**Replication of this walkthrough and its contents, wholly or in parts, is NOT ALLOWED without permission of the author (meli). This walkthrough is meant for GAMEFAQS, Cheat Code Central, Neoseeker, Supercheats and Cheat Happens only.**

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ UPDATES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

And... TMGS 2nd Season finally hits the stores! (Well, the ones in Japan, anyway.) I've received a lot of emails asking if I'd be making an faq for 2nd Season, so... here we go.

As always, helpful tips/corrections/other useful input will be appreciated.

Sorry folks, I know I've been absolutely abysmal with my updating. I'm just trying to wade my way through a fairly thick to -do list. Anyway, faq completion! FINALLY. Thanks to all those who emailed, encouraging/threatening me to speed things up (the threatening ones were a tad more amusing than most) :D

Spoilers abound, btw. You have been warned.


POLL: Do you guys want this to be a JIS faq? (ie. with Jap wording included)

((08/08/08)) ~ Version 1.0 up ~ Added Date Spots ~ Added Tips ~ Added Items ~ Edited Starting the Game ~ Edited Christopher Weatherfield

((12/4/2008)) ~ Version 0.9 up. ~ Added Amachi Shouta ~ Added Christopher Weatherfield ~ Added Wakaouji Takafumi ~ Edited Hariya Kounoshin ~ Edited Shiba Katsumi ~ Edited Masaki Motoharu ~ Edited Akagi Kazuyuki ~ Edited Rival Mode ~ Edited Best Friends ~ Edited Endings ~ Edited Tokimeki Panel

((23/3/2008)) ~ Version 0.7 up. ~ Added Shiba Katsumi ~ Added Hariya Kounoshin ~ Added Akagi Kazuyuki ~ Edited Saeki Teru ~ Edited Hikami Itaru ~ Edited Masaki Motoharu ~ Edited Komori Taku ~ Edited Quirks ~ Edited Commands and parameters

((8/3/2008)) ~ Version 0.5 up. ~ Added Masaki Motoharu ~ Added Hikami Itaru ~ Edited Saeki Teru ~ Edited Love Mode ~ Edited Events ~ Edited Getting Started ~ Edited Skinship ~ Edited Quirks ~ Edited Best Friends


~ Version 0.4 up. ~ Added Best Friends Section ~ Added Endings section ~ Added Saeki Teru ~ Added Hanatsubaki Himeko ~ Added Otonari Yuu ~ Edited Differences ~ Edited Getting Started ~ Edited Events ~ Edited Shopping ~ Edited After School


~ Version 0.3 up. ~ Added Majima Tarou ~ Added Komori Taku ~ Added Todou Tatsuko ~ Added Onoda Chiyomi ~ Added Nishimoto Haruhi ~ Added Mizushima Hisoka ~ Added Love Mode

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

To use Quicksearch: Ctrl+F

~ Introduction [intd] ~ Differences between 2nd Season, the PS2 original, and 1st Love [difr] ~ Starting the Game ~ Basic configuration [cnfg] ~ Options [optn] ~ Preset Events [prst] ~ Commands and Parameters [cmmd] ~ Playing the Game ~ Events [evnt] ~ After school [afts] ~ Conversation Topics [cnvr] ~ Clubs [clbs] ~ Jobs [jbss] ~ Money [mney] ~ Shopping [shpg] ~ Dating ~ Getting started [ggsd] ~ Date spots [dspt] ~ Date disturbers [dtdb] ~ Best Friends [bffl] ~ After the date [aftd] ~ Love Mode [lvmd] ~ Skinship [sksp] ~ Tokimeki Panel [tmpl] ~ Bombs [bmbs] ~ Rival Mode [rivl] ~ Endings [endn] ~ Characters ~ Guys - Saeki Teru [saet] - Shiba Katsumi [shik] - Hikami Itaru [hikt] - Hariya Kounoshin [hark] - Christopher Weatherfield [chrs] - Amachi Shouta [amcs] - Wakaouji Takafumi [wakt] - Masaki Motoharu [masm] - Akagi Kazuyuki [akgi] - Majima Tarou [mjmt] - Komori Taku [kmrt] ~ Girls - Todou Tatsuko [todt] - Onoda Chiyomi [onoc] - Nishimoto Haruhi [nism] - Mizushima Hisoka [mizh] ~ Others - Hanatsubaki Himeko [hanh] - Otonari Yuu [otoy] - Saeki Souichirou [saes] ~ Miscellaneous ~ Character Aspirations [aspn] ~ Heroine¶s Ending [endg] ~ Items [itms] ~ Mini-games [gams] ~ Tips [tpss] ~ Quirks [qrks] ~ Afterword [afwd] ~ Credits [crdt]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ INTRODUCTION [intd] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

