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the university of texas at el paso

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Priscilla Gomez / The Prospector Senior english major Jennifer O’Malley and senior finance major DanielR ayas were crowned Ms. and Mr. UTEP at the homecoming pageant on Friday, Sept. 28.

The University of Texas at El Paso 2018 FALL CONVOCATION Please join the UTEP community in celebrating the 2018 Fall Convocation Thursday, October 11, 2018 / 2 p.m. Fox Fine Arts Recital Hall, 2nd Floor Please visit by October 8, 2018 October 2, 2018 2 OPINION Web Editor ADRIAN BROADDUS, 747-7446 Our civic duty By Andrea Valdez-Rivas The Prospector “DosBy Alexidea Nava Octubreraíz de dicho conflicto, policías no perseguían se no quiere olvida” que salgan a la luz. a los estudiantes y los llegaban a golpearlos Es cierto que en Estados Unidos esta clase In recent weeks, Supreme Court nominee Brett The Prospector dentro de las universidades. Era un abuso de de censura no se da. Pero, mientras en México Kavanaugh has been accused by three women, one of El año es 1968, un año poder en todo su esplendor. mueren estudiantes por protestar, en Estados them being, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, of sexual mis- en una década en la cual Entre las protestas de los estudiantes de- Unidos mueren por falta de criterio de aquel- conduct. That’s right, a nominee for the Supreme Court. ocurrieron muchas cosas. bido a la presencia militar, también se les uni- las personas que no tienen la salud mental As she sat before the Senate committee last week En el caso de Estados eron trabajadores de distintas áreas para luchar para portar un arma. to give her testimony , recounting one of the worst mo- Unidos, los años sesenta en contra de las injusticias del gobierno. En los primeros cinco meses del 2018, ments a woman could live through, women across the fueron la época del mov- Las protestas fueron subiendo de intensi- han habido un total de 23 balaceras en masa nation could only listen with empathy to an all too fa- imiento de los derechos dad mientras el gobiern o de Díaz Ordaz en escuelas estadounidenses, de acuerdo con miliar story. civiles. En 1968, fueron asesinados los líderes más las reprimía. Mandó tanques militares a la cadena de noticias, CNN. Blasey Ford alleges that the assault took place de ese movimiento, Martin Luther King Jr. y darles un susto a los estudiantes esperando “Dos de octubre no se olvida” fue la frase when she and Kavanaugh were 15 and 17, respec- Robert F. Kennedy, mencionó Howard Dean, una respuesta a sus peticiones de poner un de las protestas contra la injusticia y la vio- tively. She is “100 percent” certain that it was Ka- ex-gobernador de Vermont, en un artículo del alto a los abusos policiales y militares dentro lación a la libertad de expresión mexicana que vanaugh who assaulted her in 1982. New York Times publicado en 2004. de las universidades. surgió después de la masacre en Tlatelolco. It goes without saying that trying to explain Pero eso no fue todo. Tlatelolco, Plaza de las tres culturas, 2 de Qué pena tener que admitir que lo details from a sexual assault to a panel on live Los años sesenta tuvieron marca en el octubre de 1968. De acuerdo con el docu- hemos olvidado, que nos hemos dejado sum- national television is difficult enough, but it’s mundo por ser años de rebelión y protes- mental “Díaz Ordaz y el 68” un aproximado ir en el conformismo y en la idea que nada even harder when stubborn men can’t see a suf- ta, empezando por los universitarios. Son de cinco mil a diez mil individuos se juntaron se puede hacer. El gobierno mexicano logró fering woman’s point of view. A woman will not muchos los casos, pero en esta ocasión, apr- en la plaza para planear sus siguientes mov- su cometido, dormir ese espíritu de rebeldía concoct a sexual assault allegation for partisan ovechando la fecha, me gustaría recordarles a imientos en cuanto a la protesta estudiantil, que llevó a esos estudiantes a luchar contra el political motives.. To demean a traumatic event mis paisanos mexicanos una tragedia que en pero nadie esperaba que esa junta terminara abuso del poder. like Blasey Ford’s to a mere lie is simply unjust. cierto modo fue resucitada con la desapar- en una masacre. En Estados Unidos aún existe este es- Kavanaugh has no place in the Supreme Court ición de los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa el El ejército estaba alrededor de la pla- píritu, ya que las masacres en las escuelas if he acts unjustly. Kavanaugh has no place in the 26 de septiembre de 2014. za, había un batallón infiltrado. Un he- han sido motivo para que los estudiantes se Supreme Court if he can’t treat women, or anyone for that matter, with dignity and respect. Me refiero a la masacre de Tlatelolco. licóptero voló encima, cayeron las ben- alzaran contra la forma laxa en la que se ha If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Gustavo Díaz Ordaz era el presidente de galas en la plaza que sólo contaba con dos ejecutado la segunda enmienda, como es el Court, then I will be convinced that there is