Brother Yun,Paul Hattaway | 352 pages | 18 Oct 2002 | Lion Hudson Plc | 9781854245977 | English | Oxford, United Kingdom Open Letter Regarding ‘The Heavenly Man’ - Asia Harvest

Note: This 'Open letter' is just that - open. No permission is needed to reprint it or forward it to those who need to hear this message. It can be posted on other websites, but only in its entirety. Please mention the source of this article as www. I would like to ask you for your most valuable commodity - your time. Just ten or fifteen minutes should be enough. My request is that I might be able to openly share my heart about a matter of concern that has grown among some sections of the Body of Christ in recent months. From the outset of this letter I want to clarify that I have no desire to attack anyone at all. This is not the motivation. The desire in writing this letter is to stand up for the truth, and to let the Body of Christ know that there is a totally different side to a controversy currently raging throughout Asia and in many places around the world. Edmund Burke once famously said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. This verse has been weighing on my heart. After consulting close friends and advisors, I am convinced that now is the time to speak out on the matter which I am about to. Nobody has asked me to write this letter. I am not a member of any board or committee of the Back to Jerusalem movement, nor do I receive The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun royalties from The Heavenly Man book, as I agreed to before I started writing the book. I write this Open Letter simply as a friend wanting to testify on behalf of another. In I wrote a book called The Heavenly Man. It is the testimony of Chinese Christian Brother Yun. To gather background information and verify the testimonies included in the book I interviewed many people in who were eyewitnesses to the events, as well as spending a few weeks with Brother Yun going over his story. Even while writing the book I knew two things would happen. First, I knew the book would touch and bless many people's lives, simply because Yun's testimony is remarkable. I knew that despite his weaknesses and flaws, here was a man who walked with God in a way that Christians around the world hungered to see demonstrated. In Western churches especially there seemed to me to be a growing desperation among believers who were sick and tired of tradition and the status quo - they know there must be more to the Christian life than they had experienced. In Yun's life and testimony there is an example of humility, faith and perseverance that could speak into the lives of many Christians. The second thing I was quite sure would happen is that the book would bring great opposition from some in the Christian world. It seems that change is rarely - if ever - welcomed in the Church. Church history has shown it is easier for a sleeping church to attack the messengers of change that God sends, rather than accept their teachings and possible corrections. This was the case with the Old The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun prophets whom God sent to , and this has been the case throughout Church history to the present day. The ironic The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun is that Yun's message is really nothing new or revolutionary at all. In fact, it is as old as the Bible. His message is centered on the cross of Jesus Christ, and the victory of faith that comes to those who trust in the Lord, even in the face of great trials and persecution. Let me start with the positive side. At the present time hundreds of thousands of The Heavenly Man books have been distributed, in almost twenty different languages. I have been really blessed and encouraged by the feedback of Christians from all parts of the world - from India to Iceland, Argentina to Zimbabwe - who have written to say how the book challenged and inspired them to a deeper walk with the Lord. A pastor of a small church in England wrote to say he was deeply touched by the Holy Spirit after reading the book that he purchased one for every family in the church. They too were inspired, and motivated to pray more and share the Gospel. Due to this fresh commitment to the Lord the church doubled in size in a short space of time! Even some well-known Christian leaders have been blessed by the book. The German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke wrote. This is what happened to me. Anyone reading these pages will not remain the same. Brother Yun's testimony wakes and shakes us up. This is the message: In the fiercest persecution God's people, filled with the Holy Spirit, are invincible! They out live and out die the The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun of God and fill the world with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are condemned to Victory! This is not only true for China, but also for the rest of the world. It will make you realize how unworthy you are in your own faith with the Lord. No words are good enough for this book and the faith that was shown by Brother Yun was beyond comprehension You just have to read it because if you don't, The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun just missed a gift from God. God Bless you and may He speak to you the way He has to me through this wonderful book. Next to the Bible, it The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun been the most convicting and moving book I've ever read. I realize more how good it is to know Jesus and how sovereign He is over the world and in our lives. The book's convicted me to desire to live a more sacrificial life for God, given me more of a heart for the nations and