Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, , Norway, with correlations to , Arctic

Morten Smelror1, Geir Birger Larssen2, Snorre Olaussen3, Arnfinn Rømuld4 & Robert Williams5

1Geological Survey of Norway, P.O. Box 6315 Torgarden, NO–7491 Trondheim, Norway 2Lundin Norway AS, P.O. Box 794, NO–9488 Harstad, Norway 3Department of Arctic Geology, The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), P.O. Box 156, NO–9171 , Norway 4Statoil ASA, Forusbeen 50, NO–4035 Stavanger, Norway 5Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, P.O. Box 600, NO–4003 Stavanger, Norway

E-mail corresponding author (Morten Smelror): [email protected]

The Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous succession on Kong Karls Land contains common to abundant, well preserved, marine and terrestrial palynomorphs. The palynological assemblages suggest a Norian age for the Flatsalen Formation, which comprises the oldest deposits exposed on the islands. The overlying Svenskøya Formation is dated as Norian/?Rhaetian to Early Toarcian. There are possible depositional breaks at the base of and within this formation. The overlying Kongsøya Formation is dated as Late Toarcian–Aalenian. There is no evidence of exposed Bajocian deposits on Kong Karls Land. The oldest, transgressive deposits of the Agardhfjellet Formation are dated as Bathonian, while the youngest part of this formation is of Kimmeridgian age. The oldest Cretaceous deposits exposed on Kong Karls Land are Valanginian– Hauterivian condensed carbonates assigned to the Tordenskjoldberget Member (Klippfisk Formation). Directly overlying the condensed unit are Upper Barremian, or possibly lowermost Aptian, marine shales of the Kolje Formation equivalent. The youngest rocks preserved on Kong Karls Land are fluvial deposits of the Hårfagrehaugen Member (Helvetiafjellet Formation) and the Kong Karls Land basaltic lava flows. The terrestrial palynomorphs found in the Håfagrehaugen Member support a latest Barremian to Aptian age for the Helvetiafjellet Formation, as suggested by the U–Pb geochronology.

Received 07. March 2017 / Accepted 16. March 2018 / Published online 18. January 2019

Introduction successions in the targeted for petroleum exploration (Figs. 1,2). Studies of the Mesozoic succession Marine and terrestrial palynomorphs are established of Kong Karls Land commenced already in the late 1890s as important biostratigraphic tools for dating and (Nathorst, 1901, 1910), and were succeeded by a series of correlation of Upper Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Lower expeditions in the following century. In addition to the Tertiary strata on Svalbard and the Barents Shelf. The published record of investigations, significant amounts present paper presents palynostratigraphic information of data are stored in unpublished reports from several from the Norian to Barremian formations on Kong scientific expeditions, field surveys and offshore and Karls Land, a group of islands in the eastern Svalbard onshore exploration drillings. archipelago. Svalbard is an uplifted and exposed part of the Barents Shelf and the archipelago serves as an The present paper concerns material collected during important reference area for the contemporaneous an expedition to Kong Karls Land arranged by Statoil

Smelror, M., Larssen, G.B., Olaussen, S., Rømuld, A. & Williams, R. 2018: Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway, with correlations to Franz Josef Land, Arctic Russia. Norwegian Journal of Geology 98, 1-31.

© Copyright the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

1 2 M. Smelror et al.

5° 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65°

NORWAY RUSSIA 78° 80° Franz Josef Land


Spitsbergen Wilhelmøya Kongsøya 76°

Svenskøya 78° Barentsøya North-EastAnticline North Barents Egdeøya mlya

Basin Central Basin Central Kong Karl Platform

Hopen High Novaya Ze Admiralty High 74° 76° Egdeøya Platform Olga Basin

Polarrev High GardarbankenH East Sørkapp Basin High High Fersmanovskoje Sentralbanken High Ludlovskaja Saddle Barents Slope Stappen High 74° DemidovskojeHigh Haapet Dome 72° Bjarmeland Platform Central Barents Arch

Bjørnøya Basin Fedinsky High

Sørvestnaget Basin Maud Basin M Loppa High South 72° Nordkapp Basin Tiddlyba Barents Signal Basinnken Basin 70° R horn Dome Tromsø West Kola Ridge Saddle Basin Hammerfest Basin Kurentovskij Slope Murmanskij Slope Senja Finnmark Platform Pechora Sea

70° Kola Harstad Basin Monocline Fennoscandia 68°

0 200km

20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50°

Tertiary - Quaternary Basalt Early Carboniferous Pliocene and younger Middle Jurassic - Early Cretaceous Devonian - Early Carboniferous Palaeocene - Pliocene Triassic - Middle Jurassic Silurian - Devonian Eocene Late Permian Pre-Old Red Basement Late Cretaceous Carboniferous and Permian Border line

Figure 1. Generalised bedrock map of the Barents Sea and adjacent islands and land areas.

in 1984 and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate in palynostratigraphic data analysed by Fiksdal (1988) from 1993 (Fig. 2; Larssen et al., 1995; Olaussen et al., 2018). a section on Kongsøya sampled by M. Edwards. The Details on the structural setting, basin development, palynostratigraphic data from Kong Karls Land are used depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy are for correlations with the contemporaneous succession in given in Olaussen et al. (2018). In addition to information Franz Josef Land and the Barents Sea. from the 1993 expedition, we here refer to unpublished NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 3

Svenskøya Upper basalt series (B2) 1 Pyroclastics and Helvetia ellet Formation Lower basalt series (B1) and 78˚50’ overlying Helvetia ellet Formation Basalt intrusions, dykes Basalt intrusions, sills Helvetia ellet Formation Agardh ellet and Helvetia ellet formations Mohnhøgda Member and Kongsøya Formation Sjøgren ellet Member Flatsalen Formation Normal fault Lineament

Abeløya Kong Karls Land Kongsøya 78˚40’ 2 1


0 50 km 0 2 km

26˚20’ 26˚40’ 27˚00’

Retziusfjellet Kongsøya West

m 2

300 Basalt 2

Kongsøya Fm Basalt 1 200 Mohnhøgda Member Basalt 2 Basalt 2 A Agardfjellet Fm Helvetiafjellet Fm 100 Sjøgrenfjellet Member

Flatsalen Fm 0 Vrakbukta A’

A Basalt 1 Basalt 2 A’ Tordenskjoldberget 100

Snøsporvstranda 78˚50’

0 2 km Figure 2. Geological maps of Svenskøya and western Kongsøya at 28˚00’ 28˚20’ Kong Karls Land. 4 M. Smelror et al.

Palynostratigraphic records and central Barents Shelf close to the Volgian–Ryazanian zonations in the Barents Sea region boundary (Smelror et al., 2001, 2002; Bremer et al., 2004; Dypvik et al., 2004, 2006; Smelror & Dypvik, 2006).

Results from pioneering palyno-stratigraphic studies on Palynostratigraphic zonations covering the whole or parts the Mesozoic of Svalbard were presented by Smith (1974), of the Triassic succession of Svalbard and the Barents Sea Smith et al. (1975, 1976), Bjærke et al. (1976), Bjærke (1977, have been published by Hochuli et al. (1989), Mangerud 1978, 1980a, b), Bjærke & Dypvik (1977) and Bjærke & Rømuld (1991), Mørk et al. (1993, 1999), Vigran & Manum (1977), while the first record of Mesozoic et al. (1998, 2014) and Paterson & Mangerud (2015, palynomorphs from the Barents Shelf was reported 2017). Bjærke (1977) introduced an informal zoning of by Bjærke & Thusu (1976). As petroleum exploration palynomorphs, Associations (A–F), for the uppermost commenced in the western Barents Sea in the early 1980s Triassic (Rhaetian) to Lower Cretaceous succession of the increasing need for more stratigraphic data initiated a Kong Karls Land. Smelror & Below (1992) proposed a series of studies aimed at providing a more detailed litho- formal dinoflagellate biostratigraphic zonation for the and biostratigraphic framework for the depositional Toarcian to Lower Oxfordian (Jurassic) of the Barents Sea sequences on Svalbard and on the Barents Shelf. Region, while Dalseg et al. (2016a) introduce informal dinoflagellate cyst zones for the Upper Jurassic–Lower Research programmes on Svalbard have been carried Cretaceous in central . out by SINTEF Petroleum Research in cooperation with several geological surveys and research organisations In the present study we have applied a composite in Canada, Denmark, Germany and Russia, and several palynostratigraphic framework based on documented in-house programmes were conducted by petroleum records from the Barents Sea Region and adjacent areas of companies active in the exploration of the Barents the Mesozoic Boreal and Subboreal regions. During some Shelf. Most of the information from these studies is periods, the faunas and floras were largely cosmopolitian still not published (example: Århus, 1988). In addition, and comparable throughout the Boreal and Subboreal palynostratgraphic information on the Mesozoic provinces. In other periods, oceanographic barriers and succession on Svalbard and the Barents Shelf is found in climatic differences led to the evolution of endemic biotas, several unpublished MSc. theses (Fiksdal, 1988; Dalseg, which do not allow detailed stratigraphic correlations 2012; Ask, 2013; Holen, 2014; Landa, 2015; Meltveit, across and between the biogeographic provinces. 2015 and others). The history of the palynostratigraphic research on the Triassic succession has been summarized in the comprehensive work by Vigran et al. (2014). A study of the Late Triassic palynology of Hopen has been Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous published by Paterson & Mangerud (2015), and offshore lithostratigraphy and sequence stratigra­ south of Kong Karls Land by Paterson et al. (2016a). phy in Kong Karls Land Following the pioneering works cited above, new palynostratigraphic information from the Jurassic and Cretaceous successions on Svalbard and the Barents Shelf The Mesozoic succession on Kong Karls Land consists have been published by Smelror (1988a), Wierzbowski & mainly of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deltaic, Århus (1990), Århus (1991), Århus et al. (1990), Grøsfjeld estuarine, shoreline and offshore deposits, Middle to (1992), Smelror & Below (1992), Smelror et al. (1998), Upper Jurassic oxic and anoxic offshore deposits, and Smelror & Dypvik (2005), Radmacher et al. (2014a, Lower Cretaceous condensed offshore deposits, followed 2014b), Dalseg et al. (2016a, b), Śliwińska et al. (2016), by Lower Cretaceous coastal-plain fluvial deposits, Smelror & Larssen (2016) and Grundvåg et al. (2017). In capped or intersected by plateau lavas and pyroclastic addition to the biostratigraphic publications, taxonomic rocks (Fig. 3). papers describing new species from the Jurassic and Cretaceous successions of Svalbard and the Barents Shelf The close lithological relationships between the deposits have been published by Bjærke (1980a, b), Below (1987a, on Svalbard, the western Barents Shelf and the nearby b), Smelror (1989, 1991), Smelror & Aarhus (1989), Bailey Arctic basins have been documented by several synthesis (1993) and Århus (1992). and comparisons studies (Harland, 1973; Kelly, 1988; Worsley, 2008; Johannessen & Embry, 1989; Nøttvedt Paleoenvironmental, paleoclimatic and paleobio­geo­ et al., 1992; Mørk et al., 1993; Smelror et al., 1998, 2009; graphic studies including palynological records from Mørk & Smelror, 2001; Henriksen et al., 2011; Grundvåg the Mesozoic successions of Svalbard and the Barents et al., 2017). The onshore-offshore link between Svalbard Shelf have been conducted by Smelror (1993), Hochuli & and the Barents Shelf is illustrated by the formal Vigran (2010), Mueller et al. (2014, 2016) and Paterson et lithostratigraphic nomenclature of groups linking the al. (2016b). A unique event is the phytoplankton bloom Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic successions of the two induced by the Mjølnir meteorite impact that hit the areas (Dalmann, 1999). The lithostratigraphic subdivision NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 5

