 6.88 10.1 17 7.3 17.7 4 6.86 8.3 18 7.22 17.6 5 7.01 10.5 19 6.9 17.6 6 6.93 12.9 20 6.98 16.5 7 6.66 14.3 21 7.12 16.1 8 6.79 8.7 22 7.11 14.9 9 6.83 6.4 23 6.85 14.1 10 6.81 7.3 24 6.86 14.5 11 6.7 6.4 25 6.85 14.7 12 6.73 5.2 26 6.93 13 13 6.85 7 27 6.85 15.9 14 6.76 8.2 28 7.03 13.2 15 6.73 14.7 29 7.01 12.2 16 6.86 10.9 30 6.8 11.8 17 6.77 9.6 31 6.59 9.9 18 6.79 9.4 Nov-11 1 6.99 13.1 19 6.69 7.1 2 6.85 12 20 6.92 9.2 3 6.87 13.2 21 7.06 11.6 4 6.99 13.3 22 6.99 11.7 5 6.88 12.7 23 7.04 13.5 6 6.9 12 24 7.02 10.8 7 6.95 12.3 25 6.97 8.2 8 6.77 11.8 26 7.06 8.6 9 7.07 11.5 27 6.78 7.1 10 6.93 12 28 6.7 8.3 11 6.98 10.6 29 7.07 7.2 12 6.89 10.7 30 6.94 8.5 13 6.82 12.4 31 6.97 8.6 14 7.05 14.2 Jan-12 1 7.05 8.9 15 6.75 15.2 2 7.09 8.3 16 6.79 14.4 3 7.25 6.5 ' 17 7.07 12.9 4 6.75 3.9 18 6.91 9.1 5 7.25 4.5 19 6.76 9.4 6 7.03 7 20 7.07 12.4 7 6.8 8.6 21 7.02 12.5 8 6.9 8.7 22 6.89 14.1 9 7.25 6.5 23 7.03 14.2 10 7.12 7.5 24 6.86 12.6 11 6.82 6.1 25 6.99 11.2 12 6.99 10.7 26 6.77 11.4 Page 10 of 12 13 6.91 6.9 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Month/ Year Day pH °C Year Day PH Temperature °C Jan-12 14 6.59 5.4 Mar-12 3 n/d n/d 15 6.89 4.9 4 n/d n/d 16 7.03 5.3 5 n/d n/d 17 7.29 8.5 6 n/d n/d 18 7.19 8.3 7 n/d n/d 19 6.99 5.1 8 n/d n/d 20 7.05 6.5 9 n/d n/d 21 7.15 6.2 10 n/d n/d 22 7.1 6.2 11 n/d n/d 23 6.84 5.9 12 n/d n/d 24 7.26 10.7 13 n/d n/d 25 7.23 7.9 14 n/d n/d 26 6.96 10.2 15 n/d n/d 27 7.22 16.9 16 n/d n/d 28 6.99 10.1 17 n/d n/d 29 n/d n/d 18 n/d n/d 30 n/d n/d 19 n/d n/d 31 n/d n/d 20 n/d n/d Feb-12 1 n/d n/d 21 n/d n/d 2 n/d n/d 22 n/d n/d 3 n/d n/d 23 n/d n/d 4 n/d n/d 24 n/d n/d 5 n/d n/d 25 n/d n/d 6 n/d n/d. 26 n/d n/d 7 n/d n/d 27 n/d n/d 8 n/d n/d 28 n/d n/d 9 n/d n/d 29 n/d n/d 10 n/d n/d 30 n/d n/d 11 n/d n/d 31 n/d n/d 12 n/d n/d Apr-12 1 n/d n/d 13 n/d n/d 2 6.93 14.5 14 n/d n/d 3 6.85 14.5 15 n/d n/d 4 7.22 18 16 n/d n/d 5 7.14 14.5 17 n/d n/d 6 7.21 14 18 n/d n/d 7 7.22 14.3 19 n/d n/d 8 7.15 13 20 n/d n/d 9 7.01 152 21 n/d n/d 10 7.36 14 22 n/d n/d 11 7.18 11.7 23 n/d n/d 12 7.24 12.6 24 n/d n/d 13 7.24 14.5 25 n/d n/d 14 7.12 14.2 26 n/d n/d 15 7.57 18.6 27 n/d n/d 16 7.44 20.6 28 n/d n/d 17 7.64 19.5 Mar-12 1 n/d n/d 18 7.36 15.4 2 n/d n/d Page 11 of 12 19 7.26 16 Gordonsville Wastewater Treatment Plant's pH and Temperature Daily Values for June 2009 through April 2012

