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AARP. See American Association of Retired Affirmative action Persons (AARP) Carter Administration and, 412–413 Abernathy, Ralph, 170 debates on, in 1990s, 509 on Robert Kennedy, 274 Afghanistan ABMs. See Antiballistic missiles (ABMs) invasions of, 430–431 Abortion terrorist camps in, 542 Bush and, 489–490 AFL. See American Federation of Labor Clinton and, 517–518 (AFL) conservatives and, 362 Africa, black majority rule in, Carter support as key women’s movement issue, 335–336 of, 418–419 New Right and, 442 African Americans Nixon and, 334–335 in 1990s, 507–508 religious differences over, 383 Attica State Prison riot and, 304–305 Abraham, Katherine, 532 books by, 393 Abrams, Creighton, on troop withdrawals, Bush, George W. and, 541 296, 302 Clinton and, 533 Abrstract expressionism, 392 in culture of poverty, 376–377 Abzug, Bella, at 1972 Democratic in economy of 1950s, 143 Convention, 338 in Eisenhower administration, 83–89 Acheson, Dean elected to public office, 377–378 Chinese civil war and, 53 migration of, 6 as Kennedy advisor, 210 as musicians, British invasion and, Kennedy’s policy on Berlin and, 390–391 215 post-WWII, 6–7 on Korean War, 55 rights of, securing, 17–19 as undersecretary of state, 42–44 studies on, in college cirricula, Achille Lauro, hijacking of, 463 513 Acid rock, 261, 391 unemployment for, in 1970s, 377 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome and, 303–304 (AIDS) epidemic, 479 voter registration by, 17–18 Ad Hoc Subcommittee on U.S. Security See also Civil Rights Agreements and Commitments Abroad, Agency for International Development (AID), 287–288 Africa and, 220 ADA. See Americans for Democratic Action Agent Orange, 232, 263 (ADA) Agnew, Spiro T. Adams, Brock, resignation of, 432 resignation of, 346–347 Adams, Sherman, 80 on segregation/integration, 325 Adoula, Cyrille, 221 Southern conservatives and, 321


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Agnew, Spiro T. (cont.) American Federation of Labor (AFL), merger as vice-presidential candidate in 1968, of, with CIO, 82–83 277 American Independent Part in 1968 election, Agricultural Act of 1954, 82 278, 279 Agriculture American Indian Movement (AIM), 375 in 1960s, 353 “survival schools” established by, 375 Carter admiinistration and, 410–411 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), collectives, in , shortages and, 24–26 428–429 in antiwar rallies, 271 Eisenhower administration and, 81–82 qualitative liberalism and, 156 Kennedy administration and, 168 second Red Scare and, 70–71 AID. See Agency for International America’s Longest War (Herring), 362 Development (AID) Anderson, John, in 1980 election, 434–435 Aid for Families with Dependent Children Andropov, Yuri (AFDC) in arms control negotiations, 451 families receiving, increase in, from 1950 death of, 468 to 1980, 376 Angelou, Maya, 514 Aid to Dependent Mothers and Children, Animals, The, 389 185 Anthrax, in U.S. mail, 547 Aiken, George, on Symington Committee, Anti-Semitism, post WWII, 23 287 Antiballistic missiles (ABMs), controversy AIM. See American Indian Movement (AIM) over, 289–290 Air Quality Act of 1967, 202 Anticapitalist ideology, 33 Air traffic controllers’ strike, 455 Anticommunism Aircraft manufacturing, boom in, in 1950s, and, 64–70 123 ideology of, 32–33 Airline industry, Sept. 11th and, 544, 553 McCarthyism and, 66–70 al-Asad, Hafez, in Ara-Israeli conflict, 315 new right in early 1960s and, 186–187 al-Qaeda, 543 post-WWII, 20–22 al-Sadr, Muqtada, 550 Anticrime program, 519 Albert, Carl, 258 Antifeminist women activists, 368–370 Alcatraz, Island, occupation of, by Native Antihero in literature, 394 Americans, 375 Antiwar movement Aldrin, Edwin E. Jr., 204 churches in, 380 Alexander v. Holmes County, 326 composition of, 235–236 Ali, Muhammad, in antiwar movement, 235 effort to link communism to, 293 “All in the Family”, 363 Nixon and, 292–294 Allen, Richard, National Security Adviser, on protests against, 299 Soviet Union, 450 radical alienation from, 360 Allende, Slavador, 313–314 revival of, in 1970, 297–298 Alliance for Progress, 214 student-driven, 236 LBJ and, 241 Appalachian Regional Development Act, Altizer, Thomas J.J., on immanence of God, 196 381 Appalachians, in economy of 1950s, 143 Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union on Appeal for Human Rights, 170 resttraining presidential powers, 300 Arab-American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in Amboy Dukes (Schulman), 131 Iran, 426 Ambrose, Stephen, on Nixon, 282 Arab nationalism American Capitalism: The Concept of in Egypt, 112–114 Countervailing Power (Galbraith), 152 Middle East instability and, 111 American Civil Liberties Union Arab oil boycott, 316–318 on end of Vietnam war, 300 inflation and, 355–356 on Lindsay, 370 Arafat, Yassar, 315, 551 American Conservative Union, 442 evacuation from Lebanon, 454 American Enterprise Institute, 442 meeting with Netanyahu, 533

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ARAMCO. See Arab-American Oil Company Baker, Howard, as White House Chief of (ARAMCO) Staff, 470 Arbenz Guzman, Jacabo, 109–110 Baker, James A., II Argentina, seizure of Falkland Islands by, in Central America, 497–499 453 as Secretary of State, 492 Arias Sanchez, Oscar, peace plan of, 497 as White House Chief of Staff, 446 Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 522 Baker, James, as Treasury Secretary, 458 Armed forces, post-WWII Baker v. Carr, reapportionment and, 191 African Americans in, 6 Bakke v. Regents of the University of in Europe, 63 California, 412–413 women in, 5 Bakker, Jim, 382, 478 Arms control negotiations, 450–451 Bakker, Tammy Faye, 478 Arms-for-hostages deal, 466–467 Balance budget amendment, Reagan Arms limitation treaty, ABM development endorsement of, 460 and, 289–290 Balance of power, Cold War and, 33–35 Arms negotiations, SALT II treaty and, Balaquer, Joaquin, 241 418 Baldwin, James, 249, 394 Arms race Balfour Declaration, 111 Kennedy and, 210 Ball, George slowing of, SALT II treaty in, 430 in antiwar movement, 235 Armstrong, Neil A., 204 resignation of, over Vietnam War, 237 Arthur Andersen accounting firm, 553 Bangladesh, establishment of, 307 Artistic life in 1950s, 145–152 Bao Dai, 62–63 Ashcroft, John, 547 in Republic of Vietnam, 108 in 1972 election, 338 Barak, Ehud, 551 Ashmore, Harry, 184 Barbieri, John, 271 Asia Barkley, Alben W., 25 Cold War in, 52–64 Barnett, Ross, 174–175 containment in, 104–105 Barre, Mohamed Siad, 521 Asian Americans in 1990s, 507 Barth, John, 394 Assassinations, 177–178, 273–275 Baseball, 554 Atomic Age, dawn of, 37–39 racial integration and, 19–20 Atomic bombing of Japan, 37–39 Bates, Daisy, 94 Attica State Prison riot, 304–305 Batista, Fulgencia, overthrow of, 212 Attlee, Clement, 37 Bay of Pigs operation, 212–215 Atwater, Lee, in 1988 election campaign, Beach Boys, 388 484–485 Beat generation, 144–145 Authoritarian and totalitarian governments, Beatles, 260, 261, 389 distinction between, 452–453 Beck, Dave, 83 Autobiography of Malcom X, 251 Begin, Menachem Automation in manufacturing, 124 at Camp David, 423–424 Automobile industry, “planned elected prime minister, 422 obsolescence” in, 123, 127 meeting with Sadat, 422 Automobile, new, culture of, 133–134 in Washington D.D., 422 Automobile Safety Act, 204 Beijing , 305–307 “Axis of evil” speech, 549 Beirut, hostage crisis in, 466 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 426–427 Bell, Daniel, 151 Aydid, Mohammed Farah, 521 Bell, Griffin Ayub Khan, rebellion against, 307 Bakke case and, 412–413 in Carter administration, 408 Baby boomers, 9–10 Bell, Terrell, 474 Baez, Joan, 388 Bellah, Robert N., 438 antiwar protest of, 235 Beloved (Morrison), 511 Baker, Howard Benchley, Peter, 443 on Panama Canal treaties, 420 Bennett, W. Tapley, 239–240

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Bennett, William Blue Poles (Pollock), 392 as “drug czar”, 491 Blumenthal, Michael, 425 on school standards, 514 in Carter administration, 408 Benson, Ezra Taft, 80 resignation of, 432 Bentsen, Lloyd, as Dukakis running mate, Boesky, Ivan, Reagonomics and, 460–461 483 Boggs, Hale, 302 Berliin crisis, second, 118–120 Boland Amendment, 465 Berlin blockade, 48–52 Boland, Edward P., 465 Berlin, Germany Bomb, neutron, Carter and, 424 Kennedy foreign policy on, 214–215 Bombing, of Noth Vietnam Kennedy in, 219 decision to begin, 228–229 wall dividing in, 215, 493 escalation of, 230–232 Bernoit, Pedro Bartolome, 239–240 as strategy to end the war, 310 Bernstein, Carl Bond, Julian, 170 in reporting on Watergate investigation, Bonds, junk, mergers and, in 1980s, 461 345 Bonfire of the Vanities (Wolfe), 438 in revealing Watergate connection to Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, New Theology and, White House, 343 380–381 Bernstein, Leonard, 148 Bonsal, Philip, on Cuban revolution, 213 Berrigan, Daniel, in antiwar movement, 235 Boorstin, Daniel J., on television, 387 Berrigan, Philip F. Bork, Robert in antiwar movement, 235 as Supreme Court nominee, rejection of, indictment of, 359 472 Bettleheim, Bruno, 147 in , 347 Bevin, Ernest, 46 Borman, Frank, 303 BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affiars (BIA) Born on the Fourth of July (Kovic), 338 Biden, Joseph, in 1988 election, 483 Bosch, Juan, 239–241 Bill of Rights for Women, 365–366 Bosnia, 520–522 “Billygate”, 433 Bowles, Chester, 220 bin Laden, Osama, 543 Boxer, Barbara, elected to Senate, 506 Biodiversity, threats to, 515 Bozell, Brent, 187 Birmingham, Alabama Bracero program, 372 attack on freedom riders in, 173 Bradley, Bill civil rights protests in, in 1963, 174–176 2000 presidential election and, 538 Birth control Bradley, Omar, 58–59 sexual revolution and, 261 Bradley, Tom, election of, 378 sexuality and, 366–367 Brady Bill, 519 Birthrate Branch Davidians, raid on, 519 1950s increase in, 135–136 Brando, Marlon, 131 1970s decrease in, 367 Brannan, Charles F., farm security plan of, Bishop, Maurice, 454 28–29 Black, Hugo, 22 Braun, Carol Moseley, elected to Senate, 506 appointed to Supreme Court, 323 Brezhnev Doctine in Afghanistan, 430–431 Black Panther party, founding of, 253 Brezhnev, Leonid, 241 Black Power movement, 248–256 Carter support of human rights and, 417 white backlash against, 255 death of, 451 Blacklisting, motion picture industry, 21–22, Ford meetings with, 403 67 on ICBMs, 417–418 Blackmun, Harry Kissinger meetings with, 316–317 appointed to Supreme Court, 323 Nixon meetings with, 303–304 Roev.Wadeand, 335 Bricker amendment, 101–104 Blacks. See Afircan Americans Bricker, John W., 101 Bloom, Alan, 514 Bridges, Styles, 117 Blossom, Virgil T., Little Rock integration Brinkmanship, 105–106 plan and, 93 Brokaw, Tom, anthrax mailings and, 547

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Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 177 Bus boycott, Montgomery, 92–93 Brown, Dee, 394 Bush Doctrine, 545–546 Brown, George E., impeachment of Nixon Bush, George and, 300 in 1988 election, 484–485 Brown, H. Rap, 249, 253 in Central America, 497–499 Brown, James, 255 Cold War end and, 492–495 Brown, Jerry, in 1976 primaries, 405 conservative social agenda of, 489–491 Brown, Norman, on counterculture, 360 drug crisis and, 491–492 Brown, Sam, 271 economy and, 503–506 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 88–90 education and, 487–488 Little Rock and, 93–96 election of, 485 South’s response to, 90–92 environment and, 488–489 white backlash against, 91–92 and Ferraro, debate with, 458 Brownell, Herbert, 80 Iraqi plot to assassinate, 550 Brown decision and, 90 as Reagan running mate, 433 Brzezinski, Zbigniew S&L debacle clean-up, 487 in Carter administration, 408 Supreme Court in, 489–491 disagreement of, with Vance over tax increase and, 487 Rhodesia, 418 Bush, George W. on Iran takeover, 427 2000 presidential election and, 538 as national security adviser, 416 African Americans and, 541 Buchanan, Pat “axis of evil” speech, 549 in 1992 election, 504 biography of, 540 in 1996 electoin, 526 Hispanics and, 538 on antiwar protesters, 293 landing on aircraft carrier, 550 on Nixon constituency, 294 religious convictions of, 541 Buckley, William (CIA Bureau Chief) tax cut, 553 as hostage in Beirut, 465 visit to China, 552 Buckley, William F. Bush, Neil, 462 in new right, 187 Busing New Right and, 442 debates on, in 1990s, 509 on political realignment, 321 Ford and, 401 on religion in American life, 142 New Right and, 441 Budget Nixon and, 325–327 deficit in. See Deficit Supreme Court and, 326–327 surplus in, in Clinton administration, 533 white flight and, 326–327 Bulganin, Nikolai A., 116 Butterfield, Alexander, in Watergate Bulgaria, after Gorbachev’s pronouncement, hearings, 346 493 By Love Possessed (Cozzens), 393 Bullet Park (Cheever), 393 Byrd, Harry Flood, 91, 182 Bumpers, Dale, in impeachment hearings, on Panama Canal treaties, 420 530 Byrd, Robert, in ABM system controversy, Bundy, McGeorge 289 in Kennedy administration, 165 Byrnes, James F., 40 as Kennedy’s national security adviser, resignation of, 42 209–210 on Robert Kennedy as Johnson running Cable television, 475 mate, 188 Cabral, Donald Reid, 239, 239–240 on Vietnam, 224 Calhoun, John C., 91 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 375 Califano, Joseph Burger, Warren Bakke case and, 412–413 as chief justice of Supreme Court, 321, 323 resignation of, 432 on executive privilege, 348 welfare reform and, 410 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown), California Civil Rights Initiative, 509 375, 394 Calley, William, 265, 302