* Depositional Age Palynozones environment Member Formation Group Subgroup

Kong Karls Plateau lava Aptian Land Coastal - N.Z. Helvetia- Flows alluvial plain fjellet Volcano- ACEOUS Aptian/ Hårfagre- clastics Barremian haugen Fluvial CRE T Hauterivian/ Kolje* Valanginian N.Z. Klippfisk T. berget* CM Offshore N.Z. Lardy. Anoxic Ls-Wr-crz fjellet sea floor Agardh- Kimmeridgian - Mp-Ce-crz fjellet Bathonian Janusfjellet Opp- Offshore dalen Sg-Crz

Early Aalenian - Inner shelf DSJ 10 Kongsøya Late Toarcian (ventilated)

Early Toarcian - DSJ 7 Wave/tidal Late Mohn- dominated høgda Pliensbachian shoreline DSJ 6 JURASSIC

Svensk- Early oscana øya Pliensbachian - T Tidal Hettangian Wilhelmøya

Kapp Sjøgren- dominated N.Z. fjellet coastal/ delta plain

?Rhaetian - LL- QaAZ Norian

Delta Flatsalen front Norian RrAZ inner shelf TRIASSIC

Sandstone Black organic rich mudstone Silici ed wood Ammonites Plant fragments Belemnites Mudstone Volcanic sill Reptile bones Bivalves Limestone Lava *) Only recorded at Tordenskjoldberget (Smith et al., 1976)

Figure 3. Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous succession on Kong Karls Land, and palynostratigraphic zones used for age determinations and correlations in the present study. KKLF = Kong Karls Land Flows, Fm = Formation, Mbr = Member, RZaz = Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica Assemblage Zone (Paterson & Mangerud, 2015), Ll-QaAZ = Limbosporites lundbladii-Quadraeculina anellaeformis Assemblage Zone (Paterson & Mangerud, 2015), DSJ6, DSJ7 & DSJ10 =Dinoflagellate cyst zones in the NW Subboreal Europe (Poulsen & Riding, 2003), Sg-crz = Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range-zone (Smelror & Below, 1992), Mp-Ce-crz = Meiourogonyaulax planoseptata-Chlamydophorella ectotabulata concurrent range-zone (Smelror & Below, 1992), Ls-Wt-crz = Liesbergia scarburghensis- Wanaea thysanota concurrent range-zone (Smelror & Below, 1992), N.Z. = not zoned. 6 M. Smelror et al. of the Mesozoic strata on Kong Karls Land used in the mudstone beds. The overlying Mohnhøgda Member present paper follows the formal stratigraphy outlined in consists of yellow and white, fined-grained sandstone, in the Lithostratigraphic Lexicon of Svalbard (Dallmann, some places with carbonate cement (Mørk et al., 1999; 1999; Mørk et al., 1999), where also the groups, formations Olaussen et al., 2018). and members defined for the western Barents Sea by Worsley et al. (1988) are incorporated. The upper part of the Sjögrenfjellet Member shows facies similarities to the tidal and coastal-plain deposits of the The lithostratigraphic units included in the present Nordmela Formation in the southwestern Barents Sea study include the Flatsalen, Svenskøya and Kongsøya (Olaussen et al., 1984; Gjelberg et al., 1987), while the formations of the Wilhelmøya Subgroup of the Kapp Mohnhøgda Member was deposited along a wave- to tidal- Toscana Group, and the Agardhfjellet, Klippfisk, Kolje dominated shoreline or in a protected bay environment, and Helvetiafjellet formations of the Adventdalen Group and is seen as an overall regressive unit. This regressive (Mørk et al., 1999). In addition, Early Cretaceous basalts unit comprises mouth bars and fluvial channels in the of the Diabasodden Suite crop out on the Kong Karls upper part (Olaussen et al., 2018). There was a significant Land archipelago (Dallmann, 1999). change in depositional environment from the protected, tidally-dominated, coastal-plain environment of the TheFlatsalen Formation was first defined on Hopen and Sjøgrenfjellet Member to the more open, wave-influenced was later extended to eastern Spitsbergen, Wilhelmøya basin regime in the Mohnhøgda Member. and Kong Karls Land. The formation is of Norian age and consists dominantly of dark grey silty shale, partly At the base, the Mohnhøgda Member consists of a gravel interbedded with, and grading into, siltstone and fine- bed formed by wave erosion associated with a ravinement grained sandstone (Larssen et al., 1995; Mørk et al., 1999; surface. This is a key stratigraphic marker on Kong Karls Olaussen et al., 2018). The lower part of the formation Land and elsewhere on Svalbard (Nagy & Berge, 2008; is not exposed on Kong Karls Land. The base of the Rismyhr et al., in press). formation in Hopen, Wilhelmøya and East Spitsbergen concurs with the lower boundary of the calcareous Slotted The Kongsøya Formation was first described on Bed (Mørk et al., 1999; Rismyhr et al., in press). Kongsøya, Kong Karls Land, by Smith et al. (1976). The revised definition used herein follows the one proposed by The Flatsalen Formation was deposited in a shallow- Larssen et al. (1995) and subsequently formally published marine and near-shore environment (Smith et al., 1975; by Mørk et al. (1999). This definition corresponds to the Mørk et al., 1999). The flooding and transgression in description of the Passet Clay Member of the Kongsøya the lower Flatsalen Formation is followed by an equally Formation as originally proposed by Smith et al. (1976). pronounced regression represented by gradually shallowing and coarsening upward units suggesting The Kongsøya Formation consists of alternating fine- coastal and deltaic progradation. According to Olaussen grained muddy sandstones and mudstones with siderite et al. (2018), the Flatsalen Formation on Kong Karls Land beds and siderite concretions, belemnite conquina beds is interpreted to represent lower to middle shoreface and minor conglomerates with pebbles of quartz and or delta-front deposits, while the exposures on Hopen siderite (Mørk et al., 1999). Incorporated in the formation suggest deposition in offshore to lower shoreface is the Vrakbukta Bed, a marker bed in the middle of the environments. formation consisting of bioturbated carbonate-cemented siltstones and fine-grained sandstones. The boundary surface between the Flatsalen Formation and the overlying Svenskøya Formation is exposed on The Kongsøya Formation in Kong Karls Land, with its Hopen (Lord et al., in press) and on Wilhelmøya, where it several units of condensed deposits (i.e., Vrakbukta Bed, is recognised as an erosive surface followed by fluvial and Bogen Member) was deposited in a shallow marine, estuarine channels. This surface is not exposed on Kong inner shelf setting (Larssen et al., 1995; Mørk et al., 1999). Karls Land. The formation is commonly given a general Toarcian– Bathonian age (Smith et al., 1976; Bjærke 1977; Løfaldli The Svenskøya Formation was originally defined on & Nagy, 1980; Pčelina 1980; Doyle & Kelly, 1988; Fiksdal Kong Karls Land by Smith et al. (1976). Here we have 1988; Smelror, 1988a), but the palynostratigraphic data followed the revised definition as proposed by Mørk et al. restrict the age on Kong Karls Land to Late Toarcian– (1999). The Svenskøya is of latest Triassic to Early Jurassic Early Aalenian. While the upper and lower boundary age (Smith, 1974; Smith et al., 1976; Bjærke, 1977; Pčelina, surfaces of the Kongsøya Formation are well defined on 1980; Vigran et al., 2014; Paterson & Mangerud, 2015; Kong Karls Land, the highly condensed nature of the Paterson et al., 2016a). The formation consists dominantly units and also the possible intraformational breaks makes of sandstones and is divided into the Sjögrenfjellet a sequence-stratigraphic approach challenging. and Mohnhøgda members. The Sjögrenfjellet Member consists of greenish, fine- to medium-grained sandstone, On Kong Karls Land the Agardhfjellet Formation was grading into fine-grained, white sandstone with thin originally described as the ‘Retziusfjellet Shale Member’ NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 7 on Kongsøya by Smith et al. (1976) and placed with its thin coal seams. Sandstones dominate in the lower part lateral equivalents ‘Dunéfjellet’ and ‘Nordaustpynten of the Hårfagrehaugen Member, while interbedded shale members’ in the Kongsøya Formation. Mørk et al. mudstones, sandstones and coal are most common in the (1999) changed the ‘Retziusfjellet Shale Member’ to the upper part. Silicified wood fragments are abundant. The Agardhfjellet Formation, and the vertical ‘Dunéfjellet’ and member is probably of Barremian age and was mainly ‘Nordaustpynten shale members’ to the Bünsowbukta and deposited in fluvial channels in incised valleys and flood- Høgsletta members. Due to their lithological similarities plain/delta-plain environments (Larssen et al., 1995; to the Spitsbergen strata, Olaussen et al. (2018) suggest Mørk et al., 1999; Olaussen et al., 2018). to reassign the two members to the Oppdalen and Lardyfjellet members as described from the Agardhfellet On Kongsøya, the lower part of the Hårfagrehaugen Formation in Central Spitsbergen (Dypvik et al., 1991; Member consists of yellow/white sandstones and Mørk et al., 1999). conglomerates with quartzite pebbles, mudstones and coal fragments (Larssen et al., 1995; Mørk et al., 1999). On Kongsøya, the Oppdalen Member consists of grey Apart from the area where the Klippfisk and Kolje to dark-grey mudstones with siderite concretions, while formations are preserved, the Helvetia Formation cuts the overlying Lardyfjellet Member comprises black, down into the Lardyfjellet Member or older parts of the organic-rich mudstones (Smith et al., 1976; Larssen et al., Agardhfjellet Formation. 1995; Dallmann 1999). The Agardhfjellet Formation was deposited in a marine, inner shelf environment, partly On Kongsøya, the lower part of the Hårfagrehaugen with restricted bottom-water circulation. On Kong Karls Member consists of yellow to white sandstones and Land the age of the Agardhfellet Formation is Bathonian conglomerates, with quartzite pebbles, mudstones and to Kimmeridgian (Smith et al., 1976; Bjærke 1977; coal fragments. There is a sharp boundary to overlying Smelror, 1988a; Dallmann 1999; Olaussen et al., 2018). green sandstones with volcanoclastic and quartzitic The lower and upper boundaries of the formation are well pebbles, representing the onset of volcanic activity defined in most of the Kong Karls Land archipelago. (Olaussen et al., 2018).

