Law 2 7 NOV 2074 ft The Rt. Hon. Sir David Lloy '` otithi C4 OrnIniSSkin Chairman Law Commission Reforming the law sI 1 Floor, Tower, Post Point 1.50, 62 Queen Anne's Gate, London. SW1H 9AG (access via 102 Petty France) t 020 3334 5270 f 020 3334 4198 e
[email protected] Hon. Kate Doust MLC Chair, Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review, Parliament House, Perth, Western Australia. 6000 27 November, 2014 eak 4 ivis. 40ust, REVIEW OF THE STATUTE BOOK I enclose an account of our statute law repeal and consolidation work which has been produced by John Saunders, who leads our SLR team, and Adrian Hogarth who is our lead Parliamentary Counsel. I hope you find it of assistance. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if we can assist in any other way. 'MK tiatiataI ?tdi 4 I i 1 / %A • 1 f etviok 1 i 'IP # ' A www REVIEWING THE STATUTE BOOK THE ROLE OF THE LAW COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND AND WALES About the Law Commission 1. The Commission was established by the Law Commissions Act 1965 to promote the reform of the law of England and Wales. 2. In carrying out its statutory duties, the Commission operates independently of the Government of the day. It cannot be required to exercise its functions in any particular manner, nor can it be directed to make recommendations to suit political expediency. Nevertheless the Commission shares common purpose with the Government in a commitment to law that is simple, accessible and cost-effective.