little to México en ese entonces. No voy a negar que salidas, y de ahí, disparos por parte del caso de la escuela Parkland de Florida, cuy- no voice for women in this country. There will always haya hecho cosas buenas, como implementar ejército y del batallón que estaban en el os estudiantes se han alzado por medio del be those individuals who will take the word of a man el sistema de metro en la Ciudad de México tercer piso. Hubo muertos, heridos y hasta movimiento “Marcha por Nuestras Vidas” and trust it blindly, even when that man is guilty. If y la ley federal del trabajo que ha fijado un desaparecidos en la masacre. Los detenidos para expresar su enojo e indignación con las Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, then salario mínimo para los mexicanos y otorgó fueron torturados y se intentó limpiar y matanzas estudiantiles. let that be an indication of how certain individuals in derechos a los trabajadores, según confirma ocultar el hecho de la matanza. Sobra decir Podríamos aprender algo de ellos, y de todos this government care so little for women’s rights. la página el sitio web Grado Cero Prensa. que amenazaron a fotógrafos y llegaron a los movimientos estudiantiles de los sesenta. Blasey Ford said that it was her responsibility to tell Pero, como lo mencionan en el docu- herir a un periodista extranjero. Hay muchas cosas que deberíamos apre- the truth and her “civic duty” to come forward. It is the mental basado en la obra de Enrique Esta forma de represión de la libertad de nder de los rebeldes del pasado y las voces civic duty of this government to defend and stand with Krauze “Díaz Ordaz y el 68”, a pesar de que, expresión fue hace 50 años, pero eso no sig- indignadas del presente para que podamos the women who suffer from sexual assault and to pre- económicamente hablando, Díaz Ordaz nifica que no siga ocurriendo. Podemos vol- defender la democracia y la libertad de ex- vent that from happening to more girls and women of tuvo un gran desempeño y ayudó al país, no tear y ver lo ocurrido con los 43 estudiantes presión, en especial en lugares como México all ages. For the sake of women, their rights, and suffer- dudaba en violar la libertad de expresión de de Ayotzinapa que desaparecieron hace cu- donde los que están en el poder tienden a pi- ing, the men denying Blasey Ford owe it to her and to sus ciudadanos. atro años, y que se les presume muertos desde sotearnos. Luchemos por un país que escuche all women to do the right thing and believe. For women El problema contra el cual los estudi- entonces. Estos estudiantes también estaban a su gente, por un país mejor. who have unfortunately suffered an assault such as this, antes protestaron, era la presencia militar y ejerciendo su derecho a exigir algo mejor de Alexia Nava may be reached at [email protected]. let Blasey Ford encourage you to speak up, now more el abuso policiaco en las universidades. Esto lo que tenían, y los desaparecieron. Eso sin than ever. For you, the citizen, it is your civic duty to hear nació de un conflicto entre estudiantes que mencionar a todos los periodistas que son out our women and allow them a chance for justice. terminó en una intervención policiaca. A asesinados por hablar cosas que el gobierno Andrea Valdez-Rivas may be reached at [email protected]. Speak your mind STAFF VOL. 104, no. 6 Letters will be edited for clarity and brevity. Letters over 250 words are subject to editing to fit available Web Editor: Adrian Broaddus Account Executive: Kenneth Bell Submit a letter to the editor! Layout Editor: Christian Gutierrez Senior Designer: Itzel Lara Garcia space. Please include full name, street address and telephone number and e-mail address, plus major, classification and/or title if applicable. Copy Editor: Javier Cortez Graphic Designer Salma Lozoya Address and phone number will be used for verification only. Write to 105 E. Union, [email protected], call 747-7477or fax Sports Editor: Daniel “Curly” Mendez Videographer: Daniel “Curly” Mendez Entertainment Editor: Jake Deven Advertising Intern: April Guardado 747-8031. Photo Editor: Sergio Muñoz Advertising Coordinator: Malia Greene Multimedia Editor: Claudia “Gigi” Flores Administrative Secretary: Marcela Luna The Prospector is published by the Student Media and Publications Board, 105 Union East, 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, Texas, 79968. Staff Reporters: Brianna Chavez, Isaiah Accounting Specialist: Isabel Castillo Director The Prospector appears in print once per week on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters. The newspaper is not printed Ramirez, Andrea Valdez : Veronica Gonzalez during holidays and when classes are not in session. The Prospector does provide news online at Photographers: Claudia Hernandez, Gabriela Velasquez The Prospector is provided to students through student fees. First copy is free. Any additional copies, if available, must be purchased for $1 through Contributors: Catherine Ramirez, the Department of Student Media and Publications. The Prospector is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. Additional policy information Aimee Santillan, Priscilla Gomez, Melissa may be obtained by calling The Prospector at 915-747-5161. Opinions expressed in The Prospector are not necessarily those of the university. Martinezsotomayor, Eddie Velazquez THEPROSPECTOR October 2, 2018 NEWS | 3 |

