The Sacred Texts: Star Wars Quiz Bowl Packet By Ari Berk and Joseph Rosegrant in February 2019 ​ ​ ​

TOSSUP 1: This character was enslaved as a child by the criminal Hal’Sted, who was “a surprisingly kind ​ master”. She used seduction techniques she called “the nod and the wink” and the “full-on gambit” during her time as a bounty hunter. She trained as a Jedi under Ky Narec before his death on Rattatak caused her to turn ​ to the dark side, but she seemed to be on the path to redemption before her death on Christophsis in the arms of her ​ ​ lover, Quinlan Vos. For ten points, name this Nightsister and former Sith acolyte nicknamed the “hairless harpy” who was betrayed and left for dead by her master, Count Dooku, during The Clone Wars. Answer: Asajj Ventress ​ ​

BONUS 1: For ten points each, answer the following about combat techniques used by the Jedi: a. This elegant form emphasized precision and was best used to take on lightsaber-wielding opponents. Notable practitioners included Shaak Ti and Count Dooku. Answer: Form II (accept Makashi or Way of the Ysalamiri) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ b. This extremely acrobatic form was characterized as “ridiculous” by Dooku, although maybe he was just jealous of Yoda, who used this form against him in Attack of the Clones. ​ ​ Answer: Form IV (accept Ataru or Way of the Hawk-bat) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ c. This ferocious form was only used by one Jedi - Mace Windu - at the time of the Clone Wars. Others who used it before Windu, including Sora Bulq, often fell to the dark side. Answer: Form VII (accept Juyo or Way of the Vornskr, anti-prompt on Vaapad) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

TOSSUP 2: The assassination attempts on Padme Amidala in Attack of the Clones were initially thought to be ​ ​ ​ the doings of disgruntled miners of this substance on the moons of Naboo. One variation of this substance from Ryloth is known as ryll, and the Ohnaka Gang demanded a million credits worth of this substance in ​ ransom for Count Dooku. Lom Pyke wore an amulet containing this substance, which his fingers were also stained with, and his organization, the Pyke Syndicate, controlled several mines for this substance on the planet Kessel. For ten points, name this narcotic that also comes in the Sansanna variety. Answer: spice (accept ryll before it is mentioned) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

BONUS 2: For ten points each, name some badass actions of General Grievous in the 2003 cartoon Star Wars: ​ Clone Wars miniseries that is, unfortunately, no longer canon. ​ a. Grievous slaughtered Tarr Seirr, Sha’a Gi, and (debatably) K'Kruhk and nearly killed Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and Aayla Secura at this Clone Wars battle before a battalion of clones rescued the surviving Jedi. Answer: Battle of Hypori ​ ​ b. Grievous killed the Ithorian Jedi Master Roron Corobb during Grievous’s successful attempt to kidnap this man. Answer: Chancellor Sheev Palpatine (accept Darth Sidious) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ c. Not to take away from Grievous’s badassery, but let’s talk about Corobb a little more. Corobb, like all Ithorians, had this many throats, which he used to unleash a literally earth-shaking scream against Grievous. Answer: Four ​ ​

TOSSUP 3: Although born in Perth to two teachers, this person was raised in nearby Crieff. This person’s ​ brother was a pilot, although he himself would attend school to become an actor. His first breakthrough role was as an addict in the 1996 Film Trainspotting. This man’s uncle, Denis Lawson, appeared in A New Hope as ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Wedge Antilles. This gorgeous man appeared in three Star Wars movies, and has been rumored to appear in his own ​ ​ spin-off. For ten points, name this Scottish actor who famously played Obi-Wan Kenobi. Answer: Ewan McGregor (prompt on “Jesus”) ​ ​ ​

BONUS 3: For ten points each, name some facts about the members of the Sith Triumvirate as they appeared in Knights of the Old Republic II. ​ a. Darth Sion used the Dark Side to become immortal, making his body indestructible. However, his abilities came at a cost which gave him this title. Answer: Lord of Pain ​ ​ b. This wound in , known as the Lord of Hunger, took his title after he destroyed more planets than the and Starkiller Base combined. By eating them. Answer: Darth Nihilus ​ ​ c. Darth Nihilus’ appearance was based on this character from Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away. ​ ​ Answer: Ghostface ​ ​