The Klippfisk Formation, first formally described The Kong Karls Land Flows comprise two basaltic from the Bjarmeland Platform, represents a condensed lava flows and associated pyroclastic rocks preserved carbonate unit occurring in platform areas (Smelror within the sediments of Hårfagrehaugen Member. At et al., 1998). The formation also includes the coeval Kükenthalfjellet on Svenskøya, sills and dykes are found Tordenskjoldberget Member on Kong Karls Land at the same stratigraphic level. The basalts are actually described as the ‘Tordenskjoldberget Limestone Member’ classified as andesites. Limited biostratigraphic control by Smith et al. (1976), who also included the overlying of the interbedded shales and sandstones within the 15 m of shale, now assigned to the Kolje Formation, in plateau lava has indicated only an Early Cretaceous age. their member. Here, we follow the formal definition Age determinations of bentonites from the middle part of of the member as described by Smelror et al. (1998). the Helvetiafjellet Formation on Spitsbergen give an Early The Tordenskjoldberget Member is of Valanginian– Aptian age, with a U/Pb age of 123.3 ± 0.2 Ma (Corfu et Hauterivian age (Bjærke, 1977; Verdenius, 1978; Smelror al., 2013). On Spitsbergen, biostratigraphic data give an et al. 1998). The base of the formation corresponds to the Early Aptian age for the uppermost part of the formation Base Cretaceous Unconformity (BCU) seen on nearby (Midtkandal et al., 2016). offshore seismic and recognised in boreholes farther south in the Barents Sea. The lavas on Kong Karls Land and the bentonites in Adventdalen on Spitsbergen are part of the High Arctic The Kolje Formation equivalent consists of dark-brown Large Igneous Province, which has previously been dated to grey shale and mudstone, with minor interbeds of as Barremian to Aptian/?Albian (Campsie et al., 1988; limestone and dolomite. The formation was originally Bailey & Rasmussen, 1997; Maher, 2001; Tegner et al., defined in the Hammerfest Basin. The 15 m of shale 2015). overlying the Tordenskjoldberget Member on Kongsøya, Kong Karls Land, is included in the Kolje Formation (Smelror et al., 1998, Mørk et al., 1999). On Kongsøya the Kolje Formation equivalent is of Barremian age, and was Palynostratigraphy of the Flatsalen deposited in open marine environments, partly in areas Formation with oxygen-reduced, bottom water conditions (Løfaldli, 1978; Smelror et al., 1998). The present study includes three samples from a section On Kong Karls Land, the Helvetiafjellet Formation at Kapp Koburg on Kongsøya (Figs. 4, 5 & 6). These consists of the Hårfagrehaugen Member and the Kong represent the oldest sediments exposed on Kong Karls Karls Land Flows. The Hårfagrehaugen Member consists Land. The samples contain abundant Deltoidospora of coarse sand, sandstones, with subordinate shale and spp. and bisaccate pollen (20–60% of the palynological 8 M. Smelror et al.


[ Conglomerate Trough/planar cross stratification Vertebrates [ Faults

Sandstone Tabular/planar cross stratification Brachiopods

Cu unit Grey shale Ripples Lingula

Black shale Wave ripples Ostracods

Sandy limestone Wavy bedding Cephalopods, mostly belemnites

Limestone Lenticular bedding Ammonoids

Coal Planar lamination Plants fragments

Basalt/lava Hummocky cross stratification Vertical burrows

Hummocky cross stratification Conglomerate beds with mud drapes Bioturbation intensity Cherty Concretions i n c r e a s g

Calcareous Erosive surface


Coaly, coal lenses or fragments

Py Pyrite Figure 4. Legend to the lithological profiles shown in Figs. 5–10.

assemblages), and common Araucariacidites spp. and Composite Assemblage Zone as defined by Vigran et al. Eochasmatosporites magnus (5–20% of the assemblages). (2014), dated as ?Late Carnian–Early Norian, and partly Taxa of biostratigraphic significance includeProtodi ­ to assemblage C–2 in the zonation of Hochuli et al. (1989). ploxypinus spp., Plaesiodictyon mosellanum and Quadrae­ According to Vigran et al. (2014) the Rhaetogonyaulax culina anellaeformis. Marine taxa include common spp. Composite Assemblage Zone is recorded from the Veryhachium spp. and rare Cymatiosphaera spp., Micrhy­ Isfjorden Member of the De Geerdalen Formation at stridium spp., Pterospermopsis spp. and Rhaeto­gonyaulax Festningen in western Spitsbergen. It is also recognised in sp.. The latter species is restricted to the two uppermost the lowermost Flatsalen Formation on Wilhelmøya and samples from the Flatsalen Formation. Hopen. The Rhaetogonyaulax spp. Composite Assemblage Zone is further recorded in shallow stratigraphic cores The presence of Rhaetogonyaulax sp. and other common on Sentralbanken and in several exploration wells in the marine palynomorphs suggest a correlation to the Barents Sea (i.e., the Snadd and lowermost Fruholmen Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica Assemblage Zone as defined formations) (Vigran et al., 2014). in the lower Flatsalen Formation on Hopen (Paterson & Mangerud, 2015). The abundance peaks of Deltoidospora spp. and bisaccate pollen further constrain this correlation. An Early Norian age for this assemblage zone is well Palynostratigraphy of the Svenskøya constrained by the ammonite records (Korčinskaya, 1980; Formation Smith, 1982; Mørk et al., 1993) and magnetostratigraphy (Lord et al., 2014). The present assemblage from the Flatsalen Formation corresponds to palynological The present study includes material from sections at association A described by Bjærke (1977) from a shore Hårfagrehaugen, Mohnhøgda, Passet and Retziusfjellet cliff northeast of Hårfagrehaugen (i.e., close to the same covering the Sjøgrenfjellet Member and from sections section at Kapp Koburg as the present material comes at Kükenhalfjellet, Hårfagrehaugen, Moenhøgda from). Comparable assemblages are earlier recorded from and Retziusfjellet covering the Moenhøgde Member Unit D of the Wilhelmøya Formation in Sassendalen (Olaussen et al., 2018). (Bjærke & Dypvik, 1977). The most comprehensive analysed section of the The analysed samples from Flatsalen Formation on Sjøgrenfjellet Member is one at Hårfagrehaugen (Figs. Kongsøya further correlate to the Rhaetogonyaulax spp. 7 & 8). The oldest deposits of this profile contain NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 9

Kapp Koburg

Grain size and Gross sedimentary structures depositional Biostratigraphic markers environment Age Formation Lithology Thickness (m)

Rhaetogonyaulax sp. Mouth-bar Quadraculina complexes anellaeformis

30 Prodelta depositis

Mouth bar Rhaetogonyaulax sp. Kyrtomisporites spp.

Prograding delta T S A L E N 20 Early Norian Early F L A

Prodelta depositis


Low-energy marine deposits Quadraculina (below storm anellaeformis wave-base) Offshore

0 ?

Figure 5. Lithological profile of the Flatsalen Formation at Kapp Koburg on Kongsøya, with positions of the key palynostratigraphic markers.

characteristic Late Triassic terrestrial palynomorphs The appearance of Limbosporites lundbladii and including Apicilatisporites paravispinosus, Aratrisporites Quadraeculina anellaeformis in the lowermost spp., Camarozonosporites spp., Granoperculatisporis rudis, Sjøgrenfjellet Member suggests that this unit can Kyrtomisporis spp., Limbosporites lundbladii, Ovalipollis be correlated with the Limbosporites lundbladii – pseudoalatus and Quadraeculina anellaeformis. The Quadraeculina anellaeformis Assemblage Zone of only marine palynomorphs recorded in this part of the Norian–?Rhaetian age as defined in the lower Svenskøya formation are Tasmanites sp. and a few spheromorphs. Formation on Hopen by Paterson & Mangerud (2015). 10 M. Smelror et al.

Age Palynozones Flatsalen Formation Flatsalen Riccisporites sp. rhaeticusLycopodiacidites Striatoabieites spp. pseudoalatus Ovalipollis Zebrasporites interscriptus Kyrtomisporis spp. Araucariacidites spp. Baculatisporites spp. Botryococcus spp spp. Deltoidospora Annulispora spp. fimbricatus Aratrisporites Aratrisporites macrocavatus hians Chasmatisporites Calamaspora spp. Cingulizonates rhaeticus Densosporites spp. Eochasmatosporites magnus rudis Granuloperculatipolis Kyrtomisporis speciosus Monosulcites spp. mosellanum Plaesiodyction Protodiploxypinus spp. Protodiploxypinus ornatus Quadreaculina anellaeformis spp. Veryhachium Zebrasporites laevigatus sp. Cymatiosphaera Aratrisporites spp. Protodiploxypinus gracilis Pterospermopsis spp. sp. Rhaetogonyaulax spp. Tasmanites Micrhystridium spp. spp. Velasporites

1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x RrAZ 5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Norian

Figure 6. Range chart of palynomorphs recovered from the Flatsalen Formation at Kapp Koburg, Kongsøya. RrAZ = Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica Assemblage Zone.

