George R. Morrison

Fisheries Biologist maildal

Management and Research Division of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Technical Circular No. 13 Dingell-Johnson Project F-8-R


The author wishes to express his sincere ap- preciation to the project parasitologist, Paul L. Krupa, of New York University, for his assistance and active participation in the field work and in preparation of the manuscript.

Special thanks are also extended to R. Wade Covill, Berton B. Hiller, George E. Hanson, Mason S. Butterfield, and William C. Jerome, Jr., for assisting in the field work.

This study could not have been accomplished without the help and cooperation of many indivi- duals not directly participating in the project. The writer wishes to express his appreciation to the many landowners for their permission to carry on the field work on their various properties. Sincere thanks are also extended to the many con- servation officers who gave invaluable information and assistance in many phases of the project.

The writer also extends his appreciation to Hilbert R. Siegler, Chief of the Management and Research Division, and to Arthur E. Newell, Jr., Senior Fisheries Biologist, for their help in editing the manuscript, and to David L. White for his assistance in the statistical phases of the project.

Special thanks are due Ralph G. Carpenter, 2nd, Director of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and members of the Fish and Game Com- mission, without whose approval the project could not have been undertaken.

Funds for the project were provided through Federal Aid to Fisheries Project F-8-R, under the Dingell-Johnson Act. INTRODUCTION

The decline of populations of smallmouth black bass (gicropterus dolomieu) in many lakes and ponds of New Hampshire has presented a serious problem to both sportsmen and fishery biologists. Although there may be several reasons for this decline, there is the possibility that these fish are prevented from reproducing due to heavy infections of the plerocer- coid larvae of the bass tapeworm, Proteocephalus amblo- plitis (Leidy).

The life cycle of this parasite has been tho- roughly investigated by Bangham (1925 and 1928), Hunter (1928), and Hunter and Hunter (1929 and 1930). The following species of fish have been reported to be definitive hosts of P. ambloplitis: smallmouth bass, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), Eastern burbot (Lota iota) and the bowfiii-(laa-calva). Bangham (1945) has also shown the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) to be a final host.

The adult tapeworms are located in the digestive tracts of these fishes and pass out the characteristic dumbbell-shaped eggs in tremendous quantities. Some of these eggs are eaten by the first intermediate host, a copepod, which may be any one of several crustaceans belonging to this group. These include Hyalella knick- erbockeri (Bangham, 1927), Cyclops prasinus, C. al- bidus, and C. leuckarti (Hunter, 190)7-Trie first lar- val stage (oncosphere) is liberated from its enclosing membranes, penetrates the intestinal wall of the cope- pod and encysts in the body cavity of the crustacean as the second larval stage (procercoid). When an in- fected copepod is eaten by a suitable second inter- mediate host, which may be any of several species of fish, the procercoid bores through the intestinal wall of the fish and becomes the next larval stage (plero- cercoid). The larva then migrates to the liver, spleen, kidneys, walls of the gut, or gonads. If one of the po- tential definitive hosts eats a fish infected with the plerocercoid larva, the larva becomes an adult tapeworm in the intestine and the cycle begins anew. See Figure I for a diagram of the life cycle.


The primary objectives of this survey were: (1) to determine the degree to which the smallmouth bass and other economically important species of fish were infected with the plerocercoid larvae of the bass tapeworm; (2) to record which bodies of water were completely or relatively free from the parasite in order to determine future stocking or reclaiming policies.

Techniques Used

The 124 lakes and ponds surveyed included most fresh water ponds in Merrimack, Belknap, Hillsboro and Cheshire counties, and one lake in each of Car- roll and Sullivan counties. These lakes and ponds were suspected of having had a population of small mouth bass at one time or another.

A total number of 1,960 fishes, representing 12 species, was examined. Of the total number 192 were smallmouth black bass. Although this fish was sought primarily, other species were examined which were known to be definitive or intermediate hosts of the parasite. These other species in- cluded: 47 largemouth bass, 303 sunfish (this includes both the common sunfish(Lepomis gibbosus) and the redbreasted sunfish (Lepomis auritus), 472 yellow perch, 154 Eastern chain pra7TJT (Esox niger), 173 brown bullheads (horned pout) (Ameiurus nebulosus) and 118 white perch (Morone amerTC3T7)-7- The remaining 501 fishes of the 1,960 examined com- prised four species which do not harbor the larval stage of the bass tapeworm. Three hundred forty- six (346) common suckers (Catostomus commersonni), 69 Eastern creek chubsuckerg-(EFI Ton oblongus), FIGURE 1.


Life cycle of the bass tapeworm (Proteocephalus aMbloplitia):

A- Dumbbell-ahaped egg containing larva, after escaping from adult worm and before being eaten by copepod (No. 1);

B . Larva, after escaping from the outer hyaline, dumbbell-shaped membrane, within digestive tract of copepod;

• Procercoid larva within body cavity of copepod;

D Encysted plerocervoid larva within body cavity of fish (No.2); E Later stage of same;

F Adult worm within intestine of smallmauth bass (No. 3). Numbers 1, 2, and 3 indicate first, second and third or final hosts respectively. Enlarged. From Marvin C. Meyer, 1954.

-3- 66 golden shiners (Notemigonus crycoleucas) and 20 fallfish (Semotilus corporalis) comprised this group.

The fishes were usually captured in three nylon gill nets which were 100 feet long. Since a staple food of the smallmouth bass is the crayfish, which is found beneath rocks, the nets were usually placed, whenever possible, above shoal areas. They were then pulled on the following day.

The smaller fishes and the desirable species of fish were not always caught in the nets; therefore angling with rod and reel, seining and spot reclama- tion with emulsifiable rotenone were used as supple- mentary methods of capture. The treated area usually encompassed from one-half to one surface acre, and ranged from a maximum depth of six feet to the shore- line. Whenever possible, a small cove WAS chosen so that the inshore breeze would prevent the toxic wa- ters from being dispersed to adjacent areas. Appro- ximately one pint of rotenone was mixed with five gallons of water and sprayed more or less uniformly on the surface with portable fire pumps. A few mi- nutes after the application of the rotenone the fish began to die. The dying fish were easily captured with the aid of a dip net. Within several hours the rotenone diffused sufficiently to allow fishes to re- enter the area without suffering adverse effects.