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Cambodia Catch-22 (Heller), 394 American incursion into, 296–298 Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 131–132, bombing of, 286–287 394 defeat of, 403 Catholic Church Camp David Accords, 423–424 in El Salvador, 421 Cancer, environmental pollutants and, in Nicaraguan uprising, 420 385–386 reform and reaction in, 382–383 CAP. See Community Action Program (CAP) Cedras, Raul, 522 Capote, Truman, 394 Central America Caputo, Philip, 394 Arias peace plan for, 497–498 Car. See Automobile Bush and, 497–499 Carlos, John, 254 Reagan and, 452–454 Carlson, Rachel, 201–202 See also Latin America and specific country Carlucci, Frank, as Secretary of Defense, 470 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Carmichael, Stokely, 249 aid to contras by, 452–454, 465–467 on King assassination, 273 covert aid to Afghan rebels by, 431 as SNCC president, 252 covert operations of, 110, 214 in “walk against fear”, 252–253 Cuban exile army of liberation Carswell, G. Harold, as Supreme Court training/arming by, 212 nominee, 322–323 in Guatemala, 110 Carter, Billy, 433 in Iran, 112, 426 “Carter Doctrine”, 431 origins of, 16 Carter, James Earl “Jimmy” in Vietnam, 266 in 1976 election, 405–406 in Watergate scandal, 348 administration of, shakeup of, 431–432 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), Iran affirmative action and, 412–413 and, 426 agriculture and, 410–411 Cernenko, Konstantin, 468 asylum for Shah and, 427 CERT. See Council of Energy Reserve Tribes “Billygate” and, 433 (CERT) biography of, 406–407 CETA. See Comprehensive Employment and “crisis of spirit” and, 431–432 Training Act (CETA) culture of hostility to government and, Chafe, William, 365 411–413 Challenger 74, explosion of, 459 defeat of, in 1980 election, 434–435 Chamber of Commerce on Family Assistance economic doldrums and, 409–410 Plan, 329 election of, 405–406, 405–406 Chambers, Whitaker, 65 energy crisis and, 413–416 Chamorro, Violeta, 498 environmentalism and, 415 Chancellor, John, Little Rock school ethics in government and, 412 integration story and, 96 gas price deregulation and, 413–416 Chaney, James, murder of, 189–190 Helsinki accords and, 416 Channel, Carl “Spitz” human rights and, 417–421 in contra fundraising, 465–467 on ICBMs, 417–418 indictment of, 467 inflation and, 424–425 Chappaquidick, 336 on Kissinger, 416 Charlie Company, 302 national health insurance system and, Chavez, Cesar, 373 425 Robert Kennedy and, 274 Olympic boycott and, 431 Chechnya, 551 Social Security and, 410–411 Cheever, John, 393 welfare reform and, 410 Cheney, Dick Case, Francis, 83 2000 presidential election and, 538 Casey, Willliam, in Iran–Contra affair, day of September 11th, 544 465–467 Haliburton and, 550 Castillo Armas, Carlos, 110 heart attack of, 540 Castro, Fidel, Cuban revolution and, on Operation Desert Storm, 550 212–215 Cheney, Lynn, 514

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Cheney, Richard, as Secretary of Defense, of 1964, 182–184, 365, 530 492 of 1965, 193–195, 249 Cherry, Francis, 90 Civil Rights Division of the Justice “Chicago Eight”, 324 Department, 172 Chicano movement, 371–373 Civil Rights movement Chicanos, studies on, in college cirricula, 514 African American view of, 171–172 Child-centered society in 1950s, 138–139 Freedom Rides and, 171–172 Childhood and Society (Erikson), 146 during Kennedy administration, 170–177 Chile, U.S. interference in, under Nixon, March on Washington and, 176–177 313–314 New Left and, 256–257 China non-violent resistance in, 170 Bush, George W., visit to (2002), 552 politics of confrontation in, 173–177 Carter administration and, 429 radicalization of, 248–256 civil war in, 52–54 Robert Kennedy and, 172 Communist, 223, 281, 305–307, 495, sexism in, 365 495–497 sit-ins/boycotts in, 170–172 full diplomatic relations with, Carter and, Class resentment, anticommunism and, 429 65 in Korean War, 55–61 Clay, Lucius, Berlin and, 50 surveillance plane crash-landing in (2001), Clayton, William L., 42 552 Cleage, Albert, 255 Chisolm, Shirley, in 1972 election, 338 Clean Air Act revisions, 488 Christian academies, private, 372 Clean Waters Restoration Act, 202 Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, 186 Cleaver, Eldridge, 249, 253 Church and the Second Sex, The (Daly), 366 on rape, 361 Church, Frank, 300 Clifford, Clark in 1976 primaries, 405 election of 1948 and, 25–26 on detente, 309 reassessment of Vietnam War by, 269 on Salt II treaty ratification, 430 Clift, Montgomery, 131 Churchill, Winston Clinton, Hillary, 504–505 balance of power and, 33–34 Clinton, William Iron Curtain speech of, 41–42 legacy of, 537 CIA aid to contras and. See Central Clinton, William Jefferson Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1992 election, 504–505 CIO. See Congress of Industrial abortion rights and, 517–518 Organizations (CIO) election of, 506 City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Company, environmentalism and, 515–517 472–473 gays in the military and, 517–518 Civil liberties healthcare and, 518–519 efforts to limit, 18–23 impeachment proceedings on, 528–530 Nixon and, 324–325 prosperity and, 532–533 Civil Operations and Revolutionary reelection of, 525–526 Development Support, 266 sexual misconduct charges and, 527–530 Civil Rights “travelgate” and, 526–527 Eisenhower administration and, 83–89 Whitewater investigation and, 527 Ford administration and, 401 Clodfelter, Michael, 299 Johnson administration and, 183–184 Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), Kennedy administration and, 172–174, 514 174–176, 182–183 Coalition of the Willing, 550 in Kennedy campaign, 161–162 Cochran, Johnny, in O.J. Simpson trial, Montgomery bus boycott and, 92–93 511 Nixon administration and, 325–327 Colby, William, 266 nonviolent techniques and, 18 on Panama Canal treaties, 420 “sit-in” movement and, 97 Cold War Civil Rights Act anticommunism and, 64–70 of 1957, 96–97 in Asia, 52–64

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Cold War (cont.) Complete Book of Running, The (Fixx), 443 containment and, 39–52. See also Comprehensive Employment and Training Containment Act (CETA), 330 end of, 492–495, 535–536 extension of, 409 in Europe, 51–52 Computers, personal, popular culture and, Johnson and, 238–244 476 Kennedy and, 208–212 Concurrent Resolution No. 108, 373–374 in Kennedy campaign, 160–161 Conformity, 126–140 origins of, 32–71 beat generation and, 144–145 Reagan and, 450–454 child-rearing practices and, 138 roots of, 32–39 feminine domesticity and, 136–137 College students religion and, 140–142 in Columbia University protests, 274–275 suburbia and, 134–136 Free Speech Movement and, 192–193, 379 youth culture and, 131–132 left-wing, in antiwar movement, 236 Congo, 220–221 as political activists, 158 Congress protests of, 258–259, 359–360 Carter’s energy program and, 415–416 Collins, Michael, 204 “end of war” movement and, 298–301 Colonialism, French, demise of, Vietnam Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), and, 107 merger of, with AFL, 82–83 Color Purple, The (Walker), 394 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Colson, Charles, 299 Floyd McKissick as president of, 252 on peace accord and election, 311 sexism in, 365 Columbia University, student protests at, Connally, John B., 177–178 274–275 Nixon economic policy and, 333 Columbine High School shootings, 542 Connor, Eugene T. “Bull”, 174–176 “Coming Anarchy, The” (Kaplan), 555 Conscience of a Conservative, The Committee for the Defense of the (Goldwater), 187 Constitution by Preserving the Treaty Conservative coalition, 3 Power, 102 Truman and, 14–17 Committee of Americans for Canal Treaties, Constitution, Twenty-Sixth Amendment to, 419 1972 elections and, 305 “Committee on the Present Danger”, 430 Construction boom in 1950s, 123 Committee to Re-elect the President Consumer culture, 127 (CREEP), 337, 338, 339 Consumer economy, transformation from in Watergate break-in, 339, 342–343 production economy to, 123 Common Cause, Congress-bashing by, 486 Consumer protection movement, 204 Communes, 261, 361 Consumption, obsession with, 126–127. Communism See also Materialism containment of, 99–120 Containment in Cuba, 212–215 in Asia, 104–105 effort to link antiwar movement to, 293 Berlin blockade and, 48–52 fear of, 20–22, 214–221, 223–225, 235–236, birth of, 39–52 239–240 Iron Curtain Speech and, 41–42 global response to, 105–106 Marshall Plan and, 45–48 ideology of, 33 Truman Doctrine and, 44–45 as monolithic threat, 223 Wallace vs. hard-liners and, 42–44 Communist Party of the Continental Illinois Bank, bankruptcy of, 462 (CPUS), 20–22 Continental U.S. Intelligence, 301 campaign against, 21–22 Contraceptives, oral Community Action Programs (CAPS), 185 sexual revolution and, 261 impact of, 197 sexuality and, 366–367 War on Poverty and, 196–197 “Contract with America”, 524–525 Community Development Act, 378 Contras, 452–454 “Compact of Fifth Avenue”, 160 Conus Intel, 301

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Cooper-Church amendment to 1971 Military Native American, preservation of, 375–376 Sales Bill, 300 new car, 133–134 Cooper, John Sherman, 288, 300 popular, 361–362, 474–478 in ABM system controversy, 289 of poverty, 376–378 on Symington Committee, 287 television and, 386–388 Coors, Joseph, in contra fundraising, 465 youth, 131–132 Cosby, Bill, in national identity, 509 Culture of Narcissism, The (Lasch), 362 Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), 185 Culture wars in 1990s, 513–514 Council of Energy Reserve Trives (CERT), Curtis, Charlotte, on Miss America Pageant 374 protest, 363 Council on Wage and Price Stability Custer Died for your Sins (Deloria), 375 (COWPS), 425 Czechoslovakaia after Gorbachev’s Counterculture, 259–263, 357–363 pronouncement, 493 alternative lifestyles in, 361–362 decline of, in 1970s, 361–363 Dai, Bao, 221 drugs and, 261 Daly, Mary, 366 environmentalism and, 385 Daughters of Bilitis, 370 hippies in, 357–359 Dave Clark Five, 389 religion and, 380 Davies, Ronald, 94 sexual revolution and, 260–261 Davis, Angela, arrest of, 359 student protest in, 359–360 Davis, Hubert, 252 Counterinsurgency, Robert Kennedy and, Davis, Rennis, in Chicago Eight trial, 324 210 “Days of Rage”, 359 COWPS. See Council on Wage and Price Dayton Accords, 521 Stability (COWPS) De facto segregation, busing and, 325–326 Cox, Archibald de Gaulle, Charles, 244 firing of, 347, 531 de Kooning, Willem, 148, 392 as independent special prosecutor, Dean, James, 131 346–347 Dean, John Cox, Harvey, 381 firing of, 345 Cozzens, John Gould, 393 in scheme to harass Democrats, 335 CPUS. See Communist Party of the United testimony of, in Watergate hearings, 346 States (CPUS) in Watergate cover-up, 343 Crack in the Picture Window, The (Keats), 143 in Watergate trial, 345 Craig, Gregory, in impeachment hearings, Death of a Saleman (Miller), 150 530 Deaver, Michael, in Reagan administration, Cranston, Alan, in 1984 election, 456 459 Crawford, Frederick, 3 “Declaration of Environmental Rights”, “Crazies”, 359 384 Credit, consumer, growth of, in 1950s, 125 Declining Significance of Race, The (Wilson), CREEP. See Committee to Re-elect the 377 President (CREEP) Deerhunter, The, 362 Crime, crackdown on, New Right and, 440 Defense industry, women in, 5 Critical race theory, 511 Defense spending, reduced Croats in Bosnia, 520 brinksmanship and, 105–105 Cronkite, Walter, on Vietnam, 263–264 Clinton and, 520 Cuba, Soviet treeps in, SALT II treaty Deficit ratification and, 430 Clinton’s promise to reduce, 520 Cuban missile crisis, 215–218 reduction of, in 1990s, 525 Cuban Revolution, 212–215 soaring, in Reagan administration, 460 Cults, religious, 381–382 Deficit spending, stock market crash and, Cultural renaisaance in 1950s, 145–151 461 Culture Defoliants in Vietnam War, 232, 263 of greed in 1980s, 460–462, 471 Deloria, Vin, 375 high, in 1960s and 1970s, 392–393 Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), 534

