InterviewINTER Lessons From an Overhaul

An Interview with Steven Rattner, Founder, LLC

historic moment and needed to be chronicled for the basic aspects of fi scal responsibility and what the future. It was controversial, but in the end, it is involved in living up to our obligations. was clear the government did the right thing and With every great success, there comes I wanted to be sure everyone understood that. frustration and oftentimes the need to deal Why should someone read your book? with public legal battles. How do you feel I deliberately tried to write a book that about having recently dealt with it? was both signifi cant and accessible, written in If you choose to live your life in a way a lively and engaging way; it’s not a dry policy where you’re somewhat in the public eye, then book – it tells a story. you have to take both the good and the bad that I was a journalist for eight and a half years comes with it. In more than 35 years in business, at The Times and I still have something I never before had my honesty or integrity ques- of a journalist’s eye for detail, the people, and tioned. It’s not fun having that happen, but I feel the characters. so I tried to bring to life, not just comfortable about my character, so if you work the President, Larry summers, and Tim Geithner, through it and defend and explain yourself, in but a lot of other people I worked with, and the end, most people will see it for what it was. give readers as intimate a sense as I could of What advice do you have for young peo- what it’s like to work in the White House, in ple feeling discouraged by the headlines? the Treasury, and to be at the center of the largest broadly speaking, the global economy is industrial restructuring in history that involved a growing and will continue to grow, and that will Steven Rattner historic company like . fi nd its way to people all over the world. It won’t so the goal of the book was both to give be distributed as equally as it should be and that is EDITORS’ NOTE Steven Rattner is also the former people something very engaging but also some- a problem. There are still too many people living Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury and thing where they would come away feeling they in poverty who don’t have the kind of mobility to lead auto industry advisor (popularly known as learned things about business, the government, lift themselves up from wherever they are. the “car czar”). He began his career as a reporter and the intersection of the two. but the world is going in the right direction, with before becoming an in- Now that you’ve written the book, what certainly within the emerging markets. I’m optimis- vestment banker at and Morgan are you focused on? tic about the u.s., at least in the short to medium Stanley. In 1989, he joined Freres as a What I intend to do is spend most of my run; our recession is over, the economy is growing, general partner, and in 1997, became Lazard’s time managing mayor bloomberg’s personal and unemployment will start to come down. Deputy Chairman and Deputy CEO. Rattner left and philanthropic money, which I did before I In the u.s., our biggest problem is our fi s- the fi rm in 2000 with three other managing di- went to Washington. I have enormous respect cal irresponsibility, and if I was a young person rectors to found Quadrangle Group. While and affection for the mayor and the great things in the u.s., I would be upset with my parents’ at Quadrangle, Rattner managed the personal he does, and I enjoy working with him. generation and the state of the federal govern- and philanthropic investments of Mayor Michael With the rest of my time, I intend to do a mix ment’s budget defi cit, and the national debt that R. Bloomberg, a role that he again occupies. He is of nonprofi t things. I had a lot of nonprofi t involve- is being left to me to deal with. a graduate of . ment before I went to Washington as well as writ- If I lived in europe, I would want to see ing and speaking out on the issues I care about. the economies become more fl exible and open, COMPANY BRIEF With offices in New With your fi nancial experience, how and more growth-oriented rather than preserv- York and Hong Kong, Quadrangle Group are you best able to contribute to solving ing the status quo. ( is a global private the fi scal crisis in the U.S.? and if I was in the emerging markets, I’d investment fi rm with more than $3 billion in as- The best way I can make some hopefully want to make sure that this enormous progress sets under management. Founded in 2000, the meaningful but inevitably small difference in these that is being made in areas like India and China fi rm focuses on direct investments in the com- areas is by writing and speaking about the issues. is distributed in a reasonably equitable way. munications, media, and information industries Having been in Washington, it’s hard for anybody, Is your work fun for you? around the world and seeks to partner with su- right up to the President, to make a difference. I have plenty of fun. It’s what my friend perior management teams in companies where What we have to do is convince the people of this calls the monday morning test: Quadrangle’s experience, expertise, relationships, country that there is a problem and the nature of it. that is, if you don’t wake up on monday morn- and presence can create long-term value. The last election and all the polls that have ing excited about your work week, then you’re come out of it suggest that people fi nally get the probably doing the wrong thing. Why did you write your book, Overhaul? idea that the defi cit is a huge problem. What they I have never in my career been able to do a because I felt the government’s decision to don’t seem to get yet is the fact that without either job simply for money or because it seemed like intervene in the automobile industry, how we cutting spending or raising taxes, or a combination the right thing to do. I have only been able to went about it, and the success that resulted from of both, you can’t solve the problem. so we have do jobs where I woke up on monday morning this government intervention was an important to go to the next step and have people understand excited to do them.• 28 Leaders volume 34, number 2