Examinations for parasites were performed in the field as soon as the fishes were brought in from the nets or captured by the use of the supplementary methods. In searching a fish for plerocercoid lar- vae of P. ambloplitis, the viscera were exposed with the use of a large pair of scissors and a blunt probe. The parasites were then counted individually. When fifty or more larvae were present the specimen was recorded as heavily infected and no further counts were made. (For this reason, Hunter's (1942) method for determining the parasite concentration index is not applicable in this report.) Moderately infected fish harbored from 10 to 49 larvae, and a count of 1 -4- to 9 larvae was considered a light infection. Both compound and dissecting microscopes were used to determine the identity of doubtful cysts in which the larvae are usually found. Specimens were fixed in Dubosq-Brasil solution and later identified in the laboratory. Identification of bass tapeworm larvae was based on the presence of the characteristic vestigial fifth sucker. This structure is especially evident in the plerocercoid stage and may even persist in the adult for a time (Hunter, 1928). Since emphasis WAS placed on the determination of the presence of these larvae, examinations for adult tapeworms in the digestive tract were made only when time allowed.

In order to obtain information regarding the decrease in the numbers of smallmouth bass in a particular body of water due to heavy infec- tions by plerocercoid larvae, the degree to which fishes in that pond or lake are infected must be considered.

If the number of infected fish of a parti- cular species is compared to the total number examined from a lake, a percentage value is ob- tained which is called the parasite frequency index. This index does not consider the number of larvae found in each fish. The frequency index value for any lake can also be compared with the percentage of infection for the entire survey area. The extent of parasitism is desig- nated as follows: abundant if 70 to 100 percdnt of the particular species offish were infected with the parasite; common if 30 to 69 percent; occasional if 10 to 29 percent; rare if .01 to 9.9 percent, or completely absenT-(Mderman,1953).


Of the 192 smallmouth bass examined, 80.2 per- cent were found to be infected with plerocercoid larvae. The 192 fish were caught from 54 of the -5- 124 lakes and ponds surveyed and measured from 2.0 to 19.7 inches in length. Smallmouth bass measuring 10 to 13 inches were most heavily in- fected, whereas in younger specimens the para- site was found in fewer numbers or completely ab- sent. As expected, heavily infected bass contained an abnormal quantity of connective tissue in the coelon, which made it difficult in many cases to identify the visceral organs. Most of the larvae were found on the mesenteries or embedded in the heavy network of proliferated connective tissue which is associated with the migration of the para- sites (Hunter and Hunninen, 1934). Larvae located in the liver were found in thin, membranous cysts usually near the surface of the organ. The masses of connective tissue often made it impossible to identify the gonads. Occasionally, when these or- gans were distinguishable, a few larvae were identi- fied. See Table I(pp.20-29) for lakes from which smallmouth bass were examined.

Whenever smallmouth bass were not caught from a particular pond, the presence or absence of the larvae was determined by the examination of other potential intermediate hosts of the parasite, es- pecially the yellow perch. As in other states, this species appeared to be one of the most numerous and widely distributed in the survey area. Ninety- two (92) ponds yielded 472 yellow perch. The shortest specimen was 2.3 inches and the longest 17 inches. Most of the specimens harboring larvae were in the 9 to 12 inch group. An infected yellow perch almost always possessed a few larvae embedded in the liver. As in the bass, these were generally located near the surface of the organ. Unlike the condition found in the smallmouth bass, the cyst wall here appeared whitish and thicker. Bangham (1940) reported that this type of cyst in the yellow perch appears to retard the growth of the larva.

The parasite frequency index for the survey area, based on the yellow perch examined, was 46.2 percent. The ponds and lakes which showed low infections for larvae in the smallmouth bass also indicated light infections in the yellow perch and other species. -6- No smallmouth bass were taken from Todd Lake (Bradford) and Skatutakee Lake (Harrisville) where it is known that these fish are present. Since the parasite frequency indices of these lakes were very low (10% and 10.9% respectively) for the yellow perch examined, this may be an indication that the smallmouth bass in these lakes are likewise lightly infected with larvae. Lakes from which yellow perch were examined are indicated in Table I.

A total of 47 largemouth bass was examined from the survey area. Infections with plerocer- coid larvae were mostly light to moderate. The one exception being a single specimen captured from Jackman Reservoir. This fish had a very heavy infection of plerocercoid larvae, so heavy in fact, that some of the visceral organs could not be identified due to the abundance of much connective tissue associated with this infection.

Largemouth bass were captured from twenty lakes. These fish ranged from 2.5 to 13.7 inches in length. Thirty-four percent of these fish were infected with the bass tapeworm larvae.

The degree of infection in the largemouth bass as compared to that of the smallmouth, es- pecially when captured from the same body of water, is worthy of note. Infections in the smallmouth were, for the most part,moderate to heavy. However, for the largemouth the range was most frequently light to moderate,with an occasional fish being negative for the parasite. A negative smallmouth was a definite rarity. Lakes from which largemouth bass were examined are indicated in Table I.

Plerocercoid infections in the Eastern chain pickerel usually consisted of one to 15 larvae in the liver, fat and mesenteries, even when small- mouth bass and yellow perch from the same body Of water carried heavy infections. Only one specimen of this species was found to be heavily infected. This pickerel,containing 106 larvae,was recovered -7- from Upper Suncook Lake (Barnstead). This lake also harbored heavily infected smallmouth bass and yellow perch. Unlike the condition found in the smallmouth bass and yellow perch, plerocercoid larvae in the pickerel sometimes were not covered by any discernible cyst wall. This was the case when five larvae were found embedded in the kidney of a specimen taken from Lake Winona (Center Harbor).

Of the pickerel examined, only 39.6 percent were infected with larvae. The specimens ranged from 5.0 to 23.5 inches in length, and most of them were obtained with the aid of the gill nets. Usually, in- fected pickerel measured less than 16 inches in length; the majority of those which were found to be negative for the parasite were between 16 and 20 inches long. The 68 lakes from which Eastern chain pickerel were examined are listed in Table I.

Three hundred and three (303) sunfish were re- covered from 68 ponds and lakes in the survey area. Larvae were found in the liver and mesenteries of 25.7 percent of the specimens examined. Most of the infected sunfish harbored from one to nine plero- cercoids and only seven specimens were moderately infected. Table I lists the bodies of water from which sunfish were examined.

A total of 173 brown bullheads were caught during the survey. The parasite frequency index was 22.5 percent, with only seven fish of this spe- cies moderately infected, the remainder being light- ly infected or completely free of the parasite. The lakes from which brown bullheads were captured are listed in Table I.

One hundred and eighteen (118) white perch were captured from 20 lakes. Gill nets were used to ob- tain all of these specimens. None was obtained with the use of rotenone since white perch usually seem to migrate inshore nocturnally. Plerocercoid in- fections in the white perch were quite different from those observed in other species of fish during the survey. The larvae of P. ambloplitis were en- -8- closed in tough, whitish cysts. They appeared to have a brownish or purple hue when the cysts were opened with dissecting needles. These were dead; some seemed to be decaying and were dark brown, and readily fell apart when removed from the cysts. The coloration seen through the cyst wall was pro- ably due to this decay or atrophy of larvae within the cysts. Most cysts in white perch were attached to the wall of the intestine many being crowded at the pos- terior end of the intestine near the anal opening. A few cysts were found in the liver and mesenteries. Cysts in the liver were found to be embedded near the surface of this organ, and at no time during the survey were cysts or larvae found in or on the gonads. Of the white perch examined, 22.8 percent were infected with plerocercoid larvae; only four of these fish were moderately infected, the re- mainder being lightly infected or negative. Lakes from which white perch were examined are listed in Table I.

As can be seen from the foregoing, P. amblo- plitis affects the various species differently. This is true not only for the type of infection but also the degree of infection. Table II (p.31). is a list of all the fish, known to harbor the parasite, captured during the survey, and the percentage of infection for each species.

Of the 124 lakes and ponds surveyed, 35 were found to be negative for the bass tapeworm infec- tion. Only one of these ponds (Hubbard Pond,Rindge) had an existing population of smallmouth bass. It is quite probable however, that some of these ponds may prove to be infected, as many of the samples were inadequate for positive determination of the pres- ence or absence of the tapeworm. It is very easy to prove that a pond ia infected, but extremely dif- ficult to determine if it is not. Table III (p-;■3 2). is a list of the lakes and ponds found to be negative during the survey, and the relative quality of the sample taken. Figure 2 is a graph showing the num-

'9- FIGURE 2



.10- ber and percentage of ponds that were negative, light, moderate or heavily infected.


Although several studies have been performed on infections of fishes by P. ambloplitis in the past, this report perm its a comparison of similar studies from neighboring states. Hunter (1942) studied these parasites in some lakes in Connec- ticut and Sinderman (1953) made a similar report for North Central . For a comparison of parasite frequency indices from Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire,see Table IV,p.33.

The presence of P. ambloplitis in many of New Hampshire's lake -and ponds seems best ex- plained by the fact that bass originally intro- duced into the state from outside sources, har- bored this parasite. Subsequent transfer of the progeny of these fish from one lake to another within the state resulted in the widespread dis- tribution of the tapeworm. In the present study it was found that the smallmouth bass was the most heavily infected species with a parasite frequency index of 80.2.

As men tioned earlier in this report, 118 white perch were captured from 20 lakes, with plerocercoid infections in 22.8% of the speci- mens. Only four of these fish were moderately infected, the remainder being lightly infected or free of the parasite. This would seem to indicate that the white perch is probably not a satisfactory host for the parasite. Sinder- man has reported that, "the presence of these larval worms elicits a severe host reaction in the white perch as a majority of them are en- closed within an unusually heavy fibrotic cyst. Dissection of these cysts disclosed that very few of the larvae were viable; most of them were degenerating or calcified."

The results from this survey indicate that the incidence of infection by P. ambloplitis lar- vae varies among some of the lakes and ponds in New Hampshire. If heavily infected bass are pre- vented from spawning, the answer for the decline of populations of smallmouth bass in many of New Hampshire's lakes may be at hand. Hunter (1928) found degenerating eggs in smallmouth bass recov- ered from hatcheries in the vicinity of Neosho, Missouri. The ovaries of these fish were found to be permeated with large plerocercoid larvae of P. ambloplitis ranging from 1.5 to 7 centimeters in length. The inability of these bass to spawn was primarily associated with the presence of the larvae. Further, the absence of well defined schools of bass fry or fingerlings in lakes ca= pable of supporting populations of smallmouth bass has been attributed to heavy bass tapeworm larval infections (Moore, 1926). After surveying some lakes of the Delaware Susquehanna Watershed in New York, Hunninen (1935) concluded that the number of bass recovered by seining varied inversely with the degree of infection by plerocercoid larvae.

Observations on at least one lake during the present survey seem to confirm and extend the findings mentioned above. As was already noted, Pleasant Lake, New London, yielded some of the most lightly infected smallmouth bass recovered from the survey area. Also, a greater number of bass (44) was captured from this lake than from any other body of water. These fish ranged from 2 to 12.8 inches in length and usually carried less than 10 larvae per fish or were completely free of the parasite. The presence of many bass in a lake, when the incidence of infection is low, may be significant in that they are capable of reproducing normally and that the annual recruitment is sufficient to maintain the popula- tion at a normal level. However, before a lack or decrease in populations of smallmouth bass is asso_ ciated with heavy plerocercoid infections, many other factors concerned with the survival and welfare of the fish must be considered. In many of the ponds surveyed where the smallmouth had been introduced, suitable spawning facilities did not exist and the bass probably died aut. The smallmouth is very exacting in its requirements, much more so than its close relative the largemouth; and although this fish may live in a pond where it has been introduced, it does not necessarily follow that it will thrive there. This may have been the case in a few of the 35 ponds tentatively classi- fied as negative on the basis of the specimens examined. These specimens included yellow and white perch, sunfish, pickerel, and brown bull- heads. Sinderman (1953) suggests that the lack of larval bass tapeworms in species such as yellow perch or sunfish may be critical evidence that bass are rare or absent. Conversely, common occurrence of these larvae in other fishes indicates the pres- ence of bass, even if the gill nets, known to be relatively ineffective in sampling the bass popu- lation, fail to catch bass in the short sampling period.