TOSSUP 4: This character was born on the planet Apatros in 1026 BBY. His first contact with the Force was ​ when he reached out with the dark side in his sleep to kill his abusive father. He would eventually join the Brotherhood of Darkness, although, disillusioned with their ways, he would leave the Brotherhood and, unlike his contemporaries, adopt the title of Darth. This man trained Darth Zannah in the ways of the dark side, ​ although she would eventually kill him on the planet of Ambria. For ten points, name this prophesied Sith’ari and creator of the Rule of Two. Answer: Darth Bane (prompt on “Dessel” and on “Bane”) ​ ​ ​

BONUS 4: This is kind of actually a geography question, so yes, tell your coach that this is real quiz bowl practice. ​ ​ Like them or not, the more recent Star Wars movies have been the most visually stunning films in the series. For ten points each, name some of the real-world locations that inspired new planets and locations in Star Wars. a. Scenes on Ahch-To, the planet Luke exiled himself to after , was filmed at this UNESCO ​ ​ World Heritage site in Ireland, which is famous for its honeycomb-like stone villages. The puffins that flocked to this site during filming inspired The Last Jedi’s porgs. ​ ​ Answer: Skellig Michael ​ b. Principal photography for the salty, red-and-white planet Crait, seen in The Last Jedi, took place on the ​ ​ Salar de Uyuni salt flats in this real-world country, one of two landlocked countries in South America. Answer: Bolivia ​ ​ c. Scenes on Scarif, the first tropical planet to appear in a Star Wars film, were filmed at Lah’mu Atoll in this real-world country, a collection of hundreds of islands and lagoons in the Indian Ocean. Answer: the Maldives ​ ​

TOSSUP 5: This film holds the world record for highest opening day gross on a Thursday. A possible title for ​ this movie was The Creeping Fear, although this idea was eventually scrapped. A bootleg copy of this film was ​ ​ released in Shanghai with mistranslated English subtitles which referred to the Jedi Council as the Presbyterian Church. This movie was the best-received of its trilogy, with special praise going to actors Ian ​ McDiarmid and Frank Oz for their performances. This film features the most lightsaber combat of any Star Wars film to date. For ten points, name this third film of the Star Wars Prequels, in which Obi-Wan Kenobi says, “Hello ​ ​ there”. Answer: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (prompt on “Star Wars III” or “Episode III” or equivalents) ​ ​ ​ ​ BONUS 5: No good Star Wars film is complete without music. For ten points each, name a few composers employed in the Star Wars saga. a. This man received 51 Oscar nominations in his career, composing the scores for such films as Jaws, E. T., ​ ​ ​ ​ and Indiana Jones. ​ ​ Answer: ​ ​ b. This composer, though not as renowned as John Williams, wrote the scores for both Star Wars TV shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels (no, Resistance doesn’t count). ​ ​ ​ Answer: Kevin Kiner ​ ​ c. This Sci Fi veteran wrote the scores for the Star Trek reboot and The Incredibles, not to mention the Halo ​ ​ theme. He replaced Alexandre Desplat on Rogue One, creating memorable music despite not being John ​ ​ Williams. Answer: Michael Giacchino ​ ​

TOSSUP 6: This character, the son of K’Sheek and a Jedi was born in 47 BBY. He would be trained as a jedi ​ under both Ki-Adi-Mundi and the Dark Woman, going on to fight in the Clone Wars on Boz Pity and Saleucami. This man fell to the dark side after being tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong, disappearing from galactic ​ events and gathering his power base on Korriban. He emerged, deposing Emperor Roan Fel and seizing control of the galaxy. This man’s most trusted advisor, Darth Wyyrlok III, would kill him, although he would return to take revenge on Wyyrlok. His final stand would be against Cade Skywalker in 138 ABY. For ten points, name this only son of Sharad Hett and founder of the One Sith. Answer: Darth Krayt or A’Sharad Hett (do not accept simply “Hett”) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