It's been a long wait! For those new to the TMGS series, welcome aboard! :3 Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Season is the fourth in a series of dating simulations games for girls produced by . It's also the long - awaited sequel of the PS2 version - Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss.

2nd Season, like the PS2 original, is seaside -themed. Definitely one of the unique aspects of this game. Hanegasaki High is located next to the beach, and you'll find that most of the events in this game (the legend backstory, the game art, etc) revolve around the ocean.

You'll play as a girl starting her school days at Hanegasak i High, where you're thrust into a surprisingly varied dating pool. Konami has added two more "secret characters" into the mix to up the interest factor, and you'll find that this fantastic sequel holds many new quirks for exploration. The best part? It all takes place on a NDS, so you'll be able to poke/molest your dating prospects at your own leisure :)

If you've played this game before (whether on a PS2 or NDS), you'll definitely want to try out 2nd Season. It's chock -full with lots of new CGs, extra scenes, extra love sequences, and of course, Skinship. And if you're new to this awesome series, you'll certainly enjoy it as well! It might take a few playthroughs to get you used to the gameplay, but it's worth it! XD

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 2ND SEASON, THE PS2 ORIGINAL, AND 1ST LOVE [difr] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Where to start? Here we go...

~ 2nd Season has expanded on where 2nd Kiss left off on Love Mode: You now get to walk home with a guy when a date has gone particularly well. Along the way, you'll get to poke at him to net you a number of skinship points (more on that in the Datin g section)

~ Skinship has evolved greatly from 1st Love. Instead of just poking with your stylus, you now get to use different methods of using it to have different interactions and trigger a separate set of reactions. Lovely :D

~ Unlike 2nd Kiss, checki ng in with Yuu no longer takes up an entire day. This definitely makes the whole bomb -defusing process a lot easier.

~ Bomb frequency also seems to have decreased significantly - you may find that certain characters don't bomb you once in a single game!

~ More endings have been added to the mix. Characters such as Saeki and Hariya can have as many as 5 endings each!

~ Skinship for event CGs is much less complex. You no longer have to worry (much) about bad skinship with the guys, as most of the CGs now don't have negative skinship points. (there are exceptions to this rule, however.)

~ Addition of more event CGs for most of the male characters. With more unlockable goodies, who can resist?

~ The love panel has also been edited slightly in 2nd Season! It's a lot easier to read now, as compared to 1st Love. (more on that in the Skinship section)

~ And best of all: All the dialogue gets voiced this time round. Even that of the random classmates/date disturbers/extra people involved in events. A definite improvement!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ STARTING THE GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

//Basic Configuration// [cnfg]

L button - Skip dialogue. Pre ss and hold when doing commands to speed things up. Up/Down/Left/Right on the D -pad - Proceed with dialogue Up/Down on the D -pad - Scroll up and down

Most of 2nd Season is played via stylus, so you might not be using the buttons often. :)

//In-game options// [optn]

On the opening screen, the three options read:

Start New Game Continue Game Options

Covering Options first:

~ Text Display Speed [Normal/Fast/Immediate] ~ Command Progress Speed [Normal/Fast/Skip] ~ Sound [Voice/BGM/Sound Effects] ~ Restore Default Settings ~ Album ~ Endings ~ Return

If you're starting a fresh game, the first thing you'll be asked for is your family name, followed by your given name.