The elimination of the bass tapeworm from a particular body of water would indeed be a difficult undertaking. One approach to the problem would be to do away with one of the tapeworm's intermediate hosts, namely, the copepod. Hunter and Hunter (1934) have experimentally demonstrated that these crus- taceans can be destroyed by sufficient dessication or freezing. They also showed that various clado- cerans do not carry the procercoid larvae and are acceptable food for bass fry. However, the des- truction of the copepod can only be considered for hatcheries and artificial ponds which lend them- selves to drainage.

The presence of the parasite in natural bodies of water requires a different solution to the pro- blem. The large scale use of rotenone in reclaim- ing these waters is probably the most practical me- thod available at present. By this method all fish in a pond would be completely eradicated, in- cluding the adult tapeworms. In time, copepods

-13- would become free of the procercoid stage since they would no longer have any tapeworm eggs to feed on. Since smallmouth bass can usually be found free of P. ambloplitis in swift-runnina rivers and streams (Bangham, 1928 and Punter, 1931), and since there are several ponds in New Hampshire known to be free of this parasite, these non-parasitized fish could be used for re- stocking. Another possibility for these reclaimed ponds is in stocking smallmouth bass fry captured as they rise from their nests. Since these young fish are just completing the absorption of the yolk sac, and have not yet begun to feed, they can be stocked with minimum danger of contamination with the bass tapeworm. Non-parasitized fish should also be used in stocking lightly infected waters, should the necessity arise. It should also be remembered that other species of fish, especially the yellow perch, sunfish, and brown bullhead, might infect a pond if they are introduced.


Certain conclusions appear to be justified by the 1955 and 1956 bass tapeworm survey.

(1) The bass tapeworm constitutes a very serious parasite problem in New Hamp shire.

(2) The indiscriminate stocking of bass, and other fish, is largely responsible for the widespread distribution of the parasite.

(3) The intensity of parasitization by P. ambloplitis in ponds supporting bass populations was, for the most part, moderate to heavy.

(4) Control of the parasite under natural conditions is extremely difficult; complete reclamation being the only

14- known method at present.

(5) That the annual recruitment of bass in heavily parasitized waters is being affected is a certainty. However, the extent has yet to be determined. •


In view of the findings of this survey, cer- tain recommendations seem warranted.

(1) Fish of any species, from ponds known to be infected with the bass tapeworm, should not be transferred to other bodies of water, regardless of the parasitological condition of that body of water.

(2) The possibility of managing ponds, with heavy bass tapeworm infections, for other species should be considered.

(3) Complete reclamation of infected lakes and ponds, and restocking with non- parasitized fish, should be done when- ever possible.

(4) The use of bait fish, known to harbor the parasite, should be prohibited. These include the yellow perch, white perch, and the sunfishes.

(5) Stringent regulations should be enacted to prevent the indiscriminate transfer of fish by private individuals from one body of water to another.


The decline in populations of smallmouth bass in many New Hampshire lakes and ponds has present4d a serious problem to both sportsmen and fisheries

-15- managers. Although there may be several reasons for this decline, there is the possibility that these fish are prevented from reproducing due to heavy infections of the plerocercoid larvae of the bass tapeworm.

During the summers of 1955 and 1956 all the known bass lakes in Merrimack, Belknap, Hillsboro and Cheshire counties, and one lake in each of Car- roll and Sullivan counties, were surveyed for the presence of the bass tapeworm.

Upon completion of the survey, 124 lakes and 1,960 fishes, representing 12 species had been exa- mined% Fish found to be infected with the larval stage of the bass tapeworm were smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, white perch, sun- fish; chain pickerel, and the brown bullhead: One hundred and ninety-two smallmouth bass were captured from 54 of the 124 lakes surveyed, and 80.2 percent of the bass were infected with the plerocercoid larvae. When smallmouth baSs were not captured from a particular pond, the presence or absence of the parasite was determined by examination of other potential intermediate hosts of the parasite, especially the yellow perch:

Thirty-five ponds are tentatively classified as negative for the bass tapeworm. However, it is quite probable that some of these ponds may prove to be infected, since many of the samples were considered inadequate-.

It is recommended that the transfer of fish from infected lakes be discontinued. Elimination of the parasite is extremely difficult, complete reclamation with rotenone being the method indicating the greatest promise at present.

A list of all ponds surveyed and results of the survey are included in the report; LITERATURE CITED

Bangham, R. V. 1925. A study of the cestode parasites of the black bass in Ohio, with special reference to their life history and distribution. Ohio Jour. Sci. 25 (6):255-270. 1928. Life history of the bass cestode Proteocephalus ambloplitis. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. (1927): 206-208. 1941. Parasites of fish of Algonquin Park Lakes. Trans.Am.Fish. Soc. (1940) 70:161-171. Hunninen, A. V. 1936. Studies of fish parasites in the Delaware and Susquehanna Water- sheds. Suppl. 25th Ann.Rpt. N.Y.St.Conserv.Dept. No. X Biol. Surv. Delaware and Sus- quehanna Watersheds (1935): 237-245.

Hunter, C.W. III 1928. Contributions to the life history of Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy). Jour. Parasit. 14: 229-243. 1930. Studies on the parasites of fishes of the Lake Champlain Watershed. Suppl. 19th Ann. Rept. N.Y.Cons.Dept. Biol. Surv. Champlain Watershed. 1929:241-260.

-17- 1942. Studies on the parasites of fresh water fishes of Connecticut. A Fishery Survey of Important Connecticut Lakes (1942): 228-288. Hunter, C.W. III and Hunninen, A.V. 1934. Studies on the plerocercoid larvae of the bass tapeworm Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy) in the small- mouth bass. Suppl. 23rd Ann.Rept. N.Y.St.Cons.Dept. No.VIII. Biol. Surv.Raquette Watershed (1933):255-261.

Hunter, C.W.III and Hunter, W.S. 1929. Further experimental studies on the bass tapeworm Proteocephalus amblo- plitis (Leidy). Suppl. 18th Ann. Rept. N.Y.St.Cons.Dept. Biol. Surv. Erie Niatara System (1928):198-207.

Meyer, M.C. 1954. The larger animal parasites of the fresh-water fishes of Maine. Maine Dept.of Inland Fisheries and Game. (1954):54-55.

Moore, E. 1927. Further observations on the bass flatworm (Proteocephalus ambloplitis). Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (1926):91-94. Sinderman,C.J. 1953. Parasites of fishes of North Central Massachusetts. Fish. Rept. Mass. Div. Fish.Game (1950):4-28.