The absence of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs and the Cinguizonates rhaeticus have their youngest (uppermost) presence of Kyrtomisporis spp. and Protodiploxypinus spp. occurrences in the middle part of the Sjøgrenfjellet support this correlation. Member in the Hårfagrehaugen profile concurrent with the oldest appearance of C. thiergratii (Fig. 8). The palyno-assemblage from the lower Sjøgrenfjellet Member on Kongsøya can further be correlated with Palynological assemblages from the upper part of Assemblage B–1 of Hochuli et al. (1989) and upper part of the Sjøgrenfjellet Member have been recovered at the Limbosporites lundbladii Composite Assemblage Zone Hårfagrehaugen, Retziusfjellet, Passet and Moenhøgda as defined by Vigran et al. (2014). Palynofloras that can (Larssen et al., 1995; Olaussen et al., 2018). Bisaccat be correlated to the Limbosporites lundbladii Composite pollen and the freshwater algae Botryococcus are Assemblage Zone are recognised in the Tverrbekken abundant to dominant in most of the analysed samples. Member (lowermost Knorringfjellet Formation) at Cerebropollenites thiergartii is present in all analysed Festningen in western Spitsbergen (Vigran et al., 2014) and samples from the upper Sjøgrenfjellet Member (Fig. 8). The at Sassendalen in central Spitsbergen (Bjærke & Dypvik, lack of good biostratigraphic markers makes it difficult 1977). According to Vigran et al. (2014) the Limbosporites to provide a reliable dating of the upper Sjøgrenfjellet lundbladii Composite Assemblage Zone is also recorded Member and a general Hettangian to Early Pliensbachian in shallow stratigraphic cores on Sentralbanken and in age is inferred based on the overall composition of the the Fruholmen Formation in exploration wells in the palynological assemblages. western Barents Sea. Samples covering the Moenhøgda Member come In the middle part of the Sjøgrenfjellet Member at from sections at Kükenhalfjellet, Hårfagrehaugen, Hårfagrehaugen (Fig. 8), the oldest appearance of Moenhøgda and Retziusfjellet (Figs. 9 & 10). The well Cerebropollenites thiergartii suggests a Hettangian age at preserved palynological assemblages are dominated by this level, as the first appearance of this species appears to biasaccat pollen and miospores, but also contain sporadic mark the base of the Jurassic in the Northwest European occurrences of marine species such as the acritarchs Subprovince (Subboreal Province) (von Hillebrandt Veryhachium spp., Micrhystridum spp. and Caddasphaera et al., 2007; Cirilli, 2010). However, there are apparent halosa. Some foraminifera linings and dinoflagellate cysts biogeographic differences between the NW European have also been recovered. Subboral and the Boreal palynofloras of the present Arctic domain, and diachronic ranges may well occur Species of stratigraphic importance include the (Hochuli et al., 1989; Hochuli & Vigran, 2010; Paterson & Mancodinium semitabulatum, Nannoceratopis gracilis and Mangerud, 2015). Phallocysta spp. (Fig. 9). The incoming of M. semitabulatum in the lower part of the Moenshøgda Member suggest a Both Limbosporites lundbladii and Quadraeculina correlation to the Late Pliensbachian DSJ6 dinoflagellate anellaeformis are found above this stratigraphic level, cyst zone in the Subboral NW Europe as defined by while Camarozonosporites spp., Kyrtomisporis spp., Poulsen & Riding (2003), corresponding to the Luehndea Lunatisporites rhaeticus and Protodiploxypinus spp. are spinosa Zone, Subzone a, in the British Jurassic (Riding missing (i.e., they are not found above the lower part of & Thomas, 1992). The oldest appearances of Luehndea the Sjøgrenfjellet Member). Ricciisporites tuberculatus and spinosa and Nannoceratopsis gracilis somewhat higher NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 11

Grain size and Gross Biostratigraphic sedimentary structures depositional Age environment markers Thickness Member Formation Lithology


Late Piensb. Ostrac. MOHNHØGDA SB


Bay head delta 140


Hettangian - Early Pliensbachian Cerebropollenites thiergartii 120 Abundant bisaccate pollen Tidal channel complex and tidal at


100 Not exposed


n = 5 Xb

n = 10 Rl Tidal flat


80 A

Lagoon/bay Sjøgrenfjellet SVENSKØY Hettangian


Cerebropollenites thiergartii

Riccisporites tuberculatus 60 Cinguizonates rhaeticus


[ ? Possible position of Hårfagrehaugen fault Not exposed 50

[ [

Tidal channel complex



Not exposed


In channel ll complex Camarosporites spp. Xb 10 Quadraeculina Norian - ?Rhaetian anellaeformis Limbosporites lundbladii Figure 7. Lithological profile of the Sjøgrenfjellet Member Covered appr. 10m to the upper exposed part of the Kyrtomisporites spp. (Svenskøya Formation) at Hårfagrehaugen on Kongsøya, with Flatsalen Formation Not exposed positions of the key palynostratigraphic markers. 0 12 M. Smelror et al.

Age Palynozones Sjøgrenfjellet Member Aratrisporites macrocavatus Aratrisporites minimus rudis Granuloperculatipollis Apicilatiporites parvispinosus Kyrtomisporites spp. ipsviciensis Polypodiisporites Polycingulatisporites spp. Stereisporites spp. Zebrasporites interscriptus Lunatisporites rhaeticus Aratrisporites spp. Cingulizonates rhaeticus tuberculatus Ricciisporites Micrhystridium spp. Zebrasporites spp. cicatricosus Rogalskaisporites Uvaesporites spp. Araucariacites australis Botryococcus spp. Calamaspora spp. hians Chasmatosporites spp. Deltoidospora Quadraeculina anellaeformis Camarozonosporites spp. pseudoalatus Ovalipollis Limbosporites lundbladii spp. Verrucosisporites Densiosporites spp. Tasmanitids Monosulcites spp. Lycopodiacidites rugulatus Rhaetipollis germanicus apertus Chasmatosporites Pinuspollenites minimus Perinopollenites elatoides Eucommidites spp. Cerebropollenites thiergarti Baculatisporites spp. Lycopodiacidites spp. Corollina spp.

28 x x x x x x x x x x 29 x x x x x x x x x x x x 26 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 23 x x x x x x x x 21 x x x x x x x x x x x 18 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x N.Z. 17 x x x x x x x x x x x 16 x x x x x x x x x x x x 15 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 14 x x x x x x x x x x x x Hettangian-Early Pliensbachian 13 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 12 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ll-QaAZ Norian-Rh.t? 3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Figure 8. Range chart of palynomorphs recovered from the Sjøgrenfjellet Member (Svenskøya Formation) at Hårfagrehaugen, Kongsøya. Ll-QaAZ = Limbosporites lundbladii-Quadraeculina anellaeformis Assemblage Zone, N.Z. = not zoned. up in the member support this correlation, and further where the lower Sjøgrenfjellet Member is dated as Norian suggest that the upper part is not younger than Early to Early Pliensbachian and the overlying Mohnhøgda Toarcian, corresponding to the DSJ7 zone of Poulsen & Member as Late Pliesbachian to Early Toarcian. In their Riding (2003) and the Luehndea spinosa Zone, Subzone b, study of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic deposits in Britain (Riding & Thomas, 1992). in Spitsbergen, Dypvik et al. (1985) found that the Wilhelmøya Subgroup is punctuated by several hiatuses. During the Late Pliensbachian to Early Toarcian time In their stratigraphic correlation scheme they show a of global sea-level rise, the dinoflagellate cyst floras stratigraphic break between the Flatsalen Formation and appear to have been relatively cosmopolitian, although the overlying Svenskøya Formation on Kong Karls Land. there are distinct regional differences in the species This break spans the Late Norian and Rhaetian time diversity (Poulsen & Riding, 2003). Consequently, the interval. A somewhat comparable disconformity between age correlation to the macrofossil-calibrated Upper the Flatsalen and Svenskøya formations on Hopen was Pliensbachian–Lower Toarcian strata in NW Europe is suggested by Paterson & Mangerud (2015), although they regarded as fairly reliable. placed the break within the Norian.

The boundary between the Flatsalen Formation and the Svenskøya Formation is not exposed on Kong Karls Possible depositional breaks at the base Land, and the present palynostratigraphic record gives no of, and within, the Svenskøya Formation firm evidence of a major break between the formations (Fig. 7). There is change in sedimentary facies from shallow-marine and near-shore shales, siltstones and The present study documents a Norian to Early Toarcian sandstones of the Flatsalen Formation to the fine-grained age for the Svenskøya Formation on Kong Karls Land, tidal-flat, tidal-channel and coastal-plain sandstones of NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 13

Grain size and Gross Age Biostratigraphic markers sedimentary structures depositional environment Thickness Lithology Member Formation

cl s vf f m c vc cgl m A

Parvocysta spp. oarcian - Aalenian Scriniocassis weberi Susadinium spp. KONGSØY Early Late T SB

Nannoceratopsis 50 gracilis Luehndea spinosa


? ? ? Tidal/wave 40 influenced shoreface/ outer bay (low energy)

? oarcian 30 ?

A ?

? Mohnhøgda SVENSKØY

20 Late Pliensbachian - Early T Tidal/wave influenced Mancodinium shoreface/ semitabulatum outer bay (high energy)


Ostrac. SB

Figure 9. Lithological profile of the Moenhøgda Member (Svenskøya Formation) and the Kongsøya Formation at Hårfagrehaugen on Kongsøya, Sjøgrenfjellet

with positions of the key Pliensbachian palynostratigraphic markers. Sinemurian - Early 14 M. Smelror et al.

