Religion 101: !e History and Religion of Unit 2B: and from Egypt

Religion 101: History & Religion of Israel (Dr. Chris Heard • Pepperdine University • Fall 2005) Today’s Agenda

• !e exodus story and Israelite history – Puzzles that inhibit understanding – Problems that inhibit belief Moses and The Exodus from – Possible responses to problems • !emes in the exodus story EgypT – ’s hardened heart !e Pivot of the Pentateuch – !e lessons of the plagues – Freedom and slavery

The Exodus and History The Exodus and History Rationale Puzzles that Inhibit Understanding 2004 • Geography – Identification of the “Yam Suph”and Mt. Sinai • Time frame – Puzzling features • Inconsistent data (Gen 15:13 vs. 15:16 vs. Num 32:39–41/Deut 3:14–15) • Uncertain starting point • Schematic chronologies – Suggested time frames • 16th-century exodus (c. 1540 BCE) [almost no scholars] – Possible Hyksos synchronism • 15th century exodus (c. 1440 BCE) [very few scholars] 1998 – Better fits 1 Kings 6:1 • 13th century exodus (c. 1250 BCE) [most scholars] – Better fits Egyptian history – Better fits Palestinian archaeology

The Exodus and History The Exodus and History Puzzles that Inhibit Understanding Puzzles that Inhibit Understanding

1 Religion 101: !e History and Religion of Israel Unit 2B: Moses and the Exodus from Egypt

The Exodus and History The Exodus and History Puzzles that Inhibit Understanding Puzzles that Inhibit Understanding

• Geography – Identification of the “Yam Suph”and Mt. Sinai • Time frame – Puzzling features • Inconsistent data (Gen 15:13 vs. 15:16 vs. Num 32:39–41/Deut 3:14–15) • Uncertain starting point • Schematic chronologies – Suggested time frames • 16th-century exodus (c. 1540 BCE) [almost no scholars] – Possible Hyksos synchronism • 15th century exodus (c. 1440 BCE) [very few scholars] – Better fits 1 Kings 6:1 • 13th century exodus (c. 1250 BCE) [most scholars] – Better fits Egyptian history – Better fits Palestinian archaeology

The Exodus and History Problems that Inhibit Belief

• Miraculous/supernatural elements – !e plagues: natural or legendary? – Over 2 million surviving in Sinai? • Lack of external evidence – No Egyptian documentation

The Exodus and History The Exodus and History Problems that Inhibit Belief Possible Responses to Problems

• Miraculous/supernatural elements • “Extreme” positions – !e plagues: natural or legendary? – Reject biblical narrative altogether – Over 2 million Israelites surviving in Sinai? – Discount (lack of ) archaeological evidence • Lack of external evidence • “Mediating” approaches – No Egyptian documentation – Compressed narration – No archaeological remains – Exaggerated numbers • Of Israelite travelers – Large-group assimilation of small-group • Of neighboring kingdoms experience – Technological discontinuity

2 Religion 101: !e History and Religion of Israel Unit 2B: Moses and the Exodus from Egypt

Themes in the Exodus Story Themes in the Exodus Story Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart Lessons of the Plagues

Who Hardened • Premise: the LORD doesn’t need Morning Pharaoh’s Heart? Blood Flies Hail Pharaoh’s cooperation warning 1. Unspecified • Purpose of the hardening: “Untimed” 2. Pharaoh Frogs Murrain Locust 3. Unspecified to extend the plagues (Exod 7:3; 10:1) warning 4. Pharaoh • Purpose of the plagues: No “Gnats” Boils “Darkness” 5. Unspecified to show the LORD’s power (Exod warning 6. !e LORD 7:4–5; 9:14–16; 10:2; 12:12) !e LORD !e LORD !e LORD is 7. Pharaoh • Addressing the moral dilemma (Rom 8. !e LORD is real favors Israel incomparable 9:14–24) 9. !e LORD 10. !e LORD

Themes in the Exodus Story Slavery and Freedom Next Time in Religion 101

• !e “liberation” theme Unit 2C • Laws for liberated slave-holders !e ’s Law Codes • Freed to serve • Six distinct Torah law codes – “I am the LORD, and I will free you from the • Biblical attitudes toward biblical law burdens of the Egyptians and deliver you from abodah = ‘service’) to them.” • Biblical and ancient Near Eastern law‘ ,עבדה) slavery – “Let my people go, so that they may worship • !e sin offering and the Day of Atonement ”.abad = ‘serve’) me in the wilderness‘ ,עבד)