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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 21, No. 10): September 6, 1867

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 21, No. 10): September 6, 1867" (1867). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 210.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. MISCELL-Aisr Y. During the winter Mr. Howe was twice prostrated by sickness ; first by dysentery, and afterwards by fever. It was pro|)o9e»l to con­ MRS. JUDGE JENKINS. vey him to the otRcers’ hospital; hut lie insisted •XUtO THX OHLT OSXUIMK BBQUEI.TO “ MAm on being taken to the hospital of the privates, nnd to bo Ireatod in nil respects ns « privntd Mend Mollcr nil that jammar day soldier. Tlicrte was no difTercncc, hsTWOver, in naked the mcndOAra sweet with nay; essential points, between the lawpitals for of­ Tet, lookine down the distant lane, ficers and those for private soldiers. She hoped tlie Judge would come again. ‘Whsa tho spring (tamo, nnd tlic reghnent was And when he cams, with smile and bow, nlxnit 16 enter njion nctive service nnd to mako Uaud^niy binshed and stammer<^ “ Ua..o-w! ” long marches, it became clear to Mr. Howe tliat And apoke df her " pa,'' and wondered whether ho could bo nothing Init an inimmbranco, and, He’d givoconseut they should wed together. therefore, nftcr reinicring all the service which a man in his physical ctondition ixnild render, Old Muller burst in tears, and then ^gged that the Judge would lend him “ ten." VOL. XXI. NO. 10. ho reluctantly asked it discliargo and returned WATERVILLE, MAINE...... FRIDAY, SEPT. 0, ISG7. home. He used to say to the soldiers : For trade wai dull and wages low. ” Tvo got to leave you, boys. I’m of nU use And the " craps " this year were somewhat slow. before. He rose then, and approaching the pass5 a muttered deflUnco and throat ho sent] And to ihink, Ite anid, presen y, low : hold Ills horses, nnd had entered the building here; hut never miml; when yo(fr lime is out, And ere the languid eummer died I to witness the proceedings, lie was 0 wnmi- come to me at Bridgoport. I’m building a Sweet Maud became the .Tudgc’s bride. corner where Agnes sat, trembling and expect- after tiiein, hut Agnes did not heed tiiis, an(i j robbing me of y largo sewing-machine factory tlicro, and I shall niu, said, briefly enough, |tiieiook which Mr. Gregory gave her as she i- I henned Irishintin, named Michael Cahill, past Bnt on the day that they were mated, But ho hns not, yon see ! " she said, Imsiily t||,o ngu of military service ns defined by law. have a plenty of work for tliirHi'who want it.” Maud's brother Den was Intoxicated; “Iwiil introduce you to yeur ciass now, if, passed hi.s desk sent her home with such a ' watched over/' instead, he has really been the moans of giv-j Ui>on hearing liis employer’s speech, ho rushed Many of his comrades took liim at his word, you please, Miss Howe.” | trustful, Imppy feeling of being and nre now at work under him in various ca­ And Hand’s gelations, twelre in all, Slie rose at once, and in another moment and protected as made upprefmnsion or dis- ing us to each other; so we must forgive him, ! forwanl, nnd, clainhoring upon the plulfonn, Were very drunk in the Judge’s hall. and ,lct him go. Promise me that; and now, | yrled out— pacities. Honest “ Mike,” after faitbfitlly serv­ fourid herself in the next room facing an as-' quiet im()ossihle. ing out his term, weHt-tu bis home, and lias And srhcn the sdfnitidr ehtno again semblage of some sixty boys, and lieanng, with-1 There was, nevertlieless, room for both/ns without him, you shall see what a fine toncliur n p„t fiown my nnra) too! I can’t bear to Tb* yoggg bride bore him babiM twain. I shall hccome-=wlmt a splendid class i shall (,«vo the old man go alone.” ndvnncod from driving Mr, Howe’s carriage to out in the least understanding some brief intro- ^ she found on tiie next evening at school. Slie driving his own home and cart wKirii be is still And the Judge was blest, and thought it strange ductory word.s of the Principui, and she was' chanced to be a liltlc late; tin; classes were al make for you 1 Poor hoys 1 it is hut few inllu- So down went the name of Michael Cahill, cnees for good that liave ever been brought to ^ concliinan, next to that of Elias Howe. Laugh- doing. That hearing ahildret) mode such n ohaqgo) alone with her new charge, facing the sixty ready assembled. Reagan had possession of hear upon lliom, I fear f lint, please God, I shall i ter and cheers, mingled in about equal propor- Mr. Howe's enlistment to servo in tho ranks FOr Maud grew bromt, nnd red anti stout. pairs of eyes, all strange, all curious and critic­ her desk ns monitor I he resigned it to lior with of the army was duo to a genuine patriotio And the seaUt tliat his arms clasped about al ; some defiant, some mischievous, some wait­ a mock-respectful how, wliic.h brou'.ht a deeper i *'7 '“‘ip lh‘-‘ni. if only in return for this great' tionsr followed the nnnouncoment of Mike’s ’’ “ good he has given me. Promise me that Ren-, intention. Other names now came in with impulse. ' ’ Was more tben he noW could ^pan, and ho ing nnd watchful; only a very few smiling nnd tinge to the already lluslieil cheek of Agnes, An officer of his regiment related to mo a Sighed M he poiideredy ruefbUy, and caused a tiller of supprussod merriment gnu shall not he punished, nnd that I may go grinil rapidity. A large iiiirobor of men wore friendly. . hack to school, fit least till it closes at Christ- obtained timt night, and such zeal and onthusi- convormtion wliicli ho had with him one gloomy How that, which Maud was native grace, For an instant there was n curious sort of among the hoys. day in camp, when bad news was coming in struggle going on within her ; hdr heart bent “ 1 nm happy,” he hegan, ” to ho able to re* mas.” _ 1 asm were created in the county by the events la Mra. Jenkhi* was out of place. And yon—what will yoa promise me in