Midsummer Night's Dream to Be Next E52 Production for Nual Formal Art

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Midsummer Night's Dream to Be Next E52 Production for Nual Formal Art Z113 VOL 60, No. 14 Midsummer Night's Students Wanted Dream to be Next Want to e m som money? The D lawar Coil ge Commons E52 Production have replaced some or th 1r The Play Selection Committee of help with students. Mor tud­ ents will be given jobs. s M tbe E 52 Players has Just announced Ort in Old College now. G t tbat it has scheduled Shakespeare's your name on the list early 111e:rry t an t a s y A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM for production bY t.he Players on May 15. In order Art Department to tnsure proper preparation of this ciaastc. tryouts are to be held next Exhibits Water k. Anyone who is interested in trying tor one of the many roles Colors by Member should report to Mitchell Hall be­ tween 3:15 and 5:30 on Tueday or An exhibition or Water Colors by Wednesday of next week. members of the faculty of the Uni­ versity of Delawar Art D part­ 'lbls production will be directed ment opened last Saturday in the by Dr. Alvin Kronacher, visiting professor of Dramatics. During his Art Gallery of the Memorial Library long and extensive career in the at the University. The exhlbltton will continue through February 28 European Theatre, Dr. K.ronacher has staged Innumerable pre.senta­ The Water Colors are Landseape Uons or the works of Shakespeare done in d11ferent parts of our coun­ and so brings to Mitchell Hall a try. "Carmel Mission" by Harrle great artistic and practical baek­ Bailey, was exhibited in the Phila­ d ground. delphia Annual Water Color Show at the Academy of Fine Arts in that A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S city, during the months of Nov m­ DREAM, one of Shakespeare's earll­ ber and December, 1941. er plays, is one of his most delight­ Two of the paintings are Dela­ ful comedies. It shows the great ware landscapes. "T .M. 1808", by range of the dramatist who could Jane Gardner, is an interesting old 1n tbe same period also write a stone shed of that date on a !ann spectacle as harrowing as TITUS near Newark. Miss Gardn r is a ANDRONICUS and a tragedy as member of the National Assocla ion beautiful as ROMEO AND JULIET ot Women Artists. Two of her It contains a number of excellent Water Colors were included in the c:cm1c roles as well as several ro­ Annual Exhibition of that Associ­ IDilltle parts. ation held last month at the Niotlon­ Cop1es of the play w1ll be kept on al Academy of Design, in New York reterTe in the library. All persons City. ftlbing to try tor parts are urged Elizabeth Chlld is represented by to read the play carefully before Water COlora done on a trip to the ClCJIDJnl to tryouts. Thls shoUld be West Coast during the summer oi ikme with an eye towards detenn­ 19-41. tnmg What part or parta the appli­ Abo on exhibition with the Water cant wt.shes to try for, and what Colors in the Art Oallery is a cue Interpretation 18 to be giYen to that of unusual hand-wrought jewelry nlle. Tryouta w1ll start promptly by Edith Eigner, who was form rly at 3:15 on Tuesday and Wednesday, a member of the Art Department but applicant& are reminded that faculty. they may come at any time before 1:30. Extenalve rehearsal! w1ll not be­ Choir to Broadca t liD until after the SJX'inl Vacation, but Dr. Kronacher wishes to begin Over WDEL, Sun. immediately on individual rehears- W'hlch wt11 be acheduled at the The University of Delaw re Choir ClOil't'enlence of the memben of the and Madrtgal singers will have era1 numbers bro.dcut next Sun­ day, Pebruary 1.5 , a 11 :30 o'cloc when the program rraneed by Sig Eps Preparing Leonard Quinto, pr dent of th music on ot the Dela are 8 te FAucatlon Asaociatlon, in coopera­ For nual Formal tioh w1t.h tile National Broad Company, wW be pr nted at tfon WDEL and wtll be nt over the Red Ne rk ln a to cou program 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAVI ARE REVIEW CAMPUS CAMERA The ID4t itttittu Vacuum Cleaner Tht ffici•l tudtnt Ncw3pttp r of the University of Delt~wart By Jaclulon and Georre ThJs column 1s not expllcl ly for ounded 1882. Publi,hed every Friday during the college year. those Interested in growing plant&­ ub cription $2.00 pre ye~r. anywhere in the United tate . anyone desiring fert1llzer tor any ingle copy; ten cents. purpose wtll tlnd it most convent nt. • • • ffice as second class matter., FAMOUS LAST WORDS : Our friend, Gordon Wilson, as he Mttnbrr IIC,.IIC.