t' Ration Calendar Warmer OAS "Aft ~.U •• D' , •• ,.,. .. •., lIt CO .. PIE .0IlpO. ~a •• ,t,.. 1(10)' ..; IIUOAA .0.,0. CI oxplt.. .a, fll IOWA: Warmer today in aed E ",eat ,tam" Iuplre MaT It; 0, H. .ad J ".",,1 e-splre .a, II, DAI'LY IOWAN aU portions 01 laOl8 ••• ,.. n J .. THE es,l... a U. the ltate. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper -...-- FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, MAY I, 1943 VOLUME XLm NUMBER 185 e oa I a e

HOUR AFTER HOUR, DAY AFTER DAYI T 'Axis. Counter· OHensive, Appears Imminent Expiration of Work Contracts " . 'In ,Bloodiest Fighli,lig Since Allied Drive Began Between UMW r Mine Owners t! ------ALLIED H.KADQ 'AR'J'BHH IN NORTH AFRICA (."\P)­ Axls de[el1~il'e ~llIashcs readlcd the propo\·tiolll; of n counlm" Hull Denounces Vichy Paralyzes Virtually All Fields orfellsiye yC'steruuy us eueJIIY tutlk,.; lIud infallh'Y weI" flung ulj8iu t recently captlll' 'u ullied positionlS all aloll" UJC front. 'rhe [iglJtillg rose to tile b100diCllt pitch 'illce the BJ·itish. Contacts in Severing NEW YORK (AP)-;\Iining of coal in the lIitcd States­ Americaus allu Prcneb began their all·trollt uril'c to thl'OW the both in the bitlUnil10lls Aud the anthracite [ields-"irtuAlIy enell1Y in,to the sea. Martinique Relations stopped at midnight last l1igl1t, with the expiration of work con­ Before the stl'ongcst of ulL axis conntcl'littaclc-ll"aillst the tracts between opel'ators and the United Mine Workers of America: Djcbel Bou Aoukaz o\'erlooking' tho opell plain lellding down to I It WAS 8 stoppage wIdell, if eventually 100 percent efecti"e Navy Watching Island; would strike at the yery vitals of the production of e ential war Tuni ·---the BI'iti~h l~'ir~t IIrmy WIlS beating back strongly from generally maintained positions, French Plane Carrier, material . . It came lifter- nearly two month' negotiation had failed to pro­ '1'0 the uorth the AIlll'l'ielillS made slight "uiu ', although forced Cruisers Immobilized to n"h\ off lIncndin" encmy cOllnler-thnlsls, duce an agre ment in UIC bitmuillou field for a $2 daily increase Di 'putches II'om the field put olle Al1Ierican forcc. fightiuj.! ill pay lind podal to pOI-tal y tem of payment. and aftel' a month WASHINGTON (AP) - The of uu \I{'ce ' 'fill confel'ellce' O\'er 1I new ant hracite agreement bea'r­ aloll!,'Sidc th e Fl'CI1(:h, wit.llill 1hrce lIIile!! of Lilke Achkel alld United Stutes h(Js broken 0(( rc:la­ witbin 20 airline JUiles south- tions with Martinique Dnd our in!! much the same d nliUlds by the min rs. \\' t of Bizet'te it$elf. 'fhis was navy fs w;ltchlllg developments in It WIIS timatcd by minet and operatot alike her Ulat no ill the Red.icnane \·a11 l')' .. the island territory-only segment more than 20.000 workmen in both coalfields wet' immediately Another FI'cnch force, b at­ Stalin Foresees 2nd of the olloe-v&Jt French colonial ff -ted. b enURe of tll com· ing I'ol'wal'd upon Bizel·tc along empire which is not under Ule pOl'lltiv Jy fcw night sbift . axi~ beet lind yet remaills alOOf Bnt 1h08 \ who did throw dowu Ihu Mctlit.crl'uneull (·Oa8t. ad­ Reds Throw 150,000 Front on Continent il'om thc WOl·. I'WlCed 2~. miles . to the Djebel th ir tool and walk out join d 'I' ('crelarY oC the Navy Kno", 1\ tOllTO to a point about 22 miles Red Premier Scoffs 'OllIe 100;000 ' other bitllminoll , d west of Bizerte. To the SOUUl s~ealdllg latc yesterday several Men in New Drive or solL coal. workers who began hours after Secretary HuH had an­ II French troops operating below At Hints of Peace leaving thelr underground Jobs d Pont du tahs c;:a\ltt,l.l'cd the 1,'7 12- nounced the abrogation of In fol'm­ I, loot Djebel DerhatJa. lalk With Germany a L agl'eements wit.h Mal'Unique, On Caucasus Front several days aio. There had been Enemy Withdraws declined to indic

the mau who fibds it diffienlt to pay one T SOFT UNDERBEllY OF THE ~ "AX-US-. THE DAILY' IOWAN rent will lind it infinitel.,. mdre so to pay I 'OHt",,.,tJ"9 .- I OFF 1C :IA l DAlL Y UltETIN PublJ8hed every mominl ercept Manda,- b7 two, and hiJ distresses mu1tiply." Item. III the ~ CAL1:NIIAlt .1'& .....eduJed in the 0_ Of the 8unuIIG' 8MaJon, tV-I Eut Hall. e,' .1« the a1tJilElWo Student PubUcat!om lncorpol'llted at 124-130 Without contendin~ tbat W88bington were I TID WAil HBW~ NOTlCE8 ~ Ilepoa/led "ltl> the campUI 01 Th. Dal17 Jo.­ may be I.u:ed III the box !)rol'l4ed lor e1r deposit. In the ."...., Iowa avenue, Iowa City, IOWL he alive today, would be a upporter of the The D Iowan. GENZRAL NOTICES mun be .t Th. ia : 6t!m •• n ...... U.'.. JO,..I.... '" ~ 4:18)L1D. the ...,. -preoedJJI,I ~ py!>II ..IIoI1: noU_ -pay-Il!!-yoo-go system of 1aXII.tion, it may De aoeepled by t>!lepbol1e. and mun be TYPED OR L'IOdiil Board of Trusteer. Clyde W. Bart, A. Crei& mentioned tha it' certainly troe of tax­ • Hitler Reviews last WRJT'lnI and SIGNED by • te$pol1llble penon, Baird, Kirk R. Parler, TaCk }d0)'el'l. Clmn payel'S as well as rentcl'S that "the man who Safurday, May I, INS Borton, Blaine Aaber, Elizabeth Cbll'lton, Dill finds it difficult to pay" one week's taxe will Of Quisling Visitors IIlcLauihlln. Cind it infinitely more difficult to pay The SOrry procession of the thirteen we k ' 1 \'Y, and "his distr. e mul­ satellites and Quislings through UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Fred M. Powna1l, Publilher tiply.' , Hifler's headquarters, 5ymbolizin~ John J. Greer, 8uainell Mmqer And if Gen ral Wa hington were alive his mobilization of a11 the re­ Tuesdar, May • t'The Physiology of the Elrperi. Regional student conference and mentally Impaired Liver," medical J~ F. Zabel. MI_ t.oday and bad 10 pay the current income tax sources within his grasp for the · ff' amphitheatre. Jeanne sta:rr Park, ManlliDi EdJIor rat ,he would lle for lander the man who summer's deCense of his fortress of eonte s t on tnter~ Amerlcan a all'S, Monaay Mar 17 !l8id that he one threw a ilver dollar a r a r y annex-'Mond8Y; i' lavoJ'lIble to military opel'at ions along th(' 5:30-Musical Moods sions. She knows she has at least office. Such reports will be avail­ Saturda'Y, 7:50 a. m. to 12 M. and across the icaian strait" should not bl' great Il'Ont fl'om 'orway southward. too difficult of passage for a coordtftaied. 8-Morning Chapel 5:45-New8, The Dany [owall one more terrible summer, third able about May 15. 1 to 6 p. m. Thi i an ominolls (although not widely 8:15- Muslcal Miniatures 6-Dinner HOur Music of this war, ahead. HARRY O. BARNES Education library, East h811- allied aUeuk, 11filitiTlg the ill.crl'aBrd 1Ia1'al .noted) fact in view or 1hc repeated public 8:3Q-News, The Dall Iowan 7- Treasury Star Parade "Not many days sepal'ate us Rerlstrar Monc\ay-Thursday, 8 a. m. to 8 power ancl thfl air (/olllil1011l'('. 1'0111 Of'ail­ , latem fit by 1\1e ~. Roosl'velt and h\lrehill 8:45-On the Home Front 7:15-Reminiscing Time trom great events," said IzvestJa, p. m. and 7 to 10 p. m.; Friday. abl 1'11. thai orca. that EUTop WOllld b invaded, not on orie "8:55--Scrvice Reports 7:SO-Spor ·time nnd the army pllpel' declares that STUDENT dHRISTIAN Saturday, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. "the enemy will soon learn how Medioal library, medlcallabora· • • • but on . y ral front. thi year. 9-10wa League of Women 7:45-Evening Musicale COUNCIL our peoples' reserves have grown." (See BULLETIN, page II) Th n w Am l'i au Fifth Army and 1ht' The PlIliicular pots for attnck, a well a Voters 8-Voice of the Army Sunday afternoon at .. o'cloek Brit' h F' t Amy have arcaly b n mll· d 9:3Q-News, The Dally Iowan 8:15-Album of Artists The empha Is is on reserves. the Student Christiall council will 1he time, arc natul'all.\' e'ret, but, in g n l'lll, 9:35-Proifam Calendar 8:45-News, The Daily lowen There is good reason to believe hold its first summer meeting in np in tho north African 011 rations to dat . the pro pect. are too obvious to be secret. But neral Patton' ond Army Corp . that while Hitler has been scour­ the PilgrIm youth fellowshi-p Invasion of Norway would break tbe Tazi ing Europc Stalin has been con~ with til four .Ainerican divi. ion Illteady in rooms of the First COnllrega tiolla I hold on eandinayia, free the pre sure on The Network Highlights centrating tremendOUS resoul'Cl!S. church. All new group Tepresen­ action &gllirut the Nati. , lind the great British • weden, and limit Nazi supplies of fish and 'I'm, bnlk of the Red army taUves are urged to attend. The Eighth Army :llouM b able tb shift sufficient iron ore. has had two or three months to leader of each group should see xperieneed officers t<> clil'ect thes fresh It • • rest, refit and rel'fOUp since the that hls group will be represented By JOH'N SELBY 9:15-Nothlng Serious troop intellig('ntly and eagerly. General Invasion of Denmark cOltla. lwnZ/y be NBC-Red titanic exertions of the winter. on the council this summer by two "The Fifth Seal," by l\Iark Alc1a­ Eisenhower, moreover, h88 at 11i di posal atlcntpted 1wiil Norway 'was clea.red. Bitt WIIO (1040); WMAQ (670) Althourh there was fierce Ilpt. representatives, who should be nov (translation by Nicholas Gen rol Aloxundol', who is tochniClllLy General CBS present at this first meeting. I10lland and BeZo,:tl11\ offer shortest WJ\fT (600) IIII' in March, with the Germalll Wreden); (Scribners: $3). Montgolll ry's j m m e d iA t e superior and EDWARD VORBA air'eet route8 to the hcOI'! of Germa?!Y. 6:30-Nonh Webster Says presslnr a counteroffensive in Mark Aldanov's "the Fifth General EiSl'nllOwer's lirst assistant. 