re- of the evening that in twenty days the 17lh from tho West. thick nnd fast; the breath cunglit in her throat; port the conduct of the class before your arrival “ j And thought of the twins and wiMied t!mt tliejr turn? Any Christmas-gilt I may ask for? ” | Conneotient had upon its rolls the names of ” Well,” said the ofllccr, ” what doyou think she could not find her voice ; but it passed in n us excellent. There has been only one excep­ L^kcd iced liko the matt that mked tlie hay She only hid her head on his shoulder for o„o thousand men. It was conimandod by the trash we call onr property will be worth moment, and she took her seat, nnd cast ,round tion. It is my painfnl duty to report Master answer ; hut silence gives consent, and he ap-, Colonel II. II. -Noble, one of the lending Inw- when this is nil over ? ” On Muller'a farm, and dreamed witii pain her a quiet, cool, composed glance. The boys Charles Hale as excessively refractory. Please Of tlie day he wunderd down the ^uie; peared to be satisfied. > yers of Bridgeport. " So that this thing is settled right,” said returned it boldly at first—some of them im- don’t ask me to mention how, ma’am, for I •...... —------I A diHicully arose when Mr. Howe had to Mr. Howe, *■ I don’t care a copper. As for me, And lookihg down the dreary track, pertinently, but not even the dullest or the most {really couldn’t tell you ; hut I felt ina’iim that give mo throe ncres of land, and 1 can earn my lie halt tegfotted that he came hack; daring there failed to read a certain firmness | he meant to be impudent; nnd being impudent A MILLIONAIRE IN THE RANKS, he examincil by the surgeon of the regiment, Mr. Hnhbard. All his life the inventor ot living upon it, nnd that’s all 1 want.” Tor had ho waited he might have wed and power, only softened by the sweetness of 1 to me, in your place, i.s being impudent to you ! ’ ny jAMcs I'ABTo.a. £>omo maiden fair and tliuruugti'bred. « that calm face, which made them think it host! " Very well,” she replied, " I will attend to llie sewing ninehine Ims been troubled with an No army, 1 suppose, ever contained such a here diary Indeed, it wa's owing to PRESERVE THE POINT. for there rfe womoii fair as bIio to obey the orders which she presently uttered.! it. Be seated now,” and she proceeded leisure- i Whose verbs and nouns do botli agree. Books wore produced, rtnd le.ssons began with i ly to open her desk, mark her roll-book, and 1 variety ot charaelers, and conditions ns that ot the extreme iHtigne which his dnily labor as a A Scotchman is not the only person who . ^ .. ..s.P. .«/« *1 .k it .aK.. Tt.iU.s.l ./liivi fewer interruptions limn she liad dared to hope even to sum up the figures in her order-book, jibe United States during the Lite war. nieri! Joiimeyniaii macliinist cmiattd liiii), in lamse- noeds a surgical o|)«nilion before he can get a AUt! for maiden, alan! for Judge, Tlten slie look up the little vase, whicli again were men in it of iilmost every race and color ; qiicnce of ibis lameness, tliat be set nlmnl in­ joke throngli his bond. A dozen men will be For the sentiinontal^that's uno*hal( fudge." for. Still it was hard work, biicause she did not j'ct feel assureoi or conlidunt ol' her con­ stood before her, tilled with Jgluwiug and fra­ men of every rank —■ from Freiieli princes venting .'Oincihing by which ho hoped to earn round who appreciate 1 story, to oao wlio can For Maud soon thought the Judge a borb, tinued and uliiinale influence over this unruly grant flowers, arranged the blossoms tenderly, lineally descended from Henry IV. to llio his living les.s lalxniously. The pnibability is, r. pent it so ns lo preserve tho point, cspetnally With al* hU learning, and all lu« lore. throng ; there wa< an anxiety and apprehension smelled them in a dainty fashion, and selected plantation slave; men (*’’ every di'grce ol that if Elias lluwe bad had two lugs, lie if it be a fine one. Our national sense of hu­ would never have invented the sewing raa- And the Ju^e would have bartered Maud's fdir face ns to what might come at any moment, which one brilliant cluster, to fasten at her throat. moral worth nnd tmwortliliiess -— from the mor is broad, nnd docs not readily take in tho For more rulinoment iihd social grace. would only cease when tho possibility cn led All this time there was an ominous buzz and patfiot-liero giving Ids ife for his eonnlry, to cldnc. When Dr. Hubbard liesitutetl nbmit Attic wit wliosc force lies in its reflneinent. with the close of school ; tind the quick, sharp whisper throughont the class, of which she took the plundering ’• Ixiiinty jump .r,” who lia.s ac’i'ptiog liini, nnd told him that be could not We ndmiro the biittlo-nxe of Ridiard rather Jf, of all Words of tonguo and pen, nnireb . The saddest are these, ** It miglit have been,** note of the gong annoniieing the we .come hour no notice whatever; and presently, when tqi- since foutid a suitable boine in 11 State's than the soymelar of Saladin. Tho flne edge ot nine was the pleasantest sound she hud heard parciitly quite at her leisure, she gave the order prison. Among other ebaraeters, lln: .-trang- ’• No mutter,” said the inventor, ’’ yon mutt of the best story is generally blunted by trans­ More sad are those that we dally sec, esf, perliaps, was a private soldim' who ob­ [);iss me. 1 am c/oitty!" It is, but it hadn't ought to bo." that day. for books to be produced. It was obeyed-, but portation. Philadtlphia BulUtin. There was the usual opening of doors nnd with such a general slamming of desk-lids, cial- tained an income o( two Imndred tbousnud Ibitb tile officers and men of the regiment A writer in a western journal, in telling an dismissal of the pupils ; and Agnes null ed that ter of shito.s, and dropping of miscellaneous ar­ dollars 11 yein'. Upon the stall’s of major gen­ soon discovered that to have a man in the incident in n speech of Tom Corwin during tho erals and at the bead of regimnnl.