BONUS 6: Speaking of Star Wars Resistance, Phasma isn’t the only fancy-armored in the First Order. ​ ​ For ten points each, name some others: a. This gold-plated Commander was sent by Phasma to help police the Colossus Station in 34 ABY. He coerced Captain Imanuel Doza into allowing a First Order presence on the station by kidnapping his daughter. Answer: Commander Pyre ​ ​ ​ b. This First Order pilot was bested by Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono, but survived. He also worked ​ closely with Phasma and recruited pirates to help sway Captain Doza’s opinion of the First Order. Answer: Major Baron Elrik Vonreg ​ ​ c. Although his face mask was different from Pyre’s and Phasma’s, Vonreg wore special armor of this color. ​ This color was an obnoxiously obvious motif in The Last Jedi. ​ ​ Answer: red ​ ​

TOSSUP 7: This planet, found in the Anoat sector, was first settled by humans when Empress Teta ​ established a small mining operation two thousand years before the Battle of , but Lord Ecclessis Figg commissioned this planet’s most well-known city in 400 BBY. He appointed many apartments with valuable ​ ​ stone from , which noted during her stay on this planet. Cloud cars were the main form of ​ personal transportation on this planet, where humans could only survive in a layer of the atmosphere known as the “Life Zone”. For ten points, name this planet, where valuable tibanna gas was mined and where Lando Calrissian served as Baron Administrator of Cloud City Answer: Bespin ​ ​

BONUS 7: was not the only Jedi hunter in the Empire. For ten points each, name some things about Imperial Inquisitors: a. The fan-favorite Seventh Sister was an Inquisitor of this species. Barriss Offee, a Jedi who betrayed the Republic and the Order during the Clone Wars, also was a member of this species, leading to fan speculation that they were one and the same. How unfortunate that this theory did not turn out to be true. Answer: Mirialan ​ ​ b. This Terellian Jango Jumper Inquisitor was not dispatched to hunt Jedi. Rather, he was given the mission of killing former Sith Maul, who he referred to as “the shadow”. Answer: Eighth Brother ​ ​ c. This Inquisitor was defeated by Ahsoka Tano on Raada. She made his lightsaber explode by “purifying” the red kyber crystals in it, which she later took to use in her own white . Answer: Sixth Brother ​ ​

TOSSUP 8: This character appeared in graffiti art aboard the Ghost, and he was based off of Lee Van Cleef’s ​ ​ ​ character from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Eldra Kaitis was captured by a group including this man a ​ ​ few years prior to the battle of Naboo. He once escaped Republic hands disguised as a Clone Trooper. This ​ man was hired multiple times to both free and capture Ziro the Hutt, and he had a reputation for hunting Jedi. This man and his associates once held a group of senators hostage, and he would eventually, along with other bounty hunters, be tested by Count Dooku in a tournament known as the Box on Serenno. For ten points, name this Duros bounty hunter, famous for his duster coat and wide-brimmed hat. Answer: Cad Bane (prompt on simply “Bane”) ​ ​ ​

BONUS 8: Star Wars’s massive popularity means it has spawned countless memes. For ten points, name some of the most prominent Star Wars memes: a. Kylo Ren was given this punny alternate nickname after he was seen shirtless in The Last Jedi. Contrary to ​ ​ SNL’s “Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base” sketch, he was decidedly not a “punk bitch”. ​ Answer: Ben Swolo (prompt on partial answer) ​ ​ ​ b. This location grants Obi-Wan Kenobi godlike fighting skills. A video from an otherwise respectable Star Wars YouTuber questioned whether this location would enable Obi-Wan to defeat Ben Swolo. Answer: the high ground ​ ​ c. In a recent meme, the LEGO Star Wars video games are said to be at “99% strength” with this playable alone, and “100% strength” with the dozens of other playable characters thrown in as well. In the movies, this kind of droid is best known for refueling starships. Answer: Gonk droid (prompt on “GNK droid”) ​ ​ ​

TOSSUP 9: This creature’s skin changes color based on what food it eats, and, suitably, becomes transparent ​ when it has not eaten in a while. This creature originated on the planet Vodran, but migrated offworld by stowing away in the garbage holds of ships. This cephalopod often takes residence in garbage, which may seem ​ ​ ​ annoying but can actually be useful because they have the capability to strip biological materials off of waste, leaving behind salvageable minerals. was reportedly unimpressed with the final look of this creature as he hoped for something a bit more menacing. For ten points, name this creature that attacked Luke in the Death Star trash compactors. Answer: dianoga (accept garbage squid) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

BONUS 9: Jar Jar Binks, a character designed to be dumb, gets a lot of unfair hate. Answer some questions about ​ ​ who he is beyond all the stupidity: a. Jar Jar is a member of this species. This species includes the tall, lanky Otolla group and the thicc Ankura group Answer: Gungans ​ ​ ​ b. Jar Jar was exiled from Otoh Gunga for doing this. The person who he offended by doing this loves to flap his jowls and spray saliva everywhere. Answer: crashing Boss Nass’s submarine (accept obvious equivalents; prompt on answers involving a ​ ​ ​ “ship” rather than a submarine) c. This actor played Jar Jar in the prequel trilogy. Recently, he opened up about the depression and suicidal thoughts he struggled with after the backlash against The Phantom Menace. ​ ​ Answer: Ahmed Best ​ ​

TOSSUP 10: A meme about this character puts him in a conversation in a conversation with The Last Jedi ​ ​ director Rian Johnson, in which Johnson says “I know you don’t” when this character says he doesn’t get a joke that just states “a heroic death”. This experienced commander led the rebel flagship Home One during the ​ ​ ​ original trilogy and his native army during a battle on their aquatic homeworld in The Clone Wars. His most famous ​ ​ line comes in response to the revelation that the second Death Star is fully operational. For ten points, name this Mon Calamari admiral who famously said “It’s a trap!” Answer: Admiral Gial Ackbar ​ ​

BONUS 10: Boba Fett is overrated. Answer some questions about a couple of the other bounty hunters present on ​ ​ the bridge of the Executor when Darth Vader tasked them with hunting down the Millenium Falcon. ​ ​ ​ ​ a. This bounty hunter claimed to be Force-sensitive. He was a tireless tracker who flew the ship Mist Hunter. ​ ​ Answer: Zuckuss ​ ​ b. Zuckuss was a member of this insect-like species, who shared their name with their gaseous homeworld. Answer: Gand ​ ​ c. Zuckuss frequently partnered with this droid bounty hunter who was also present on the Executor and took ​ ​ on the mission of hunting the Falcon ​ Answer: 4-LOM ​ ​

TOSSUP 11: This object was stolen from Unkar Plutt, who stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from ​ Ducain, who stole it from its most well-known owner. This object’s navicomputer consisted of three droid brains, the most notable of which was posthumously donated by L3-37. This object underwent extensive ​ modifications by its current owner to make it “the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy”. For ten points, name this ship, which famously made the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs with the expert pilot at the helm. Answer: the Millenium Falcon (nod in approval if the answering player pronounces it “Fall-con”) ​ ​ ​

BONUS 11: With Star Wars being as successful as it is, it’s been parodied many times. For ten points each: ​ ​ a. released 45-minute parody episodes of each of the original trilogy films. Name any of the titles ​ ​ ​ of those Family Guy episodes. ​ ​ Answer: Blue Harvest or Something, Something, Something, Dark Side or It’s A Trap! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ b. In “Something, Something, Something, Dark Side”, the crawl criticizes FOX for allowing Family Guy to ​ ​ spend this amount of money on “a computer-generated cartoon elephant that has nothing to do with the rest of this episode”. Answer: $58,000 (allow another guess if players answer anywhere from $50,000 to $60,000) ​ ​ ​ c. This show, created by , who voices Chris on Family Guy, parodied Star Wars as well. One bit ​ ​ from this show is a very different version of the scene from Attack of the Clones where Anakin and Padme ​ ​ ​ ​ discuss their love in a cringey way. In that parody scene, Padme acts like a stripper while repeatedly telling Anakin that “I’m a senator” and they can never be together Answer: ​ ​

TOSSUP 12: This planet was sparsely populated, but its few settlements included one named for Niima the ​ Hutt, in which the Kyuzo Constable Zuvio was the only one concerned with law enforcement. This planet’s ​ ​ Goazon Badlands were the site of a pivotal crash landing by two fugitives, one of whom, believing the other to be ​ dead, took his jacket. Tuanul Village was the site of a massacre on this planet, and also the home of Lor San Tekka, ​ ​ who gave ’s map to Poe Dameron. For ten points, name this desert planet from The Force Awakens, ​ ​ home of the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey. Answer: Jakku (prompt on “nowhere”) ​ ​ ​