7-Abie's Irish Rose 6-Report to the Nation the Ukt'ame, all Indications are STUDENTS NOT IN RESERVES Seal" is the best novel I have Tb original occupation of north Afriea • • • read by a contemporary Russian ~'he "azi have "'reatly improvcd the road 7:30-Truth or Consequences 6:30-Thanks to the Yanks ,(See INTERPRETING, page 5) Unless you are deferred from was 8. well-planned and w ll-executed three­ 8-National Barn Dance 7-BatUe of the Sexes in 10 years. It is also the best and eonc ntrated r serve for shifting greater novel chosen by the Book-of-the­ dimen. iooal effort. The irripaneling campaign def n. j"e powe to auy point oC inva ion in 8:30-Can You Top This 7:30-HObby Lobby for fhe trait of Rieily shonld bl' just n 9-Sports News, Bill Stern 8-Hit Parade Month Club since LeGrand Can· tho. cotlotrie, and down the cbannel eoast of non's "Look to the Mountain," and ('ffe tive. 8:45-Take a Card France. Yet we can get air supremacy over Blue 9:15-Spotl.ight on Rhythm Hollvwood Sights and Sounds one oC quite a different sort. invll. iOll points there, and dirrct invasion is KSO (1460); WENR (890) 9:30-ConCidentially Yours Novels of the "QUiet Flows the possible. 10-News, Frazier Hunt Some Facts About I America/ Lloyd Douglas Don" type can be crashing bores Serf Farming- lnv!Ulion in the outh aloha. been 6-Adventures of the Falcon for most of us, chje!ly becawe And 'One Man's Family' llpon COlJUllunism calls fot· wbat i!l lenown II col- promiJ eel by tb authol'iti s. Th finalncql1i­ 6:SQ-Dtlllny Thomas MBS they depend for credibility an understanding of ideology. A 100tiv farming. nder thi pllll1, ~ovcrnment sit ion of 'flmisia will, of Olll e, give us the 7-News, Roy Porlcr WON (720) By ROBBIN COO!'l8 novel is people and what they 'do, buy 01' !leiz . farm land. It t h n /lell or 1 8 e uearest air bases for invaion of • 'lei! and 7:15--Bo,J.on Symphony Orches- it, to fannel . USllally the tenant, or parbap Italy. Bot it is apparent, earlier or simul­ tra G-American Eagle Club IIOLLYWOOD-Shori takes {t'om at'ound th lots: primarily - secondal'i1y only it is 8:15--Edward Tomlinson 7-This Is the Hour what people think. The proof buyers, lire nl10wed a small tract of land for taneons invasions could be att mpted east of 8:30-Victory Parade of spot- 8-Chicago Theater of the Air Production has stol'ted on "America," King Vidor's story of stands on the English literature gorden .and pasture purpo, es, alld Al'e re­ Haly, through nrdinio, against the southern light Bands 9:15-Saturday Night Bondwa- American industrial power. Which lis interesting becausc the shelf or any libra~·y. It also ma.1 q\lired to work the lllrgtl tract, or collective coast of Fronee-or from Tripoli ond Ben­ 9-John Gunther gon feminine lead will be Ann Richards, a yOlmg Au tralian ... Ro. be seen by openIng "The Fittll farm, on a hore basis, the collecthi8t colony gasi bru es into Greece and the Adriotic. publiCI plans to spend mme than a million on "Oay Blades," first Seal." taJ'dng SOme of the prodllct and the go'Vel'n­ ...... starring vehicle for Vel'a H I'll bu, Czechoslovnlcian figure - !fkating Aldanov is not writing a "Soviet ment taking some for toxes or so·called pay­ Allied Air Power Is IIp''emc- THE DAGWOOD SPECIAL champion. Miss Hrnba is the gil'! who received 100,000 marriage novel." llhat is, bis 'feader doel ments on the land. Allied dominance of tbe air is what has pr'opoS81s hecausc, when she fir, t came to this count,·y, she was in not look into the Soviet hierarchy This plan was brought to the United States mad all observers so confident of sWift final danger of depol'tat..ion . . . to watch it work, but exists· for a from R"lssia, where farmers were 01100 slaves I'll! c in Tunisia. Th Am l'icans and British Lloyd C. Douglas' best-seller, "The Robe," will be f[]mcd in time inside a group of Russianl of 181'ge landowne"1's, thon tenant'!, IlJId, after praeticaHy rule th nir. technibaseball -picture, "Whis- he is not out to· cut the ground of Ow oo1il11ilmiKI average. He i. notll how6\'er, we might takc BillcM.e ditectly. But DIddle Diddle," il U.A. epic abou't tling In Brook1yn," is b~\ n ',g Il'Om under Soviet feet, merely to fighting to prevent himself from becom. the t".o caSier key entrances to both 'l'unis and bUrlesque. A1so cast ate Constance ClImed. We are assurcd, hOWeVer, write about modtn.'n Russians in ing tJte ,lave of an eve1~ tltore oppressive Bizerte lic at Pont du Fahs and Tebourba. Bennett, Adolphe Menjoll, Pola that there wiU not be the usual the same spirit he \hites abOut maslel', Adolf Hiller. • • • Netri, Dentlis O'lCeete, Billie annoying viollltion~ of baseball model'Il Fren'cl'lmen. ' . ~ . , o1lective tanning hlb! flOt "orked well Once (he Bri(ish and French crack Burke and Walte'r Kingsford, . . etiquette, such 3s tOllT buts to an He makes a curious and /tel • • • inning. . . . A fottner drama Iri'o- Ug'httu1 effect of jt 1111. The al1l- in the_ United tates, fortunately. It is now OtlJlJe, tll.4J Gec1lta71.'8 sltOltld be slmk. If Columbia has signed Jerome fessor at Bostol'l UniVersity, Wl- bassador, his secretary, his ~. under the care of the Farm, eeurity Admini­ they can press 01~ throl~g1t these two Kern and Ira G e r sill w ~ n to liam R. Anderson, hilS been signed tOllrage and his vain actress.Wlfe stration, which has poured millions into point" to Ttmt's, they 1vill ease the task of write music and lYrics for a tech- by Oolumbia liS dl1l10gue c'lll'eclor. are' first met on a special ran,,'81 these ~ eotrlmunist C!Xpe:riments. The one in the t'ight fl411k 0/ the Eig~t1t Briffish nico1or musical, "Cover Girl," ... Anna Neag1e afJC! Ray Mil- car as it is drawn across Getmall1 A rkansa'3, known as Phlm Bayon Homesteads, army in the mott1ttains to the Mst and w'hkh will star Rita Hayworth land, who iirst appeared together toward the kihgdom to Which ibl is now said to be a wreck with on1y twenty­ might etJe1t t1t1"ll nort1twarcf; Q11d lake ahd do righ·t by Jinx Falkenburg. in "Irelle," win be 'tamed ,aglrln ainbassador is accredited. Befort two f}f its ninety-six h()olle1l occupied. Bizerte in "evene befote we CQ1I (Jct Ihere ... Jacques Toumeul' will direct in one of the 4!!nrlyscenes of The journey ends th~ pllf'ty .... SQII'leh(JW the American f81"Uler is ne\'er 80 the IJh01'ter, 1r.ard~l· way. "This Is Russia" tor RKO. . .. "Forever unci a Day." known by t'he tehdei, ana pet. poor tbat he mllllt long snrrender his indc­ E1lilne She par d, New York Ann Miller, Rochester and feclly. More than Cud-it 'be­ • • • "queen of mOdels," debuts in "'l'he Freddy Marlin's orchestra lire in comes obviolls in whal spirit eai:lt peoo6lIce .and. self respect to -g.oventBleat Most Bizerte fOJ'rifi(lations fRce the sea. Falcon in Danger," alsb RKO. .. a new musical. "What's BUizin, o't the men and women is iOiIii agilnts seeking to rope him into what lIit f~ But the 'French (befOl'e fhe NltZi" came) also Samuel Go1dwyn has in mind a Cotfsin?", .. ,Olivia de Havilland to approaoh his new asSillhfn~'" fathers fled Europe to escape. He (teteSt8 erected' a fortified sand dnne Hne on hiUs return to the days of the Gold- has the I'ornan'tic title role in and a kind ·of fj'ame~vork is thui ila,;e&, whether the mllster wielcls II btln Whip 8Outbel1l!t of the eity to hinder linch an opera­ tvyn Girls aa ne look .. for "thc "Covcrnment Girl," the Adela set 'up. . or ali FSA .loan. tiOD. 16 most beautiful girls in thc I nogel's Sl. Johns serial purchased Then the "outsiders" are btoujlt ld~tbods of attack u1fed by til!! allies, how­ world" for his ne.w musical , "Up I by R'itO .... Samuel GoldWyn in; men like the chamberlain whO tn'Cr, &uggeBt that the tighteuing JlOOS& is be­ In Arms." Among those who gol has signell WaIter Brennan's 19- soaks up everythilli he hear." ing pre8Red. 'equally hard from all sides. screen breaks as Goldwyn Girls ye!ll'-old daughter, Ruth, for a hili memoirs, and ..he 1WtB 6. Washington, landlord- .,. were Paulette Goddard, Vil:a,inia screen d/!but in "NorTh Star," ... W'r.itel· Who at 69 years I\IIS TffO" _ Oen. George WashlngtotJ. bad bis tnmbles That I'astronomic epic. tbe DarwOOll Speolal, comlll&' up! Blo.eDt Bruce, Betty Grable and Lucille The screen v e r s Ion of "Cry lu\lonary :Yea:rnmgs, bI:1t 1dat .. B8 .. landlord, according to a Jetter ""lllclt 11e l'Vdr to End After Electlom'- SaO .... Columbia is working on Havoc," which Broadway didn't pdssion 'lot sliclt' comtdtf* a ... The ohly current prediction on the end of and Darwood-Penny Stn,leton and ArthUl' Lake-don'i. seem &0 "oote from WbHe PIaU!&, N. Y" dated August I a tnln to be tftled "Officers' Can- lhte as II play lar/rely because of ~ne ' an<'r coffee ~ewed '1n tbiIIIt the war is being cireu1ated by the financial didale SchOOl, '1 wbich c'i!rta inly its· tlhp1easan't ehdinlt, 'has A'ftfl glalis 'gfldgllts. ~,'Uke -( ]5,1'778. General Wasbington said: IqTee 011 What CODIdtutea a m1dn"bt mack . . The · "BMINlte.. ~ ..... l/JIIi IIfl61'. &get' Bab80n-l wbo thinks it win last 1 shouldn't mislead anyboay.