-l I ben; were regiment who is both rich nnd generous is ex- IProm IIarp«r*i Magaslii# for Aagait.] two of her class were remaining in their seals ticles, as plainly showed the confusion to be Harrison campaign, illustrates the general ten­ after the rest of the rooms were empty. As planned and iiilended ; Agnes still took no no- .several millionaires mid sons of milliomiii-cs ircmelv convenient. To some of the field dency to miss the point, He thus tells the • MR. ®0BY. she turned toward the corner where she liad tice. hot proceeded to bear the lessons. Read-1 but the genlleinan of whom we spea!; Elias oflicers lie gave lioracs from bis atable, nnd to story ing first—and »«cA reading! every word piir-1 Howe. Jr.,—the inventor ot lln; sewdng nia- others be lent iliem; and wlieiiover there was [CONCLCOEO.] hung her bonnet and cloak an the wall they “ After travelling over the corruptions of both sprang forward to reach them for her ; posely miscalled, every pause intentionally neg-! cliine—.served in the rankt of ilie 17tii Con- delay or dilficulty in procuring iin iirtmli; iiuc- Mr. Van Buron's iidministrntion, and the tena­ It was not till October that the evening leeled, every previous instruction flagrantly yio-j nectieul, and refused every oiler ol a com mi.s- essm-y for the regiment’s speedy departure, bis city with which in ullice hold on to their schodls •ominenced’; and by that lime Agnes but one, a slight pale hoy, was nearest at hand, lated. But she showed no consciousness of its sion, alleging ns 11 reason that lu; was ignorant purse was always open to supply the deficiency. lucrative ofilci;s, -lio stopped, ns if he was about Imd got well into harne-s again, nnd was ready and, spite ol a lame and halting foot .which Ag­ nes had not noticed before, obldiicd them liivt, being other than ii-ual; and correeled the con- of military iiffiirs nnd could render no el- Early in laupteinber, the .regnnent , started . on ihroiigh. Hu east his eyes over the vast crowd and strong to undertake her new labor. Still stantly recurring and absur.1 blunders with a I fective service to his country oxe.epl as a pri-; its way toward the scat ol war, and went into in Ills own peculiar style, his body- bent over she had to confess to some fear and a good deal and bringing them to her stood waiting, while smiling serenity wliicli began to make tlie boys 1 vale. Having bad occnsi.m recently to gailior j camp near Baltiinorc the plall'orm as if he desired to speak to some of excitement when the hour at last arrived for the other boy, a groat hulking fellow, stood at , I feel as lliougli the juke were rather turning I information respeeting the origin and (ii'ngress When th camp was orgaiiiziid ami the Rcg- one close by; then, with a low, clear voice, re­ her to enter upon a strange, perjiaps n repug­ a little distance with ill-concoah-d clmgrin. upon tlietn, and Imd the efi'eet of slmining most | of tlie sewing machine, I hoard the story of j iment entered npun its ruUlinc duties Mr. peated the 5tU verse of the Ctb ehapter of Job: nant task ; and she had need to cast many fond Presently he made a step forward us if to speak of them back lo something of tlmir usual be-1 Howe s enlistment and service from (be Howe (liseoyeioverod that the doctor was right. ‘ Doth the wild iiss bray when lie hath grass ; nnd griiteful looks toward her guardian spirit, to her, but the lame hoy took ids place at her iiavior. Tbi.s, liowever, did not suit Reagan at olficers ol bis ri'giment. He could nut iimrcli with a musket in his hand, or loweth tlis ox wlion lie hath fodder ?’ ” her brave and spotless Una, to bethink her ten­ side, and said as though he had a certain rVy/i', all. The le.s.son was in arithmetic; nnd Uca- He enlisted in .July, 18G2—the 8C(;ond year even to the extent of .sliindiiig sentry. But Corwin made the point mneli sharper than derly of her lion-friend,-who would be ever at “ I nm to see you home, if you please, Miss gun’s face bent tboughtfiilly over his slate and of the The country, ns we all remember, determined to be of service lie volunteered, to the writer does. After describing the corrup­ hand to licdp her before she felt able to start in Howe.” busy fingers were ol lliem.sclvi's sullijicntly bad put forth prodigious efforts lo rc|iair llic | servo the regiment ns its poslinasler, m.jsseii- tions of tho uiru;e holders, he said, us if antici­ faith and courage. Agnes hesitateii a moment, and glanced into ominous of some fresh iinpertiiienee to place calamity iit Bull Run. An inlmen^e army gcr, and oxpressinnii. Sending homo for a suit- pating a po.s.sible objection to the truth of Ids A Miss Burton one of the teachers in the the Principal’s room. Mr. Gregory was there, hud been assembled on the banks of the I’otii- j ahic horse nnd wagon ho drove into Baltimore statement,—we preserve the |«)int it not the day sclitMil, wha likewise belonged to tho even­ but he seemed to be very busy, and looked as Agnes on her guard, even had not an irrepres­ mac, which after a long winter spent in organ-1 twice every day, and brought to the camp the exact language, — ” But, follow-citizens, you ing-school corps, had volunteered to pill nnd be though he might remain there till midnight, sible titter, instantly forced into 11 cough or a sneeze, every now and then burst forth from izing nnd drilling it, had been swiftly loin-1 letters and parcels lor the regiment, wliicli lie her escort on tlii.s her first evening; nnd Agnes the other teachers were'depai’ting one after will say, of ihuao men are patriotic nnd another, and Agnes turned to accept tlie prof­ some of his immediate neiglibors. veyed to Virginia and successfully landed near' distributed from bis own tent with his own honest, and srould nut ipiietly endure such oor- had accepted the offer gratefully- She knew fered escort of her lame pupil. At le-glli raising his Imiid as a signal that 1 Yorktown. That proved to he the end of its hands. He .served, in short, as tho father