Congressional Record—House H9591

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Congressional Record—House H9591 September 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9591 Sutton Van Hollen Waxman Jenkins Miller, Gary Schakowsky Tiahrt Westmoreland Wittman Thompson (CA) Vela´ zquez Weiner Johnson (GA) Miller, George Schauer Walden Wilson (SC) Young (FL) Thompson (MS) Visclosky Welch Johnson (IL) Minnick Schiff NOT VOTING—7 Tierney Walz Wexler Johnson, E. B. Mitchell Schock Titus Wasserman Wilson (OH) Jones Mollohan Schrader Barrett (SC) Chandler Tanner Tonko Schultz Woolsey Kagen Moore (KS) Schwartz Barton (TX) McHugh Towns Waters Wu Kanjorski Moore (WI) Scott (GA) Capps Sestak Tsongas Watson Yarmuth Kaptur Moran (VA) Scott (VA) Upton Watt Kennedy Murphy (CT) Serrano ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Kildee Murphy (NY) Shea-Porter NOT VOTING—8 The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Kilpatrick (MI) Murphy, Patrick Sherman the vote). Members are reminded there Barrett (SC) Ellison Sestak Kilroy Murphy, Tim Shuler Capps McHugh Tanner Kind Murtha Shuster are 2 minutes remaining in this vote. Clyburn Schmidt King (NY) Nadler (NY) Sires Kirk Napolitano Skelton b 1606 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Kirkpatrick (AZ) Neal (MA) Slaughter Mrs. BONO MACK and Mr. COLE Kissell Nye Smith (NE) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to the vote). There are less than 2 min- Klein (FL) Oberstar Smith (NJ) Kosmas Obey Smith (WA) ‘‘nay.’’ utes left in this vote. Kratovil Olver Snyder So the bill was passed. Kucinich Ortiz Souder Lance Pallone Space The result of the vote was announced b 1559 Langevin Pascrell Speier as above recorded. Mr. NYE changed his vote from ‘‘no’’ Larsen (WA) Pastor (AZ) Spratt A motion to reconsider was laid on Larson (CT) Paulsen Stark the table. to ‘‘aye.’’ LaTourette Payne Stupak Mr. PAYNE changed his vote from Lee (CA) Perlmutter Sutton Stated for: ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Lee (NY) Perriello Taylor Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on roll- So the motion to recommit was re- Levin Peters Terry call No. 709, I inadvertently missed the last Lewis (GA) Peterson Thompson (CA) jected. Lipinski Pingree (ME) Thompson (MS) vote. Had I been present, I would have voted The result of the vote was announced LoBiondo Pitts Tiberi ‘‘yea.’’ as above recorded. Loebsack Platts Tierney f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lofgren, Zoe Polis (CO) Titus Lowey Pomeroy Tonko REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER question is on the passage of the bill. Lucas Posey Towns The question was taken; and the Luja´ n Price (NC) Tsongas AS COSPONSOR OF H. RES. 648 Speaker pro tempore announced that Lynch Putnam Turner Mr. WESTMORELAND. Madam Maffei Quigley Upton the ayes appeared to have it. Maloney Rahall Van Hollen Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Mr. Markey (CO) Rangel Vela´ zquez my name be removed as a cosponsor of Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Markey (MA) Reichert Visclosky H. Res. 648. Marshall Reyes Walz and nays. Massa Richardson Wamp The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. The yeas and nays were ordered. Matheson Rodriguez Wasserman JACKSON-LEE of Texas). Is there objec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Matsui Rogers (AL) Schultz tion to the request of the gentleman will be a 5-minute vote. McCarthy (NY) Rogers (KY) Waters from Georgia? McCollum Rogers (MI) Watson The vote was taken by electronic de- McCotter Ros-Lehtinen Watt There was no objection. vice, and there were—yeas 312, nays McDermott Ross Waxman f 114, not voting 7, as follows: McGovern Rothman (NJ) Weiner McIntyre Roybal-Allard Welch [Roll No. 709] ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER McMahon Ruppersberger Wexler PRO TEMPORE YEAS—312 McNerney Rush Whitfield Meek (FL) Ryan (OH) Wilson (OH) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Abercrombie Castle Eshoo Meeks (NY) Salazar Wolf Ackerman Castor (FL) Etheridge Melancon Sa´ nchez, Linda Woolsey ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Aderholt Childers Farr Michaud T. Wu will postpone further proceedings Adler (NJ) Chu Fattah Miller (MI) Sanchez, Loretta Yarmuth today on motions to suspend the rules Altmire Clarke Filner Miller (NC) Sarbanes Young (AK) Andrews Clay Foster on which a recorded vote or the yeas Arcuri Cleaver Frank (MA) NAYS—114 and nays are ordered, or on which the Austria Clyburn Frelinghuysen vote incurs objection under clause 6 of Baca Coble Fudge Akin Foxx McHenry Bachus Cohen Gerlach Alexander Franks (AZ) McKeon rule XX. Baird Connolly (VA) Giffords Bachmann Gallegly McMorris Record votes on postponed questions Baldwin Conyers Gonzalez Bilirakis Garrett (NJ) Rodgers will be taken later today. Barrow Cooper Gordon (TN) Bishop (UT) Gingrey (GA) Mica Bartlett Costa Grayson Blackburn Gohmert Miller (FL) f Bean Costello Green, Al Blunt Goodlatte Moran (KS) Becerra Courtney Green, Gene Boehner Granger Myrick WES WATKINS AGRICULTURAL Berkley Crowley Griffith Bono Mack Graves Neugebauer RESEARCH LAB AND POST OFFICE Berman Cuellar Grijalva Boozman Guthrie Nunes Berry Cummings Gutierrez Boustany Harper Olson Mr. ELLSWORTH. Madam Speaker, I Biggert