OURVIEW UTEP kicks off homecoming week


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4 Gaby Velasquez, Priscilla Gomez / The Prospector 1. Paydirt Pete starts off the 9th Annual Miner Dash race with 320 participants. 2. The UTEP community participates in a Zumba lesson in the middle of Centennial Plaza after the race. 3. Homecoming pageant top 10 finalists answer questions, one by one. 4. Homecoming court (from left to right) senior nursing major Rolando Lujan; senior math major Dania Barroso; Queen, senior english major Jennifer O’Malley; King, senior finance major Daniel Rayas; freshman political science major Marah Jaber; and freshman clinical laboratory major Joe Regis. | 4 | NEWS October 2, 2018 THEPROSPECTOR UTEP Golden Nuggets honored on homecoming week By Isaiah Ramirez Experts Group, which provides technical The Prospector advice on the decommissioning of the Fu- kushima nuclear site. The annual Golden Nugget Award Cer- Peter Chan emony which will be held this Thursday, Peter Chan is the founder of Profes- Oct. 4, at the Tomas Rivera Conference sional Concepts, a multi-faceted real estate Center, starting at 3 p.m will honor sev- company. Chan also offers the opportunity eral UTEP alumni. The recipients have dis- for UTEP students to earn scholarships played exemplary achievements that display through his Peter Chan Endowed Scholar- what it means to be a Miner, setting a gold ship and the Anthony Tarquin Endowed standard for current UTEP students. Scholarship. In addition to his profes- Here are this year’s Golden Nugget sional activities, Chan served as a mentor Award recipients: in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Arizona and Sam Armijo Ph.D as a volunteer for St. Vincent de Paul and Sam Armijo, Ph.D., earned his doctor- Boy Scouts of America. Back in 2004 Chan al degree from the University of Stanford founded a real estate company entitled pro- and is currently president of JSA Associ- fessional concepts which he still leads to ates Inc., a nuclear systems and engineer- this day. Chan is currently serving on the s pecial to The Prospector special to The Prospector ing consulting firm advising the Electric Development Board of UTEP’s Asset Man- Orlando Bejarano is the owner of Focus Therapy, a busi- Peter Chan is the founder of Profssional Concepts, a Power Research Institute and the Exelon agement and Development arm. ness in Houston, Texas. multi-faceted real estate company. Corporation. Armijo is a former professor Orlando Bejarano at the University Of Nevada Reno where he Orlando Bejarano is the owner of Focus more than 600 times a week mainly healing pital in , where she was crucial taught material science and engineering. Therapy, a physical therapy business locat- elderly patients within the area. in the ’s motives to improve nursing UTEP students are able to earn scholarships ed in Houston, Texas. His company employs Annie L. Garcia engagement, patient experience and quality in part to Armijo’s J.S. Armijo Steinmetz about 40 therapists dealing with physical A year after completing her graduate de- outcomes. In 2017, Garcia was named chief scholarship. He is also chairman of Tokyo therapy, speech language pathology and oc- gree in 2013, Annie Garcia was hired as the nursing officer at Del Sol Medical Center in Electric Power Company’s International cupational therapy and provides services chief nursing officer at Methodist Texsan Hos- El Paso see nuggets on page 6 THEPROSPECTOR October 2, 2018 NEWS | 5 | UTEP’s Institute of Oral History collaborates with local high schools for early college experience By claudia Flores we are a truly bicultural and binational border. I The Prospector think parents want to make sure that their children still hold on to their stories that they’re passing on As part of their collaboration with Bowie High and so why not do something that families can re- School for a “Dia de los Muertos,” or day of the late to,” Rodriguez said. “There’s so many reasons dead project, the Institute of Oral History at UTEP why to celebrate a theme that sometimes can be looks to introduce high school students to an early confusing such as death so it really is an opportu- college experience. nity for expanding your knowledge and growing as “Project Coco,” created by Joel Rodriguez, Mexi- individuals in this in this community.” can American Studies teacher at Bowie High School, Aside from training the students, the purpose of the is about teaching the students the significance of not collaboration with UTEP is to expose and inspire the only honoring their ancestors, but the importance of students to pursue a career and a higher education level. the stories that pass from one generation to another. “One of the biggest things for me is working s pecial to The Prospector The Institute of Oral History at UTEP has previ- with the