of ruption ; they would ex|)O90 it if it really exist­ that Mr. Gregory would have willingly accom- his work was complete he presented his slate ' success. Slopped for a month at Yorktown, (he ri;ginieiit. Going home occasionally lo paiiii'd her had no one else proposed to; but Before she could speak, however, the larger ed. Fellow citizens, ’ Doth ill; wild ass bray boy stepped up with an assumption ol superi­ for inspection. Instead of a long .caileulation in ' until Richmond was ready to withstand it, that ‘Bridgeport, where he wa.s then building n when he hath grass ? or loweth the ox when he she knew ul-o how mueli go.ssip any special at- compound interest it was an impudent (sii'icn-1 miginy lio-on my tolling him it was too short, as many winters 'as I- have, you’flloam- ^ noUo give up“P then tor this evening.evening, but'Ibut l.ope I may I think that; youj'ou are loo tarfar advanced lorfor my | It was July, 18G2. The array was. still on 1 once heard Mr. ilowu relate a curious an­ he said it would be a long time Imfora he should home lo-inor- class. 1 desire you to take your books and the James, protected by the gunboats of the ecdote ol one of the journoys. He was sit­ be afniid of uny thing.' have the pleasure of seeing you get another.” Nut a soul laughed, fur no one your departure at once. You are excused from navy. A new levy of troops was ordered. ting in the cars behind-two wild secessionists, ” Bnt the coming home*—so late at night! row night.' saw the joke. " Why, Doctor,” said one of furllier attendance lor this evening at least, and Until this time men had not hung back, mill who wore conversing eagerly about the war. Are you not afraid then ? ” said Aglies, shrink­ “ I will see about it,” she said, hastily ; ’• and the faculty, “ that’s not funny." “ No,” replied for every future oie-, if my influence can avail new regiments had come in about as fast as Une of them said to the other :— ing lip closer still to her companion’s side. now, Cliarlie, we must start.” Dr. ■ ■, with a puzzled look; “ I don’t Mr. Gregory looked up fr»m his -vork as tliey to tliUt effect.” they could be equipped. But in July of this “ Yes, sir! the wlioio thing was got up for think it is now, but it was when I heard it.” *‘ Oh now, Mias Howe,” slie said, deprecating- Do you menu to say you’ll try lo get me' ye‘‘''> when the ripening harvest called farmers the pui'fiose of giviqg fat (xmtracts to the ly, “ you’re just asking that to draw me out. passed, nnd bade her good-niglil, briefly eunitgli, The Brooklyn Union tells a similar ‘faux but with a look wliicli showed how indued he expelled from school ? ” j lo their fields, nnd the tidings of detent gave d-—^ iiboliiiuni^ts. Tiiere's old IIowo. (he pas ’ made by n Dr. Soudder: You know we don’t have to come home alone. “ Just so—and immediately.” pnu'*0 to ll'ose inclined to enlist, the forming sewing machine mail, wortli his i»illiun.s; they 1 don’t at any rate; iind I’ll be bound tiint wished the night and the d.iy alike to be “ good ” “ At n dinner, once, be was called on for a to her. “ 'I'lien 1 mean to say I won’t go, not for regiments ^led slowly, and there were rumors have actually given him tho co..tract for carry­ story. He said: Bomrbodg ’ll be waiting for you at some corner your ranking, anyhow ! You’re a pretty one to | in the a;r of a possible draft. Then it was ing the mail to the army.'’ not a mile off nt nine o’clock I But here we are “ Miss Holve," said Charlie, presently, “ Mr, Once A little girl hunted fur and wide for turn a feller off just for a joke 1 Y'ou know j that it occurred to some gentlemen of Bridge- “ You don’t say so,” said the other. —hero’s the school-house now.” Gregory told mo to come with you, and I al tt pair of shoes. She at hut only succeeded in Agnes was glad, for now she would not have Mr. Gregory says.” well enough I can’t gut into any other school port, Conn., to raise a county regiment, the “ ’Tis a fuot,” rejoined his friend. “ I saw buying n pair of gaiters down a lone alley. Howe myself riding in one of the mail carts to reply'to this good-natured though not very'-. Mr. Gregory told him to. A 1, that was this winter. I’ve to learn Interest and Ex- several cora|miiies of which should be com­ Her mutiier told tier they wore line little refinid sally-would neither hnvcTo betray her Although lie c .uld not accompany her uliange, and I won’t go now! ” posed of friends and neighbors. It' was on yesterday.” crocodiles.’ excellent and fruitfbl thought. The sanction Mr. Ilowe smihid, but said nothing. paucity of Iriends, nor her sure trust in the on* , ’• Yon will go. Leave the room sir I ” ” No one laughed; no one .saw the point. whoso promise she had, graven in marble, to' 8°’j”- «<> po^-^'b'hty ot being “ You have no right lo expel rao—you nor I of Go^. Buckingham was obtained, and a pub- Another story of his warlike experience it “ ‘ Why donl you laugh ? ’ said Scudder; ‘ I guard her So fur as might be from danger or , '“•‘de ‘>‘8 ^"bjeei ol gossip. Agnes did lu.t dare old Gregory either. I shall speak to the lie meeting was called for July 17lli, to begin related by Colonel Steplien A. Walker, pay­ laughed when I heard it,’—at which the table ees ; my luther'.s a voter; I shall be one of the work. master of the division (0 wliicli Mr. Howe's annoyance,lyance. She had tims to give but a bur- i decide-lie had, never l.ele,s ruunid ; not tx^use the story was funny, but day.s, mid you never will. We’ll see !" The public nnxlety ns well its the patriotism regiment belonged. riod glance to great square building, whose f I”*'' laughing because Scudder had laughed. Fi­ .the “ Leave the room I ” ol the people of Bridgeport caused this to be For four months after the Seventeonib Con­ windowsloiJs were aflame with liglits from top to ' ^e had planned lor her .sately nally, however, n wag suggested : and comfort. Agne;^s voice was only a very little raised, one of the largest and most earnest ever bold necticut ontered the field, the government was " * 1 'think the mother intended to call the bottom ; and then Miss Burton, to' whom all the town. filr. Howe attended it, and sat «> pressed lor money that no payment lo the Ua* was familiar ground, pushed open the great' ” Mr. Gregory is very good ; yon d.i well, but it was c.lear as a trumpet, 't’ho <5oward and shoes flue little alloy-gaiters.’ Charlie, lo obey him. I uin obli.ged hutli to bully turned to obey her. In a moment, how­ upon the pliitfurra us one of the Vice-Fresi- ' troops could bo made, and consequently there "‘Well,’said Scudder, are not crocodiles door and drew her on up staiH. A loud hum dents. When the meeting had lieun organ- was grciit suffering among (lie families of the of mingled innlc ami female voices met her him and to you.” . * ever, his brute nature reasserted itself. He and alligators the same ? ’ ” Wfien Agnes entered her class-room the next turned____ _ again,...... and,, approaching______..... her...... with...... oneized, it WHS addressed by several speakers, soldiers, and a still more .paiqful anxiety_ suf-_ ear, and as they, went fai tlier np the sounds be­ sudden stride, doubled his coarse lists, and with who raised (he enthusiasm of the crowd to the I ^ered by the men tliem«elve8. One day 11 pri- came more peculiarly inascniir.e. evening it was quite empty, the great gates not being yet open tor the adniissiou of the boys ; a muttered curse struck her first with one and j liigliest imiiit. Money was liberally subscribed vixto soldier came quietly into (lie paymaster’s G. F. Tuain.—George Francis Train gave “ I belong in there—in' tho female depart- then with the other, full in the breast, and in | for the expenses of the proposed regiment— office in Washington, and ns there were several tqont,” said Miss Burton, as they passed a door but tliere stood upon lier desk a little vase, a bis biography briefly and brilliantly, the other delicate, graceful lily-shaped thing of eiouded the next instant hud inadq his escape into tho j Messrs. Wheeler & Wilson headed the list! officers already there to be atlendisd to, hejook day, as follows: on the landing, through which groups of girls street. He was followed by a dozen infuriated with five tlioustiiid dollars, and Efias-IIowe i his scat in a corner, to wait his turn, .and young wmnbn wore seiTii walking nboui, or glass bolding just a few clusters 'of Caintly- boys ; the rijst of the class was in hopeless con- following with one thousand. Tho whole sum I lint officers had Imen disposal ui Colonel WliQii I started out in life travel was ray standing in knots, talking aloud ; ’’ but I’ll just tintod, alinoiid-seunted heliotrope, a vivid .scar­ idol; the world doubled. Then I Iriuil knowl­ let geranium blossom, and one or two glossy fusion; doors wore opened, questions asked, raised was twenty-five tlionsuiid dollars. This] Walker turned lo him nnd said: ^ show you the way up to Mr. Gregory's room— teachers running hither and thither; and mean- was encouraging, and it was then lo be seen “ Now, my man, what can I do for you ? ” edge ; I got no praise. 'I*hen books; (hey you’re his assistant, you know, and he'll tell dark-green leuve.s. It seemed to fill the groat teaohers running hither and thithui ', and mean-1 wits encouraging, and it was then lo be seen „ , , ’ ^ , ridiculed. 'Fliua languages; (buy sneerc;!. while Agnes had been raised fi'uiii the floor and how the' citizens• • ol...... Bridgeport a'ould'■ respond.1 ai*** 1.have..... called, ’’said the soldier, “ to see you' where to go. Aiu’t yon ’ afraid to bare room with light and perfume—it kindled j Then patriotism; they cheered first; then again with sudden warmth tho last-niglit glow laid, apparently lifeless, upon a sofa in tho libra- to the call for services more perilous nnd more j aliout the payment of the Seventeenth Gonnoo- .undertake siiuh great rough hoy.s ? ” knocked mu down in Bosbm, shot at inu in St. already fading in Agne.s’s timid breast; none ry, while Mr. Gregory bent over her, so wild necessary than tho subscribing of money. j ticut. -^Afraid? ” Agnus felt that she was, indeed, When the time came for inviting men to on- Tho paymaster, a little irritated by what he J»uis and tried lo assassinate roe in Alton. M itjk« at-'ui' swung open, revealing a crowd of but a loving and appreciative hand bad placed with nnguisli us to take no heed of tlie curious But in spite of this I have kept t»y indep(;nd- it there, whether it were Mr. Gregory’s or Char­ list, Ml'. Howe—to the nstoaishment of Ids supimsoJ a needless and impertinont iiiterrup- Iwys s>f ull ngoJ Fnd sizes moving about the glances cost toward bis white, stern face. cnce and individuality. Tasked tbe world what lie’s ; and it sent her to her work with fresh, It wns n long, a duiitli-like swoon; bnt al friends, for ho had never before addressed |u' ‘io'b ‘o'd him somewhat bluntly, " tImt a pny- seo«, atanding io groups here and there, sitting ■ s meeting—rose to his feet, and spoke ] co^M do imlhing without money, and it wanted ; it replied, roouey. 1 liave made it, in «uws upon tlie long tbrins, or gal lie rod about glad interest and energy; and site was rather lust the faint breutli came fluttering back, the and am now devoting my time to tliat, simply surprised than otherwise when the boll for d'ls- hue of life tinged cheeks and lips, and the heavy somewhat ns follows:__ | Ihnt until the govenimenl could furnish somo it Che.teaebers’ desks, all talking in a sort of sub­ " At such tt time as this every man is (xiUed 1useless for soldiers lo (X>me bothering tdm out of contempt fur tho opiuioiu of men. No dued aMiramr, and all turning to stare at her, missal sounded. eyelids were lifted. It was u wandering nnd more softening of the brain, but hardening of ' She lingered a good while alter school was troubled glance which they (Mst round the anx­ upon to do what ho can for his country. 