Socorro Independent School District Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:00 PM Agenda of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees Socorro Independent School District

A Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Socorro Independent School District will be held February 21, 2006, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Education Center Board Room, 12300 Eastlake Drive, El Paso, 79928.

The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be take n are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice.

All items on the consent agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board member requests that an item be withdrawn for indiv idual consideration. Any Board member can request an item to be withdrawn for individual consideration.



3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 6 Presenter: Ms. Gabby Warren A. Linda East, Del Sol Medical Center's Administrative Director for Communications and Public Affairs, will present a donation of $1,500 to the El Dorado High School Art Department. El Dorado's art students painted a mural at the Del Sol Medical Center Pedia tric Unit. B. Bruce Truesdale, President of the Board of Directors of the SISD Foundation for Excellence in Education, will give an update on the Foundation. The presentation will include donations to the Foundation from the following groups: 1. Gilbert Lujan, Lujan Trucking, will present a check for $500. 2. Michael Dennis, Compass Benefits, Inc., will present a check for $1,000. 3. Linda East, Las Palmas & Del Sol Healthcare, will present a check for $2,000. C. Norma Ay ala, representing the Socorro Education Association, will make a presentation to kick off this year's Reading Celebration. Ms. Ayala will present Board President, Guillermo Gandara, with a "Cat in the Hat" hat. D. Mark Matthys, Executive Director of the American Red Cross of El Paso, will make a presentation to Candy Anson for being selected the Health & Safety Services volunteer of the year. They have also nominated Candy as a potential regional/national awardee. E. The Texas School Counselor Association named five schools to receive CREST awards at their annual banquet. Four of the five schools from across the state to receive the Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas award are Socorro ISD s chools: El Dorado High School, Socorro High School, Myrtle Cooper Elementary School and Bill Sybert School. Counselors from each of these schools who received the CREST award will be recognized.


5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORTS A. Report on Board Member Continuing Education 7 Presenter: Mr. Guillermo Gandara B. Construction Report 8 Presenter: Mr. Tom Eyeington C. Curriculum & Instruction Report 9 Presenter: Dr. Nidelia Montoya D. Property Tax Report 10 Presenter: Mrs. Mary Benham E. Blackberry Initiative Report 17 Presenter: Mr. Manuel Verduzco

6. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider approval of minutes of January 17 and February 7, 18 2006 board meetings B. Consider approval of budget amendments 25 C. Consider approval of the payment of bills 38 D. Consider employment of personnel 40 E. Consider awarding of bids 42 1. District Awards - CSP No. 199 -0201 -6052 2. Radio and Communication Repair Services - CSP No. 199 -0127 -6053 3. Web Based Benchmark and Assessment System - CSP No. 199 -0131 -6055 4. Relocation of Portables and Related Services - CSP No. 199 -0210 -6060 5. Miscellaneous Reprographic Services, CSP No. 199 - 0104 -6001 6. Screening and Coating of Wooden Floors - CSP No. 199 -0127 -6021 7. Bleacher Maintenance Services - CSP No. 199 -0127 - 6022 8. Employee Uniforms - CSP No. 199 -0104 -6023 9. Office Furniture - CSP No. 199 -1206 -6040 10. Sheet Metal Fabrication and Installation - CSP No. 199 - 0127 -6042 11. Sunscreen Canopies - CSP No. 199 -0127 -6054 F. Consider approval of Contract/Agreement with (MBEA) 51 Marilyn Burns Education Associates to provide staff development courses G. Consider approval of Inter -Governmental Agreement with 55 City of El Paso for Joint Use of Park adjacent to Paso Del Norte H. Consider submission of grants 56

7. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider approval of Update 77 policy revisions: 57 BBD (LOCAL) Board Members Training and Orientation; CPC (LOCAL) Office Management/Records Management; DAB (LOCAL) Employment Objectives/Objective Criteria for Personnel Decisions; DBD (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions/Conflict of Interest; D FE (LOCAL) Termination of Contract/Resignation; EFAA (LOCAL) Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption/Textbook Selection Adoption Presenter: Mrs. Vicki Icard Hibbs B. Consider approval of Election Order for the Board of Trustees 80 Electio n on May 13, 2006 Presenter: Mrs. Vicki Icard Hibbs C. Consider approval of contract with El Paso County Elections 85 Department for the Board of Trustees election on May 13, 2006 Presenter: Mrs. Vicki Icard Hibbs D. Consider approval of Requests for Use of School Facilities 95 Presenter: Mr. Armando Bustamante 1. El Paso Community College for use of 2. Vallarta Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses for use of Escontrias 3. Danza Apache San Francisco de A. Beatriz Contreras for use of Sun Ridge Middle School E. Consider approval of prevailing wage rates for school district 103 construction projects Presenter: Mr. Tom Eyeington F. Consider approval of boundary adjustments 113 Presenter: Mrs. Anna Lisa Banegas Pena G. Consider approval of Resolution designating March 2006 as 114 Cesar Chavez Month Presenter: Mrs. Vicki Icard Hibbs

8. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting is to be closed for consultation with the school district's attorney, to discuss pending litigation, to discuss real estate, to discuss personnel issues and to hear recommendations for Principal of Ituarte Elementary, Assistant Principal of Mon twood High School, and Assistant Principal of El Dorado High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074

9. NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) A. Consider approval of real estate contract for acquisition of 12380 Pine Springs Presenter: Mr. Larry Baskind B. Consider recommendations for the following positions: Presenter: Dr. Robert J. Duron 1. Principal of Sergeant Roberto Ituarte Elementary School 2. Assistant Principal of 3. Assistant Principal of El Dorado High School Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Special Presentations

DATE: February 15, 2006

Gabriela Warren, Communication Services Department, will announce the following special presentations:

1. Linda East, Del Sol Medical Center, will present a donation of $1,500 to the El Dorado High School Art Department. El Dorado’s art students painted a mural at the Del Sol Medical Center Pediatric Unit. 2. Bruce Truesdale, President of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Excellence in Education will give an update on the Foundation. The presentation will include donations to the Foundation from the following donors: a. Gilbert Lujan, Lujan Trucking, will present a check for $500. b. Michael Dennis, Compass Benefits, Inc., will present a check for $1,000. c. Linda East, Las Palmas & Del Sol Healthcare, will present a check for $2,000. 3. Norma Ayala, representing the Socorro Education Assoc iation, will make a presentation to kick off this year’s Reading Celebration. Ms. Ayala will present Board President, Guillermo Gandara, with a “Cat in the Hat” hat. On Saturday, February 25 th , to celebrate reading, Socorro Education Association is spons oring a Reading Celebration: Read Across America. Their goal is to motivate children to read and to introduce them to the joys of reading. 4. Mark Matthys, Executive Director of the American Red Cross of El Paso, will make a presentation to Candy Anso n for being selected the Health and Safety Services volunteer of the year. They have also nominated Candy as a potential regional/national awardee. 5. The Texas School Counselor Association named five schools to receive CREST awards at their annual banq uet. Four of the five schools from across the state to receive the Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas award are Socorro ISD schools: El Dorado High School, Socorro High School, Myrtle Cooper Elementary School and Bill Sybert School. Counselors from each of these schools who received the CREST award will be recognized.

6 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Board Member Continuing Education Report

DATE: February 15, 2006

As required by the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 61.1, Board President Guillerm o Gandara will announce the completed, deficient and exceeding Board training continuing education hours for each member. This information is required to be reflected in the minutes and made available to the local media.

7 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Construction Report

DATE: February 15, 2006

Tom Eyeington, Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services, will update the Board on the District’s construction projects. A comprehensive report will be forwarded to the Board in the Friday packet.

8 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Curriculum and Instruction Report

DATE: February 15, 2006

Dr. Nidelia Montoya, Director of Research and Analysis, will present the District AEIS rep ort.

9 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.00 13 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Property Tax Report

DATE: February 15, 2006

Mary Benham, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services will present the attached property tax collec tion analysis for the month of December 2005. The collections in December for the current year total $33,946,579.42 with the year to date totaling $36,225,495.05. The prior year taxes collected in the month were $618,637.17 and the year to date prior yea r was $1,184,379.93. The tax collections in December were at 55.18 percent. The tax collection at the same time last year was 53.70 percent.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Blackberry Initiative Report

DATE: February 15, 2006

Manuel Verduzco will provide the Board with a report about the Blackberry Initiative Phase I wh ich was approved by the board in November 2005. This report is to update you on the usage, capacity and impact on the district during the Phase I rollout.

17 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Minutes – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached draft copies of the minutes of the January 17 and February 7, 2006 Board of Tr ustees meetings for your consideration under the Consent Agenda.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The adm inistration recommends approval of the minutes as presented under the Consent Agenda. 18 MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING SOCORRO ISD EDUCATION CENTER BOARD ROOM JANUARY 17, 2006 | 6:0 0 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT Guillermo Gandara, President; Charles E. Garcia, Vice President; Craig A. Pa tton , Secretary; Brenda L. Castañ eda ; Barbara Perez -Peña; Raymundo Rodriguez; Karen Blaine and Dr. Robert Durón, Superintendent


CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by President Guillermo Gandara . All members wer e presen t. A quorum was present.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Paul Garcia.

SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Our Board of Trustees was recognized for their dedicated service to the staff, students, and community of Socorro ISD.

Hilda Lo pez, Director of Guidance and Counseling, made a presentation to recognize all of the individuals who assisted with the 49 th annual Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference held in El Paso this past November.

OPEN FORUM Parent Mike Tole do, signed up to speak during Open Forum regarding an issue involving his daughter. The meeting was closed into Executive Session at 6:25 pm to allow Mr. Toledo to make a presentation to the Board.

The meeting was r eopened 6:40 pm

Margrite Morgan, Linda Chochrek and Jan Deragisch signed up to introduce a new TSTA representative, Connie Comeaux. They also expressed their appreciation to the Board and presented each Trustee with a gift certificate.

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION REPORT Hilda Lopez, Director of Guidance and Counseling, provided the Board with an overview of the initatives in her department.

CONSTRUCTION REPORT Tom Eyeington, Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services, provided the board with an update on the District’s construction proj ects.

19 Regular Meeting – Board of Trustees Education Center Board Room January 17 , 2006 Page 2

PROPERTY TAX REPORT Rosemary Ledesma, Director of Business Services, presented the property tax collection analysis for the month of November 2005. The collections in November for the current year totaled $1,672,506.89 with the year to date totali ng $2,278,915.63. The prior year taxes collected in the month were $172,609.99 and the year to date prior year was $565,742.76. The tax collection in November was 4.19 percent. The tax collection at the same time last year was 13.14 percent.

INVESTMENT REPORT Rosemary Ledesma reported on the investment portfolio for the District for the quarter ended November 30, 2005. She reported that it is in full compliance with the investment policy and strategy as established for the district and the Public Funds Investment Act (Chapter 2256). The beginning book value at September 1, 2005 was $154,763,193. The ending book value at November 30, 2005 was $168,446,469. The beginning market value at September 1, 2005 was $155,044,646 and the ending market value at November 30, 2005 was $168,446,333.

CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Barbara Perez -Peña and seconded by Charles Garcia to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Items approved under the Consent Agenda: minutes of the December 13, 2005 Board of Trustees meeting; payment of bills; budget amendments; employment of personnel; awarding of bids (District Cabling for Wireless Access Points – CSP No. 199 -1216 -6031, School Wireless Access Points – CSP No. 199 -1216 - 6032, Distri ct Wide Network Switches – CSP No. 199 -1216 -6033, New VOIP PHX’s – CSP No. 199 - 1216 -6034, District Email System – CSP No. 199 -1216 -6035, Network switches for new schools – CSP No. 199 -1216 -6036, Network equipment for central site – CSP No. 199 -1216 -6037, E quipment maintenance contract – CSP No. 199 -1213 -6014, Metropolitan Area Network Upgrade – CSP No. 199 - 1213 -6015 ); and the submission of grants.

PROCLAMATION FOR NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELOR’S WEEK Hilda Lopez presented a Proclamation for National School Cou nselor’s Week for Board consideration. A motion was made by Barbara Perez -Peña and seconded by Raymundo Rodriguez to approve the Proclamation as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

2005 -2006 DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN Dr. Maria Arias presented the 2005 -2006 District Improvement Plan for Board consideration. A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to approve the District Improvement Plan as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF EL PASO This item was withdrawn from the agenda . There was no action by the Board.

CONTRACT WITH FLUID SYSTEM FOR SOCORRO HIGH SCHOOL Tom Eyeington presented a request for approval of a contract with Fluid System for the Socorro High School HVAC Phase II Up grade. A motion was made by Charles Garcia and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to approve the contract as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

20 Regular Meeting – Board of Trustees Education Center Board Room January 17 , 2006 Page 3

CONTRACT WITH RABBA -KISTNER Tom Eyeington presented a request for approval of a contract with Rabba -Kistne r for Socorro High School’s re -roofing project. A motion was made by Raymundo Rodriguez and seconded by Karen Blaine to approve the contract as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

REVISION OF POLICY EIE Debra Carden , Director of Secondary Educati on, presented a request to revise Local Policy EIE to include reading as a subject area for promotion in grades six through eight. A motion was made by Charles Garcia and seconded by Karen Blaine to approve the revision to the policy as presented. The mo tion carried unanimously.