-18- Stroud, R.H. 1953. Spot poisoning applied to the Massachusetts lake and pond fisheries survey. Prog. Fish-Culturist 15 (1):3-10.. Webster,D.A. 1942.. The life histories of some Conn. fishes. A fishery survey of important Connecticut Lakes. (1942):122-227.

Table I consisting of ten pages;

Table II,

III, and

19 IV, appear on the following pages',

-19. • ar


Occurrence and Degree of Infection of the Bass Tapeworm in Southern New Hampshire Waters aody of Water Small- Large- Yellow White Chain Brown NUmber Number Number Percent Degree and Town mouth mouth Perch Perch Pick- Sun. Hull- In- Bega- Exa- In- of In Bass Bass erel fish head fected tive mined fected fection Loon Pond 18 - - - - . - - 15 3 18 83.3 Heavy Gilmanton 7 - - - - 5 2 7 71.4 2 - - - 0 2 2 0.0 6 - - 6 0 6 100.0 river Suncook 3 ------3 0 3 100.0 Heavy Barnstead 3 . - - - 3 0 3 100.0 4 - - - 0 4 4 0.0 Lower Suncook - . 6 - - - - 6 0 6 100.0 Heavy Pond,Barnstead 3 - - 3 0 3 100.0 4 - 4 0 4 100.0 - aces . - - ' - - - - 7 7. " avy Barnstead 7 - - 1 6 7 14.9 7 - 1 6 7 16.67 trindle Pond - - 2 - - - - 2 0 2 100.0 Heavy Barnst4ad 1 - - - 0 1 1 0.0 3 2 1 3 66.6 Halfmoon Pond 1 ------1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Barnstead 6 - - - 0 6 6 0.0 2 - - 1 1 2 50.0 Huntrhss Pond 1 ------1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Barnstead 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Crystal Lake 6 ------6 0 6 100.0 Heavy Gilmanton 1 - - - _ 1 0 1 100.0 2 - - - 0 2 2 0.0 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 nuinea Pond 3 ------3 0 3 100.0 Heavy Gilmanton 7 - - - - 4 3 7 57.1 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Jenness ToncT 7 ------7- 0 7 100.0 Heavy Northwood L 3 - - - - 3 0 3 100.0

- 20 - TABLE I, continued body of"Witer Smair. Large- Chain Brown Number Number Number Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Sun- Bull- In Nega. Exa. In- of In- Town Bass Bass Perch Perch erel fish head fected tive mined fection fection trescent Lake . 1 . . - - - 0 1 1 0.0 Modera e Unity 11 - - - . 5 6 11 45.5 4 . . 1 3 4 25.0 Lovell Lake 3 - - . . - - 3 0 3 100.0 Heavy Sanborn- 2 . - - . 2 0 2 100.0 ville 4 - . -- . 0 4 4 0.0 Lily Pond - - 7 . - . - 0 7 7 0.0 Negative Barnstead L 3 - - 0 3 3 1 0.0 Sanborn Pond . - 15 - - - - 0 15 15 0.0 Negative Loudon 2 - - 0 2 2 0.0 4 - 0 4 4 0.0 Northwood 7 . - . . - . 7 a 7 100.0 Heavy Lake, 10 - - - - . 1 9 10 10.0 North- 38 - - - - 2 36 38 3.3 wood 2 . - - 0 2 2 0.0 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 97 - 0 97 97 0.0 4 0 4 4 0.0 till Pond 1 - - - - - . 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Alton 2 - - - - 2 0 2 100.0 3 - - 1 2 3 33.3 2 - 2 0 2 100.0 Lake Winnipe- 4 - - - . . . 4 0 4 100.0 Moderate saukee Alton Opechee 4 - - - - - . 4 0 4 100.0 Heavy Bay 1 - . - - 1 0 1 100.0 Laconia 3 - - 1 2 3 33.3 1 . 1 0 1 100.0 Lake Annie- 7 - - - - - 7 0 7 100.0 Moderate quam 5 - . - - 5 0 5 100.0 Laconia 3 - - 1 2 3 33. -21 TABLE I, CONTINUED

[BODY OF WATER Bmall- LARGE- GHAIN BROWN NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PERCENT DEGREE' AND MOUTH MOUTH XELLOW WHITE PICKE- SIM- BULL- IN- NEGA. ETA- IN- OF IN.. FECTION TOWN BASS , BASS PERCH PERCH REL FISH HEAD FOOTED TIVE MINED FACTION IREMIGEWASEET _ • 6 - . - - 6 0 6 100.0 'HEAVY LAKE, NEW 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 HAMPTON 2 - 1 1 2 50.0 TAKE WAUKE- 4 - . - - - - 4 0 4 100.0 BEAYY WAN, MERE 6 . - - - 6 0 6 100.0 DITH 1 - - 1 0 1 0.0 WINONA LAKE 1 - . . - ... - 1 0 1 100.0 HEAVY CENTER 3 - - - - 3 0 3 100.0 HARBOR 4 . - 4 0 4 100.0 2 2 0 2 100.0 HERMIT LAKE - .. 3 . - - - 0 3 3 0.0 NEGATIVE SANBORNTON 1 0 1 1 0.0 JACKSON POND - - 7 - - - - 0 7 7 0.0 NEGATIVE HAMPTON 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 Sew - INOWLES POND .. - 1 - - - . 0 1 1 0.0 NEGATIVE NORTHFIELD 6 - - 0 6 6 0.0 1 0 1 1 0.0 SILVER LAKE 5 . - - . - - 5 0 5 100.0 LIGHT NORTH- 6 - - - . 3 3 6 50.0 FIELD 2 . - 0 2 2 0.0 1 . 1 0 1 100.0 HIGHLAND 2 - - - - - . 2 0 2 100.0 MODERATE LAKE 2 - - . - 2 0 2 100.0 ANDOVER 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 TLACKWATER BAY 3 ------3 0 3 100.0 MADERA. ANDOVER 3 - - - - 0 3 3 0.0 16171'OND 2 ------1 1 2 50.0 MODERATE ANDOVER 4 - - .. - 3 1 4 75.0 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 BRADLEY LAKE 2 - . - . - - 2 0 2 100.0 MODERATE ANDOVER 2 . - . . 2 0 2 100.0 3 - - 1 -2--...... 2.....---at2------