Formation compared with the underlying Svenskøya Formation. The samples were analysed primarily for marine microplankton, which provide the mean for the age determination of the formation. Age The Kongsøya Formation contains dinoflagellate cyst Palynozones assemblages typified by Parvocysta spp., Phallocysta Mohnhøgda Member eumekes, Susadinium scrofoides, Eyachia prisca,

Mancodinium semitabulatumMancodinium Micrhystridium spp. spinosa Luehndea Nannoceratopsis gracilis Scriniocassis weberi and common to abundant 5 x x Nannoceratopsis gracilis (Figs. 11 & 12). Similar E.To. 4 x x x DSJ7 assemblages have previously been recorded at several 3 x places in the Svalbard Archipelago, in the Barents Sea and elsewhere in the NW European Subboreal province 2 x DSJ6 Lt.Pli. (Bjærke, 1980b; Woollam & Riding, 1983; Riding, 1984; 1 x Below, 1987a, b; Fiksdal, 1988; Smelror, 1988a, b; Prauss, Figure 10. Range chart of palynomorphs recovered from the 1989; Poulsen, 1992, 1996; Riding & Thomas, 1992; Moenhøgda Member (Svenskøya Formation) at Hårfagrehaugen, Smelror & Below, 1992; Poulsen & Riding, 2003). Kongsøya. DSJ6 & DSJ7 = Dinoflagellate cyst zones in the NW Subboreal Europe. Palynomorphs from the Kongsøya Formation (sensu Dallmann, 1999) at Hårfagrehaugen on Kongsøya have earlier been recorded by Bjærke (1977), Fiksdal (1988) the overlying Sjögrenfjellet Member of the Svenskøya and Smelror (1988a). No age-diagnostic species were Formation. reported by Bjærke (1977). Løfaldli & Nagy (1980), who studied the foraminiferal stratigraphy of the Jurassic On Hopen and Wilhelmøya there is a clear, abrupt change deposits on Kongsøya, found an assemblage dominated by in depositional environment, where offshore to lower Ammodiscus asper. They postulated, with some question shoreface or distal delta-front deposits of the Flatsalen marks, a general Late Pliensbachian–Toarcian age for Formation are cut by fluvial or estuarine channels of their Ammodiscus asper Assemblage covering the upper the Svenskøya Formation. Here, possibly the lower part part of the Kongsøya Formation (i.e., the upper Passet of the Svenskøya Formation represents an incised valley Member in Løfaldli & Nagy, 1980). Doyle & Kelly (1988) infill. The boundary between the Flatsalen Formation and described a fauna of small belemnites from the Kongsøya the Svenskøya Formation corresponds to the boundary Formation (Passet Member sensu Smith et al., 1976). The between the Fruholmen and Tubåen formations in the recovery of the genera Lenobelus and Paramegateuthis southwestern Barents Sea (Gjelberg et al., 1987). supports a Toarcian–Aalenian age for the formation.

A pronounced disconformity may be present between The samples analysed for foraminifera by Løfaldli & the lower and middle-upper parts of the Sjøgrenfjellet Nagy (1980) were also analysed for palynomorphs by Member. In the Hårfagrehaugen profile, Larssen et al. Fiksdal (1988) and Smelror (1988a). Fiksdal (1988) (1995) suggested the presence of a possible fault between and Smelror (1988a) reported relatively abundant the lower part of the member, herein dated as Norian– and diverse assemblages of pollen, spores and marine ?Rhaetian, and the middle-upper part dated as Hettangian palynomorphs in the Kongsøya Formation (listed as the to Early Pliensbachian. The lack of age-diagnostic Passet Member of the Wilhelmøya Formation by Fiksdal biostratigraphic markers, however, makes it difficult to op. cit. and Smelror op. cit.). Characteristic terrestrial taxa estimate the age and duration of any hiatus spanning the include Callialasporites spp., Cerebropollenites thiergratii, Triassic–Jurassic boundary with any accuracy on Kong Cerebropollenties macroverrucosus, Chasmatosporites Karls Land. hians, Chasmatosporites major, Lycosporidiumsporites semimuris, Todisporites spp. and Trachysporites spp (Fiksdal, 1988). Age-diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts found in the formation include species of the Parvocysta-suite of Palynostratigraphy of the Kongsøya Riding (1984), Susadinium scrofoides, Phallocysta eumekes, Formation Scriniocassis weberi and common Nannoceratopsis spp. The co-occurrence of Phallocysta eumekes and Susadinium Palynological samples from the Kongsøya Formation scrofoides in the Kongsøya Formation allows a correlation were collected from sections at Kükenhalfjellet, to the DSJ10 Zone as defined by Poulsen & Riding (2003) Hårfagrehaugen, Moenhøgda, Retziusfjellet and and the Nannoceratopsis gracilis Interval Biozone, Sub- Sørstranda (Larssen et al., 1995; Olaussen et al., 2018). biozones b and c, as defined by Riding & Thomas (1992). The abundance and number of species of marine The age of these dinoflagellate cyst zones is Late Toarcian microplankton show a marked increase in the Kongsøya to Early Aalenian. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 15

Grain size and Gross Age Biostratigraphic markers sedimentary structures depositional environment Thickness Lithology Member Formation

cl s vf f m c vc cgl Atopodinium prostatum m Nannoceratopsis pellucida 1.5 Offshore oxic sea floor conditions Oppdalen Bathonian - Early Callovian

AGARDHFJELLET Crussolia perireticulata Hiatus/SB Sirmiodinium grossii


A Condensed 0.5 inner shelf oarcian - Aalenian deposits KONGSØY Early Late T Lingula

Phallocysta eumekes Susadinium scrofoides Nannoceratopsis gracilis


Figure 11. Lithological profile of the upper Kongsøya Formation and lowermost Agardhfjellet Formation at Sør­stranda on Kongsøya, with positions of the key palyno­stratigraphic markers.

Age and correlations of the Brentskard­ haugen Bed and the boundary between the Wilhelmøya and Janusfjellet subgroups Age Palynozones The Brentskardhaugen Bed is a distinct stratigraphic Kongsøya Formation / Formation Kongsøya Agardhfjellet Formation marker composed of conglomerates and calcareous Susadinium scrofooides Escharisphaeridia sp. weberi Scriniocassis Phallocysta eumekes Caddasphaera halosa Nannoceratopsis gracilis cylindricum Wallodinium priscaEyachia Comparodinium punctatum Parvocysta bjarkei spp. Tamanites Sirmiodinium grossii Dissiliodinium willei sandstones with polymict pebbles and gravels, phosphate 7 x nodules with fossils, and ankerite/siderite intercalations 6 x R x x (Parker, 1967; Bäckström & Nagy, 1985; Mørk et al., 1999). Sg-Crz Bathon. 5 x R R x The unit has been given a ?Bajocain–Bathonian age. 4 x x x x x x x However, this age is not confirmed and the stratigraphic 3 x x x x affiliation of the unit is disputed. Different workers

2 x x x DSJ10 have assigned the Brentskaardhaugen Bed to either the 1 x x x x x x Lt.To-E.Aal. Wilhelmøya Subgroup (Kapp Toscana Group) or the overlying Janusfjellet Subgroup (Adventdalen Group) Figure 12. Range chart of palynomorphs in the upper Kongsøya Formation and lowermost Agardhfjellet Formation at Sørstranda, (Dallmann, 1999). Kongsøya. DSJ10 = Dinoflagellate cyst zone in the NW Subboreal Europe, Sg-crz = Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range zone, R = At several locations in southern and western Spitsbergen, reworked. one or several similar phosphatic conglomerates and 16 M. Smelror et al.

possible hiatuses occur within the upper part of the have incorporated the bed in the Adventdalen Group Wilhemøya Subgroup (Worsley, 1973; Pčelina, 1980; Mørk (Birkenmajer, 1972; Birkenmajer et al., 1982; Bäckström et al., 1982; Maher, 1989; Krajewski, 1992). However, no & Nagy, 1985; Dypvik et al., 1985, 1991). In central age-diagnostic fossils are documented from these beds, Spitsbergen, the Brentskardhauen Bed is directly and the ages of these conglomerates and of any associated followed by the Marhøgda Bed, a unit of limestone with hiatuses at these locations are not well constrained (Mørk ooids and glauconite containing Late Bathonian fossils et al., 1999). (Kopik & Wierzbowski; 1988). Based on the phosphatic oolites found in the Marhøgda Bed several workers have On Wilhelmøya (at Tumlingodden), a thin conglomerate argued that the Marhøgda Bed is genetically associated forms the boundary between sandstones of the with the Brentskardhaugen Bed (Pčelina, 1980; Kopik & Kongsøya Formation and overlying dark shales of the Wierzbowski, 1988; Krajewski, 1992). Agardhfjellet Formation. The Kongsøya Formation contains several conglomeratic horizons, as well as Bäckström & Nagy (1985) found that both the lower and common coal fragments and fossil logs. The sand of the upper boundaries of the Marhøgda Bed are transitional. the Kongsøya Formation contains rich microfloras, In core 7230/05–U–02 drilled in the Nordkapp Basin, the with common marine palynomorphs (Phallocysta boundary between the Bathonian sandstones of the Kapp eumekes, Cymatiosphaera spp., Nannoceratopsis gracilis, Toscana Group (Stø Formation) and the overlying shale Micrhystridium spp. Ovalicysta hiata, Tasmanites sp.) of the Adventdalen Group (Fuglen Formation) is marked (Smelror, pers. obs.). The presence of Phallocysta eumekes by a thin pyrite-cemented bed (Bugge et al., 2002). An and Ovalicysta hiata support a correlation to the latest intraformational conglomerate interpreted as a lateral Toarcian–earliest Aalenian DSJ10 dinoflagellate cyst zone equivalent to the Brentskardhaugen Bed is present in (Poulsen & Riding, 2003). the middle part of the Stø Formation in this core. In the Nordkapp Basin, there is possibly a hiatus between the The lowermost shale of the overlying Agardhfjellet Late Toarcian–Early Aalenian phosphorite conglomerate Formation contains common to abundant dinoflagellate and the overlying fine-grained sandstones of Bajocian cysts, including Chalamydophorella ectotabulata, age (Smelror, 1991; Bugge et al., 2002). Time-equivalent Ctenidodinium continuum, Crussolia perireticulata, Bajocian strata, as well as Lower Bathonian deposits, have Pareodinia barentsensis, Nannoceratopsis pellucida and not been confirmed on Svalbard. Sirmiodinium grossii (Smelror, pers. obs.) . The assemblage falls within the Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range- zone of Late Bathonian–earliest Callovian age (Smelror & Below, 1992) and correlates with similar assemblages Palynostratigraphy of the Agardhfjellet recognised within the lower part of the Agardhfjellet Formation Formation on Kongsøya and Spitsbergen. According to Riding & Thomas (1992) S. grossii first appears in the Discus ammonite zone in the British Jurassic. In East The present palynological study includes material from Greenland the oldest appearance of S. grossii correlates sections at Kükenhalfjellet (Figs. 13 & 14), Sørstranda to the Late Bathonian Calyx ammonite zone (Smelror and Tordenskioldberget sampled by Larssen et al. (1995) 1988b). and previous records from Hårfagrehaugen published by Smelror (1988a). In addition to the palynostratigraphic On Kong Karls Land, a conglomerate bed with carbonate records, biostratigraphic data published Løfaldli & Nagy nodules containing numerous fossils is found near the (1980), Rawson (1982) and Doyle & Kelly (1988) are used top of the Kongsøya Formation (Fig. 11). Above this for age assessment of the Agardhfjellet Formation. bed lie sandy limestone, calcite-cemented sandstone, sideritic layers and interfingering claystone. Marine The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages recovered from palynomorphs recovered from these sediments give a the Oppdalen Member (lower part of the Agardhfjellet Late Toarcian–Early Aalenian age, comparable to the Formation) are characterised by rare to abundant underlying Kongsøya Formation deposits. The present Sirmiodinium grossii, rare to abundant Heslertonia observations from Kongsøya place the conglomerate bed teichophera, and the presence of Atopodinium prostatum, on Kong Karls Land as an integral part of the Wilhelmøya Chlamydophorella ectotabulata, Ctenodinium continuum, Subgroup. Ctenodinium ornatum, Nannoceratopsis pellucida, Pareodinia barentsensis and Senoniasphaera cf. jurassica Lateral equivalents of Late Toarcian–Early Aalenian age (Fig. 14). The assemblages correlate with the Late are found southwards on the shelf in the Hammerfest and Bathonian–earliest Callovian Sirmiodinium grossii Nordkapp basins (Gjelberg et al., 1987; Bugge et al., 2002). concurrent range-zone as defined by Smelror & Below (1992). At some locations the lowermost deposits of the Several authors have interpreted the Brentskardhaugen Oppdalen Member contain reworked Late Toarcian– Bed as a transgressive basal conglomerate initiating Aalenian dinoflagellate cysts probably originating from the deposition of the Agardhfjellet Formation and the underlying Kongsøya Formation (Fig. 12). NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 17