NEWLY REVISED PREVAILING MINIMUM WAGE RATES This item was withdrawn from the agenda . No action was taken by the Board.

RESIGNATION OF GARY GANDARA FROM SOCORRO ISD FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vicki Icard , Director of Special Projects, presented a request to accept the resignation of Gary Gandara from the Socorro ISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Board of Directors. A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Barbara Perez -Peña to acc ept the resignation. The motion carried unanimously.

NOMINATION OF TRINI LOPEZ TO THE SOCORRO ISD FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vicki Icard presented a request for approval of the nomination of Trini Lopez to the Socorro ISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Board of Directors. A motion was made by Charles Garcia and seconded by Craig Patton to approve the nomination as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

RESIGNATION OF STEVE YELLEN FROM THE SOCORRO ISD FOUNDATIO N FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vicki Icard presented a request to accept the resignation of Steve Yellen from the Socorro ISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Board of Directors. A motion was made by Brenda Castañeda and seconded by Craig Patton to accept the resignation. The motion carried unanimously.

NOMINATION OF DOLORES ACOSTA TO THE FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vicki Icard presented the nomination of Dolores Acosta to the Foundation for Excellenc e in Education Board of Directors. A motion was made by Raymundo Rodriguez and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to accept the nomination as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

REQUESTS FOR USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Armando Bustamante , Assistant Superi ntendent of Administrative Services, presented two requests for use of school facilities from St. Frances Xavier Mother Cabrini Catholic Church for Board Consideration. A motion was made by Karen Blaine and seconded by Raymundo Rodriguez to approve the re quests as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

21 Regular Meeting – Board of Trustees Education Center Board Room January 17 , 2006 Page 4

EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting was closed at 7:40 pm for consultation with the school district’s attorney, to discuss real estate, to discuss personnel issues, and to conduct the Superintendent’s Ann ual Appraisal under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.

The meeting was reopened at 10:50 pm .

PERFORMANCE OF SUPERINTENDENT’S ANNUAL APPRAISAL Secretary of the Board, Craig Patton , announced the S uperintendent’s annual appraisal was conducted in Executive session and that Dr. Duron has met board expectations.

A motion was made by Barbara Perez -Peña and seconded by Raymundo Rodriguez to approve the Superintendent’s annual appraisal as presented in Executive Session. The motion ca rried unanimously.

EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION OF SUPERINTENDENT’S EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Barbara Perez -Peña to modify Dr. Duron’s employment contract to provide that he work 226 days per year and the District shall pay him up to five non -duty days each year that he chooses not to take for any reason at his daily wage rate at the end of each school year. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to mod ify Dr. Duron’s employment contract to provide a five percent increase in his base salary which equates to $9,527.50 annually. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Raymundo Rodriguez to increase Dr. Duron’s ca r allowance to $825 per month. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to modify Dr. Duron’s employment contract allowing for a payment to Dr. Duron of $50 per month to be paid toward his spouse’ s health insurance. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Karen Blaine to extend Dr. Duron’s employment contract to January 17, 2011 which is the maximum allowed under state law. The motion carried unanimously .

ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:55 pm

Guillermo Gandara, Board President

Craig A. Patton, Board Secretary


MEMBERS PRESENT Guillermo Gandara, President; Charles E. Garcia, Vice President; Craig A. P atton , Secretary; Brenda L. Castañ eda ; Barbara Perez -Peña; Raymundo Rodriguez; Karen Blaine and Dr. Robert Durón, Superintendent


CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm by President Guillermo Gandara . All members wer e presen t. A quorum was present.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Nick Dominguez.

2006 -2007 AND 2007 -2008 SCHOOL CALENDARS Antonio Baca, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Instruction, provided the Board with an overview of th e parameters used by the Educators Professional Advisory Council (EPAC) for the development of the 2006 -2007 and 2007 -2008 school calendars.

A motion was made by Barbara Perez -Peña and seconded by Karen Blaine to approve only one year (2006 -2007) schoo l calendar as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY WAIVERS Antonio Baca presented three waivers, Staff development, Early Release Days, and Modified TAKS Schedule, TAKS Testing, for Board consideration.

A motion was made by Barbara Perez -Peña and seconded by Brenda Castañeda to approve the three waivers as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

E-RATE RELATED SOLICITATIONS Mark Vechione, Director of Purchasing, presented the following E -Rate related solicitations for Bo ard consideration: CSP No. 199 -0113 -6012 PBX Maintenance – Avaya, CSP No. 199 -1216 -6034 New VOIP PBX’s, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6043 Cabling for Existing Schools, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6044 Cabling for New and School Upgrades, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6046 Voicemail Upgrade, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6048 District Wireless Cards, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6049 Conference Bridge, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6050 Student Email SAN Implementation, CSP No. 199 -0111 -6051 Professional Network Support.

A motion was made by Raymundo Rodriguez and seconded by Ch arles Garcia to approve the solicitations as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

23 Regular Mee ting – Board of Trustees Education Center Board Room February 7, 2006 Page 2

BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS Anna Lisa Banegas Peña, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, provided the Board with an overview of the process taken to bring for ward the proposed boundary adjustments.

Vice President Charles Garcia left the meeting at 6:31 pm.

A motion was made by Craig Patton and seconded by Barbara Perez -Peña to postpone this agenda item until the regular board meeting on February 21, 2006. The motion carried unanimously. Brenda Castañeda was not present for the vote.

EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting was closed at 6:57 for consultation with the School District’s Attorney, to hear reports regarding real estate and to discuss personnel issues un der Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074.

The meeting reopened at 8:00 pm.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm .

Guillermo Gandara, Board President

Craig A. Patton, Board Secretary

24 Office of the Su perintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Budget Amendments – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached five budget amendments for your consideration under the Consent Agen da. Amendment 1 adjusts gifted and talented campus allocations for actual number of GT students identified. Amendment 2 is a budget correction. Amendment 4 reflects a roll forward of funds from the prior fiscal year. Amendments 3 and 5 adjust s campus te chnology and basic allocations for actual 2005 -2006 Average Daily Attendance (ADA) as reported in PEIMS, and also reflects balances carried forward from the prior year (2004 -05). Additionally, there are thirty -five budget transfers .

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the budget amendments as presented under the Consent Ag enda. 25 Budget Amendments for February 2006 Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

The following amendments require board approval: 1 GT Adjustments 1996-11-001-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 2,250.00 24,683.91 22,433.91 1996-11-002-21-76-000 6412 GT Student Travel 600.00 5,500.00 4,900.00 1996-11-003-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 150.00 300.00 1996-11-004-21-00-000 6329 GT Reading Materials 300.00 14,256.97 14,556.97 1996-11-005-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,500.00 5,135.55 3,635.55 1996-11-041-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 740.00 740.00 - 1996-11-041-21-00-000 6219 GT Professional Services 1,645.00 1,960.00 315.00 1996-11-041-21-00-000 6339 GT Testing Materials 150.00 700.00 550.00 1996-36-041-21-00-000 6412 GT Student Travel 1,215.00 3,600.00 2,385.00 1996-11-042-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 600.00 600.00 1996-11-043-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 2,400.00 7,050.00 9,450.00 1996-11-044-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,050.00 1,000.00 2,050.00 1996-11-045-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 4,650.00 3,300.00 7,950.00 1996-11-046-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 300.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1996-11-047-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 3,450.00 5,000.00 8,450.00 1996-11-101-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 750.00 900.00 150.00 1996-11-102-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 1996-11-102-21-00-000 6412 GT Student Travel 150.00 150.00 - 1996-13-102-21-00-000 6411 GT Employee Travel 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-11-103-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 750.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 1996-11-104-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 9,000.00 9,000.00 1996-11-105-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 300.00 500.00 800.00 1996-11-106-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,200.00 2,130.00 930.00 1996-11-107-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 650.00 650.00 1996-11-109-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,200.00 350.00 1,550.00 1996-11-110-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 750.00 900.00 1996-11-111-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 300.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 1996-11-112-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 600.00 850.00 250.00 1996-11-113-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 900.00 1,500.00 600.00 1996-11-116-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 2,950.00 3,100.00 1996-11-115-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 750.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 1996-11-116-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 1,500.00 1,350.00 1996-11-117-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 689.42 539.42 1996-11-119-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,857.00 2,000.00 143.00 1996-11-119-21-00-000 6339 GT Testing Materials 693.00 1,000.00 307.00 1996-11-120-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,200.00 1,800.00 600.00 1996-11-121-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 3,000.00 1,950.00 4,950.00 1996-11-122-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 2,100.00 2,000.00 4,100.00 1996-11-123-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,650.00 2,180.00 3,830.00 1996-11-124-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,200.00 337.50 1,537.50 1996-11-125-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 150.00 1,000.00 850.00 1996 5749 Revenue 1,950.00 1,677,765.00 1,679,715.00 To adjust GT allocations for actual

2 Special Programs 2126-51-999-24-00-790 6311 Gasoline & Other Fuels 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2126-00-000-00-00-000 5929 Revenue 2,000.00 214,520.11 212,520.11 To correct budget for FY 05-06

26 Budget Amendments for February 2006 Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

3 Technology Allotment 4116-11-001-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 5,376.79 36,255.00 41,631.79 4116-11-002-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 665.02 27,437.22 28,102.24 4116-11-003-11-01-000 6649 Technology Equipment 7,434.01 18,955.00 26,389.01 4116-11-004-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,230.06 - 1,230.06 4116-11-005-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 34.91 16,240.74 16,275.65 4116-11-041-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 701.00 7,356.00 8,057.00 4116-11-042-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 636.42 12,000.00 12,636.42 4116-11-043-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 3,039.72 9,318.00 12,357.72 4116-11-044-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 626.17 9,634.50 10,260.67 4116-11-045-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,688.93 13,958.00 16,646.93 4116-11-046-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 839.52 10,428.00 11,267.52 4116-11-047-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 209.53 6,000.00 6,209.53 4116-11-101-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 3,445.00 3,000.00 6,445.00 4116-11-102-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,363.10 7,500.00 8,863.10 4116-11-103-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,874.18 12,973.98 14,848.16 4116-11-104-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 475.92 4,055.00 4,530.92 4116-11-105-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,625.21 7,898.00 10,523.21 4116-11-106-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,342.31 5,000.00 6,342.31 4116-11-107-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,948.56 3,400.00 5,348.56 4116-11-109-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 699.84 7,800.00 8,499.84 4116-11-110-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 12,621.17 6,119.00 18,740.17 4116-11-111-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,909.31 7,368.00 9,277.31 4116-11-112-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,602.07 7,374.00 8,976.07 4116-11-113-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 58.22 11,000.00 11,058.22 4116-11-114-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,815.82 11,645.00 13,460.82 4116-11-115-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 4,121.59 9,745.00 13,866.59 4116-11-116-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 8,253.92 13,854.00 22,107.92 4116-11-117-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,744.00 4,000.00 6,744.00 4116-11-119-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,468.08 10,160.00 12,628.08 4116-11-120-11-01-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,447.32 3,000.00 4,447.32 4116-11-121-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 561.90 11,000.00 11,561.90 4116-11-122-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 1,268.83 7,192.00 8,460.83 4116-11-123-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,128.57 12,042.00 14,170.57 4116-11-125-11-00-000 6649 Technology Equipment 2,558.00 4,000.00 6,558.00 4116 Unreserved Fund Balance 80,815.00 - 0506 ADA Adjustment / 0405 Carryover Technology Funds

4 Title V 2696-11-999-24-00-790 6399 General Supplies 24,836.00 - 24,836.00 2696-11-124-24-00-000 6118 Extra Duty Pay 1,126.00 - 1,126.00 2696-11-125-24-00-000 6649 Equipment under $5,000 2,663.00 - 2,663.00 2696-00-000-00-00-000 5929 Revenue 28,625.00 102,926.00 131,551.00 To allocate 2004/2005 Roll Forward Funds

27 Budget Amendments for February 2006 Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

5 2004-05 Carryover / 2005-06 ADA Adjustment 1996-11-107-11-00-000 6112 Basic Substitutes 2,208.00 15,000.00 12,792.00 1996-11-111-11-00-000 6112 Basic Substitutes 223.00 18,000.00 17,777.00 1996-11-103-11-00-000 6112 Basic Substitutes 5,016.00 20,000.00 14,984.00 1996-11-116-11-00-000 6112 Basic Substitutes 6,216.00 3,000.00 (3,216.00) 1996-11-109-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 1,012.00 23,216.16 24,228.16 1996-11-002-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 97.00 25,806.25 25,903.25 1996-11-001-11-00-000 6112 Basic Substitutes 17,767.00 70,000.00 52,233.00 1996 3600 Unreserved/Undesignated Fund Balance 30,321.00 2004-05 Carryover / 2005-06 ADA Adjustment