BONUS 12: The Empire was notoriously sexist and xenophobic when selecting its military officers, which is why we see no aliens or women in their ranks in the original trilogy. For ten points each, identify some notable women and aliens who achieved high rank in the Imperial military. a. This blue-skinned alien first appeared in a Timothy Zahn book series, which has since been classified as Legends. This alien was brought back for Star Wars Rebels, but he was just not as badass as he was in the ​ ​ books. Answer: Grand Admiral Thrawn ​ ​ b. Thrawn was a member of this species, whose homeworld was the icy world Csilla. Some believe that this species is an offshoot of the human race because, except for their skin and eye color, they look almost identical to humans. Answer: Chiss ​ ​ c. This dark-skinned woman worked her way up through the ranks of the Empire. She commanded the Vigilance as a Vice Admiral, fought in the Battle of Endor, and eventually was made Grand ​ ​ Admiral by Gallius Rax before the Battle of Jakku. Answer: Rae Sloane ​ ​

TOSSUP 13: This droid’s internal components include “a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan ​ vindicator”. This droid, when not with his usual owner, often worked alongside a Resistance spy on a ​ ​ refueling station known as the Colossus. This droid was captured in a net by a Teedo before being rescued by ​ one of our heroes. Unkar Plutt offered that hero “60 portions” for this droid the next day, though she turned him down. In one of the cuter moments in the saga, this droid used his lighter as a thumbs-up. For ten points, name this Resistance droid who can usually be found flying missions with X-Wing pilot Poe Dameron. Answer: BB-8 ​ ​

BONUS 13: Solo was a good movie. It’s a darn shame that they released it in May instead of at Christmas, where it ​ ​ would have made a billion more dollars than it did. For ten points each, name some more obscure elements of Han’s backstory that Ron Howard and Lawrence Kasdan chose to develop in Solo. ​ ​ a. Tobias Beckett gave Han his signature heavy blaster pistol of this model at the beginning of the movie. Han continue to use this same blaster during his time with the Rebellion. Answer: DL-44 blaster pistol ​ ​ ​ b. These objects only appear in one scene in the original trilogy, but Ron Howard seemed to feel the need to show them hanging on every mirror in every starship or speeder that Han drives in Solo. ​ ​ Answer: golden dice ​ ​ c. Han wins the Millenium Falcon from Lando Calrissian on this beautiful jungle planet that was otherwise ​ ​ ​ known for being a safe haven for debtors. Answer: Numidian Prime ​ ​

TOSSUP 14: This person nearly emerged victorious in a duel on Vassek’s third moon. During that duel, he ​ took his opponent off guard by using two lightsabers -- his own, and his fallen Padawan Nahdar Vebb’s. This ​ ​ ​ Jedi was one of the few Masters who specialized in Form I lightsaber combat. He fought in the First Battle of Geonosis, where he toppled a battle droid with C-3PO’s head on it. After defeating that peculiar droid, he flashed his trademark smile. For ten points, name this Nautolan Jedi Master who was killed by Darth Sidious, although a few seconds after the deaths Masters Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin. Answer: Kit Fisto ​ ​

BONUS 14: Some rebels are born, not made. Answer the following about the backstory of Poe Dameron for ten points each: a. Poe Dameron was born to these two rebels. Both fought at the Battle of Endor: One was an A-Wing pilot ​ ​ who flew with Green Squadron and one was a member of the Special Forces squad that Han Solo led against the Death Star’s shield generator. Answer: Kes Dameron and Shara Bey (for Kes Dameron, prompt on “Dameron”) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ b. Poe was born on this moon. This moon is famous for its Massassi Trees and was the home of the in A New Hope. ​ ​ Answer: Yavin 4 ​ ​ c. Poe flew this modified T-70 X-Wing fighter during the events of the sequel trilogy, although it was not with him on his mission to Tuanul Village on Jakku. Answer: Black One ​ ​

TOSSUP 15: This planet bordered the Calamari sector on the edge of the Outer Rim. It was home to a variety ​ of colonists, having no native sentient species, and these colonists would develop an economy centered on agriculture. This planet’s northern tundras were the location of an ancient underground jedi temple that ​ uniquely featured images of the Mortis Gods. This planet shares its name with a species of cat and a species of wolf, both of which are native fauna. It was liberated from Imperial occupation under Arihnda Pryce by the Spectres. For ten points, name this homeworld of Ezra Bridger. Answer: Lothal ​ ​

