Capturing That Elusive Theatrical Screening (Pdf)
BY MICHELLE PASTER rt: n a time of declining oppofiunities ancl rewards Academy Awarcl-winning filmmaker, took runners training for the Chicago lVarathon, The :i for theatrical distribution of documentaries, Dunham's seconci feature filn, Spirit of the film stars elite runners such as Dick Beardsley, ,,,,. underscored by economic maaise and the Marathon, ihrough a one-time-only distributjon who hojds the fifth fastest marathon trme in America; greatef cost efficiency potential and of onljne do_ model, Thanks to Fathom, a division National of world record holder Paula Radcliffe; Boston and it-yourself scenarios, there is still something to CineMedia, the film also co-produced by New York City Marathons winner Bill Rodgers; and be said about the communal and cinematic marathoner Gwendolen Twist, was distributed as 1980s world record holcler Grete Waitz, experience of showcasing documentaries on the one of the company's event fjlms, Fathom Dunham initially had a djffjcult time reaching big screen. Fjlm festivals remain a vital means for (www.fathomevents.clm), known for bringing the film's apparent audjence, He took the film to visibility, networking and fjlmmaker_audience ilve concefts, opera, original programming and several major distributors, all of whom rejected connection, it. but if films have trouble even being sports t0 the big screen "We owns 14 500 digital knew there was an audience for this film accepted into festivals or fjlmmakers want to see screens in over 1,200 theaters across the country, if only we could get to them,,, Dunham reflects, their work reach full potential after the festival Spirit of the Marathon is the first feature But he had faith that the story woulcl appeal to circuit run, distribution can be challenging.
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