28 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

The following are budget transfers: 1 Americas High School 1996-11-004-11-01-000 6649 Basic Equipment under $5,000 10,274.28 48,144.32 37,870.04 1996-11-004-11-00-000 6649 Basic Equipment under $5,000 10,274.28 75,105.33 85,379.61 1996-11-004-23-02-000 6399 Special Ed General Supplies 1,319.96 12,800.00 11,480.04 1996-11-004-23-02-000 6321 Special Ed Textbooks 1,319.96 - 1,319.96 1996-33-004-99-00-000 6639 Health Services Equipment over $5,0000 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 1996-33-004-99-00-000 6649 Health Services Equipment under $5,0000 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 1996-36-004-91-02-000 6412 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Student Travel 6,000.00 6,000.00 - 1996-11-004-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 5,843.73 86,324.72 80,480.99 1996-36-004-91-02-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 10,542.00 16,825.00 27,367.00 1996-36-004-91-02-000 6649 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 1,301.73 3,000.00 4,301.73 1996-36-004-91-32-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 351.99 5,000.00 4,648.01 1996-36-004-91-32-000 6649 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 351.99 - 351.99 1996-23-004-99-00-000 6399 Administrative General Supplies 1,500.00 28,555.96 27,055.96 1996-23-004-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 1,500.00 7,000.00 8,500.00 1996-11-004-21-00-000 6639 GT Equipment over $5,000 11,850.00 11,850.00 - 1996-11-004-21-00-000 6649 GT Equipment under $5,000 11,850.00 - 11,850.00 1996-11-004-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 3,000.00 14,256.97 11,256.97 1996-11-004-21-00-000 6329 GT Reading Materials 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 2116-11-004-24-51-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 29,435.84 62,050.70 32,614.86 2116-13-004-24-51-000 6219 Title I Professional Services 429.60 49,556.10 49,126.50 2116-11-004-24-51-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 29,865.44 67,764.14 97,629.58 To reallocate to areas of need

2 Benito Martinez Elementary School 1996-23-112-99-00-000 6399 Administrative General Supplies 1,500.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 1996-23-112-99-00-000 6411 Administrative Employee Travel 1,500.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 1996-11-112-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 4,200.00 29,198.00 24,998.00 1996-13-112-99-00-000 6219 Staff Development Professional Services 700.00 - 700.00 1996-23-112-99-00-000 6411 Administrative Employee Travel 2,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 1996-36-112-99-00-000 6494 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Student Transportation 1,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 1996-23-112-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 500.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 To reallocate to areas of need

3 Bill Sybert PK-8 School 1996-23-122-99-00-000 6499 Administrative Miscellaneous Operating Expense 928.00 1,000.00 72.00 1996-23-122-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 928.00 5,809.91 6,737.91 1996-33-122-99-00-000 6411 Health Services Employee Travel 74.43 500.00 425.57 1996-33-122-99-00-000 6399 Health Services General Supplies 74.43 1,500.00 1,574.43 1996-36-122-99-00-000 6499 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Miscellaneous Operating Expense 487.70 2,000.00 1,512.30 1996-36-122-91-13-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 487.70 1,400.00 1,887.70 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 11,491.63 11,491.63 - 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6299 Title I Miscellaneous Contracted Services 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 2116-61-122-24-00-000 6419 Title I Non-Employee Travel 5,549.00 7,149.00 1,600.00 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6412 Title I Student Travel 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 2116-61-122-24-00-000 6499 Title I Miscellaneous Operating Expense 2,394.00 2,494.00 100.00 2116-12-122-24-00-000 6669 Title I Library Books & Media 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 20,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6119 Title I Professional Salaries 46,631.63 - 46,631.63 2116-11-122-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 5,803.00 5,339.00 11,142.00 To reallocate to areas of need

4 Desert Wind Elementary School 1996-36-999-99-00-999 6118 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Extra Duty Pay 47,640.00 177,000.00 129,360.00 1996-36-120-91-00-000 6399 Athletic Start-up Fall General Supplies 47,640.00 - 47,640.00 2116-61-120-24-00-000 6219 Title I Professional Services 1,000.00 1,000.00 -

29 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

2116-13-120-24-00-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2116-61-120-24-00-000 6129 Title I Salaries/ Wages Support Personnel 5,300.00 5,300.00 - 2116-61-120-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 5,300.00 - 5,300.00 2696-11-120-24-00-000 6118 Title V Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 2,889.00 1,889.00 2696-61-120-24-00-000 6219 Title V Professional Services 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

5 El Dorado High School 1996-11-005-11-17-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 88.00 500.00 412.00 1996-11-005-11-00-000 6412 Basic Student Travel 88.00 10,000.00 10,088.00 1996-11-005-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 306.00 48,413.00 48,107.00 1996-11-005-11-00-000 6299 Basic Miscellaneous Contracted Services 200.00 230.00 430.00 1996-36-005-91-00-000 6499 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Miscellaneous Operating Expense 106.00 6,000.00 6,106.00 1996-11-005-11-09-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 350.00 3,320.00 2,970.00 1996-11-005-11-00-000 6329 Basic Reading Materials 2,550.00 19,655.00 17,105.00 1996-11-005-11-00-000 6649 Basic Equipment under $5,000 2,900.00 4,735.18 7,635.18 1996-36-005-91-22-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 300.00 10,450.75 10,150.75 1996-36-005-91-22-000 6649 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 300.00 - 300.00 1996-36-005-91-32-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 200.00 10,718.75 10,518.75 1996-36-005-91-32-000 6649 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 200.00 - 200.00 1996-36-005-91-43-000 6399 Co Curr/ Extra Curr General Supplies 1,000.00 12,600.00 11,600.00 1996-36-005-91-43-000 6649 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 2116-11-005-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 2,675.00 32,784.00 30,109.00 2116-11-005-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 1,830.00 8,600.00 10,430.00 2116-11-005-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 845.00 110.00 955.00 2696-11-005-24-00-000 6649 Title V Equipment under $5,000 4,119.00 4,119.00 - 2696-11-005-24-00-000 6118 Title V Extra Duty Pay 4,119.00 - 4,119.00 To reallocate to areas of need

6 Ernesto Serna Elementary School 2116-11-117-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 5,900.58 15,783.51 9,882.93 2116-32-117-24-00-000 6219 Title I Professional Services 17,500.00 17,500.00 - 2116-11-117-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 1,525.50 1,819.49 3,344.99 2116-11-117-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 0.08 4,135.00 4,135.08 2116-32-117-24-00-000 6299 Title I Miscellaneous Contracted Services 21,875.00 - 21,875.00 2806-11-117-11-00-000 6299 Bilingual Ed Miscellaneous Contracted Services 5,105.00 5,930.00 825.00 2806-36-117-99-00-000 6412 Bilingual Ed Student Travel 5,156.73 5,156.73 - 2806-36-117-99-00-000 6499 Bilingual Ed Miscellaneous Operating Expense 4,695.10 4,695.10 - 2806-11-117-11-00-000 6399 Bilingual Ed General Supplies 14,956.83 10,613.65 25,570.48 2806-23-117-99-00-000 6399 Bilingual Ed General Supplies 75.06 75.06 - 2806-23-117-99-00-000 6499 Bilingual Miscellaneous Operating Expense 57.25 57.25 - 2806-13-117-99-00-000 6399 Bilingual Ed General Supplies 132.31 1,416.24 1,548.55 To reallocate to areas of need

7 Escontrias Early Childhood School 2116-13-110-24-00-000 6112 Title I Substitutes 10,029.00 10,029.00 - 2116-11-110-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 10,029.00 3,000.00 13,029.00 2116-61-110-24-00-000 6129 Title I Salaries/Wages for Support Personnel 12,115.69 12,115.69 - 2116-61-110-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 12,115.69 - 12,115.69 4046-11-110-24-00-000 6118 ARI Extra Duty Pay 5,310.00 5,310.00 - 4046-11-110-24-00-000 6112 ARI Substitutes 4,127.00 - 4,127.00 4046-11-110-24-00-000 6399 ARI General Supplies 1,183.00 - 1,183.00 4046-11-110-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 11,964.00 12,390.00 426.00 4046-11-110-24-03-000 6112 AMI Substitutes 4,127.00 - 4,127.00 4046-11-110-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 7,837.00 - 7,837.00 To reallocate to areas of need

30 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

8 Escontrias Elementary School 1996-11-111-21-00-000 6412 GT Student Travel 1,330.00 1,890.00 560.00 1996-11-111-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 1,160.00 1,300.00 2,460.00 1996-11-111-21-00-000 6494 GT Miscellaneous Operating Expense 170.00 200.00 370.00 1996-11-111-11-00-000 6329 Basic Reading Materials 2,814.00 4,000.00 1,186.00 1996-11-111-11-00-000 6269 Basic Rentals - Operating Leases 2,814.00 10,940.00 13,754.00 1996-23-111-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 260.00 1,995.00 1,735.00 1996-23-111-99-00-000 6269 Administrative Rentals - Operating Leases 260.00 2,060.00 2,320.00 2116-61-111-24-00-000 6419 Title I Non-Employee Travel Stipend 599.00 719.00 120.00 2116-61-111-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 599.00 - 599.00 To reallocate to areas of need

9 H.D. Hilley Elementary School 1996-11-102-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 8,000.00 29,579.00 21,579.00 1996-23-102-99-00-000 6269 Administrative Rentals Operating Leases 8,000.00 8,000.00 16,000.00 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6118 Bilingual Extra Duty Pay 20,900.00 20,900.00 - 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6639 Bilingual Equipment over $5,000 2,900.00 3,900.00 1,000.00 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6112 Bilingual Substitutes 5,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6329 Bilingual Reading Materials 4,000.00 3,000.00 7,000.00 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6339 Bilingual Testing Materials 900.00 600.00 1,500.00 1996-11-102-25-00-000 6399 Bilingual General Supplies 13,900.00 1,095.00 14,995.00 1996-11-102-11-00-000 6494 Basic Student Transportation 2,400.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 1996-36-102-99-00-000 6118 Co Curr/ Extra Curr Extra Duty Pay 400.00 - 400.00 1996-36-102-99-00-000 6499 Co Curr/ Extra Miscellaneous Operating Expense 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 1996-13-102-99-00-000 6494 Staff Development Student Transportation 8,500.00 8,500.00 - 1996-13-102-99-00-000 6399 Staff Development General Supplies 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 1996-13-102-99-00-000 6411 Staff Development Employee Travel 4,500.00 1,032.00 5,532.00 2116-11-102-24-00-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 42,900.00 42,900.00 - 2116-11-102-24-00-000 6494 Title I Student Transportation 1,200.00 1,200.00 - 2116-11-102-24-00-000 6112 Title I Substitutes 38,000.00 - 38,000.00 2116-11-102-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 5,574.00 10,000.00 15,574.00 2116-61-102-24-00-000 6419 Title I Non-Employee Travel 526.00 1,115.00 1,641.00 4046-11-102-24-00-000 6118 ARI Extra Duty Pay 13,140.00 13,140.00 - 4046-11-102-24-00-000 6329 ARI Reading Materials 3,160.00 - 3,160.00 4046-11-102-24-00-000 6399 ARI General Supplies 4,980.00 - 4,980.00 4046-11-102-24-00-000 6112 ARI Substitutes 5,000.00 5,000.00 4046-11-102-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 23,460.00 30,660.00 7,200.00 4046-11-102-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 20,975.00 - 20,975.00 4046-13-102-24-03-000 6112 AMI Substitutes 2,485.00 - 2,485.00 To reallocate to areas of need

10 Helen Ball Elementary School 1996-23-114-99-00-000 6399 Administrative General Supplies 2,860.00 8,251.00 5,391.00 1996-23-114-99-00-000 6411 Administrative Employee Travel 2,860.00 1,000.00 3,860.00 2116-61-114-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 900.00 1,803.00 903.00 2116-61-114-24-00-000 6499 Title I Miscellaneous Operating Expense 900.00 - 900.00 To reallocate to areas of need

11 Horizon Heights Elementary School 4046-11-105-24-03-000 6112 AMI Substitutes 24,000.00 24,000.00 - 4046-11-105-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 14,000.00 - 14,000.00 4046-11-105-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 10,000.00 5,137.00 15,137.00 To reallocate to areas of need

31 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

12 Hueco Elementary School 2116-61-107-24-00-000 6419 Title I Non-Employee Travel 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 2116-61-107-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

13 Hurshel Antwine PK-8 School 1996-31-125-99-00-000 6399 Guidance & Counseling General Supplies 836.40 1,000.00 163.60 1996-31-125-99-00-000 6411 Guidance & Counseling Employee Travel 836.40 1,500.00 2,336.40 4046-11-125-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 2,000.00 3,780.00 1,780.00 4046-11-125-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 2,000.00 9,577.00 11,577.00 To reallocate to areas of need

14 Jane Hambric Elementary School 1996-23-116-99-00-000 6329 Administrative Reading Materials 300.00 500.00 200.00 1996-23-116-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 300.00 10,895.96 11,195.96 1996-23-116-99-00-000 6269 Administrative Rentals Operating Leases 3,100.00 3,100.00 - 1996-23-116-99-00-000 6399 Administrative General Supplies 3,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1996-23-116-99-00-000 6411 Administrative Employee Travel 6,100.00 5,000.00 11,100.00 2116-11-116-24-00-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 4,000.00 30,000.00 26,000.00 2116-61-116-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 2116-13-116-24-00-000 6112 Title I Substitutes 4,390.00 5,000.00 610.00 2116-13-116-24-00-000 6411 Title I Employee Travel 4,390.00 - 4,390.00 To reallocate to areas of need