BONUS 15: In Legends, Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Order was not destroyed by a guy who loved calligraphy. For ten points each, name some things about prominent Jedi in his New Order. a. This son of former Alderaanian nobles constructed a white lightsaber while a Padawan, and was later captured by the Killiks during the Yuuzhan Vong War. He was also crucial in the fight against Abeloth. Answer: Raynar Thul (prompt on “Thul” because his father Bornan was also prominent in Legends) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ b. As a Padawan, he had an affinity for the living Force, often connecting deeply with animals. He later was ​ ​ ​ swayed to the dark side by Lumiya. Answer: Jacen Solo (prompt on “Solo” because his sister Jaina was also a Jedi) ​ ​ ​ c. As a Sith, Jacen went by this title. Answer: Darth Caedus ​ ​

TOSSUP 16: Among this song’s influences are “Mars: Bringer of War” by Gustav Holst and Chopin’s “Piano ​ Sonata No. 2” in B-Flat minor. A major key version of this song plays in scenes at the Coronet Spaceport in Solo, and this song’s in-universe name is “Glory of the Empire”. This song’s use in the prequel trilogy increased ​ ​ markedly from film to film, and notably plays in the final shots of Attack of the Clones, emphasizing the parallel ​ ​ between clone troopers and stormtroopers. Its first and most famous use, though, was in . ​ ​ For ten points, name this ominous, often-hummed military tune. Answer: The Imperial March (accept Glory of the Empire until mentioned) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

BONUS 16: For ten points each, name some things about a wretched hive of scum and villainy. a. This man was the bartender at the Cantina in 0 BBY. He, for some reason, did not allow droids in his establishment. Answer: Wuher ​ ​ b. The Mos Eisley Cantina was also known by this name, the name of its owner, a mustachioed Answer: Chalmun’s Cantina ​ ​ ​ c. Surely one could buy this popular beverage at the Mos Eisley Cantina. A waitress droid asks Obi-Wan if he would like this drink when he visits Dex’s Diner in Attack of the Clones. ​ ​ Answer: Jawa Juice ​ ​

TOSSUP 17: This “film” was the first time James Earl Jones was credited in a Star Wars movie. In it, Luke ​ Skywalker is saved from a monster by a bounty hunter. That bounty hunter is Boba Fett, who also makes his debut in this “film”. Imperials force their way into a wookiee household in this television special, which ​ George Lucas had initially imagined as an entire film about only . It featured such characters as Malla, Itchy, and Lumpy, who are preparing for the in-universe version of the title event. For ten points, name this disgusting abomination of Star Wars media in which must return home for Life Day. ​ ​ Answer: The Star Wars Holiday Special ​ ​

BONUS 17: For ten points each, name some things about the biggest waste of a character in Star Wars history: Supreme Leader Snoke. a. Snoke canonically hailed from this region of the galaxy. This region includes several sacred planets to the Jedi, including Ilum and Ahch-To. Answer: Unknown Regions ​ ​ b. Snoke wore these kinds of shoes, which the Visual Dictionary for The Last Jedi claimed made him feel ​ ​ more comfortable in his injured state. Answer: slippers ​ c. Despite ’s Pablo Hidalgo debunking this theory multiple times in the lead-ups to The Force ​ Awakens and The Last Jedi, fans continued to speculate that Snoke was actually this non-Jar-Jar-Binks ​ ​ ​ character, whose Legends alter ego was Hego Damask. Answer: Darth Plagueis ​ ​ ​ ​

TOSSUP 18: This species with two homeworlds is considered among the strongest-willed in the galaxy. One of ​ two notable Jedi of this species was captured by General Grievous and used hand signals to communicate his location over hologram to a rescue party that included Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Adi Gallia. ​ ​ The other notable Jedi of this species was considered one of the best duelists to ever live, yet was slaughtered in ​ seconds by Darth Sidious. But perhaps the best-known member of this species killed Qui-Gon Jinn and was cut in half by Kenobi. For ten points, name this species that included Eeth Koth, Agen Kolar, the bounty hunter Sugi, and Darth Maul. Answer: Zabrak ​ ​

