priestly fraternity of Saint peter Rev. Fr. George Gabet, FSSP, Pastor Mass Schedul e 140 South Findlay Street Sundays (Low Mass) 8:00 AM (Corner of 5th St. and Findlay) Dayton, OH 45403 Summer Schedule July & Aug. (Low Mass) 10:30 AM telephone: (937) 938-6098 Weekdays Fraternitas email:
[email protected] Sacerdotalis web: S a nc t i sacramental emergency: 937-329-4944 P e t r i Fridays *************************> 7:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM Holy Family Catholic Church is a parish of the Archdio- Holy Days of Obligation: Check Announcements cese of Cincinnati entrusted to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. It was established by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to serve all those who desire to experience the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost richness and diversity of the Catholic Church’s liturgical and spiritual traditions, as provided for by Pope Benedict (Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel) XVI in his motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. The Holy On July 16th, 1251, ex- Sacrifice of the Mass and all the Sacraments are celebrat- actly 766 years ago to- ed according to the Traditional Roman Rite. day, the Holy Mother of God gave an answer to Sacrament of Penance the many desperate Sundays, Holy Days, First Saturdays: 30 min. before Mass prayers of a Carmelite Fridays and Saturdays: 30 minutes before Mass Any time by appointment monk named Simon Baptisms, Last Sacraments, and Sick Calls Stock. He was the Supe- Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. rior General of an Or- Sacrament of Matrimony der that was going Please contact the rectory at least six months in advance through a dark crisis that threatened to tear Mass Intentions for the week apart its already rapidly weakening ranks.