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1---- ------- ---------------- .,... ■ ^ a - • A * k ' ' t • , W e a th e i" 7 i . Sundayf EEd ditiorfH ^ More News Partly C loudy, C ooler) l e r H Atore' Sports J Familynily CoComics ■eature Section .. The' Magic ValleyVal Newspaper DetlicatedQetlicated toti Serving and Promotingmoling ,tl.the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties Feature ______ — ---------— l j ■ y n l - ■4 7 , N O ^ 108 • 's S S * ' __________T W INliw F A iN FALLS. IDAHO. jJJNQAY._Ay^DAY.^_ausT 1 . ia £ 5 ■ ....................................... TTRN t CENTS ■' F rontier PayiPays ■ t- 9 3 S H 1 Ul .J a T ^e t t n a i n e ^^se c _,i:f EvW tiEnds^ H a n e s BB o o m b Ri e e d 1 Parade, Rode’odeo (See Photo onin PPage age 3) Twin Falls climaxed a week ofnf western hijinksV Satur- ___ (j;iv with a p a r a d e w h ich blendedlod theth e old and the new L m m u ni iti t i o n D u mi p anti a rodeo contrasting beiimifulItiful queen contestants ■ with rfiugh and ready cowboys.. Beth Williams,Willi daugh- P V > ! rif ' ' • r» S AUGON. IG O N , VViet Nam (AP)—U.S. nndmd Vietnai-neseVietn planes dunipeil■ll 2Q2 Q tonstom of bombs ter- nf nr. and Mrs. John WilliiunX^iUiaxnX -Caldwoll,—was-—_C: I— ----- — f ' M , ------- ------- -]^^|SatUirday_iusht.m rday-ius -ii-Noi-4h Viotn;imc!«?^tniuio«?^tm munition--dum p, iiifJictiii}?lictiiif? hh' e a v y - — crowned queen of the Frontier DaysDays, Vickie Webb | ^ - v ; / V * » . ' ■ ’. • • ORC. a UU.S. .S. spokesman reported n d a y . T1 h e f o u r A m o r ic a n 1-104104 jetsje ts and;i 10 Viet--------( i was first runner-up and Gaylee Anderson was second! Ik " nameselese propeller-drivenprop Skyraiderss left thetht buildings at Xom Rung,ung, 75 milesn north- ■v,;;! - ~ I runner-up.iner-up. Th-The hour t long | I west; of the border,b either destroyedI or extensivelyexte damaKod, thee spokosinanspokee said. ra d e vvas more than! ^ a id highlighted an ................. S r - A V ------- 7 - ........................ ................ Probe Into ee miles long and fea-, H ------------- lg of steady air activ- f J - .itlt- l, _ -I d • “ I tureded more thiithan 80 entries. ! " i K W i K ^ - Yietiet NaniN; W ar p'''S insi"N;« in s t N o rth V ie t -Ol lllbisli ll Prime ^ _____ Goetl Slaj^iiigs-jv-d.iir^ide wiimers were, Rupert ----------^— -------(.---------------------------------- N a rn . J liah a .sjio.sjic k e-sraan -----. ------------ call Drug, best all around ; . CoiTfcTi>iiiei’eiice .scribedII the otherolh flights as I lllis tC I' It; Twin i^'alls G range Hill- 0 routini* rcconnaisj^iicercconnai:^ missions | ___ Istei^'T^ ^ faiitinuing ie^?r~tiFM—nrivelty , B u i l e y ~ M ' l h the i^ilols searched m. ilary trn ffic heaijing [ .1 . w»;reties. fir t ilrill finv ^ ' .............. _ _____ ___ lll’CHteieatenccl ome Couniy Sheriff's Posse. ^ 1 ; WASHINGTO t riding club: l.eo Crane and H i ' ' s r ^ i c 7 r.?i^rned safelv, "lIvFIU'tWPOOl.. I., EiFil'iriand (UPI) B Ighter, best matched pair; V | level ^^«mVer‘nccconfereiu m il' l7e'\,eld\ . The iittackers met no ~ -S.iuirda;Saturday night wero H | baffling que.stions as lhe search , j. j ■ iav in Hawaii on details ofi''^' 1'"-' M onday in Hav ground fire or planes in |i"‘stigatiiigting the 1sc'ciiiul th reat 'ID ,pwaJ..fnr...aR ,unknQvm, ^tran-i ^ ;r High School Marching * . i,;,. r,„r Ihl. Sll Iiiiii->ni.,il*’''^’"'>’ ground fir id. ticst b.inarTma~Rn!;5Blr------ ^— _____:______ rarr.vuig — nut_ uui—tu—murder—llrima—:3 l ttie slayings oi m o cam- " ijf—nf"’ buildup of U.S f o r c e s ^aiiiTmrisr-rhtr-mnm- kers. 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. tiun dump. Karnld 'Wilson. Both ^ Vickers, youngest rider. ^ ■"^ • m L i. ^ ‘""- V . ^ threats werewere sentsent to 'IH *"crime detection experts said, Vickers, you TheL' PentagoPentagon announced to- Agr*>und,md, the Communists Wilson’s LiverpoolI con- |M after a six and one-half-hour Thehe parade w;was led by city, day that Gen. William C. West- continued.'d their terrorism m sijtuencv ailiopsv, that Susan R issby, 21, countynty and state police and in- , inoroland.'land, chicchicf of V.S, foH’Cs 1 as well as harassmeiits ' . •’ , . m t B liVmf f i ---------- - ........................,S;m»r<luyuy n»ghtniglu'f;--ltiH»rtlT—liko f ■ J ol Dallas died of strangutation. eludedlod in its entientries several Io- ^ ^ " Wb in Victict Kani,Nam, wtll meet with elsewhere. , , . , <Hu* sentt I riday tn tho edi- | ^ | tfHh n f.iint mark or hand left cal groups. Thev included Buhl ^,l.uirip. F.irlp <;(i__WheeltT t han'- __A t<M-n,iri->tn.irr.t lohlu-dlohl « grtMiafiP ^ ^fjurt^f-*her neck. - They were Tndiane-ttes;—K-iiriianetfes;—Kimhierly Hi-Step- "hivcrpiril evening |H " man of the JotnrJnli Chlef5r n f ^ t 7T<^ mra-n-pnlicepolice chief's'housechte near p,. wu^ iiia3eli.aae up of words cuF unable to say if a pair of hands perss drill icam,teahi, Murtaugh drill ' H nnd Adn\. U. 'SS. (j,.Sharp, coin* downtown,vn .Saigon,Saigon, killing a child ^ewspao nr po^Hibly—a—piece, of tl'Hli _tami. Shrint^j: - ' V H ' I newspai>crs nnd stuck u. ShriniL^J3ricnlaI band,_ 'V. H B V nu\nder-in-chict,!er-in*chicf, Pacifu”, at aiui wt)undinguncling a vvomun,\s two po- ,„,er on plain w'lillo [>a|)ur. :aused her death. ' Frontierntier Riding Club’s Junior -• ' ' •• • •• ' * _ [)’s•'* beudquheadquarters in Hawaii, lice officersiccrs and threei children. fl , . , h The cause of death for Shirley drill team'. I-r Itcst threat said plans I_t e am'. F ro n tie r Riding AN.AN, JJNIDES ^ /N I^ F ^ m P lF n w httw Ttinnci-swiaRS-~at-Negra giulfipg nt_] demonstrator in1 Americus,Americus Ga., Saturday*^i^ncn ~ cm pha- E arlier itvit^ 4he-eveniiigr4 h e-e’ a-grii^ Snn-Stnric, «lst> at-ffiltt-frot<P©5l= nciaif^Bumi.