• _. Sbthern, M~le Oberon and Fay !Il'I~ l~l'ely ti1m, ftle ~w.r "I could wish YOli to press my,WaatIU t& l1e The Edward G. Robinion picture, !Sa'l1ltet In 'the l:oll\ ... _ attitudes of Europe pass b,.. . punctual in the payment of their-rents, as until after the elections in 1944. II a favorite on Columbia network. THE D'A:HY' IOW;I\ N, '1 '0 W A ' CIT Y: lOW A r PAGE THRE! George Glockler MUCH RARER THAN A DAY IN JUNE! QUEEN OF FOREIGN TRADE WEEK Shirley Holtorf Wed annr"D"""",, Masons Among Iowa (ity People To Charles Sieichter Speaks on Relation Prof.-Emeritus Frank Aodlll'son. The young married prople';; In Iowa City Church Of Chemistry, War of Dartmouth college i' visiling g r 0 u p o[ the Congregational church mill at lhe hom (I[ th this month in the home or his son Shirley Hollorf, daughter of In Modern WOTld Rev. and Mrs. James E. Wael'y, and daughler-in-Iaw, ProL and 725 N. Linn street, for 11 potluck Mr. and Mrs. John Holtol'! Jr. of Cheml8trY in relation to tbe war Mrs. T. S. Anderson, 327 Black supper and social Thursday night Denison became the bride of the subject of a talk by Prof. Hawk street. nt 6:30, Charles Sleichter, son oC Mr. and George Glockler, head of the Mrs. Charles G. Sieichter, 529 • • • · .. . Brown street, in a candlelight The Rev. and Mrs. James E. cbemistry department, to members Mrs. RUtll Hamblin of Mal'8hall­ cI the Mason ic organization at Wacry. Mrs. Thoma ~ Reefe and ceremony Sunday night at 6:30 in \llcir noon meeting yesterday in towo, president of lhe Rebekah Mrs. Dick Jones Icft this morning the Methodist church, The single \tIC Masonic temple. Assembly o( Iowa, i~ \'l~itillg in for Dc.~ l\IoinCl; to attend lhe Con­ ring service was read by the Rev. American chemists arc at a dis­ tile home of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph gregational Christian church. tal(' L_ L. Dunnington. tiDd advantage because they Rayner, route 4. conf!'rence. They wilt letum to­ Donna Holtorf or D nison at­ tended her sister as maid of honor Uni_ began developing synthetic prod­ • • morrow evening. ucts before lhe ,war, the professor Mrs. P. E. Donnelly and daugh­ · . ,. and ErnCl>t Hixon of Ames served JlleI. Now th eir chief .problem is tel'!', Joan of Gral!ton, N. D., and Ml·~ . Ruth V. Towner, 200 S. as be:;! man. fl pansion. Although Qn n small Mary Hclen o( Phoenix. Ariz., Summit ~t",('l, and Norena Dl'g­ The bride wore a light blue teale, we Ilad laboratories 4L,\l millls on one announced yesterday by County and Mrs. Baldwin Maxwell. HI E, N. Vnn Bur~n street, will leave Mf$s Andcrson will wear a beige in popularity in northeast Iowa in will attempt to answcr their ques· ,allon of gas. Co-chairmen Ben S. Summerwill Church street, this week. today for Williamsburg to attend street lenith dress wilh black rent years, tions concerning the program. l The conservation commission To qualify [or th V-5 (naval By making special alloys of and Frank D. Wi1Iia111~. Up to the • • • the wedding of Ellen Malloy to accj?ssOl:ies and 1\ corsage of gar­ CAP Will Participate has announced that il) anticipa- aVlotion) program, high school I tOpper, our chemists have also close of business Thursday, WiUl Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Edwin Kinney of Iowa City. denias and red roses, Mrs. Wimer a I helped war plants to eliminate Fl'idny's sales of bonds yet to be Mackey, 419 E, Bloomington strllet, will weal' a black dr s with block lion of the sea~on, it has stocked graduating senior must be 17 years • • • the htrcams of Iowa with 150,000 old, Ilnd mUbl rank In thc upper dnngcr [rom sparks. Tools made In Mobilization Days added, a tutal uf $1,240,449.39 had this week is Mrs. S. H. Guge of Ml'S. E. B. Forrest of Paola, and white accessori 8 and 0 cor­ from thesc substances, wh ich arc been invested in wur bonds. The Mason City, Kan., has been visiting in the home sage ot pink and white carnatfon~. ll'gul len.sth tl'out, as it docs coch half of the men in his high school yeaL Further stati '!lcs of the com- graduating class. Each man must fxtrem ly hard, do not chip and Attorney Emil G. Trott, acting Quota set for thc ~ounty at the of Mr. and Mrs, Emert Carson, 406 Following thll ceremony a wed­ • • • mission indicate thut dUJ'ing the 31so be recommended Cor the pro-­ cause spllrks. commander of the Iowa City beginning oC the Alwi! drive was Dr. lind Mrs, Ralph A. DOl'ncl', Iowa avenue. Mrs. Forrest left ding dinner will be served in week ended April 10, \here was a gram by a board of faculty mem­ squadron of the civil air patrol, an­ $1,060,000, 109 Grand avenue, hnvc as th ir yesterd<1Y morning to attend the Meredith's tearoom. nounced Thursday that the group Not only did thc county exceed guest this week Mrs. Dorner's wedding of hel' son, James For­ The b l' ide and bridegroom total of 211,000 trout hatched in bel'S of hi.'! high school. Physical O.E,S. Past Matrons will participate in the second an­ its quota by $160,449.39, but it mother, Mrs. C, W, Bloom ot relit, to Shirley Kauffman 1n gl'adualed from Montczuma high the btute's trout hatcheries, willIe aualifications include normal vi­ Will Be Hostesses nual "M" Illobiliza tion days of the also provided morc than its shal'e aurlington, Bngley, school. The bride is a senior in some 7,194 aclult !ish were stock.ed sion without glasses, normal hear­ Iowa wing, to be held in Des of the additional $10,000,000 which thc University of Iowa's school of In inland slt'eams during the same ing apd normul coiorperception. • • • • • • period. There should bc plenty [or Applicant· will be provided gov- At Hospitality Club Momes May 22 and 23. state officials had added to Iowa's Visiting in tile hom I' of Prof. and Weekend guests in th home of nursing and will graduate in July, Acting Commander Tl'Ott said original quota of $100,000,000 after Mrs. Edward F. Mason, 818 N. Prof. and Mrs. Baldwin Maxwell, The bridegroom attended Iowa all. emment transportation to and Hostesses for the Hospitality that there arc now several vacan­ the revelation of Japanese slaying Linn street, is Mrs. Mason's 111 E. Church str et, will be Mr. State college at Ames and ls a The conservation Commi~sion from St, Louis lor theil' exlll'llina­ cies in the organization and an of American tlyers, mother, Mrs. H. H. Eaton of Al­ and Mrs. Jacques de La Chapel1e junior in the University of Iowa's has for Cree distribution a map lion. club this afternoon wiJ.l be a group showing the locations of the representing the Past Matrons club ef10rt is being made to bring it up toona, Pa. and daughters, Zoe and Rene, of schOOl of medicine, Mr, Olson is a vorious trout streams in thc state. of the Order of Eastern Star. The to lull strength before the "14" .. . . Kenilworth, Ill. Their son and member ot Alpha Kappa Kappa, clu brooms in the Community days, Anyone over 18 years of Mr, and Mrs, Lyle A, Vester­ brothel', Cadet Chru'les de La Cha­ medical Iratel'llity; Delta Chi, 'Y' Groups to Poll Congregational Youth social fraternity, and Phi Mll ., builc!ing will be open from 2:30 to age is eligible, and thel'e is no ex­ mark of Winfield, La., visited Mr. pell , is stationed here at the Navy SUI Students In Efforts for Projects 5:30: Service men, including pre­ periencc reqUired. The only pre­ llnd Mrs. H, W, Vestermark, 1607 Pre-Flight school. Alpha, honorary music fraternity. T !UghI cadets, pre-meteorology stu­ \'cquisite is on interst in 3viation Group Plans Mixer E. Court street, on their way to Also os their !West will b Lt. I Hospital I In Summer Program pents and members of other in any of its many phases. Wisconsin. They arc expected to R. E. Urnr! de La SUSSI'. He is . ------Mary Jane Nevllle,~-- A2---- of Em-. branches of the ormed services, A mixer planned on a carnival return for il short visit tQmorrow from thc ~'rench navy and arrived The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. metsburg, ward C53 lit ~\~ inv\\ct\ \0 attend. Modern Mixers Plan theme and including social dancing and Mondoy. in the United States on the Riche­ West Branch School will pool their eIrorts In several Bll.Iiness girls, university co-eds will be given in the socinl rooms lieu. Aranl Sherman, A3 of Des projects of the summer program, • • Moines, illOlation I/Id high school senior gil'ls a r~ To Have Family Picnic 01 the Congregational ChUl'ch this Mrs. C, W. Kyser, 126 E. Fair­ including .ocial work, hospital • • • Abc Rosenbcl'g, A3 of Maquo­ urged \0 attend the po l'ty as hos­ evening at 8 o'clock. child street and her daughter, Mrs. Recent visitors of Mrs. Hubert Presents Program vi -iling, radio programs, a recrea­ keta, Children's hos!)ital tesses [or dancing. Othel' activities Modern Mixers will hold their Sponsored by the Congregational Duane Means, Westlawn, leU yes­ H, Dennis, 109 S, Johnson street, tional pl'ogram and membership Roy Nance, G of Stillwater, provided will be reading, ping­ annual picnic for families and and Methodist student