scripture, and renewed in me my sense of need for God's Spirit and presence. I highly recommend this book. There are a few truly rare books out there that can genuinely change your life for the better: this is definitely one of those books It's a modern-day classic that will, perhaps, challenge your faith and your life as no other book you may ever read This is what genuine The book is a rare treasure. Don't miss it, OR the Message. This is the best book I have ever read. I sat in the middle of Africa reading this book, and it left me grateful for everything. I finished with the strongest desire to see the Kingdom of God come no matter what the cost. The story and life of Brother Yun created an unquenchable desire to go to China I will be there in June one year after reading the book. The most skeptical of people will be left amazed by Brother Yun's life and sacrifice for The Kingdom of God! These brief testimonies are a small sample of how thousands of people have felt, and for that we are grateful to the Lord. May He be glorified! At the same time as these encouraging events have unfolded I have watched as a campaign has arisen strongly attacking Brother Yun's integrity and his testimony. At first I didn't think too much of the attacks, putting them down to the constant opposition that anyone serving God inevitably faces. Having known Brother Yun for a number of years and have seen the slander and opposition he has endured. Some of it could only be described as extraordinary. The main source of these attacks is a website hosted by a Chinese man living in Hamburg, Germany. On the website he gives his name as Lin Mushe, but his real name is Titus Pan. This website is completely dedicated to trying to destroy one person - Brother Yun. It is in Chinese, English, and German, and spares no effort in trying everything possible to make Yun look bad. It is full of outright lies, slander, half-truths, and nonsense. It has even gone so far as to publish fake letters from Chinese believers denouncing Brother Yun. When these people were contacted they were shocked and distressed that their names had been falsely used to slander a brother whom they loved and respected. According to a statement issued by eight respected Chinese pastors who investigated the claims made on this website. We have checked the accusations thoroughly and found the accusations to be false, baseless and a distortion of the true facts. In addition, certain persons being quoted in the accusations also deny having discredited brother Yun in anyway. They also expressed their displeasure of being falsely used, out of context, and without their consent and by distortion of the true facts. From the very beginning I took a strong stand against these malicious attacks and have told Titus Pan my position on many occasions. It is sad and regretful that he would allow the enemy of the church to work through him in this way. All that The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun has said The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun is saying is totally false. We pray the Lord will work in the hearts of sincere people to see the truth and support Brother Yun, whom God has raised up. Bizarre as these accusations were, many Christians especially Chinese believers living outside China have believed these accusations. Surprisingly, even some senior well-respected mission leaders were taken in by them. Various critics and opponents have emerged, some intent on doing all they can to destroy Brother Yun and his reputation through gossip and innuendo, content to pass on false information as fact without making any effort to verify it. This false information spread like wild fire not only among Chinese Christians, but to many Western missionaries and pastors have also jumped on the bandwagon, even though "they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm" 1 Tim. Almost every day I receive emails from people who have heard something via someone else, who in turn met someone who read it on the Internet! This kind of reasoning is completely unbiblical and extremely dangerous for God's people to indulge in. All Satan has to do in order to destroy the reputation of one of God's children is to start a few rumours. He knows all he has to do is put it out there and the believers will do the rest of the job for him! This is exactly what has been happening in the case of Brother Yun. In China, for whatever reason, this sin tends to be especially prevalent. It is sometimes difficult to find anyone who has anything good to say about anyone else. I believe it is one of the biggest weaknesses of the Chinese Church, and one of the main threats to the tremendous revival that God has blessed them with in this generation. Part of the problem is that around the world the Chinese house churches are usually presented in all their glory, as great men and women of God who live in perfect harmony. Brother Yun - Wikipedia

