Coded Clinical Details Guide

When electronic and requests are raised within dartOCM, it is mandatory to enter clinical details to support the test request. This guide may assist users in selecting the clinical code to support the request raised.

A Acute abdomen Acute Coronary Syndrome A/P resection Acute injury AA Acute on chronic renal failure AA Repair Acute on CRF AAA Acute AAHA Acute psychosis Abdo aneurysm Acute renal failure Abdo discomfort Acute Respiratory Distress Abdo distension Acute retention Abdo wall Addison's Disease Abdominal abscess Adenitis Abdominal colic ADHD Abdominal Adhesions Abdominal mass ADMIRE Trial Abdominal obstruction Admission screen Abdominal pain Adnexal pain Abdominal sinus Adnexal swelling Abdominal sore Adnexal tenderness Abdominal swelling AF Abdominal trauma AFBG ABG Agitated Ablation IGTN AIHA ABO incompat Alcholic Abortion Alcohol Ablation of Prostate Above Knee Amputation Alcohol abuse ABPB Alcohol intox Abrasion Alcohol withdrawal Abruption Alcoholic Abscess Abscess drained Alcoholic psychosis Accelerated vax ALL Accidental poisoning ALL relapsed Aches & pains Alleged rape aching joints Allergic alveolitis Aching Muscles Allergic Amoxil Acid burn Allergic rash Acidotic Allergic reaction Acne Allergic to Cipro Acopia Allergic to Erythro

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Allergic to Flagyl Annual Review Allergic to Pen Ante natal Allergic to septrin Anterior repair Allergy to Tetra Anterior resect Alopecia Antral washout Alt bowel habit Anuria Alt consciousness Anxiety Alt urinary habit AOM Altered habit Aortic graft Alveolitis Aortic regurg Alzheimer's Aortic root abscess AML APH AML in remission Aphasia Amnesia Aphthous ulcers Amoebic Aplastic anaemia Amputated arm APL-COAG clinical trial Amputated leg Appendicectomy Amputated pinna Amputated toe(s) Appendicular mass Amputation abscess Amyloidosis Apyrexial Anaemia ARDS Anal cysts Arrhythmia Anal excoriation Arthralgia Arthritis Anal fistula Arthropathy Anal irritation Arthroplasty Anal lesion Arthroscopy Anal Arthrotomy Anal stretch Asbestos exposure Anal ulceration Asbestosis Anal warts Ascend cholangitis Anaphylaxis Ascites Aneurysm repair ASOM Angelman's syndrome Asp pneumonia Angina Aspergilloma Angioedema Asphyxia Angiography Aspiration Angioplasty Assault Animal contact Asthma Ankle oedema Asymptomatic Ankle replacement At risk Ankle sore Ataxia Ankle ulceration Athletes foot Ankspondylitis Atonic bladder Annual check Atrial fib

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Atrial flutter Biliary carcinoma Atrophic testis Atrophic Biliary disease Atypical pneumonia Biliary obstruction Autism Biliary stent Autoimmune Biopsied AVD Biopsy of lesion AVF Bipolar affective disorder AVR Bipolar Disorder AVR & MVR Bird bite Avulsion Bird cage is Budgerigar, Canary bird, Parakeet, Axillary abscess Bird fancier Axillary clearance Birth asphyxia Axillary dissection Bite wound BKA B Bl' stained disch B/O frequently Black stools B12 deficiency Black tongue! Baby Chlamydia + Black-outs Baby IUGR Blad instillation Baby-conjunct'itis Bladder atrophy Baby-pustular rash Bladder aug Back injury Bladder calculus Back pain/ache Bladder dilatation Bacteriuria Bladder extrophy Baker's cyst Bladder Balanitis Bladder mass Balanoposthitis Bladder outflow obs Bartholin's abs Bladder papilloma Bartholin's cyst Bladder repair Baseline titres Bladder washout Bateman's hemiarth Bleeding Batten's disease Bleeding gums BCC Bleeding on bronchoscopy B-cell lymphoma Bleeding piles BCG therapy Bleeding sub-prepuce BCG vax Bleeding ulcer Bed wetting Bleeding umbilicus Behcet's syndrome Bleeding varices BEP Bleeding wound BIH Blepharitis Bilat oophrectomy Blighted ovum Bilat purulent AWO Blister Bilateral amputee Blistering rash Bili Blistering skin Biliary atresia Bloated feeling

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Blocked catheter Breathless Blocked ear Breech delivery Blocked ETT Brittle bones Blocked glands Brittle nails Blocked lacr duct Broken area Blood contact Bronchial asthma Bronchiectasis Blood P/R Bronchiolitis Blood spill contact Bronchitis Blood stained spit Bronchopleural fist Blood transfusion Bronchopneumonia Bloodstained milk Bronchoscopy Bloody diarrhoea Bronchospasm Blotchy Bruised foot Blunt force trauma Bruises easily Blurred vision Bruising B-M Tx BSO B-marrow suppression BTB BNI Buerger's disease Boil Bulging fontanelle Bone cyst Bulky Bone graft Bullae Bone marrow bx Bullous eruption Bone Marrow Transplant Bullous pemphigoid Bone marrow tx Bunion Bone pain Burkitt's lymphoma Borderline BP Burns Borderline cervical smear Bursa Bowel adhesions Bursa drained Bursitis Bowel prolapse Burst abdomen Bowel resection Burst abscess BPH Burst appendix Brachial cyst Burst furuncle Bradycardia Burst sutures Brain abscess BV Brain tumour By-passing

Breast abscess Breast biopsy C Breast Cyst C/O BV Breast discharge C/O Campylobacter Breast feeding C/O Candida Breast implant C/O Chlamydia Breast C/O genital warts Breast lump C/O Giardia Breast reduction C/O Parvovirus

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C/O Salmonella Cachexia C/O Whooping cough Caecocystoplasty C/S delivery Caesarean section C/W Campylobacter Calcified bladder C/W Cdifficile Calculus C/W 'meningitis' Cambridge Life Sciences C/W Shingles Candida sepsis C/W shingles Candidiasis C/W TB Cannula site abscess Ca anus CAPD Ca bladder Carbuncle Ca bowel Carcinoid syndrome Ca breast Carcinoma Ca bronchus Carcinoma testes Ca caecum Cardiac arrest Ca caecum Cardiac cath Ca Cardiac clinic Ca cervix Cardiac defect Ca colon Cardiac failure Ca Cardiogenic shock Ca gall bladder Cardiomegaly Ca glottis Cardiomyopathy Ca kidney Cardio-Vasc Disease Ca larynx Carpal tunnel synd Ca liver Castleman's disease Ca lung Cat bite Ca Mastoid Cat owner Ca nose Cat scratch Ca oesophagus Cataracts Ca ovary Catheter in situ Ca pancreas Catheter out Ca parotid Cautery to Cx Ca penis Cavitating lesion Ca pharynx CCF Ca prostate CDH Ca CDT +ve Ca sigmoid Cellulitis Ca skin Cellulitis of labia Ca spine Cement block in situ Ca stomach Central Chest Pain Ca thymus Cerebellar ataxia Ca thyroid Cerebellar atrophy Ca tonsils Cerebellar signs Ca uterus Cerebral abscess Ca vulva Cerebral bleed CABG Cerebral infarct

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Cerebral lesion Chickenpox contact Cerebral palsy Chills Cerebral toxoplasma Chocolate cyst Cerebral tumor Choking episode Cereb-vasc weakness Cholangitis Cervical abscess Cholecystectomy Cervical adenitis Cervical biopsy Cholecystotomy Cervical bleeding Cervical cyst Cholesteatoma Cervical discharge Chondritis Cervical ectopy Chorio-amnionitis Cervical ectropion Chorioretinal scar Cervical pain Chronic diarrhoea Chronic Disease Management Cervical suture Chronic fatigue Cervical ulceration Chronic Fatigue Screening Service Cervical warts Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic ulcer CFS Chronic wound Change in Bowel Habit CIN I Change of catheter CIN II Change of coil CIN III Change of IUCD Circumcision CHD CHD Review Citrullinaemia Check immunity CJD Check status Claudication Check Varicella status CLD Cheilitis Cleft palate Chemical burn CLL Chemical exposure Clot retention Chest crackles Cloudy secretions Chest drain Cloudy urine Chest infection CML Chest injury CMML Chest pain CO poisoning Chest pain >12hrs CO poisoning Chest pain greater than 12 hours ago COAD Chest sepsis Coated mouth Chest tightness Chest wall abs Coffee Ground Vomit Chest wall abscess Coil changed Chesty Coil in situ Chesty cough Coil insertion Chicken pox Coil removed