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Democratic National Committee (DNC), Disuniting of America, The (Schlesinger), 514 wire-tapping of, 342–343 Diversity, cultural, in 1990s, 506–508 Democratic National Convention Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity 1968, 275–276 and Madness, The (Laing), 262 1980, Kennedy in, 433–434 Dixiecrats, election of 1948 and, 25–27 Democratic Party Dixiecrats (rjh) in 1948 election, 24–27 Truman and, 14 in 1952 election, 75–78 Dixon, Edgar H., 84–85 in 1956 election, 115 Dixon-Yates project, 84–85 in 1960 election, 158–160 DNC. See Democratic National Committee in 1964 election, 188–190 (DNC) in 1968 election, 271–277 Dobrynin, Anatoly in 1972 election, 336–338 Cuban missile crisis and, 216 in 1976 election, 405–406 response to Carter support of human in 1980 election, 432–433 rights and, 417 in 1984 election, 456–457 Dohrn, Bernadine, in Weathermen, 299 in 1988 election, 482–483 Dole, Robert in 1992 election, 504–505 in 1988 election, 483 in 1996 election, 525–526 in 1996 election, 526 in 2000 election, 538 as Ford running mate, 405 Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), Dominican Crisis, 238–241 62–63, 221 Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Deng Xiaoping 239 Gorbachev meeting with, 497 Domino Theory, 218 Vance meeting with, 429 Vietnam and, 223–235 Dennis, David, 189 “Dot com” bubble, 552–553 Dennis, Eugene, 22 Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 282 Dennis v. United States,22 Douglas, Paul, 255 Department of Education, establishment of, Douglas, William O., 22 415 Draft Department of Homeland Security protests against, 252, 258 threat-levels gauge by, 548 resisters of, Vietnam-era, pardon of, by “Depressed areas” bill, passage of, 166–167 Carter, 409 Desegregation, school, Kennedy and, Draft boards, discrimination by, 304 176–177 Draft resistance movement, 236 Detroit race riot of 1967, 251 Drama in 1950s, 149–150 Developing nations, social justice in, Carter Drown, Dee, 375 and, 418–421 Drug culture music, 391 Dewey, Thomas E., election of 1948 and, Drugs 24–27 experimentation with, in 1960s–1970s, DiBenedetti, Charles, in antiwar movement, 360–361 235 use of, 303, 473 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 221–224 DRV. See Democratic Republic of Vietnam plot to overthrow, Kennedy and, 303 (DRV) Dirksen, Everett Duarte, Jose Napoleon, 453 Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, 184 Carter and, 421 Civil Rights Act of 1965 and, 194 DuBois, W.E.B., 184, 394 civil rights legislation in 1966 and, Dukakis, Michael, in 1988 election, 252 482–484 Disco, 391 Dulles, Allen, 182 Discrimination Dulles, John Foster, 80 gender, 334, 364–366 brinkmanship and, 105–106 racial. See Racism Formosa crisis and, 104–105 Disney, Company, popular culture of 1980s SEATO creation and, 106 and, 475 as secretary of state, 100–102 Displaced Persons Act, 23 Suez Crisis and, 112–114

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Durkin, Martin, 80 environment and, 330 Dylan, Bob, 388–389 resignation of, 345 in Watergate break-in, 341 Eagle Forum, 368 in Watergate cover-up, 343, 345 New Right and, 441 in Watergate hearings, 346 Eagleton, Thomas F., as McGovern Eisenhower Doctrine, 114 running-mate, 338 Eisenhower, Dwight David withdrawal of, 339 African Americans and, 83–89 Earth Day, 384 background of, 78–79 Earth in the Balance (Gore), 515 Bricker amendment and, 101–103 “East of Eden”, 131 brinkmanship and, 105–106 East Village, counterculture in, 361 Cold War and, 99–120 ECA. See Economic Cooperation Dulles and, 100–102 Administration (ECA) economy and, 80–81 Echo (Pollock), 392 election of, 72–78 Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, 47 election of 1948 and, 24 Economic Cooperation Administration election of 1956 and, 115–116 (ECA), 47 farmers and, 81–82 Economic Opportunity Act, 1951, 185 federal power and, 83–86 Economics heart attack of, 115 Keynesian, 2 Korean War and, 60 supply-side, Ronald Reagan and, 446–448 labor and, 82–83 Economy, 352–357, 532 Latin America and, 108–110 Bush and, 503–506 Little Rock school integration and, 95 Carter administration and, 409–410, on McCarthy, 69, 102–103 424–425 modern republicans and, 78–80 consumer, transformation from nuclear arms race and, 116–120 production eocnomy to, 123 “Operation Wetback” and, 372 in early 1980s, 449 political background of, 79–80 Eisenhower administration and, 80–81 politics of moderation and, 73–98 Ford administration and, 401 Soviet-American relations and, global response to communism and, 116–120 105–106 as supreme NATO commander, 48 Johnson administration and, 355 Vietnam aid and, 218 Kennedy administration and, 169–170 Vietnam and, 107 in mid-1970s, 401 Eisenhower, Milton, on Latin America, national, post-WWII, 1–7 109 Nixon administration and, 331–334 Eizenstat, Stuart, in Carter administration, post-WWII boom, 121–125 408 production, transformation to consumer El Salvador economy, 123 in Arias peace plan, 497 Soviet, in late 1970s, 429 Carter and, 420–421 “Ed Sullivan Show, The”, 128 Reagan policy on, 452–454 Education Election, presidential Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka (1948), 23–27 and, 88–90 (1952), 72–78 Bush and, 487–488 (1956), 115–116 Johnson and, 198–199 (1960), 158–163 public, in 1960s and 1970s, 378–379 (1968), 270–280 in Reagan administration, 473–474 (1972), 336–340 Edwards, Harry, 254 (1980), 432–435 Egypt, Eisenhower-Dulles foreign policy (1984), 186–191, 456–458 and, 112–114 (1988), 482–485 Ehrlich, Paul, 384, 555 (1992), 503–506 Ehrlichman, John (1996), 525–526 on antiwar protesters, 293 (2000), 536–540

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Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 260 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Nixon Electronics, boom in, in 1950s, 123 and, 334 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Erhard Seminars Training (EST), 444 198–199 Erhard, Werner, 444 Ellison, Ralph, 393 Erikson, Erik, 146 on Johnson, 184 Ervin Committee, Watergate hearings and, Ellsberg, Daniel 344–345 Nixon’s plot to discredit, 341–342 Ervin, Sam, in Watergate hearings, 344–345 Pentagon Papers and, 303 ERW. See Enriched radiation weapons Emergency Natural Gas Act, 413 (ERW) Emerging Republican Majority, The (Phillips), Escape from Freedom (Fromm), 147 321 Espionage, atomic, 64 Emigre intellectuals in 1950s, 146–148 EST. See Erhard Seminars Training (EST) Employment Act of 1946, 14 Estes, Billie Sol, 168 “End of war” movement, Congress and, “Ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia, 521 298–301 Europe “End the War” amendment, 302 Cold War in, 51–52 Endangered Species Act of 1973, 515 Eastern, Soviet sphere of influence in, Endara, Guillermo 39–40 elected Panamanian president, 498 U.S. troops in, 63 installed as Panamanian president, Evangelical Christians 498–499 increase in, in 1970s, 379–380 Energy crisis in political process, New Right and, 441 Carter and, 413–416 Evers, Medgar, 18 energy resources on Native American murder of, 176 territory and, 374 ExComm. See Executive Committee of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, 517 National Security Council (ExComm) Energy resource management for Native Executioner’s Song, The (Mailer), 394 Americans, 374 Executive Committee of the National Energy riot, 431 Security Council (ExComm), 216 Engel v. Vitale, 380 Executive Order No. 9835, 64 Enriched radiation weapons (ERW), Carter Expressionism, 148–149 and, 424 abstract, 392 Enron, 553 Exxon Valdez, 488 Entertainment industry McCarthy investigations of, 21–22, 67 Factory workers in economy of 1950s, 143 in popular culture of 1980s, 475–478 Fair Deal, 27–29 Environment Fair Employment Practices Committee Bush and, 488–489 (FEPC), 6 hostile, in sexual harassment statutes, 531 Fair Housing Act pollution of, 516 passage of, 273 Environmental pollutants as carcinogens, Fair Housing Act (1968), 326 385–386 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, 204 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Falkland Islands, Argentina’s seizure of, 453 budget slashed by Reagan, 449 Falwell, Jerry, 382 Environmentalism, 384–386 in New Right, 441 Carter and, 415 Family Assistance Plan (FAP), 328–329 Clinton and, 515–517 Fanon, Frantz, 253–254 Johnson and, 201–204 FAP. See Family Assistance Plan (FAP) Kennedy and, 201 Farmer, James, 172, 174 Nixon and, 330–331 Farmers, Eisenhower administration and, EPA. See Environment Protection Agency 81–82 (EPA) Farrakan, Louis, message of, to black men, Epstein, Brian, Beatles and, 389 510 Equal Pay Act of 1973, 335 Faubus, Orval, 94–95, 94–95

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Faulkner, William, 395 Fonda, Jane FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation in antiwar movement, 235 (FBI) on Nixon’s enemies list, 340 Fedayeen in Iranian revolution, 426–427 Food for Peace program in Africa, 220 Fedayeen movement, 315 Food Stamp Act, 195–197 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Ford, Gerald R. first female agents in, 365 in 1976 election, 404–406 illegal surveillance by, Nixon and, 301–302 assassination attempts on, 404 on New Left, 324 becomes president, 349 Federal Election Campaign Act biography of, 400 Can’t find it, 336 Community Development Act and, 378 Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974, 350 detente with Soviet Union and, 403–404 Federal government, growth of, post-WWII, as interim president, 400–402 2 Mayaguez incident and, 403 Federal Highway Aid Act of 1956, 85 Nixon pardon and, 349, 400 Federal Housing Administration (FHA), on Panama Canal treaties, 420 post-WWII housing crisis and, 10–11 on urban riots, 255 Federal Republic of Germany, creation of, 50 on Warren Commission, 182 Federalism, New, Nixon and, 329–330 Watergate and, 400 Feinstein, Diane, elected to Senate, 506 Ford, Henry, II, air bags and, 330–331 Fellowhip of Reconciliation, 170 Ford Motor Cars, 553 “Feminine Mystique”, 136–137 Foreign policy Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 365 in Bush administration, 492–503 Feminism in Carter administration, 416–432, in 1950s, 136–137 429–431 in 1960s-1970s, 363–369 in Johnson administration, 224–244, 265 central message of, 365 in Kennedy administration, 208–224 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings military and, 288 and, 490–491 in Nixon administration, 285–288, radical, 512 291–298, 302, 305–313 “second-stage”, 512 “open door” diplomacy and, 257 women activists against, 360–363 in Reagan administration, 450–454, Feminist movement, Nixon administration 464–470 and, 334–335 Forests, changing nature of, 515 FEPC. See Fair Employment Practices Forman, James, 174 Committee (FEPC) Formosa crisis, 104–105 Ferraro, Geraldine A. Fortas, Abe, resignation from Supreme and Bush, debate with, 458 Court, 321 as Mondale running mate, 457–458 “Fragging” incidents in Vietnam war, 304 FHA. See Federal Housing Administration “Frameword for Peace in the Middle East”, (FHA) 423–424 Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin), 249, 394 “Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Firestone Tires, 553 Treaty between Egypt and Israel”, 423 Fiske, Robert, in Whitewater investigation, Franklin, Aretha, 255 528 Freddie and the Dreamers, 389 Fixx, Jim, 443 Free Speech Movement (FSM), 192–193, 379 Flag burning, Bush and, 489 New Left and, 256 Flanders, Ralph, on McCarthy, 69 Freedom of Information Act, 1966, Florida strengthening of, 350 2000 election and, 539 Freedom Rides, 172–174 Supreme Court and, 540 “Freedom Schools”, 190 Flowers, Gennifer, 528 Freedom Summer project of 1964, 189–190, Folk music in 1960s and 1970s, 193 388–389 Freedom Train, 47 Folsom, “Big” Jim, 90 Freeman, Orville, 168

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Frei, Eduardo, 313 Gas price deregulation by Carter, 413–416 French colonialism, demise of, Vietnam and, Gay liberation, 370 107 gay marriage, 554 Freud, Sigmund, 146–147 Gay Liberation Front, 370 Friedan, Betty, 136–137, 365 at 1972 Democratic convention, 338 at 1972 Democratic Convention, 338 Gaza Strip, Begin in, 422 on stages of feminism, 513 GDR. See German Democratic Republic Fritchey, Clayton, 184 (GDR) “From Here to Eternity”, 131 Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 422 From Here to Eternity (Jones), 151 Geneva, spirit of, 116 Frome, Lynette “Squeaky”, in attempt on Genocide Convention, 101 Ford’s life, 404 Gephardt, Richard, in 1988 election, 482 Fromm, Erik, 147 German Democratic Republic (GDR), Frontiero v. Richardson, 335 creation of, 50 FSM Germany Free Speech Movement (FSM). See Free occupation zones in, 35 Speech Movement (FSM) rearming of, 63 FSNL. See Sandinista National Liberation reunification of, 493–494 Front (FSNL) reunification of, Soviet pressure for, 119 Fuchs, Klaus, 64 Ghettos Fulbright-Harris bill, 83–84 explosion of, 249–256 Fulbright, J. William, 29, 83 reaction to King assassination, 273 1970 “End the War” amendment and, 302 Ghorbanifar, Manucher, 466 in ABM system controversy, 289 GI Bill of Rights, 9 in antiwar movement, 235 Giap, Vo Nguyen, 107, 264–265 on Arab-Israeli conflict, 314 Gideon, Clarence, 324–325 on Cuban revolution, 213 Gideon v. Wainwright, 324–325 on detente, 309 Giles Goat-Boy (Barth), 394 hearings on Vietnam war and, 233 Gilligan, Carol, 512 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Gingrich, New 392 resignation of, 529 Kissinger and, on foreign policy, 284 Gingrich, Newt, 524–525 on Nixon’s enemies list, 340 Ginsberg, Allen, 144–145 rapprochement with Beijing and, 306 Gitlin, Todd, 260 Symington Committee and, 287–288 Gizenga, Antoine, 221 Fulton, MO, Iron Curtain Speech at, 41–42 Gladden, Washington, New Theology and, Fundamentalists, increase in, in 1970s, 381 379–380 Glasnost, 468–469 Furman v. Georgia, 325 Glass Menagerie, The (Williams), 150 Glenn, John H., 168 Gaddis, John, 209 in 1984 election, 456 Gaither Committee report, 117 1998 return trip to space, 554 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 152 Global warming, 488, 516–517 in antiwar rallies, 271 Globalism, 208–247 on Cuban revolution, 213 GNP. See Gross National Product (GNP) demand-side economics and, 447 Go Tell it on the Mountain (Baldwin), 394 Kennedy campaign and, 161 Gold, Harry, 64 liberal approach of, 156–157 Goldberger, Paul, on suburbia, 12 Gandhi, Mahatma, Martin Luther King and, Goldwater, Barry M., as new right 170 presidential candidate, 187 Garfunkel, Art, 390 Gonzalez, Henry B., in Chicano movement, Garwood, Ellen Clayton, in contra 373 fundraising, 465 Goodman, Andrew, murder of, 189 Gas, natural, deregulation of, Eisenhower Goodpaster, Andrew, Nixon’s Vietnam war and, 83–84 strategy and, 286