-Buhl Junior-RidingJunto Cluh,“ ^Oiietie Ncgrb“Ncgrb”^ waFfiit~In iTieTiead withith a pistol^pistol during tho scufMc. (AP wirephotc I h a t ^ e Tmc-dtTy - scsmon ■n'ndD“^vcnt~nff^ncnt~nff^n' a n ' A^stroHnif it^ul^bccir-niaJc-ao las, IS "inconclusive” nt the Twin Falls Junio was for discusdiscussion of means to enlisted men’s 1billet, 'slightly ;^;^n during-ing- ht^shis ^next visit to n Falls Junior Riding Club, * ^* * * * ■** * * present time, said Justice of Eaglelie Scouts OOn rd er of the Ar- - • . im plem^ment ent I’rcI’resident Johnson’s woundinglg one Au*Australian guar(i. HuyU)n, UIt said lrthe labor lend- nji Pcace Jerry Dellana, who is row., Jerome Possettes,Pos Jerome ■ - • buildupup order and did not indi- About 290 mile;miles northeast of betrayed the working inducting the inquest. Countyntv Mounted Sheriffs Pos- §-•§-■ Ubsession any- new major steps or Saigon, the VictViet Cong attacked f md was responsible for __^ He refused to speculate if she se, FilerI-’iler Junior Riding Club, )emonstratorstors in ^ obsi any sudden enemergency. three outpostsimposts oon Highway 1 Nam situ:.situation. , ft-as strangled also, and with- r-jierr WranglerettesWranglere and the AMARII.I.O,AMARII.l Tex. (AP) Wheelericeler is diis due to leave Wash* early Sundayunday in aun u p p ar 9 nt ef- A spokesman<csman forf< the Lancn- 1 t held a-formal inquestV verdict Mountainintaiii Home Air^ Force Base M- — The Rt. Rev, Msgr. ington msometin sometime Sunday. fort to destroy highway and shire Countyuunty polii^jpol said tho for at least another week to give color)r Guard unit.unit VjrV^^JX J \rchibald Monroe Bot- He willwill retu return Tuesday. railroad1 bridges ialong the vital threat wasas not beingbo taken .sc- 1 „„e for more pathological Jeorgia Attackt a c k e d ' oms, who said he had —' north-southluth route. riously but3 ut a full investigiuion :veral families marched or m obsession fpr trading ' XT fT 1 ^ grtheless being n:nde. i as groups, including the AMERICU!AMERICUS, Ga. (AP)—Five Negroei TTlM im ni - ^ government'ernment sspokesman said was nevertheless I “filnna said ii was impossible"T!:i lutomobiles. was placed J_| ^ ,_----- J 1|. *1 1 ----------jmux-lhait-ltUl-rnilan-ltULroiinds of m nrlar ----------- ----- 3—fam ily ivith - a -liJiid cu rr r 'Whe1 en~yyhtni~ n—V7htn;~T in i-n ti r rn rfe p-/T~flp mZ nn r ! <; : i ! rmnr-- . T . T . m—0 —twffyeny p robntion ... -...............■ --------------- ■■■‘Hhim—hntr—Num.*l.ll Npnt '■ —- ■ -. j - 1 ien rarwd. becamtr-of-rhc dc- ----—HrunibachSrtimlyicJL .m d!'__iamllyiJ eastst Georgia-Georgia^wtuSaturday-shocUy-bcfoihocUy-bcfow>-funcr-al-sor— — afterrft^r pleadingpleati guilty to inted and the Ed Vogel fam- yjcQs fo,- a , o^dttu^n .. Of _ the ces for a white man shot down on ea street corner car:ar theft.theft, UC 5c IIIIamct siJurm g st of the northern city of gaining----- — ™ ald.tim e^etirr^«C lor - W ednesday Tlight.Tl About 500 persons atlattended the sqr- “ The Roi , o* • Hue. Ai VietnamVietnamese air force • , Bodies of the two TcJtas sarocii---- Tll!l_h t r£)deo._whrodeo._which will award The -Roman Catholic ~ Tfc*ll O* :es jQL.Anciniw,.,A.. Wtia,itfiy..2U iHmfa irieiJ.. /la^-a^ilLed i^Leal> r . V t lane-Avas sent to Ihe at- | .rk tltlll"i t i 1 1 - ! 1 1 m — Tv s ^ te :''TgW~vSmnnOT''j'inv n .