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Cold cautery Cx Contact NSU Cold sore Contact of Herpes Colectomy Contact of Rubella Colic Contact of Staph aureus Contact of TB Collapse Contact positive Collapsed lung Contact STD Collapsed vertebrae Contact thrush Colonic mass Contact with animals Colostomy Contact with C-pox Colostomy reversal Contact with lambs Colovaginal fistula Contact with MRSA Colovesicle fist Contact with rash Contact with rats Colposuspension Contact with Shigella Columnar ectropion Contact with tick Comatose Contact with typhoid Community acquired pneumonia Convulsion Compartment synd Cook line in situ Complete abortion COPD Compound fracture Copy report requested Concentrated urine Cor angiography Cone biopsy Cor pulmonale Confused Corn Congested throat Corneal ulceration Conjunctivitis Cot death Consolidation Cough Constipated Cough & cold Contact - MSP CPAP Contact ?HIV + CPN Contact bleeding Cracked foreskin Contact dermatitis Cracked nipple Contact Diphtheria Cracked skin Contact Ex Africa Cramps Contact gonorrhoea Craniotomy Contact grp A strep CRC Contact HCV Creps Contact Hep A CRF Contact Hep B Crohn's Contact Hepatitis Croup Contact HIV + Crush injury Contact homo/bisexual Crusty umbilicus Contact 'infected' Crying Contact IVDA Crystalluria Contact Legionaires CSA Contact measles CSD

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CSOM Dehydration CT negative Delerious CVA Delerium tremens CVI Delivered RhD Positive baby CVP line in situ Delusional disorder CVP line removed Dementia Cx discharge Demyelination Cx discharge Dental abscess Cx ectopy Dental caries Cx excitation Dental extraction Cx excitation Dental nurse Cx lymphadenopathy Depression Cx lymphadenopathy Deranged LFTs CXR changes Dermatitis Cyanosed Dermatomyositis Cyanotic episodes Desaturation Cyst Deterioration Cystadenoma Detoxification Cystectomy Developmental delay Cystic fibrosis DFM Cystic lesion DHS Cystic swelling Diabetes Cystinuria Diabetes insipidus Cystitis Diabetes mellitus Diabetic foot Cystoplasty Diabetic ketoacidosis Cystoprostatectomy Diabetic Review Cystoscopy Diarrhoea Cystourethrectomy DIC Cystourethroscopy Diff swallowing

Difficulty breathing D Difficulty PU D & C Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma D & V Dilated CBD D & V outbreak Dilated kidney Dark stools Dilated renpelvis Dark urine Dilated DCP plating Dirty pin site Dead tissue Dirty wound Debility Discectomy Debridement Disch blister Decomplumbar vert Disch cathsite Decompression Disch drain site Decr consciousness Disch fistula Decreasing renal function Disch foreskin Deep vein thrombosis Disch groin

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Disch haematoma Discomfort PV Disch line site Disloc shoulder Disch nail bed Dislocated hip Disch PEG site Dislocated vertebrae Disch suture line Dislocation Disch trachy site Disseminated Ca Disch whitlow Distended abdomen Discharg swelling Distended bladder Discharge Dependant - urgent Div of adhesions Discharging abs Divertic disease Discharging area Diverticular abs Discharging boil Discharging bunion Dizziness Discharging bursa DLE Cx Discharging bx site DM nephropathy Discharging cyst DM neuropathy Discharging duct DMARD Discharging ear DMT Screening Discharging elbow Dog bite Discharging eye Double voiding Discharging finger Downs screen Discharging foot Down's syndrome Discharging IGTN Drain in situ Discharging leg Drain removed Discharging lesion Drain site oozing Discharging lump Drainage of abscess Discharging mastoid Drainage of cyst Discharging nipple Drainage of empyema Discharging pustules Dribbling PU Discharging scar Drowning Discharging scrotum Drowsy Discharging sinus Drug abuser Discharging socket Drug addict Discharging sore Dry cough Discharging stoma Dry E Discharging stump Dry mouth Discharging toe Dry patch Discharging tumour Dry skin Discharging ulcer Dry throat Discharging wart DT's Discharging wound DU Discitis DUB Discoloured nails Dukes A Discoloured semen Dukes B Discom & scabbing Dukes C Discomf post mict Duodenal atresia

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Duodenal repair End Stage Renal Failure Duodenal ulcer Endocarditis Endometrial bx Duplex kidney Duplex ureter Dupuytren's Dupuytren's contracture Enlarged g-bladder Dusky episodes Enlarged ing LN DXT Enlarged kidney Dysfunction Enlarged liver Dyskaryosis Enlarged lymph node Dysmenorrhoea Enlarged prostate Enlarged thyroid Dyspepsia Enlarged tonsils Dysphagia Enteric fever Dysphasia Enuresis DYSPLASIA Environmental monitoring Dyspnoea Eosinophilia Dysuria Ependymoma Epidermal cyst E Epididymal cyst Epididymitis E3E3 Epidorchitis Ear ache Epidural catheter Ear infection Epigastric pain Early labour Epiglottitis Ecthyma Epilepsy Ectopia vesicae Episiotomy Ectopic anus Episodic diarrhoea Ectopic pregnancy Epistaxis Eczema EPP worker Effusion Equivocal Elisa Ehlers-Danlos synd ERCP Elbow replacement Erectile dysfunct ELCS Eroded cervix Electric shock ERPC Elevated CRP Erysipelas Elevated ESR Erythema Elevated WCC Erythema multiforme Embolectomy Erythema nodosum Emergency caesarian Erythematous arm Emphysema Erythematous lesion Empyema Erythematous rash Empyema g-bladder Erythematous wound Encephalitis Erythrasma Encephalopathy Erythroderma

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Erythroleukaemia Ex Ibiza ESR tested on this occasion Ex India ET Ex Indonesia EUA Ex Iran Evacuated haematoma Ex Iraq EVAR Ex Israel Ex Afghanistan Ex Italy Ex Africa Ex Ivory Coast Ex Asia Ex Jamaica Ex Australia Ex Japan Ex Bali Ex Jordan Ex Bangladesh Ex KCH Ex Brazil Ex Kenya Ex Bulgaria Ex Kosovo Ex Cameroon Ex Lebanon Ex Canary Isles Ex Lewisham Ex Caribbean Ex Libya Ex Cayman Ex Macedonia Ex central Africa Ex Maidstone Ex Central America Ex Majorca Ex Chile Ex Malaysia Ex China Ex Malta Ex Columbia Ex Margate Ex Congo Ex Mauritius Ex Corfu Ex Mediterranean Ex Costa Rica Ex Mexico Ex Cuba Ex Middle East Ex Cyprus Ex Morocco Ex Dartford ITU Ex Mozambique Ex Dominican Rep Ex Nepal Ex East Grinstead Ex Nepal Ex Egypt Ex New Guinea Ex Ethiopia Ex New Zealand Ex Far East Ex Nigeria Ex France Ex nursing home Ex France Ex Pakistan Ex Gabon Ex Peru Ex Gambia Ex Peru Ex Germany Ex Philippines Ex Ghana Ex Portugal Ex Ghana Ex Russia Ex Gran Canaria Ex Saudi Arabia Ex Greece Ex Singapore Ex Guy's Ex smoker Ex Holland Ex South Africa Ex Hong Kong Ex South Africa

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Ex South America Exposed bone Ex Spain Ex-Premature Ex Sri Lanka External fixation Ex St Thomas' Extra-cerebral bleed Ex Sudan Extubated Ex Tenerife Exudative tons Ex Thailand Eye pain Ex Trinidad Eye splash Ex Tunisia Ex Turkey F Ex Uganda F/H arthritis Ex USA F/H CHD Ex Venezuela F/H coeliac disease Ex Zambia F/H Diabetes Ex Zimbabwe F/H Diabetes Exac of COAD F/H DM Exac ulccolitis F/H DVT Exacerb of asthma F/H Early Menopause Exacerbation COPD F/H heart disease Exacerbation of Crohn's F/H Hepatitis ExAustria F/H IHD Excised abscess F/H Kidney disease Excised BCC F/H PKD Excised cyst F/H RA Excised granuloma F/H raised chol Excised ing L/N F/H Rheumatoid Arthritis Excised L/N F/H TB Excised lesion F/H thalassaemia Excised lipoma F/H Thyroid Problems Excised lump Facial hair Excised melanoma Facial neuralgia Excised naevus Facial pain Excised nail Facial palsy Excised nipple Facial palsy Excised rodent ulc Faecal fistula Excised sarcoma Faecal incontinence Excised sinus Faecal peritonitis Excision biopsy Faeces PV Excision of mole Failed resus Excoriated groin Failure to thrive Excoriation Failure to thrive Exhausted Fainting Exploration CBD Fall Exploration of sinus Falls Exploration of THR False aneurysm Exploration of TKR