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Goodwin, Richard, 271 Gross national product (GNP), 1929–1990, GOP. See Republican Party 122 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 468–469 Gruening, Ernest, 323 Deng Xiaoping meeting with, 497 Guatemala, U.S. intervention in, 109–110 on national soveriegnty in Eastern Guiliani, Rudolph, 545 Europe, 493 Gulf of Tonkin incident, 226–228 Yeltsin taking power from, 494–495 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 228 Gordon, Suzanne, 512 Fulbright and, 233 Gordy, Berry Jr., 390 repeal of, 300 Gore, Al Gulf War, 500–503 2000 presidential election and, 538 Gun control, 519 Gore, Albert, on environment, 515 Gunn, David, murder of, 518 Gorsuch, Anne Buford, environmental Gutierrez, Jose Angel, in Chicano movement, regulations relaxed by, 449 373 Gottlieb, Lou, 361 Government, federal, growth of, post-WWII, Haber, Al, 256 2 Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Graham, Billy, 141, 382 Commitment in American Life (Bellah), Graham-Rudman-Hollings Act, 460 438 Grateful Dead, The, 391 Haig, Alexander Gray, L.Patrick, in Watergate cover-up, 343 on Sandanistas, 453 Gray Panthers, 371 Secretary of State, on Soviet Union, 450 Gray Power, 370–371 in Watergate scandal, 346–347 Great Britain, military action against Iraq Haight-Ashbury, counterculture in, 259 and, 500 Haiti, U.S. intervention in, 522 “Great Cultural Revolution” in Communist Haldeman, H.R., 286 China, 307 on antiwar protesters, 293 “Great Silent Majority”, Nixon’s appeal to, on Nixon and Kent State, 300 294–296 resignation of, 345 Great Society, 186, 191–201 in Watergate break-in, 341 Civil Rights Act of 1965 and, 193–195 in Watergate cover-up, 343, 345 education and, 198–198 in Watergate hearings, 346 Medicaid and, 199–200 Haley, Alex, 363 Medicare and, 199–200 Haliburton firm, 550 War of Poverty and, 195–197 Hall, Gus, 22 youth movement in, 191–193 “Hallmark Hall of Fame”, 128 Greece, support of, against Communism, Hallucinogenic music, 391 44–45 Hamer, Fannie Lou Greed, culture of at 1964 Democratic Convention, 190 in 1980s, 460–462 at 1972 Democratic Convention, 337 poverty and, 471 Hard rock, 362, 390 Green Berets, 211 Hargis, Billy James, 186 Green v. Board of Education, 325 Harlow, Bryce, on Carswell, 322 “Greenhouse effect”, 488 Harrad West, 361 Greening of America, The (Reich), 385 Harriman, W. Averell Greensboro incidents, 170–171 in nuclear test-ban treaty negotiations, Greenspan, Alan, Social Security reform 219 and, 449 on Panama Canal treaties, 420 Grenada invasion, 454 in Vietnam peace talks, 271–272 Grenier, John, 187 Harrington, Michael, 143 Grew, Joseph, 38 liberal revival and, 156 Griffiths, Martha, on sexism, 364 Harris, Fred, 83 Griggs v. Duke Power and LIght Co., 326 Harris, Katherine, 540 Griswold v. Connecticut, 335 Harris, Patricia, 18 Gromyko, Andrei, in arms negotiations, 418 in Carter administration, 408

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Hart, Gary Bush, George W. and, 538 in 1984 election, 456 Clinton and, 533 in 1988 election, 482–483 in culture of poverty, 378 Hasenfus, Eugene, 466 See also Chicano movement; Mexican Hatcher, Richard, election of, 378 Americans Hatfield, Mark Hiss, Alger, 65 1970 “End the War” amendment and, 302 Ho Chi Minh, 62, 108, 221–222 end-the-war efforts, 302 conduct of war and, 263 Hayden, Casey, 176 peace offer to, 286 Hayden, Tom, 255, 262 Vietnam peace talks and, 272 in Chicago Eight trial, 324 Hoffa, James R., 83 SDS philosophy and, 274 Hoffman, Abbie, 276 Haynsworth, Clement F. as Supreme Court in Chicago Eight trial, 324 nominee, 322 Hoffman, Julius, in Chicago Eight trial, 324 Head Start, 185 Hofstadter, Richard, 152 impact of, 197 Hollywood Health care Congressional investigation of, 21–22, 67 Clinton and, 518–519 reaction of, to television, 130–131 spending on, 200 Holocaust, Cold War origins and, 35–36 Health Education and Welfare (HEW), Holtzman, Elizabeth, 364 Mitchell and, 326 Homelessness in Reagan administration, Health insurance, national 471 Carter and, 426 Homosexuals in military, Clinton and, Kennedy and, 426 517–518 Heller, Joseph, 394 “Honeymooners, The”, 128 Heller, Walter, Kennedy and, 169, 182 Honniker, Erich, 493 Helms, Richard, in Watergate cover-up, 342 Honolulu summit, 233 Helsinki accords, 403 “Honor America Day”, 300 Carter and, 416 Hooks, Benjamin, on Reagan economic Hemingway, Ernest, 151 program, 447 Hendrix, Jimmie, 260, 391 Hoover, Herbert, Korean War and, 54–55 Herberg, Will, 141–142 Hoover Institute, 442 Heritage Foundation, 442 Hoover, J. Edgar Heroine, 256 illegal surveillance by, Nixon and, Herring, George, 362 301–302 in antiwar movement, 235 on New Left, 324 Herter, Christian, 119 Hoppe, Arthur, 303 HEW. See Health Education and Welfare Horton, Willy, case of, in 1988 election (HEW) campaign, 485 Hickel, Walter J., Interior Department and, House Un-American Activities Committee 330 (HuAC), 21–22 Hickey, Margaret, 5 Truman and, 47 Hicks, Louise Day, 326 Housing, post-WWII crisis in, 10–12 Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 259 Houston, Charles, 85 Higher Education Act of 1965, 199 Howl and Other Poems (Ginsberg), 144–145 Highway Beautification Act of 1965, 203 Hruska, Roman, on Carswell, 323 Hill, Anita, in Thomas confirmation Huang, John, 526 hearings, 490–491 Human potential movement, 444 Hill-Burton Act, 29 Human rights, Carter and, 417–421 Hill, Lister, 85 in Rhodesia, 418–421 Hinckley, John, 455 in Soviet Union, 417 Hippies, 259–260, 357–359 Human Rights Declaration of 1948, 101 Hiroshima, bombing of, 38 Human Sexual Response (Masters and Hispanics Johnson), 260, 367 in 1990s, 507 Humphrey, George, 80

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Humphrey, Hubert H. Ford administration and, 401 in 1968 election, 273, 278–279 in late 1960s–1970s, 331–333, 355–357 in 1972 election, 336–337 post-WWII, 12–14 on civil rights, 25–26 Insurance, health, national nomination of, 275 Carter and, 425 as vice-presidential candidate, 189 Clinton and, 517–518 Hungary after Gorbachev’s pronouncement, Kennedy and, 425 493 Integration, Agnew and, 325 Hunt, H.L., 186 Intellectual life in the 1950s, 145–152 Hunt, Howard Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in bugging of DNC offices, 342 research and development in, 117–118 indictment of, 344 in Soviet-American arms negotiations, in Watergate cover-up, 345 417–418 Hunt, Nelson Bunker, in contra fundraising, Interim Agreement on Limitations of 465 Strategic Armaments, 309 Hussein, Saddam, 464 Interim Committee, 38 invasion of Kuwait by, 499–500 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF), problems with, over inspections, 534 470 United Nations inspectors and, 542 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Huston Plan, 341 investigations of Nixons enemies by, 340 Hyde, Bill, 370 Internal Security Act, 22 Hyde, Henry, 370 International Bank for Reconstruction and in impeachment hearings, 530 Development (IBRD), 355 Hydrogen bomb development, 116 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, corruption in, 83 “I Have a Dream” (King), 177 International Foundation for Internal “I Love Lucy”, 128 Freedom, 261 ICBMs. See Intercontinental ballistic International Longshoreman’s Association missiles (ICBMs) (ILA), corruption in, 83 Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 149 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 355 Ichan, Carl, Reaganomics and, 461 International Telephone and Telegraph Ickes, Harold, 8–9 Company in Chile, 314 ILA. See International Longshoreman’s Internationalism, isolationism and, 3–4 Association (ILA) Interstate highway system, Eisenhower Immigration statutes, nativism and, 23 administration and, 85–86 In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 512 Intrauterine device (IUD), sexual revolution In Cold Blood (Capote), 394 and, 260 Income guarantees, institutionalized poverty Invisible Man, The (Ellison), 393 and, 195–196 Iran, 550 Independent counsel law, 531–532 American Embassy in, seizure of, 427–428 India, war of, with Pakistan, U.S. and, confrontation with Stalin over, 41–42 306–307 Eisenhower-Dulles foreign policy and, 112 Indian Health Service, involuntary hostage crisis in, 427–428 sterilization by, 375 Iraq struggle with, 464 Indian Self-Determination Act, Nixon and, Iran–Contra affair, 464–467 374 Iraq, 550 Industrial society, transformation to Arab-Israeli conflict and, 551 postindustrial society, 124 attempt to tie to Taliban, 550 INF treaty. See Intermediate-Range Nuclear composition of country, 550 Forces (INF) treaty Iran struggle with, 464 Inflation problems in, over inspections, 534 1967–1981, 414t U.S. aid to, 465 in 1980, 431–432 Vietnam comparisons to, 550 Carter and, 424–425 war with, Bush and, 500–503 in early 1980s, 449 Iron Curtain speech, 41–42

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IRS. See Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Johnson, Jim, 94 Islamic Revolutionary Guard, 427–428 Johnson, Lady Bird, environmentalism and, Isolationism, internationalism and, 3–4 203–204 Israel, 23 Johnson, Louis, 55 in Clinton administration, 533 Johnson, Lyndon Baines establishment of, 111 art and culture promotion by, 392 Iraqi threat to, Gulf War and, 500 biography of, 179–180 occupied territories of, 422–423 on Black Power movement, 255–256 terrorist acts by, 464 civil rights and, 182–184 U.S. aid to, 314 Cold War management by, 238–244 U.S. support of, 245 Dominican Crisis and, 238–244 IUD. See Intrauterine device (IUD) Economic Opportunity Act and, 185 education and, 198–199 Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop” election of 1968 and, 190–191, 271–273 in 1972 election, 336 environmentalism and, 201–203 in 1976 primaries, 404 foreign policy and, 224–244. See also in ABM system controversy, 289 Foreign policy in Johnson on aid to Israel, 316 administration on SALT treaty, 309 “Great Society” and, 186, 191–201. See also on Vladivostok agreement, 403 “Great Society” Jackson, Jesse NATO and, 244 in 1972 Democratic Convention, 338 peace talks and, 272 in 1984 election, 456–457 Pueblo incident and, 269 in 1988 election, 482–483 Robert Kennedy and, 160 in 1990s, 510 Senator, 107 in Chicago open housing march, 255 Senator XXX this, 115 as possible Dukakis running mate, 483 space program and, 204 Jackson, Maynard, election of, 377 taking office after assassination, 178–179 Jackson, Michael, 564 as vice-presidential candidate, 159–160 Jackson-Vanik Amendment to SALT treaty, Vietnam and, 224–235. See also Vietnam 309–310 on Vietnam War and public opinion, 268 Jagger, Mick, 390 War on Poverty of, 195–197 James, Tommy, 390 Johnson Space Center, 204 Japan, America’s options regarding, 38–39 Johnson, Virginia, 260, 367 Jaruzelski, Voitech, 493 Johnson, Walter, 203 Javits, Jacob Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 16 in ABM system controversy, 289 Bay of Pigs and, 213 on aid to Israel, 316 Nixon’s Vietnam war strategy and, on Symington Committee, 287 285–286 War Powers Act and, 312 on Vietnam, 226, 229, 237 Jaworski, Leon, in Watergate investigation, Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic 348 Energy, 116 Jaws (Benchley), 443 Jones, James, 151 Jazz, 148 Jones, Jim, 381–382 JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff Jones, Paula, 528 Jefferson Airplane, 391 lawsuit settlement of, 529 Jenco, Lawrence, release of, 466 Joplin, Janis, 260, 261–262 Jessup, Philip, McCarthy investigation of, 66 Jordan, Barbara, on Nixon trial, 348 Jezer, Martin, 258 Jordan, Hamilton Jiang, Jieshi, 53, 62 in Carter administration, 408 U.S. defense of, 104–105 as White House cheif of staff, 432 Jim Crow, impact of, on children, 89 Jordan, Michael, in national identity, 509 Job Corps, 186 Jordan, Willie, 252 impact of, 197 Junk bonds, mergers and, in 1980s, 461 John Birch Society, founding of, 186 “Just Say No” Campaign, 473

