~D1,--;M4cnnrtl1uill~ I{~Tnr(L OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING for L\T/Ore Than 82 Years •• 'Friend, Companion ~Nd Kindly Counselor
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.. ~ ~d1,--;m4cNnrtl1uill~ i{~tnr(l OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING For l\t/ore Than 82 Years •• 'Friend, Companion ~nd Kindly Counselor g Volume 82, Number 37 14 PAGES Tf/IS W_E_E_K N_o_rt_h_V_i.ll__e._l'i_i_iC_h_i ._u_n_,T~h:-:u~~:s_d~a~y~,~~F~:e_l:b~I_·u~a~r::·_y~~1~2;-,_-._1~9~5~3~~~~.~~~~~~~-_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~2~..5~O~-P':...-:e~r~·-'!-e-aI-·-in-A-d-va-n-c-e- City vs. Village Arguments Be-Activation of Red Cross city form of Government they may eventually be financing City Branch to Get Underway For City Against City improvements on outlying farm " property. The first step in re-activation of the Northville Branch Committee for Improvement Ass'n. Call City Plan Unjust (If the American Red Cross.was taken last week when let- .on Says Fea"s • Impalorment planFurth£;Tmore,is distinctlytheunjustproposedand cityun-, tel'S .were mailed t 31 VI'Il age orgamza. t'Lans urgmg. their Incorporatl ? Township' Gets of Twpo Finances American in that the Township presIdents to appomt representatives to attend a meeting I f S ' voters, or so it would appear, are on Monday, Feb. 16. urp us rom tate by Don Hicks deprived of the right of franchise, Mrs. C. Carlson, Northville Branch chairman said S A. By Dr. L. W. Snow. Chairman. ,President of Northville Township nor do they ha;re re,?r,esentation that sp,e?ial speakers fr?m. Detroit will be at the m~etfng Committee on City Incorporation Impr~vement Assn. by any Tov:nshlp offICIal on the to explam the part NorcllVlIle will play in the area set-up 1 Last week's rticl Ifh d Since you invite comment on proposed. CIty. Board. to tie in with a complete disaster pr· gram to work clo~ely vantages of abeco~i~~ ae ~it; the proposed city form of g?V- W~ belllev~ It. may bel stated as with civil defense and to cope with natural and man-m"ade d th . t ernment, we present herewIth a genera prmclple that the law, )' ma e ese pom.s: some of the factual reasons why whatsoever it may appear to say (llsastel's. 1. VIllage reSIdents arc now.. t b . She c·t d th d f f' t t d t t b th'll d the CIty proposal IS unacceptabk was ~o meant to e oppreSSIve Pet-t-I Ions Are F-rIe'd 1 e e ne.e or a Irs axe .0 sup~o:- 0 VI a~e. ~n to the Township. • nor dlscrmunatory and the con- aid and home nursmg group, th~ townshIp offlcl~ls and achvltles. Th N th'll T h' I _ stitutionality of these procedures need for a Volunteer Service 2. If No~thvl1le't" th t w"re- h'to be-t provemente or AssociationVI e ownswasIPform-m WIll,. If. nlo'Cessary,be determined t0 Get e-tI y V0te ch aIrman,. board' of dIrectors and. comeI a CI y, d fe owns lP ax ed to further the interests of the in a Court of Equity. other volunteers. wouwho Glivebe insavethe cityorever br tl10~e,. TownshIp and the interests of Tur~mg. now !o the report of Petit· k' f e "Durmg. World War II," she 3, The city asses'so~ and city each individual tax payer within t~e CIty Planmng CornmlSSlOll incorpolr~~~n;s~n!th o~la v°ci on smd, Northville was very active treasurer would assess and eol~ its borders. ~lven b.y Dr. Snow et a1 as pub- tam c t' 0 VI e an c~r- m Red Cross work, but as the lect the taxes now being assessed I The Township Improvemlont lIshed m the Northvl1le Record were f~~~gU~~S t~eas as a CIty dangers diminished, so did acti- and collected by township offi- Association does not believe it to of February 5th, 1953. In this Stat : LWI 1 .e SE;cretary of vities, until just a small group re- cials thus eliminating duplicat-I be either in the interests of the report I D~. Snow publishes a Guessing at the nU.mber ~f p'ins in a glass J'ar won a televl'sl'On set for Mrs. D'enneth D. repr:se~tati~~sm~ t~n ~eb. ~t by mainl;d to handle emergencies, ing ~xpense Township or its residents that it lengthy hst of names and Or- no on City ISO l' e ommI tee "Leaders must be trained and City inco~poration