Adams, Dorothy, Myers History- Some Descendants of Hans Meier Of
MYERS HISTORY Some Descendants of Hans Meier of Pequea Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by Dorothy M. K. Adams ^, Privately Published by the Author .\J?\ tfv u~---.on, Texas V aft' & 1987 \ .o^" F AM1LY H'.STORY LIBRARY 35 NORTH WEST TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84150 Copyright © 1987 by Dorothy M. K. Adams Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 86-72437 V. Ordering Information: From the author: 10819 Briar Forest Drive Houston, TX 77042 or Laura Tidwell Box 203 Carrizo Springs, TX 78834 PREFACE This book is a revision of Myers Lancaster County in 1710-17. English History, written and published by my and American history has largely deni father, William Scott Myers, in 1909. grated or ignored its minorities. The It includes data from Winkler's Histo German-speaking Swiss Brethren, a mi ry, the family of his mother, simulta nority within a minority later known neously published. Like my father's as Mennonites, played an important, books, this one was prepared as a gift little-recognized role in colonial A- to the extended family of first cous merica. The immigrant ancestors of the ins. A limited number of copies will Myers family studied in this book were be available for sale to the public. probably, though not certainly, both Swiss and Mennonite. I share with my The book extends Myers genealogy father a pride in my ancestors, who backward three generations in eight did little harm and more good than eenth century Lancaster County, Penn many Americans know. sylvania from Christian Meyer Jr. 1761- 1802 of Earl Township, to the immi Some of the related surnames dis grant Hans Meier of the Pequea settle cussed in this book include, with page ment, who died in 1722.
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