September 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2183 the entire Island and Glen Afton neighbor- age and specifically the 66th anniversary of people in the community have benefited from hoods will flood. The City of Trenton wishes to the creation of the Airborne at Camp Clai- the Club’s distribution of free eyeglasses and assist the most affected residents so that borne, La., in 1942. funding raised for sight and hearing programs, property loss and displacement are minimized. f including the Leader Dog Program. This project is designed to elevate the utili- The Club will celebrate its 80th Anniversary ties of approximately 270 properties that have RECOGNIZING THE SAVANNAH on Saturday, October 4th during a dinner at suffered repetitive damages.The 270 identified DRAMA CLUB the Thorndale Inn. properties will abandon the use of their base- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues ments and elevate their major systems by re- HON. JACK KINGSTON join me today in recognizing the Downingtown wiring the electrical system and redirecting the OF GEORGIA Lions Club for reaching this special milestone duct work so that the hot water heating and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and in commending the efforts of Club mem- heating system can be moved to above the Monday, September 29, 2008 bers, both past and present, for their tireless first floor; minimizing loss during future floods. dedication and service to the Downingtown f Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, today I area. rise to recognize the Savannah Drama Club CELEBRATING CENTRAL LOUISI- for their excellence in the arts. The Savannah f ANA’S RICH MILITARY HERITAGE Drama Club is a youth based ministry that THE DAILY 45: ANOTHER VIOLENT presents youthful styles of praise and perform- WEEKEND IN CHICAGO HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER ance. Founded by Pastor Carl Gilliard and his OF LOUISIANA wife, Lashawanda, thirteen years ago, the Sa- HON. BOBBY L. RUSH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vannah Drama Club is now known for its polite and respectful youth members as well as their OF ILLINOIS Monday, September 29, 2008 amazing talents. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, I rise The Savannah Drama Club is visiting Wash- Monday, September 29, 2008 today to recognize the 66th anniversary of the ington DC this coming October and will be Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, the Depart- creation of the Airborne at Camp Claiborne, making their fifth performance at the White ment of Justice tells us that, everyday, 45 La., and to celebrate Central Louisiana’s rich House. The group has also performed on the people, on average, are fatally shot in the military heritage. steps of the Capitol, the Nation’s monuments, United States. Last weekend, while my col- Central Louisiana has strong historic ties to as well as local jails, community centers, leagues and I worked to help restore our na- America’s military history, from colonial days Christian camps, and family shelters. Through tion’s financial ship of state, the state of our to the present, having served as a major train- their use of theater, poetry, music, dance, spo- urban communities continued to be plagued ing location for the U.S. military forces in ken word, and even miming, the group is able with an obscene level of gun violence. The World War I, World War II, as well as more re- to spread the Word of God to all. Chicago community I serve tops our nation’s cent conflicts around the world. Since its inception, it’s estimated that about list for gun-related violence which tragically in- On August 16, 1942, the 101st Airborne Di- 900 children have been involved with the pro- cluded the second loss of life, in just two vision was created at Camp Claiborne, La. gram and currently has 42 active participants. months, of a Chicago police officer. Last night, The 101st Airborne had a ‘‘rendezvous with This revolutionary drama club has not only 14-year veteran officer Nathaniel Taylor, Jr., destiny’’ to defend American interests on the touched the thousands who have bore witness 39, lost his life while serving a search warrant battlefields of the world since World War II. to their show, but has also had a great influ- and he leaves behind an orphaned daughter To commemorate this day in history, the ence on the children involved. This program and a grieving city. City of Alexandria and the City of Pineville, has kept students off the streets, shown them There were also three other gun-related with Louisiana State University (LSU) at Alex- the rewards of strong discipline, and most im- murders last weekend including 34-year-old andria, are cosponsoring a historic event on portantly, how important it is to serve a higher James Purifoy who was shot in the back. Two October 3, 2008. power than themselves. others lost their lives whose names have yet This celebration will recognize and honor I would like to take this time to recognize to be released. And, to top it off, five people the service and sacrifices of the 1st Battalion their accomplishments in the arts and ministry, were shot on the Near West Side early Satur- of the 509th Airborne Infantry, currently based and also to wish them a warm welcome to day night following a dice game gone bad. at Fort Polk, La., which saw action in World Washington. Fortunately, none of their wounds were life War II. f In addition, this event will honor the service threatening. of Dr. H. Rouse Caffey, former Chancellor of HONORING THE 80TH ANNIVER- My condolences go out to the family and LSU Alexandria and Louisiana State University SARY OF THE DOWNINGTOWN friends of Officer Taylor and to Mr. Purifoy Agricultural Center, as well as a veteran of the LIONS CLUB whose lives ended much too soon at the end 82nd Airborne Division. of a gun. The National World War II Museum in New HON. JIM GERLACH Americans of conscious must come together to stop the senseless death of ‘‘The Daily 45.’’ Orleans, La., which is dedicated to preserving OF PENNSYLVANIA When will we say ‘enough is enough, stop the and studying the history of the war, is also col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES laborating with LSU Alexandria in celebrating killing!’ Monday, September 29, 2008 this historic event with other organizations in- f cluding the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise the Louisiana National Guard, the Don F. Pratt today to congratulate the Downingtown Lions BREAST CANCER PATIENT Memorial Museum at Fort Campbell, Ky., the Club on its 80th Anniversary and to honor the PROTECTION ACT OF 2007 Louisiana Military Maneuvers Museum, the service organization for its commitment to Kent Plantation House, the Arts Council of serving the community. HON. BOB ETHERIDGE Louisiana, the Mississippi Armed Forces Mu- Founded in 1928, the Downingtown Lions OF NORTH CAROLINA seum, the Alexandria/Pineville Area Conven- Club is part of the largest service organization IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion and Visitors Bureau, the Chennault Avia- in the world with approximately 1.3 million tion and Military Museum and the Alexandria members in 202 nations. Monday, September 29, 2008 Museum of Art. National Lions Club founder and Chicago Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise Distinguished speakers of the event include businessman Melvin Jones said in 1917 that today in strong support of H.R. 758, the Thomas Czekanski, Director of Collections at the organization was created to give some- Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2007. the National World War II museum in New Or- thing back to their communities. And the This important legislation will ensure that pa- leans, La., and Dr. Jerry Sanson, Professor of Downingtown Lions Club has certainly carried tients have the health care they need following History and Political Science at LSU Alexan- out that mission admirably. breast cancer surgery. dria. Thanks to the dedication and work of its In America, there are more than 2.4 million Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join members and volunteers, the Club built the women living with breast cancer. In 2007, me today in recognizing the historic celebra- Kerr Park Pavilion and installed a drinking more than 178,000 new cases of invasive tion of Central Louisiana’s rich military herit- fountain along the Struble Trail. Hundreds of breast cancer were diagnosed. The Breast

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:36 Oct 01, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.005 E30SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E2184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 30, 2008 Cancer Patient Protection Act would help en- military service. He was one of our first appro- components, extend the life of current aircraft sure that these patients will have adequate priators to take up the cause of overseas mili- and increase the safety of pilots and per- support after breast cancer surgery by guaran- tary housing. He was well suited to do this be- sonnel. teeing a minimum hospital stay of 48 hours for cause he lived in it when deployed overseas The University of North Texas is located at a woman having a mastectomy or lumpectomy during the Berlin Wall Crisis as a member of 1155 Union Circle #311277, Denton, Texas and 24 hours for a woman undergoing a the Air National Guard. 76203–5017. lymph node removal. Anyone who has —the dean of the Ohio dele- 2. Unmanned Force Augmentation Systems watched a loved one fight this illness under- gation—has served in Congress with distinc- (UFAS), Geneva Aerospace—$2.4 million— stands that the last thing any woman should tion for 36 years. As a respected cardinal on RDTE,N—Congressman MICHAEL BURGESS. be doing at that time is fighting with her insur- the Appropriations Committee, he chaired the The UFAS program supports research, de- ance company. Interior Subcommittee for 6 years. Subse- velopment and testing of advanced UAS tech- Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to quently, he served as chairman of the Labor, nologies. The program is intended to facilitate join me in support of H.R. 758. With millions Health and Human Services, and Education the rapid transition of UAV systems to the of women in American being affected by this Subcommittee. During this time I served as warfighters that offer order-of-magnitude im- horrible disease, the Breast Cancer Patient chairman of the House Education and the provements in usability, capability, and, hence, Protection Act will ensure they have access to Workforce Committee. Early in my tenure as operational effectiveness. Specific program adequate medical support after their surgery. chairman, Congress passed the No Child Left and technology areas that the FY09 program f Behind Act to help ensure that all children will support include extended development have the opportunity for a quality education. and testing of the Air Deployable Sensor TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE RALPH worked to ensure adequate funding for (ADS), which is a Sonochute Launched UAS RALPH REGULA. THE HONOR- critical education priorities and our children supported by Technology Transition Agree- ABLE AND THE and youth are better for it. He is a true gen- ments with multiple Navy sponsors. The Air HONORABLE DAVID HOBSON tleman and I am pleased to have worked Deployable Sensor is one of several new ca- closely with him. pabilities developed under the UFAS program. HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER Ohio’s delegation enjoys a close relation- Additional successful technology develop- OF OHIO ship. We’re like a family—we don’t always see ments have included the development of an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eye-to-eye but at the end of the day, we’ve al- autonomous sense and avoid system for UAS in support of UAS National Airspace Integra- Monday, September 29, 2008 ways been able to work through our dif- ferences and work for what’s best for Ohio. tion