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Justice Department media and, 166 USA Patriot Act and, 546–547 nomination of, 158–160 Justice Department, Mitchell and, 325–326 nuclear arms race and, 210 nuclear test-ban treaty and, 219–220 KAL 007 shot down by Soviet Union, 452 Peace Corps and, 211 Kalmbach, Herbert, in Watergate cover-up, plot to overthrow Diem and, 303 343 on school desegregation, 176–177 Kaplan, Robert, 555 Second Reconstruction and, 170–177. See Karzai, Hamad, 546 also Reconstruction, Second Kasavubu, Joseph, 221 space program and, 168 Katanga, 221 Vietnam and, 221–224 Keating, Charles, Lincoln Savings and Loan Kennedy, Robert F. failure and, 462 in 1968 election, 271–273 Keating, Kenneth, Cuban missile crisis and, assassination of, 274 216 civil rights movement and, 172 Keats, John, 143 in labor corruption investigation, 83 Kefauver, Estes, 85, 115 Lyndon Johnson and, 160 Kemp, Jack, tax cut plan of, 447 as possible Johnson running mate, Kemp-Roth tax cut plan, 447 188–189 Kennan, George F., on containment, 43–44 Kent State protest, 298 Kennedy, Anthony, appointed to Supreme Nixon and, 299 Court, 472 Kerner, Otto, 251 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 392 Kerouac, Jack, 144–145, 262 Kennedy, Edward Kesey, Ken, 261, 262, 394 rapprochement with Beijing and, 306 Keynes, J.M., demand-side economics and, Kennedy, Edward M. 447 1980 Democratic National Convention Keynesian economic, 2 and, 433–434 Kennedy and, 169, 209 in 1980 primaries, 432–433 Nixon and, 333–334 as Democratic contender in 1972, Keyserling, Leon, liberal approach of, Chappaquidick and, 336 156–157 national health insurance system and, 425 Khanh, Nguyen, 226–227 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald resignation of, 228 administration of, art and culture Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, 403 promotion by, 392 Khomeini, Ayatollah, 464 agriculture and, 168 Khrushchev, Nikita assassination of, 177–178 American visit of, 119 Bay of Pigs and, 212–215 Berlin ultimatum of, 215 in Berlin, 219 Castro and, 208 biography of, 164–166 in Cuban missile crisis, 215–218 civil rights movement during, 170–177 deposed, 241 Cold War and, 208–212 Johnson’s views on, 224 Congo and, 220–221 as new Soviet leader, 103 in Cuban missile crisis, 215–218 nuclear test-ban treaty and, 219 debates with Nixon, 162 U-2 incident and, 119 domestic affairs and, 166–169 Kim Il Sung, 54–55 domino theory in Southeast Asia and, 223 King, Coretta Scott, in antiwar protest at economy and, 169–170 Washington Mall, 294 election of, 162–163 King, Martin Luther Jr., 170–171, 184 environmentalism and, 201 in antiwar movement, 235 foreign policy and, 208–224. See also assassination of, 273 Foreign policy in Kennedy in Birmingham, 174–176 administration in Chicago open housing march, 255 inaugural address of, 163 “I Have a Dream” speech of, 177 Landrum-Griffin labor bill and, 83 Montgomery bus boycott and, 92–93

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King, Martin Luther Jr. (cont.) La Leche League, 368 Poor People’s Campaign of, 273 La Renza Unida, 373 on voting rights, 193–194 Labor in “walk against fear”, 253 Eisenhower administration and, 82–83 in Watts, 249–250 organized, in post-industrial environment, King, Rodney, incident involving, 508 124 Kinsey, Alfred C., human sexuality studies Taft-Hartley Act, 15–16 of, 139–140 Labor force. See Workforce Kirk, Grayson, 274 Labor unrest, post-WWII, 13–14 Kirkpatrick, Jean Laffer, Arthur, 447–448 Ambassador to United Nations, on Soviet “Laffer curve”, 447–448 Union, 450 Lam Son, 302 on authoritarian and totliatarian Lance, Bert, in Carter administration, 408 governments, 453 ehtical issues and, 412 on Mondale, 458 Landon, Alfred M., 24 on Sandanistas, 453–454 Landrum-Griffin labor bill and, 83 Kissinger, Henry Laos, invasion of, 302 Arab-Israeli conflict and, 314–318 Lasch, Christopher, 362 biography of, 282–283 Latin America Carter on, 416 Eisenhower and, 108–110 Ford and, detente with Soviet Union and, LBJ and, 224 403–404 Nixon and, 313–314 Nixon resignation and, 348 Reagan and, 452–454 Nixon’s Vietnam war strategy and, Lattimore, Owen, McCarthy investigation of, 285–286 66 on Panama Canal treaties, 420 Lawson, James, 171 in reassessment of relations with Le Duc Tho in Vietnam peace negotiations, mainland China, 305–307 305, 311–312 “shuttle diplomacy” of, in Ara-Israeli League of United Latin American Citizens conflict, 316–317 (LULAC), 371 on Sino-Soviet role in international League of Women Voters in 1980 campaign, community, 281 434 in Vietnam peace negotiations, 305, Leahy, William D., 7 310–311 Leary, Timothy, 261 Xuan Thuy meeting with, 292 Lebanon, U.W. troops in, attack on, 454 Klinghoffer, Leon, murder of, 463 Lee, Harper, 395 Kohl, Helmut, 494 Lee, Spike, message of, to black men, 510 Komer, Robert, 266 LeMay, Curtis E., as Wallace running mate, Korea, North, Pueblo incident and, 269 278 Korean War, 54–61 Letter from the Birmingham Jail (King), Truman-MacArthur controversy and, 175 57–62 Levitt, William Kosovo, 534–536 on racial problems and suburbia, 12 Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), 534 suburban development and, 11 Kosygin, Alezei N., 241 Levittown, PA, energy riot in, 431 Kovic, Ron, at 1972 Republican Convention, Lewinsky, Monica, 528–530 338 Lewis, Drew, automobile industry Kreps, Juanita, in Carter administration, regulations relxed by, 449 408 Lewis, John L. Kristol, Irving, 296 mining strikes and, 15 Kuomintang, 53 Lewis, John L., mining strikes and, 13–14 Kuwait Liang, C.D., 262 Iraqi invasion of, 499–500 Liberalism liberation of, 502–503 Austrian intellectual emigres on, 147 Ky, Nguyen Cao, 230 elitism and, 157

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rebirth of, 155–206 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 261 transformation of, 155–158 experimentation with, 361 Liberals Carter’s dismissal of Young and, 432 MacArthur, Douglas, 37 cold war, in antiwar movement, 235–236 firing of, 58–59 intellectual, JFK and, 159 Korean War and, 56–62 New Left and, 257 MacCarran-Walter Act, 23 Libya, Reagan administration and, 463–464 Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, 527 Liddy, G. Gordon Madonna, 477 indictment of, 344 Magruder, Jeb Stuart sentencing of, 344 in scheme to harass Democrats, 342 in Watergate break-in, 342–343 in Watergate trial, 345 Lie Down in Darkness (Styron), 395 Mailer, Norman, 151, 395 Lieberman, Joe on Eugene McCarthy, 274 2000 presidential election and, 538 on JFK, 163 Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytic Making of the Counterculture, The (Roszak), Meaning of History (Brown), 360 360 “Life of Riley, The”, 128 Malcolm X, 173, 250–251 Lifestyles, alternative, 361–362 Manhattan Project, 38 Limbaugh, Rush, 524 Manion, Clarence, 186 Lincoln Saving and Loan failure, 462 Mann, Thomas, Johnson’s Latin American Lindsay, John V. policy and, 238–240 in 1972 election, 336 Manpower Development and Training Act, homosexuality and, 370 passage of, 167 Lipset, Seymour, 151 Mansfield, Mike Literature in ABM system controversy, 289 in 1950s, 150–151 on Symington Committee, 287 in 1960s and 1970s, 393–395 Manson, Charles, 361 narcisstic, 443 Manufacturer’s Chemists Association, 386 radicalization of civil rights movement Manufacturing, automation in, 124 and, 249 Mao Zedong, 53 Little, Malcolm, 250. See also Malcom X Nixon talks with, 306 Little Rock, Arkansas, school desegregation return to normality and, 307 in, 93–96 Mapp v. Ohio, 325 Livingston, Robert, adultery and, 530 March against Death, 293–294 Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr., in 1964 primaries, March on Washington, 176–1773 188 March on Washington Momvement Lolita (Nabokov), 394 (MOWM), 6 Lonely Crowd, The (Reisman), 144 Marcuse, Herbert, 259 Long Day’s Journey into Night, A (O’Neill), Marijuana, 261 149–150 Marine Corps Women’s Reserve, 5 Long, Russell, on Carswell, 323 Marshall, George C. Los Angeles riots after King verdict, 508–509 Chinese civil war and, 53 Love Among the Ruins (Percy), 395 as Secretary of State, 42–43 Love Story (Segal), 443 Marshall Plan, 45–48 Lowenstein, Allard, “dump Johnson” Marshall, Thurgood, 85 movement and, 271 appointment of, to Supreme Court, 252 LSD, 261 Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka experimentation with, 361 and, 88 Luce, Autherine, 91 retirement of, 490 Luce, Henry, 3 Martin, John Bartlow, 91 Chinese civil war and, 53 Marxism-Leninism. See also Communism LULAC. See League of United Latin Sino-Soviet imperalism equated with, American Citizens (LULAC) 244 Lumumba, Patrice, 221 Masters, William, 260, 367

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Materialism, 126–140 on Republican “dirty tricks”, 340 movies and, 130 resolution of, to end Vietnam war, 297 musical scene and, 132–133 on welfare reform, 329 new car culture and, 133–134 McGovern, George S., in 1972 election, poverty in America and, 143–144 336–340 television and, 127–129 McKenzie, Scott, 259 youth culture and, 131–132 McKissick, Floyd Matsu, bombardment of, 104 as CORE president, 252 Mattachine Society, 370 in “walk against fear”, 253 Matusow, Allen J., on LBJ, 224 McLaurin, George, 85 Maxwell, Robert, newspaper chains of, 474 McLaurin v. Board of Regents,85 Mayaguez incident and, 403 McLuhan, Marshall, on television, 129 MAYO. See Mexican American Youth McNamara, Robert Organization (MAYO) in Kennedy administration, 165 McAuliffe, Christa, death of, 459 on Robert Kennedy as Johnson running McCain, Franklin, 171 mate, 188 McCain, John on Vietnam war, 229, 237–238 2000 presidential election and, 538 McQueen, Steve, on Nixon’s enemies list, McCarran Act, 22–23 340 McCarran-Walter Act, 68 McVeigh, Timothy, 541 McCarthy, Eugene J. Means, Russell, 375 in 1968 primaries, 271, 274 Medicaid benefits and costs, 199–200 in antiwar protest at Washington Mall, 294 Medical Care Act of 1965, 199–200 on Family Assistance Plan, 329 Medicare benefits and costs, 199–200 McCarthy, Joseph Meese, Edwin background of, 66 as Attorney General, confirmation Chinese civil war and, 53 hearings for, 459 Eisenhower and, 102–103 investigation of Iran–Contra affair by, Kennedy and, 158–159 467 Korean War and, 53 Meir, Golda, 316 Tydings and, 66 Mendez v. Westminster, Mexican American McCarthy, Mary, 271 rights and, 371 McCarthy, Richard D., declaration of war on Meredith, James H., 174–175 North Vietnam and, 300 “walk against fear” of, 252–253 McCarthyism, 66–70 Merger mania, Wall Street and, 461 McCloskey, Paul N. “Pete” in 1972 election, Merry Pranksters, 261 338 METO. See Middle East Treaty Organization McCloy, John, 182 (METO) McCord, James Mexican American Youth Organization in bugging of DNC offices, 342 (MAYO), 373 in Watergate trial, 344 Mexican Americans McCullers, Carson, 395 in 1990s, 507 McDougal, James B., 527 in culture of poverty, 378 McDougal, Susan, 527 rights movement for, 371–373 McFarland, Robert MFDP. See Mississippi Freedom Democratic in Iran–Contra affair, 465 Party (MFDP) Iranian contacts of, 465 Michel, Robert H., 275 McGovern, George Microsoft, effort to break up, 553 1970 “End the War” amendment and, 302 Middle class, revolt of, in 1990s, 523–525 in ABM system controversy, 289 Middle East agenda of, 338–339 in Carter administration, 421–424 in antiwar movement, 235 in Clinton adminstration, 533–534 in antiwar protest at Washington Mall, 294 Eisenhower-Dulles approach to, 111–114 end-the-war efforts of, 302 in Reagan administration, 454–455 nomination of, 338 Middle East TreatyOrganization (METO), 105

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Military Moore, Sara Jane, in attempt on Ford’s life, foreign policy and, 288 404 gays in, Clinton and, 517–518 Moral Majority, 382 post-WWII, 5–6 Reagan election in 1980 and, 441–442 in Vietnam war, 63, 223–224, 229 Moratorium, 292–293 Military-industrial complex, managaging, Morgan, Marabel, antifeminism and, 368 99–120 Morning Star, 361 Military Procurement Authorization Act, Morrison, Toni, 394 313 Nobel Prize for Literature for, 511 Military Sales Bill, 1971, Cooper-Church Pulitzer Prize for, 511 amendment to, 300 Morse, Wayne, in antiwar movement, 235 Milken, Michael, Reaganomics and, 461 Mosaddeq, Mohammad, 112 mill workers in economy of 1950s, 143 summit, 308–309 Miller, Arthur, 150 Moses, Bob, 172, 189 Miller, William E., as vice-presidential Mostel, Zero, 22 candidate in 1964, 18 “Motherfuckers”, 359 Mills, C. Wright, 152 Motherwell, Robert, 149 Mills, Wilbur, 182 Motion picture industry Family Assistance Plan and, 329 Congressional investigation of, 21–22 Milosevic, Slobodan television and, 387–388 Bosnia and, 521 Motown, 390–391 indictment of, as war criminal, 535 Movies Kosovo and, 534 in 1970s, 362–363 Miranda v. Arizona, 325 in “me-decade”, 443 Miss America Pageant, picketing of, 363 popular culture in 1980s and, 476–477 Missile gap, 118 MOWM. See March on Washington Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Movement (MFDP), 189–190 Moyers, Bill, resignation of, over Vietnam Mississippi Summer Freedom Project, war, 237 189–190 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Missouri ex. rel. Gaines,85 Family Assistance Plan of, 328–329 Mitchell, John on inner-city problems, 251–252, 509 as attorney general, 325–326 as Urban Affairs Council head, 328 in “dirty tricks”, 342 “Mr. Peepers”, 128 Supreme Court candidates and, 322 Ms. magazine, 366 in Watergate cover-up, 345 Mt. St. Helens, eruption of, 432 in Watergate hearings, 345 Mugabe, Robert, negotiations of, with Smith Model Cities Act, 196 government, 418 Modernism, 148–149 Muir, John, 203 Mohammed, Ali Mahdi, 521 Multicultural society in 1990s, 506–508 Molina, Ragael Leonidas Trujillo, 238–239 Mungo, Raymond, 303 Molotov Plan, 46 Murdoch, Rupert, newspaper chains of, 474 Molotov, Vyacheslav, 46 Murray, Patty, elected to Senate, 506 Mondale, Walter Murrow, Edward R., on McCarthy, 69 in 1984 election, 457–458 Music Bakke case and, 413 in 1950s, 132–133, 146 as Carter running mate, 405 in 1960s and 1970s, 388–391 on need for review of administration, 431 acid rock in, 261 and Reagan, debate with, 458 disco, 391 Montgomery, Alabama folk, in 1960s and 1970s, 388–389 attack on freedom riders in, 173 psychedlic/hallucinogenic, 391 bus boycott in, 92–93 Muskie, Edmund march from Selma to, 194 Clean Waters Restoration Act and, 202 Montreal Protocol, 516 as Democratic presidential contender in Moon, Sun Myung, 381 1972, 336–337, 341–342