15 John O. Ensor Middle School 1996-11-046-11-00-000 6499 Basic Miscellaneous Operating Expense 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1996-11-046-11-00-000 6249 Basic Contracted Maintenance & Repair 675.00 1,000.00 1,675.00 1996-11-046-11-00-000 6269 Basic Rentals Operating Leases 325.00 6,000.00 6,325.00 1996-11-046-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 515.00 1,500.00 985.00 1996-11-046-21-00-000 6494 GT Student Transportation 415.00 500.00 85.00 1996-11-046-21-00-000 6412 GT Student Travel 930.00 4,500.00 5,430.00 1996-11-046-30-39-000 6118 State Comp. Ed. Extra Duty Pay 2,000.00 28,259.00 26,259.00 1996-11-046-30-39-000 6494 State Comp. Ed. Student Transportation 2,000.00 2,687.00 4,687.00 1996-13-046-23-02-000 6411 Special Ed Employee Travel 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-11-046-23-02-000 6649 Special Ed Equipment under $5,000 1,000.00 1,300.00 2,300.00 2116-13-046-24-00-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 2116-11-046-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 2116-11-046-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 5,998.00 35,025.00 29,027.00 2116-11-046-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 6,375.00 5,000.00 11,375.00 2116-13-046-24-00-000 6411 Title I Employee Travel 9,623.00 - 9,623.00 4116-11-046-11-00-000 6112 Technology Substitutes 500.00 500.00 - 4116-11-046-11-00-000 6399 Technology General Supplies 500.00 6,527.00 7,027.00 To reallocate to areas of need

16 Loma Verde Elementary School 1996-11-121-11-00-000 6499 Basic Miscellaneous Operating Expense 313.40 4,700.00 4,386.60 1996-11-121-11-00-000 6412 Basic Student Travel 313.40 1,300.00 1,613.40 1996-11-121-11-00-000 6494 Basic Student Transportation 2,000.00 6,125.00 4,125.00 1996-11-121-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 2,000.00 25,419.00 27,419.00 1996-11-121-23-02-000 6411 Special Ed Employee Travel 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-13-121-23-02-000 6411 Special Ed Employee Travel 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

32 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

17 Lujan-Chavez Elementary School 4046-11-119-24-00-000 6118 ARI Extra Duty Pay 3,795.00 3,795.00 - 4046-11-119-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 8,855.00 8,855.00 - 4046-11-119-24-00-000 6399 ARI General Supplies 3,795.00 5,085.00 8,880.00 4046-11-119-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 8,855.00 26,565.00 35,420.00 To reallocate to areas of need

18 Mission Early College High School 1996-23-999-99-00-999 6399 Administrative General Supplies 1,500.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 1996-23-007-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 1996-23-007-99-00-000 6121 Administrative Overtime Support Personnel 500.00 - 500.00 To reallocate to areas of need

19 Montwood High School 1996-11-002-11-60-000 6494 Basic Student Transportation 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1996-11-002-11-60-000 6412 Basic Student Travel 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 1996-11-002-11-10-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 127.00 5,600.00 5,473.00 1996-11-002-11-10-000 6249 Basic Contracted Maintenance & Repair 127.00 - 127.00 1996-12-002-99-00-000 6399 Library General Supplies 3,390.00 10,105.00 6,715.00 1996-12-002-99-00-000 6649 Library Equipment under $5,000 1,725.00 5,200.00 3,475.00 1996-12-002-99-00-000 6329 Library Reading Materials 760.00 3,000.00 2,240.00 1996-12-002-99-00-000 6669 Library Books & Media 5,875.00 12,000.00 17,875.00 2116-11-002-24-73-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 2116-11-002-24-72-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 2,940.00 7,200.00 4,260.00 2116-11-002-24-91-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 2116-11-002-24-91-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 8,200.00 8,200.00 - 2116-11-002-24-91-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 1,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2116-11-002-24-73-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 1,700.00 9,000.00 10,700.00 2116-11-002-24-72-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 2,440.00 - 2,440.00 2116-11-002-24-00-000 6299 Title I Miscellaneous Contracted Services 21,000.00 20,000.00 41,000.00 2116-61-002-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 1,119.00 4,000.00 2,881.00 2116-13-002-24-00-000 6411 Title I Employee Travel 7,298.00 7,298.00 - 2116-11-002-24-91-000 6339 Title I Testing Materials 4,500.00 4,500.00 - 2116-61-002-24-00-000 6499 Title I Miscellaneous Operating Expense 83.00 664.00 581.00 2116-11-002-24-66-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 13,000.00 - 13,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

20 O'Shea Keleher Elementary School 1996-13-103-25-00-000 6411 Bilingual Employee Travel 2,993.00 4,000.00 1,007.00 1996-11-103-25-00-000 6121 Bilingual Overtime Support Personnel 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1996-11-103-25-00-000 6399 Bilingual General Supplies 1,993.00 5,577.51 7,570.51 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6119 Title I Professional Salaries 40,400.00 87,711.35 47,311.35 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6118 Title I Extra Duty Pay 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 2116-13-103-24-00-000 6112 Title I Substitutes 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 11,866.00 - 11,866.00 2116-61-103-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 1,922.00 - 1,922.00 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6339 Title I Testing Materials 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 2116-12-103-24-00-000 6669 Title I Library Books & Media 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 2116-11-103-24-00-000 6129 Title I Salaries/ Wages Support Personnel 1,612.00 17,154.68 18,766.68 2116-13-103-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 2696-11-103-24-00-000 6118 Title V Extra Duty Pay 2,452.00 2,452.00 - 2696-11-103-24-00-000 6329 Title V Reading Materials 2,452.00 - - 2,452.00 To reallocate to areas of need

33 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

21 Slider Middle School 2116-13-043-24-00-000 6219 Title I Professional Services 6,000.00 6,000.00 - 2116-11-043-24-00-000 6299 Title I Miscellaneous Contracted Services 10,200.00 15,200.00 5,000.00 2116-11-043-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 1,080.58 - 1,080.58 2116-11-043-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 15,119.42 30,000.00 45,119.42 To reallocate to areas of need

22 Socorro High School 1996-11-001-11-00-000 6249 Basic Contracted Maintenance & Repair 1,000.00 4,104.83 3,104.83 1996-11-001-11-00-000 6299 Basic Miscellaneous Contracted Services 1,900.00 2,100.00 200.00 1996-11-001-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 1,327.00 26,687.08 25,360.08 1996-11-001-11-00-000 6649 Basic Equipment under $5,000 2,575.00 10,475.48 7,900.48 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6269 Administrative Rentals - Operating Leases 3,500.00 26,700.00 23,200.00 1996-36-001-99-00-000 6499 Co Curr/Extra Curr Miscellaneous Operating Expense 9,734.54 23,499.00 13,764.46 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6121 Administrative Overtime - Support Personnel 2,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6125 Administrative Part-Time Workers 13,984.00 9,000.00 22,984.00 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6249 Administrative Contracted Maintenance & Repair 948.00 3,414.00 4,362.00 1996-36-001-91-00-000 6499 Co Curr/Extra Curr Miscellaneous Operating Expense 1,154.00 6,000.00 7,154.00 1996-36-001-99-00-000 6649 Co Curr/Extra Curr Equipment under $5,000 1,750.54 - 1,750.54 1996-52-001-99-00-000 6121 Security/Monitoring Overtime - Support Personnel 200.00 5,000.00 5,200.00 1996-11-001-21-00-000 6649 GT Equipment under $5,000 2,500.00 9,000.00 6,500.00 1996-11-001-21-00-000 6412 GT Student Travel 2,500.00 12,300.00 14,800.00 1996-11-001-21-00-000 6399 GT General Supplies 7,000.00 24,683.91 17,683.91 1996-11-001-21-00-000 6118 GT Extra Duty Pay 7,000.00 1,300.00 8,300.00 1996-11-001-25-00-000 6649 Bilingual Equipment under $5,000 800.00 11,811.74 11,011.74 1996-11-001-25-00-000 6339 Bilingual Testing Materials 800.00 - 800.00 1996-11-001-30-45-000 6399 State Comp Ed General Supplies 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-11-001-30-45-000 6118 State Comp Ed Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 87,970.00 88,970.00 1996-13-001-30-00-000 6411 State Comp Ed Employee Travel 11,880.00 16,634.00 4,754.00 1996-13-001-99-00-000 6411 Staff Development Employee Travel 7,353.00 19,270.00 26,623.00 1996-13-001-30-00-000 6112 Staff Development Substitutes 2,482.00 1,476.00 3,958.00 1996-13-001-99-00-000 6112 Staff Development Substitutes 2,045.00 - 2,045.00 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6649 Administrative Equipment under $5,000 3,500.00 17,000.00 13,500.00 1996-23-001-99-00-000 6299 Administrative Miscellaneous Contracted Services 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 2116-11-001-24-00-000 6299 Title I Miscellaneous Contracted Services 8,000.00 55,050.00 47,050.00 2116-11-001-24-00-000 6329 Title I Reading Materials 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 2116-11-001-24-00-000 6339 Title I Testing Materials 1,764.00 4,000.00 2,236.00 2116-11-001-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 11,764.00 21,175.40 32,939.40 2116-61-001-24-00-000 6499 Title I Miscellaneous Operating Expense 1,500.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 2116-61-001-24-00-000 6419 Title I Non - Employee Travel Subsistence 1,500.00 4,000.00 5,500.00 To reallocate to areas of need

23 Socorro Middle School 1996-11-041-30-39-000 6118 State Comp Ed Extra Duty Pay 4,792.00 28,947.00 24,155.00 1996-11-041-30-39-000 6494 State Comp Ed Student Travel 4,792.00 3,000.00 7,792.00 2116-11-041-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 500.00 23,500.00 23,000.00 2116-61-041-24-00-000 6499 Title I Miscellaneous Operating Expense 500.00 79.00 579.00 4046-11-041-24-00-000 6118 ARI Extra Duty Pay 10,372.00 10,372.00 - 4046-11-041-24-00-000 6399 ARI General Supplies 10,372.00 - 10,372.00 4046-11-041-24-03-000 6118 AMI Extra Duty Pay 24,202.00 24,202.00 - 4046-11-041-24-03-000 6399 AMI General Supplies 24,202.00 - 24,202.00 To reallocate to areas of need

24 Sun Ridge Middle School 1996-11-047-30-39-000 6129 State Comp Ed Salaries/Wages for Support Personnel 500.00 500.00 - 1996-11-047-30-39-000 6121 State Comp Ed Overtime - Support Personnel 500.00 - 500.00 2116-13-047-24-00-000 6411 Title I Employee Travel 7,033.00 10,200.00 3,167.00

34 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

2116-61-047-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 2,732.00 2,893.11 5,625.11 2116-11-047-24-00-000 6649 Title I Equipment under $5,000 3,500.00 16,000.00 19,500.00 2116-11-047-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 801.00 20,178.00 20,979.00 To reallocate to areas of need

25 Elementary School 1996-11-106-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 2,850.00 47,279.64 44,429.64 1996-11-106-11-00-000 6499 Basic Miscellaneous Operating Expense 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 1996-36-106-99-00-000 6399 Co Curr/Extra Curr General Supplies 1,850.00 - 1,850.00 2116-11-106-24-00-000 6125 Title I Part-Time Workers 8,500.00 8,500.00 - 2116-11-106-24-00-000 6399 Title I General Supplies 8,500.00 4,086.00 12,586.00 To reallocate to areas of need

26 Walter E. Clark Middle School 1996-11-044-11-00-000 6399 Basic General Supplies 1,040.00 39,016.97 37,976.97 1996-11-044-11-00-000 6118 Basic Extra Duty Pay 1,040.00 4,557.00 5,597.00 1996-13-044-23-02-000 6411 Staff Development Employee Travel 200.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 1996-13-044-23-02-000 6499 Staff Development Miscellaneous Operating Expense 200.00 - 200.00 To reallocate to areas of need

27 ARI/AMI 4046-11-041-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,457.40 - 3,457.40 4046-11-041-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 8,067.27 - 8,067.27 4046-11-042-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,975.00 - 3,975.00 4046-11-042-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,275.00 - 9,275.00 4046-11-043-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,245.00 - 4,245.00 4046-11-043-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,905.00 - 9,905.00 4046-11-044-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,020.00 - 4,020.00 4046-11-044-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,380.00 - 9,380.00 4046-11-045-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,570.00 - 3,570.00 4046-11-045-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 8,330.00 - 8,330.00 4046-11-046-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,285.00 - 3,285.00 4046-11-046-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,665.00 - 7,665.00 4046-11-047-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,422.40 - 2,422.40 4046-11-047-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 5,652.27 - 5,652.27 4046-11-101-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,580.00 - 2,580.00 4046-11-101-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 6,020.00 - 6,020.00 4046-11-102-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,380.00 - 4,380.00 4046-11-102-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 10,220.00 - 10,220.00 4046-11-103-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,517.40 - 3,517.40 4046-11-103-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 8,207.27 - 8,207.27 4046-11-104-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,225.00 - 3,225.00 4046-11-104-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,525.00 - 7,525.00 4046-11-105-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,162.40 - 4,162.40 4046-11-105-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,712.27 - 9,712.27 4046-11-106-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,565.00 - 2,565.00 4046-11-106-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 5,985.00 - 5,985.00 4046-11-107-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,322.40 - 3,322.40 4046-11-107-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,752.27 - 7,752.27 4046-11-109-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,475.00 - 2,475.00 4046-11-109-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 5,775.00 - 5,775.00 4046-11-110-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 1,770.00 - 1,770.00 4046-11-110-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 4,130.00 - 4,130.00 4046-11-111-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,300.00 - 3,300.00 4046-11-111-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,700.00 - 7,700.00 4046-11-112-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,827.40 - 2,827.40 4046-11-112-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 6,597.27 - 6,597.27