groups, terday fol' Des Moines to visil were her parents, Mr. and E. Fourteen students from West committees, it was decidlld in the Mrs. Okla .. whip meeling [or the petition of p, C. Kerwin. W. J, Mrs. Robert Gibson is chairman The State Historical Society of , the annual founder's day dinner in members of the Roger Wi1liamll Jackson is the attorney. of the committee in charge of the Iowa will publish several books Herbs are recelvmg much em­ remain in bloom several weeks, Hotel Montrose. house will be held at the Baptist affair. Other members are Mrs. after the war based on war clip· P h~bJ by Victory gardeners this and the foUal{e is grass-like. Pledging and lhe ritual of jewels student center, 230 N. Clinton Beroard Biel'man, ·Mrs. Preslon pings taken from newspapers. The lear, and among the commonest Chives should be dug up and ceremony took place before tbe street, tomorrow morning at 9:45. Coast, Mrs. Virgil Hancher, Mrs, historic;!1 library has compiled l1Jd easiest to grow are eh ivcs. divided every second or third year 6:30 din~er. Members of the loCal An outdoor vespeJ's service will Oakey Schuchert, Mrs. Willard over 170,000 clippings for this These hardy pel'ennials have a to prevent their growing too committee in charge of arrange­ take place at 5 o'clock. Smith and Mrs. Eric Wilson. purposc, delkale, onion-like flavor, and ore thickly. One good method Is to ments were Helen Zeller, Marian These are 'organizational meet­ Ethel Martin, superintendent of Means and Mrs. Emmett Beard, \lied chiefly in salads, omelettes, dig them up ~ach faIl, cut off a ings, but all students and service Order of Rainbow the library, said collection of the Muees. soups, stews and cottage s£'cllon of tops and roots, and pot men are invited to attend, news items started two weeks II' Q'eam cheeses; because of these ttem tor use indoors, So tteated, Plant Sale to Be Held Will Elect Officers after the Japanese rnid on Pearl ~ IlleS as a flavoring' they de­ they wlll eon~nue growing il The garden department of. the Harbor. Most of them are taken lIrve a place in your garden, placed in a sunny window. Iowa City Women's club wiU hold Plan Meeting Monday Election of officers tor the Order THIS SOFT wool suit in a luscious from Iowa papers and cover aU Chives are al50 an altraetive as Chives are srown either from Its annual plant sale in the club Daughters of Union Veterans of Rainbow will be held in the shade 01 tomato red boasts a plain phases of the war. The clippings 11111 II useful plant, and could seeds or by divisions of Ule bulbs, room this morning !rom 9:30 to will hold their regular businrus YOU, Too, Masonic temple at 1:30 this atter­ neck accented by a drop sboulder will be kept on file until a_fter the IItI1 be used as a ~order for the The bulb is 3/4 of an inch long, 12. The committee is composed of meeting Monday evening at 7:30 noon. line and l ull three-quarter sleeves. war when work on the books will Dalen, for they 10,rln . dense mnts and has many rootlets. Any neigh­ Mrs. I. C.-Adams, Mrs, J, W. Howe, in the Community building. Plans Plans for the initiation to be The new hip· drape attached to a stalt, IIItllllllke a permanent. planting, bor who has chives In his 'garden Mrs. Ernest L. Brights, and Mrs. for the May day luncheon and the CAN SINK U"SOATS held May 8, and for the installa­ fitted yoke emphasizes the war­ The society published several '1'be plant produces small round will be glad to share a few 01 his C. C. Erb. Members are requested Memorial day program will be ----It au"( _---- tion 01 ollicers, to be held May time trend. A matdhing pUl'se books in this manner after the laIt 1Iower heads of lavender which bUlbs. ' to bring plants or tlowers for sale. discussed. ~~,., s.~ ....,,,ilwt 9, will be discussed at the meellng, completes the outfit. world war. PAGE Fomt SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1&13 •

Count t- Kentucky rOerby ToeJey . ------~------~~----~- FOURtH TERM . • - -, By Jack Sords ~ichigan Has Great Lakes Athletes Sports Senators Beaf' Ordered to Sea Duty Trail Tille Chances GREAT LAKES, Ill. (AP)-Two Yankees, 21~ 1 more athleteS' from the Great Lakes By ANN ARBOR, Mich . _ Cancel- Naval Training station are on their WBlTNEY Dutch Leonard Hurls u, m FEDER lation by Indiana of its Big Ten way toward battle stations against lUARTIN L U1 rILLE , (AP -Thi1 f 1\11 4-Hit Game to Cause Ky. tran:! t T\ ontueky baseball schedule, including two axis ships. Del'bi came up Winl 8 n w wacky wrinkll' yt' tenIa), ns oun t film with Michigan which were Sam HaTShaney. on the Yanks Second Defeat Fleet and 11 ot1lel' UII'ee year old wl'l'e I'nt('I·('(l 10 run he mile in have been played here yester­ B I u e j a c k e t 1942 champiohship *Despite Game, Giants and a qnarter today for a necklace of 1'0. ~ wol'lh ~ GO.7~;j. WASHINGTON CAP) - EmU day and today. places the Wolv­ baseball team, and Edward Norris, Topping' oft uch development. a a ~h dow of doubt "l\I'I·01l11d· * May Yet Reap Profit (Dulch) Leonard, veteran knUckif el"ines in a position oC having to fullback on the tHle Grear Lakes baJl pitcher who was not ,mud! iog the hlghly rl·garded Ocean "lJl\'e' chllnec;; of K fling to th(' win all of their remaining confer­ * In Lombardi Trade football squad. have received com­ help to Washington last year ~ p t and derbytown almo t wiel'dly empty of tIll.' w'I181 mob of er.ce games to take their third missions and wm be assigned to cause of a broken leg, matched hII I noi " jo ling ont~f-town celebrant .. the new t01wh of eonru~iQIl straight championship. sea duty immediately upon com­ NEW YORK (AP)-Far as we 1942 won mark yesterday when popped up yesterday whell u "mJ 'tel·ron. " cntl'~' blank ~howcd up The HOOSier nine was broken pletion of indoctrination courses at know is the Iirst he hurled the Senators to ,a 2 to and then bad to be " 10 t" again. up by an early commencement eastern schools. player ever to be traded Ior two 1 lO-inning victory over tqe New ' Tit; wa. 1\ blank mad!.' out in thl' thUIlC of ' (>\. n Ill'lIl'lll, thl' and as a result Michigan and Harshaney, 32 yelll'S old, whO players and a ball game. and he YOrk Yankees. h l'Se with the ailing foot from til bal'll or.f. GrnhlllH BJ'own.lo ·nl other schools on Indiana's sched­ attended Shurtleff college, Alton, probably will be the last, as we In chalking up his second vic· hotel man. "'ben til entry box elo.· d, Dilly )2 hilI'S ~ wel'l' \-UJl' ule will play eight Big Ten games Ill.. was <,ommissioned as an en­ can't imagine future deals sprout­ tory of the season, Leonard oat. instead of 10. Michigan now has sign. Harshaney, once the property ing from such offers as "I'll give po. cd to ~ nominat d to tart in tIl' bilt wallz at traditional pointed Hank Borowy in a_ mound won three and lost one in tbe con­ of the St. Louis Browns, was one you three players and two games hurebill down at 5 ;30 p. m. (c.w.t.) today. '1'11('11, in 111 . dl'aw duel that was decided wh~ EIIJs ference and has four left to play. of the leading hitters on the Blue­ for so-and-so." Clary, Senators' third baseman, £01' t p po iUon , the lip fol' two with Purdue and two with j a~k et tean;t, appearing in 49 or the Not that the New York Giants led oft the tenth with a double. I •• Ir. Double - and - .Redoublc" in. And they arc largely expected Ohio State. Sailors' 77 g;lmes and finL~hing planned it that way. The ball game After Gene Moore had flie~ out, w di covered lind after b to fight it out for what's left alter It appears unlikely that any Big with a batting average of .36 1. In apparently wns just the fine print Stan Spence was intentipnally drew 1\ lane it w withdrawn the two big boys finish picking \IP Ten learn, other than Michigan. addition to the Browns, Hars}1aney at the bottom of the contract that passed and then Bob Johns~ again bcCSl hi tt'ajncr dido't the choic t chunks of "scratch" Clln finish the season with better I'l ayed with Toledo, San Anlonio nobody 'reads. but which keeps crashed through with the game at the pay-off line. know It tiling about it. than the .800 average that would and Toronto during his eight-year you from getting a cent unless winning sin4le. 50.... ExpecW These four are Blue Swords, a result from an eight and two re­ professional career. your house caught (ire irom '1 boy Leonard checked the American As if that wasn't enough to get husky son of Blue Larkspur carry­ cord. The Wolverines, by winning NOl,'ris, 26 years old, also re­ scout rubbing two sticks together. league champions with four hib, the folks-some 50,000 at whom ing the hones ot Allen T. Simmon~. thelr last four tilts. could then ceived an ensign's commission. He That is. Horace S ton e ham one of which was Charlie Keller', nre expected to sit in on this Akron (Ohio) radio station opera­ take the title with an .875 per­ was prominently known in·. Chi­ wouldn't have known when he fourth-inning triple that led to "street ear" derby-riding the tor; Slide Rule. one at the two centage. One . more defea~ prob­ caJo as a basketball and !Qotball sel'll and Hugh Poland the YanKs' lone run. '''bombers'' from the barn at W. E. m ry-,o-round again. DerbyVUie ably