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Muskie, Edmund (cont.) National Farm Workers’ Association, 373 as Humphrey running mate, National health insurance (NHI) system 274, 276 Carter and, 425 Muslims, 250 Kennedy and, 425 in Bosnia, 520, 521 National Housing Act of 1949, 29 Shi’ite, TWA jetliner hijacked by, 462 National Liberation Front (NLF), formation Muste, A.J., in antiwar movement, 235 of, 222 Mutual Defense Treaty, 104 National Organization of Women (NOW), MX missile system, 451 365–366 development of, 430 National Public Radio (NPR), 475 My Lai massacre, 265, 302 National Right to Life Committee, 369, 442 National Security Act, 16 NAACP. See National Association for the National Student Association (NSA), 158 ADvancement of Colored People National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety (NAACP) Act, 385 Nabokov, Vladimir, 394 National Unity campaign, 434 Nader, Ralph, 204, 385 National Welfare Rights Organization on 2000 election and, 539 Family Assistance Plan, 329 Congress-bashing by, 486 National Women’s Conference, protest NAFTA. See North American Free Trade against, 368 Agreement (NAFTA) Nationalism, Arab Nagasaki, bombing of, 38 in Egypt, 112–114 Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 151 Middle East instability and, 111 Namath, Joe, on Nixon’s enemies list, 340 Native Americans, 373–376 NARAL. See National Abortion Rgiths Action in 1990s, 507 League (NARAL) Indian Health Service, involuntary Narcissism in 1980s, 443–444 sterilization by Narragansetts tribe, land claims of, 374 treaties with, termination of, 373–374 NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Nativist movement Administration (NASA) post-WWII, 20–23 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 112–114, 245 second Red Scare and, 68 death of, 315 NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 395 Organization (NATO) Nation at Risk, A (Bell), 370, 474 Natural gas, deregulation of, Eisenhower Nation of Islam (NOI), 250–251 and, 83–84 National Abortion Rights Action League Neighborhoods and Special Projects (NARAL), 369 Committee, 203 National Aeronautics and Space Neoconservatism, 438–443 Administration (NASA), Johnson and, Neoisolationist movement, Korean War and, 204 54–55, 61 National Air Quality Control Act of 1970, 331 Netanyahu, Benjamin, meeting with Arafat, National Arts and Humanities Act, 392 533 National Association for the Advancement of Neutron bomb, Carter and, 424 Colored People (NAACP) New Federalism, Nixon and, 329–330 attacks on, after Brown decision, 91 New Frontier, 164–170 Carter’s dismissal of Young and, 432 domestic affairs in, 166–170 legal strategy of, 88–90 New Left victories of, in late 40s-50s, 83–84 in antiwar movement, 236 National Cancer Act, 385 civil rights movement and, 256–257 National commitments resolution, 287 New Mobilization, 292–293, 292–293 National Congress of American Indians, 374 New Mobilization Committee to End the National Conservative Political Action War in Vietname, 292–293 Committee, 442 New Right National Defense Education Act, 118 direct mail campaign to promote, 441–442 National Environmental Policy Act, 202 emergence of, 438–443

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intellectual support for, 442 pardon of, 349, 400 justice system and, 471–472 politics of diplomacy and, 305–313 New Theology, 380–381 rapprochement with Beijing and, 305–307 “New York School” of painting, 148–149 reelection of, 339–340 Newspapers in 1980s, 4743 resignation of, 348 Newton, Huey, 253 southern strategy of, 321–325 Ngo Dinh Diem, 108 in Soviet Union, 308 Nicaragua tapes of, battle over, 346–348 in Arias peace plan, 497 as vice-presidential candidate, 75–77 Carter and, 420–421 of Vietnam war and, elections in, 498 291–298 Reagan policy, 452–454 Watergate and, 340–349 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 142 welfare reform and, 327–329 in Americans for Democratic Action women’s movement and, 334–335 (ADA), 24 Yom Kippur War and, 314–318 9/11 attacks. See Sept. 11 attacks See also Foreign policy in Nixon Nitze, Paul H., 60–61 administration detente and, 430 , 331–334 as Kennedy advisor, 210 Nkomo, Joshua, negotiations of, with Smith Nixon, Richard Milhous government, 418 in 1960 election, 160 NLF. See National LIberation Front (NLF) antiwar movement and, 292–294 No Child Left Behind initiative, 538 appeal of, to “great silent majority”, NOI. See Nation of Islam (NOI) 294–296 Nol, Lon in Arab-Israeli conflict, 314–318 defeat of, 402 biography of, 282–283 in overthrow of Sihanouk, 296–297 bombing of Cambodia and, 286–287 Non-violent resistance in civil rights busing and, 325–327 movement, 170 Chile and, 313–314 NORAD, on day of September 11th, civil liberties and, 325 544 civil rights and, 325–327 Noriega, Manuel, arrest/conviction of, on Columbia University protests, 275 498–499 in Communist China, 305–306 North American Free Trade Agreement corruption of government agencies by, (NAFTA), 522–523 301–302, 349, 399 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) debates with Kennedy, 162 Carter and, 424 divisiveness encouraged by, 300 creation of, 48 domestic policies of, 321–340 Johnson foreign policy and, 244 election of, 279–280 North Korea environmentalism and, 330–331 criticized in Bush speech, 550 foreign policy of, 285–318 SDI and, 552 “forgotten Americans” and, 294–296 North, Oliver on Hiss case, 65 indictment of, 467 illegal surveillance of citizens and, in Iran–Contra affair, 465–467 301–302 Iranian contacts of, 466 impeachment proceedings for, 348 NPR. See National Public Radio (NPR) inauguration of, 281–282 NSC, 68 Indian Self-Determination Act and, 374 NSC. See National Security Council (NSC) Kent State and, 299 Nuclear arms race Laotian invasion and, 302 Brezhev-Nixon/Kissinger talks and, law and order and, 324 308–309 New Federalism and, 329–330 Kennedy and, 210 nomination of, 277–278 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, nomination of, in 1972, 338 ratification of, 288–290 paranoia of, 340 Nuclear test-ban treaty, 219–220

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Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy OPEC. See Organization of Oil Exporting (Kissinger), 284 Countries (OPEC) Openheimer, J. Robert, 38 OAS. See Organization of American States Operation Desert Fox, 542 (OAS) “Operation Desert Shield”, 500 Oates, Joyce Carol, 511 “Operation Desert Storm”, 501–503 O’Brien, Lawrence Operation Desert Storm, Dick Cheney on, 550 bugging of offices of, 342 “Operation Dixie”, 15–16 on “Nixonomics”, 332 Operation “Eagle Claw”, 428 on Robert Kennedy as Johnson running Operation Enduring Freedom, 546 mate, 188 “Operation Just Cause”, 499 Occupational Health and Safety Act, 204, Operation Killer, 58 331 Operation Mongoose, 214, 218 Occupational Health and Safety “Operation Wetback”, 372 Administration (OSHA), budget of, Oral contraceptives slashed by Reagan, 449 sexual revolution and, 261 O’Connor, Flannery, 395 sexuality and, 472 O’Connor, Sandra Day, appointed to Organization of Afro-American Unity, 251 Supreme Court, 472 Organization of American States (OAS), O’Donnell, Peter, 187 formation of, 109 Office of Economic Opportunity, creation of, Organization of Oil Exporting Countries 185 (OPEC) Office of Homeland Security, 547 in Arab-Israeli conflict, 316–318, 316–318 Office of National Drug Control Policy, 491 price incresases by, 355–356, 431 Office of Price Administration (OPA), Organized Crime Act of 1970, 324 inflation and, 12–14 Ortega, Daniel, 420–421 Oglesby, Carl, 256 election lost by, 498 O’Hare Collective, 361 OSHA. See Occupational Health and Safety Oil Administration (OSHA) control of, Gulf War and, 500 Oswald, Lee Harvey, 178, 181 deposits of, Middle East instability Other America, The (Harrington), 143 and, 11, 111 liberal revival and, 156 Oil crisis, inflation and, 355–356 Our Bodies, Ourselves, 366 Oil spill, environmental movement and, 384 Ozone layer, depletion of, 516 O’Keefe, Georgia, 148 Oklahoma City bombing, 541 Pach, Chester, 96 Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), Pacific Theater, America’s options regarding, 151 37–39 Oligopoly Packard, Vance, 259 definition of, 126 Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza Shah, 112 trend toward, 125–126 Paige, Satchel, 19 Olympic Games Painting, 392–393 1968, Black Power protest at, 254 Pakistan, war of, with India, U.S. and, Moscow, boycott of, 431 306–307 Olympic Games, security after 9-11, 548 Palestine, conflict over, 111 On the Democratic Idea in America Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), (Kristol), 296 245, 315, 422 On the Road (Kerouac), 144 Achille Lauro Hijacked by, 463 One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 259 Palestinians, homeland for, Carter and, 422 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), Panama Canal treaty, Carter and, 419–420 261, 262, 394 Panama, invasion of, in 1989, 499 O’Neill, Eugene, 149–150 Paris peace talks, 305, 310–311 O’Neill, Tip, Watergate investigation by, 344 Parks, Rosa, 92 OPA. See Office of Price Administration Passamaquoddy tribe, land claims of, 374 (OPA) Pathet Lao, 107

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Patriotic Front, negotiations of, with Smith Pope John XXIII, 382 government, 418 Pope Paul VI, 383 PCs. See Personal comptuers (PCs) Popular Unity, 313–314 Peace Corps, 211 Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 384 in Africa, 220 Port Huron statement, 256 Peale, Norman Vincent, 140–141 Porter, Katherine Anne, 394 Pearson, Drew, 9 Postdam Conference, 37 Penn Square S&L of Oklahoma, bankruptcy Postindustrial society, transformation of of, 462 industrial society to, 124 Penobscot tribe, land claims of, 374 Potter, David, 152 Pentagon, march on, 258 Potter, Paul, antiwar protests and, 229 Pentagon Papers, 303 Poverty People of Plenty (Potter), 152 in America in 1950s, 143–144 Percy, Charles in ABM system controversy, culture of, 376–378 289–290 cycle of, 196 Percy, Walker, 395 in Reagan administration, 471 Peress, Irving, McCarthy investigation of, war on, 185–186, 195–197 68–69 Powell, Adam Clayton, 198 Peretroika, 468–469 Powell, Colin Perot, H. Ross as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 492 in 1992 election, 505 in Gulf War, 501–502 in 1996 election, 526 as National Security Council head, 470 Reaganomics and, 461 on WMDs in Iraq, 550 Personal computers (PCs), popular culture Powell, Jody, in Carter adminstration, 408 and, 476 Powell, Lewis, Jr., appointed to Supreme Peter, Paul, and Mary in antiwar protest at Court, 323 Washington Mall, 294 Power Petroleum deposits, Middle East instability maldistribution of, poverty as, 195 and, 111, 112 public, Eisenhower and, 84–85 Peyote, experimentation with, 360 Power Elite, The (Mills), 152 “Philco television Playhouse, The”, 128 Powers, Francis Gary, 119 Phillips, Kevin, on political realignment, 321 PRD. See Dominican Revolutionary Party Phillips v. Martin Marietta, 335 (PRD) Phoenix Program, 266 Presidential Succession Act of 1947, 17 Piazza, Thomas, 509 President’s COmmittee on Civil Rights, 18 Pickens, T. Bonne, Reaganomics and, 461 Presley, Elvis, 133, 388, 389 Pierce, Joanne E., in FBI, 365 Press in 1980s, 474–475 Planned obsolescence in automobile Price, Ray, on antiwar protesters, 293 industry, 123, 127 Priesand, Sally J., as first woman rabbi, 365 Plath, Sylvia, 150–151 Prince William Sound, oil spill in, 488 “Playhouse 90”, 128 Prochoice, prolife debate, 383 PLO. See Palestinian Liberation Production economy, transformation to Organization (PLO) consumer economy, 123 Poindexter, John Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 165 indictment of, 467 Progressive Citizens of America, 24 Iranian contacts of, 466 Progressive Labor Party, 299 Poland “Project Democracy”, 465 free elections in, 493 Propositon 187, California, 524 Solidarity in, 450 Prosperity Politcs, television and, 377 in 1960s, 352–355 Political thought, European emigres and, in Clinton adminstration, 532–533 147 in Eisenhower administration, 81 Pollock, Jackson, 148, 392 post-WWII, 2 Pollution, environmental, 516 Proxmire, William, environmentalism and, Poor People’s Campaign, 273 331