At sixteen, Yun's life is forever changed when his mother urges her family to accept Jesus as their saviors and to commit their lives to following God's way. Yun does so and their first prayer - the restored health of his father - is granted within days. Yun's thirst for knowledge drives him to ask questions of his mother, but she had accepted Jesus as a young The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun and now doesn't remember much. Unsatisfied and longing for information, Yun goes in search of a Bible. In China in these days, Bibles are illegal and the one man who probably has a Bible refuses to allow Yun to even look at it. Yun is told that if he wants a Bible he must pray for it. When that doesn't produce results, Yun prays and fasts. It takes weeks but one day Yun has a vision of two men giving him a Bible. The two men show up and Yun much later learns that the owner of the Bible had had a vision of his own - that he was to give the Bible to Yun, but he hadn't acted sooner out of fear. Yun immediately begins to study diligently until the day he hears God command that he must now spread the gospel as he has learned it. Yun begins to answer requests to preach and teach, though the responsibility carries incredible danger. In fact, Yun is arrested on the day he goes with his future wife, Deling, to buy a marriage license. He is accused of causing social unrest and of disturbing the peace with The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun preaching. Yun manages to evade the law for some time except for some minor brushes but is eventually arrested. He is in jail while Deling gives birth to their son, Isaac. Yun is released but both he and Deling know that his light for Jesus is so bright that it will attract people hungry for the word. This proves to be true, and Yun is arrested when their second child, Yilin, is just seven months old. Yun is tortured, held in solitary confinement and threatened, but each time he meets pain with courage and continues to share the gospel with anyone he encounters, including prison guards The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun convicted prisoners. When he finally escapes China, he begins a tour in North America, talking of his experiences in China. When someone calls him a liar, Yun is hurt but soon comes to realize that he is not free of persecution even in a country where freedom of worship is a protected right. Read more from the Study Guide. Browse all BookRags Study Guides. All rights reserved. Toggle navigation. Sign Up. Sign In. View the Study Pack. View the Lesson Plans. Plot Summary. Chapters One through Four. Chapters Five through Nine. Chapters ten through Thirteen. Chapters Fourteen through Seventeen. Chapters Eighteen through Twenty-one. Chapters Twenty-Two through Twenty-Five. Chapters Twenty-Six through Twenty-Nine. Free Quiz. Topics for Discussion. Print Word PDF. This section contains words approx. Themes Style Quotes. View a FREE sample. The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Summary & Study Guide

Brother Yun was involved in the Christian networks in China during the s and 90s. Accounts about his life and ministry are to be found in his autobiography, The Heavenly Man. Brother Yun's book tells both of great persecution, and a surprising series of miracles of deliverance very similar though often even more 'extreme' to those The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun in the Bible. Despite a life of poverty in China, he since has spoken to thousands internationally with the Gospel message. Seen as a rebel among some Chinese for not joining the government-controlled Christian organizationhe was imprisoned and tortured by the government authorities. His book reports that he became a highly wanted man across several provinces. However, Brother Yun continued his ministry while in prison, with more claims of miraculous results. As a result, many prisoners and even prison officials are reported to have become born-again Christians. He was repeatedly beaten and became severely malnourished. After many years in prison, he escaped from Hangzhou from which it is reported that nobody had previously escaped. Despite the risk of being shot, he wrote later that he obeyed the voice, and walked straight through several closed prison doors in front of many prison guards, across the prison yard and finally out of the main gate. Brother Yun stated that it was as if he had become invisible to the guards who stared straight through him. His ministry struggled briefly when Chinese Christians became increasingly fearful of housing him because of the potential repercussions from government authorities. In he was imprisoned in Myanmar for seven months. He is married to Deling, with whom he has two children. The Heavenly Man is an autobiography of Brother Yun detailing his life from the age of sixteen, through his three accounts of incarceration, and ending in his exile to Germany. He gained that name from one night of interrogation when he would only answer "I am a Heavenly Man! Released in Februarythe book is co-written and translated by Paul Hattaway and published by Monarch Publications. The book Living Water was released in and, as with his previous book, The Heavenly Manit is also co-written and translated by Paul Hattaway. It is published by Zondervan Publications. Lin Xiangao has stated that Brother Yun falsely claimed to have fasted without food and water for nearly twice as long as Jesus, and falsely claiming to represent 58 million house-church Christians, and raising large sums of money in many countries. He also insists that Brother Yun in no way represents the house-churches in China, [10] although Lamb admits he has never met Brother Yun nor read his autobiography. This controversy has not been without defense. Paul Hattaway, the co-author of the book has published an open response [4] that claims the attacks on the credibility of Brother Yun are rumours originating with Titus Pan in Hamburg. From Wikipedia, the The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun encyclopedia. This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediatelyespecially if potentially libelous or harmful. The Heavenly Man. Lion Hudson. The Age. Retrieved 3 March The Gospel Herald. Retrieved 10 January Living Water. UK: E-N. Retrieved 3 April Biography portal. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Brother Yun in German Chinese. Sister De Ling [1]. Evangelical Christian. Chinese house church. Back To Jerusalem movement.