would eliminate the Wolver­ ~laYer while attending Fenwick to the Boston Braves for Big Lam The deCeat was the Yanks' it­ Bing. the Seattle Flying Fortress Ines ftom title contention. though high school and later DePaul uni­ thai. Connie would take a victory cond of the .. season and dropped mlln; Gold Shower, a chunky nELl) LISTING not jf none of the other tearm versity. Norris also appeared in away from the Giants with a them into a tie for first place in charger owned by Mrs. Veru S. Here Is the field, IlJt~ accord­ could do no better than seven and two games with the Chicago Cardi­ three-run ninth-inning homer. the American league with the idle ing to post position and showing Bragg of Greenwich, Conn., and three. nals of Ule Nationaltoolbailleague Uut that's just what happened, Cleveland Indians. The game Amber Light. trom the barn oC was probable odds, for .oo.aY'8 69th Rain on Tuesday of this week following graduation from DePaul. and now that the Brll.ves' hidden the only ' one . played :\Jl the. major runnlnf of the Kentucky derby Charles T. Fishel', the Detroit auto­ forced a two day postponement As a Bluejackel last fall NorriS profit has been uncovered the mobile body builder and con­ leagues and was witnesseQ; by a (gr088 value $82,750; net to winner or the Wolverine engagement here scored two touchdowns, cat'rying Giants can settlQ down and try ladies' day cl'Owd of 8,000 . querer of Ocelln Wave in thc \dth Western Michigan'S unbeaten the ball ~8 times to gain 124 yards, to figure just where their profit $61,225). Louisiana derby last February. (AIL carry 126 pounds.) nine. Last season the Wolver­ averaging 6.9 pel' try. will co me. We ha.ve an Idea it New York A RilOA pp Hone Proh. Odds. The olhers in the field figure to ines split a two game series wllh Nor ris is the 17th member of wlll be a. )lretty substa.ntlal pront. be out just Cor the nlr. Western, which so far this season the Great Lakes eleven to depal·t Prebably not enourh to brlD,f Stirn weiss. ss .. , .. 3 . 0 0 S I 1 Blue Swords ...... 8-1 Reading from leIt to right, or Wea therly, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 2 Slide Rule ...... 10-1 has defeated Illinois and Notre 1rom the station. The squad W{)n them a. championship as. al­ 0 take your pick-they al'e Twoses, Keller. If ....:., ...... 4 1 1 S 3 Modest. Lad ...... 50-1 Dame in its only two contests. A eight games, tied Notre Dame and though Lo~bardi can more than o • the other hal! of tile Boeing Gordon. 2b ...... 4 0 4 I 4 Dove Pie ...... 100-1 relUl'tl game at Kalamazoo is lost three under the direction of replace lIa)Jry Danning-, he ('an·t 0 "duet"; Modest Lad, standard scheduled for May 4. Lieut. Paul (Tony) Hinkle. Har­ be expected to replace boCh Etten, 1b ...... ~ 0 1 7 2 5 Count Fleet ...... 8-5 bearer for Mrs. Henry L. Finch, 6 Twoses ...... 10-1 IOWA-cmCAGO GA~IE any games can be substituted tor shaney follows othel' outstanding Harry Dannin,. and Johnny l\Uze. W. Johnson, 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 I wite of a New York stockbroker; The Iowa-Chicago baseball Beetham, Track Star, the cancelled Indianll series hus Bluejacket baseball stars who were Hemsley, c ...... 4 0 0 4 0 7 Bankrupt ...... _...... 100-1 No Wrinkle, hope or Mrs. Ethel V. :Based purely on last year's per­ 8 Amber Light ...... _ ...... 15-1 game, which was scheduled yes­ not been announced. transferred for advanced trairung. formance and ignoring the fact Lindell, 1'£ ...... 3 0 1 ~ 0 Mars of Chicago lor her second terday at Chicago, WIIS post­ Coach Ray Fisher added two Norris and Harshnney held third Borowy, p ...... 3 0 1 1 ! 9 Burnt Cork ...... _ ...... 100-1 derby winner (her Gallahadion Commissioned Ensign; that Lombardi t\Vice led the Na­ 10 Ocean Wave ...... 4-1 poned und a double-header will games to the Wolvel'ine schedule class petty officer ratings and tional league in batting and once ----- upset Bimelech three years lIgo); be played this afternoon. this week by scheduling the Grosse served as company commanders on Totals 33 1 4z~8 t. 11 Gold Shower ...... 12-1 Dove Pie. owned by J . Warfield was chosen lhe most valuable 12 No Wrinkles ...... _.. 25-1 Sworn In Yesterday IIle navy base team lor May 10 the station. player, here's how he and Donning z-One out when winning run ROOgerll, Memphis (Tenn.) sports­ and 18. The first game will bc 3cored Post lime 11 :30 p. m. Il.w .l man, and the two who are ex­ stack up: Churlie Beetham, Cormer na­ played here, the second at Grosse Lombardi was in l05 games. got Washing-toD AB RHO A pected to fight it out for last place I1le. 14 doubles, 1I home runs. batted ______its If presented (I piclul'e that -Townsend B. Martin's BnnlITupt, tional hal!-mile track champion, MOhfgomery Plans The Wolverines have won five ) looked as much like the annulll a New York candtdate, (Ind Burnt who has been stationed at the in 46 runs, hi t .330. Danning was ClarY, 3b ...... 5 2 0 in a row since dropping the year's 9to 'Run Today in 119 games, got 20 doubles, three Moore. 1'[ ...... 4 0 0 4 madhouse as Beethoven resembles Cork, entry of Eddie Anderson, Pre-Flight school here as a sea­ jive. opener to Iowa, 4-3, but bad to triples, one . batted in 34 Spence, cf ' ...... 4 Q 1 3 q beUer known as Rochester of the On OvercominU Jack man llrst ClASS was commissioned have considerable help tram l11i­ Under its pledge to the war e!­ radio. runs and hit .27 9. R. Johnson. Jf ... . .5 0 1 3 0 [Ol·t to have only [llns Irom greuter an ensign In the U.S. naval re- nols in winning both cods of that It Is readily seen that in losing­ Vernon. 1b ..4 ) 2 8 3 Louisville In for tllis year's shin­ In Title Bout Soon ' bel've y sterday and was sworn in series. Michigan took the opener, In Diiie Event Danning- and $'alnlng Lombardi Priddy. 2b ::.:::::::... 2 0 0 3 ( dig, the 'doWns' customary jam­ 5-2, largely becuuse of slx 11Iini the Giants make a profit, and the Early, c ...... 3 0 1 1 D " , by Capt. Daviri C. Hanrahan, errors and eight walks and in the lieS Ion of 85,000 01' 90,000 cash profit looms as even greater Sullivan, ss ...... 2 0 0 6 ~riflie Zivic Whips PHILADELPHIA - Up-again­ commanding officer or the Pre­ second game they scored six rUM BALTIMORE (AP)-A field or • customers will be sUcked almost m down-again Bob Montgomerytlg­ rune distance stars was named yes­ 'when the playing fields are Leonal'd, p . - 00 .... 4 0 0 4 D half. Food pl'lces hnve btlen Flight school. on only three hits to win, 6-4. taken into con Ideration. as the lU'es he's on the way up (lgain, And Again wal ks and lilinois errors ~erd;lY to contest the $20.000- "(rozen" so that you don·t have if lightw ight champion B au Jack Beetham, who atlend d Ohio 279-Coot left field Is Just a. nudre Totals 33 2 7 30 U John Roszina-Twice State university has be n stationed helped. added Dixie handicap which will to pay for a side ot beef in IIrder slap:i him down in their forth­ fealure the racing program at for old Sclmozzola. Ire was aim­ New York ...... 000 100 000 i}-i to buy a hamburger this yeal'. here since last May and will now This apparent lack of hlUing ing' for a 350-foot barrier t Washington .... ,.. 010 000 000 1-2 MILWAUKEE (AP) - Fritzie coming title bout, the bobcat will strength has caused Fi her to put Pimlico today, with chief early And most notnble of all. thero's be the most surprised beak buster report to Chapel Hill, N. C .• for Brtwes field. Ert'ors-Gol'don, Moore; rullS Zivic, Iorm"r welterweight cham­ 01fi(' rs' indocll·ination. his club through long hilting drills support centering on RfverJanct not enough bourbon ill town to in th busi nes:;. and Attention, two of the steadiest Lombardi. who can run in one baited in-Early, Gordon, R. Jobn· pion. whipped Johnny Roszina of He was u member of the Sell­ this week. Defensively the cut'­ place longer than. Tobacco Road. so n; two base hit-Clary; three make mint juleps to go 'round. Montgomery, In peak torm agaIn pcrformel's in the handicap ranle;. Milwaukee twice last night and hawks' National Servicemen'» I·COI. Michignn club is outst~nding needs just such a setup as the bas e hit- Keller; sacrifices­ Which comes under the head at aetel' a year-long slump, liay of Dnd it the hitting slump cnn be Thcse two members of the We­ "tJ'Ugedy" tOl' thiS lea-party. CI'O s-Country champion team and polo gt'ound ' orrel' to make the Priddy 2, Moore; doUble p!llJlS - finally settled for u technical hi~ scrap with Jack May 21 in shaken ott it will be u tough club Beat-Whltlaway club will carry Naturally, it is almost unani­ hus run many races lor the Sea­ most of 'his powcr-hitting tulents, Sullivan, Pl'iddy and Vernon' knockout victory In the eighth Mudison Square Gurden: to beat in (IllY of i remaining top weil;ht at 123 pounds ooch in mously ngl.'eed ihlll Count Fl t, a hawks, both individually and in as ordinarily anything inside the Priddy, Sullivan and Vernon; leU "I CUI beat hIm. I know It. gomes. the 40th renewal of the mile ond tall, rangy brown lightning streak round of n len round main bout. team competition. three-sixteenths Dixie. park is good for no better than on ba. es-New York 3\ W811hing. The Cc1gy PHtsburgh veteran I flrur he doesn't Uke rood. a single to him. Those 14 dOUbles ton 10; bases on balls-6ft !'eon· carrying the ('anury ond black solid body punches and I'm Charles S. Howard's Mioland, silks of Mrs. ..Tobn D. Hertz ot the cought Roszina wilh n short right also named to run today, is weight­ he got last yeat' would be inside­ ard 1. BOI'owy 3; strikeouts-Bor­ roinr to keep throwinr ,lrht to New Edition Printed the-park home runs for most guys. owy 2. Leonard 2; hit by pitcher Chicago \.I-drive anel yellow taxi­ lo the jaw early In the lirst round, the bod)'. lie Isy·t ,olne to Ilke ed )U5t one pound under Altention cab Hertzes, is a Simple cuke-walk MAJOR LEAGUE and Itiverlund with 122 pounds. But not so fat' a gent who has some -by Borowy (Early). knocking him to the canvas. 