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Psychedelic music, 391 air traffic controllers’ strike and, 455 Psychedelic Review, 261 on anti-Vietnam war protests, 258 Psychoanalytical theories in 1950s, 146–147 assassination attempt on, 455 Public spending, economic boom of 1950s biography of, 444–445 and, 123 Cold War and, 450–454 Pueblo incident, 265 as conservative, 470–473 Pugwash Conference, 215 education and, 473–474 “Pupil placement law”, 92 election of 1948 and, 433–434 Putin, Vladimir election of 1980 and, 435, 441–443 Iraq and, 551–552 Falwell and, 382 Gorbachev and, 469–470 Qaddafi, Muammar as “great communicator”, 455–456 Reagan administration and, 463–464 hypocrisy and, 478–479 Sadat denounced by, 422 Iran–Contra affair, 464–467 Quat, Phan Huy, 230 Lebanon and, 454–455 Quayle, Dan, as Bush running mate, 484 Libya and, 463–464 Quemoy, bombardment of, 104 and Mondale, debate with, 458 Quid pro quo cases of sexual harassment, nomination of, 433 530–531 press conferences and, 455 Quinlan, Karen Ann, right to death and, 384 reelection of, 458 Qwest, 553 on Sandanistas, 452 “sleaze factor” and, 459 Rabbit is Rich (Updike), 393 Social Security reform and, 448–450 Rabbit Redux (Updike), 393 supply-side economics and, 446–448 Rabbit, Run (Updike), 393 Supreme Court appointees of, 472 Racial activism, World War II and, 9–7 tax reform bill of, 459 Racial polarization, suburbia and, 12 terrorism and, 463–464 Racism Realism, new, 282–285 in African American literature, 393 Realpolitik, 281–318 Family Assistance Plan and, 329 “Rebel Without a Cause”, 131 informal, in north, 84 Recession(s) New Left and, 256 of 1948, 119 in O.J. Simpson trial, 511 of 1975, 401 overt, decline in, in 1970s, 377 of 1990, 503 persistence of, in 1990s, 508–509 in Eisenhower administration, 81 post-WWII, 17–20 in Nixon administration, 331 in Vietnam war, 303 Reconstruction, Second, 170–177 See also Civil rights African American view of, 171–172 Radford, Arthur, 107 Atlanta in, 171 Radical feminism, 512 Birmingham in, 173, 174–176 Raiders of the Lost Ark, 443 freedom rides in, 171–172 Rain Forests, topical, threats to, 515 Greensboro incidents in, 170–171 Rainbow Coalition in 1984 election, 456 Mississippi in, 189–190 Randall, Tony, on Nixon’s enemies list, 340 Montgomery in, 173 Randolph, A. Phillip, 6, 177 politics of confrontation in, 173–177 Rankin, John E., 21 Recycling, 516 Rauschenberg, Robert, 393 Reed v. Reed, 335 Ray, James Earl, 273 Reform Party in 1996 election, 526 Read Scare. See also Anticommunism Regan, Donal, as White House Chief of Staff, post-WWII, 20–22 470 second term of, 64–70 Regan, Donald, as White House Chief of Reagan, Ronald Staff, 458 in 1968 election, 277 Rehnquist, William in 1976 primaries, 405 appointed to Supreme Court, 323, 472 in 1984 election, 456–458 in impeachment hearings, 530

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Reich, Charles, 385 Rickey, Branch, 19 Reisman, David, 144 Ridgeway, Matthew, 58, 107 Religion Right to death, 384 Catholic Church and, 382–383 Right to life, 383 counterculture and, 380 Rivers, Mendell, on Vietnam war, 235 cults and, 381–382 Roberts, Oral, 382 fundamentalism vs. ecumenicalism in, Robertson, Pat, in New Right, 441 379–383 Robinson, Jack Roosevelt (“Jackie”), 19–20 as issues in 1960 election, 158–159 Rock revival of, in 1950s, 140–142 acid, 391 right to death and, 383–384 hard, 362, 389–390 right to life and, 383 rock-and-roll and, 388–391, 388–392 televangelism and, 382 Rock-and-roll Renaissance, cultural, in 1950s, 145–151 popular culture in 1980s and, 477 Reno, Janet, in Whitewater investigation, 528 rise of, 132–133 Report of the National Advisory Committee rock and, 388–391, 388–392 on Civil Disorders, The, 251–252 Rockefeller, Nelson Representationalsim, 392 in 1964 primaries, 187–188 Republic of South Vietnam, 62 in 1968 election, 277 Republican Party Rodino, Peter, Nixon impeachment and, in 1948 election, 24–26 348 in 1952 election, 72–74, 74–77 Roe v. Wade, 335 in 1956 election, 115–116 anti-feminists and, 369 in 1960 election, 160 New Right and, 440 in 1964 election, 186–188 religious conservatives and, 382–384 in 1968 election, 277–278 Rogers, Edith Nourse, 5 in 1972 election, 338, 339–340 Rogers, William, on Arab-Israeli conflict, in 1976 election, 404–405 314, 314–315 in 1980 election, 433, 434–435 Roley, Susan Lynn, in FBI, 365 in 1984 election, 457–458 Rolling Stones, 389–390 in 1988 election, 482, 484–485 Rolling Thunder, 228, 232 in 1992 election, 504 Romney, George, in 1968 election, 277 in 1996 election, 525–526 Roosevelt, Eleanor, in Americans for in 2000 election, 538 Democratic ACtion, 24 Chinese civil war and, 53 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano McCarthyism and, 68–69 balance of power and, 34 new right orientation of, in early 1960s, death of, 7 186–187 Fair Employment Practices Committee Resolution 242, 246 and, 6 Reuther, Walter Roots (Haley), 363 in Americans for Democratic Action Rosenberg, Jack, 444 (ADA), 24 Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 64 Truman and, 13 Rostow, Walt W. Revenue Act of 1964, 170, 182 on escalation in Vietnam, 230 Revenue sharing, Nixon and, 330 on South Vietnam, 223 Revolution from Within, The (Steinem), 513 on test-ban treaty, 219 Revolutionary Youth Movement, 359 Roszak, Theodore, on counterculture, 360 Rhodes, James, 298 Roth, William, tax cut plan of, 447 Rhodesia, black majority rule in, Carter Rothko, Mark, 392 support of, 418–419 Rove, Carl, 541 Richards, Keith, 390 Rubin, Jerry, in Chicago Eight trial, 324 Richardson, Elliot Ruby, Jack, 178 Cox resignation and, 531 Ruckelshaus, William, resignation of, 347 resignation of, 347 Rudd, Mark, 274–275 in Watergate investigation, 345 Rugova, Ibrahim, 534

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Rumania after Gorbachev’s pronouncement, School Board of the City of Charlottesville v. 493 Dillard, 322 Rumor of War (Caputo), 395 Schools Rusk, Dean “freedom”, 189 in Kennedy administration, 165 public desegregation of, 88–90, 88–90 as Kennedy advisor, 209–210 “survival”, 375 Russell, Richard, 96 Schultz, George, Nixon and, 341 Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, 183 Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, in Gulf War, on Vietnam war, 235 501–502 on Warren Commission, 182 Schwerner, Michael, murder of, 189 Rustin, Bayard, Martin Luther King and, 170 SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Safire, William Scowcroft, Brent, as National Security New Right and, 442 Advise, 492 on political realignment, 321 SDI. See Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Saigon, fall of, 313, 403 North Korea and, 552 Sakharov, Andrei, Carter and, 417 SDS. See Students for a Democratic Society Salinger, J.D., 394 (SDS) SALT. See Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 201 (SALT) Seale, Bobby, 249, 253 “San Antonio formula”, 265 in Chicago Eight trial, 324 Sandinista National Liberation Front SEATO. See Southeast Asia Treaty (FSNL), 420–421 Organization (SEATO) regime of, U.S. aid for, 420–421 SEC. See Securities and Excahnge Sandinistas, 452–454 Commission (SEC) election lost by, 498 Second Coming, The (Percy), 395 Sandino, Cesar Augusto, 420 Second Gulf War, 550 Saudi Arabia Secular City, The (Cox), 381 Iraqi threat to, Gulf War and, 500 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sale of F-15 fighters to, 423 budget slashed by Reagan, 449 Savings and loan industry, collapse of, Segal, Erich, 443 461–462 Segregation cleaning up after, 486 Agnew and, 325 Congress and, 486 de facto, busing and, 325–326 Scalia, Antonin, appointed to Supreme of public schools, Brown decision and, Court, 472 88–90 Scar of Race, The (Sniderman and Piazza), Segretti, Donald, in sabotage of Muskie, 337, 509 341–342 Schlafly, Phyllis, 362, 368 Selma, Alabama, march to Montgomery New Right and, 441 from, 194 Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Senate Special Committee on Presidential in Americans for Democratic Action Campaign Activities, 344–345 (ADA), 24 “Separate but equal” principle, 85, 89–90 on Cuban revolution, 213 September 11 atttacks, 543–544 on historical record, 514 stock market reaction to, 552 on Nixon presidency, 349 Serbs, in Bosnia, 520 qualitative liveralism and, 156 “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., on 9–11 event, 548 Band” (Beatles) Schlesinger, James Service industries, growth of, in 1950s, as Carter energy adviser, energy program 124 of, 414 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, 9 resignation of, 432 Sexism Schmidt, Helmut, Carter and, 424 in 1970s, 364–366 Scholastic Aptitute Test (SAT), scores on, in African American literature, 394 declining, 378 in civil rights movement, 365

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Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Smith-Connally Labor Disputes Act, 13 (Kinsey), 139 Smith, H. Alexander, 102 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Smith, Ian, Carter opposition to, 418–419 (Kinsey), 139 Smith, Tommie, 254 Sexual discrimination, Civil Rights Act of Smith v. Allwright, 84 1964 and, 183 Smoot, Dan, 186 Sexual haraseement SNCC. See Student Nonviolent Coordinating statutes on, 530–531 Committee (SNCC) in Thomas confirmation hearings, 490–491 Sniderman, Paul, 509 Sexual harassment Social criticism in 1950s, 151–152 as issue in 1990s, 512 Social justice Sexual misconduct, Clinton and, 527–530 Americans for Democratic Action and, 24 Sexual revolution, 260–261, 361–362 in developing nations, Carter and, 418–421 of 1950s, 139–140 Henry Wallace and, 24 Sexuality, women and, 366–367 Social Security Shah Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 426–427 Carter administration and, 410–411 overthrow of, 427 reform of, Reagan and, 448–450 Sharon, Ariel, 551 Social Security Act, expansion of, 28 Sheldon, C.M., New Theology and, 381 Social thought, European emigres and, 147 Shelley v. Kraemer, 84 Socialization, suburbia and, 135 Shepard, Alan B., 168 Society for Individual Rights, 370 Shi’ite Muslim terrorists, TWA jetliner Solidarity, 450, 493 hijacked by, 462 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 395 Ship of Fools (Porter), 394 Somalia, 521–522 Shriver, Sargent Somoza Garcia, Anastasio as McGovern running-mate, 339 uprising against, 420–421 as Office of Economic Opportunity head, U.S. support of, 419–420 185 Son Tay prison camp, raid on, 301 Shultz, George Song of Solomon (Morrison), 394 Secretary of State, on Soviet Union, 450 Soul On Ice (Cleaver), 249, 253 Shuttle diplomacy in Arab-Israeli conflict, Souls of Black Fold, The (Dubois), 394 316–317 Souter, David, appointed to Supreme Court, Sierra Club, 202–203 489–490 Sihanouk, Norodom, overthrow of, 296 South “Silent majority” Brown decision and, 91–92 Nixon’s appeal to, 294–296 election of 1948 and, 25–27 Nixon’s domestic policies and, 321–340 rural, in economy of 1950s, 143 Silent Spring (Carson), 201 South Korean Boeing 747 shot down by Silicon Valley, growth of, 440 Soviet Union, 452 Silverado Savings and Loan failure, 462 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Simon, Paul (SEATO), creation of, 106 in 1988 election, 482 Southern Christian Leadership Conference Simpson, O.J., case of, 510–511, 510–511 (SCLC) Sino-Soviet Treaty, 55 founding of, 170 Sioux, land claims of, 374 probably pages 94–94, read 49–95, 97 Sirhan, Sirhan Bishra, 274 sexism in, 365 Sirica, John J., in Watergate trial, 344 Southern Manifesto, 91 “Sit-in” movement, 97 Southern strategy, Nixon’s, 321–325 Sit-ins, 170–172 Southern writers, 395 Six-Day War, 244–246 Soviet Union “$64,000 Question, The”, 129 Afghanistan invasion by, 430–431 Slaughterhouse Five (Vonnegut), 395 arms negotiations with, in Carter burning of, 380 administration, 417–418 Smiley, Glenn, Martin Luther King and, 170 atomic capability of, 64 Smith Act, 22 Communist China and, split between, 223

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Soviet Union (cont.) Stennis, John competition with, Kennedy and, 209 in ABM system controversy, 289 democratic elections in, 492 on Vietnam war, 235 detenete with, 417–418 Stevens, Robert, McCarthy investigation of, detente with, 308–309, 403–404, 495 69 food shortages in, in late 1970s, 429 Stevenson, Adlai E. glasnost and, 468–469 1952 campaign of, 75–78 Kissinger on, 281 1956 campaign of, 115 perestroika and, 468–469 election of 1952 and, 75–76 shooting down South Korean Boeing 747 Stimson, Henry, 38 by, 452 Stock market. See Wall Street sphere of influence of, in Eastern Europe, reaction to 9–11 bombing, 552 39–40 Stockman, David, supply-side economics Sputnik and, 116–118 and, 447–448 troops of, in Cube, SALT II treaty Stokes, Geoffrey, on music in 1960s, 388 ratification and, 430 “Stonewall Riot”, 370 United States relationship with, 119–120, Strategic Air Command (SAC), dependence 214–221 on, in brinkmanship, 105 Wallace on, 42–44 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), Space program 309 Johnson and, 204 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) II, of New Frontier, 168 418 Sparkman, John J. ratification of, opposition to, 430 in election of 1952, 75 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), on Symington Committee, 287 451–452 Special Forces, 211 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, 495 Spies, atomic, 64–65 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), Reagan “Spirit of Geneva”, 116 and, 452 Spock, Benjamin, in antiwar movement, 235 Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams), 150 Sputnik, 116–118 Strikes, post-WWII, 13–14 scientific revolution in education and, 379 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SS Mayaguez incident, 403 (SNCC), 97 “Stagflation”, 355–357 formation of, 172 Stalin, Josef sexism in, 365 balance of power and, 33–34 Stokely Carmichael elected president of, death of, 103 252 Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Students, college. See College students Europe and, 39–40 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) “Star Wars”, 452 antiwar protests and, 229 Starr, Kenneth in Columbia University protests, 274–275 excesses of, independent counsel law and, draft resistance and, 258 532 national convention of 1969, 359 in impeachment hearings, 528–529 organization of, 158 in sexual misconduct investigation, in politics and foreign affairs, 256 528–530 split of, 298–299 in Whitewater investigation, 528 “Studio One”, 128 START. See Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Styron, WIlliam, 395 (START) Submerged Lands Act of 1953, 84 State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act, 330 Suburbia Steel industry conformity and, 134–136 decline in, in 1980s, 440 growth of, automobile and, 133–134 Kennedy and, 169 origins of, 11 Steinem, Gloria, 513 Sudan, 542 at 1972 Democratic Convention, 338 Suez Crisis, 111–114 Ms. magazine and, 366 Suicide, mass, in Jonestown, 381–382