11 about the pay of their regiments.” as site entibrudi with a look lialf-orifical, haif-do- don’t know what I can do unless it is to enlist I _ ^ kimw, ’ said the soldier, “ (he government the heart. ian^ wliieh made her heart quail wHhiu her. over, even going down stairs to chat a while with ious group; but a qui’(w«'ai,d.‘|K>ts of right and wrong. Priinjpal's desk.. He was there—Mr. Gregory Colonel Walker found that the sum required If you are right you cannot be too radical; and “ I was ’most afeared you had given me the see you safety home myself. Miss Burton, will —pou ih_ baud, and a group of hoys around With these words, he laid the paper upon WHS thirty-one thousand dollars. Upon re- if you are wrung, tbe more conservative you are him, whose names be was rapidly tajung down; slip, MissMih Howe,” be said, with an attempt at you be so good as to get Miss Howe’s wcap- - ...... » .— -ti----- 'pings-? 'The rest of you ladies will exouse me the chairman’s table. TIte excitement pro­ oeiviog the information, the private wrote a the better. I believe that the only way in but he glanoed up' gt the raomeatary bush of jesting familiarity ; “ but I was bent and bound draft for tbe sum, and received in return a whicli intemperance can be put down is not by I wouldn’t bo disappointed to-night.’’ for reminding you that your classes nre await­ duced by this announcement can. neither bo ourioaity which the, teachers’ autrance had imagined nor described. Mr. Howe was'* memorandum certifying the advance,and prom­ any half way ground-nut by any mere at­ “ I am sorry, Mr. Reagan, and I hope you ing you. I imagine you will have orderly created: and Agnes aav his face liglit up for ising reimbursement when the 'government tempts to secure only the moderate use ot in- on’tmind it much, but I have promiseil Char­ classes for the rest of the evening. I shall be known to every one present, as being one of an iipitant with one quiuk. glad look of recog- oould furnish tbe money. toxieotiug drinks—not by imposing taxes upon lie that he shall always see me homo. He was back to close school myself. Now, Mias Howe, (he wealthiest men in tbe State, whose resi­ nilioi^ the stern huainess air returned. Two or three days after, at Fairfax Court the sale of liquors, not by legUlativo licences, the first to ask roe, and ho is at the head ol take my arm. There you are, all right aud dence at Iranlstan was as pleasant and at- “ Gqod-«wrenifm, AJjss Uofton ; .be seated some­ tractive a scene as could anywhere be found ;! House tbe regiment was paid, and there were but by total abstiiiuncu from all that intoxicates, bis class, you know; that seems to give him a steady again I ” where, ilowo, I win attend to you |ire8ent- and to exchange this for the privations of a! • thousand happy men in namp. When Mr. and by the abolition of alooliol itself. 1 will ly/' he UiU, briefly 1 ami went on agam with right!" And it was all done—she scarce know bow. camp seemed to the audience, ea it w

— —j-.—- OTTH TABIiE. there come invitations to " read ” to orderly and worth counting. But when thw Accustomedaccustomed j Brook Farm, Sept.-4,1867. The AOonsTA House, at Augusta, and its settled and civilized communities, which already Tbe Diamond Dickens-.—“ The Old Ca­ new propriclop, we hear well spoken of on wave of victory take* its start from tlic Dirigo ! Mttiri- Editor! : have antiquarian societies and talk of the graves riosity Shop and Reprinted Pieces t* ($ the SevoatK num­ every hand. The following notice is from tho l^Jatmiillf Boil. Ininner, to roll with accumulniirtg power ovorj I see by a kindly meant notice in your of their pioneer ancestors. I ■.,11 . 1.0 .,. ber of tills issue. Tlio rciunlnlng six or seven numbers Portland Press, and is no doubt just. Kt*ll MAXIIA.M, I DAN'L R.WINU, Stale after Stafe. every true man will be able p«per, headed “ challenge,” that you are in The Sierra is pierced ; tho Summit Tunnel will be publisbcit In rnpid succession. Thq set, con­ Mr. J. A. King, who a few months since KDITOIIH. to l)iy his hand upon his heart and say, “ I did error in regard to my advertisement in Maxnt sisting of thirteen or fourteen elegant little volumes, ji’ill is tlirough, and now tho energetic Calitbrnians assumed the proprietorship of tlie Augusta I » I Stnndard; and apparently misunderstood my bo a clioico library In itself. Resides being so very at­ will have down hill work. Sixteen hundred House, has in tills brief period won his way to WATEllVILLE •.. SEPT- 6, 1867. tractive, it is roallv tlio clionpcst edition of Dickens's and fifty-eight feet of tough granite have been I motive, f simply called the attention of Capt. public favor and established tho reputation of Thk Musical Fkstival, wliicli is to com­ Complete Works issued In tills country. Tlio illustrated penetrated in a marvellously short space of time ' A. W. Golden to lour errors in his advertise- the house as a first class hotel. Mr. K. is a edition is only *1.60 a volmiio; plain, $1.25. All the and we believe it is a very creditable piece of mence its session here on Tuesday, tlio 17ili gentleman ns well as a hotel keeper ; ho thor­ j-ment of the horse “ Ilendrick Hudson,” and iiookscllers have it, or it will bo sqnt postpaid by tlio work ns to quality, also. A commendable zeal iiist., and continue in se.ssioii till Friday, prom­ oughly understands his business, his tables are I olfered to forfeit the sum of One Hundred I'ublishcrs, Ticknorand Fields, Boston. has been shown from both ends of the Pacific supplied with the best the market affords, the. ises a highly |dcasant entertainment to tiioso Dollars if I did not prove him in the wrong, The Cliloago Journal says of tiiis volume:— Rond, cacli striving to obtain tlie extra prize of servants arc attentive and polite, and the order, whoso ears and souls lire set to mu.sic. The “ Tlio beauty, concise form, and all tlie otlior attVao" construction which was wisely held out to the the amount to be given to some charitable in- neatness and regularity of the house is such