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Salisbury Advertiser 01-1899.Pdf (13.63Mb) Midax Bwsdealers. _____ liool nt Mrs. Letitia Balder Houst* i> ; i ;.;;() j>. u. tag friend* in Philadelphia Tyaskiu, Bt. Mary's 'Chapel. There Martin, a,re«p«eu- ('i [-Mrs. Watterm Miller and Miaa will be Evening Prayer and sermon at Iraham spent this week in Philadel­ young man of this city, died suddenly 8 p. m. • ,','.- ' ,'i^,,.; .'•'•.: ,' phia. Wednesday morning at the home of FFANKUS B. his mother, Mrs-Truitt, on East Church The five/year old son of Mr. A, J. street. He bad been at work at hiu fooka was found dead in bed last Sat- trade in Wilmington and came borne a |rday morning. Come and get posted on good<* dur­ few days ago. suffering with a severe ing our January Bale. Birckhead A; cold. Tuesday hia condition was im­ Carey. | Mrs. L. W. Dorman gave a domino proved, ISut a relapse Wednesday morn­ arty at her home on Division street ing took, him off. He died of heart fail­ Notice Birckhead & Carey's adver­ SALE Thursday-afternoon. ure. • The remains were interred Thnrs- tisement In another column for their Rev. T. E. Terry will preach at As- dav afternoon in Parsons1 cemetery, January sale. That Has Ever Been Known in Salisbury bury M. E. church next Monday and the Order of Red Men attending in a I Tuesday evenings. The revival servic­ body. ' es will continue through the week. Some weeks ago Mr. Robt. F. Mat- ATBERGEN'S. i paperintendent of • thje hospital thows brought to the office of the AD- its that all persons having bills VBBTISTB a small animal which he had Blankets, Flannels, Comforts, Cotton against the institution shall mail them caught in a box trap. The animal some­ i at once. what resembled a squirrel but had a Flannels, Ladies' Coats and Capes Samuel Cox and Sallie Davis of different tail. Mr. Matthews thought were married at the M. .P. par- that it was a spermophile. The animal ALL AT HALF PRICE! taiage Tuesday evening last by Rev. was shown to Dr. Hasbrouck who sent Warner. /. the head to the government office in Washington for an opinion and learns Remnants. Remnants. T— Jfj. J. A. Bethards of Hebron kill- that it was the head of a prairie dog. last Monday which weighed The prairie dog and gopher very much Best dark Calico ...... 3c Best lOcCanion' Flannel 7691 pounds dressed. It was a cross resemble each other and both belong Best oil red Calico... 2j^ yd wide Wheeling, Chester and Berkshire. 3c to the spermophile family, which by Best light Calico. ; .v ,. Yard wide Muslin. .. \ir. Byid Lankford, who under­ the way te,large, including in addition to those named ((round squirrels and EKHJUGNCE W SHHJP OF ROS Best 8c and lor. dress went an operation for appendicitis a is due not only tp the originality and Best yard wide Pci'dale. few weeks .ago, has entirely recovered all that family. simplicity of the combination, but also Best*6c Canton Flannel Ginghams, ....... i.again attending to husines*. to the care and skill with which it ! manufactured by scientific processes These are only a schall part of bur Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Morris will en­ hmsui DrawMsl ii Dock. known to the CALIFORNIA Fie SYRUP These goods are all new Irom the mills, no old stock, and ! tertain a party of their friends this Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon ^ __ aJnjC ihiionor of their sis­ Henry Erbsmehl,-about 40 years old you ^et what we adverdie. a watchmaker and jeweler of Laurel, all the importnpeo of purchasing- the ter Miss Wright of Dorchester. true and original remedy. As the WMS found drowned hi the Deleware genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured Rev. T. H. Lewis, D. T>. President River at Walnut street wharf, Philadel­ by the CALIPORHU. Fie -SrBOP Co. F^EMEMBER! of Western Maryland College will phia Monday. At noon a colored man only, a knowledge of that fact will this i«i no hwpibug sale, but everything in the store will preach in the M. P. church Sunday named Alien Evans was watching th« assist one in avoiding the worthless be sold regardless of cost. Look lor our large hand bills morning. The pastor will jjreaoh at bubbling of the water caused by a sew­ imitations manufactured by other par­ night. er which empties into the dock, when ties. The high ntancTlng of the CAU- and prices OPEN AT NIGHT. roBRiA Fio Svm'-r Co", with the medi­ he noticed a man's shoulder in the StissLotta Morris of Greenwbod, cal professiop.'jvnd £he