southside schools, and some of the students Dr. Yolanda Leyva speaks to students during an oral history presentation at Bowie High School on Friday, Sept. 28. ously worked with other local high schools, but also who don’t necessarily get exposed to the university as this collaboration is set to help the students learn the much,” Martinez said. “I think it’s just really important process of acquiring historical information from for the university to be present in public schools more their family members to tell their own stories. frequently, motivating or influencing public school “One of the ways that this project benefits the students and let them know that it’s achievable for students is that we have these training skills that we them that they know colleges and get into making it know that were able to introduce to high school stu- possible for them.” dents early on in their academic careers,” said Ange- Rodriguez said that he’s more than grateful to Dr. lina Martinez, Research Assistant for the Institute of Yolanda Leyva, Chair of the History department at Oral History at UTEP. UTEP and the Institute of Oral History for their col- The project started two weeks ago and will end on laboration and for helping the students learn more Nov. 2. Students will have a Dia de los Muertos celebra- about their heritage; showing them that they have an tion on campus where they will share the stories recol- opportunity to pursue a college education. lected through the oral history training. “Our students can get easily intimidated by Even when the celebration from Dia de los Muer- somebody who looks different, by somebody tos comes from a Mexican tradition, according to Ro- who speaks different and many of them are going driguez the purpose of the project is to help the stu- to choose UTEP as their choice so it is important dents get closer to the bicultural aspects of the border for them to start making connections with the region and to know more about their heritage. university now,” Rodriguez said. “A lot of our students walk over from Mexico. So Claudia Flores may be reached at [email protected]. | 6 | NEWS October 2, 2018 THEPROSPECTOR see Nuggets on page 4 Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He is the chief medical adviser to more than Ruth Ellen Jacobson 800,000 soldiers and civilians. Ruth Ellen Jacobson has been the execu- Joe D. Wardy tive director of the El Paso Symphony Or- chestra which is El Paso’s oldest performing After graduating from UTEP, Joe D. War- arts organization for the past 19 years. She dy had a 25-year career in transportation and has developed youth-focused educational logistics before he entered politics in 2003. initiatives such as “Tocando,” an after- Wardy has held leadership roles with several school program that supports children ex- companies and served as mayor of the City periencing challenging social and economic of El Paso from 2003-05. During his tenure conditions in El Paso. as mayor, Wardy oversaw El Paso’s move to Christina I. Paz, DNP a city manager form of government and pas- Christina Ilene Paz, DNP, is the chief op- sage of a $110 million bond issue. erating officer at Centro San Vicente Family Richard Westbrook M.D. Health Center in El Paso. Centro San Vicente Richard Westbrook, M.D., is an ortho- is a medical center focused on healing pa- tients physical, spiritual and emotional well pedic surgeon at Orthopaedic Surgeons As- being. As a member of the Texas Association s pecial to The Prospector special to The Prospector sociates in El Paso. He is certified by the of Community Health Centers, she has met Christina Paz is the chief operating officer atC entro San Ruth Ellen Jacobson is the executive director of the El American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery with members of Congress to advocate on Vicente Family Health Center in El Paso. Paso Symphony Ochestra. and is a member of the American Acad- behalf of community health centers and the KTSM where she oversaw everyday broad- Award. emy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Westbrook vulnerable populations they serve. cast operations as well as the internship pro- Brig. Gen. Michael Tilly earned his medical degree from The Univer- Felipa Solis grams that coordinate with the station. She Brig. Gen. Michael Talley is a Minnesota sity of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston Felipa Solis has enjoyed a successful ca- has been the executive director of El Paso native who said his decision to leave active and completed his residencies in orthopedic reer as a journalist, public relations special- surgery at the University of Washington in ist and community advocate. Solis has more Pro-Musica for the past six years. Among her duty to pursue a bachelor’s degree at The Seattle and at Shriners Hospital for Chil- than 30 years of broadcast experience having numerous honors are the LULAC Humani- University of Texas at El Paso put him on a dren in Spokane, Washington. worked with KTSM news channel nine. Solis tarian of the Year Award, the YWCA Reach path to become a brigadier general and com- has also