Month/ Temperature Year Day PH °C Apr-12 20 7.27 15.5 21 7.44 18.6 22 7.15 15.4 23 7 13.2 pH 90th Percentile = 7.7 SU 24 7.37 15.3 25 7.27 17 Temperature 90th Percentile = 22.6°C 26 7.05 17.5 27 7.86 17 28 6.81 14.5 29 7.24 17.5 30 7.26 15.9

Page 12 of 12 Attachment 7 – Effluent pH Data b. August 2016 – August 2017 Date pH Date pH Date pH Date pH 8/1/2016 9/27/2016 7.2 11/23/2016 1/19/2017 8/2/2016 9/28/2016 7.1 11/24/2016 1/20/2017 8/3/2016 9/29/2016 7.3 11/25/2016 1/21/2017 8/4/2016 9/30/2016 7.4 11/26/2016 1/22/2017 8/5/2016 10/1/2016 11/27/2016 1/23/2017 8/6/2016 10/2/2016 11/28/2016 1/24/2017 8/7/2016 10/3/2016 7.9 11/29/2016 1/25/2017 8/8/2016 10/4/2016 7.6 11/30/2016 1/26/2017 8/9/2016 10/5/2016 7.3 12/1/2016 1/27/2017 8/10/2016 10/6/2016 7.2 12/2/2016 1/28/2017 8/11/2016 10/7/2016 7.6 12/3/2016 1/29/2017 8/12/2016 10/8/2016 12/4/2016 1/30/2017 8/13/2016 10/9/2016 12/5/2016 6.9 1/31/2017 8/14/2016 10/10/2016 12/6/2016 7.2 2/1/2017 8/15/2016 10/11/2016 7.9 12/7/2016 7.0 2/2/2017 8/16/2016 10/12/2016 7.6 12/8/2016 7.1 2/3/2017 8/17/2016 10/13/2016 7.5 12/9/2016 2/4/2017 8/18/2016 10/14/2016 12/10/2016 2/5/2017 8/19/2016 10/15/2016 12/11/2016 7.0 2/6/2017 8/20/2016 10/16/2016 12/12/2016 7.0 2/7/2017 8/21/2016 10/17/2016 12/13/2016 7.0 2/8/2017 8/22/2016 10/18/2016 7.3 12/14/2016 7.0 2/9/2017 8/23/2016 10/19/2016 7.5 12/15/2016 2/10/2017 8/24/2016 10/20/2016 7.5 12/16/2016 2/11/2017 8/25/2016 10/21/2016 12/17/2016 2/12/2017 8/26/2016 10/22/2016 12/18/2016 2/13/2017 8/27/2016 10/23/2016 12/19/2016 7.0 2/14/2017 8/28/2016 10/24/2016 12/20/2016 7.1 2/15/2017 8/29/2016 10/25/2016 12/21/2016 7.0 2/16/2017 8/30/2016 10/26/2016 12/22/2016 7.1 2/17/2017 8/31/2016 10/27/2016 12/23/2016 2/18/2017 9/1/2016 10/28/2016 12/24/2016 2/19/2017 9/2/2016 10/29/2016 12/25/2016 2/20/2017 9/3/2016 10/30/2016 12/26/2016 2/21/2017 9/4/2016 10/31/2016 12/27/2016 2/22/2017 9/5/2016 11/1/2016 7.2 12/28/2016 2/23/2017 9/6/2016 11/2/2016 7.3 12/29/2016 2/24/2017 9/7/2016 11/3/2016 12/30/2016 2/25/2017 9/8/2016 7.1 11/4/2016 12/31/2016 2/26/2017 9/9/2016 7 11/5/2016 1/1/2017 2/27/2017 9/10/2016 11/6/2016 1/2/2017 2/28/2017 9/11/2016 11/7/2016 7.3 1/3/2017 3/1/2017 9/12/2016 11/8/2016 7.3 1/4/2017 3/2/2017 9/13/2016 7 11/9/2016 1/5/2017 3/3/2017 9/14/2016 7.3 11/10/2016 1/6/2017 3/4/2017 9/15/2016 7.3 11/11/2016 1/7/2017 3/5/2017 9/16/2016 7.4 11/12/2016 1/8/2017 3/6/2017 9/17/2016 11/13/2016 1/9/2017 3/7/2017 9/18/2016 11/14/2016 1/10/2017 3/8/2017 9/19/2016 11/15/2016 1/11/2017 3/9/2017 9/20/2016 