initiatives, UAS autonomous takeoff and Mr. BOEHNER. I rise today to pay tribute to One thing is clear about RALPH, DAVE, and landing systems and gap-filler UAS designed three of my fellow Ohioans who are retiring at DEBORAH. Members on both sides of the aisle to support a growing DOD UAS Intelligence, the end of the 110th Congress—DEBORAH respect their integrity and no one has doubted Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capa- PRYCE, DAVE HOBSON, and RALPH REGULA. All where hearts are—with their constituents, the bility gap. three are true public servants who have dedi- great State of Ohio, and their country. I will Geneva Aerospace is located at 4240 Inter- cated their lives to serving their constituents, miss their congeniality and thank them for national Parkway, Carrollton, Texas 75007. Ohio, and this great Nation. This institution will their leadership and service. I wish RALPH and f miss their experience, their advocacy for crit- his wife Mary, DAVE and his wife Carolyn, and EARMARK DECLARATION ical issues, and their ability to get the job DEBORAH and her daughter Mia the very best done. in the next stage of their lives. DEBORAH PRYCE first served as a judge be- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH f fore being elected to Congress in 1992. She OF NEW JERSEY has ably served in critical positions in the EARMARK DECLARATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House—on the Rules Committee and on the Monday, September 29, 2008 Financial Services Committee. She helped HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, guide our Republican Conference as chair- OF TEXAS I submit the following: woman. DEBORAH has been a tireless advo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Requesting Member: Rep. CHRISTOPHER H. cate for children and cancer research, and our Monday, September 29, 2008 SMITH country is better for her efforts. Congress- Bill Number: H.R. 2638 woman DEBORAH PRYCE also has been a fight- Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, pursuant Account: Research, Development, Test and er for working families. As the mother of a to the U.S. House of Representatives Repub- Evaluation, Army Account young child, she understands the challenges lican Leadership standards on earmarks, I am Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Intel- working families—especially single mothers— submitting the following information for publi- ligence & Information Warfare Directorate, face. DEBORAH has sacrificed more for this job cation in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD regard- CERDEC than most others, and remained committed to ing earmarks I received as part of H.R. 2638, Address of Requesting Entity: Lakehurst her constituents despite personal heartache. I Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, Naval Engineering Station have seen her grow and learn more in her job and Continuing Appropriations Act for 2009: Description of Request: Funding will be uti- than any other Member and I am proud to call 1. Institute for Science and Engineering lized to implement a CERDEC RDT & E test her my friend. Simulation (lSES), University of North Texas— capability for airborne and ground antenna de- DAVE HOBSON and I started our careers in $3.36 million—RDTE,AF—Congressman MI- sign to develop and prove new concept anten- Congress at the same time. Previously, we CHAEL BURGESS. nae that operate at higher frequencies offering served together in the Ohio General Assem- ISES at the University of North Texas is cur- significantly higher capacities and are less bly. ‘‘Uncle Dave,’’ as many call him, may not rently working closely with the U.S. Air Force prone to interference and jamming. The test agree with your position, but he has always to remedy a critical requirement. Due to in- capability will provide testing of aircraft mount- been willing to give you advice on how to ac- creased operations as a result of the wars in ed antennae at varying altitude under a variety complish your goal. One thing that I always Iraq and Afghanistan during the past 5 years, of conditions and on specific aircraft including admired about Congressman HOBSON is his Air Force aircraft are often pushed to perform fixed, rotary wing and unmanned air systems. ability to find himself in the middle of whatever beyond their intended design criteria: this has The system will be used to provide the de- was going On. Like me, he’s a former busi- created serious concerns for safety of both the sign of new antennae which develop more reli- nessman. This background has been a gen- aircraft and personnel. The Air Force requires able, expanded bandwidth information links uine asset and translates well to a legislative modeling & simulation research of the per- which enable the flow of tactical information to environment as it has helped him know how to formance and lifecycles of materials in aircraft the deployed warfighter. The capability will broker a deal. in order to extend the life of current military also expand the ability of communicating with My constituents will perhaps feel Congress- aircraft and to perform testing on future aircraft the variety of unmanned systems, both air- man HOBSON’s retirement the most, as our structures and material. Utilizing state-of-the- borne and ground based, for increased intel- districts adjoin each other and we worked very art facilities and equipment at the University of ligence gathering and control. closely together over the years on issues af- North Texas, the research conducted at ISES DETAILED FINANCE PLAN: PROGRAM COST SUMMARY. fecting Wright Patterson Air Force Base. DAVE will be used to predict/identify and reduce the L Band development on UH–60M where a has a real heart for our men and women in risk of catastrophic failure in aircraft structural required future aviation waveform, Wideband

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:36 Oct 01, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.075 E30SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS