Arxiv:2003.10960V2 [Gr-Qc] 7 Apr 2020
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Spinning test particle in four-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Black Hole Yu-Peng Zhang∗, Shao-Wen Wei†, Yu-Xiao Liu ‡ Institute of Theoretical Physics & Research Center of Gravitation, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Joint Research Center for Physics, Lanzhou University and Qinghai Normal University, Lanzhou 730000 and Xining 810000, China In this paper, we investigate the motion of a classical spinning test particle orbiting around a static spherically symmetric black hole in a novel four-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity [D. Glavan and C. Lin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 081301 (2020)]. We find that the effective potential of a spinning test particle in the background of the black hole has two minima when the Gauss- 2 Bonnet coupling parameter α is nearly in a special range −6.1 < α/M < −2 (M is the mass of the black hole), which means such particle can be in two separate orbits with the same spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum. We also investigate the innermost stable circular orbits of the spinning test particle and find that the effect of the particle spin on the the innermost stable circular is similar to the case of the four-dimensional black hole in general relativity. PACS numbers: I. INTRODUCTION and the GB invariant is defined as G µνρσ µν 2 = R Rµνρσ 4R Rµν + R . (2) As the most successful gravitational theory, general rel- G − ativity (GR) can explain the relation between geometry Black holes solutions of GB gravity in D 5 have been and matter. One of the most impressive result derived derived, such as the vacuum case [9], Einstein-Maxwell≥ from GR is black hole solutions. As vacuum solutions fields with a GB term [10, 11], and anti-de Sitter (AdS) of strong gravity systems, black holes have lots of in- case [12]. In four-dimensional spacetime, the GB term teresting characters, for examples, a binary black hole does not make contributions to the gravitational dy- system can produce gravitational waves [1], and a black namics, which leads to that the four-dimensional mini- hole can act as an accelerator of particles [2, 3]. But we mally coupled GB gravity is hard to get. However, very should note that, even GR is so powerful and can be used recently, D. Glavan and C. Lin [13] proposed a novel to explain much phenomena, there are still some prob- four-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity lems that can not be interpreted by GR. Therefore, it is that bypasses the Lovelock theorem by adopting an art- believed that there should be more fundamental theory α ful coupling constant α D−4 . In this novel four- beyond GR. dimensional EGB gravity,→ the GB invariant term does It is well known that the existence of a singularity lo- not affect the properties of the massless graviton and a cating at the inner of a black hole leads to the geodesics four-dimensional static and spherically symmetric black incompleteness [4, 5]. To overcome the problem of singu- hole solution was obtained. The stability and shadow of larity, several quantum theories of gravity have been pro- this four-dimensional EGB black hole have been studied posed, like the superstring/M theory and the extension in [14], where the quasinormal modes of a scalar, elec- of such theories. With the help of perturbation approx- tromagnetic, and gravitational perturbations were stud- imation of these theories, the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) term ied. The solutions of charged black hole [15] and spinning arXiv:2003.10960v2 [gr-qc] 7 Apr 2020 was found as the next leading order term [6, 7], and this black hole [16] were also been obtained, and constraint to term is ghost-free combinations and does not add higher the GB parameter α was first given in Ref. [16] in terms derivative terms into the gravitational field equations [8]. of the shadow of the rotating black hole. Inspired by The GB term appears in D-dimensional spacetime as fol- the novel four-dimensional EGB gravity, the novel four- lows dimensional Einstein-Lovelock gravities are also proposed [17, 18]. D To understand the geometry of a black hole, the behav- S [gµν ]= d x√ gα , (1) [GB] − G iors of the geodesics of a test particle around a black hole Z can be used. We know that a massless or massive particle where D is the number of the spacetime dimensions, α is can orbit around a central black hole and the motion is the GB coupling parameter with mass dimension D 4, dependent on the geometry of the central black hole. In − Ref. [19], the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of a spinless test particle and shadow in the background of the four-dimensional EGB black hole were studied. The ∗[email protected] range of the GB coupling parameter for the black hole 2 †[email protected] solution was extended to the range of 8 α/M 1, ‡[email protected], corresponding author where M is the mass of the black hole.