.22- TABLE I, continued

Body of Water Beall- Large. Chain Brown Nuiber luMber Number Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick. Sun. Bull- In- Nev. Exa. In. of In. _par LIMP._. Permp Pere. _ ere), fish head footed tive mined- Jan ad fectiop itSiFoiz - . . - - 0 3 -100.0 Moderate New London 3 - _ . . Z 1 5 80.0 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 Pleasant Lake 144 . - . - . - 17 27 44 38.6 Light New London 1 - - . . 0 1 1 0.0 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 Sunapee Lake 5 - - - - _ - 5 0 5 100.0 Light New London 10 . . . . 6 4 10 60.0 Little Sung. 1 ...... 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy pee Lake, 1 . . . 0 1 1 0.0 New 1 . . 1 0 1 100.0 London 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Billings Pond . . 2 - - - - 2 0 2 100.0 Heavy Sutton 2 - . 1 1 2 50.0 Blaisdell Lake 1 . - - . - . 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Sutton 5 - . . - 5 0 3 100.0 4 - - 5 1 4 75.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 "%mar Lake I - - . . -• . 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Sutton 1 . . • - 1 0 1 100.0 1 . . 0 1 1 0.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Chase Pend 2 - . - - - . 1 1 2 50.0 Light Wilmot 2 - - - - - 0 2 2 0.0 1 • - . - 0 1 1 0.0 2 . 0 2 2 0.0 Tucker Pond 1 - - - - • . 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Salisbury 7 - - . - 7 0 7 100.0 Penacook Like 1 . . • . . . 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Concord 6 . . . 0 6 6 0.0 - 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Turkey Pond . 2 . . - . - 0 2 2 0.0 Negative Conoord 3 . . - - 0 3 3 0.0 3 - . 0 3 3 0.0 3 - 0 3 3 0.0 TABLE I, continued

Body of Water Small- Large- dhain Brown Number Number Number Tercent'Degree and mouth mouth Tallow Milts Pick- 'Sun- Bull- In Naga- Exa- In of In.. Town Bass Bass Perch Perch erel fish head fected tive mined fected fection Winnepocket 5 ------2 3 40.0 light Lake, 5 - - . . 1 4 5 20.0 Webster 2 - - 0 2 2 0.0 7 - 0 7 7 0.0 Chalk Pond - - 12 - - - - 0 12 12 0.0 Negative Newbury 2 - - 0 2 2 0.0 21 0 21 21 0.0 'Pinnacle . - 3 - - - - 0 3 -3 0.0 Negative Pond 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 Hooksett Long Pond - - 10 . - . - 0 10 10 0.0 Negative Henniker 8 - 0 8 8 0.0 Gorham Pond - - 1 - - - - 0 1 1 0.0 Negative Dunbarton 4 - . - 0 4 4 0.0 7 - 0 7 7 0.0 Lake Massage- 1 - . - . - - 1 0 1 100.-0 Heavy eum, Brad- 2 . - - - 2 0 2 100.0 ford Todd Pond - - 6 - . . - 1 5 6 16.7 Light Bradford 3 . . 0 3 3 0.0 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 W6bater take 3 ------3 0 3 100.0 Moderate Franklin 1 - - . - 1 0 1 100.0 28 - - - 0 28 28 0.0 1 . - 1 0 1 100.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Glen Lake - - 3 - - - - 1 2 3 33.3 Moderate Goffstown 6 - - . 1 5 6 16.6 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 Stevens Pond - - - - 3 - - 0 3 3 0.0 Negative Manchester Massabesic 1 - - . - - - 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Lake, Man- 29 - - . 22 7 29 75.9 cheater _ 3 - 2 1 3 66.6 -24- TABLE I, continued body of Water Small.. Large. Chain Brown ‚umber Number Number Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Nun- Bull- In- Vega- Exa- In- of In Town Bass Bass Perch Perch erel fish head fected tive mined fected faction ItifteiWoerPona . 1 . - - . - u 1 - 1 u.0 Negative Merrimack 2 - - 0 2 2 0.0 Robinson's Pond - 3 - - - . - a 1 3 0.0 Negative Hudson 1 . - - - 0 1 1 0.0 1 0 1 1 0.0 Little Island . - - - - - I I 0 1 100.0 Heavy Pond Pelham Long' 'Pond . - 1 - _ - . 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Pelham 1 . o 1 1 0.0 Harris Pond . - 3 - _ - - 3 0 3 100.0 Heavy Pelham RenniChuck . - 3 - - - _ 0 3 3 0.0 Negative Water Works, 1 - - o 1 1 0.0 Nashua 6 - 0 6 6 0.0 Silver Lake - - 9 - - - - 0 9 9 0.0 Negative Hollis 4 - - 0 4 4 0.0 4 0 4 4 0.0 Flint's Pond - 1 - . - - - 1 o 1 100.0 Moderate Hollis 1 1 0 1 100.0 Rocky Pond 1 - - - . - - 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Hollis 2 - - . - - 0 2 2 0.0 2 - - . - 2 0 2 100.0 4 - . 1 3 4 25.0 15 0 15 15 0.0 - Osgood Pond - 2 - - - - . o 2 2 0.0 Negative Milford 1 - - - - 0 1 1 0.0 i - - 0 1 1 0.0 Potanopa Pond - - - - - I - 1 0 I 100.0 Moderate Brookline Pratt Pond . - - . - - 1 0 1 1 0.0 Negative Mason Water Loom Pond - - - - * - . 2 o 2 2 0.0 Negative New Ipswich -25. TABLE I, continued