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False eye Fluid retention Familial hyperlipidaemia Flu-like illness Family History Foetal abnormality Family Hx MI Foetal distress Family outbreak Foetal tachycardia Family planning Follicular abscess Farm worker Follicular conj Fasciotomy Follicular NHL Fast AF Follicular rash Fasting sample Follicular tons Fatigue Folliculitis Febrile Follow Up Febrile convulsion Food handler Febrile fit Food poisoning Febrile illness Foot amputated Febrile Neutropenia Foot burn Feels bloated FOQ received with request form Feels hot & cold For Acyclovir Femoral aneurysm For AID Femoral b/p graft For Amikacin Femoral embolism For Amoxy&Metro Femoral graft For Amoxycillin Femoral For Amphotericin Fem-pop infection For Ampicillin Fever For Augmentin Fibroids For Azithromycin Fibromyalgia For Cefaclor Fibros alveolitis For Cefadroxil Fibrosis of lung For Cefalexin FIBROUS DYSPLASIA For cefotaxime Fimbrial cyst For Ceftazidime Finger clubbing For Ceftriaxone Finished TPN For Cefurox+Metro Fissure For Cefuroxime Fistula For cephradine Fistula in ano For Chloramphenicol Fits For Cipro & Metro Fitting For Ciprofloxacin Flaking nails For Clarithromycin Flank pain For Clindamycin Flank tenderness For Clotrimazole For Colistin Floppy baby For Co-Trimoxazole Fluid in ear For Doxycycline Fluid in hernial sac For Econazole Fluid in POD For EPAC (Phoenix wd)

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For Erythromycin For Trimethoprim For Ethambutol For Vancomycin For Fluclox Forceps delivery For Fluclox & Amp Foreign body in situ For Fluclox&Eryth Foreign body in situ For Fluclox&Eryth Foreign body removed For Fluconazole Foreskin irritation For Flucytosine Foreskin rash For Fucidin Foreskin tear For Gentamicin Foreskin warts For Imipenem Formation of colost For IOL Formation of ileos For Isoniazid Formation of stoma For Itraconazole Found on floor For IUCD FPBG For IVF Fract malleolus For Meropenem Fract tib & fib For Metronidazole Fract trochanter For Miconazole Fractacetabulum For Mupirocin Fractpubic rami For Nalidixic Acid Fracture For Naseptin Fractured ankle For Neomycin Fractured arm For Net & Ceftriax Fractured clavicle For Net & Metro Fractured elbow For Netilmicin Fractured femur For Nitrofurantoin Fractured fibula For Nystatin Fractured finger For pacemaker Fractured foot For Pen & Gent Fractured heel For Pen & Net Fractured hip For Penicillin Fractured humerus For Piperacillin Fractured knee For Pyrazinamide Fractured NOF For Rifabutin Fractured patella For Rifampicin Fractured pelvis For skin graft Fractured radius For Sofradex Fractured ribs For Spectinomycin Fractured shin For Tazo & Vanco Fractured shoulder For Tazocin Fractured shoulder For Teicoplanin Fractured skull For Tetracycline Fractured sternum For Theatre Fractured tibia For Tobramycin Fractured toe For transfer Fractured ulna

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Fractured vertebra Genital sores Fractured wrist Genital ulcers Free fluid in peri Genital wart Freq & dysuria Germ cell tumour Frequency Gest diabetic Frequency of stool GF syndrome Frequent menses GI bleed Frequent motions Giant Cell Arteritis Friction burn Giddiness Fungal infection Gilbert's syndrome Fungating Ca breast Gingivitis Fungating lesion Glandular fever Furred tongue Glans irritation Furunculosis Glans rash Fusion Glass cut Glaucoma G Glioma Glomerulonephritis Galactorrhoea Glossitis Glossodynia Gangr g-bladder Glucose Tolerance Test Gangren appendix Glucosuria Gangrene Glue ear Gangrenous bowel Gluteal abscess Gangrenous foot Gluten intolerance Gangrenous toe Goitre Gaping perineum Gout Gaping suture line Gouty arthritis Gaping wound Graft Gastrectomy Granulating lesion Gastrectomy Granulation Gastric ulcer Granulation tissue Granuloma Grave's disease Gastrojejunostomy Great Ormond Street Gastroscopy Groin abscess Gastrostomy Groin lesion Gaucher's disease Groin mass GB syndrome Groin pain GBS infection Groin rash GBS Screen Groin swelling GCS 3/15 Grommets in situ General Weakness Grommets removed Generalised pains Group A strep screen Genetics, 5th Floor Guys Group B sepsis Genital blister Group B Strep

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Grp A strep o/break Hartman's reversal Grunting Hashimoto's thyroiditis GVHD HBsAg + Gynaecomastia HBV HCG + H HCV HDN H/O Head injury H/O animal contact Headache H/O Health check H/O Contact Hearing loss H/O duodenal ulcer Heart block H/O exposure Heart by-pass H/O gastric ulcer Heart disease H/O gastroenteritis Heart failure H/O Haematuria Heart murmur H/O hepatitis Heart transplant H/O Oral sex Heart tx H/O trauma to vulva Heart valve H/O travel abroad Heartburn Haemachromatosis Heavy lochia Haemangioma Heavy periods Haemarthrosis HELLP syndrome Haematemesis HELLP Syndrome Haematology Request Hby screen Helmstein's Haematoma Hemiarthroplasty Haematospermia Hemicolectomy Haematuria Hemiparesis Haemofiltration Hemiplegia Haemoglobinuria Hep B carrier Haemolytic anaemia Hep C Carrier Haemophagocytic Lymphocytic Histocytosis Hepatic encephalop Haemophilia Hepatic LFTs Haemoptysis Hepatitis Haemorrhage Hepatoma Haemorrhagic rash Hepatomegaly Haemorrhoidectomy Hepatosplenomegaly Haemorrhoids Hereditary Spherocytosis Haemothorax Hernia Hair infestation Hernia repair Hair loss Herpes Hairy Cell Leuk Herpetic lesions Halitosis Herpetic rash Hallucinations Herpetic stomatitis Hallux arthrodesis Herpetiform ulcer Hartman's pro Hesitency

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Hiatus hernia Hyperemesis Hickman line in situ Hyperglycaemia Hickman removed HYPERGONADISM Hidradenitis supp Hyperinflated lungs HIE Hyperkalaemia High BM Hyperlipidaemia High platelets Hyperlipidaemia High PSA Hypermania High risk Hypernatraemia High risk behaviour Hyperprolactinaemia High uterus Hyperstimulation syn Hilar L/N ^ Hypertension Hip injury Hyperthyroidism Hip prosthesis Hyperventilating Hirschsprung's dis Hypocalcaemia Hirsutism Hypochondrial pain Hoarseness Hypochondrial pain Hodgkin's lymphoma Hypogammaglob Home test positive Hypogastric pain Homo/bisexual Hypoglycaemia HONK HYPOGONADISM Horse shoe kidney Hypokalaemia Horseshoe kidney Hypomagnesaemia Hospital acquired infn Hypomania Hospital acquired pneumonia Hyponatraemia Hot flushes Hypophosphatemia Hot joint Hypopituitary HP assessment Hypospadias HPV Hypospadias repair H-S Purpura Hypotension HSV Hypothermia HTN Hypothyroidism Human bite Hypotonia Hunger strike Hypovolaemia Huntingdon's chorea Hypoxia Hydatid mole Hysterectomy Hydrocephalus Hysteroscopy Hydrocoele I Hydrops fetalis I & D Hydrops foetalis IBD IDDM Hyperacidity Idiopathic bladder Hyperbilirubinaemia IDU Hypercalcaemia IFBG Hypercholesterolaemia