35 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

4046-11-113-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,117.40 - 4,117.40 4046-11-113-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,607.27 - 9,607.27 4046-11-114-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 2,940.00 - 2,940.00 4046-11-114-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 6,860.00 - 6,860.00 4046-11-115-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,545.00 - 4,545.00 4046-11-115-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 10,605.00 - 10,605.00 4046-11-116-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 5,152.40 - 5,152.40 4046-11-116-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 12,022.27 - 12,022.27 4046-11-117-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,255.00 - 3,255.00 4046-11-117-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,595.00 - 7,595.00 4046-11-119-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,795.00 - 3,795.00 4046-11-119-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 8,855.00 - 8,855.00 4046-11-120-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,852.40 - 4,852.40 4046-11-120-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 11,322.27 - 11,322.27 4046-11-121-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,012.40 - 4,012.40 4046-11-121-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 9,362.27 - 9,362.27 4046-11-122-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 4,935.00 - 4,935.00 4046-11-122-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 11,515.00 - 11,515.00 4046-11-123-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 5,437.40 - 5,437.40 4046-11-123-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 12,687.27 - 12,687.27 4046-11-124-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 1,620.00 - 1,620.00 4046-11-124-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 3,780.00 - 3,780.00 4046-11-125-24-00-000 6118 Reading Extra Duty Pay 3,082.40 - 3,082.40 4046-11-125-24-03-000 6118 Math Extra Duty Pay 7,192.27 - 7,192.27 4046-11-999-24-00-840 6118 ARI/AMI Extra Duty Pay 356,146.00 356,146.00 - To reallocate to areas of need

28 Bilingual Department 1996-11-999-21-00-690 6339 Testing Materials 22,300.00 36,197.90 13,897.90 1996-11-999-21-00-690 6412 Student Travel 5,300.00 - 5,300.00 1996-13-999-21-00-690 6399 General Supplies 12,000.00 10,485.00 22,485.00 1996-21-999-21-00-690 6649 Equipment under $5,000 5,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 1996-21-999-21-00-690 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-13-999-21-00-690 6118 Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 1996-13-999-25-00-690 6329 Reading Materials 10,000.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 1996-21-999-99-01-690 6649 Equipment under $5,000 10,000.00 700.00 10,700.00 2636-13-999-25-00-690 6411 Employee Travel 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 2636-21-999-25-00-690 6411 Employee Travel 50,000.00 134,382.00 184,382.00 To reallocate to areas of need

29 Business Services 1996-41-750-99-01-930 6299 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 1996-41-750-99-00-930 6411 Employee Travel 10,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

30 Library Services 1996-12-999-99-00-650 6249 Contracted Maintenance & Repair 60.00 6,740.00 6,680.00 1996-12-999-99-00-650 6329 Reading Materials 60.00 1,700.00 1,760.00 1996-12-999-99-00-650 6399 General Supplies 99.00 9,068.13 8,969.13 1996-12-999-99-00-650 6269 Rentals - Operating Leases 39.00 730.00 769.00 1996-12-999-99-00-650 6329 Reading Materials 60.00 1,700.00 1,760.00 To reallocate to areas of need

31 Secondary Education 1996-13-999-99-01-815 6219 Professional Services 50,000.00 74,800.00 24,800.00 1996-13-999-99-00-815 6399 General Supplies 6,000.00 1,090.48 7,090.48 1996-13-999-99-00-815 6411 Employee Travel 40,000.00 3,000.00 43,000.00

36 Budget Transfers for February 2006

Increase Decrease Current New Approp Approp Approp Approp or Decrease or Increase or Estimated or Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

1996-13-999-99-00-815 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 2,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 1996-21-999-99-00-815 6411 Employee Travel 2,000.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 4096-11-001-24-00-815 6399 General Supplies 1,000.00 1,000.60 0.60 4096-11-001-24-00-815 6118 Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 5,042.86 6,042.86 4096-11-002-24-00-815 6399 General Supplies 350.00 532.92 182.92 4096-11-002-24-00-815 6118 Extra Duty Pay 350.00 746.69 1,096.69 To reallocate to areas of need

32 Special Education 1996-11-999-23-00-830 6412 Student Travel 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 1996-11-999-23-00-830 6494 Transportation Expense 500.00 500.00 - 1996-11-999-23-01-830 6118 Extra Duty Pay 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1996-11-999-24-10-830 6118 Extra Duty Pay 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1996-11-999-24-10-830 6649 Equipment under $5,000 2,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 1996-11-999-99-00-830 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 500.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 1996-13-999-24-10-830 6112 Substitutes 4,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1996-13-999-24-10-830 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 700.00 1,000.00 300.00 1996-21-999-24-10-830 6399 General Supplies 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 1996-21-999-99-22-830 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 650.00 2,000.00 1,350.00 1996-33-999-23-22-830 6399 General Supplies 300.00 500.00 200.00 1996-33-999-23-22-830 6649 Equipment under $5,000 1,000.00 1,800.00 800.00 1996-11-999-23-00-830 6411 Employee Travel 200.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 1996-11-999-24-10-830 6399 General Supplies 3,000.00 52,129.72 55,129.72 1996-13-999-24-10-830 6219 Professional Services 3,700.00 8,000.00 11,700.00 1996-13-999-24-10-830 6411 Employee Travel 3,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 1996-21-999-99-01-830 6399 General Supplies 4,050.00 25,000.00 29,050.00 1996-31-999-24-10-830 6339 Testing Materials 2,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 1996-61-999-99-00-830 6413 Non - Employee Stipend 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

33 Special Programs 2116-13-999-24-55-790 6411 Employee Travel 1,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2116-33-999-24-55-790 6399 General Supplies 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 2116-11-999-24-00-790 6399 General Supplies 1,800.00 32,936.57 31,136.57 2116-11-999-24-00-790 6219 Professional Services 1,800.00 - 1,800.00 2116-13-999-24-77-790 6119 Professional Salaries 62,434.00 152,993.00 90,559.00 2116-11-999-24-77-790 6119 Professional Salaries 62,434.00 - 62,434.00 2116-11-999-24-77-790 6399 General Supplies 10,000.00 666,446.87 656,446.87 2116-12-999-24-00-790 6669 Library Books & Media 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 To reallocate to areas of need

34 Superintendent 1996-41-701-99-00-860 6399 General Supplies 6,000.00 20,013.85 14,013.85 1996-41-701-99-00-860 6219 Professional Services 500.00 12,050.00 12,550.00 1996-41-701-99-00-860 6329 Reading Materials 500.00 900.00 1,400.00 1996-41-701-99-00-860 6499 Miscellaneous Operating Expense 5,000.00 32,500.00 37,500.00 To reallocate to areas of need

35 Title I 2116-11-999-24-77-790 6399 General Supplies 25,000.00 666,446.87 641,446.87 2116-11-999-24-77-790 6649 Equipment under $5,000 25,000.00 8,048.00 33,048.00 2116-11-999-24-00-910 6119 Professional Salaries 27,668.09 27,668.09 - 2116-11-999-24-00-910 6125 Part-Time Workers 27,668.09 - 27,668.09 To reallocate to areas of need

37 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El P aso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Payment of Bills – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached the summary of payments as of January 31, 2006. Total payments made in the month of December total $13,490,341 and payments made in the month of January total $7,640,701. A detailed listing of payments was sent to you in last week’s Friday packet.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the payment of bills as presented under the Consent Agenda. 38 Socorro Independent School District VENDOR FUND SUMMARY REPORT -- FISCAL YR 06

Fund Fund Title 4 5 Total 1996 GENERAL FUND $2,581,459.79 $3,607,977.31 $6,189,437.10 2046 ESEA IV-SAFE & DRUG FREE $19,215.99 $19,215.99 2116 ESEA TITLE I-PART A $474,325.79 $230,905.25 $705,231.04 2126 ESEA I-C MIGRANT $3,484.50 $726.40 $4,210.90 2136 ESEA I-B EVEN START $1,053.70 $2,422.49 $3,476.19 2205 ADULT BASIC ED-FEDERAL $1,167.30 $389.10 $1,556.40 2206 ADULT BASIC ED-FERERAL $3,773.16 $19,303.83 $23,076.99 2246 IDEA-PART B-FORMULA $41,923.32 $78,114.70 $120,038.02 2406 NAT'L SCH BR & LUNCH PROG $541,389.59 $745,963.85 $1,287,353.44 2446 VOC ED BASIC GRANT $9,830.15 $20,538.38 $30,368.53 2556 TITLE VI-CLASS SIZE REDUC $8,905.68 $65,701.30 $74,606.98 2616 READING FIRST $2,284.88 $11,670.31 $13,955.19 2636 TITLE III IMMIGRANT $23,255.23 $315,263.19 $338,518.42 2696 ESEA TITLE V-INNOVATIVE $1,542.50 $8,640.20 $10,182.70 2806 BILINGUAL ED COMPREHENSIV $23,747.00 $23,747.00 2886 LITERACY & SCHOOL LIBRARY $3,000.00 $2,869.04 $5,869.04 3946 PEP PROGRAM $0.00 $0.00 3976 ADVANCED PLACEMENT INCENT $1,035.00 $1,006.00 $2,041.00 4046 STATE SPEC REV-ACCEL READ $32,337.18 $57,156.17 $89,493.35 4116 TECHNOLOGY ALLOTMENT $51,641.62 $54,290.09 $105,931.71 5996 DEBT SERVICE $300.00 $397.50 $697.50 6976 CAPITAL PROJ FUND $5,740,328.00 $11,750.00 $5,752,078.00 6986 CAP PROJ FUND-NEW ISSUE $2,778,443.88 $1,982,716.95 $4,761,160.83 6996 CAPITAL PROJ FUND $1,177,741.97 $332,733.24 $1,510,475.21 7136 ENTERPRISE FUND $240.00 $240.00 7146 COMMUNITY EDUCATION $10,975.00 $10,975.00 7196 AQUATICS ENTERPRISE $9,553.48 $29,004.87 $38,558.35 7526 PRINT SHOP $1,564.43 $6,969.62 $8,534.05 7536 WORKERS COMP $13.32 $13.32

$13,490,341.15 $7,640,701.10 $21,131,042.25

Page 1 39 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Employment of Personnel – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached a list of personnel new hires for your consideration under the consent agenda.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the employ ment of personnel as presented under the Consent Agenda. 40 Socorro Independent School District New Hire List for February 21, 2006 – Board Meeting

Elementary Education

Chavez, Lizette Desert Wind Elementary 5th Grade Bilingual Teacher

Delgado, Anthony Joel Benito Martinez Special Education Teacher FLS

Gomez, Yvonne Hueco Elementary 3rd Grade Teacher

Lucero, Ruben Horizon Heights Elementary 4th grade Bilingual Teacher

Orozco, Ignacio Loma Verde Elementary Physical Education Teacher

Rodriguez, Evelyn Myrtle Cooper Kinder Teacher

Rodriguez, Sherry Robert R. Rojas 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher

Terrazas, Johnny H.D. Hilley Elementary Counselor

Tr iolo, Denise Hueco Elementary 3rd Grade Bilingual

Secondary Education

Cruz, Ezequiel Montwood High School Special Education Teacher Resource Math

Galindo, Daniel Ensor Middle School 5th /6 th Reading Teacher

Israel Chavez Socorro High School Special Education Teacher

Israel Ramirez Cortez Socorro High School Automotive Tech. Teacher

Lazcano, Yolanda Ensor Middle School 5th/6 th Math Teacher

Ramirez, Angelica Sun Ridge Middle School Counselor

Professional Staff

Saeñz, Julio DoTS Systems Administr ator Research and Analysis

Personnel Services 12300 Eastlake Dr. El Paso, Texas 79927 915 -937 -0000 main line 915 -858 -8708 department fax 41 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Awarding of Bids – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached supporting information regarding the awarding of the following bids:

1. District Awards 2. Radio and Communication Repair Services 3. Web Based Benchmark and Assessment System 4. Relocation of Portables and Related Services 5. Miscellaneous Reprographic Services 6. Screening and Coating of Wooden Floors 7. Bleacher Maintenance Services 8. Employe e Uniforms 9. Office Furniture 10. Sheet Metal Fabrication and Installation 11. Sunscreen Canopies

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOM MENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the awarding of bids as presented under the Consent Agenda. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Office of the Superinte ndent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Contract/Agreement with MBEA – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Please find attached a contract with Marilyn Burns Education Associates (MBEA) to provide the following staff development courses:

 About Teaching Math K -8 Part I  About Teaching Math K -8 Part II  Building a Foundation for Algebra K -8

Courses will be held May 30 – June 2 to no more than 280 staff members.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the contract/agreement as presented under the Consent Agenda. 51 52 53 54 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

Larry Baskind will present a request for the approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of El Paso for a Park adjacent to Paso Del Norte School. A copy of the agreement will be forwarded to you under separate cover in the Friday packet.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the interlocal agreement as presented under the Consent Agenda. 55 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Grant Submissions – Consent Agenda

DATE: February 15, 2006

1. The Department of Community Services has submitted continuation grants for the following programs: a. The Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) grant will enable Socorro ISD to continue to serve the adults in our community by allowing us to continue to hold Adult Education classes in the community. This instru ction is vital to the welfare of the families in our area, many of which are displaced workers. No matching funds are required for the amount requested of $380,375 from the Texas Education Agency. b. English Literacy and C ivics Education Grant Program strive s to expand English literacy services and promote the development of integrated programs of services that incorporate English Literacy and Civics Education in order that limited English proficient persons effectively participate in the education, work and civic opportunities and be able to navigate government, educational, and workplace systems. Community Education is requesting $96,000 from TEA and this grant does not required matching funds. 2. The Department of Instructional Services, Special Programs ha ve applied for funds to the Temporary Emergency Impact Aid for Displaced Students under the Hurricane Education Recovery Act, Section 107 program. The amount of funds awarded will be based on fund the number of schools applying and the number of displaced students currently enrolled in SISD because of the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. 3. El Dorado High School has submitted two grants to the Wal -Mart Foundation to support an educational field trip to various art sites. Each grant request is for $1, 000.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the submission of grants as presented. 56 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Update 77 Policy Revisions

DATE: February 15, 2006

Vicki Icard Hibbs, Director of Special Projects, will present Update 77 policy revisions:

BBD (L OCAL) - BOARD MEMBERS TRAINING AND ORIENTATION Identifies the Superintendent as the "public information coordinator," because the responsibilities of the public information coordinator are administrative in nature and usually fall within the purview of th e superintendent, either directly or by delegation.

CPC (LOCAL) - OFFICE MANAGEMENT/RECORDS MANAGEMENT This policy revision now identifies administrative functions under the supervision of the superintendent or his designee. These functions are describ ed by what could be perceived as job titles, but are in fact statutory context.

DAB (LOCAL) - EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE CRITERIA FOR PERSONNEL DECISIONS Recently, in a complaint against a district, the U.S. Department of Justice objected to the phrase "suitability for the position" that was previously listed in local policies of districts throughout Texas. This phrase has now been deleted from the policy. Also, the wording regarding "evaluations" has been broadened to read "appraisals and other performance evaluations."

DBA (LOCAL) - EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS/CREDENTIALS AND RECORDS Revisions to this policy includes text that suggests designating the home campus teacher of a student assigned to a disciplinary alternative educat ion program (DAEP) to be considered as the "teacher of record" for purposes of determining if the student is being instructed by a "highly qualified" teacher under the No Child Left Behind Act. The local policy will now reflect the information listed abov e along with the criteria necessary to establish that the home campus teacher will be considered the teacher of record. A new section has also been added on Updating Credentials and Contract Personnel.

57 Page Two Update 77 Policy Revisions

DBD (LOCAL) - EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS/CONFLICT OF INTEREST This policy has been revised to reflect conflict of interest disclosures. One revision is a broad locally imposed standard that requires empl oyees to disclose to their supervisors any potential conflict of interest with the proper discharge of responsibility or with the best interest of the district. The other more narrowly defines "substantial interest" standard that obligates certain employe es with such an interest as defined by law in real property or a business entity to file with the superintendent or designee an affidavit. This mirrors the Local Government Code requirement long in place for public officials and applicable to board member s.

DFE (LOCAL) - TERMINATION OF CONTRACT/RESIGNATION At At -Will Employees, the superintendent or designee has the authority to accept such resignations at any time. For Contract Employees, before the school year starts, the superintendent or designee may accept a contract employee's resignation, but if the resignation is submitted after the penalty -free resignation date, the acceptance is contingent upon finding a suitable replacement. Effective at the end of the school year, the superintendent or design ee is authorized to accept the resignation. The resignation of a contract employee may not be withdrawn without the consent of the board.

EFAA (LOCAL) - INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS SELECTION AND ADOPTION/TEXTBOOK SELECTION AND ADOPTION TASB has recommended t hat the ad reg which addresses this topic now be implemented as a local policy that is now required by the Texas Administrative Code.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends adoption of these local policy revisions as presented. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Election Order

DATE: February 15, 2006

Vicki Icard Hibbs will present the attached Election order for the Board of Trustees election on May 13, 2006 for your consideration.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the Elect ion Order as presented. 80 81 82 83 84 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Election Contract

DATE: February 15, 2006

Vicki Icard Hibbs will present the attached contract with El Paso County Elections Department for the Boar d of Trustees election on May 13, 2006.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approv al of the contract as presented. 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Request for Use of School Facilities

DATE: February 15, 2006

Armando Bustamante, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, will present t he attached requests for use of school facilities for your consideration.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the requests for use of school facilities as presented. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Prevailing Minimum Wage Rates

DATE: February 15, 2006

Tom Eyeington will present a request for approval of prevailing minimum wage rates for constru ction projects. Additional supporting information for this agenda item will be forwarded to you in the Friday packet

History The Board of Trustees last approved the wage rates on 2/15/03. The district has obtained the wage rates (by construction related job classification) from other districts to determine if the current minimum rates needed to be increased or not. Average rates are to be considered. A listing of the wage rates is part of every bid solicitation and Contractors are required to abide by these minimums when paying their employees on SISD projects. They can of course pay higher rates. The Davis Bacon rates are the minimum rates than can be paid on any federally funded construction or renovation project.

Rationale It is required that th e Board of Trustees approves these rates every 2 to 3 years. Where an increase is requested it is to bring SISD rates closer to the average rates or the Davis Bacon rates. In many cases, our rates did not need to be adjusted.

Budget Impact No direct i mpact to the district except possibly through Construction contracts and Guaranteed Maximum Prices.

ADMINI STRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the wage rates as presented. 103 City of County of El Paso ISD Socorro ISD Canutillo ISD Ysleta ISD San Elizario Clint ISD El Paso El Paso Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 4/25/00 2/15/03 6/17/97 8/25/04 Current Current 3/5/99 1/20/04 6/13/03 Ave "NEW" ASBESTOS WORKERS Insulator --- $14.00 ------$6.18 $14.00 ------$11.39 $14.00 Boiler Makers --- $15.64 ------$15.65 ------$15.65 $15.64 Asbestos/Abatement $11.04 ------$11.04 $11.04 --- $10.00 $10.00 --- $10.62 BRICK LAYERS Bricklayer $16.92 $14.01 $9.50 $23.35 $14.01 $14.01 $17.84 $17.84 $22.40 $15.94 $17.84 Tile Setter/Layer $9.54 $8.50 $7.25 $16.50 $7.52 $16.50 $17.84 $9.50 --- $11.64 $9.50 Terrazzo Worker ------$16.50 ------$17.84 ------$17.17 --- Brick Mason Tender $10.27 ------$13.00 $7.92 ------$13.43 $10.40 --- Stone Mason $8.45 $14.01 $8.20 $12.17 $7.35 $14.01 --- $17.84 --- $11.72 $17.84 Rock Mason (fence) $7.79 $6.50 $7.10 --- $6.77 $6.38 $8.00 ------$7.09 $7.75 Tile, Terrazzo, Mason Helper --- $6.50 $5.52 $9.50 --- $8.00 ------$7.38 $7.00 Mason Helper --- $6.00 $5.52 $7.77 --- $5.25 ------$6.14 $7.00 Tile and Marble Finisher ------$11.91 ------$11.91 --- CARPENTERS Carpenter Foreman ------$25.72 ------$25.72 --- Carpenter $10.01 $8.70 $8.00 $14.71 $7.96 $8.38 $17.87 $17.87 $7.96 $11.69 $9.70 Cabinet Maker $10.66 ------$10.66 --- Millwright --- $12.06 $8.00 $14.00 --- $12.06 $22.01 $17.87 --- $14.33 $13.06

104 Power Saw/Stationary Radial Saw Operator $8.33 $7.50 $7.25 --- $7.60 $7.24 ------$7.58 $7.50 Carpenter Helper ------$6.67 $5.54 ------$6.11 --- Acoustical Ceiling Installer $10.47 --- $8.00 $20.07 $10.47 --- $17.84 $17.87 $7.96 $14.12 --- Carpenter/Welder ------$23.15 ------$23.15 --- CEMENT MASONS Cement Mason $9.84 $7.90 $6.50 $9.84 $8.04 $6.36 $10.50 $10.50 $8.04 $8.69 $9.90 Machine Operator (Finisher) --- $6.05 $6.25 --- $5.95 ------$6.08 $7.00 Concrete Finisher --- $6.50 --- $8.50 --- $6.50 $10.50 $10.50 --- $8.50 $9.50 DRY WALL Drywall Finisher $9.56 $7.62 $7.50 $9.56 $7.62 $7.62 ------$7.62 $8.25 $7.62 Hangers/Installers --- $7.62 $7.00 $19.42 $7.62 $7.62 --- $19.49 $7.96 $11.46 $8.62 Drywall Installer/Carpenter/Applicator $9.17 ------$19.35 ------$14.26 --- ELECTRICIANS Electrical Foreman ------$23.40 ------$23.40 --- Electrician $19.78 $14.85 $9.50 $24.33 $14.85 $14.65 $19.44 $21.27 $23.07 $17.33 $19.44 Electrician Helper --- $6.25 $5.52 $9.32 $6.82 $5.25 ------$6.63 $7.00 Cable Splicer $17.13 ------$22.69 $14.95 ------$23.33 $18.26 --- Electrical Apprentice ------$10.68 ------$10.68 --- ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS Mechanic --- $16.55 --- $20.24 --- $16.55 $20.24 $33.34 --- $21.38 $20.24 Helper --- $6.70 --- $7.00 --- $6.70 ------$6.80 $7.00 FENCE ERECTORS Chainlink Fence Erector $8.00 $5.50 --- $8.00 $5.03 $5.25 ------$6.36 $7.00 Chain Link Fence Erector Helper --- $5.25 --- $5.25 --- $5.25 ------$5.25 $5.25 GLAZIERS Glazier $9.82 $8.20 --- $10.00 $6.75 $8.00 $11.50 $10.82 $6.75 $9.30 $9.30 Glazier Helper --- $5.25 --- $5.25 --- $5.25 ------$5.25 $5.25 FLOOR COVERING INSTALLERS City of County of El Paso ISD Socorro ISD Canutillo ISD Ysleta ISD San Elizario Clint ISD El Paso El Paso Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 4/25/00 2/15/03 6/17/97 8/25/04 Current Current 3/5/99 1/20/04 6/13/03 Ave "NEW" Carpet --- $11.40 --- $11.40 --- $11.40 $11.00 $11.00 --- $11.24 $11.40 Floor Layer $9.26 $11.40 ------$8.00 $11.40 $11.00 $11.00 --- $10.34 $11.40 INSULATORS Pipe Insulator ------$7.40 ------$14.50 --- $10.95 Equipment Insulator ------$14.50 --- $14.50 --- Helper ------$5.50 ------$5.50 --- Batt Insulation Installer ------$6.18 ------$6.18 $6.18 --- IRONWORKERS/WELDERS Ironworker Structural $9.51 $8.61 $7.35 $10.00 $8.05 $8.61 $10.25 $10.25 $8.05 $9.08 $8.61 Ironworker Reinforcing $10.35 $9.00 $8.30 $10.35 $9.00 $6.25 $10.25 $15.37 $9.00 $9.86 $9.00 LABORERS Laborer ------$10.79 ------$10.79 --- Laborer Common $6.98 $5.50 --- $9.05 $4.85 $5.25 $8.88 $8.88 $5.15 $7.06 $7.00 Laborer Skilled $7.60 $6.00 --- $15.28 $5.51 $5.95 $11.02 $15.18 --- $9.51 $8.00 Semi-skilled --- $5.40 --- $11.68 --- $5.26 ------$7.45 $6.00 Pipe Layers (including sewer & drainage) --- $5.25 --- $10.09 --- $5.25 ------$6.86 $5.75 Laborer-Superintendent ------$23.38 ------$23.38 --- Metal Building Erector $15.26 ------$15.26 --- LATHERS, PLASTERERS