satisfaction water. He had seen the object several ph. and'Miss Matilda Wroten of which the gvmiiuc Syrup of Figs has times before, but at ttrst thought it to given to millions of families,- makes rille, Del., are visiting their un- the name of tlic^ompany a guaranty THE PRICE WITTER. jmnt MT. and Mrs. David Wro- be only a coat. He called a watcmnan who was nearby, and 'with a bosrthook vpf, the CMellcncc of 4ts remedy. It is BERGEN, they pulled the body from the water. lairfti advance of all other laxatives, as it acts <m^ttnv 4f«riTibys, liver and rter has received The body was badly decomposed, and bowels without irritntinK 'or weaken­ from the vfl- the head was out in several places, ing them, and 'it dtx-s'Tiot gripe nor on reach 8 evidently by the logs which float in the nauseate. In order tOget its beneficial »where hi dock. The body could not have been effects, please remember the name of washed in from the river, as a large the Company * stone bulk head separates the dock from bis in­ CALIFORNIA*^ STRUP CO. the river. The body was sent to the JANUARY SALE. THURSDAY. JAN'Y. 19. to his morgue, where it was subsequently MDUTILUC. Kt. Perry desires identified. ere for their pat- Erbsraehl has been missing from his OUR ANNUAL home since December 16th, when he FOR RENT. The House and Lot corner William deal of sick- went to Philadelphia to have some sil­ 8t and Poplar Hitt.Av*!. belonging to pong those that verware engraved. He had a consider­ able sum of money with him, it is said. Mrs. A. P. Waller. Possession gived at who for A watch and fob chain and a Masonic once. Apply to Jlwith pneu- mark w«re fonnd on the bodv. MRS. ELLA CANNON ^Lessee. January handsome In away by will be in full force on THURSDAY, JAN] Hay. The ARY 19th'. During February we shall | Mrs. John a complete reHovataon of our large store, _ died at his LACY THOROU6H600D S it is rather compulsory that we shall redu'c* Vast Sunday icnown to some our stock. This will be the ,IB county where he put announcing the tnar- GOT THE GRIP. IGREATEST SALE OF THE ENTIRE YEAR [iward D. Mitchell Of this jUtie Messiok. The cere- meantime, while we are preparing [perfornied next Thurs- Everybody who pretends to be anybody has got it If! you In the |at7 o'clock at Trinity haven't got it you'll no donbt g«t it, for not to have it prove* that our goods for your inspection at the great yonr'e not np to SNUFF. Got what? The grip. Some people ^uth. say it's a 3NEEZY thing to get, some people say it's apt to catch sale, we made a few prices on i services at the follow- ou when you're not looking, and some people think it so extreme- nday, January 18th. fy fashionable that they go and BLOW about it 60 on the street church 10.80 a. m.; and half the people have the grip. Go into the Peninsula Hotel , church 8 p. m.-, Royal and almost every traveling man that arrives has a sample case of MUSLINS. lirch 7.80 p. pi. A. A. Grip. What do the doctors give yon for it ? Usually some nasty These are all new goods, direct from quinine, some powders to reduce the fever, prescribe a rest, take i at railroad wrecking your pocket-book, hand yon back a nickel, and they take the rest. in original paokasges, guaranteed first i successful, have been Even Lacy Thoroughgood has got the grip. What sort '? Grip > Dover on the Delaware on the clothing and hat business in Salisbury. It took Thorough- Fruit of the Loom Muslin, Sic* litorday. Nobody good more'n a minute to get the grip. He's got it, and he* didn't Androscoggin, 5c. and the railroad catch it from anybody else, and.didn't get the same sort that any- ft *»Kh only. l#dy else has, but Thoroughgood. don't intend to lose it: R you . Pride of the West, Sic. have a friend who ha« the grip get him some 50 cent silk hand-*' jJsfesB kerchiefs of Lacy Thorougngooa for a quarter, and let him blow 4-4 Bleached Muslin, 4c. sti- himself. Selling overcoats, suite, and Hats the way Thorough- Unbleached MutUn, in good does helps him to keep his grip. There ia hardly a thing ,g». chat a man, boy, or child wants to wear that can't be found at 4-4 Unbleached Muslin, irill Lacy Thorougngood's store in assortments far beyond what most the stores can show you. And as for prices, well, Lacy has been call­ ' Sheeting, K ed names for selling things so -cheap. If you have the grip yon need one of Thoroughgood's oyr^coata. If you haven't got the,, grip yon ntill need one of Thoroughgood's oVerooats.
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