Next, fill in your birthday, then pick your blood type. The blood type you pick will affect your horoscope reading on the internet.

Choose a room for yourself. Unlike TMGS: 1st Love, the room you pick does NOT affect your starting parameters (more on that later). It just determines which girl you'll meet on your first day. The rooms appear in this order:

~ Onoda Chiyomi (the studious one) ~ Mizushima Hisoka (the feminine one) ~ Nishimoto Haruhi (the cheerful one) ~ Todou Tatsuko (the sporty one)

Following this, you'll be asked to set up your EVS (Emotional Voice System). It's basica lly how the male characters will say your name in -game. The main gripe I have about the EVS is that it hasn't really improved much from 1st Love - most of the longer name combinations will still be drastically shortened. Awkward name sequences don't regis ter either :( (Definitely where the PS2 version wins out! You could have really weird names like Ohohohoho -san and the guys would still say it with a straight face XD )

//Preset Events// [prst] (in order of occurrence)

The Legend of the Mermaid

³Why are you crying? Hey, are you a mermaid?´

And so, the youth and the maiden who met on the shore fell in love.

The maiden watched the calm sea, her eyes expressing what she wished to say in words.

She was a mermaid after all, and had lost her abilit y to speak after she took on the form of a human«

Heartless villagers expressed their hatred in violence towards this mermaid maiden, so she had no choice but to return to the sea.

In place of a goodbye, the two exchanged a kiss.

They believed that so meday, the ocean would bring them together again.

After bidding farewell to the mermaid, day after day, the young man continued to scan the ocean horizons.

And one day, filled with determination in his heart, the youth left the island in search of his love.

He never returned.

And so tells the legend, the sad story of the mermaid ±

The game opens with a narration of the Mermaid story, followed by a pretty CG with a half -concealed face of a young boy (Konami definitely needs to work on their suspense - it doesn't exactly take a genius to figure it out) who seals a promise to the heroine with a kiss. Aww.

You're then brought to the present, and you run into Saeki Teru, the main dateable character, for the first time. Cue another pretty CG where you can poke at him a bit for kicks, but the moment's ruined when you find yourself asking him for directions. He turns up in a waiter's uniform, and some not-too- friendly conversation later, you two endup parting ways.

When you finally reach Hanegasaki High , you run into Saeki once more, and he's less than pleased to have someone who knows about where he works in the same school. In short, he tells you not to let anyone know about his status, and you head on for the entrance ceremony.

You'll run into your f irst girl friend next (according to which room you chose at the beginning) and swap names and some information. Mosey on over to your homeroom, and meet your (dateable) teacher, Wakaouji Takafumi! He'll introduce himself, and hands out a questionnaire which determines your...

//Commands and Parameters// [cmmd]

The first three questions determine your parameters, and the last two affect whom you¶ll have your accidental kiss with.

1) Why did you choose to come to this school? a. This school is f amous for its academics. b. The uniform looks good. c. This school is famous for its sports.

2) What are your interests? d. Appreciating the arts. e. I love shopping. f. Reading.

3) What do you hope to focus on in your life as a student? g. A part-time job. h. Experience youth with club activities! i. Of course, to fall in love~

Here¶s the part that gets a bit more complicated. There are 5 different parameter sets, each with different pros and cons. You might want to base your answers on which guy you want to get and which parameters are required for them.