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Sullivan, William, on Iran takeover, 427 Televangelists Superman, 443 in 1980s, 478 Supersonic transport (SST), 331 New Right and, 441 Supply-side economics, Reagan and, Television 446–448 in 1970s, 362 Supreme Court cable, 475 Burger, 326–327, 335 early years of, 128–129 Bush and, 489–490 as “electronic hearth”, 128, 129 busing and, 326–327 feminism and, 368–368 Nixon and, 322–323 homogenization of American and, 386–388 presidential election of 2000 and, 540 popular culture and, 475–476 Reagan and, 472 Teller, Edward, 116 school prayer and, 380 on nuclear test-ban treaty, 220 Thurgood Marshall appointed to, 252 Telstar, launching, 168 “Survival schools”, 375 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Swaggert, Jimmy, 382, 478 Eisenhower on, 84–85 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Terrorism, 540–555. See also September 11, Education, 327 2001 Sweatt v. Painter, 85–86 Terrorism in 1980s, 463–464 Symbolic Wounds (Bettleheim), 147 Test-ban treaty, nuclear, 219–220 Symington, Stuart, Ad Hoc Subcommittee Tet Offensive, 266–269 on U.S. Security Agreements and Thant, U, on Vietnam war, 229 Commitments Abroad and, 287–288 Thatcher, Margaret, military action against Syngman Rhee, 53 Iraq and, 500 Synthetic Fuels Corporation, creation of, Thieu, Nguyen Van, 235 433 defeat of, 313, 402–403 and, 311–312 Taft-Hartley Act, 15–16 in U.S. plan for Vietnam, 281 Taft, Robert A., 15, 23–25 U.S. support of, peace negotiations and, Chinese civil war and, 53 305, 310–311 election of 1952 and, 72–73 Thin Red Line (Jones), 151 Korean War and, 53 Thomas, Clarence, appointed to Supreme Taiwan, Chinese Nationalist retreat to, 53 Court, 490–491 Taliban, 542–543 Thomas, J. Parnell, 21 attempt to tie to Iraq, 550 Thomas, Jack Ward, as U.S. Forest Service Operation Enduring Freedom against, 546 head, 517 Talmadge, Eugene, election of, 18 Thomasson, Harry, 527 Talsen, 361 Thrift industry, collapse of, 461–462 Task Force on Environmental Pollution, 202 cleaning up after, 486 Task Force on the Perservation of Natural Thurmond, J. Storm, 541 Beauty, 203 Nixon and, 321 Tax cut Thurmond, J. Strom, 26–27 in GW Bush administration, 553 Tiananmen Square massacre, 495–496 in Kennedy administration, 169, 182 Tidelands, state ownership of, Eisenhower in Reagan administration, 446–447 and, 84 Tax increases Till, Emmett, 84 Bush and, 487 Tito, Josep Broz, 40 windfall profits tax, 433 To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 395 Tax reform bill, Reagan’s, 459 Todt, George, New Right and, 442 Taylor, Maxwell, 211 Total Woman, The (Morgan), 368 on bombing of North Vietnam, 228 Totalitarian and authoritarian governments, on South Vietnam, 223 distinction between, 452–453 Teamsters, corruption in, 83 tourism industry, 9–11 and, 553 Technology revolution in 1950s, 124–125 Tower, John, 467 Televangelism, 382 Tower Report, 467

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Toxic Release Inventory, 1993, 516 UN Security Council Resolution 242, 315 Trade Expansion Act, passage of, 167–168 Unabomber, 542 Trade imbalance, stock market crash and, Uncertain Trumpet (Taylor), 211 461 Unemployment Tragedy of American Diplomacy, The for blacks in 1970s, 377 number is completely wrong here, 25 decline in, 409, 518 Transportation infrastructure, Eisenhower in early 1980s, 448 administration and, 85–86 rising, in 1980s, 357 “Travelgate”, 526–527 Unions Tripp, Linda, 528 Eisenhower administration and, 82–83 Tropical rain forests, threats to, 515 in postindustrial environment, 124 Truman Doctrine, 44–45 strikes by, post-WWII, 13–14 Truman, Harry S, 7–9 Taft-Hartley Act and, 15–16 biography of, 7–9 United Nations bombing of Japan and, 37–39 admission of Communist China to, 305, civil rights and, 18 306 at end of first term, 16–17 establishment of, 4 Fair Deal and, 27–28 United Nations Conference on International House Un-American Activities Committee Organization (UNCIO), 40 and, 47 Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 204, 385 Korean War and, 54–61 Updike, John, 393 labor unrest after WWII and, 13–14 Urban Affairs Council, Moynihan as head of, McCarran Act and, 23 328 NATO creation and, 48 U.S. Senate, Watergate investigation by, Pacific theater and, 37–38 344–345 political background of, 8 U.S. v. Wheeler, 374 as president, preparation for, 8–9 USA Patriot Act, 546–547 reelection of, 24–27 U.S.S. Cole, bombing of, 543 second term of, 27–28 USS Maddox, attack on, 227 Soviet Union and, 40 USS Sharp, Iraqi attack on, 464 in support of Bao Dai regime, 63 USS Vincennes, Iranian airliner shot down on U.S. troops in Europe, 63 by, 464 Trump, Donald, Reaganomics and, 461 Tshombe, Moise, 217 Valdivostok agreement, 403 Tuchmann, Barbara, 511 Vance, Cyrus Tucker, Bennie, 252 in Carter administration, 408 Tudeh party, 112 in China, 429 Turkey, support of, against Communism, disagreement of, with Brzezinski over 44–45 Rhodesia, 418 Turner, Ted, media innovations of, 475 as Secretary of State, 416 TVA. See Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) VCR. See Videocassette recorder (VCR) “Twenty-One”, 129 Veteran’s Collective, 361 Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 1972 elections Veterans, WWII, housing crisis and, 10–12 and, 305 Videocassette recorder (VCR), popular Tydings, Millard, McCarthy and, 66 culture and, 475 Vietminh, 62, 107–108, 221 U-2 incident, 119–120 Vietnam, 62–64 Udall, Morris K., in 1976 primaries, 405 antiwar protests and, 229–230, 292–294, Udall, Stewart, environmental movement 298–301 and, 201–203 bombing in, 228–229 Ultras, 186 demise of French colonialism and, 107 UN General Assembly, military action Gulf of Tonkin incident and, 226–228 against Iraq and, 500 Kennedy and, 221–224 UN Security Council, military action against war in, 230–238, 258–259, 263–269, Iraq and, 500 285–288, 291—301, 310–313, 362, 399, UN Security Council Resolution, 245 402–403

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Vietnam Moratorim Committee, 292–293, War Brides Act, 23 292–293 War on Poverty, 195–197 Vietnam Summer, 258 War Powers Act, 312 Vietnam Veterans Against the War War Powers Act of 1973, 350 war experience and, 303 War Resister’s League, 170 “Winter Soldider Investigation” by, 302 Warhol, Andy, 393 Vigurie, Richard, direct mail campaign of, Warnke, Paul, in arms negotiations, 418 for New Right, 441–442 Warren Commission, 181–182 Vinson, Fred, 22 Warren, Earl, 23 Vinson, Mechelle, 531 appointment of, Brown v. the Board of Violence in 1990s, 519 Education of Topeka and, 89 Violent Bear It Away, The (O’Connor), 395 on education, 89–90 VISTA. See Volunteers in Service to America social justice and, 89 (VISTA) Warren, Robert Penn, 395 VOA. See Voice of America (VOA) Washington for Jesus rally, 441 Voice of America (VOA), McCarthy Washington Post in revealing Watergate investigation of, 67 connection to White House, 343 Volker, Paul, tight money policies of, 449 Water Quality Act of 1965, 202 Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Watergate Committee, 344–345 185 Watergate scandal, 339, 340–349 von Hayek, Frederick, 147 break-in in, 342–343 Von Hoffman, Nicholas, 276 cover-up in, crumbling of, 344–345 Vonnegut, Kurt, 380, 395 cultural healing after, 362 Voorhis, Jerry, 282 cynicism toward government and, 399 Voters Ford and, 400 apathy of, Reagan election and, 442 Nixon’s decline after, 345–348 registration of, by African Americans, Watergate Seven, trial of, 344–345 17–18 Watkins, Arthur Voting rights on McCarthy, 70 in Alabama, King and, 193–194 termination movement and, 373–374 Civil Rights Act of 1957 and, 96–97 Watt, James G. in Mississippi, 1964 Democratic exploitation of public land and, 449–450 Convention and, 189–190 offshore drilling and, 450 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 194–195, 325 Wattenberg, Ben, 555 Watts uprising, 249–250 Waco, Texas, raid on Branch Davidians in, WAVES, 5 519 Wayne, John, on Panama Canal treaties, WACS. See Women’s Auxiliary Corps (WACS) 419–420 Walesa, Lech, 450, 493 weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 550 Walker, Alice, 394 Weathermen, 299, 359 Wall Street Weathermen Underground, 299 boom on, in Clinton administration, 533 Weaver, Robert C., 252 crash on, in 1987, 461 Webster v. Reproductive Services of merger mania and, 461 Missouri, 489 Wallace, George C. Weinberger, Caspar, as Secretary of Defense, in 1964 primaries, 188 448 in 1968 election, 278–279 replacement of, 470 in 1972 election, 336–337 on Soviet Union, 450 in 1976 primaries, 405 Weiner, Lynn, on La Leche League, 368 Wallace, Henry A., 24–26 Weir, Benjamin, release of, 466 election of 1948 and, 24–26 Weisner, Jerome, on test-ban treaty, 219 on Soviet-American relations, 42–44 Welch, Robert, 186 Wallach, E. Robert, 459 Welfare Walters, Vernon, in Watergate cover-uip, 342 debates on, in 1990s, 509 Wapshot Chronicle, The (Cheever), 393 reform of, 327–329, 410 Wapshot Scandal, The (Cheever), 393 Welfare reform bill, 525

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Welty, Eudora, 395 Woodstock rock festival, 359 Wenzell, Adolphe H., 85 Woodward, Bob Wesberry v. Sanders, reapportionment and, in reporting on Watergate investigation, 191 345 Wessin, Elias Wessin y, 239 in revealing Watergate connection to West Bank, Begin in, 422 White House, 343 Westmoreland, William, 226 Workforce on escalation in Vietnam, 230 automation and, 124–125 on progress in Vietnam, 266 Soviet, low productivity of, 428 “two-fisted” strategy of, 268 technology revolution and, 124–125 on U.S. involvement in Vietnam, 228 women in, 4–6, 137, 368, 369, 511–513 Westwood, Jean, as head of Democratic Working class, post-WWII prosperity of, 2 National Committee, 365 Works Progress Administration (WPA), artist Wheller, Earl, plan of, to end Vietnam war, project of, 392 268 World Trade Center, bombed in 1993, 542 Whip Inflation Now (WIN), 401 World War II (WWII) White, Clifton, 187 African Americans and, 6–7 White flight, busing and, 326–327 conservative coalition and, 3, 14–17 Whitewater investigation, 527 demobilization after, 9 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 203 economy after, 1–7 “Wild One, The”, 131 housing crisis after, 10–12 Wilder, L. Douglas, as first black governor, isolationism and internationalism and, 507 3–4 Wilderness Act of 1964, 203 women and, 4–6 Wildlife, decline in, 515–516 WorldCom Inc., 553 Wilkins, Roy, 253 Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 375 Williams, G. Menne, 220 WPA, See Works Progress Administration Williams, Tennessee, 149–150 (WPA) Williams, William Appleman, 257 Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 253 Wills, Frank, Watergate and, 342 Wright, James, resignation of, 486 Wilson, Charles E., 80 Wright, Susan Webber, in Jones case, Wilson, Pete, Proposition 187 and, 524 528 Wilson, William, on race and poverty, 377 WWII. See World War II (WWII) WIN. See Whip Inflation Now (WIN) Wyatt, Wilson, 10 Windfall profits tax, passage of, 433 Wye River Accords, 551 “Winter Soldier Investigation”, 302 Wyeth, Andrew, 148, 392 Wise Blood (O’Connor), 395 Wolfe, Tom, 260, 438 Xuan Thuy, Kissinger meeting with, 292 “me-decade” and, 443 Wolters, Raymond, on busing, 509 Y2K millenium bug, 536–537 Woman(en) YAF. See Young Americans for Freedom in 1990s, 511–513 (YAF) in culture of poverty, 376 Conference, 36 in workforce in 1950s, 137 Yates, Eugene A., 84–85 Women Yeltsin, Boris changing role of, 4–6 resignation of, 551 stereotyping of, 5 Yeltsin, Boris, elected president of Russian Women, The (de Kooning), 392 Republic, 494 Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, 5 Yikiang Island, invasion of, 104–105 Women’s Auxiliary Corps (WACS), 5 Yippies at 1968 Democratic National Women’s liberation, 363–369 Convention, 276 feminist conscience in, 364–366 Yom Kippur War, 314–318 new woman in, 366–368 inflation and, 356 Women’s liberation movement U.S. inflation and, 356 Nixon and, 334–335 Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), women activists against, 368–370 organization of, 158

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Young, Andrew Yugoslavia, disintegration of, 520–522 in Carter administration, 408 Yuppies, 460 dismissal of, 432 Young, Coleman, election of, 378 Zhou Enlai, 53 Young, Whitney, 253 Kissinger and, 306–307 “Your Show of Shows”, 128 on Korean War, 57 Youth culture, 131–132 return to normality and, 306 Youth International Party at 1968 Zionism, Middle East instability and, 111 Democratic National Convention, 276 Zionists, American, foreign policy and, 314

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