&NT&D ~011 NATIONJII. ADV&;;:• .. ING IIY disappeared in a cloud of smoke a n National Adverti ing Service, Inc. the end of last semester lett these Coll111 PubfJsb'"' R•IH'•sn~ltdwl parting orders, we quote, 'Give • m 420 MADIION AVIl, NlfW YOIIK, N. Y, the other barrel, George, Keep 'em. CM1 ~ uo · eono• • Lot A••n•• • ••• ru•c•eco flowing." • • • ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN l!DITOR-IN-CHIP.F DEPT.: T M MINKUS Dear Miss Readan Wright: I am 1n love with seventeen girts M•n•ging EJitqr ....... - .............. ----·--·------··---- Dave Soellenburg down at W . C. D. and want to take A IOcitltl &/.itt»' .... ·--·-·-.. --- ·------.. -----·-------··· ... Carl Allen them all to the Stg Ep formal. What shall I do? Who shall I take? Co,~rihuli"K Btlilor . -·····--··---·-····--·---···-------···-·······--· Bob Siemen Hearts and Flowers, o,.lributi"i PAIUor -----·-·····----···--·----· .........- ......Tom ~cripp! ~f!Jil !111A~ ~~0 Victure Mature D1 Sabu __ ..... ................ Bill Piper, Jack Dougherty fj/IJI MOST FAM<X.JS FAMILY IN GRHK-LEffER HIS'TOI!Y/ 0 o o- PMis Editors Dearest Vic: P111ure &/Jfor ··-------------··--····---·-··-·---· ..... Norman Bu.nin All WERE MEMBERS ~ SICdMA CJV /!if 'l"E VNIVE1611Y rJ! MI~ISSIPPI FRDM 1899 10 1912 Don't worry, you won't take­ lle~dlin rr .. ..... •.. Jame Quinn you'll be taken! I Love and , Rtporlrr.l •d gate , '43 · Bill England, '43; Bob Dickey, '43; Ja.ck Miss Wright Warr n, '4 ; Lloyd Jones, '43; ick Tybout, '43; Leon Heck, '43; • • • Arthur Mtllnun, '44; ick A delo te, '44; Robert Brodie, '44; Eddy Ja.n-bt' Jawn Ballard is halt way on the wagon-he's cut out the olin, '44; Walter ill , '44; Bernard Tannen, '44; Bert Steinman, '45; chasers. Jack K ·tty, '4S. • • • Wanted: I n f e r n a 1 contraption B IN· MANAGER with wheels to keep end of sword eonard Lip tein from dragging on ground. Call Sigma Nu House, ask for Gen. Grier. Hi tatrl Dmint•s Memagtr ----------··--·--·--··--····- Gil Speig I • • • Jt•t'rlifing Managrr ···-·-·-··-······· .. ·---····--·-· .. Harty Zulz Wanted: Baby to mind. Must be ( ir ulalion Managrr _ -····--· Harold EngJjsh 18 years or over. Call Harter Hall Letters To The Editor and ask for Acpe (one ere to the ,irrulalifm uk ~ William Hitchens, M lvin Ko tcr, elections) Butler. Mr. Edward Butler the boys haven't turned in a win at • • • Warn r M rrill, Iifton I y. every meet. Of course not. You're c/ o THE REVIEW Jackie-boy J~, the btg cheese a sensible ma.n. from the wicked city, and his in· Dear Ed: 1942 As to the Cauldron's being out amorata have phtted. Jackie-boy Say, you ought to write for the is now rummaging among Ule ruta· of place at Delaware, I still can't Cauldron. Or rather, you and Al baga rustlers from the provinces for agree. Of course, I know what they Boning ou ht to. I like your style. a new SOLEmate. ·br ry .·... might print instead. But you can't, I mean I liked tlhe styl of that • • • Ed. It's illegal. Hi buddy Norm Lord, the male it~ library. It 1 tter of yours 1n last week's RE­ Sincerely, venus, still sports that Florida ta.n. collection o£ VIEW. Norm definitely Ukes marmalade­ S. Bernard Ableman You know, Ed, you shouldn't be so or should we say jelly? (; . mod st. The Cauldron editors told NOMINATION OF THE WEEK me that they didn't receive·a single Editor For number one glamour boy or llne from tther you or AJ . Why THE REVIEW the c u r r e n t debutramp season­ that's terribly nn.sty of you boys, de­ Frank "Mr. Beautiful' Annancl r Sir: • • !' priving th world of the fruits of In THE REVIEW for F bruary e, your talenta. ORCmD OF THE WEEK I note a ohall nge by Mr. Charles To Jack Ketty-Mother Natur Don't misund rstand me, Ed, I W. Bush, class of 1903, concerning hJt the jackpot. just llke our literary sty! . I don' o. walk to Wilmington. A challenge • • • FOUR ROSES OF THE WEElt Is a cho.lleng , and I accept on be­ To "Touchdown" Ba.rlow for h1l hail o! the "soft" college students. magnificent, 1! not s u p e r b, all I make no cla.ims as to my hiklng around basketeertng. prow Frankly, I don't know • • • wh th r I can accomplish th feat Walt Paul, of the Maison de Trainee, has put on so much etgb or not, bu I am w1111ng to giv it lately, that he can no longer w a ry. Tctny taUoni's clothes. I should like h ever, to point • • • out me circumstan , whJch I biek Reints AU Ben Otto mad safari to New York during the mld· bell v , tend to put me at a disad­ interim to see tbe lov lY cr a ure.
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