worked as the managing editor of Award and the Ruben Salazar Journalism mand surgeon with the U.S. Army Forces I saiah Ramirez may be reached at [email protected]. October 2, 2018 7 entertainment Editor jake deven, 747-7446 Keeping it classy: Graduate student records fifth jazz album, Duos struments. He played with this theory in Duos. ing nonstop but I was happy because that album “I invited different musicians to join in and was very good quality.” make music in a duo setting with the piano and In his first three albums, Barba was the main something else,” Barba said. attraction, performing as the sole creator. Then he Barba merged the sound of the piano in several decided to step back, working as a sideman in a songs with different accompaniments, including a project of another UTEP student’s album. female singer, guitarist, bassist and a saxophonist. When Barba isn’t in class mastering his The musicians featured in Duos include a UTEP skills as a pianist he spends most of his time at professor, UTEP students and a few UTEP alumni. Cathedral High School teaching a general music At the dawn of his career, Barba partnered program to the students or as a teaching assis- with two other UTEP students in 2015 and tant at UTEP. creating and releasing Soundcolour, Barba’s “As a teaching assistant at UTEP, I mostly fo- first album. cus on instructing piano labs and it’s a class that all Following the release of his first album, music majors have to take, it’s like a basic for mu- Barba heard the recording of his senior re- sic students,” Barba said. “I also teach other classes cital, a requirement for music majors, and like music theory, choir classes and I accompany was pleased with his performance. In 2016 ballet classes which is cool!” he turned his senior recital into his second As a graduate student, Barba spends his school album, naming it Lightyears. time in instructional classes that are individual- “I wasn’t planning on making that one an ized with professors and at night, Barba works gigs album, but once I heard the recording I thought in El Paso and Juarez. ‘Wow! This is actually a lot better than the first al- “I’m always performing at night and it’s always Phoo to c urtesy of Carlos barba bum!’” Barba said. changing like sometimes I’ll perform at private Carlos Barba has released five albums and continues to teach music students atC athedral High School. Although recording music at UTEP does get parties or at clubs like International when they By Catherine Ramirez graduate student specializing in piano. the job done, Barba always wanted the experience have jazz on Wednesdays,” Barba said. of recording in a real music studio. In 2017 Barba Although Barba does not plan on becoming The Prospector The keys and the chords of the piano cap- tured Barba’s ears years ago, fast forward more gathered his trio of musicians and traveled to Tor- the next hit star, he plans to continue creating By the time he was a teenager, Carlos Barba than a decade, and Barba has created and re- nillo, to create his third album, Afterlife, and was music on the borderland. Barba’s albums can be could play most instruments. But it wasn’t until he leased his fifth album, Duos. able to say he recorded an album in an authentic located online at and played the piano that he discovered his passion. Barba’s love for the piano cultivated when he music studio. the albums are also available on online platforms “I definitely fell in love with the piano began to play with different sounds and believed “I saved some money to record at a world-class like Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, Amazon Music, more than anything else because, to me, there the sound of the piano fit into almost every style music studio,” Barba said. “I could only afford one CdBaby, etc. is more possibilities involved,” Barba said, of music and could be accompanied by other in- day, so my trio and I were there for 12 hours play- C atherine Ramirez may be reached at [email protected]. now a teaching assistant at UTEP and music California-based customizable sushi restaurant opens in El Paso By Brianna Chavez Many Chinese fast-casual restaurants Duarte and her business partner, Mi- customers. have opened up across the nation like Pei chael Broder, came up with the concept af- The Prospector Customers with a range of allergies or Wei and Panda Express, but the founders of ter working at a high-end Pan Asian restau- food preferences would also ask for special Sushi Freak, a create-your-own sushi Sushi Freak believe there aren’t any major rant together in Albuquerque. requests as well—something that could come restaurant, has made its way from Califor- players in the Japanese restaurant market, “There were customers that would get across as insulting to master sushi chefs. nia all the way to the El Paso area. which makes them stand apart. their entree before they got what they were Duarte and Broder searched for a way to The fast-casual dining restaurant, which “We’re trying to fill a niche that isn’t considering their appetizer which was their make the process of making sushi faster without opened