105 Journeyman, Lather --- $13.13 --- $13.13 --- $13.13 ------$13.13 $13.13 Plasterer $11.53 $13.19 --- $13.19 $9.98 $13.19 $14.44 $11.00 --- $12.36 $13.19 Helper --- $6.00 --- $6.18 $6.18 $5.89 ------$6.06 $7.00 PAINTERS Journeyman (brush/tapers) $9.27 $7.79 $6.50 $10.00 $7.62 $7.79 $8.50 $8.00 $7.62 $8.18 $8.50 Painter - Brush/Roller $9.27 $7.79 $6.50 $10.00 $7.62 $7.79 $8.50 $8.00 $7.62 $8.18 $8.50 Painter - Spray $9.62 $7.79 $6.65 $10.00 $7.62 $7.79 $8.50 $8.00 --- $8.25 $8.50 PLUMBERS Plumber $12.22 $9.49 $8.50 $15.81 $9.49 $8.77 $18.15 $14.50 $9.17 $12.12 $12.12 Steamfitter $10.91 $9.49 $8.50 $10.91 --- $8.64 ------$9.49 $9.69 $10.91 Sprinklerfitter $17.78 $16.05 $7.50 $19.20 $8.00 $19.20 $12.85 $13.00 $8.00 $14.20 $16.05 Pipefitter (construction) $14.11 $11.32 --- $13.00 --- $11.32 $18.15 $14.50 $9.49 $13.73 $13.00 Irrigator, Certified ------$14.50 ------$18.15 $14.50 --- $15.72 --- Plumbers Helper ------$8.90 $5.63 ------$7.27 --- EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Backhoe and Crane (semi-skilled) --- $7.47 $7.37 $7.47 $7.45 $7.47 ------$7.45 $7.45 $7.47 Front End Loader (semi-skilled) --- $7.50 $5.52 $7.50 --- $7.50 ------$7.01 $7.50 Forklift (skilled) --- $9.82 --- $15.30 $9.50 $10.14 ------$15.87 $11.19 $11.19 Operators-Crane Semiskilled ------$15.30 ------$15.30 --- Hydraulic Crane --- $12.25 --- $13.28 $7.47 ------$15.87 $11.00 $12.25 Tower Crane --- $13.00 --- $17.92 $13.28 $7.47 $17.85 $17.85 $18.35 $14.56 $14.00 Equip. Operator Skilled (heavy)(Bulldozer) $14.69 $11.26 $7.37 ------$16.03 $16.03 --- $13.08 $13.08 Equipment Operator Skilled (medium) ------$15.58 $15.58 --- $15.58 --- Equipment Operator Skilled (light) $10.92 $8.50 ------$8.39 $7.50 $8.50 --- $8.76 $8.50 Concrete Saw Cutter ------$9.50 ------$9.50 --- Operator-Heavy Equipment 2 1/2 CY and over or 25 Tons and over ------$14.69 ------$14.69 --- Operator-Light Equipment 1 1/2 CY or less or 5 tons or less ------$10.92 ------$10.92 --- City of County of El Paso ISD Socorro ISD Canutillo ISD Ysleta ISD San Elizario Clint ISD El Paso El Paso Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 4/25/00 2/15/03 6/17/97 8/25/04 Current Current 3/5/99 1/20/04 6/13/03 Ave "NEW" ROOFERS Roofer $8.74 $6.47 $7.75 $10.00 $5.80 $6.47 $9.75 $9.00 $5.80 $8.00 $9.00 Roofer Helper --- $5.25 $5.55 $5.25 --- $5.25 ------$5.33 $7.00 PA/TV/FA/IA/WAN/LAN Electronic Systems Technician $18.56 ------$18.56 ------$19.44 $9.00 --- $16.39 --- Protective Signal Installer $14.98 ------$14.98 --- Chief technical ------$7.55 ------$7.55 --- Senior Journeyman ------$7.00 ------$7.00 --- Journeyman ------$5.75 ------$5.75 --- SHEETMETAL WORKER HVAC Mechanic $11.14 --- $8.75 $11.50 $9.05 --- $11.50 $13.50 --- $10.91 --- Sheet Metal Worker $12.65 --- $9.75 $18.97 $12.65 --- $9.00 $14.00 $19.81 $12.84 --- HVAC Ductwork Only --- $8.81 --- $9.00 $7.72 $8.81 ------$7.72 $8.59 $8.81 Helper --- $5.35 $5.55 $5.54 $5.54 $5.25 ------$5.45 $7.00 TRUCK DRIVERS Truck Driver - Heavy > 26K# (Cap) Haul Cap. $9.24 $6.50 ------$6.36 $9.50 $8.00 $5.95 $7.92 $7.50 Truck Driver - Light < 26K# (Cap) Haul Cap. $8.54 $6.50 ------$6.36 $8.00 $9.00 $5.95 $7.68 $7.50 Tandem Axle or Semi-trailer --- $6.50 --- $9.00 --- $6.36 ------$7.29 $7.50 WATERPROOFERS & CAULKERS Waterproofers & Caulkers --- $7.28 --- $9.50 --- $7.28 $9.50 $9.50 --- $8.61 $9.00 106 PAVING, CONSTRUCTION, DIRTWORK, HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, PIPELINE WORK Air Tool Operator --- $5.28 ------$5.28 ------$5.28 $7.00 Asphalt Heaterman --- $6.95 ------$7.25 ------$7.10 $7.10 Asphalt Raker --- $6.35 ------$6.30 --- $9.00 $7.29 $7.22 $7.30 Asphalt Shoveler --- $5.51 ------$5.51 ------$5.51 $6.50 Batching Plant Scaleman --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $8.00 Baterboard Setter --- $8.65 ------$8.65 ------$8.65 $8.65 Bricklayer --- $8.40 ------$8.40 ------$8.40 $8.40 Mason Tender --- $7.35 ------$7.35 ------$7.35 $7.35 Carpenter --- $8.74 ------$8.74 --- $8.75 $8.75 $8.74 $8.74 Carpenter Helper --- $5.75 ------$5.25 ------$5.50 $7.00 Chain Link Fence Erector --- $5.25 ------$5.03 $5.25 ------$5.18 $7.50 Chain Link Fence Erector Helper --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 Concrete Finisher (Paving) --- $7.18 ------$7.18 --- $8.00 $7.65 $7.45 $7.65 Concrete Finisher Helper (Paving) ------Concrete Finisher (Structures) --- $6.52 ------$6.52 --- $9.40 $7.06 $7.48 $7.48 Concrete Finisher Helper (Structures) --- $5.50 ------$5.25 ------$5.38 $7.00 Electrician --- $12.85 ------$12.85 --- $17.52 $14.76 $14.41 $14.85 Electrician Helper --- $6.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.75 $7.00 Flagger --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $5.25 Form Builder --- $5.41 ------$5.41 ------$5.41 $7.00 Form Builder (Structures) --- $5.98 ------$5.98 ------$5.98 $7.00 Form Liner (Paving & Curb) --- $6.75 ------$6.75 ------$6.75 $7.00 Form Setter (Paving & Curb) --- $6.63 ------$6.63 --- $8.90 --- $7.39 $7.39 Form Setter Helper (Paving & Curb) --- $5.75 ------$5.25 ------$5.50 $7.00 Form Setter (Structures) --- $6.88 ------$6.88 ------$6.89 $6.88 $7.50 Form Setter Helper (Structures) --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 Ironworker - Structural ------$10.50 --- $10.50 --- City of County of El Paso ISD Socorro ISD Canutillo ISD Ysleta ISD San Elizario Clint ISD El Paso El Paso Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 4/25/00 2/15/03 6/17/97 8/25/04 Current Current 3/5/99 1/20/04 6/13/03 Ave "NEW" Laborer, Common --- $5.28 --- $9.05 --- $5.28 --- $7.00 $6.33 $6.65 $7.00 Laborer, Skilled ------$7.39 --- $7.39 --- Laborer, Utility Man --- $6.27 ------$6.27 ------$7.39 $6.27 $7.39 Lineman --- $10.50 ------$10.50 ------$10.50 $10.50 Groundman --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 Manhole Builder, Brick --- $8.40 ------$8.40 ------$8.40 $8.40 Mechanic --- $9.29 ------$9.29 $9.25 $12.75 $10.43 $10.15 $10.43 Mechanic Helper --- $5.75 ------$5.25 ------$5.50 $7.00 Oiler --- $7.95 ------$8.27 ------$8.11 $7.95 Serviceman/Servicer --- $6.39 ------$6.54 --- $10.00 $8.37 $7.64 $8.37 Pipedriver --- $7.25 ------$6.50 ------$6.88 $7.25 Pipe Layer --- $6.75 --- $10.09 --- $6.75 --- $8.50 $7.73 $8.02 $7.73 Pipe Layer Helper --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Asphalt Paving Machine Operator --- $7.47 ------$7.47 --- $8.91 $8.91 $7.95 $8.91 Asphalt Distributor --- $7.07 ------$7.07 --- $12.00 $8.10 $8.71 $8.10 Broom or Sweeper Operator --- $5.91 ------$5.91 ------$5.91 $7.00 Bulldozer, 150 H.P. and Less --- $7.64 ------$7.64 ------$8.58 $7.64 $8.58 Bulldozer, over 150 H.P. --- $7.64 ------$7.64 ------$7.64 $7.64

107 Concrete Paving Curing Machine --- $7.21 ------$6.97 ------$7.09 $7.50 Concrete Paving Finishing Machine --- $7.71 ------$7.71 ------$8.69 $7.71 $8.69 Concrete Paving Form Grader --- $6.85 ------$6.85 ------$6.85 $7.25 Concrete Paving Float --- $6.75 ------$6.75 ------$6.75 $7.00 Concrete Paving Spreader --- $7.81 ------$7.81 ------$7.81 $7.81 Concrete Paving Saw ------Slipform Machine ------Paving Sub-grader --- $7.22 ------$7.22 ------$7.22 $7.22 Crane Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel (Less than 1-1/2 cy) --- $7.67 ------$7.67 ------$10.04 $7.67 $8.67 Crane Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick Dragline, Shovel (1-1/2 cy & over) --- $9.61 ------$9.61 ------$10.04 $9.61 $10.04 Crusher or Screening Plant Operator --- $7.70 ------$7.70 ------$7.70 $7.70 Forklift --- $8.40 --- $15.30 --- $8.40 ------$10.70 $8.40 Foundation Drill, Truck Mounted --- $7.75 ------$7.75 ------$7.75 $7.75 Front End Loader (2 1/2 cy or Less) --- $6.63 ------$6.63 ------$8.11 $6.63 $8.11 Front End Loader ( 2 1/2 cy) --- $7.60 ------$7.38 ------$8.11 $7.49 $8.11 Hoist (Double Drum and Less) ------Mixer (16 CFR & Less) ------Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade --- $6.70 ------$5.25 ------$12.50 $5.98 $8.70 Motor Grader Operator --- $9.65 ------$9.65 ------$12.63 $9.65 $10.65 Pump Crete ------Rock Mason, Fences/Walls --- $6.30 ------$6.30 ------$6.30 $7.50 Rock Mason Helper, Fences/Walls --- $6.04 ------$6.04 ------$6.04 $7.00 Roller, Steel Wheel (Plant Mix Pavements) --- $5.80 ------$5.30 ------$7.50 $5.55 $7.50 Roller, Steel Wheel (Other Flat Wheel or Tamping) --- $5.89 ------$5.73 ------$6.37 $5.81 $7.00 Roller, Pneumatic (Self-Propelled) --- $6.50 ------$6.21 ------$6.90 $6.36 $7.50 Scrapers (17 cy or Less) --- $6.50 ------$6.00 ------$7.32 $6.25 $7.50 City of County of El Paso ISD Socorro ISD Canutillo ISD Ysleta ISD San Elizario Clint ISD El Paso El Paso Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 4/25/00 2/15/03 6/17/97 8/25/04 Current Current 3/5/99 1/20/04 6/13/03 Ave "NEW" Scrapers (Over 17 cy) --- $7.31 ------$7.31 ------$7.32 $7.31 $7.50 Side Broom --- $6.77 ------$6.77 ------$6.77 $7.00 Tractor (Crawler Type) 150 H.P. & Less --- $5.95 ------$5.57 ------$5.76 $8.00 Tractor (Crawler Type) Over 150 H.P. --- $6.75 ------$6.16 ------$6.46 $8.58 Tractor (Pneumatic) 80 H.P. or Less --- $5.75 ------$5.25 ------$5.50 $8.00 Tractor (Pneumatic) Over 80 H.P. --- $6.41 ------$6.41 ------$6.41 $8.25 Trenching Machine, Light --- $5.90 ------$5.90 ------$5.90 $7.50 Trenching Machine, Heavy --- $5.95 ------$5.95 ------$5.95 $8.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) --- $6.32 ------$6.32 --- $10.00 $9.68 $7.55 $8.32 Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper (Paving) --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Structural) --- $7.90 ------$7.90 --- $10.00 $15.50 $8.60 $10.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper (Structural) ------Steel Worker (Structural) --- $8.90 ------$7.35 ------$8.13 $8.90 Steel Worker Helper (Structural) --- $5.84 ------$5.77 ------$5.81 $7.00 Spreader Box Man --- $7.68 ------$7.68 ------$7.68 $7.68 Vibrator Operator --- $5.28 ------$5.28 ------$5.28 $8.00 Wagon Drill, Boring Machine/Post Hole Driller ------Welder --- $6.65 ------$6.65 $11.02 --- $9.00 $8.11 $9.00 Welder Helper --- $5.25 ------$5.25 ------$5.25 $7.00 108 TRUCK DRIVERS Single Axle, Light --- $6.52 --- $8.54 --- $6.52 $8.00 --- $7.34 $7.40 $7.50 Single Axle, Heavy --- $6.52 ------$6.52 $9.50 --- $6.52 $7.51 $7.50 Tandem Axle or Semi-trailer --- $7.00 --- $9.00 --- $7.00 ------$7.01 $7.67 $7.50 Lowboy-Float --- $7.37 ------$7.37 ------$7.37 $7.37 Transit-Mix --- $6.75 ------$6.75 ------$6.75 $7.50 Truck Driver-Heavy: over 26K# (Cap.) Haul C ------$8.00 --- $8.00 --- Truck Drivers ------$5.95 --- $6.75 ------$6.35 --- Tandem Axle or Semi-Trailer ------$8.54 ------$8.00 --- $8.27 --- Socorro ISD Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 2/15/03 AVE Wage Rates "NEW" ASBESTOS WORKERS Insulator $14.00 $ 11.39 $14.00 Boiler Makers $15.64 $ 15.65 $15.64 BRICK LAYERS Bricklayer $14.01 $ 15.94 $ 22.40 $17.84 Tile Setter/Layer $8.50 $ 11.64 $9.50 Stone Mason $14.01 $ 11.72 $17.84 Rock Mason (fence) $6.50 $ 7.09 $7.75 Tile, Terrazzo, Mason Helper $6.50 $ 7.38 $7.00 Mason Helper $6.00 $ 6.14 $7.00 CARPENTERS Carpenter $8.70 $ 11.69 $ 7.96 $9.70 Millwright $12.06 $ 14.33 $13.06 Power Saw/Stationary Radial Saw Operator $7.50 $ 7.58 $7.50 CEMENT MASONS Cement Mason $7.90 $ 8.69 $ 8.04 $9.90 Machine Operator (Finisher) $6.05 $ 6.08 $7.00 Concrete Finisher $6.50 $ 8.50 $9.50 DRY WALL Drywall Finisher $7.62 $ 8.25 $ 7.62 $7.62 Hangers/Installers $7.62 $ 11.46 $ 7.96 $8.62 ELECTRICIANS Electrician $14.85 $ 17.33 $ 23.07 $19.44 Electrician Helper $6.25 $ 6.63 $7.00 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS Mechanic $16.55 $ 21.38 $20.24 Helper $6.70 $ 6.80 $7.00 FENCE ERECTORS Chainlink Fence Erector $5.50 $ 6.36 $7.00 Chain Link Fence Erector Helper $5.25 $ 5.25 $5.25 GLAZIERS Glazier $8.20 $ 9.30 $ 6.75 $9.30 Glazier Helper $5.25 $ 5.25 $5.25 FLOOR COVERING INSTALLERS Carpet $11.40 $ 11.24 $ 11.24 $11.40 Floor Layer $11.40 $ 10.34 $ 10.34 $11.40 INSULATORS Pipe Insulator ---$ 10.95 $9.40 IRONWORKERS/WELDERS Ironworker Structural $8.61 $ 9.08 $ 8.05 $8.61 Ironworker Reinforcing $9.00 $ 9.86 $ 9.00 $9.00 LABORERS Laborer Common $5.50 $ 7.06 $ 5.15 $7.00 Laborer Skilled $6.00 $ 9.51 $8.00 Semi-skilled $5.40 $ 7.45 $6.00