− Compared≤ to≤ the 2 case of a test particle in the background of a Schwarzchild where κ is the gravitational constant and will be set as black hole in GR, a positive GB coupling parameter re- κ2 =1/2 in this paper. The GB term does not contribute duces the radii of the ISCOs and a negative one enlarges to the dynamics of the four-dimensional spacetime be- them. There also appears Similar effect for a spinning cause it is a total derivative. Recently, by rescaling the test particle in the background of a black hole in GR, coupling parameter as where the spin-curvature force 1 Rµ uν Sαβ also re- − 2 ναβ α duces or enlarges the corresponding radii of the ISCOs α , (4) → D 4 [20]. Inspired by the effects of the four-dimensional GB − term and the non-vanishing spin of a particle on the mo- and taking the limit D 4, Glaan and Lin [13] ob- tion of the test particle, it is necessary to investigate what tained the four-dimensional→ novel EGB gravity. The four- the total effects of them on the motion of a test particle dimensional static spherically symmetric black hole solu- in the four-dimensional EGB black hole. In this paper, tion was found [13] we will investigate the motion of a spinning test parti- cle in the background of the novel four-dimensional EGB dr2 black hole. For simplicity, we only consider the motion ds2 = f(r)dt2 + + r2dΩ2, (5) − f(r) of a spinning test particle in the equatorial plane. For a spinning test particle, its motion will not fol- r2 8αM f(r) = 1+ 1 1+ , (6) low the geodesics because of the spin-curvature force 2α − r3 µ r ! 1 R uν Sαβ. The equations of motion for the − 2 ναβ spinning test particle are described by the Mathisson- where M is the mass of the black hole and the coupling α Papapetrou-Dixon (MPD) equations [21–29] under the parameter 8 2 1 [19]. Solving f(r) = 0, one can µ M “pole-dipole” approximation, and the four-velocity u get two black− hole≤ horizons≤ and the four-momentum P µ are not parallel [25, 30] due µ to the spin-curvature force. The four-momentum P of 2 r± = M M α. (7) a spinning test particle keeps timelike along the trajec- ± − µ 2 tory (P Pµ = m , m is the mass of the test particle), p − In fact, the above solution (5-7) was also found in gravity in the contrary, the four-velocity would be superluminal with a conformal anomaly in Ref. [59] and was extended [25, 30] when the spin of the test particle is too large. to the case with a cosmological in Ref. [60]. Actually, this superluminal behavior comes from the ig- The motion of a spinning test particle is described by norance of the “multi-pole” effects. When such effects the MPD equations are considered, the superluminal problem can be avoided [31–35]. For the properties of the spinning test particle DP µ 1 = Rµ uνSαβ, (8) in different black hole backgrounds, see Refs. [20, 36–58]. Dλ −2 ναβ This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we use DSµν = P µuν uµP ν , (9) the MPD equation to obtain the four-momentum and Dλ − four-velocity of a spinning test particle in the novel four- dimensional EGB black hole background. In Sec. IIB, where P µ, Sµν , and uµ are the four-momentum, spin we study the motion of the spinning test particle and tensor, and tangent vector of the spinning test particle give the relations between the motion of the spinning along the trajectory, respectively. Note that the MPD test particle and the properties of the four-dimensional equations are not uniquely specified and we should use a EGB black hole. Finally, a brief summary and conclusion spin-supplementary condition to determine them. This are given in Sec. III. spin-supplementary condition is related to the center of mass of the spinning test particle with different observers [61–65]. In this paper, we choose the Tulczyjew spin- II. MOTION OF A SPINNING TEST PARTICLE supplementary condition [66] IN FOUR-DIMENSIONAL EGB BLACK HOLE µν PµS =0, (10) A. Four-momentum and four-velocity of the and the four-momentum P µ satisfies spinning test particle µ 2 P Pµ = m , (11) In this part, we will solve the equations of motion for a − spinning test particle in the novel four-dimensional EGB which makes sure that the spinning test particle keeps black hole background.