would not permit itself to be dismembered; ganizations' to which they be- Conley (~ove. center) !I1 a gontest held by Marlene Shops in Northville. She guessed 4.984 pins. Oth nco~pOl:a lOn. it is hoped that through repre- change the character of the com- its cash assets confiscated; its ~ong an.d attempt~ t.o cleate. t~e and the Jar held 4.983. Above, congratulating her. are Ronald Galperin (left), secretaty and a ni er nommatmg pehllOn.s ~or sentatives from all civic, relig- munity, or the conduct of itslreven.ues diverted; its solvency Impr~slOn tha! hIS. IS an offlclUl treasurer of Marlene_ Shops, Ine., as Joseph B. Kramer, general manager of the company. looks to dr~~ma~ cha.rter comm~sslOn ious and educational groups, an schools and social welfare threatened; its citizens disfran- committee whIch IS legally au- on. In front of Mr. Kramer is little Susan Conley and at right are Mr Co 1 . f h t f a e~ cIty charter If the active Red Cross program will be . ul'. ch' ed thorized and directly sponsored t th h' h h· • • n ey. a SCIence eac er vo e or a cIty form of gove::rn I I d db' f .. 5. Becommg a cIty wo d In- IS . b th 1 1 N th 11 G a e Ig sc 001. and Mike. Th,e contest for the 17-inch R.C.A. set was held De 10 . ment is favorabl . f 1 d - P anne an egm unctlonmg vplve writing a new and more Indeed the reSIdents of the y e oca or VI e overn- date of the slore in Northville to Jan 31 c. • opemng th C t b' e. wel e 'e at. at an early date." modern ~harter to provide alTownshiP would be interested to ment. , • .. A e oWl y u~l~mg thIS week. She pointed out that althou h more' workable and more effi- know how thE;')'could be expected In the mterests of accuracy it ltlOnl'~y person desl:mg to fIle a pe- the ar£ia seems reasonabl s~e cent government than is possible to acquiesce in the invasion of should be stated that Dr. Snow Candles M!3I-'ed to L I A"d S h Z" t may obtam one from At- from eat natural d' t y h under the present village char- the}r civil ri~hts and the exploi- did indeed secure th!;J ~ppro,:,all III ;0ca 1 DUg t tD Re leVe ~orn7 Pd~l1IP.R. OgIlvie, but fil- as flo~ or tornado l:~~:r~i~~e ter tatlOn of theIr resources. of the Mayor and CouncIl to m- Sid- _ . mg ea me IS Monday, Feb 16,Ineighbo 'ng 'b t k , 6. The .new -city. w!;JUldsh~re Steps That Affect Township qUir~ info a City form of Govern- 0 lersIn Korea Dz·saster In Netherla d at ii:~:' t~~ t~~ountr bU~I.~.ing·1and th~~ N~~~~~~:Ysh~u~;u~e m township assets m proportion To be more explicIt we would men:. '. n S with th S Eo 0 pe i lOns prepared to lend a hand, to the assessed valuation of city point in turn to each of the fol- ThIS stU?y gr~lUPmade Its rec- American Le ion Comni d r -. shi ;tto~etary of State, T?wn- There is no guarantee how- and township propp-l"ty. lowing contemplated steps as they ommfet~d.ahons.m due order but CdS . g h' an e I Although shortage of ware- dtiscribing the desolation in the ha; be~ as::d ~a~~s ~. t~It~ellllever, that man-made disasters • • • affect thr:!Township. no 0 IClal achon was ,taken by onra prmger s. lpped 184 house space has nec~sltated a re- wake of the storm and flood, So ITownshl Bo y hecke or VI e such as a sudden air attack on De- The foregoing six points were These ar.e: ' Ithe Mayor and CounCil on the ~ounds of candles to mfant:~en q~est that. further gifts of bl~nk- has Mrs. Schipper's sister-in-law, lidit ol si na:t~:o c: the va- troit, ·one of the nation's prime among the ad'/antages listed by' 1. The seIzure of 4/5 of the cash mat.ter. ~ July 1952 Dr. Snow m Korea last Saturday, brmgmg,e,s, clothmg and other U1hcles whose letter reads in part· f y g. es on ,t~e petl- targets will not happen All out- Vill~ge Attorney James E. Lit-! assets of the Township which in ag!,l~ t~led .t'! .secure an app.r0- to a close t.he drive. for colleCtion1tor ~etherlands Disas.ter Relief "We visited the' flooded' area. ~::rS~t;;;.r. ~Itt~ll ~as vl.slted t.he lying c'ommunities should be PPf>- tell a year ago after he made an the present state of the Township Iprlatl1' to ffiltlate stt!Ps lookmg of candles m the VIllage.