Grain size Gross Age and depositional Biostratigraphic markers sedimentary environment L i t h o l g y F o r m a t i n G r o u p M e m b r T h i c k n e s structures

Cret. Fluvial

V E T I A - m stream Gonyaulacysta jurassica H å r f a g e - h a u g e n subsp. adecta var. H E L F J E L T Early Hiatus/SB/Incis. longicornis Kalyptea diceras 30 si Trichodinium scarburghensis

py Organic rich l e t shelf muds Anoxic to disoxic sea si

L a r d y f j e l floor conditions Leptodimium mirable Trichodinium scarburghensis 20 py Wanaea thysanota L a t e C l o v i n / O x f r d

si Chytroeisphaeridia i a n

A D V E N T L hyalina

l o v Endoscrinium galeritum

A G R D H F J E L T si Oxic sea floor conditions 10

O p d a l e n si

si Sirmiodinium grossii

L a t e B h o n i C l Crussolia spp. Senoniasphaera cf. jurassica Hiatus/SB 0 Phallocysta eumekes A Marine Nannoceratopsis a n o a r c i n / condensed gracilis K O N G - S Ø Y O S C A N a t e T K A P T A a l e n i L

Figure 13. Lithological profile of the Agardhfjellet Formation at Kükenthalfjellet on Kongsøya, with positions of the key palynostratigraphic markers.

The records of the ammonite faunas with Arcticoceras cf. Paragonyaulacysta–Lacrymodinium–Pluriavalium kochi, A. bluethgeni and A. harlandi from the lowermost part complex. Early and Middle Callovian ammonites have of the Oppdalen Member (previously the Bünsowbukta been recovered from the middle part of the Agardhfjellet Member of Løfaldli & Nagy (1980) and Rawson (1982)) Formation at the Hårfagrehaugen section (Løfaldli & suggest a correlation to the Boreal Bathonian Arcticoceras Nagy, 1980; Smelror, 1988a) ishmae zone (Kelly et al., 2015). Consequently, the lower boundary of the Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range- Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages recovered from the zone of Smelror & Below (1992) is concurrent with this Lardyfjellet Member of the Agardhfjellet Formation at ammonite zone, and the older part of this dinoflagellate Kükenhalfjellet suggest a correlation to the Late Callovian cyst zone is revised to cover the entire Bathonian, not only Liesbergia scarburghensis – Wanaea thysonata concurrent the Late Bathonian as originally proposed. range-zone and the Early Oxfordian Crussolia deflandrei – Wanaea fimbriata Oppelzone of Smelror & Below The lower boundary of the overlying Early–Middle (1992). Characteristic species recovered from these zones Callovian Meiourogonyaulax planoseptata – include Trichodinium scarburghensis, Crussolia deflandrei, Chlamydophorella ectotabulata concurrent range-zone Gonyaulacysta eisenackii, Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. of Smelror & Below (1992) is defined by the earliest adecta var. longicornis, Kalyptea diceras, Leptodinium incoming of Meiourogonyaulax planoseptata, and the mirabile, Lithodinia jurassica, Scriniodinium crystallinum, upper boundary of this zone is defined by the earliest Stephanelytron redcliffense, Wanaea thysonata and appearance of Trichodinium scarburghensis and/or Wanaea fimbriata (Fig. 14). Wanaea thysonata. Characteristic species recovered from this zone in the Kongsøya Formation include The Late Callovian–Early Oxfordian was a period of Chytrosphaeridia cerastes, Chytrosphaeridia hyalia, distinct diversification among the Boreal and Subboreal Endoscrinium galeritum, Rhyncodinium cladophora, dinoflagellate cyst floras, as shown by an increase in the Meiourogonyaulax spp. and representatives of the number of species compared with the older Callovian 18 M. Smelror et al.

Age Palynozones Agardhfjellet Formation Crussolia A sp. Jurassica Senoniasphaera cf. Heslertonia teichophera Escharisphaerdia spp. pellucida Nannoceratopsis Caddasphaera halosa spp. Pareodinia prostatum Atopodinium Chlamydophorella ectotabulata Pluriarvalium osmingtonense Sirmiodinium grossii Ctenidodinium continuum barentsensis Paerodinia Parvocysta bjaerkei Nannoceratopsis gracilis hyalina Chytrospheridia Endoscrinium galeritum aemula Rigaudella cerastes Chytrospheridia Rhyncodiniopsis cladophora lurida Tubotuberella fimbriata Wanaea Sentusidinium A sp. Sentusidinium pelionense Dingodinium minutum Kalyptea diceras scarburghensisTrichodinium Stephanelytron redcliffense longicornis var. adecta jurassica G. Leptodinium mirabile Gonyaulacysta dualis Kallosphaeridium Lithodinia jurassica Tubotuberella eisenackii apatela Tubotuberella Scriniodinium crystallinum

KPL14 x x x x x KPL16 x x x x x x x x x

KPL17 x x x x x x x x x N.Z. Late Oxf. KPL18 x x x x x x x x KPL19 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 44 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 43 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 42 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 41 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cd-Wf-crz Early Oxfordian 40 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 39 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 38 x x x x x x x x x x R x x 37 x x x x x x x x x x x R 36 x x x x x x x x x x x x R 35 x x x x x x x x Bath.-Callovian

34 x x x x x x x x x x x Sg-crz/Mp-Ce-crz 33 x x x x x x x x x x x Figure 14. Range chart of palynomorphs in the Agardhfjellet Formation at Kükenthalfjellet, Kongsøya. Sg-crz = Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range zone, Mp-Ce-crz = Meiourogonyaulax planoseptata-Chlamydophorella ectotabulata concurrent range zone, Ls-Wt-crz = Liesbergia scarburghensis-Wanaea thysanota concurrent range zone, N.Z. = not zoned.

assemblages. The regional differences in the composition Tenuiserratum ammonite zone in NW Europe. Løfaldli of the dinoflagellate assemblages became less prominent & Nagy (1980) suggested a Callovian–Kimmeridgian (Smelror, 1993) and ranges of most species are regarded age for the upper part of the Agardhfjellet Formation as concurrent within the Arctic–NE European regions. based on recovered foraminifera species assigned to the The Late Callovian Liesbergia scarburghensis – Wanaea Recurvoides disputabilis assemblage. thysonata concurrent range-zone and the Early Oxfordian Crussolia deflandrei – Wanaea fimbriata Oppelzone Early Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas with Amoeboceras defined for the Barents Sea region apparently correlates cf. kitchini, Rasenia and Aulacostephanus have been with the DSJ19–DSJ21 zones of Subboral NW Europe recovered from the Agardhfjellet Formation on Svenskøya defined by Poulsen & Riding (2003). The Early Oxfordian (Smith et al., 1976; Doyle & Kelly, 1988; Ditchfield, 1997). Crussolia deflandrei – Wanaea fimbriata Oppelzone According to Doyle & Kelly (1988), the presence of further correlates with the Wanaea fimbriataRange Zone Buchia tenuistriata in the same section suggests a Late as defined in West Siberia by Ilyina et al. (2005). Kimmeridgian age for the youngest sediments of the Agardhfjellet Formation on Kong Karls Land. Early Oxfordian ammonites (Cordioceras excavatum and C. aff. cordatum) are found in the upper part of the Agardhfjellet Formation at the Hårfagrehaugen section (Løfaldli & Nagy, 1980; Smelror, 1988a). The presence Biostratigraphy of the Tordenskjold­ of Trichodinium scarburghensis in the uppermost part berget Member (Klippfisk Formation) of the formation suggests that deposits not younger than Middle Oxfordian are preserved at this location (Smelror, 1988a). According to Poulsen & Riding (2003), The Tordenskjoldberget Member of the Klippfisk this species does not range above the Middle Oxfordian Formation (Smelror et al., 1998) was originally described NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 19 as the ‘Tordenskjoldberget Limestone Member’ of the Dallmann, 1999). The formation is sparse in macrofossils Kongsøya Formation by Smith et al. (1976). In their original (Doyle & Kelly, 1988) and the foraminfera assemblages description, Smith et al. (1976) also included 15 m of shale recovered by Løfaldli (1978) gave only a general Early which is now included in the overlying Kolje Formation Cretaceous age. The formation was not sampled by equivalent (Smelror et al., 1998; Dallmann, 1999). Larssen et al. (1995).