7.4 11/16/2016 1/12/2017 3/10/2017 9/21/2016 7.3 11/17/2016 1/13/2017 3/11/2017 9/22/2016 7.5 11/18/2016 1/14/2017 3/12/2017 9/23/2016 7.6 11/19/2016 1/15/2017 3/13/2017 6.9 9/24/2016 11/20/2016 1/16/2017 3/14/2017 7.1 9/25/2016 11/21/2016 1/17/2017 3/15/2017 7.1 9/26/2016 11/22/2016 1/18/2017 3/16/2017 7.1 Date pH Date pH Date pH Date pH 3/17/2017 5/11/2017 7/5/2017 8/29/2017 3/18/2017 5/12/2017 7/6/2017 8/30/2017 3/19/2017 7.1 5/13/2017 7/7/2017 8/31/2017 3/20/2017 7 5/14/2017 7/8/2017 3/21/2017 7 5/15/2017 7/9/2017 90th percentile: 7.6 3/22/2017 7.1 5/16/2017 7/10/2017 7.1 10th percentile: 7.0 3/23/2017 7.2 5/17/2017 7/11/2017 7.4 3/24/2017 5/18/2017 7/12/2017 7.5 3/25/2017 5/19/2017 7/13/2017 7.4 3/26/2017 5/20/2017 7/14/2017 3/27/2017 7.3 5/21/2017 7/15/2017 3/28/2017 7.4 5/22/2017 7/16/2017 3/29/2017 7.3 5/23/2017 7/17/2017 7.3 3/30/2017 7.4 5/24/2017 7/18/2017 7.6 3/31/2017 5/25/2017 7/19/2017 7.4 4/1/2017 5/26/2017 7/20/2017 7.6 4/2/2017 5/27/2017 7/21/2017 4/3/2017 7.3 5/28/2017 7/22/2017 4/4/2017 7.4 5/29/2017 7/23/2017 4/5/2017 7.4 5/30/2017 7/24/2017 7.3 4/6/2017 7.4 5/31/2017 7/25/2017 7.6 4/7/2017 6/1/2017 7/26/2017 4/8/2017 6/2/2017 7/27/2017 4/9/2017 6/3/2017 7/28/2017 4/10/2017 7.7 6/4/2017 7/29/2017 4/11/2017 7.6 6/5/2017 7/30/2017 4/12/2017 7.5 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 4/13/2017 7.6 6/7/2017 8/1/2017 4/14/2017 6/8/2017 8/2/2017 4/15/2017 6/9/2017 8/3/2017 4/16/2017 6/10/2017 8/4/2017 4/17/2017 7.6 6/11/2017 8/5/2017 4/18/2017 7.7 6/12/2017 8/6/2017 4/19/2017 7.6 6/13/2017 7.5 8/7/2017 4/20/2017 7.5 6/14/2017 8/8/2017 4/21/2017 6/15/2017 8/9/2017 4/22/2017 6/16/2017 8/10/2017 4/23/2017 6/17/2017 8/11/2017 4/24/2017 7.5 6/18/2017 8/12/2017 4/25/2017 7.5 6/19/2017 8/13/2017 4/26/2017 7.4 6/20/2017 8/14/2017 4/27/2017 7.7 6/21/2017 8/15/2017 4/28/2017 6/22/2017 8/16/2017 4/29/2017 6/23/2017 8/17/2017 4/30/2017 6/24/2017 8/18/2017 5/1/2017 7.6 6/25/2017 8/19/2017 5/2/2017 7.9 6/26/2017 7 8/20/2017 5/3/2017 7.7 6/27/2017 7.4 8/21/2017 5/4/2017 6/28/2017 7.2 8/22/2017 5/5/2017 6/29/2017 7.3 8/23/2017 5/6/2017 6/30/2017 8/24/2017 5/7/2017 7/1/2017 8/25/2017 5/8/2017 7/2/2017 8/26/2017 5/9/2017 7/3/2017 8/27/2017 5/10/2017 7/4/2017 8/28/2017 Attachment 8 – Summary of Discharge Monitoring Reports Quantity Quantity Concentration Concentration Concentration Permit Number Outfall Number Due Date Par Description Average Maximum Min Average Max VA0021105 001 5/10/2013 AMMONIA, AS N 0.1 0.2 VA0021105 001 6/10/2013 AMMONIA, AS N £ ^ . 77I>

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/fee £/ Attachment 10 – State Water Control Board Memo, December 1985 0 •MORANDUM , State Water Control Board 1 '"c'" 2111 North Hamilton Street P. 0. Box 11143 Richmond, VA. 23230

SUBJECT: Town of Gordonsville TO: Gary Moore, NRO FROM: M. Dale Phillips OEC 61985 DATE: December 3, 1985 BY NORTHERN REGIONAL COPIES: T. M. Felvey, C. S. Turner, file OFFICE

Gary, considering the limited confidence we may place in the current model, I agree with your proposal to relax the effluent limits for the subject facility and require a monitoring program the results of which can be used to increase our confidence in the appropriateness of the effluent limits. It is my opinion that the monitoring program should be comprehensive and required of the discharger either via a permit special condition or consent order. If you need further assistance, please call.

Attachment 13 1EMO.RANDUM 0 State Water Control Board 2111 North Hamilton Street P. O. Box 11143 Richmond, VA. 23230 1

SUBJECT: Town of Gordonsville Treatment Limits

TO: Dale Phillips - OERS FROM: Gary Moore J^f^ DATE: December 3, 1985 COPIES: Fred Holt - OWRM

This will confirm our telephone conversation of November 6, 1985 regarding "interim" limits for the subject facility. The NPDES permit for the Gordonsville STP was reissued on April 18, 1985, and contains final limits of 3 mg/1 for BOD5 and 1.5 ing/1 for ammonia. As you may know, the plant is now owned by the Rapidan Service Authority (RSA). RSA has expressed concern to this office that the stringent final limits will cost an additional $2-3 million to construct. Consequently, they have asked if these limits could, in any way, be relaxed. During my referenced phone conversation with you, we agreed that a BOD5 of 10 mg/1 would be acceptable if RSA agreed to conduct an in-stream monitoring program during the summer months for a three-year period. The monitoring would focus on dissolved oxygen measurements and would assess the upgrade's impact on the receiving stream. The proposed monitoring program would need to be submitted to, and approved by, the staff. You were of the opinion that the ammonia limit should remain the same as in the permit. We are meeting with RSA on December 10, and would appreciate your concurrence on this proposal prior to that date. Thanks for your help. Attachment 11 – Ammonia Limit Calculation, 2013 Reissuance 7/24/2012 1:10:34 PM

Facility = Town of Gordonsville Chemical = Ammonia Chronic averaging period = 30 WLAa = 14.4 WLAc = 2.13 Q.L. = .2 # samples/mo. = 12 # samples/wk. = 3

Summary of Statistics:

# observations = 1 Expected Value = 9 Variance = 29.16 C.V. =0.6 97th percentile daily values = 21.9007 97th percentile 4 day average = 14.9741 97th percentile 30 day average= 10.8544 # < Q.L. = 0 Model used = BPJ Assumptions, type 2 data

A limit is needed based on Chronic Toxicity Maximum Daily Limit = 4.29763729897674 Average Weekly limit = 3.14347972688492 Average Monthly Limit = 2.34148152918455

The data are: Attachment 12 – Stream Model, June 1996 ************************** ************************** ***********************





************************* PROPOSED PERMIT LIMITS **************************



************************** BACKGROUND CONDITIONS **************************


**************************** MODEL PARAMETERS *****************************

SEG. LEN. VEL. K2 Kl KN BENTHIC ELEV. TEMP. DO-SAT Mi F/S 1/D 1/D 1/D Mg/L Ft °C Mg/L 1 3.70 0.565 8.108 0.900 0.200 0.000 410.00 25.00 8.216 (The K Rates shown are at 20°C ... the model corrects them for temperature.)

Attachment 14 ********************** RESPONSE FOR SEGMENT 1 **********************

TOTAL STREAMFLOW = 0.94 00 MGD (Including Discharge)


0.000 0 . 000 6 .500 25.000 0.000 0 .100 0 .100 6 .372 24.696 0.000 0.200 0.200 6.259 24.395 0.000 0.300 0.300 6.160 24.098 0 . 000 0.400 0 . 400 6.074 23.805 0.000 0.500 0.500 6 .000 23.516 0. 000 0.600 0.600 5.935 23.230 0.000 0.700 0.700 5.881 22.947 0.000 0. 800 0.800 5.834 22.668 0.000 0.900 0.900 5 .795 22.392 0.000 1.000 1. 000 5.763 22,120 0.000 1.100 1.100 5.738 21.851 0.000 1.200 1.200 5.717 21.585 0.000 1.300 1.300 5.702 21.322 0.000 1.400 1.400 5.691 21.063 0.000 1.500 1.500 5.684 20.806 0 . 000 1.600 1.600 5.681 20.553 0 .000 1.700 1.700 5.681 20.303 0.000 1.800 1.800 5.684 20.056 0 . 000 1.900 1. 900 5.690 19.812 0 . 000 2.000 2 .000 5.698 19 .571 0 .000 2.100 2.100 5.708 19.333 0 . 000 2.200 2.200 5.719 19.098 0.000 2.300 2.300 5.733 18.865 0 . 000 2.400 2 .400 5 .747 18 .636 0 . 000 2.500 2.500 5.764 18.409 0 . 000 2 . 600 2 .600 5.781 18.185 0.000 2.700 2.700 5.799 17.964 0 . 000 2 .800 2.800 5.818 17.745 0.000 2.900 2.900 5.838 17.529 0 . 000 3.000 3.000 5.858 17.316 0.000 3.100 3.100 5 . 879 17.105 0.000 3.200 3.200 5.900 16.897 0.000 3 .300 3 .300 5.922 16.692 0.000 3 .400 3.400 5.944 16.489 0.000 3 .500 3 .500 5.967 16.288 0.000 3.600 3 .600 5.990 16.090 0 . 000 3.700 3.700 6.012 15.894 0.000


REGIONAL MODELING SYSTEM Ver 3.2 (OWRM - 9/90) 06-24-1996 16:21:06 DATA FILE = ONESEG.MOD *** ******************************************

REGIONAL MODELING SYSTEM VERSION 3.2 DATA FILE SUMMARY *******************************************************************************






REGIONAL MODELING SYSTEM Ver 3.2 (OWRM - 9/90) 06-24-1996 16:24:05 Attachment 13 – TRC Limit Calculation Facility = Gordonsville WWTP (VA0021105) Chemical = TRC Chronic averaging period = 4 WLAa = 0.019 WLAc = 0.011 Q.L =0.1 # samples/mo. = 30 # samplesAvk. = 8 Summary of Statistics: # observations = 1 Expected Value = .2 Variance = .0144 C.V. = 0.6 97th percentile daily values = .486683 97th percentile 4 day average = .332758 97th percentile 30 day average= .241210 #