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Ig deficiency Inf gastrostomy IgA deficiency Inf insect bite IgA nephropathy Inf laceration IgM nephropathy Inf lymph nodes IGTN Inf mononucleosis IHD Inf nasal septum IJD Inf pressure sore ILD Inf trachy site Ileal conduit Infarcted bowel Infarction Ileocystoplasty Infect prosthesis Ileostomy Infected Ileostomy closed Infected abrasion Iliac fossa pain Infected AFBG Illegible Infected ankle IMB Infected area IMB & PCB Infected arm Immature lung Infected BCC Immobility Infected bite Immotile cilia syndrome Infected bite Immunocompromised Infected blister Immunodeficient Infected bunion Immunosuppressed Infected burn Impaired glucose tolerance Infected bursa Impaired renal function Infected callous Impetigo Infected carbuncle Impotence Infected coil In labour Infected corn in method Infected cyst In the first episode of genital herpes due to HSV-1 Infected dermatitis Incompabortion Infected DHS Incomplete emptying Infected ear Incomplete miscarriage Infected eczema Incontinence Infected elbow Increased 02 req Infected episiotomy Increased alcohol intake Infected eye Increased RR Infected finger Increased waist circumference Infected fistula Increasing confusion Infected foot Increasing SOB Infected foreskin Infected graft Industrial injury Infected groin Inevitable abortion Infected gum Inf cath site Infected haematoma Inf chicken pox Infected hand Inf exacerbation Infected IGTN

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Infected implant Infective Endocarditis Infected incision Infective exacerbation of COPD Infected joint Infepisiotomy scar Infected knee Infected labia Infinjection site Infected leg Infl cath site Infected lesion Infl suture line Infected line Inflam reaction Infected line site Inflamed abraison Infected mastoid Inflamed appendix Infected metalwork Inflamed bowel Infected nail Inflamed bx site Infected nail bed Inflamed cervix Infected nipple Inflamed drain site Infected nodule Inflamed foreskin Infected partner Inflamed GB Infected perineum Inflamed glans Infected pin site Inflamed groin Infected POD Inflamed introitus Infected pustule Inflamed joint Infected root canal Inflamed labia Infected scar Inflamed leg Infected shoulder Inflamed meatus Infected sinus Inflamed penis Infected socket Inflamed perineum Infected sore Inflamed scrotum Infected spot Inflamed throat Infected stent site Inflamed umbilicus Infected stump Inflamed vulva Infected sutures Inflammation Infected tear duct Inflammatory Arthritis Infected THR Inflammatory smear Infected thumb Infliximab infusion Infected tibia Influenza Infected TKR Infolecranon bursa Infected toe Ingested rat poison Infected toe nail Ingested substance! Infected tonsils Inglymphadenopathy Infected tumour Inguinal abscess Infected ulcer Infected umbilicus Inguinal swelling Infected verruca Inhalation pneumonia Infected vertebra Injected eye Infected wart Injured penis Infected wound Insect bite Infection Insertion of IUCD

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Insomnia Itchy scalp Institute of Child Health ITP Institute of Neurology, Queens Square ITTP Insurance screen IUCD expelled Intapartum Pen IUCD removed Intermenstrual disch IUD Intermittent diarr IUGR Intermittent fever IVDA Internal fixation IVF Interstitcystitis IVH Intertrigo Intestinal obstr J Intra-abdo abscess Jaundiced Intramedullary nail Jejunostomy Intravenous antibiotics Jittery Intrinsic factor antibodies to follow Joint pain Introital discharge Joint replacement Intubated Joint stiffness Involved in EPP Joint swelling IOL JRI IPPV JRI THR Iritis Juvenile arthritis Iron def anaemia Juvenile O/A Iron deficiency Juvenile RA Irreg heart beat Irreg PV bleeding Irregular periods K Irritable Kaposi's sarcoma Irritable baby Kartagener's synd Irritable bladder Keller's Keloid scar Irritable hip Keratitis Irritable uterus Ketoacidosis Irritation Ketonuria Irritative sympt Kidney cyst ISC Kidney disease Ischaemia Kidney impairment Ischaemic bowel Kidney infection Ischaemic foot Kidney obstruction Ischaemic leg Kidney scarring Ischaemic limb Kidney stones Ischaemic toe Kidney transplant Ischio-rectal abs King's Liver Unit Itchy Knee abrasion(s) Itchy foreskin Knee effusion Itchy rash Knee prosthesis

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Knee sinus Leptospirosis Knee soreness Lesion Known HCV + Lethargic/tired K-wire in situ Leucocytes on S/A Leucocytosis L Leucopaenia Leucorrhoea L/S weakness Leukaemia Labial abrasion Lichen planus Labial abscess Lichen sclerosis Labial LIF Mass Labial cyst LIF pain Labial irritation Ligament repair Labial spots Light period Labial swelling Line changed Labial tear Line in situ Labial wart Line infection Laceration Line inserted Lack of energy Line removed Laminectomy Line sepsis Lap Cholecystectomy Lipodystrophy Lap sterilization Lipoma Laparoscopy Laparotomy Liver biopsy Large for dates Liver disease Laryngeal ulcer Liver disease Laryngectomy Liver dysfunction Laryngitis Laryngopharyngectomy Liver lesion Laryngoscopy Liver transplant Laser rx LLETZ Laser treatment Lobectomy Lassitude LOC Late preg booking Loin pain Leaking anastamosis Long line in situ Leaking fistula Long term wound Leaking wound Loop colostomy Learning disability Loop excision Left sided chest pain Loose stools Left Vent Systolic Dysfunc Loosened prosthesis Leg pain Loosening of THR Leg ulceration Loosening of TKR Leg weakness Loss of appetite Legionnaires' Loss of balance Leicester Pathology Service Loss of Libido Leiomyosarcoma Loss of vision

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Loss of voice Lymphadenectomy Low B12 Lymphadenitis Low birth weight Lymphadenopathy Low BM Lymphangitis Low CD4 count Lymphocoele Low eGFR via POCT analyser Lymphocytic men Low GCS Lymphocytosis Low GFR Lymphoedema Low Hb Lymphoma Low lying placenta Lymphopenia or Lymphocytopenia Low platelets Low potassium M Low TSH M contagiosum Low WCC M contagiosum Lower Back Pain Macrocytosis Lowered vis acuity Macular rash LSCS Maculopapular rash Ludwig's angina Lumbar tenderness Malaise Lump in axilla Malaria Lump in axilla Malignancy Lump in breast Malignant melanoma Lump in groin Malnutrition Lump on knee Mania Lump on leg Manic depression Lump on neck Manic depressive Lump on palm Marsupilisation Lumpectomy Mass in bladder Lumpy semen! Mass in ear Lung abscess Mass in fornix Lung cavity Mastectomy Lung consolidation Mastitis Lung crackles Mastoidectectomy Lung disease Mastoiditis Lung inflammation Maternal chlamydia Lung lesion Maternal CMV Lung mass Maternal diabetes Lung shadow Maternal drug abuse Lung transplant Maternal E coli Lupus erythematosis Maternal GBS LUQ Pain Maternal herpes LUTS Maternal IVDA LVF Maternal pyrexia Lwr Resp Tract Inf Maternal pyrexia Lym granulomatosis Maternal sepsis Lymph node bx

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Maternal thrush Migraine Maternal thrush Mild dyskariosis on smear MCB Mild to moderate dyskariosis Meatal dilation Milk donor Meatal stricture Milk intolerance Meconium asp Miscarriage Meconium-stained Miserable/irritable Mecstained liquor Missed abortion Medication review Missed miscarriage MEDOCC Request missed period Medulloblastoma Mitomycin Rx Melaena Mitral regurg Melanoma Mitral Memb tonsillitis Mitral valve prolapse Memory impairment Mixed connective tissue disease Memory loss Mixed Overdose Meningism MMA Meningitis Moderate dyskariosis on smear Meningitis contact Moderate to severe dyskariosis Meningo sepsis Moist area Meningococc menin Moist cavity Menisectomy Moist episiotomy Menopausal Moist eye Menorrhagia Moist perineum Menst disturbance Moist sutures Menstruating Moist umbilicus Mental retardation Moist wound Mentally handicapped Molar pregnancy Mesenteric adenitis Monitoring Mesenteric cyst Monoarthritis Mesenteric embolism Monoclonal Gamm Uk Signif Mesenteric lymph Monocytosis Mesothelioma Monospot negative Metabolic acidosis Mood disorder Metabolic imbalance Morbiliform rash Metabolic Syndrome Morning sickness Metal on metal Mother Chlamydia + Metal on metal hip Motor neurone dis Metallic taste Mouth ulcers Metalwork in situ MRSA Positive Metastatic ca MRSA screen Metasteses MUA Methylmalonic acidaemia MUA ankle MI MUA hip Microcephalous Mucky axilla Microcytic Mucky gastrostomy

