The London Gazette
fm^Ng* The London Gazette. $tti>lf$e.D by 3itttl)otftiN From CuttOaj July j. to ^aturtap July jf. n%6. T the Court at Kensington, the 5th Day of to grant Permiffions to fucb Innkeepers, VictuallerS't July 1726. Keepers ef Taverns, Keepers of Coffee-Houses, and A other Retailers of Beer a>d Ate, wbo have neglected PRESENT. to take tbem out according to former Notice, living d The King's' most Excellent Majesty In Council. the several Wardi and Parishes herein after mentioned, It was this Day ordered by His Majesty in on thefeveral Days thereunto annexed : And all Persons Council, That the Parliament which stands pro wbo stall draw Beer or Ale without Permiffion front rogued to Thursday the aist of fhis Instant July, thesaid Commiffioners after Thursday the 14'i Instant, will be subject to a Penalty of "twenty Pounds, and should be further prorogued to Thursday the 8ch will be ptosecuted sot thesame according to La*sv. Day t>f September next* Portsoaken, Linlchouse, Lisbon, June 19, N. S. By the last Letters from St. Botolph Aldgate, Poplar, the Bahia we have an Account, that the Ship which St. Mary Whireihapel, Blackwall, sailed from hence on the io*thof September last, St. Kathfenne's,. Mile End, having on board D. Luis Alvares de Figueiredo, Tower Libercv, Bethnall Green, Archbishop of that Diocese, arrived in that St. John Wapping, Spitdefields, Port the aiSth of November. The Archbishop Wapping Stepney, Sc. Leonard Sh6redicch, St. Paul Shadwell, Norton-Falgatc Libercy,' Jiad a magnificent Reception, the Viceroy Ratcliff Hamlet, himself fcoing on board to conduct him ashore.
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