A limit is needed based on Chronic Toxicity Maximum Daily Limit = 1.60883226245855E-02 Average Weekly limit = 9.59676626920106E-03 Average Monthly Limit = 7.9737131838758E-03

The data are:

0.2 Attachment 14 – Review of Groundwater Monitoring Data DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Northern Regional Office Memorandum

To: VPDES Permit VA0021105; Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant 735 Red Hill Road, Town of Gordonsville, Virginia From: Kris McCandless, Environmental Scientist, Remediation Department Date: December 2017, January 2018 Re: 2017Annual Monitoring Report, received at NRO November 2017 Cc: Caitlin Shipman, Water Permit Writer

As requested, I have reviewed the 2017 Annual Monitoring Well Report for the Rapidan Service Authority’s (RSA’s) Gordonsville POTW, as well as the existing technical file and past memoranda prepared by Randy Chapman of my department.

The wastewater treatment facility has been in existence for over 30 years. An overland flow application system was put in place in the late 1980’s. A network of twelve monitoring wells was installed to monitor for possible groundwater degradation due to effluent application. The permit identified specific constituents and parameters that were to be included within the required reports. The historic monitoring data indicates that several dissolved phase constituents present within the effluent are also present in the groundwater.

In an Excel spreadsheet, I summarized the laboratory analyses from the previous annual monitoring reports and technical file for the time Overland flow area period 2001to 2017. Data was not available for all wells during this time period, and one well, MW-11 was abandoned in the early 2000s and therefore not included in the spreadsheet.

Two groundwater characteristics including pH and conductivity, performed in the field, have been consistent for each well over this span of years. The groundwater has been moderately acidic to balanced (5 to 7.5 SU) in all wells. Conductivity is lowest in upgradient monitoring wells (MW-9, MW-3, and MW-5). Cross- and down-gradient wells have the highest dissolved solids registered by the conductivity (MW-1, MW-2, and MW-13).

DEQ uses groundwater standards established in 1990 as a comparison for the compounds required for monitoring at this site: Nitrite 0.025 mg/L, Nitrate 5 mg/L, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 10 mg/L, Chloride 25 mg/L, Sulfate 25 mg/L, Ammonia as Nitrogen 0.025 mg/L, and total recoverable Zinc 0.05 mg/L. Also analyzed but with no applicable standards are Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN in mg/L) and Total Fecal Coliform (MPN units). Beginning in mid-2013, it appears the VPDES permit was revised to exclude four total recoverable metals, including Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, and Nitrite. TKN is the sum of concentrations of Ammonia and organic Nitrogen.

Two problems were observed in review of the results table. It appears that the laboratory being used for these analyses is publishing results with higher reporting limits than the groundwater standards for Ammonia (0.1 mg/L vs. the standard of 0.025 mg/L) and for historic total recoverable Cadmium (0.005 mg/L vs. the standard of 0.0004 mg/L). The true concentration is not known for those years and wells with consistent “non-detectable” Ammonia and Cadmium (MW-1 through MW-13). The Ammonia concentrations above the 0.1 mg/L detection limit are consistently exceeded in MW-1 and MW-2, and no others. Therefore, the facility may have exceedances for this compound for 10 of the 12 wells since there is no useful data being presented for this compound.

Nitrate for all wells, and TOCs and total recoverable zinc for most wells, are consistently low in concentration and below the standards. Total fecal coliform varies significantly (several orders of magnitude) within all wells except MW-3 and MW-9, and spiked up in MW-1, MW-12, MW-5, MW-10 and MW-12 as compared to 2016 results.

Of note in the June 2007 Groundwater Quality Assessment report, it states that total dissolved solids (TDS) are sulfate and chloride. The 2007 report also states that these inorganic dissolved solids in wastewater do not break down in the overland flow process. This may explain why chloride consistently exceeds the standards for nearly all wells throughout the years. Also, the wells low in chloride are high in total fecal coliform.

