Summary Of Ruth: This story of love, devotion, and redemption is set in the dark days of the Judges. Ruth, a Moabite woman, leaves her pagan heritage to cling to the people and God of Israel. Her faithfulness during Israel's unfaithfulness brings her a new husband, a son, and a privileged position in the line of David (her great-grandson) and Jesus Christ. Lesson: God will bless our faithfulness, though the world seems faithless.


Chapter 1 Meets Ruth Summary: A famine in Israel forces Naomi's family to move to (1- 5). God will work through this adversity, as He did with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. With the famine over, Naomi returns to Israel with Ruth (6-22). Lesson: God will work good for us in the famines of our lives.

Chapter 2 Ruth Meets Summary: Ruth meets Boaz, a relative of Naomi's late husband. She has been gleaning in his field; he encourages her to continue (1-13). Boaz aids Ruth in her gleaning, becoming a picture of God our provider (14-23). Lesson: Thank God for the Boaz in your life; become a Boaz to another.

Chapter 3 Naomi Plans For Redemption Summary: Naomi advises Ruth to offer herself to Boaz, thereby assuring her redemption (1-9). Boaz accepts Ruth's offer, if the nearest relative refuses. He gives her a generous amount of barley (10-18). Lesson: We, like Ruth, need rest from a redeemer; come to Jesus.

Chapter 4 Boaz fulfills His Promise Summary: Boaz redeems Ruth (1-12), and Ruth bears Obed, the grandfather of David (13-22). Lesson: Boaz is a type of Jesus, our Kinsman-Redeemer.