its doors on Sept. 13, allows cus- there right now in the market. We’re not sushi,” Duarte said. compromising the quality and quantity of the tomers to pick and choose what they want trying to be a high-end sushi restaurant,” Duarte said the time-consuming process food as well as cater to cus in their sushi roll, sushi burrito or poke said CEO and co-founder Jennifer Duarte. affected the flow of the ordering process for bowl. see SUSHI on page 8 | 8 | ENTERTAINMENT October 2, 2018 THEPROSPECTOR sushi from page 7 “We both felt like it would be a really good “It’s really important to not exclude anybody avocado and cucumber topped with spicy tuna, tomers with special food allergies. fit for us. It actually just worked out like a co- with those kinds of special situations,” Duarte shrimp tempura, tobiko, masago, spicy mayo, After learning from an experienced master su- incidence. Everything fell together perfectly,” said. “If you do come in and have an allergy, let unagi and mango sauce. the order taker know immediately and we have a shi chef and perfecting their business model, Sushi Duarte said. Their Poké Nachos are also a popular seller special-order process.” Freak opened up in San Diego near the University While San Diego is closer to the sea and over made with crispy wonton chips topped with tuna Sushi Freak prides itself on being a fun yet of San Diego campus. 700 miles away from El Paso, Durate promises comfortable environment. From the comfort- and salmon poké, spicy tuna, crab mix, avocado, Eight years later, Sushi Freak has two loca- that the quality of the food won’t be compromised. able seating to the colorful décor on the walls green onion, furikake seasoning, spicy mayo, un- tions in San Diego, one in Albuquerque and Customers can expect to taste the quality and allowing customers to take selfies and share on agi sauce and mango sauce. now El Paso. freshness of the food—from the vegetables to the social media. Sushi Freak is located in West Towne Mar- While Duarte was in El Paso visiting fam- hand-made sauces, and most importantly the fish. The restaurant also sells merchandise from ket Place off Interstate 10 near Artcraft and ily, the idea of bringing the restaurant to El Paso A crucial and principal factor for the busi- t-shirts and tumblers to a variety of Asian snacks crossed her mind. It just so happened that an ness is being able to provide options for custom- Paseo Del Norte. and drinks like Pocky, Hello Panda and Ramune. interest to open a Sushi Freak in El Paso came ers with food allergies and dietary restrictions, For more information on the restaurant visit If you’re feeling indecisive, order off of one up after the now local operators reached out to including those who may be gluten-free or are their website, of Sushi Freak’s regular menu items like the Duarte and Broder. allergic to shellfish. Rockstar roll – made with seaweed, crab mix, Brianna Chavez may be reached at [email protected].

B rianna chavez / The Prospector Sushi freak’s menu items include poke bowls, poke nachos, gunshow sushi burrito, and rockstar roll. October 2, 2018 9 Sports Editor DANIEL MENDEZ, 747-7446

Miners hope to end losing streakthen later carted with off the field. aCoach homecoming Dimel said The Streak lives win Locklsey will be “day-to-day.” It’s been 776 days since UTEP last won a Metz will likely be the Miners starting quar- game, dating back to their 52-24 win over North terback for this week’s game against UNT. The Texas Saturday, Nov. 26, 2016. Their 17-game senior quarterback has been used sporadically losing streak ties their Battle of I-10 Rival New this season, he started the season opener and Mexico State’s longest losing streak from Sep. threw an interception on the first possession of 13, 2014, to Oct 24. 2015 the season, he has two on the season. The record for the longest losing streak in UTEP has had its struggles moving the ball FBS history belongs to the Northwestern Wild- through the air but have been productive on the cats with 34 consecutive losses from 1979-1982. ground. They are currently the 61st best rush- If UTEP’s losing streak extends to 20 games, ing team in the nation with 851 yards and av- they would be the first team to break the 20- erage 170 yards per game. Seven of their nine game mark since Duke did it back in 2006, the touchdowns have been on the ground. Locksley Blue Devils lost 22 straight from Sep. of 2005 to is responsible for six of them, four rushing and Sep. of 2007. two passing. In Division-1A (FCS) the TCU Horned Locksley is the team’s leading rusher with Frogs hold the record for the longest losing 363 yards, junior running back Quardraiz Wad- streak in the state of Texas with 20 games, from ley is the teams second leading rusher with 293 1974-1975. That record may be in play by the yards and three touchdowns. UTEP moving time the Miners return for their next home forward should be a run by committee team game against UAB on Sat., Oct. 27. with Wadley, junior Treyvon Hughes, and soph- Daniel Mendez may be reached at [email protected] omore Joshua Fields to supplement the offense Locksley provides.