2Ody of Water Small- large. Chain Brown NuMber Number NuMber Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Sun- Bull- In- Vega- Ea- In- of In.. town Bass Bass Perch Perch erel fish head fected tive mined fected fection, Pratt Pond - _ 1 _ . _ . 0 f 1 0.0 Negative New Ipswich 1 . - 0 1 1 0.0 Cunningham 1 _ . _ _ _ _ 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Pond, Peter- 15 - - - - 15 0 15 100.0 borough 3 - - 2 1 3 66.6 2 - 2 0 2 100.0 1 1 0 1 100.0 Otter Lake - 1 - . . - - 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Greenfield 4 4 0 4 100.0 Zephyr Lake - 1 - - - - - 1 o 1 100.0 Heavy Greenfield 1 . - - - 1 0 1 100.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 1 1 0 1 100.0 Raunted Lake 1 - . - - - - 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Francestown 1 - - . - - 1 0 1 100.0 1 - - - - 1 0 1 100.0 Sunset Lake . - - . 1 ' - - 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy Greenfield 2 0 2 2 0.0 Pleasant Pond - - 1 - - . - 1. 0 I 100.0 Heavy Francestown 1 - . 1 0 1 100.0 A 2 - 2 0 2 100.0 peering Reser- 1 . - - - - - 1 -- 0 1 100.0 Heavy voir, 26 . - - - 26 0 26 100.0 Deering 7 - 6 1 7 85.7 10 3 -7 10 30.0 Wears Reser. 1 - - - . - - 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy voir, Weare 1 - . . . 1 0 1 100.0 4 - . 4 0 4 100.0 4 . 4 0 4 100.0 Gould Pond - - 5 - - - - 5 0 5 100.0 Heavy Hillsboro 1 - - 1 0 1 100.0 Loon Pond 1 . - . - - . 1 0 1 100.0 Light Hillsboro 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 .. -26- TABLE I, continued gody oftlater Small. Large- ghain Drown Number Number lumber Percent Degree and Town mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Sum. Hull- In Nona- EXa- In- of In Perch Perch fish head fected tive mined footed fection Bass Bass erel , Contentron — 1 - . - - . . 1 —00.d - -1.Vidirab Pond,Hills- 7 . . - - 7 0 7 100.0 bore 3 - - 3 0 3 100.0 2 . 1 1 2 50.0 White's Pond- 1 - - . . . - 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Windsor 2 - . . - 2 0 2 100.0 15 . 11 4 15 73.3 Jackman Reser- - 1 . - . - . 1 0 1 100.0 Heavy voir,Antrim 1 - - - . 1 o 1 100.0 1 . - . 1 0 1 100.0 4 . - 3 1 4 75.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Steele's Pond - - 2 - . - - 2 0 2 100.0 Moderate Antrim Gregg Lake . . 1 - - - . 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Antrim 6 - - . - - 6 0 6 100.0 Moderate Antrim 4 - - 3 1 4 75.0 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 2 2 0 2 100.0 Punt's Fond . - 5 - - - - 0 5 5 0.0 Negative Hancock 1 - - 0 1 1- 0.0 MTigy Pond - - - 6 - - - 2 4 6 33.3 Moderate Hancock 1 - - 1 0 1 100.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 Ralfmoon Fona . . . - 1 - . 0 1 1 0.0 Negative Hancock Skatutakee Lake - - 24 - . . . 6 18 24 25.0 Light Harrisville 6 - - 0 6 6 0.0 2 - o 2 2 0.0 23 0 23 23 0.0 Rarrisville 2 - - - - .= .• 2 0 2 100.0 Heavy Pond, Harris:1 1 - - 1 0 1 100.0 fills -27- •

TABLE 1, continued

Body of Water Small- Large. Chain Brown Number Nutter Number Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Sun. Bull- In- Naga- Exa- In- of In.. Town Bass Bass Perch Perch erel fish head fected tive rined fected fection 4 Silver Lake 2 _ . _ _ _ _ 2 0 2 100.0 Light Harrisville 24 - . - . 6 18 24 25.0 2 - 1 1 2 50.0 1 1 0 1 100.0 Russell Reser- 1 ------1 0 1 100.0 Light voir,Harrie. 1 - - - - ... 0 1 1 0.0 villa Chesham Pond - . - - 1 - . 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Harrisville 7 . 1 6 7 14.3 4 1 3 4 25.0 Rowe Esser- - . 2 - - - - 1 1 2 50.0 Light voir,Dublin 3 0 3 0.0 Wight Pond . 5 - - - - - 0 i 5 0.0 "Negative Dublin 2 - . - - 0 2 2 0.0 • 6 - 0 6 6 0.0 1 0 1 1 0.0 - . 10 - - - - 0 10 10 0.0 Negative Jaffrey Perkins Pond - - - - 1 - - 0 1 1 0.0 Negative Troy Frost Pond - - 3 - - - - 3 0 100.0 b evy Jaffrey 2 - - 2 0 2 100.0 4 - 4 0 4 100.0 17 13 4 17 76.5 Cheshire Pond - 2 - - - . - 0 2 2 0.0 Negative Jaffrey 1 . . - - 0 1 1 0.0 1 0 1 1 0.0 Gilmore Tend 4 - . - . . - 3 1 4 75.0 Moderate Jaffrey 1 - . 1 0 1 100.0 Contoocook - 3 - - - - 0 3 3 0.0 Negative Pond 4 - - . 0 4 4 0.0 Jaffrey 2 - 0 2 2 0.0 14 0 14 14 0.0 Pool -Pond - - 8 - - - - 6 2 8 75.0 Moderate Rindge 8 - - - 1 7 8 12.5 1 0 1 1 0.0 -28- TABLE I, continued

164y of Water" Small. Large- Chain Brown !lumber Number %mbar Percent Degree and mouth mouth Yellow White Pick- Sun. Bull- In- Nega. Era... In- of In - 1-7-- ear • ; i7 eg ve - 0.0 Mg' Pond . - 4 . - - . 0 4 4 0.0 Negative Rindge 3 - o 3 3 0.0 Grassy Pond 4 - . . - .. . 4 0 4 100.0 Light Rindge 2 - . - - . 2 0 2 100.0 14 - 3 11 14 21.4 19 8 11 19 42.1 Pivol Pond- - - - . 2 . . 0 2 2 0.0 gegative Rindge Pmerson Pond - . 11 ... - . - 0 11 11 0.0 gegative Rindge 3 - - o 3 3 0.0 21 . 0 21 21 0.0 4 0 4 4 0.0 Hubbard Pond 2 - - - . - - 0 2 2 0.0 Negative Binder 4 - . . - 0 4 4 0.0 Monomonack - - 3 - . - - 3 0 3 l000 Moderate Lake, 1 - . - 0 1 1 9.0 Rindgs 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 labbina Pond - - 7 - - . - 0 7 7 0.0 Negative Rindge 4 . - 0 4 4 0.0 Sip Pond - . 6 . - . - 6 - 0 6 0.0 Moderate Fitzwilliam 4 - 4 0 4 100.0 Laurel Lake 1 - - - . - . 1 a 1 100.0 Moderate Fitzwilliam 1 . - - - 1 0 1 100.0 2 - - . 0 2 2 0.0 2 - 2 0 2 100.0 - , - 3 0 0.0 Packwood 1 .. . - - - - " 1 " ;v 100.0 Hea y Pond, Fitz.. 3 . . - . 2 1 3 66.6 william 9 - 9 0 9 100.0 PawIloor lend - - - . 1 . - 0 ' V 1 00 RegOive Fitzwilliam - - tdarren Lake - . 1, r . 1 _ . . 3 1 4 75.0 Moderate Alstead 1 - m 1 0 1 100.0 -29.