The Tordenskjoldberget Member is a limestone On Kongsøya, the Kolje Formation contains fairly rich unit representing the entire Klippfisk Formation on and diverse assemblages of palynomorphs. According Kong Karls Land. It has only been reported from the to Smelror et al. (1998) the recovery of the dinoflagellate Tordenskjoldberget on western Kongsøya, where cysts Pseudoceratium anaphrissum and Cerbia tabulata, it extends for a distance of around 1 km along the together with Muderongia crucis and Rhynchodiniopsis mountain side. The member was not sampled by Larssen fimbriata, suggests a late Early Barremian age for the et al. (1995), and the present stratigraphic subdivision and lower part of the formation. In the stratigraphic range correlations are based on the data published by Verdenius chart presented by Costa & Davey (1992), Pseudoceratium (1978) and Smelror et al. (1998). The Tordenskjoldberget anaphrissum and Cerbia tabulata only have overlapping Member is dated as Valanginian–Hauterivian. In addition ranges in a short interval in the rudefissicostatum to calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts the age ammonite zone in NW Europe. The presence of Fromea determination has been based on foraminifera (Løfaldli, quadrugata and Muderongia pariata in the upper part 1978), bivalves and belemnites (Smith et al., 1976; Kelly & of the formation suggests a Late Barremian or possibly Doyle, 1988). earliest Aptian age for the youngest part of the Kolje Formation equivalent on Kong Karls Land (Smelror et al., The Valanginian assemblage of calcareous nannofossils 1998). recovered from the lower part of the member includes abundant Watznaueria communis and common Watznaueria britannica, Crucirhabdus sp., Cretarhabdus conicus, Cretarhabdus crenulatus, Palaeopontoshpaera Age of the Helvetiafjellet Formation salebrosa and Zeugrhabdotus diplogrammus. Apparent reworked Jurassic nannoplankton has also been found in the lower part of the Tordenskjoldberget Member On Kong Karls Land, the Helvetiafjellet Formation (Verdenius, 1978). consists of the Hårfagrehaugen Member and the Kong Karls Land Flows (Mørk et al., 1999; Dallmann, 1999; The belemnite fauna recovered from the Olaussen et al., 2018). Palynological samples from the Tordenskjoldberget Member contains common Early formation included in the present study were collected Cretaceous species (Pompeckj, 1899; Doyle & Kelly, 1988), from sections at Kükenhalfjellet (Fig. 15), Hårfagrehaugen including Hibolithes jaculoides, Acroteuthis acmonoides and Sørstranda (Larssen et al., 1995). and A. conoides which are exclusively of Valanginian– Hauterivian age. The bivalve fauna found in the member A general Barremian–?Aptian age for the Helvetiafjellet include Buchia keyserlingi (Blüthgen, 1936), an Early Formation is suggested from its stratigraphic position. On Valanginian to Early Hauterivian marker species in the Spitsbergen, the formation is found between Barremian Boreal Realm (Zakharov, 1981; Doyle & Kelly, 1988). strata of the uppermost Rurikfjellet Formation and the Aptian deposits of the lower Carolinefjellet Formation The uppermost part of the Tordenskjoldberget Member (Grøsfjeld, 1992; Mørk et al., 1999; Śliwińska et al., 2016). contains a fairly diverse assemblage of Early Cretaceous On Kong Karls Land the Hårfagrehaugen Member is dinoflagellate cysts. The co-occurrence of Valensiella overlying Upper Barremian deposits of the uppermost magna, Dapsilidinium chems, Lithodinia pertusa, Kolje Formation equivalent. Nelchinopsis kostromiensis and Muderongia tetracantha points to a latest Hauterivian age (Smelror et al., 1998). The studied samples from the Hårfagrehaugen Member The palynological sample also yielded several, reworked, contain a terrestrial palynoflora of low to medium Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts. species diversity (Figs. 15, 16). The microflora of pollen and spores contains only long-ranging species of a general Early Cretaceous age, including Alisporites spp., Cicatricosisporites spp., Contignisporites cooksonii, Palynostratigaphy of the Kolje Formation Cyathidites australis, Deltoidospora spp., Podocarpidites equivalent spp., Lycopodiumsporites spp. and Klukisporites spp.. Redeposited Pliensbachian to Early Oxfordian dinoflagellate cysts are found at several levels. On Kong Karls Land, the Kolje Formation equivalent is represented by 15 m of shale directly overlying the The Kong Karls Land Flows represent two basaltic lava Tordenskjoldberget Member (sensu Smelror et al., 1998; flows and pyroclastic rocks interfingering with the 20 M. Smelror et al.

Grain size and Gross Age sedimentary depositional Biostratigraphic markers structures environment Thickness Group/ Suite Member/ Bed Lithology Formation

m cl s vf f m c vc cgl

80 Sill Diabasodden Suite

Reworked Jurassic dinocysts 70 Overbank/ Alluvial plain

Cicatricosisporites spp. Alisporites spp. (abundant)

60 In channel fill/ Low sinuosity

Hårfagrehaugen rivers

50 Alluvial coastal plain


HEL 40 Diabasodden Suite ? Late Barremian-Aptian Overbank/


30 In channel fill/ Low sinuosity rivers

Cicatricosisporites spp. Cyathidites australis Klukisporites spp.

Overbank/ 20 Alluvial plain Hårfagrehaugen

n = 10 10 Fluvial Braided stream n = 5

Gonyaulacysta jurassica Hiatus/Incis. var longicomis 0 Kalyptea diceras Offshore Trichodinium Organic rich scarburghensis Oxf./ Kim. anoxic sea floor AGARDH- FJELLET

Figure 15. Lithological profile of Helvetiafjellet Formation at Kükenthalfjellet on Kongsøya, with positions of the key palynostratigraphic markers. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 21

Lower Cretaceous basalts on Franz Josef Land, whereas no Upper Cretaceous rocks are preserved on Kong Karls Land (Fig. 17).

Dibner et al. (1992) described two types of stratigraphic Age sections on the Franz Josef Land; a rift succession consisting of a thin (1900 m) cover of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic strata and a non-rift succession composed Helvetiafjellet Formation

Cicatricosisporites spp. Cicatricosisporites Contignisporites spp. cooksonii Contignisporites spp. Deltoidospora Podocarpidites spp. australisCyathidites Lycopodiumsporites spp. Alisporites spp. Klukisporites sp. sp. Trilobosporites sp. Chomotriletes spp. Pareodinia Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora Sirmiodinium grossii scarburghensisTrichodinium of Middle Triassic to Upper Jurassic and Hauterivian sediments (up to 10–12 km thick). Both successions are 53 x unconformably overlain by Barremian to Albian basalt 52 R R R R sheets interbedded with coal-bearing sediments. The 51 x x x x volcanic rocks also include doleritic and gabbro-doleritic 48 x dykes and sills (Dibner et al., 1992). 45 x x x x x 7 x x x x Dibner (1970) divided the Mesozoic succession of Franz

5 x x BarremianAptian Lt. - Josef Land into six main geological units: 1) Triassic 4 x x x x x shale-siltstones, 2) Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic sandstone, 3) Middle–Upper Jurassic shale-siltstone, Figure 16. Range chart of palynomorphs in the Helvetiafjellet 4) Upper Jurassic–lowermost Jurassic sandstone, 5) Formation at Kükenthalfjellet, Kongsøya. R = reworked. Lower Cretaceous basalts, and 6) Upper Cretaceous sandstone. Upper Triassic rocks are exposed in outcrops, and older Triassic rocks have been documented in deep boreholes. In the Nagurskaya Borehole, a lowermost Triassic (Induan) mudstone lies directly above Upper sediments of the Hårfagrehaugen Member. The youngest Carboniferous limestone. lava flow caps the Hårfagrehaugen Member sediments and represents the youngest rocks preserved on Kong Norian siltstone and sandstone which can be correlated Karls Land. The volcanic rocks on Kong Karls Land with the Flatsalen Formation on Kong Karls Land and belong to the Late Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Arctic Hopen have been recovered from the Graham Bell region commonly referred to as the High Arctic Large Island and Hayes Island boreholes (Dypvik et al., 1998). Igneous Province (HALIP) (Maher, 2001; Nejbert et al., Comparable to what we seen on Hopen at the boundary 2011; Senger et al., 2014; Tegner et al., 2015; Petrov et al., between the De Geerdalen Formation and the overlying 2016, Smelror & Petrov, 2018). Flatsalen Formation, there is marked change in lithofacies from Carnian paralic deltaic sediments to Lower Norian Recent recorded ages of mafic sills and felsic tuff in marine shelf deposits (Basov, pers. comm., 1992). Svalbard and Franz Josef Land show a short-lived volcanic event in Late Barremian–Early Aptian time In the Graham Bell Island borehole, Lower Norian (Corfu et al., 2013). Although less confidently dated, the deposits are present from 538 m to 799 m (Dypvik et Diabasodden Suite on Kong Karls Land and the Kong al., 1998). Diverse and age-diagnostic palynomorph Karls Land Flows are an integral part of the same igneous assemblages have been recovered from this interval, event and province (Senger et al., 2014). Polteau et al. including assemblages with abundant Veryhachium spp. (2016) proposed that the magmatism on Svalbard and and Annulispora folliculosa. According to Dypvik et al. Franz Josef Land represents a distinct magmatic event (1998), the peak abundance of Protodiploxypinus ornatus near the Barremian/Aptian boundary (125 Ma) in the at 799 m suggests an Early Norian age at this level. Barents Sea area resulting in the formation of the Barents Sea Sill Complex. On Franz Josef Land there is no confirmed record of any Rhaetian deposits, and the stratigraphic break may span the Late Norian–earliest Jurassic time interval (Dypvik et al., 1998). Lower Jurassic sediments on Stratigraphic correlations to Franz Josef Hayes Island (Vasilievskaya Suite) comprise sandstones, Land partly silty and clayey, with some gritstone interbeds. Upwards in the succession the content of clay increases. The foraminifera assemblage recovered from this unit, The Mesozoic succession on Kong Karls Land appears to including Ammodiscus asper, indicate a correlation with be closely related to the succession on Franz Josef Land, the Ammodiscus asper Assemblage Zone of Løfaldli & an archipelago of 132 islands located at the northeastern Nagy (1980) covering the upper part of the Kongsøya edge of the Barents Shelf (Fig. 1). The main difference is Formation (Basov, pers. comm., 1992). that Upper Cretaceous sandstones are preserved above the 22 M. Smelror et al.


Marine sandstones

? Salisbury ? ? Helvetiafjellet Fm / KKLF Tikhaya Bay Kolje Formation Klippfisk Fm/ Continental shale and Tordenskjoldberget Mbr sandstones/marine sandstones ?

Marine sand- and mudstones and Agardhfjellet Fm conglomerates

Kongsøya Fm Mohnhøgda Mbr Vasilievskaya Svenskøya Suite Fm Sjøgrenfjellet Mbr ? ?

Thegetthoff Flatsalen Fm

? ? Vasil’ev

Vilcekov Marine shales and sandstones

? Shales

Figure 17. Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous succession on Kong Karls Land, and correlations with the Mesozoic successions on Franz Josef Land and the Western Barents Shelf. KKLF = Kong Karls Land Flows, Fm = Formation, Mbr = Member.