gaby velasquez / The Prospector UTEP men’s basketball future looks bright The UTEP football team will look to snap their 17-game losing streak at home against , Sat., Oct. 6. By Daniel Mendez theme is taking care of the football better.” UTEP will have to have a game plan strictly The Prospector focused on ball security. As they face a lethal The longest active losing streak in college North Texas defense and offense. football was extended to 17 games this past The Mean Green leads the nation in take- weekend when the UTEP football team lost to aways with 10, two of them have been returned the UTSA Roadrunners 24-21 at the Alamo- for touchdowns. The secondary is led by experi- dome. ence with senior Kemon Hall, junior Khairi Mu- The Miners (0-5, 0-1) are desperate for a hammad, and senior Nate Brooks as they each win as they return home for homecoming night have three interceptions on the season. Hall will as they face the defending C-USA West Division be questionable for this weeks game as he suf- Champions, . North fered an injury. They also get to the quarterback, Texas (4-1, 0-1) is coming off their first loss of they have 14 sacks on the season and are led by the season against Louisiana 29-27, on senior E.J. Ejiya who has four sacks. Sept. 29. UTEP can’t afford to put its defense in short Miners can’t put their defense in bad situations field positions as they face the 12th best total Last week against UTSA, UTEP’s Terry Ju- offense in the nation. North Texas is averaging niel fumbled a punt return on their own seven, 511 yards per game and 44 points per game. one play later UTSA tied the game. The Min- The Mean Green are led by junior quarterback ers brief lead was the first they had all season. Mason Fine, who is fourth in the nation in pass- Two possessions later, junior quarterback Kai ing yards with 1,624. Fine’s favorite target is ju- f ile photo / The Prospector Locksley added to his three interceptions on nior wideout Rico Bussey Jr., he leads the Mean The UTEP basketball showcase will be held on Wednesday Oct. 10 at the Don Haskins Center the season. Twice in the first half, the Roadrun- Green with 415 yards and seven touchdowns on For the athletic program, it’s a chance to ners started in the UTEP red zone. Turnovers the seasons. Fine is questionable for Saturday’s By adrian broaddus wipe the slate clean from an abysmal new have been a theme for UTEP all season as they game as he suffered an injury late in the game The Prospector era of football. They get to debut a new style now have 11 on the season, six of those turn- against Louisiana Tech. As Miner fans have of energy, this time coming from a men’s overs have been fumbles. The Miners are ranked The Miners offense faces multiple questions been preoccupied with basketball program that is hungry for re- 122nd in turnover margin at a minus-six. Late in the fourth quarter on Saturday’s newed greatness. “If we control the ball better and eliminate game against UTSA, Locksley went down after a the winless football First-year head coach Rodney Terry those turnovers, it’s a different ball game,” said designed quarterback run, pass option, after the team, basketball season wanted a breath of fresh air from his time head coach Dana Dimel after his team’s 24-21 play the quarterback limped off to the sideline is getting closer and see miners on page 10 loss to UTSA. “But that’s part of it, a recurring not applying any pressure to his ankle, he was closer. | 10 | SPORTS October 2, 2018 THEPROSPECTOR miners from page 9 Magee. Gilyard had a breakthrough fresh- a 7-foot-1 lengthy beast comes off the bench at Fresno State, but it’s been non-stop man season and earned the starting spot at for the team. Hawkins has been described by Up Next: UTEP Soccer the guard position by the end of the season. work for him and the coaching staff during some of his teammates as the hardest working He set a program freshman record for his The UTEP women’s soccer team will be on this offseason. newcomer with lights out shooting. UTEP men’s basketball will begin prac- 84 percent free throw percentage. Magee, the road for their next three games. The first If all goes according to plan the 2019-20 tice in the coming weeks, with their season on the other hand, was a spark plug for last road opponent they face will be the struggling officially starting on Nov. 6 against UT- year’s team, often being called upon as a Miners will be sitting pretty. They will bring Western Kentucky Hilltoppers on Sunday, Permian Basin at the Don Haskins Center. sixth man. He led C-USA in 3-point field four Division I transfers onto the team, in- Oct. 7. goal percentage during league play, shoot- WKU (2-7-2, 0-4) will be looking for their But the team will get to showcase their cluding sophomore guard Souley Boum skills in a preseason showcase on Wednes- ing 53.1 percent from beyond the arc. first win in Conference USA action. The Hill- (San Francisco), sophomore guard Anthony day, Oct. 10 in the Don Haskins Center. It Gilyard will be the frontrunner on the toppers are riding a three-game losing streak. will be a joined practice with the women’s team for the point guard spot, while Ma- Tarke (NJIT), sophomore