• 0 TABLE I, continued body of Water Small- Large. Chain Brown Number Number Number Percent Degree and mouth mouth Tolley White Pick. Sun- Bull- In- Nega- Eaa. In- of In.. Town Bass Bass Perch Porch ere]. fish head fected tive mimed footed fection Pisgah Reser- .. - ' 5 - - . - 0 5 5 0.0 Negativi voir, Win. cEester Forest Lake . . 2 - - - - 1 1 2 50.0 Moderate Winchester SpoffordElake 2 . - - . - - 2 0 2 100.0 Moderate Chesterfield 2 . - - - - 2 0 2 100.0 6 . 0 6 6 0.0 Wilson's Pond - . 1 - -. - - 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Swantey 1 . - 0 1 1 0.0 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 'Tolman Pond - - 3 - - - - 3 0 3 100.0 Moderate Nelson Rubanusit lake . . 1 - - - - 0 -1 1 0.0 Negative Nelson - Granite Lake - 1 - . . . . - 1 0 1 100.0 Light Nelson 2 - - 0 2 2 0.0 Park Pend - 6 - - - - - ' 5 1 6 83.3 Moderate Dublin 1 - 0 1 1 0.0 Wand Pond . 1 m . " - - 1 0 1 100.0 Moderate Stoddard 2 - - . - 2 0 2 100.0 2 . . 2 0 2 100.0 1 A - . 1 ... 0 1 100.0 Righland Lake 4 ------4 0 4 100.0 Moderate 1 - - . - 1 0 1 100.0 1 . - - 0 1 1 0.0 2 . . 2 0 2 100.0 6 - 6 0 6 100.0 2 1 1 2 50.0 Village Pond . . - ... 3 - - 3 0 3 100.0 Moderate Marlow 5 0 5 5 0.0 Stone Lake 1 . . . - - w, 1 0 1 100.0 %WY Marlow 1 - 1 0 1 100.0 -30- TABLE II A Comparison of the Incidence of Occurrence of Infection in All Species of Fish Caught During the Survey.

Species --Number-- Number Number Parasite ur of n- Frequency Lakes Fish fected Index Smallmouth Bass 54 192 154 80.2% Largemouth Bass 20 47 16 34.0% Yellow Perch 92 472 218 46.1% White Perch 20 118 27 22. ;.I.

Eastern Chain Pic- kerel 68 154 61 39.6% Sunfish 59 303 78 25.7% Brown Bull- head 32 173 39 22.5%

Total Fish 1,459 Total Infected 593




Name Town NAME Town

Bullet Pond Rindge Pennichuck Water • Jaffrey Works Nashua Emerson Pond Rindge Robbins Pond Rindge *** Hubbard Pond Rindge Silver Lake Hollis Knowles Pond Northfield Thorndike Pond Jaffrey Pearly Lake Rindge Wight Pond Dunbarton


Bowker Pond Fitzwilliam Nelson Cheshire Pond Jaffrey Osgood Pond Milford Chalk Pond Newbury Perkins Pond Troy Divol Pond Rindge Pinnacle Pond Hooksett Gorham Pond Dunbarton Pisgah Reservoir TROY Halfmoon Pond. Hancock Pratt Pond New Ipswich Hermit Lake New Hampton Pratt Pond Mason Horseshoe Pond Merrimack Robinson's Pond Hudson Hunt's Pond Hancock Sanborn Pond Loudon Jackson Pond New Hampton Stevens Pond Manchester Lily Pond Barnstead Turkey Pond Concord Long Pond Henniker Water Loom Pond New Ipswich


These waters are tentatively classified as being free of the bass tapeworm, and should have a more thorough examination of the species present before they are ever considered for use as source ponds and lakes.

* Species of fish known to harbor P. aMbloplitis were captured in sufficient numbers to indicate the absence of the parasite.

** Suitable species of fish were not captured in sufficient numbers to indicate the presence or absence of the bass tapeworm.

*** Only pond found to be negative for P. ambloplitis, with a population of smallmouth bass present. TABLE IV

A Comparison of Bass Tapeworm Infections of Important Fishes from Connecticut, Central Massachusetts and New Hampshire*

Central : Connecticut :- Massachusetts : New Hampshire

: Number : Per- : No. : Percent:Number : Percent : Exa- :cent In-: Exa- : In : Exa- : In- Fish Hosts : mined : fected : mined:fected : mined : fected Smallmouth : . .• . Bass 107 : 30 - 69: 20 : 95 : 192 : 80.2 Yellow Perch 256 : 10.- 29: 175 : 51 : 472 : 46.1 White .• • • . .• Perch 99 : 1- 9.9 : 37 : 30- 69 : 118 : 22.8 • • • Pickerel 53 : 30- 69 : 112 : 30 -69 : 154 : 39.6 • • • • • Sunfish 79 : 10-29 : 92 : 54 : 303 : 25.7

Key: 70-100% Infection = Parasite considered abundant

30- 69% “ ” ” common

10- 29% 17 occasional

0.1-9.9% ” rare

*Data on Connecticut and Central Massachusetts fishes were taken fron Hunter (1942) and Sindemman (1953).


This technical publication should have driven home an important lesson to all of us who enjoy fishing in New Hampshire's waters. It should make very clear to every §portsman the damage he can cause when he transfers fish from one body of water to another. It is for this very reason that our Legislature has enacted the following law, Revised Statutes Annotated 207:15:

"No person shall release into the waters of this state any living fish or the fry thereof from any other waters in the state, without first procuring a permit from the director so to do."

Let the well meaning fisherman ever keep in mind the damage he can cause his future fishing when he violates this law.

Ralph G. Carpenter, 2nd
