Saint Michael's Church
! Saint Michael’s Church ! APRIL 28th 29th, 2018 First Holy Communion ! MASS SCHEDULE 7:30 AM & : Central Palisades Park, Saturday 5:30 Sunday 7:30, Korean, AM, Sunday Mass at : PM-Spanish OUR PARISH - Korean Reverend Minhyun Cho, Pastor Feast: AM, Ernest G. Rush, Parochial Vicar Vigil 7:30 Reverend Stanley Lobo, Priest In Residence Sister Clara Kim, Pastoral Associate Ms. Patricia Miller, Office Manager/Bookkeeper Mrs. Seung (Michaela) Kang, Secretary There will be a Prayer Group Each Sunday 3 !5pm in Religious Education Coordinator - the Chapel headed by Edna Kwon. Info inside bulletin. Mrs. Toni Fordyce (201-886-9034) Mrs. Chung Im Juliana Kim and RECONCILIATION (Confession) Each Saturday 5:00pm in the Church Notre Dame Interparochial Academy BAPTISM Principal, Grades Pre-K to . be the First St. Palisades Park, of at 10:30 AM Mass. And, all Korean Baptisms will be held on Third Sunday of the month at the 9:00am Mass. be on the of the at CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 29 CANDIDATES ON ! 3:00 PM. MAKING THEIR SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY (201 233- COMMUNION ON SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH, 2018 ! 0782). come to the to WEDDING Contact the rectory year in advance of the wedding date OUR 29 CANDIDATES ! MAKING THEIR SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION ! Christopher Arreaga Espana, Irwing Camaja Vasquez, Brandon Cho, Melany Curruchich Sandoval, Julissa Cuyuch Mejia, David Despaigne, Matthew Guaillas, Brian Guerra Par, Jannelly Hidal- go Jimenez, Daniel Joseph Hummell, Hyunjun Lee, Emily Lopez, Mia Martinez, Edward Martinez, Brian Medina Duarte, Chloe McElkenny, Sofia Stela Morales, Anthony Morel, Evan Morin, Dnaly Morquecho, Bryant Morquecho, Jessica Ramos Castro, Alexander Rivera Pineda, Derek Sisneros, Damien Soler, Jaiden Soler, Elsa Elvira Teletor Taperia, Audrey Won, Justin Yoo.
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