Dahlkemper Hall (NY) Brady (TX) Hastings (WA) Paul move to suspend the rules and pass the Bilbray Davis (AL) Hall (TX) Broun (GA) Heller Pence bill (H.R. 1713) to name the South Cen- Bishop (GA) Davis (CA) Halvorson Brown (SC) Hensarling Petri Bishop (NY) Davis (IL) Hare Brown-Waite, Herger Poe (TX) tral Agricultural Research Laboratory Blumenauer Davis (KY) Harman Ginny Hunter Price (GA) of the Department of Agriculture in Boccieri Davis (TN) Hastings (FL) Buchanan Issa Radanovich Lane, Oklahoma, and the facility of the Bonner DeFazio Heinrich Burgess Johnson, Sam Rehberg Boren DeGette Herseth Sandlin Burton (IN) Jordan (OH) Roe (TN) United States Postal Service located at Boswell Delahunt Higgins Campbell King (IA) Rohrabacher 310 North Perry Street in Bennington, Boucher DeLauro Hill Cantor Kingston Rooney Oklahoma, in honor of former Con- Boyd Dent Himes Carter Kline (MN) Roskam gressman Wesley ‘‘Wes’’ Watkins. Brady (PA) Diaz-Balart, L. Hinchey Cassidy Lamborn Royce Braley (IA) Diaz-Balart, M. Hinojosa Chaffetz Latham Ryan (WI) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Bright Dicks Hirono Coffman (CO) Latta Scalise The text of the bill is as follows: Brown, Corrine Dingell Hodes Cole Lewis (CA) Schmidt H.R. 1713 Butterfield Doggett Hoekstra Conaway Linder Sensenbrenner Buyer Donnelly (IN) Holden Crenshaw Luetkemeyer Sessions Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Calvert Doyle Holt Culberson Lummis Shadegg resentatives of the United States of America in Camp Driehaus Honda Deal (GA) Lungren, Daniel Shimkus Congress assembled, Cao Edwards (MD) Hoyer Dreier E. Simpson SECTION 1. REDESIGNATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL Capito Edwards (TX) Inglis Duncan Mack Smith (TX) AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH LABORA- Capuano Ehlers Inslee Fallin Manzullo Stearns TORY, LANE, OKLAHOMA. Cardoza Ellison Israel Flake Marchant Sullivan Carnahan Ellsworth Jackson (IL) Fleming McCarthy (CA) Teague (a) REDESIGNATION.—The South Central Carney Emerson Jackson-Lee Forbes McCaul Thompson (PA) Agricultural Research Laboratory of the De- Carson (IN) Engel (TX) Fortenberry McClintock Thornberry partment of Agriculture in Lane, Oklahoma, VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:20 Nov 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\H16SE9.REC H16SE9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H9592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 16, 2009 shall be known and redesignated as the ‘‘Wes search Laboratory of the Department State and country by joining the Okla- Watkins Agricultural Research Laboratory’’. of Agriculture in Lane, Oklahoma, and homa Air National Guard. But in the (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, the United States Post Office facility summer of 1975, Wes Watkins felt he map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the South in Bennington, Oklahoma, in honor of had a higher calling, and that was pub- Central Agricultural Research Laboratory my friend and predecessor, Wes Wat- lic service. That fall, he would success- shall be deemed to be a reference to the ‘‘Wes kins. fully run for a seat in the Oklahoma Watkins Agricultural Research Laboratory’’. Wes has enjoyed a long and distin- State Senate, representing the same SEC. 2. DESIGNATION OF WES WATKINS POST OF- guished career in public service, first ‘‘Little Dixie’’ region that the former FICE, BENNINGTON, OKLAHOMA. as a member of the Oklahoma State Speaker Carl Albert called home. (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Senate and then as a United States Two years later when Speaker Albert United States Postal Service located at 310 Congressman from Oklahoma’s Third announced his retirement, State Sen- North Perry Street in Bennington, Okla- District for 20 years. During his tenure, ator Watkins decided he would run for homa, shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Wes Watkins Post Office’’. Wes had the honor of serving on three the Speaker’s former seat. After win- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, of the House’s most prestigious com- ning a competitive primary against the map, regulation, document, paper, or other mittees, including Appropriations, Speaker’s former Chief of Staff, Wes record of the United States to the facility re- Budget, and Ways and Means. Before went on to win the general election ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to Wes, no other Congressperson had ever with more than 80 percent of the vote, be a reference to the ‘‘Wes Watkins Post Of- served on all three of the House’s and for the better part of four decades, fice’’. major committees during their career. Congressman Wes Watkins would rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Beyond his committee work, Wes was resent eastern Oklahoma in the United ant to the rule, the gentleman from In- intimately attuned to the financial States House of Representatives. As a diana (Mr. ELLSWORTH) and the gen- needs of the constituents back home in Member of the House of Representa- tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. LUCAS) Oklahoma. Recognizing the hardships tives, Congressman Watkins would go each will control 20 minutes.

—— Preview end. ——

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