1Ios­ that over th Jonrer di tance- By Sporting News difficulty beating out a hit over Jor the big PQt. 15 rounds." Others named overnight to con- World-record maker at two, the zina got to both knees al lhe count For Men Overseas today's Dixie were A) J ,. the center fielder's head. no betler catcher in baseball at The bobcat has seen Jack fight STANDINGS Most of the (.'omment concerning picking men 0[1' first. Hortz hurricane was illStaUed OS of lour, remained In ti1at position C: ~,"1c ..l t'< Tola Rose, also trained the shortest priced :!utllre-boQk by Hi r$ch and <:al'l'ylng III pounds; Lombardi dculs with his slugging, Bucky Walters, enthusing over while Reteree Ted Jamesson fin­ ~~~c. ti~~d' ~~~: :!::~s~ F~'!~~; ' As n result oC the demand of ovedooking the Iact lllat as a the catching virtues of Old Eagle­ favori te in aU derby history. al)d ished the count ot leu, then leaped Larkin and Allie Stolz. OUI' overseas service men tor new. N~TIONAL LEA~U~ Sa,l PI'ice Headley's Anticlimal' h hlls lived up lo that ranking his PQe.. 113, and Equinox 104 ; Hazel M. calcher he is much better than a beak. told us once: lWo starts so fllr this spring, romp­ to his feet protesting that he had H~ landed a titl~ bout a{t~r about sports. the tirst. Iss u e of Brooklyn ...... 5 1 .833 nabylon's Abbe Pierre 107; Green­ net. It·s a sure bel that Bill Mc- "The man's It marvel. He'D ing to two triUD'\phs at J ilmaic - not understood the count. getting wh~t his fl'lends call a ti)e new overseas editlOn of The IBoston ...... 3 2 .BOO tree Stable's Corydon 107; and Kechnie wouldn't have had him reach out with hIs bare band iIIcI in there [01' several years handling catch my fast one. All you ha~ one of them the WOOd memorial­ While the crowd yelled, Zivic rWl-at'ound fol' nenl'ly two yenrs. Sporting News, national sports St. Louis ...... 4 3 .571 Mrs. Ray Feinbel'g's Firebroom Before his slump, Montgomery weekly, appellred this week. Cincinnllti ...... 4 3 .571 113. . such lop-holc chuckers as Bucky to do is to get H wllhin his reid as easily as eatilli til' oats. The and Roszino's handlers conferred ht Walters and Paul Del'ringel' and and he'll get It.', reeult hlls been that his odds have repeated~y SO?a title Lights and Published in St. Louis, Mo., the Chicallo ...... 3 It .~9 with Chairman Fred Saddy of the almost mvartably . la.lled to ~et weekly publication conlains the Pittsburgh ...... 3 4 .429 Johnny Vander Meet if Lombardi We don't think he'll mean the I dropped almost weekly, until (0-1) VS. Johnson (0-0) didn'l know the SCOl'C. pennant to the hard-hit Glan\s, they've hit rockboltom 1 to 2 right Wlsconsin boxing commi sion. The them. In a non-tIU~ scrap WIth lalest ne\Vs or major league base- New York ...... 2 4 .3:13 1!0n1~t'Emce ro ulted in Zivic's ex-champ Lew Jenk1.ns, he c~e ball and box scores of aames from Philudclphia ...... 1 4 Brooklyn at New York (:2)- Hc just squats buck there like us previously remarked. But you. now. .200 Macon (0-0) and Newsom (1-0) vs. . 't I I ff a t tha' h' the Ocean Wave ait'cement to continue the tight out so far on top that Jen~lDs, April 20 on, news 01 athletic slarS Postponemenls ,... .. I.on (0-0) and Sunkel (0-0) arIa huge. lazy toad, even throwmg can aug) 0 eam ,"s Up to two wet:ki ago, Ihere even though his opponent had badly mauled, was unable to fight now lU the se rvice, columns by Boston at Philadelphia ...... , Big Guy and Mel Ott in the lineu~ been counted out officially. Feldman (0-0). from that position. But he has such i~:===;:;;::;:~ wasn't even an arm-chair bandi­ for several months. leading ports writers, plctul'es of Brooklyn at New York ~merlcan Leag-ue power in his wing that there is capper brave enough to pick The tight was resumed in the Mal\Y fans also thou~ht ~e val'lous sports highlights. news AMERICAN LEAGUE New York at Washington- - second round. f'rom there on. agninst him for today's May day whipped Sammy An~o.tt In ~~elr from the boxing and track worlds W L Pot. Zuber (0-0) vs. Car~asqucl (2-0) ~ T/_I'I brawl, but in the past 11 days, Zivic gllve the willing but Ol~t­ last meeting. The split deCISIOn and short features about imporlont New York ...... 5 2 r] _. \ elassed Roszina a thm:ouah going Ocean Wave has scored two red­ favol'ing Sammy was roundly athletes. Cleveland ...... 5 2 .7.714,lf (0-1)Philadelphia vs. Judd (0-0)at Bost. on- Harris . ' 11111~:et»;• III '-- .• ~ _:J over and by the eighth round had ho~ wins right here on the derby booed. .. Men overseas are invited to Washington ...... 6 3 .6!r7 Cleveland at Detroit-Bagby almost closed both of Roszina's Starts TODAY : home "rounds in the Blue Grass The 24-year-Old Negl'o fights write to 'I:he Sportings News, Detroit ...... 4 3 . ~71 (2-0) or Hardel' (1-1) vs. White flow eyes, • like . Henry Armstron?, constantly telling the editors bow \hey like St. Louis ...... 2 3 Stakes and .lbe derby trial mHe. the I So, the "knock down the lavorite" At th~ end of the eighth the wadmg in and throwlllg punche~, the overseas edition, what kind of Philadelphia ...... 3 6 at Chicago-Galehouse , the , referee examined Rosz)na's eyes, : :~~ ( OS~~ 'LOUi S STARTS TODAY Ma~chin, and Chowder Club has He paciQ! n good wallop, as eVl- IeatUl'es, news or pictures are pre- Boston ...... 2 5 .28/1 (0-1) vs. Smith (1-0). dl!cided he could not go on and /ret : been holding meetings and com­ denced ~y hi 10ul·th-~ound k.ayo Cerred, 01' to express opinions on Chic:liO ...... 1 4 tier in, to the conclusion that maybe delared Zivic tbo winner by (I of Romam Alvarez In IllS last fIght any other subject related to sports. Post)lo"emenis .200 tecl\I!ical knockout. at the Arena. Arrangements have been mude Philadelphia at Boston ~;;;;;;=~;;;;;;;;~~ lltajo the Wave can sink the Fleet yet. lIIey This Is especially so ince the Zivic weighed 150 3-4, Roszina Likewise, he call take it. Maxie to speed delivery of the new St. ~ouis at Chicago lllain husky chestnut ~on of Blenheim­ 149 1-2. ~hapiro floored him lhl'~ tImes paper, which is printed ilJ tabloid Cleveland at Detroit • wh.o also .sired Whirlaway, the Saddy said: "I gu~ JohnnY m the third round of thelr match form to cotlsel've shipping space. PROBABLE PITCIIERS IIry Wave's stablemate in the barn of just forgot to get up, but Zivic was last Octob~r. Montgomery sagged National Learue deatr Warren Wright of' Chicago-has very gracious abou~ it and said to the 'Copes with his han

which prevent their being opened own barriers to discourage peep­ IThomas Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Gee Summer Swimming Do You Send a Personal- further. ing Toms and prying Jees from wlU make their home in Albany. Greater Care ~fged One lone key hidden under the makJng themselves at home. Mrs. Jessie Keiser Schedule Announced In Animal Disposals llalllOn 10:Burglars doggraved house invitation or flower to pot robbery. is an en-It We to Russell Gee Regular I.C. Garbage Recreational 6wimming periods InVl doesn't take a seventh sense to University Band Needs are planDed by the womell's gym 10wII tanners cooperating in the know where to look for it. Erono- Several More Players The Rev. James Waery, 725 N. irom 4:50 to 5:30 daily, from 7:30 ,overnment's fat-salvaging cam- -By Everyday CareleslneIS mizing on keys can be an expen- Unn street, anilounces the mar­ Pickup Begins Today to 9 Tuesday and Thursday, and riag~ of hit sister, Mrs. Jessie paip were cautioned yesterday by * * * * * * slve proposition, so have one for Players in the French horn, \be American Foundation of Ani- • • each member of the famfly. Waery Keiser of Elmira, N. Y., Regular collection of city gar- from 10 o'clock to noon Saturday, mal Health to be extremely care.. By MAGAnT KDlBY Don't Ieav~ your going an open clarinet and drum sections can to Russell Gee ot Albany, N. Y. bage will begin today, according Pro!. Marjorie Camp of the wo­ tul in handUng -carcasses of ani- Are you inviting burglars iniobserving a few simple do's and book for the passing public to read. still be used, Prof. C. B. Righter, The wedding took place in the to Ira Montgomery, new garbage men's physical education depart­ director of uni\'ersi(y bands, an­ JIIIIs ""hich have died of infectious this spr!ng? Leavi~g a door care- don't's. When you go out in the Leaving a note saying when you Congregational church at 7 o'clock coUector, in accordance with his ment bas annDunced .