Essential Oil Therapies Vol. 5 No. 3 Balance Your pH for Better Health The latest diet fad – the Alkaline Diet – just pH and bone loss recently caught up with D. Gary Young, The relationship between bone loss and founder and President of Young Living blood acidity is an emerging area of study. Essential Oils. For years, Mr. Young has This may be because, as the body is taught the importance of alkalinity to good digesting acid-producing foods such as red health and has formulated nutritional meat, poultry and eggs, the net dietary acid products to support better alkaline-acid load increases as pH drops, and the body James Niederland, LCSW balance in the body. looks for a way to bring the balance back. Psychotherapist & The Alkaline Diet, built around moderate Calcium and other elements in short supply Wellness Consultant protein, low to moderate carbs and fats in a can be borrowed from the bone to restore (201) 567-8119 4 to 1 alkaline/acid ratio, is a mirror image this balance. The result is loss in bone (201) 906-2994 of the high-protein, high-fat, low carb Atkins density.3 diet. 1 The Alkaline Diet is for people who WEBSITE pH and Immunity feel unwell on a high fat, low carb diet. It is also for those leading stressful lives and who In addition to mineral depletion, many EMAIL researchers believe that blood and intestinal
[email protected] consume large amounts of acidifying foods– protein, sugar, processed food, cereals, acidity can be linked to disease through Symptoms of excess starches and caffeine with few alkalinizing fungus and yeast overgrowth.