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Mucky umbilicus N & V Mucous fistula Nabothian cyst Mucous P/R Nabothian follicles Mucous plug Nadir (Post Chemo) Mult joint pain Nail deformation Multinodular goitre Nail discolouration Multiorgan failure Nail dystrophy Multip lacerations Nail in situ Multiple abscesses Nail thickening Multiple boils Nail to femur Multiple fractures Nappy rash Multiple injuries Nasal catarrh Multiple lesions Nasal congestion Multiple Myeloma Nasal discharge Multiple partners Nasal infection Multiple sclerosis Nasal obstruction Multiple sinuses Nasal polyps Multiple sores Nasal sores Multiple stab wounds Multiple trauma NCPAP Mum - vaginal warts Near drowning Mum's CRP up NEC MURCS association Neck abscess Muscle spasm Neck injury Musc-skeletal pain Neck pain Muscular dystrophy Neck stiffness Muscular pain Neck surgery MVD Neck swelling MVR Necrosis Myalgia Necrot fasciitis Myasthenia gravis Necrotic bowel Mycosis fungoides Necrotic foot Myelodysplasia Necrotic G-B Myelodysplastic Syn Necrotic heel Myelofibrosis Necrotic lesion Myeloma Necrotic LN Myelopathy Necrotic mass Myeloproliferative disorder Necrotic pancreas Myocarditis Necrotic toe Myopathy Necrotic ulcer Myopia Necrotic wound Myosarcoma Necrotising fasciitis Myositis Needle stick inj Myotonic dystrophy Needlestick contact Myxoedema Neimann-Pick disease N Neonatal death

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Neonatal sepsis None given Nephrectomy Nonfunct kidney Nephritis Non-healing ulcer Nephrolithotomy Non-healing wound Nephropathy Non-responder Non-union fracture Nephrotic syndrome Normal USS Nephrouretectomy Nose bleed Nerve palsy NSTEMI Neuralgia NSU Neuralgia Numbness Neuritis NVD Neuroblastoma Nystagmus Neurogenic bladder Neurological signs O Neuropathic bladder O2 dependant Neuropathy Obesity Neutropaenic Obstetric Cholestasis Neutrophilia Obstruct jaundice New admission Obstruct uropathy New Cross Hosp Poison's Unit Obstructed hernia New diabetic Obstruction New partner Occ health screen New patient health check Oedema New relationship Oedematous foot Newly diagnosed diabetic Oedematous leg NG Breast Oesoph reflux N-G tube in situ Oesoph stricture NHL Oesoph ulcers NIDDM Oesoph varices Night cramps Oesophageal atresia Night sweats Oesophageal obs Night sweats Oesophageal tear Nipple ring Oesophagectomy No cervix Oesophagitis No EDTA rec'd for BNP Oesophagogastrect No FOQ rec'd with request form Oesophagostomy No joint pain Offensive disch No murmur Offensive liquor No previous Blood Group history Offensive lochia No response to Rx Offensive loss Nocturia Offensive perineum Nocturnal enuresis Offensive placenta Non blanching rash Offensive PV loss Non fasting stated on form Offensive smell Non specific pain

25 | P a g e

Offensive stools On Cipro & Amoxy Offensive ulcer On Cipro & Metro Offensive umbilicus On Ciprofloxacin Offensive urine On Clarithromycin Offensive wound On Clindamycin Old injury On Clotrimazole Olecranon bursitis On Clozaril (Clozapine) Oligomenorrhoea On Colistin Oliguria On Co-Trimoxazole Omental abscess On cranberry juice Omentectomy On cytamen On ACE inhibitor On Dabigatran (Pradaxa) On Acyclovir On Dapsone Rx On Allopurinol On Depo-Provera On Amikacin On dialysis On Amiodarone On diet On Amoxy&Erythro On diet only On Amoxy&Metro On Digoxin On Amoxycillin On diuretics On Amphotericin On Doxy & Metro On Ampicillin On Doxycycline ON ANTI TNF On DPA On atenolol On DPEN On Aug & Metro On Econazole On Augmentin On Enalapril On Azathioprine On Erythromycin On Azithromycin ON ERYTHROPOIETIN On AZT On Ethambutol On B12 On Fluclox On Bendrofluazide On Fluclox & Amoxy On CAPD On Fluclox & Amp On Captopril On Fluclox&Eryth On Carbamazepine On Fluclox&Metro On carbimazole On Fluconazole On Cef& Met On Flucytosine On Cefaclor On Fragmin On Cefadroxil On Frumil On Cefalexin On Fucidin On Cefotaxime On Gentamicin On Ceftazidime On gold On Ceftriaxone On haemodialysis On Cefurox+Metro On Heparin On Cefuroxime On heparin On cephradine On Heparin and Warfarin On chemotherapy On HRT On Chloramphenicol On Imipenem

26 | P a g e

On immunosuppressants On Pyrazinamide On insulin On radiotherapy On Iron On Rifabutin On Isoniazid On Rifampicin On Isotretinoin On Rimso-50 On Itraconazole On Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) On IV fluids On Roaccutane On Lamotrigine On Rx?what? On lithium On Salazopyrin On long term rx On SASP On losartan On Simvastatin On Magnesium On Sofradex On Meropenem On Spectinomycin On Metformin On Statins On methotrexate On steroids On Metronidazole On Sulfasalazine On Miconazole On Tamoxifen On Mupirocin On Tazo & Vanco On myocrisin On Tazocin On Nalidixic Acid On Tazocin&Metro On Naseptin On Teicoplanin On Neomycin On Testosterone implant On Neoral On Tetracycline On Net & Ceftriax On Theophylline On Net & Metro On thyroxine On Netilmicin On Tobramycin On Nitrofurantoin On tocilizumab On norfloxacin On treatment On Novel Oral Anticoaglant On Trimethoprim On NSAIDS On Valproate On Nystatin On Vancomycin On OCP On warfarin On Ofloxacin On Warfarin On oral contraceptive On Zocor On Pen & Fluclox On Zolandronate On Pen & Gent One major peak with HbA On Pen & Net One working kidney On Penicillamine Onychia On Penicillin Oophrectomy On Phenobarbitone Oozing On Phenytoin Oozing lesion On Piperacillin Ophthalmoplegia On POP Opioid addiction On Pravastatin Optic atrophy On prednisolone Optic neuritis On prophylaxis Oral infection

27 | P a g e

Oral thrush P/H Ca cervix Orbital cellulitis P/H Ca colon Orchidectomy P/H Ca larynx Orchitis P/H Ca Lung ORIF P/H Ca ovary Osteoarthritis P/H Ca penis Osteolysis P/H Ca prostate Osteomalacia P/H CABG Osteomyelitis P/H Campylobacter Osteomyelofibroma P/H Candida Osteoporosis P/H candidiasis Osteoporotic Fracture P/H Carcinoma Osteoporotic fracture P/H Cdifficile Osteosarcoma P/H chest infection Osteotomy P/H Chlamydia Otitis P/H cholecystectomy Otitis externa P/H CIN Otitis media P/H Crohn's Otorrhoea P/H CSA Out of Hospital Arrest P/H CVA Ovarian collection P/H Cystectomy P/H cystitis Ovarian cystectomy P/H drug abuse Ovarian mass P/H E histolytica Overdose P/H ectopic preg Overgranulation P/H endocarditis Oversewing of DU P/H endometriosis Oversewing of PU P/H endometriosis Overweight P/H endometritis P/H G-B syndrome P P/H GBS P/H genital warts P gangrenosum P/H GF P versicolor P/H Giardia P/H Actinos P/H Glomerulonephritis P/H Amoebae P/H gonorrhoea P/H anaemia P/H Grp A Strep P/H anaerobic cocci P/H Grp C strep P/H aneurysm repair P/H haematuria P/H Ascaris P/H hepatitis P/H Blood transfus P/H Herpes P/H BV P/H High Platelets P/H C/section P/H Hpylori P/H C2H5OH P/H HSV P/H Ca bladder P/H HUS P/H Ca breast P/H hydatid