• diseases. ' lessly ajar or a wmdow half open back yard for a mid-eve snooze are returning or forgetting to clase nounced yesterday. Easter Sunday evening with tbe "Farm anima1s wbich have died may encourage prowlers as well the garage doors is a "go" signal Students too busy to attend all recently signed contract with the The swimming PIlol is open to "''-- ' I or finish up the dishes in the to Rev. Mr. Waery o!ficiating. city. Montgomery said he bas an students, fIIclilty wives, wives of hOi ch01era, swine el'jlsipelas, as cooI b reeze8. Utere S no mag c even an amateur thief. In the three weekly reh~nrsals may make Mrs. Gee \\lore a soldier blue swine dysentery, anthrax, black- about thieves-they look like other kitchen don't leave the front door evening leave a light on and pull four trucks available tor the work. of graduate lItuderits and members a~rangements WI th Pro f e s S 01" suit with navy accessories' and a As soon as the collection of sur- of the administrative staft. Hus­ If' and other maladies are po- men alld women and they can't unlocked. And keep the screen down the shades of that room Righter to attend only o~e or two corsage ot orchids and primrose. tenUsl hazards to all other live- walk through walls. Keeping them door hooked even though you may besides turnlng off all porch lights. rehearsals a week, he saId. Attending as th t f plus g.arbage is completed, he will bands are admitted Tuesday and establtsh ,a regular. route. Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9 slock in the co~unity," says the out of your life is a simple formula be at home. Salety FIrst Rehearsals lire held Tuesday l ema ron 0 foundaUon report. "These disease3 of knowing how they work and You're in the hustle-bustle of Thur da a d Fr·d t 4.)() honor was Mrs. James W. aery, who Accordrng to cIty ordinances, o'clock, p m S ys n I ays a . wore a navy blue ensemble and a garbage cans .are to ~ placed in Students must present their m so highly infectious that they how bolts and locks work. Keeping a list of monograms, vacation packing. You've stuffed . . corsage of gardenias. Prof. Ectward ran be spread by birds, rodents, Burglars work alone, in pairs numbers and jeweler's scratch (ishing rods and fryIng pans in the the alley or, 11 there IS no alley, identification cards, and all others Mabie served as best man. behind the house. No empty cans, must pay a fee at the business does, seepage and even through or In threes. The boldest will park marks in silver, jewelry, guns, back of the car, but have you re­ Following the ceremony the I rontaminated dust carrjed on the in the center ot your driveway, bicycles, typewriters and vacuum membered to sto e tdor jewelry, Issues Wielding Permit bottles, bl·oken ,lass, old iron or office R. Neilson Miller, clerk of court, Rev. and Mrs. Waery entertaIned other materials or this kind may be ' sb~. Some germs, such as gas often with a woman lookout and cleaners and electric (ans (thieves silver and stock cettillcates in a the couple in the church parlors. gan&re , anthrax and swine ery- driver. The men jimmy a window lWill take almost anything not safe-deposit vault? Gover up your issued a weddIng license yester­ deposited in any garbage cnns. ne day to Alvin P. Kreb, 22, and Gee has just been appointed as Ground swells usun lly occur sipelss. are also infective to man or force open a door, pull down anchored down) will help when it trac~s I:\y having all mail for­ Ruth A. Stout, 19, both of Cedar the automobile commissioner 01 Normally the United States re- along shallow coasts and often in through scratches or abrasions of shades, turn on lights or cut phone comes to a treasure hunt for stolen ~arded, stopping rntik and news- the state of New York by Gov. Quires 58 million pounds ot olives. lair weather. tbe skin." wires. articles. pa~j- deliveries and dra!Hng a Rapids •. The foundation warns that all Some will casually help them- Unless you are sllre that can- neighbor to remove all circular.; carcasses should be covered until selves to your icebox, smoke your , vassers or inspectors are on Ie- frolJl your doorstep. the rendering truck arrives, nnd cigarettes and perhaps trade in a gltirnate business, draw in the wel- " This Iar shalt "thou go anll no that if they have to be moved soiled shirt for your husband's come mal And don't try to play farth r" is the an wer at a firm1y they should be carried on a scraper spring cotton stripe. Others will heroine by scaring away a burglar locked aoor to the pryings of a whIch will not allow seepage to leave sarcastic notes or disgusting with lights and noises. The subtle bu glar. If IIny doors have bit-key rontaminate the farm lois. Anyone souvenirs. And any one of them and safe way is to phone 1he police lPCk", ·leave kcys in the locks and htndling the animals should wear would carry away your best silver Quietly. fie tl1em tast to doorknob so that old gloves which can be burned to have it melted down and sold Open House they cnn't be turned and pushed when the job is finished. for one-tenth of its value. Yes, When leaving your home for a out with t90ls. D()uble-Iock the Further Inf'Ormation on special every day throughout the country, few hours shopping, don't make front door. regu lations governing carcass dis- 800 burglars steal an average of it open house lor thieves-they'U your borne i$ your O\yn unt.U. posal may be obtained from any $59.19 worth of loot. take you up on it. Secure doors the blllck'-mustac'hed villain with local veterinarian. Cruelly to Bu.... l.rs and Windows, and it windows the mortgage steps in. Shake aU Be unkind to your burglar by must be left open, supply catches the careless mood and put up your ------~~--~------~-~~ High School Juniors To Entertain Seniors .Daily Iowan Want Ads City high school seniors will be *1* .. honored tonight at the linnunl CAB~ RENTAL LOST *AND * FOUND* junior-seniol· banquet ill the American Legion hall of the Com­ RENt A CAR, B. f'. Carter. Dial LOST - henrt-shaped rose gola munity building at 6:15. After the 46111. loCket-no chain. Reward. Phone 3 4 banquet D dance wlll be held at the APARTMENTS 4191. 2 D high school, according to an an­ CASH RATE . :\ ~. nouncement yesterday by Principal FURNISHED !lve-room apart- HELP WANTED W. E. Beck. ~2 days-' ment. Also unfurniSbed two------­ 4 I lOc per ~ per clq 7 'l Anne Wachs, junior class ad­ room apartment; rent ot thit! W ANTEU-waitresses Qr waiters COJIMCulipe daya- apartment may be paid in pert or bus boys, Part-tim employ­ o I viser, is in charge of the arrange­ t;c per dq per line by janitor sCI·vice. Larew Co. ment. A"pply Rostess, Rose Room, ~ 0 ments for the function. Committee consecutive days- I PHone 9681, Hotel Jefferson. 4 0 heads include Mary Danner, chlrlr_ lie per line per ~ 1 2 man, Edna F'Iesner, adviser, pro­ 1 month- gram and invitation; Anna Gay, 4c per line per day FURNISHED apartment for rent. STUDENT GIRL to work for chairman, Byrdine Reese, adviser. -Figure 5 word. to line­ Larew PI u m bin g Company. board, room and small salary. banquet; Ethel Ann Holloway, Minimum Ad- 2 line. Phone 9681. Phone 48~0. chairman; Lucia Otto, adviser, ROOMS FOR RENT WANTED - full and part-time table decorations; Dean Crawford, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY fountain girl. Cash salary. chairman, Lola Hughes, adviser, Apply Ford Hopkins. 50c col. Inch ROOMS for students at profes­ toast program; James Bauer, sional fraternity. $10 per month. Or $5.00 per month WANTED-NI,ht bus boy. Apply chairman, Aleta Malmberg, ad­ lnQuire 114 E. Market (.r 201 , I Hostess at Huddle. vlser. entertainment; Betty Rohr­ ,Ads Cash In AdvaIlCel Chern Bldg. 8-12 a. m. or 7-8 p. m. ,i bacher, chairman, EliZabeth Win­ IlPlavable Iowan at DaIlY REDECORATED turnished rooms WANTED - Fu'll and part-time bigler. adviser, chaperon; 1;)on office dally lqltil ~ for women. 3 blocks from cam­ waitress. Apply Hostess ot Winslow, cllairman, Fred L. Jones, Huddle. adviser, decorations. IIClanl:ellalt~ollUl ml,lSt be called pus. 112 E. Bloomington street. before 5 p.m. phone 2~71. LAUNDRY WORKERS npply In ResponsIble fQr one incorrect DOUBLE ROOM and garage. One person. New Procesa LaUndry Families Will Speak insertion only. 3.13 S. Dubuque. r " block from campus. Phone 5798. On Morning Chapel FOR tlOYS - two double rooms SERV1CES with private bath. Also one The school of religion's national Call us for expert refrlgerato]' DIAL 4191 double, two half-double rooms. 32 serlOiec. CONNER'S REFRIGER­ family week Observances wiU fea­ E. Bloomington. ture various family groups on the ATOR SERVICE, Phone 7660. Morning Chapel program next ATTRACTIVE ROOM. Graduate TYPING-Editing thesis, play, and wee k. • • • student or couple. Hot wat@r. book manuscripts a t;pecia ICy. Families representing dHlerent PORTRAITS Refrigerator. Available immed­ Neat, accurate work. Mrs. Fred­ laiths will appear on the regular iately. 310 N. Gilbert. erick Monroe, 393 Memorial Dr. chapel broadcast how·, Prof. M. S.E., Ced/tr Rapids. Phone 29307. HENRY CARL ANDERSON Willard Lampe announced. MODERN POR-TRAITS. Youn,'s ROOMS for girls. Close in. Dial The program is as follows: Mon­ Studio. Norih of City Hall. Open 2705. Sunday. ----:__ .....:....