as tions of Uiis exquisite edition add now deliglits to one of company first reaching tlie other—if we may engagement of Mrs. J. A. Crowell, n distiii- ilitution in this Stale. No notice has ever Dickens* best stories. Eytivge's portraits of favorite to give universal satisfaction to his numerous guislicd soprano singer, of Bangor, Mr. Ora cimrncters rivs frcih Intorcst to Littio Noll, Mrs. Jiirlov. be permitted such Hibernianism in speaking of been taken of my card by Capt. Calden ; but Dick .SwiToflor, Qiiil|), S:impson Brass, Tlio lIurctiloiioM, guests. It is a good place to stop at. a mutual advance. There is, perhaps, some Pearson, tenor, of the same place, and Mr. M. oto., anti will tend to li.creaso tho number of tlieir ad- n third person (who it scums has charge o( danger of hasty workmanship in this provision, W. Whitney, basso, of Boston, with other ar- tnirers. The * Itopriiited Bieces * are some of tlio choic­ The statement of the public debt shows a “ Hendrick Hudson ”) makes nn attempt to est papers over contributed to Kngiisb periodicals, many reduction of the aggregate debt of nearly five but, if the Commissioners do tlicir duty, and rnngeinenls heretofore advertised, completes a of tlicm liaving already won wide favor in tliis country peremptorily reject any section which on ex­ answer, not denying any of the points to Tlio convenience and clear typo of the ‘ Diamond Diok- millions in currency. Over nine millions were programme of unusual attractions. Mr. Dav­ ens,’ wo arc glad to kuow, arc duly appreciated.’’ amination-does not appear up to the require­ which I look exception ; but after refusing to paid on compoiinil and seven-tliirly notes in enport, the director, is well known to the public August. Twenty-three millions of the com­ ments of the law, this may be effeotuallj^ guard­ trot his horse to bring nn “inferior” stallion Till-: London Quarterly Review for ed against.—[N. Y. Times. ns eminently qualidcd to till his place; and with pound notes duo in August have teen re­ into notice, he closes by saying he is willing to July Ims tho following tnblo of contouU:— deemed—only seven millions ore outstanding, the co-operation of the musical talent of Wa- Now Pnrin; Comi»h Antiquities; Rcmmisconoo% of Foreign Items.—A 'Vienna despatch in­ do so for $500, the amount to be divided be­ Mussimo

WATEiiVILLE MAIL. MUSICAL FESTIVAL. THE • UeafbeM, Catarrh, jNew Book Store Column. Kendall's Mills Column. ANjlHDKPKitDEnT Fahilt Nkwhpapkb, Devoted to Thors will bo a Hnsiiml FsoUral at Ibt ^ tJNIO^Sr JP^CIFIC THE SurroRT or the Union. HENRICESON’S Congregational Church in Waterville,' End DIeeasee <7f the RAILROAD CO. E. C\ LOW, Fnbjlih«d on Frl(lAy,bj beglonlog on i WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENT (^ruggpLst and fipoFKeoary. JiO. JK. X H A. iJlL Ok WISTO, TUESDAY, SEPT. 17th, KditoK nnd Proptlolotf. UTE, ear, throat and LUNGS. THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF NEW HOOKS, OcC. DIAttn IR At Fr^t't Building.... Miin-Bl., Watervillt. snd eontinuing Foim Days. Rra^, Hedioinei, Chemioalf. AS AN INVESTMENT. j ON TUK n0UVKI,ARl)S: (m MK6IORAHJ,K JIKN : AM) TllINliS DHAWN ON I HK Sl’OT. 1S63-1S00. Pnlent Medicines, Fancy Gooda, 'roilet Artn Cfb.Uazrah. Iia>nper dlsoontinne4 until all arrearages are paid, cloth, price 91 70. cure? ” Next,” Are they a profitable invostment ? ” Tore- Tkora rallliif will Sad th. Slock eon ,1.1., hrah cad Pm« except at the option of the publishers. CONCERTS. O.KKK-PAj A Kellginits Ccromonv, nnd other Ciis- Fourth frofessionaWisit ply iu brief: loins ol tho .Mnndntis. Ilv (leorgo Onlliii. 1 vol. 4lo, Out of town otd.n pr.m|>ny annidwl I*. P08T OFFICE IVOTIC'K—WATBRVII.LR. Op Thorsday srenlBg will be glren Miscellaneous Selcc- 1st. The early eompleiloo of the whole great line to the with 13 ehromo.Iithogmpli illmtrittlohs, bound cloth, DKPARTDR* OF MAILS. tionS’-Chornses by the rises, Quartettes and Polos by dls- Pacific Is as certain as any future business event can be. The ext™, gill edge., price 95. , [I7“ t’hr.lvkiro Uro.crlpfions cnrofully compstaideil tinguished Toeallsts from sbroad' from Ike Pnreet Articles. Woitsin Mall learrs dally at lOA.H, Closes at 9.46 A H Second Concort on Friday erening will be performed by Governmentjgrant of over twenty mlillon acres of land and IIAIIF, ON HKI’IIKSKNTATION. THK KMCOTION Angnsta “ “ W “ “ 9.46 “ noloistaand Oiiorua, selections from TO fifty million dollais in Its own bonds practically guarantees OK KKl-UKSKNI'AnVUS, I-AUHAMBNI AIIY AND Olio Door South of the PWIbriok Hone*. Rastern “ “ ' 5.30 P.M. 6.00 P.M. It. One fourth o4 the work Is already done, and the track MUNICIPAI., A Trentiso. Il^' Thos, Hare, Ks.i, __^______Kk»i)Ai.v.’» Mn.ui, M>r Bkowhegan- HAVOnr'S CRKATIOIV. 'i hinl KMItlon, with i’refjico., etc. 1 voL “ ' 5.30 “ •< 6.00 “ continues to be laid at the fate of two miles a day. Sorrldgiwcok.fco. •• 5.40 ■< •• 6.20 " Viino, cloth, price 6>3.60. Belfast Hall leaTOS WALTER VILLE, 2d. Tlie Union Pacific Railroad bnndsatu Issued upon what F ree Return Tioketi • A MANUAL OK MAIUNF, INSUnANOR. Ur Mnn- For the next Thirty Days Monday, Wednesdayand Friday at 8.00 A.H promistr to be one of the most profitable lines of railroad In OffloeUours—from 7 8 F U. to those attending the Festlyal will be granted on both Ball* ley Hopkins, niithor of " A Hand-book of Avemge'," etc., roads. the country. For many years It must be the only line con O.R. sioFADDRN, P. . etc. 1 vol. Koyai 8vo, printed on suportino pnper, cjolh. Tickets tor tbs Oouiib,...... 01.00. necting the Atlantic and P.-tcific ; and being without couipotl- Tin: LAST OK TUK llAHONS. By Sir K. Hniwer _ P.B. WARREN. Waterrllle, Aug. 20.1867. 8 tioD, It ean maintain renninerativo rales. I.ytton, Itnrt. Globe Kdition. Ooinplote in t vol. IOiik), WATERVILLE YOUNG MEN’S Bd. 426 miles of this road ore finished, and fully e<}ulppfd will) Irontisfiicco, lino green cloth, price 81.60. 