28 | P a g e

P/H hydradenitis P/H renal transplant P/H hysterectomy P/H Rheumatic fever P/H IBS P/H Rotavirus P/H IUD P/H RTA P/H IUD P/H Salmonella P/H IVDA P/H sarcoid P/H jaundice P/H SBE P/H kidney inf P/H Schistosomiasis P/H line infection P/H septic arth P/H Low Hb P/H septicaemia P/H Low Platelets P/H Shigella P/H lymphadenopathy P/H skin graft P/H lymphoma P/H STD P/H MAI P/H sterile pyuria P/H melanoma P/H surgery P/H MI P/H Syphilis P/H miscarriage P/H TAH & BSO P/H mixed anaerobes P/H tapeworm P/H MRSA P/H TB P/H Mycobacterium P/H TKR P/H NEC P/H Tonsilitis P/H neonatal death P/H TOP P/H nephrectomy P/H Toxoplasma P/H nephrectomy P/H TURP P/H NSU P/H TV P/H OE P/H Typhoid P/H of stones P/H ulc colitis P/H OM P/H Ulceration P/H Osteomyelitis P/H ureteric reflux P/H ovarian cyst P/H UTI P/H pancreatitis P/H vaginal inf P/H parasitic inf P/H VRE P/H PID P/T negative P/H prem labour P/U bleed P/H prem labour Pacemaker P/H PROM Pacing wire in situ P/H pseudomonas Paget's disease P/H pyelitis Pain in rectum P/H pyelonephritis Pain on ejaculation P/H Raised ESR Pain on P/U P/H Raised Hb Painful ankle P/H RDS Painful anus P/H red cells in urine Painful arm P/H renal calculus Painful breast(s) P/H Painful Cx L/N P/H renal infarct Painful elbow

29 | P a g e

Painful epididymis Paranoid Painful finger Parapharyngeal abs Painful foot Paraphimosis Painful glans Paraplegic Painful hand Paraproteins Painful heel Parasthesia Painful hip Parathesia Painful introitus Parathyroidectomy Painful knee Para-umb hernia Painful legs Paraurethral abs Painful penis Para-urethral abs Painful Periods Parenteral nutrition Painful shoulder Parents positive Painful side Paresthesia Painful swelling Parkinson's Painful testicle Paronychia Painful toe Paronychia Painful ulcer Parotid swelling Painful Parotidectomy Painful wound Parotitis Painful wrist Paroxysmal cough Painful/tender area not specified Parrot and Finch feathers Painless haematuria Part parathyroidectomy Pale Partial cystectomy Pallor Partial gastrect Palpable bladder Particles in urine Palpable liver Partly illegible Palpitations Partner - balanitis Pancr pseudocyst Partner - Chlamy+ Pancreas debridement Partner - ur disch Pancreatectomy Partner ?NSU Pancreatic abs Partner has NSU Pancreatic cyst Partner rec thrush Partner Screening for Haemoglobinopathy Pancreatitis Parvovirus Pancytopaenia Passed blood clot Panic attacks Passing dark urine Panproctocolectomy Passing threadworms Papilloedema Patellectomy Papilloma PCB Papular rash PCK Paracentesis PCN Paracetomol O/D PCNL Para-colic abscess Peanut allergy Paralysis Peeling skin Paralytic PEG feeding

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Peg tube in situ Perianal warts Pelvic abscess Pericardial effus Pelvic clearance Pericarditis Pelvic collection Pericarditis Pelvic cyst Perichondritis Pelvic infection Peri-hepatitis Pelvic mass Perimenopausal Perineal abscess Pemphigoid Perineal boils Pemphigus Perineal breakdown Penetrating injury Perineal discharge Penetrating wound Perineal infection Penile discharge Perineal irritation Penile erosion Perineal lesions Penile implant Perineal pain Penile irritation Perineal tear Penile soreness Perinephric abscess Penile ulceration Periorb cellulitis Penile wart Periorbcellulitis Peptic ulcer Periorbital oedema Perf appendix Periorbital oedema Perf Periostitis Perf bladder Periph shutdown Perf Peripheral neuropathy Perf Peripheral oedema Perf gall bladder Peripheral Perf oesophagus Peritoneal dialysis Perf Peritonitis Perfgastric ulcer Peri-tonsillar abs Perforated bowel Peritonsillitis Perforated caecum Pernicious anaemia Perforated colon Pernicious anaemia Perforated DU Pers conjunct'itis Perforated PU Pers diarrhoea Perforated septum Pers sore throat Perforated sigmoid Persist discharge Perforated stomach Persistant thrush Perforated TM Persistent cough Perforation Persistent eye inf Perianal abscess Pet owner Perianal discomfort Petechiae Perianal fistula Petechial rash Perianal inflammation Peuperal sepsis Perianal irritation PH Sydenham's chorea Perianal rash Phaeochromocytoma Perianal sinus Pharmacy Medway

31 | P a g e

Pharyngeal fistula PMT Pharyngectomy Pneumaturia Pharyngitis Pneumonia Phimosis Pneumonitis Phlebitis Pneumothorax Photophobia Polyarteritis Phototherapy Polyarthralgia PID Polyarthritis Pierced ear Polyarthropathy Pierced labia Polycystic kidneys Pierced navel Polycystic Ovaries Pierced nipple Polycythaemia Pierced nose Polycythaemia Pierced umbilicus Polydipsia PIH Polymenorrhagia Piles Polymenorrhoea Pilonidal abscess Polymyalgia Pilonidal sinus Polymyositis Pin in situ Polyneuritis Pin to femur Polyneuropathy Pin to leg Polyp Pin tract infection Polypectomy Pins & needles Polyuria Placenta abruption Poor circulation Placenta praevia Poor control Plasmacytoma Poor feeding Plaster sore Poor growth Plate in situ Poor mobility Plated femur Poor response to rx Plated tibia Poor stream Plating & bone graft Poor urine output Please note:change in ref range due to temporary Poor weight gain change Porphyria Pleural abscess Portacath in situ Pleural biopsy Possible skin contamination Pleural effusion Post 131I Pleural mass Post Acyclovir Pleurisy Post Amikacin Pleuritic chest pain Post Amoxy&Erythro Pleuritic pain Post Amoxy&Metro Pleuritic rub Post Amoxycillin PMB Post Amphotericin PMC Post Ampicillin PMH Typhoid Post arrest PMR Post Augmentin PMS Post Azithromycin

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Post BCG Post Itraconazole Post biopsy Post laser Rx Post booster Post menopause Post Caftazidime Post Meropenem Post cautery Post Metronidazole Post Cefaclor Post Miconazole Post Cefadroxil Post multiple ab's Post Cefalexin Post Mupirocin Post Cefotaxime Post Nalidixic Acid Post Ceftriaxone Post Naseptin Post Cefurox+Metro Post natal Post Cefuroxime Post Neomycin Post cephradine Post Net & Metro Post Chemotherapy Post Net&Ceftriax Post chemotherapy Post Netilmicin Post chicken meal Post Nitrofurantoin Post Chloramphenicol Post Nystatin Post Cipro & Metro Post Ofloxacin Post Ciprofloxacin Post partum Post Clarithromycin Post PEA Arrest Post Clindamycin Post Pen & Gent Post Clotrimazole Post Pen & Net Post coital ache Post Penicillin Post Colistin Post piercing Post Co-Trimoxazole Post Piperacillin Post dentistry Post Pyrazinamide POST DIALYSIS Post radiotherapy Post Doxycycline Post rectal mass Post DXT Post Rifabutin Post ear piercing Post Rifampicin Post eclampsia Post Rx check Post Econazole Post Rx?what? Post egg collection Post second course Post epidural Post Sofradex Post Erythromycin Post Spectinomycin Post Ethambutol Post Tazo & Vanco Post Fluclox Post Tazocin Post Fluclox & Amp Post Tazocin&Metro Post Fluclox&Eryth Post Teicoplanin Post Fluclox&Metro Post Tetracycline Post Fluconazole Post thyroidectomy Post Flucytosine Post Tobramycin Post Fucidin Post TOP Post Gentamicin Post TPN Post Imipenem Post transfusion Post Isoniazid Post Trimethoprim