The studious type: Intelligence 60, Arts 45, Style 45, Fitness 35, Social 30, Charm 45. How to get: adh, aeh, afh, afi, bfh

The artistic type: Intelligence 35, Arts 60, Style 50, Fitness 40, Social 30, Charm 45. How to get: adi, bdg, bdh, bdi, cdi

The fashionable type: Intelligence 35, Arts 40, Style 60, Fitness 45, Social 30, Charm 50. How to get: aeg, aei, beg, beh, bei, b fi, cei

The sporty type: Intelligence 40, Arts 40, Style 45, Fitness 60, Social 35, Charm 40. How to get: cdg, cdh, ceh, cfg, cfh

The neutral type: Intelligence 45, Arts 45, Style 45, Fitness 45, Social 40, Charm 40. How to get: adg, afg, bfg, ceg, cfi

And the section for the accidental kiss:

4) What type of guy do you like? a. Kind. b. Aloof. c. A bit flirtatious. followed by: d. Someone reliable. e. Someone cool. f. Someone interesting.

Here we go: Saeki Teru ± ae, be Hikami Itaru ± bf Shiba Katsumi ± bd Hariya Kounoshin ± ce Christopher Weatherfield ± af Amachi Shouta ± cf Wakaouji Takafumi ± ad Masaki Motoharu ± cd

Note that the accidental kiss does not happen immediately after you take the questionnaire - it occurs on the first of M ay.

Those who've played the PS2 version of GS should definitely be familiar with this aspect of the game. The heroine can access different commands, which allow her to raise/decrease a multitude of parameters. These parameters affect how fast a guy likes you (since different guys have different parameter requirements), as well as how certain events turn out (eg. exams)

If you do well in raising a parameter for a week (100% success rate), your guy/gal will compliment you on it.

The basic layout on the touch screen:

Sleep | Study | Paint | Club | *Join/Quit Club Exercise | Read Magazines | Groom | Hang out (Girls)

*Call | *Go Out | *Yuu | **Taku | **Tarou |

Wardrobe | Internet | Option | Calendar | Email | DATA |

* accessible only on weekends/ public holidays ** accessible on weekdays, only after certain events take place

...And the parameters on the left screen:

Stress | Rich Intelligence | Arts Fitness | Social Style | Charm

Sleeping reduces your Stress, but it also lowers the rest of your parameters. For effect, only sleep on weekends and public holidays, since sleeping on weekdays tends to lower your other parameters a lot more. Note that if your Stress rockets above 100, your character gets a fever and is incapacitated for a few weeks. The upside to this is that if a guy likes you enough, he's drop by to check in on you :)

Studying increases Intelligence, a bit of Arts and a tiny bit of Style. It decreases your Fitness and a bit of Charm. No effect on Social. SD characters who join you ( :) and above) : Saeki, Hikami, Wakaouji

Painting increases Arts, a bit of Style, and a tiny bit of Intelligence. It decreases Fitness and a bit of Social. No effect on Charm. SD characters who join you ( :) and above) : Saeki, Christopher

Reading Magazines increases Style, a bit of Charm and a little bit of Arts. It decreases a bit of Social and Intelligence. No effect on Fitness. SD characters who join you ( :) and above) : Saeki, Hariya, Amachi

Exercising increases Fitness and a bit of Social. It lowers a bit of Charm, Intelligence and Arts. No effect on Style. SD characters who join you ( :) and above) : Saeki, Shiba, Wakaouji

Grooming increases Charm, a bit of Style and a tiny bit of Arts. It decreases Social, as well as a bit of Fitness and Intelligence. SD characters who join you ( :) and above) : None

Hanging out with...

Todou Tatsuko increases Social and Fitness. She decreases a bit of Intelligence, Art and Fashion. No effect on Charm.

Onoda Chiyomi increases Social, Intelligence, and a bit of Fitness. She decreases Arts and Style. No effect on Charm.

Nishimoto Haruhi increases Social, Fitness and Style. She decreases Intelligence and a bit of Arts. No effect on Charm.

Mizushima Hisoka increases Social, Arts, and a bit of Charm. She decreases a bit of Fitness, Style, and Intelligence.

Special commands with...

Komori Taku increases Social and Fitness. He decreases your Intelligence, Arts, Fashion and Charm.

Majima Tarou increases a LOT of Stress, and a bit of Fitness, Social, Fashion and Charm. He decreases Intelligence and Arts.