According to Dibner (1961), Middle Jurassic rocks are the ammonite Arctocephalites cf. elegans in the upper part restricted to the southwestern part of the Franz Josef of the sequence suggests an Early Bathonian age at this Land Archipelago. The most complete section appears level (Basov, pers. comm., 1992). The unit partly correlates on Champ Island (Efremova et al., 1983). Here (Cape to the Kongsøya Formation on Kong Karls Land. Fiume) there is a marked disconformity where Middle Jurassic sediments rest directly on ?Triassic sandstones. On marine Upper Aalenian sediments Lowermost, the Middle Jurassic deposits comprise 1 m rest with an angular unconformity on continental Lower of yellow quartz sand with gravels. Upwards there is a Jurassic deposits (Dibner & Shulgina, 1960). Above the gradual transition into dark clay and silt, with interbeds basal Aalenian strata there is an interval of soft clay with of sandstone and calcareous mudstone. Ammonites of nodules and sandy marls (exposed 7–10 m a.s.l., Nansen, Early Aalenian age are found at 3 m, 12–13 m and 18 m 1900), with Aalenian ammonites, belemnites and bivalves above the base of the Jurassic deposits. The presence of (Pompeckj, 1900; Dibner & Shulgina, 1960). NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 23

The following part of the section up to 113 m a.s.l. known from the Klagenfurt Island and Cape Lamon at Northbrook Island is covered with scree (Nansen, (Wilchek Land Island) in the southeastern part of the 1900), but the succeeding 24 m consists of stratified clay archipelago. On Cape Hefer, varied sandstones with with phosphoritic concretions and calcareous nodules. Valaginian–Hauterivian brackish-water pelecypods The ammonite fauna recorded from this unit includes have been recorded (Dibner, 1957). On Champ Island Arcticoceras ishmae, which provides a correlation to the Valanginian yellow sand and sandstones are overlain by Boreal Bathonian Arcticoceras ishmae zone (Kelly et al., sandstones with lenses of coal and a unit of clay-silt with 2015). Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages recovered from the tuff interbeds, lying directly underneath the Barremian same beds (Smelror, 1986, 1987) provide a correlation to (-Albian) basalts. the Sirmiodinium grossii concurrent range-zone of Smelror & Below (1992), which is concurrent with the Arcticoceras Lower Cretaceous basalts are widespread throughout ishmae ammonite zone. Thus, the biostratigraphy the Franz Josef Land archipelago. The basalts lie provides a good means for correlating this unit on Franz unconformably on sediments of different ages, spanning Josef Land with the lowermost Agardhfjellet Formation from Triassic deposits in the northwest to Lower on Kong Karls Land (and elsewhere on Svalbard). Cretaceous (Valanginian–Hauterivian) in the southeast. The igneous rocks on Franz Josef Land range from Further upwards in the section at Cape Flora, Upper Barremian to Albian in age (Maher, 2001). The age has Callovian sediments are documented by ammonites of been confirmed by several radiometric datings, including the genus Cadoceras (Pompeckj, 1900; Dibner & Shulgina, results of analyses of basalt samples collected by Nansen 1960) and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages (Smelror, in 1896 (Nansen, 1900) published by Campsie et al. 1987) characteristic of the Late Callovian Liesbergia (1988). A recent study of the petrology and geochemistry scarburghensis – Wanaea thysonata concurrent range- of doleritic sills, dykes and flood basalts from Franz Josef zone (Smelror & Below, 1992). Land and Svalbard was reported by Tegner et al. (2015). Although age constraints remain sparse they suggested The uppermost Jurassic deposits preserved beneath the that the High Arctic Large Igneous Province was basalt at Cape Flora consist of two thin bands of black emplaced at c. 124–120 Ma on account of the presence of shale. A specimen of the Late Callovian ammonite a mantle plume, with the centre of the plume upwelling Quenstediceras lamberti was found enclosed in the on the Alpha Ridge north of Ellesmere Island in Arctic basalt (Nansen, 1900). The black shale and the ammonite Canada (Tegner et al., 2015). dating suggest a correlation with the Lardyfjellet Member (Agardhfjellet Formation) on Kong Karls Land. As on Kong Karls Land, the basalts interfinger with sandstone, siltstone and shales. The sediments commonly On Wiltchek Land Island, in southeastern Franz Josef contain interbeds of tuffs and thin coal layers. Shale/ Land, Lower Callovian brown clay (with the ammonite mudstone samples from this Early Cretaceous unit, Cadiceras anabarsense) disconformably overlies Upper also collected by Nansen 1896, contain palynofloras Triassic sandstones. The upper part of the clay unit dominated by bisaccate pollen, with common Alisporites, contains Early Oxfordian ammonites (Cadioceras spp.) Brachysaccus and Podocarpidites, and with minor (Shulgina & Mikhailov, 1979). spores (including Crybelosporits, Cicatricosporites spp., Lycopodiumsporites) (Smelror, 1986). Comparable to what is observed on Kong Karls Land, Kimmeridgian–Tithonian strata are also missing at some Based on the presence of Cicatricosporites australiensis, sections at Franz Josef Land. In the western part of the Cicatricosporites sp. A and abundant bisaccate pollen, archipelago, Lower Cretaceous continental sandstones Smelror (1986) suggested that the Early Cretaceous directly overlie marine Lower Oxfordian clays. Upper assemblage is similar to the one described as Association Jurassic strata are found at Cape Lamon, Berghaus Island F by Bjærke (1977) from the Helvetiafjellet Formation and at Cape Ganza on Wiltchek Land Island (Pirozhenikov, on Kong Kong Karls Land. The palynological samples 1961). The Upper Jurassic succession consists of dark clay, from Kongsøya included in the present study apparently with some siltstone and sand. The transition from dark confirm this correlation. Comparable to what is found clay to overlying silty-sandy deposits probably coincides on Kong Karls Land, the Early Cretaceous samples from with the Middle–Upper Kimmeridgian boundary. Northbrook Island on Franz Josef Land also contain Middle Volgian (i.e., latest Middle–Late Tithonian) reworked Middle Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts (Smelror, ammonite faunas comparable to those recorded from the 1986). Agardhfjellet Formation on Spitsbergen are recorded at Cap Lamon and Berghaus Island. The youngest rocks found on Franz Josef Land are Cenomanian sandstones. No correlatable unit has been A unit of condensed carbonates comparable to the found on Kong Karls Land, where the Late Barremian– Tordenskjoldberget Member (Klippfisk Formation) Aptian Helvetiafjellet Formation and the Kong Karls on Kong Karls Land has not been recovered on Franz Land Flows are the youngest rocks preserved (Fig. 17). Josef Land. Lower Valanginian marine sandstones are 24 M. Smelror et al.

Figure 18. (1) Arkellia teichophera. Sample KÜ–34, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bQ34/0, showing the vacuolate structure of parasutural septa. (2) Sirmiodinium grossii. Sample KPL–14, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide b:D46/3. (3) Dingodinium minutum. Sample KÜ–40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bU52/4. (4) Stephanelytron redcliffense. Sample KÜ–40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide aQ53/0, multifocal processing. (5) Endoscriniodinium galleritum. Sample KÜ–42, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide aH43/2, dorsal view of dorsal surface, multifocal processing. (6) Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. adecta var. longicornis. Sample KÜ–40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide U36/4, right lateral view of right lateral surface, multifocal processing. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 25

Figure 19. (1) Leptodinium mirabile. Sample KÜ–34, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bW37/4, dorsal surface, high focus. (2) Pluriarvalium sp. Sample KÜ–40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide b:N49/1. (3) Liesbergia scarburghensis. Sample KÜ–44, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide b:F12/4, dorsal surface, multifocal processing. (4) Operculum of Trichodinium scarburghensis. Sample KÜ–40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide a:Q53/2. (5) Pareodinia barentsensis. Dimensions: 51 x 41 μm, Sample KÜ–34, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide aQ13/3. (6) Wanaea fimbriata. Sample KÜ-40, Agardhfjellet Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, width 70 μm, slide b:U52/4. 26 M. Smelror et al.

Figure 20. (1) Nannoceratopsis gracilis. Length x width = 67 μm x 44 μm, Sample KÜ–29, Kongsøya Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide aJ15/1, right lateral surface, high focus. (2) Nannoceratopsis gracilis. Same specimen as 1, right lateral surface, low focus. (3) Parvocysta bjaerkei. Sample KY–32, Kongsøy Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bN41/2. (4) Susadinium scrofoides. Length x width = 31 μm x 27 μm, sample KÜ–31, Kongsøya Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bR17/3. (5) Phallocysta eumekes. Length = 67 μm, Sample KÜ–31, Kongsøya Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide aG39/2. (6) Mancodinium semitabulatum. Sample KPL–3, Mohnhøgda Formation, Kükenthalfjellet, slide bN44/4. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 27

Conclusions Kolje Formation equivalent containing Late Barremian to earliest Aptian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. The The Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous youngest rocks preserved on Kong Karls Land are fluvial succession on Kong Karls Land contains common deposits of the Hårfagrehaugen Member (Helvetiafjellet to abundant, well preserved, marine and terrestrial Formation) and the Kong Karls Land basaltic lava palynomorphs which are used for datings and flows. The terrestrial palynomorphs recorded in the biostratigraphic correlations of the lithostratigraphic Håfagrehaugen Member support a Late Barremian to formations and members (Figs. 18, 19 & 20). Aptian age for the Helvetiafjellet Formation as suggested by the U–Pb geochronology. The palynological data suggest a correlation to the Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica Assemblage Zone and a Norian age for the Flatsalen Formation, which constitutes the oldest deposits exposed on the islands. The overlying Svensøya Formation is dated to Norian/?Rhaetian to Early Acknowledgements. The present paper is based on material collected Toarcian. There are possible depositional breaks at the base during expeditions to Kong Karls Land arranged by Statoil in 1984 and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate in 1993 (Larssen et al., 1995). of and within this formation. The palynostratigraphic data Thanks are due to all the geologists participating in these expeditions suggest that the lower Sjøgrenfjellet Member (Svenskøya and contributing to the observations and geological sampling. We Formation) can be correlated with the Norian–?Rhaetian also wish to thank Henrik Nøhr-Hansen and Atle Mørk for their Limbosporites lundbladii – Quadraeculina anellaeformis constructive reviews. Assemblage Zone. The earliest/oldest appearance of Cerebropollenites thiergartii in the middle part of the Sjøgrenfjellet Member in the Hårfagrehaugen section suggests a Hettangian age at this level. 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