Detox Protocol

Unfortunately, we are surround by toxic chemicals, heavy metals, infections such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites etc. on a daily basis. These can interfere with many functions of the body, mainly brain, hormone, liver, and function. Thus Detox is a critical part of any

Holistic treatment program.

1. Foot bath detox. There are many detox modalities, but the most powerful if have found is the foot detox. It is a gentle, extremely effective way to detox the body. Unfortunately, Foot detox systems can run into the thousands per unit (See or spa/.). However most of my patients do perfectly fine with a much cheaper version from Dyna-Chi, which uses the same technology, just without all of the bells and whistles: Detox-Ionic-Detox-Cleanse-Bath-Foot-Spa-with-2-bar-4-plates-MAX- Array/200989667219?hash=item2ecbeaef93:g:n7YAAOSwmoVaoFpT

Detox Protocol For consistent detox, I would suggest doing a 30 to 60 minute foot bath every 3 to four days. The reason for this is that the foot bath stimulates all of the drainage organs of the body, with day 3 after doing the footbath as the day most toxins are released.

The footbath protocol is a as follows:

a.) 30 minutes to one hour prior to the footbath session, I would suggest taking a Cilantro Tincture. You may be able to find a good cilantro tincture at your local food store, however the Cilantro tincture that seems to be most effective is the one by Biopure: Tincture/dp/B010R37T6M

b). Follow the instructions for the footbath. It is important to use the right kind of salt. I have great results with KOSHER SEA SALT BY REDMOND. It is also important to make sure the water is VERY hot…(the detox lessens as the temperature goes down) Detox Protocol

c. After the footbath, make sure you drink PLENTY of water with electrolytes.

2. Take Binders*. Binders are substances that have the ability to grab or hold onto toxins and usher them out of the body safely, usually via the GI tract. This avoids any toxins damaging the kidneys/liver. Take various binders on an empty stomach to trap toxins as they are released into the GI tract and gallbladder…Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, or Chlorella (Preferred- because it doesn’t bind up good , it just binds toxins). Chlorella comes in little pellets. 10-15 pellets equates to approximately 3-5 grams. A suggested dose is 3-5 grams two to three times daily. Detox Protocol

3. Drainers*. Drainers help to pull toxins out of organs and usher them into the lymphatic drainage system. The following are examples of Lymphatic Drainers : Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, Hydrangea, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Burdock root, Aloe Juice or various herbal combinations 2-3 times per day. There are many herbal combination formulations, but here is a common one:

6. Infared Sauna therapy, if you have access to one, once or twice per week. Detox Protocol

7. Coffee enemas, two or three times a week (see handout)

8. -Movement helps with detox and lymphatic drainage

9. Drink Alkaline Water in between (or water with lemon)

10. Eat a non-inflammatory alkaline , with plenty of fruits/veggies/

11. Food based Multivitamin daily with B-, and Macro minerals. I would also suggest taking the 70 plus trace minerals to aid in detox. We use many different products, but 5-10 drops of Concentrace by Trace Minerals research does a good job. Research-Concentrace-/dp/B005BP5UCM

*The most appropriate Binder/Drainage combinations can be determined by muscle testing.