forward Tydus Freshmen’s Ambere Barnett and Ol- basketball team, which will feature an open gee will start the year as the Miners’ sharp- Verhoeven (Duquesne) and junior forward ivia Stanley lead the Hilltoppers with three practice for both teams and an autograph shooter. Bryson Williams (Fresno State). goals each. Then comes in Terry’s newcomers Meanwhile, UTEP (6-6-1, 1-3) is riding session for all fans. Williams, one of Terry’s finest play- Scouting the Miners Joining the team this season will be four a two-game losing streak of their own. After ers at Fresno State, followed the coaching UTEP only has three returners from newcomers that will have plenty of oppor- back-to-back losses in C-USA, the Miners find their 2017-18 roster, which could ultimately tunities to showcase their skills, with about staff to UTEP and will be a vital addition themselves in 10th place. be a good thing due to their newcomers. four other non-scholarship players that to the team next year. All four of the trans- At the end of October, C-USA will start its Championship tournament. The top eight teams Their main returning starter will be senior have a chance to show what they can do. fers have to sit out an entire season due to forward Paul Thomas, as a junior Thomas It starts with Jordan Lathon, a four-star during the regular-season, as determined by NCAA transfer rules. averaged over eight points and five re- Northwestern transfer that will help the points, will advance to the tournament. bounds per game Miners immensely on offense. He’s a 6-foot- New recruits coming in UTEP is currently ranked eighth in C-USA This year, Thomas’ role will shift for the 4 guard that has four years of eligibility and Terry and his staff made it one of their with 59 points, with six games remaining in the better. He will drop down to a true forward, will help the Miners spread the floor with biggest goals to recruit Texas hoopers and season. The Miners have a total of 22 goals and 15 assists on the season. sometimes as a hybrid wing, whereas he was his scoring efficiency. bring them to El Paso. With his newcom- asked to be the team’s true big man in many Other freshman newcomers will include Junior Lauren Crenshaw leads UTEP with ers, it was evident that Terry was scoping instances last season. forwards Efe Odigie and Kaosi Ezeagu and five goals on the season–she is also second in Their other two returning players will be guard Nigel Hawkins. Odigie will likely be the the entire Lone Star State. Last week, Terry C-USA in shots attempted– Sophomore Vic sophomore guards Evan Gilyard and Kobe team’s starting big man down low, as Ezeagu, landed two big name recruits for the class Bohdan is right behind her with four goals on the season. Sophomore April Pate leads the of 2019. team with four assists. UTEP earned two verbal commits from According to C-USA, UTEP is ranked the likes of Houston guard Jesse Zarzuela second in corner kicks with 62, and lead the and San Antonio shooting guard Brendan league with shots attempted (204) and shots on Wenzel. Zarzuela is a 6-foot-2 prospect that goal (92) but currently only average one goal per game. averaged 17.6 points per game with Spring UTEP has a total of 63 saves, which Woods High School. Wenzel has a nice ranks them third in conference. Senior frame (6-foot-6) and is a sharpshooter. He goalkeeper Alyssa Palacios has 62 saves on chose to be a Miner over the likes of North- the season. The senior is currently ranked second in conference saves and has a save ern Colorado, Texas State, New Mexico, percentage of .785. Texas Tech and LA Tech. This means that the future is looking bright for the young regime at UTEP. The Prospector is committed to accuracy. If The preseason showcase will tip off at 6 p.m. you think we have made an error of fact, e- at the Haskins Center, with free admission. mail the editor at [email protected] Adrian Broaddus may be reached at [email protected]

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ELECTION POLLING STATIONS POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Wednesday, October 10 and Health Sciences Senator (1) Thursday, October 11 10 am - 2pm / Union Breezway ONLINE VOTING Begins: Wednesday, October 10 at 7:00 am Ends: Thursday, October 11 at 5:00 pm For more information including the election code, Visit the SGA Office at 304 Union Bldg, East. 915-747-5584 or visit our website at

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TUESDAY, OCT 9 “Violence in Silence” “Service Animals: Talking Paws” Union East, 3rd floor, Templeton Suite Presented by A. Arredondo Presented by Corene Seymour “Disability, Domestic Violence and Protective Orders” (English/Spanish translation) 9 am - 10 am Presented by E.P. District Atty. 1 pm - 3 pm 11 am - noon WEDNESDAY, OCT 10 College of Education Building THURSDAY, OCT 11 Union East, 1st floor, Acacia Room “Recommendations for Academic Programs to provide support for Students with disabilities” “Leading from Within: Disability and Employment (Panel) Presented by Ron Saks 11:30 am - 12:45 pm 11 am - 1pm (Room 100) & 4 - 6 pm (Room 411) Union East Bldg. Room 106 @CASSatUTEP Phone: (915) 747- 5148 Email: [email protected] utepcass