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Post valve replacement Pregnant Post Vancomycin Pregnant - A/N report Post vasectomy Pregnant booking Post vax Pregnant follow up Post vent syndrome Pregnant, 28/40 weeks Post viral fatigue Pregnant, Glucose Tolerance Test Posterior repair Pregof unknown location Post-medication Prem ejaculation Post-op Premature Postural hypotension Premature labour PPH Pre-medication PPN Premenopausal PPROM Pre-op PR bleed Pre-op screening PR Discharge Pre-pat bursitis Pre adoption Pre-procedure (anaesthetic) Pre Amoxy&Erythro Pressure sores Pre biopsy Presumed sepsis PRE CLINIC BLOODS Preterm Pre Colonoscopy Pre-TOP Pre CT Pre-travel screen Pre DXT Prev equiv result Pre eclampsia Prev poor responder Pre eclampsia toxaemia Prev raised ASOT Pre emigration Prev toxic level Pre Epidural Previous alcoholic Pre Fluclox&Metro Previous history Pre Induction Previous Hx of Ca Thyroid Pre IUCD insertion Previous LSCS Pre medical school Previous MI Pre mitomycin rx Previous positive Pre MRI Previous PPH Pre MRI Previous UTI Pre nursing check Previously abnormal Pre Rimso-50 Prevsterile pyuria Pre Roaccutane Primary prevention Pre tocilizumab Proctectomy Pre TOP Pre transfusion Productive cough Pre-angio Projectile vomiting Pre-chemotherapy Prolapse Pre-clinic bloods Prolapsed disc Pre-conceptual Prolapsed uterus Pre-eclampsic toxaemia Prolapsing colostomy Pre-employment Prolonged INR Pre-ERCP Prolonged jaundice

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Prolonged periods Pustular rash Prolonged SRM Pustular rash Prolymphocytic Leukaemia Pustule on penis PROM Pustules Prominent hilum Pustules on hands Prostatectomy PV bleed Prostatic biopsy PV loss Prostatic obs PVD Prostatic stones PVS Prostatism Pyelitis Prostatitis Pyelonephritis Prosthesis in situ Pyeloplasty Prosthetic valve Protein deficiency Pyloric ulcer Proteinuria Pyloroplasty Prune belly synd Pyocystis Pruritis Pyoderma Pruritis ani Pyogenic granuloma PRV Pyohydronephrosis Ps arthritis Pseudogout Pyonephrosis Pseudomem colitis Pyosalpinx Psoas abscess Pyothorax Psoriasis Pyrexia in labour Psychosis Pyrexia of unknown origin PTB Pyrexial PTSD Pyuria Pubic cyst Puerperal fever Q PUJ obstruction Q CEREBRAL VASCULITIS Pulm embolism Quadraplegic Pulm eosinophilia Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Pulm metastases Query Cardiac event Pulmonary atresia Query Heart Failure Pulmonary bleed Query incomplete miscarriage Pulmonary embolism Query SRM Pulmonary fibrosis Quinsy Pulmonary oedema Pulp space abscess Pulp space inf R Puncture wound R/O menigitis Purpuric rash R/P abscess Purulent secretions R/S weakness Purulent sputum RA flare up in peritoneum RA on Azathioprine Pus in peritoneum RA on Gold (GOLD CLINIC)

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RA on MTX Rec vaginitis RA on Penicillamine Recent cautery RA ON SASP Recent renal surgery Rad L/N dissection Rectal abscess Radiotherapy burn Rectal discharge Raised ALP Raised ALT Rectal tear Raised ASOT Rectal warts Raised AST Raised bilirubin Rectocoele repair raised blood pressure Rectovaginal fist Raised BMI Recur balanitis Raised cholesterol Recur Raised CKMB Recur sore throat Raised creatinine Recur tonsillitis Raised CRP Recurrent abscesses Raised ESR Recurrent boils Raised fasting blood sugar Recurrent boils Raised ICP Recurrent calculi Raised MCV Recurrent Chest Infection Raised PSA Recurrent cystitis Raised Random Blood Sugar Recurrent disch Raised SBR Recurrent DVT Raised Temperature Recurrent LRTI Raised TSH levels Raised urea Recurrent RTI Raised WBC count Recurrent sepsis Raised WCC Recurrent thrush Ramsey-hunt synd Recurrent URTI Rash Recurrent UTI Rash in perineum Recurrent vaginitis Rash on penis Recurrent worms Rash penile shaft Red area Raw area Red eye Raynaud's Ref ileal conduit RDS Refashioned stoma Reactive arthritis Reflux Re-admission Reflux nephropathy Rec conjunctivitis Refractory anaemia Rec diarrhoea Refusal to feed Rec miscarriages Reimplant Rec otitis externa Reintubated Rec otitis media Relapse Rec pyelonephritis Relapsing fever Rec threadworms Rem cement block Rec vag disch Rem of adhesions

36 | P a g e

Rem of metalwork Renal pain Remov of toe nail Renal scarring Removal of BCC Renal Stones Removal of catheter Renal tenderness Removal of chordoma Renal transplant Removal of corn Renal tumour Removal of cyst Renal Tx Removal of DHS Renal unit patient Removal of drain Repair of DU Removal of ETT Repanal fistula Removal of graft Repeat sample Removal of IGTN Repeat swab Removal of lesion Repeat urine Removal of mole Replaced IUCD Removal of nail Report flag for Medway reports Removal of pin Resp arrest Removal of polyps Resp distress Removal of prosthesis Resp failure Removal of SCC Resp failure type 1 Removal of screw Resp failure type 2 Removal of shunt Resp infection Removal of sinus Resp symptoms Removal of sphincter Restless legs Removal of stent Resurf of patella Removal of stoma Retained placenta Removal of stone Retained tampon Removal of suture Retention Removal of THR Retinal lesion Removal of TKR Retinoblastoma Removal of trachey Retrograde studies Removal of warts Retropharyngeal sepsis Removal of wire Retropubic prost Renal abscess Reventilated Renal Anaemia 3 Review Renal calculus Revision of THR Renal colic Revision of THR Renal cyst Revision TKR Renal damage RF Renal dialysis pt Rh(D) Negative mother Renal dysfunction Rhabdomyolysis Renal embolus Rhabdomyosarcoma Renal failure RHD Renal impairment Rhesus incompat Renal implants Rheumatoid arthritis Renal infection Rheumatoid arthritis - on Salazopyrine Renal obstruction Rheumatoid factor

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Rheumatoid nodules Schizophrenic Rhinorrhoea Sciatica Rickets Scleredema RIF mass scleroderma RIF Pain Scratch on arm Right sided chest pain Scratch on hand Rigors Screening Ring pessary Scrotal abscess Ring pessary removed Scrotal lump Ring removed Scrotal mass Rodent ulcer Scrotal pain Rosacea Seafood consumption Routine Seb dermatitis RPOC Sebaceous cyst RSV+ Seborrhoeic wart RTA Sec infertility RTAbnormality Secondary infection RTC Seizure RUA Self catheterise Ruptured appendix Self neglect Ruptured cyst Self-harm Ruptured diaphragm Semi-comatose Ruptured gallbladder Seminoma Ruptured oesophagus Sepsis Ruptured pyosalpinx Septic abortion RUQ pain Septic arthritis Russell Taylor nail Septic finger RVF Septic shock Septic shoulder S Septic spots Septicaemia Sacral sinus Seroma Sacral sore Serous collection SAH Serous leak Salicylate OD Serratia screen Salpingectomy Severe dyskariosis on smear Sewage worker Salpingo-ooph Shadow R lung Sarcoidosis Shaking Sarcoma Sharps injury SBE Sheffield Biochemistry Dept SBS Sheffield Immunology (PRU) Scabies Shingles Scarlet fever Shivering Scarletina Shock SCC Short gut syndrome

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Short Synacthen Test Soft tissue sepsis Shoulder injury SOM Shunt in situ Son - rash Sialadenitis Sore area Sickle Cell Anaemia Sore buttocks Sickle Cell Anaemia Sore foot Sickle cell disease Sore foreskin SID Sore groin Sideroblastanaem Sore introitus Sigcolectomy Sore labia Single kidney Sore mouth Sinus Sore nose Sinus bradycardia Sore on ankle Sinus closed Sore on leg Sinus drained Sore on penis Sinusitis Sore oozing Sjogren's Sore penis Skin breakdown Sore perineum Skin disorder Sore suture line Skin eruption Sore throat Skin graft Sore toes Skin infection Sore tongue Skin lesion Sore urethra Skin necrosis Sore vulva Skin peeling Sore/inflam labia Skin sinus Soreness Skin tag Soreness P/U Sleepy Sores Sloughy ulcer Spherocytosis Sloughy wound Sphincterectomy Slow to heal Spiking temperatures Slurred speech Spina bifida SMA Spinal claudication Small bowel infarct Spinal compression Small for dates Spinal cord lesion Small kidney Spinal fusion Small stature Spinal injury Smear positive Spinal mass Smoke inhalation Spinal ORIF Smoker Spinal Pain Snake bite Spinal tumour Snuffly Splenectomy SOB Splenomegaly SOBOE splenomegaly Soft stools Splinter haem Soft tissue inflam Split skin graft