Review of Groundwater Monitoring Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant Page 2 of 2

The monitoring wells have been in-use for twenty to thirty years. Over time, the effectiveness of preventing surface water from entering the wells can be compromised (i.e. drying of bentonite seals along the solid riser casings to leaking manway vaults, etc.). To improve monitoring results and reliability of the data, DEQ recommends all monitoring wells be redeveloped, wellhead construction physically observed for evidence of backfill shrinkage and make repairs as necessary (at a minimum). Also for this new permit, select a laboratory capable of reporting below 25 parts per billion for Ammonia.

Since we are at the point of VPDES renewal, further enhancements could be made to provide a clearer picture of what is occurring at the facility:

- Replace 3-6 of the monitoring wells and place them in strategic locations to: o Place them downgradient of the treatment ponds to check for leakage o Place them in a line on the downgradient property boundaries to determine if contaminants are leaving the site - Have the annual reports provide analysis of the results, not just a presentation of the data - Have historic data in the tables as well so that trends can be established via graphs - Select guidance concentrations and then have consequences if they are exceeded, so that it trips a certain corrective action Attachment 15 – Public Notice Public Notice – Environmental Permit

PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of treated wastewater into a water body in Orange County, Virginia.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: February 15, 2019 to March 18, 2019

PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit – Wastewater issued by DEQ, under the authority of the State Water Control Board

APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Rapidan Service Authority, P.O. Box 148, Ruckersville, VA 22968, VA0021105

NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY: Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant, 735 Hill Road, Gordonsville, VA, 22942

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Rapidan Service Authority has applied for a reissuance of a permit for the public Gordonsville Sewage Treatment Plant. The applicant proposes to release treated sewage wastewaters from residential areas at a rate of 0.667 million gallons per day into a waterbody, with an additional flow tier of 0.94 MGD. Sludge from this treatment process settles in the lagoons and/or is taken up on by the overland flow system. The facility proposes to release the treated sewage wastewater in an unnamed tributary to the South Anna River in Orange County in the York watershed. A watershed is the land area drained by a river and its incoming streams. The permit will limit the following pollutants to amounts that protect water quality: pH, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, E.coli, total residual chlorine. The permit requires monitoring without limitation for the following: discharge flow, influent flow, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate+nitrite, total nitrogen, total phosphorus.

This facility is subject to the requirements of 9 VAC 25-820 and has registered for coverage under the General VPDES Watershed Permit Regulation for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Discharges and Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Watershed in Virginia.

HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing by hand-delivery, e-mail or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested. 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit. 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit.

CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ-Northern Regional Office by appointment, or may request electronic copies of the draft permit and fact sheet. Name: Caitlin Shipman Address: DEQ-Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193 Phone: (703) 583-3859 E-mail: [email protected] Attachment 16 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Coordination Caitlin Shipman

From: Ciparis, Serena Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:38 PM To: Shipman, Caitlin (DEQ) Subject: Review of information for Gordonsville STP

Dear Caitlin-

We have reviewed the information related to the reissuance of the VPDES permit for the Gordonsville STP, VA0021105. Thank you for sending the coordination information and for providing the facility factsheet and DMR data from the current permit cycle, as requested.

The facility discharges effluent to an unnamed tributary, approximately 0.3 km upstream of its confluence with the South Anna River. The reach of the river containing the discharge is potential suitable habitat for the federally listed endangered dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon).

The permit for the facility includes limits for residual chlorine, TSS, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, BOD5, pH and ammonia-N. Review of the DMR data from the current permit cycle indicates that the facility consistently meets permit limits for all parameters. Overall, we have no concerns related to the reissuance of this permit. However, we would appreciate DEQ’s inclusion of USEPA (2013) ammonia-N criteria into permit limit calculations if they are adopted into Virginia’s water quality standards prior to permit reissuance. The DMR data indicate that ammonia-N concentrations in the effluent are low, and the facility will likely be able to meet limits derived from more stringent ammonia-N criteria.

If effluent characteristics for this facility change, or additional information becomes available on the sensitivity, distribution, or biology of federally proposed or listed species, or proposed or designated critical habitat, this determination may be reconsidered. Thank you for the opportunity to review the information related to this permit reissuance.