BONUS 18: Instead of saying “correct” for each right answer on this bonus series, I’ll say “roger, roger”. For ten points each, answer some things about battle droids. a. Commanders of battle droid squadron were marked with this color. A battle droid marked with this color said “that doesn’t compute” before attempting to place Qui-Gon Jinn under arrest in The Phantom Menace. ​ ​ Answer: yellow ​ b. Not to be confused with battle droid commanders, commando droids were introduced into canon when they were sent to attack a Republic listening post on a moon of this planet, whose namesake Maze was discussed by Dexter Jettster. Answer: Rishi ​ ​ c. Destroyer droids, or droidekas, rolling droids with shield generators, were manufactured by and in the likeness of this bug-like species from Colla IV. Answer: Colicoids ​ ​ ​

TOSSUP 19: This character trained insurgents on Onderon and spent many years living on the planet Seelos. ​ He allowed a deserter to escape during the Battle of Saleucami, and this was the first time that he began to question his purpose. He would disobey orders again after a jedi commanded his troops to attack their fellows in the Battle of Umbara; that jedi was Pong Krell. This man was close friends with Ahsoka Tano, who he would ​ reunite with many years after Order 66 when both joined the Phoenix Cell, and he would go on to fight in the Battle of Endor. This ARC Trooper’s designation was CT-7567, and he wore Jaig Eyes on his helmet. For ten points, name this Clone Captain in the 501st Legion and second-in-command of Anakin Skywalker. Answer: Captain Rex ​ ​

BONUS 19: Another Solo bonus, because you must appreciate this excellent addition to the canon! For ten points ​ ​ each, answer the following about a certain bandit: a. This masked marauder stole a shipment of coaxium from Tobias Beckett’s crew, who were also trying to steal it from the Empire. She later encountered Beckett again on Savareen, where her epic namesake theme played for several heart-rending seconds. Answer: Enfys Nest ​ ​ b. Nest led this swoop bike gang, whose name sounds way less imposing then they are. Answer: Cloud Riders ​ ​ c. Nest was based off of this character from Legends. This man had several encounters with Han Solo and was eventually usurped by a Dug. Answer: Serji-X Arrogantus ​ ​

TOSSUP 20: In a different production, an actress on this show allowed a character played by Ryan Reynolds ​ to escape a torture chamber by letting a match drop into it. That actress, Gina Carano, was a former MMA fighter and played Angel Dust in Deadpool. This show’s producer, who directed the 2016 remake of The ​ ​ ​ Jungle Book teased the return of IG-88 in December 2018. This show’s lead actor is best known for playing the fan ​ ​ favorite Oberyn Martell on . For ten points, name this upcoming live-action Star Wars show, which ​ ​ takes place six years after Return of the Jedi and follows a “lone gunslinger” ​ ​ Answer: The Mandalorian ​ ​

BONUS 20: For ten points each, name some planets where major battles of the Clone Wars took place. a. This arid planet was where the Clone Wars started. The bulk of the Separatist Army was manufactured there, and this planet experienced a second battle when Republic forces led by Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Luminara Unduli, and Barriss Offee attacked the factories in 21 BBY. Answer: Geonosis ​ ​ b. Kenobi and Skywalker were also instrumental in the liberation of this planet from Separatist forces led by Emir Wat Tambor. The painfully named Nikto Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di (EYE-muh-GUN DIE) sacrificed himself so Republic blockade runners could give humanitarian aid to this planet’s natives. Answer: Ryloth ​ ​ c. This dark world famous for its technological advancement and bioluminescent plant life saw a massive ​ ​ ​ Republic invasion from Jedi generals including Pong Krell, who would later turn traitor. Answer: Umbara ​ ​

TIEBREAKER: This action was prompted in 19 BBY by a Jedi discovery. Occurring in response to the ​ accusations of a group of Jedi, this declaration provoked two outraged responses and a screech, leading to a ​ lightsaber duel in which a window shatters. In popular culture, this quote has been seen in a seemingly infinite deluge of memes in which its central character proclaims his identity. For ten points, name this quote in which Sheev Palpatine identifies himself as the legislature of the Galactic Republic. Answer: “I am the Senate!” ​ ​