------SUMMER cotrAGtS .. day, P. O. Norman; Tuesday, the WHERE TO GO Rev, Elmer Dierks; Wednesday, ------Five-room summer collage at Rohert Valentine; Thursday, Kelly WAN'l'ED - UUNDftY La k e Macbride. Lare\\' Co. u(,~ ~ali~~ C~ta"l~ . Phone 9681. McKee, and Friday, W. E. Murray. LAUNDRY-5iu;ta 9c.'Ftat tiru.h, 5c poUnd. 'DIAL 37«2. LonI­ INSTRUCTION ~ # ' streth. CUP-II INTERPRETlNG- DA~CE mSTR1TctION tap, , - CUP.& ~"'''IC£. -ballroom and ballet. Harriet S£.~VfCE. 1'7 (Cpntinued from page 2) llL(1MidNG WANTED: Plumbing and beetln,. Walsh. Dial 51.26. -#: tbat the Russian cOJllDlllond ltus- Larew <:0., 227 E. WublDPm. DANCING LESSONS-ballroom- banded its main forces for the Phone 11/181. IT'S FUN! blUet-tap. DIaL 1248. MImi Iprilll" and summer. The lIne Of ' Youd. WUriu. lbe Donets was held fidH~ FUHNInJR£ MOVJNQ Open 11:00 a.m. Daily-Cour- , .., ).. . wily and even KharRov tnleht f ' . , < " • _ teous pinsetters-Clean alleys-.... I bive been retained had Stalin OlOe Bently'~ TnA1N WlTI{ OTUER s'uI TRA~ STUD'EN'i'S IN SHORT COURSES !teD fit to make it a symbOl." M"I'\m;I\ ..... DI\.··OS .....~n;I\ ftAMOR BOWUNG ST~RTJNO APIUL 26. The new war plants of the thels For EfficIent 'Fufttiture Movlnl Shorthand lind Typing and eastern SiberiB, repleoinf Ailli A~t -Our 1rowB·. 0CIIftmete. Co~ those ot the lost Ukraine, are just WARDROBE SEiFlVJOE ' 1'-- The DAILY tOW.AN Iowa City's Accredited Bulrlness ~~":,~ ~~°fr~~\~~~:t~~nSt:;re: OJAL - 969~ - DIAL WANT ADS blAl ;"1 Scbool. °r,~~l~~ey's Store dents~~~A~~n~~oo-~~~~~~~~~=;~~~=====~======~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~ have found, bas reached luch proportions as to tax 'ftusshl"it ' facilities for receiving {to That now is sure to continue despite the political dirrerenl!es, suclr as I • the current Polish crisis, which fret relations between Russia and tier western allies becausc the IllAjor united nations know that 1bey invite destruction unless they lllainitin the tullest possible mili­ tary cooperation until Hitler is deitroyed. OFFICIAL BULLETIN '( Continued from page 2) larits-.-Monday-Friday, 8 a, m. to USTEN, 'I'OU BIG ~ p, m. ; Saturday, 8 a. m. to 5 WATER'LOGGED tXlPE.-- · J. m. "'fa~.ES 'THRE~ CF_~ I Schedule of hours for other de­ WNTING ON "THAT 'UD! tuunentaillbraries wi11 be po9ted WFNE Ct.Oc:KEt> 'IOU, CII) the c¥>ors of each library. Be­ AND 'IOUVE BEEN IN eause of 1T\0ving the reserve read­ Be Smart! in& room from the library annex, THERE LONG ~GH this department will not be open NCNi 'TO ~ OUT for service until fw·ther notice. COJERa) WI'TH GRACE VAN WORMER Use Daily Iowan SA~N...a..es! AcUne Director E. R. c. AU ltw4iRtI til u\i jJn}Wed Ke­ ~rve 6Jrps who plan to apply 1m tlassified Ads 1ilmf.1on to tile next fresbmell flasa In Ole college ot med1clJ'J. IIIould obtain application tormt immediately trom the ofIice 01 tb. !IIlstrtr. Appllcatlona should be return«- e. this office as loon 01 posafble IIIcllhould indicate that the appll. DIAL 4191 ,,-t la In the enUsted 't"eHiVtI to\'pI. / PAGE SIX ,- THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. lOWA SATURDAY. MAY 1. 1943 ,

- , ~' . . t " • I THE LOAN DRIVE IS ON!

; . , • ,<. * * / .'!. . •



STlllll whO h Id le Ii Grovel striker 'SI Til Rc 0 1 Gc Could this be yOU? ••• "What a breakfast! Eggs war. And that'j .... by your Government is calling on your patriotic duty to put more money into Govern· There are 1 different types of U. S. Government CED 'l"Jthollt bacon. Coffee-just one cup of it-with· you to lend it more money. Thirteen billion dollars ment securities regardless of what self·sacrifice it may The c out heavy cteam. Just a skimpy little pat of butter are needed-needed urgently and right now. This is entail. Give up some of your comforts, do without city 0 * securities-choose the ones best suited for you: been ( for my toast. Don't talk to me about sacrifice. I'm a showdownbght and we've got to tOp the Nazis and things you need-Ihis is a vilal. malter. making plcnty. And wb~t about the 10% of my the Jap. with our effons if we are going to win. . Resi pay that P' into War Bonds every week?" . And remember when you dig up this money that United States W.r Suin,s Bonds-Series E: The perfect inTestJDeat Secret; you are not gif/ing a cent. You are merely investing it fot individual and family savings. Gives you back $4 (or every genthll THIS The Big OffeTUlive Is On in the safest securities in the world. You will get it $3 wben the Bond matures. Designed especially for the smaller for hi : When is rour f.llow American! in,estor. Dated 1st day of moath in which payment is received. ance d ~w"t1' , 6,,~ II1fIkr fin "igbllll,d tl4, fo, 12 uys. back with interest when the war is over. It will sup­ . is Intltesr: 2.9%1 year if held to maturity. Denominations: $25, selling J "Mlllllld., Ihrollgh b,tIfI1 ",fill. W', ""d 11,,11. We're not playing at war. This the real thing. Our ply you with cash for the things you want when we $50, $ 100, $500. $1000. Redemption: aay time 60 day. after Thel 'I'" ,riplSIf' frmJ"e fold. No bot food. Onl, boys are dying in defense of our country-casualty are free to return to the ways of peace. It will mean issue date. Price: 15% of maturity value. I'tdio ! 011'1' ;'0" r;fl;o". 10 I£"p w gol"g. ClUlildlu. list:$ are mounting. The least we can do is to back up security for you and yours. The Nfl' 6,,,, huvl' }'is/mu,. "" blULl,. 'Spil,,, oW' mea with every ~gle dollar we can scrape to­ 2}sX Treasury 100000s d. 1964·1969: Readily marketable, accept. seme c 'A.II",o.1 go. his. Bill lou1 ils WOf'lhwbil,. gether. Remember Ib" do not stop to ask the cost­ looked 'IoiU, w, ,'o"",d ""dloo" II" N"~ posilfo"." What To Do able as bank collateral, tbese Bond. are ideal iavestmeats (or Grant they pay with their lives. In the face of their sacrifice trust fund., eatate. and individuals. A special feature provides as mas an any of us back bero at home sar. that we are doing Tbousands of men and women, volunteer WOlken, tbat they ma,. be redeemed at par and accrued interest for the day f * * are calling on everybody possible, explaining the Trdlo enough? I purpo.e or.ati.fying Federal eICate taze •. Dated April 1 '.1943; viewec ROM every lront comes lltOry of the heroism of 2nd War Loan Drive and the diJl'erent types of Gov­ dUI June U, 1969. Denominations: $500, $1000, $5000, of pltriodc ate atreaCly their ~ FoW' troops-of the unbelievable hardships and Million, Ameritans put, ernment securities offered to meet every individual" '10,000, '100,000 and $1,000,000. Redemption: Not caU­ fort. privatioOl they are suJleriog. And now (rom our lar ting 10% of their earnings into War Bonds every needs. Welcome one of these representatives if h ablttillJune 15,1964; tbereaflee at pu and accrued interest A hi payday. We can be proud of this record-buI10%;s ment c .(". flung battle lines comes an W'gent cry for help: "Send calls on you, for be is giving his time and e1fort freely on any interelt date at " month,' notice. Price: par and New '\ not 1lIOugb. Today we are confronted by a great and aCClued intere.t. ; t ; us more l'lanes, more guns, more ammunition." For to this patriotic cause. But don't wait for his call. the hO i critical emergency, Thirteen billion extra dolJars are and I " : -tOday the fighting fr9nts blaze into new fury. In • Go to your bank, Post Office or War Bond booth. Lay Rapid s needed and needed It once. That is ~ big sum of Oth,r Securities: Serie. "CO! Tax Notes: 0/.% Certmcates of 10. ~. :' ~ desperate effort to annihilate w, the Axis pow~s down your money - more than you think you catI debtedoc ..: 2% Treullt,. Bond. of 1950·1952: United Stat.. The money, but not too higJor America. spare - for extra bonds. Know in your heart that gentha . : : afe throwing everything into the struggle. The next . S.,.iogl Bood. Serie. ~~F'i United StatU S ..in8' Bond. to see '{ . few ,wocka or months IDly decide the outCOme of the Whit does this mean to lOU? It means that it is when your country called, you answered "YBS':! Suiea !'G.'! river, l l. • • !41'mer * below, Ccd, wllh .. bridge: , . .. trbfrie no eel THEY GIVE .THEIR LIVES .. I YOU LE"ND YOUR MONEY! hotel; ------...." , a ehur - - ' . the ch UNITED STATES TREASUIY WAI fiNANCE COMMITTEE WAR SAVINGS STAFF-VICTORY FUND COMMITTEE wtha . struelc in' bel. Asr "'tou, ; lown -- a 'city The theirs lig htec . , comml . MEW PROCESS LAUNDRY NALL CHEVROLET J. C. PENNEY CO. Larew Co. Plumbing & Heating THREE SISTERS TOWNER'S DQT th est no: Iowa City Lodge No. 1096 GRIMM'S STORE FOR MEN dustrl, -: ' ' "EMIR'S MONT9Q",ERY WARP & ·CO. DANE COAL CO. KELLEY CLEANERS bala,* I , ' . Iowa Illinois Gas and Electric Co • tti,\I' n I . LAG9MARCINO GllUPE CO. B.P.O. ELKS DUNN'S H. L. BAILEY, AGENCY HOTEL JEFFERSON Tha i Loyal Order of Moose a des , iOWA WATER SERVICE CO. S~ARS ROEBUCK I I I,wa State Bank and Trust Co. BECKMAN'S DOMBY BOOT SHOP W!lich " , . SWANER'S DAIRY First Capital National Bank ,STO ,. r might ir the llaviar Albin U N I T'£ 'D STATES TREASUrY WAR FtNANCE COMMITT~E - WAR SAVINGS STAFF - VICT·DRY FUND CDMMITTE~ Warn l, ,; IaJ'yt - let at