39 | P a g e

Spondylosis Stridor Spontaneous abortion Stripping of VV's Spontaneous Bruising Stroke Spontaneous rupture membranes Stump refashioned Spotting Sub acute obstr Spotty Subdural bleed Squamous cell Ca Subdural haematoma SROM Subfertility SSSS Sub-fertility St Subhepatic abs St Thomas Medical Toxicology Sub-mandib swelling Stab wound Subphrenic abscess Stamey's Subtotal colectomy Status Epilepticus Sudden onset Status Epilepticus Sugar in the Urine STD check Suppurating L/N STEMI Supra-pubic cath Stenotomy Suprapubic discomf Stent coil Supra-pubic pain Stent in situ Surfactant def Sterile pyuria Suspected sepsis Sterility check Suspected Sepsis Sterilization Sutures in wound Sternal mass Sutures removed Sternal pain SVD Sternal recession SVT Stevens-Johnson syndrome Sweats Sticky eye Swelling Sticky secretions Swollen Sticky umbilicus Swollen ankle Still birth Swollen arm Stillbirth Swollen breast Stitch abscess Swollen calf Stitch abscess Swollen elbow Stitch sinus Swollen eye Stoma Swollen eye lid Stoma reversal Swollen face Stomach cramps Swollen finger Stomatitis Swollen foot Stones Swollen foreskin STOP Swollen glans Stopped HRT Swollen hand Stopped Treatment Swollen head Strang hernia Swollen heel Strangury Swollen joints Stress incont Swollen knee

40 | P a g e

Swollen leg Tender ribs Swollen line site Tender testicle Swollen parotid Tender uterus Swollen pelvic area Tendon sheath inf Swollen penis Tenosynovitis Swollen scrotum Tenotomy Swollen testes Tenotomy Swollen thyroid Term Swollen tongue Term dysuria Swollen wrist Term haematuria Sydenham's chorea Terminal dribbling Syncope Terminal ileostomy Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) Testic exploration Synovial cyst Testic implant Synovitis Testic soreness Systemic lupus erythematosis Testic swelling Systolic murmur Testicular atrophy Testicular discomf T Testicular mass Testicular pain Tachycardia Tetraplegic Tachypnoea Thalassaemia TAH Therapeutic tap TAH & BSO Thermotherapy Talectomy Thick secretions TB Thirst Tcapitis Thoracotomy TCC THR T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia THR (JRI) TCRE Threatened abortion Telangiectasia Threatened misc Temporal arteritis Throat infection Temporal headache/pain Thrombocythaemia Tender abdomen Thrombocytopenia Tender area Thrombophlebitis Tender breasts Thrombosis Tender cervix Thrush Tender episiotomy Thyroid nodule Tender fornices Thyroid swelling Tender iliac fossa Thyroidectomy Tender liver Thyrotoxic Tender loins TIA Tender nodes Tibial nailing Tender parotid Tick bite Tender PV Tight foreskin Tender renal angle Tight prepuce

41 | P a g e

Tightenings Tubal abscess Tinea Tubal ligation Tinea cruris Tuberous sclerosis Tingling Tubo-ovarian abs Tinnitus Tubo-ovarian mass Tired TURBT Tired all the time TURP TKR TURT To Come In: TV on smear Toe nail removed TWC Tonsillar exudate Twin pregnancy Tonsillectomy Tx reaction Tonsillitis Type 1 Diabetes TOP Type 2 Diabetes Top oestrogen rx Typhoid contact Topical oest rx Torsion U Total colectomy Ulcer in mouth Toxic Ulcer site not specified Toxic shock synd Ulcerated ankle Toxoplasmosis Ulcerated arm TP Ulcerated back TPN Ulcerated bottom Tracheo oesophageal fistula Ulcerated elbow Tracheostomy Ulcerated foot Transfer pregnant booking Ulcerated foreskin Transverse myelitis Ulcerated glans Trauma Ulcerated groin Trauma to vulva Ulcerated heel Traumatic ampu Ulcerated hip Traumatic delivery Ulcerated knee Traumatic injury Ulcerated labia Traumatic wound Ulcerated leg Travel screen Ulcerated lesion Treated meningitis Ulcerated lip Treated syphilis Ulcerated malleolus Tremor Ulcerated perianal region Trendelenburg's Ulcerated perineum Trial of Scar Ulcerated pharynx Trial without cath Ulcerated sacrum Trigeminal neuralgia Ulcerated scalp Ulcerated septum Triplets! Ulcerated shin Trisomy Ulcerated stump Trisomy 21 Ulcerated temple T-Tube

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Ulcerated thigh Urethral irritation Ulcerated throat Urethral obstruction Ulcerated toe Ulcerated tongue Urethral swelling Ulcerated tonsils Ulcerated wound Urethroplasty Urethrotomy Umbilical disch Urge incontinence Umbilical flare Urgency Umbilical granuloma Urgent DVT Pathway Urinalysis pos Unconscious Urinary discomfort Under paediatrician Urinary diversion Underweight Urinary dribbling Undescended testes Urinary hesitation Unfaithful partner Urinary obstruction Unhealth cervix Urinary sphincter University College Hos Urinary symptoms Unprotected SI Urine outflow obst Unrecognised abbreviations used Urine retention Unresponsive Urine retention Unsafe sex Urogenital atrophy Unstable angina Urolume Unstable bladder Urosepsis Unstable BMs Urostomy Unstable diabetic Urticaria Unsteady gait Urticaria Angioedema Unwell Urticaria Pigmentosa Upper GI Bleed Urticarial rash Upper Resp Tract Inf Urticarial Vasculitis Upset stomach Uterine contraction Uraemia Uterine discharge Urate nephropathy Uterine infection Ureteric calculus Uterine pain Ureteric colic Ureteric reflux UTI UUR Ureteric stone UVC tip Ureteric stricture Uveitis Ureterolithotomy V Urethral bleeding Vag hysterectomy Urethral buttress Vag inflammation Urethral dilatation Vaginal abscess Urethral discharge Vaginal blister Urethral discomf

43 | P a g e

Vaginal 'burning' Vertigo Vaginal cyst Vesico-colic fist Vesico-colonic fist Vaginal discomfort Vesicostomy Vaginal dryness Vesico-vag fistula Vaginal erosion Vesicular eruption Vaginal excoriation Vesicular rash Vaginal granulation VF Vaginal infection VF arrest Vaginal irritation Viapath Vaginal loss Viraemia Vaginal moles Viral encephalitis Vaginal odour Viral illness Vaginal pain Viral meningitis Vaginal prolapse Visa requirement Vaginal rash Visa requirement Vaginal repair Visual disturbance Vaginal soreness VISUAL LOSS Vaginal swelling Vitamin D deficiency Vaginal tear Vitamin deficiency Vaginal ulceration Vitiligo Vaginal vault VLAP Vaginal warts Vocal cord palsy Vomiting Vaginitis VP shunt Vagotomy VSD Valve replacement VT Variable bowel habit Vulval abscess Varicose eczema Vulval bleeding Varicose ulcer Vulval blisters Varicose veins Vulval bx Vasculitic neuropathy Vulval discharge Vasculitic rash Vulval discomfort Vasculitis Vulval dystrophy Vasectomy Vulval erythema Vasovagal attack Vulval furuncles Vax non-responder Vulval infection Vegetarian Vulval irritation Venflon in situ Vulval lesions Venous incompetence Vulval lump Ventilated Vulval pain Ventouse delivery Vulval rash Ventric dilation Vulval soreness Ventricularmegaly Vulval swelling Vertebral collapse Vulval ulceration Vertebral fusion Vulval warts

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Vulvectomy Wound granuloma Wound haematoma Vulvo-vaginal infl Wound infection Vulvo-vaginal rash Wound inflammation Vulvo-vaginitis Wound oozing VUR Wound open VV repair Wound sepsis VZ Wound sinus

W X Waldenstrom's Xanthelasma Warm Warts Y Watery stools Yellow sclera Weak Wedge resection Z Weeping area Zadek's Weeping eczema Zepherelli's disease Weeping leg Weeping lesion Wegener's Granulomatosis

Wegner's granulomatosis

Weight gain

Weight loss

Weil's disease

Well Man Check

Well Woman Check


Whipple's White patches White patch-tonsil White spots on tons Whitlow Whooping cough Wilms tumour Wilson's disease Wire in situ Worried well Worsening AVF Wound abscess Wound breakdown Wound closure Wound debridement Wound dehiscence Wound discharge

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