109 Socorro ISD Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 2/15/03 AVE Wage Rates "NEW" Pipe Layers (including sewer & drainage) $5.25 $ 6.86 $5.75 LATHERS, PLASTERERS Journeyman, Lather $13.13 $ 13.13 $13.13 Plasterer $13.19 $ 12.36 $13.19 Helper $6.00 $ 6.06 $7.00 PAINTERS Journeyman (brush/tapers) $7.79 $ 8.18 $ 7.62 $8.50 Painter - Brush/Roller $7.79 $ 8.18 $ 7.62 $8.50 Painter - Spray $7.79 $ 8.25 $8.50 PLUMBERS Plumber $9.49 $ 12.12 $ 9.17 $12.12 Steamfitter $9.49 $ 9.69 $ 9.49 $10.91 Sprinklerfitter $16.05 $ 14.20 $ 8.00 $16.05 Pipefitter (construction) $11.32 $ 13.73 $ 9.49 $13.00 EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Backhoe and Crane (semi-skilled) $7.47 $ 7.45 $ 7.45 $7.47 Front End Loader (semi-skilled) $7.50 $ 7.01 $7.50 Forklift (skilled) $9.82 $ 11.19 $ 15.87 $11.19 Hydraulic Crane $12.25 $ 11.00 $ 15.87 $12.25 Tower Crane $13.00 $ 14.56 $ 18.35 $14.00 Equip. Operator Skilled (heavy)(Bulldozer) $11.26 $ 13.08 $13.08 Equipment Operator Skilled (light) $8.50 $ 8.76 $8.50 ROOFERS Roofer $6.47 $ 8.00 $ 5.80 $9.00 Roofer Helper $5.25 $ 5.33 $7.00 SHEETMETAL WORKER HVAC Ductwork Only $8.81 $ 8.59 $ 7.72 $8.81 Helper $5.35 $ 5.45 $7.00 TRUCK DRIVERS Truck Driver - Heavy > 26K# (Cap) Haul Cap. $6.50 $ 7.92 $ 5.95 $7.50 Truck Driver - Light < 26K# (Cap) Haul Cap. $6.50 $ 7.68 $ 5.95 $7.50 Tandem Axle or Semi-trailer $6.50 $ 7.29 $7.50 WATERPROOFERS & CAULKERS Waterproofers,,, & Caulkers $7.28$ 8.61 $9.00 CONSTRUCTION, PIPELINE WORK Air Tool Operator $5.28 $ 5.28 $7.00 Asphalt Heaterman $6.95 $ 7.10 $7.10 Asphalt Raker $6.35 $ 7.22 $ 7.29 $7.30 Asphalt Shoveler $5.51 $ 5.51 $6.50 Batching Plant Scaleman $5.25 $ 5.25 $8.00 Baterboard Setter $8.65 $ 8.65 $8.65 Bricklayer $8.40 $ 8.40 $8.40 Mason Tender $7.35 $ 7.35 $7.35 Carpenter $8.74 $ 8.74 $ 8.75 $8.75 Carpenter Helper $5.75 $ 5.50 $7.00

110 Socorro ISD Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 2/15/03 AVE Wage Rates "NEW" Chain Link Fence Erector $5.25 $ 5.18 $7.00 Chain Link Fence Erector Helper $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.50 Concrete Finisher (Paving) $7.18 $ 7.45 $ 7.65 $7.65 Concrete Finisher (Structures) $6.52 $ 7.48 $ 7.06 $7.48 Concrete Finisher Helper (Structures) $5.50 $ 5.38 $7.00 Electrician $12.85 $ 14.41 $ 14.76 $14.85 Electrician Helper $6.25 $ 5.75 $7.00 Flagger $5.25 $ 5.25 $5.25 Form Builder $5.41 $ 5.41 $7.00 Form Builder (Structures) $5.98 $ 5.98 $7.00 Form Liner (Paving & Curb) $6.75 $ 6.75 $7.00 Form Setter (Paving & Curb) $6.63 $ 7.39 $7.39 Form Setter Helper (Paving & Curb) $5.75 $ 5.50 $7.00 Form Setter (Structures) $6.88 $ 6.88 $ 6.89 $7.50 Form Setter Helper (Structures) $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.00 Laborer, Common $5.28 $ 6.65 $ 6.33 $7.00 Laborer, Utility Man $6.27 $ 6.27 $7.39 Lineman $10.50 $ 10.50 $10.50 Groundman $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.00 Manhole Builder, Brick $8.40 $ 8.40 $8.40 Mechanic $9.29 $ 10.15 $ 10.43 $10.43 Mechanic Helper $5.75 $ 5.75 $7.00 Oiler $7.95 $ 8.11 $7.95 Serviceman/Servicer $6.39 $ 7.64 $ 8.37 $8.37 Pipedriver $7.25 $ 6.88 $7.25 Pipe Layer $6.75 $ 8.02 $ 7.73 $7.73 Pipe Layer Helper $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.00 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $7.47 $ 7.95 $ 8.91 $8.91 Asphalt Distributor $7.07 $ 8.71 $ 8.10 $8.10 Broom or Sweeper Operator $5.91 $ 5.91 $7.00 Bulldozer, 150 H.P. and Less $7.64 $ 7.64 $ 8.58 $8.58 Bulldozer, over 150 H.P. $7.64 $ 7.64 $7.64 Concrete Paving Curing Machine $7.21 $ 7.09 $7.50 Concrete Paving Finishing Machine $7.71 $ 7.71 $ 8.69 $8.69 Concrete Paving Form Grader $6.85 $ 6.85 $7.25 Concrete Paving Float $6.75 $ 6.75 $7.00 Concrete Paving Spreader $7.81 $ 7.81 $7.81 Paving Sub-grader $7.22 $ 7.22 $7.22 Crane Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel (Less than 1-1/2 cy) $7.67 $ 7.67 $ 10.04 $8.67 Crane Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick Dragline, Shovel (1-1/2 cy & over) $9.61 $ 9.61 $ 10.04 $10.04 Crusher or Screening Plant Operator $7.70 $ 7.70 $7.70 Forklift $8.40 $ 10.70 $8.40 Foundation Drill, Truck Mounted $7.75 $ 7.75 $7.75 111 Socorro ISD Davis Bacon Socorro ISD Classification 2/15/03 AVE Wage Rates "NEW" Front End Loader (2 1/2 cy or Less) $6.63 $ 6.63 $ 8.11 $8.11 Front End Loader ( 2 1/2 cy) $7.60 $ 7.49 $ 8.11 $8.11 Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade $6.70 $ 5.98 $ 12.50 $8.70 Motor Grader Operator $9.65 $ 9.65 $ 12.63 $10.65 Rock Mason, Fences/Walls $6.30 $ 6.30 $7.50 Rock Mason Helper, Fences/Walls $6.04 $ 6.04 $7.00 Roller, Steel Wheel (Plant Mix Pavements) $5.80 $ 5.55 $ 7.50 $7.50 Roller, Steel Wheel (Other Flat Wheel or Tamping) $5.89 $ 5.81 $ 6.37 $7.00 Roller, Pneumatic (Self-Propelled) $6.50 $ 6.36 $ 6.90 $7.50 Scrapers (17 cy or Less) $6.50 $ 6.25 $ 7.32 $7.50 Scrapers (Over 17 cy) $7.31 $ 7.31 $ 7.32 $7.50 Side Broom $6.77 $ 6.77 $7.00 Tractor (Crawler Type) 150 H.P. & Less $5.95 $ 5.76 $8.00 Tractor (Crawler Type) Over 150 H.P. $6.75 $ 6.46 $8.58 Tractor (Pneumatic) 80 H.P. or Less $5.75 $ 5.50 $8.00 Tractor (Pneumatic) Over 80 H.P. $6.41 $ 6.41 $8.25 Trenching Machine, Light $5.90 $ 5.90 $7.50 Trenching Machine, Heavy $5.95 $ 5.95 $8.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) $6.32 $ 7.55 $ 9.68 $8.32 Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper (Paving) $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Structural) $7.90 $ 8.60 $ 15.50 $10.00 Steel Worker (Structural) $8.90 $ 8.13 $8.90 Steel Worker Helper (Structural) $5.84 $ 5.81 $7.00 Spreader Box Man $7.68 $ 7.68 $7.68 Vibrator Operator $5.28 $ 5.28 $8.00 Welder $6.65 $ 8.11 $ 9.00 $9.00 Welder Helper $5.25 $ 5.25 $7.00 TRUCK DRIVERS Single Axle, Light $6.52 $ 7.40 $ 7.34 $7.50 Single Axle, Heavy $6.52 $ 7.51 $ 6.52 $7.50 Tandem Axle or Semi-trailer $7.00 $ 7.67 $ 7.01 $7.50 Lowboy-Float $7.37 $ 7.37 $7.37 Transit-Mix $6.75 $ 6.75 $7.50

112 Office of the Superintendent Education Cen ter 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Proposed Boundary Adjustments

DATE: February 15, 2006

Anna Lisa Banegas Peña will present the proposed boundary adjustments for Board consideration.

History: During the Special Board Meeting of February 7, 2006, Board Trustees requested additional data regarding the projected enrollment of affected campuses. This data with supporting documentation was provided to them in the Friday packet for Februar y 10, 2006. Also provided were the questions from community members with responses.

Rationale: These proposed boundary adjustments are needed to stay abreast of the rapid growth of the Socorro Independent School District.

Budget Impact: These proposed bo undary adjustments are not expected to have a negative impact on budgets. There may be minimal transportation costs incurred due to the rapid growth and the need to transport students to overflow campuses.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the boundary adjustments as presented. 113 Office of the Superintendent Education Center 1200 Eastlake Drive El Paso, Texas 79928 -5400 Phone 915.937.0013 Fax 915.860.7137

TO: Members of the Board of Trustees

FROM: Dr. Robert J. Durón, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Resolution

DATE: February 15, 2006

Vicki Icard Hibbs will present the attached resolution designating March 2006 as Cesar Chavez Month for your cons ideration.

ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the resolution as pre sented. 114 115