1 will SoH New and Sseond-hand CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Friday, Sept. iSth, 18^7, with depotv, locomotives, cats, Ao., nnd two trains are Unity L.\ L\ Ith: PI.ANCAISK. Ily Gustavo Masson. 1 CARRIAGES, WAGONS, * BUCGIES, ITCH : ITCH 11 ITCH!!! running each way. The uiaUtrinls for tlie remaining 92 miles vol. lOino, printed on tinted pn|>er, bound in Uii* green vellum, will) side stamp, price 51.76. Rooms in Boutelle Block, SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH! II to the eastern base of tbe Hooky Mountains are on hand . and At Efdiiced Prices t It is under contract to be done in September. .lACQULS nONNV:VAL; or, TIio Dnvs of tho Drng- In^ from 10 to 48 hours where he can be eonsahed as nsuat at the TIk)** wishing to imtohas* will do well to call aad’esomla*. (Fonnerlj <\c«uple(l bj tfa« People’s Bstik.) 4th. The net earnings of the sections rlrcady finished are onnades. Ily tlio aullior of “ .Moiden aiid Married Life -1". - Whealon’a Ointment cures The Itch. sevzasL TiMZS GRZATSR than tlic gold liiturost upon the First of .Mary I'owcll." liiino, price $1. JuIy l7th,Tlfl7. ^ Ji, Free Beading Boom, Wheaton’s Oliiiment cures Bell Dhenm. Mortgage Bonds upon such sections, niul if not another mile THK HOIISKHOLD OK .Silt TIIOM.^S MUKK. Ily thee mitlinr ol •• I hu Miiidcii mill Mnrrieil'o of .Ma.v Opev erery Bvenlngy 8iino in tite ctl?- Hooke not on hnnd will bo procured at »hort no­ HABDWARE, BUILDING MATlUAlr, tice. (prater JAeciing to ivhioh XxidieB ore inuitedf Price, 60 cents a box; by mail, 00 eenti. Addreit WEEKS market unless they represent n uona Fine property. Faints, Oils, Varniahei. AMERICAN WATCH 6th. Their amount Is strictly limited by law to a sum equa erery Sohtfaiys from 61*3 to 7 1*4 P. M. A I*. TTFU, No. 170 Washington Street, Boifton, Nasi. Farmers’ nnd Mechanics’ Tools, Tin' Wn-e, Formle by all Druggifts. MADl AT to what is granted by the U. S . Government, and for which it PAPER HANGINGS &c. &c. “ Come with u?, ntid wc will do you good.*' Boston, Aug. 26, 1867. ^ sply—0 takaper, more accu­ •nd new patterns ri'oclved every week. FACT. P0N. AND FANCY. shrewdest railroad builders of the country have uln tidy p rid F. E- CROCKETT, M. D-, “FAMILY PHYSICIAN,” rate, lesAComplex, more durable, better adapted for goneraj Prirra nv low as can be found anywhere. In five millions dollars upon the stock (which is to tiicra a Seventy six pages; pilre26 cents, Sent to any address. uee, and more easily kept in order and repaired than any other ______. ______0. A. lIKNRlOKfiOX, Pbyiioian and Snrgeon, No money reuuirtd uD'tl the book Is received, read, and (bird lienj, may well {ol{ their GovcrniiiiMits to je- Letter and Note Paper, Some one said long ago that the child was father to 700,part r. Ilow they run under tlie hardest trial watches can CORNER OROCERT. tho man ” 'I'ho Iloston Post thinks thi? is especially A Oentleman who had sutfefed for years from Nervous !)<• invest in these bonds—tiius securing a greater interest. Jny r.TolTf.l nt tliH N.vr l),«)k,torr. .Iilrli slit hf (old at tlio case in Amcriciv. *• Children in this country arc hlllty, Premature Decay, nnd all the eUents ot yonthfiil Indis* have,Is shown by thefollowlagletter: prirm lower than liavr been knnwnhere of late, 9th. As tbe Union i'ocific Kailruad bonds areofijred for the \\r * dsrire (o cal I the atuntlon of (haeUlisaso^ parents to their fatliers and inotliers; and tlicy abuse eretioii, will, for the sake of sufTnrlng humanity, it-nd free to I'KNN. UAILllOAD COMPANY. Papei >.(iini|.rd alth Sin initial without i xrrs charge. present at 90 cents on the dollar ai;d accrued interest. Otcy ^Watvrviile,.May n. 1807. G.A. IIKNH10K80N. KENDALL’S U1LL8 daddy ainJ mammy outrhgcou.sly.** all who beel It, the recipe aud directions tot making the slm- and vicinity to our stock of le rumeuy ^y which be was cured. SuOurers wishing topiollt Orrici or thr Qbmiiral SuPKatNTEKntNT, I are (he cheapest fccuflty lu the market, being more than 16 A gentleman remarked that • y Cheadverciser’sexperleace,can do so by addressing, In ALTOOHA, Pa., 16 Dee 1806. ) percent, luse than U. H. Stocks K’ • perfect confleence, JOHN B. OQUEN, A Large and Splendid Assortment given to sharp practice, was getting more clrcumipect. Ge^tlcmxm . The watrhe'i manufactured by you have been At the eurrcDC r.ite of premium on gold, tliey pay Flour, Oora and Grooeries. “ Yes,** replied Jud^ Hoar, of Massachusetts, ” lie has ly—47sp 42 Cedar Street, New York. In use on lUls railroad for several years by cur vnginemen to or whom we furnish watches as part of our eiiuipoieot There Th« old riisloairrs of 1> Bnmlor, Jr , » Co., wni Ind us reached tho superlative of life—he began by seeking to Oyer JVinc iPer Cent. Jutcre.'st. NEW GOODS. pre{H.r«d to gfvo them as good bargain, a. farni.rfy get on, then he sought to get honor, ami now he is trying Jackson’s Catarrh Snnff are now some three hundred of th> m carried ou ou r line, and we consider them good nnd reliable time-keepers. 1 nde<-d, I . The daily subscriptious aru olready laigu , uud (hoy vrill just rcct-lvfd at the to got honest. A\l> TIIOrllK POWDKR, have great satisfiiction In sayi iig your watclMs give ua less A I. a u cotitinue to be rectiived in New York l>y ihu Talk about tho lupid progress of ideas, indeed. Ac­ A DELlOiri KUL AND PLEASANT REMEDY IN trouble, and bate worn aud do wear much longer witliout N r W It O <> K S T O It E repairs than any watehe.H we have ever bad in use on lUi* Continental N.vtional Bank, No. 7 XuN-iim .St., COMrilI.I!.0 No. 1 Mackerel, cording to I’rofossor reltoni the world was several thou* Catarth^ Hrnilavhr, lind JBi'toth, Jhitneneis^ Atthma, road. As are aware, we formerly trusird to those of Clark, & Co. llANKKitK 61 riallSt., Napo.8 ami Fins, sand years old before any one tliought of undressing Utoni/migj Unight, DeoJ'utgf^ tfc., Mig.lsh manafauture. or aeknowleiged good leputation ; but Fiipcr Hangings in grciK Viiricly on going to bed. The idea originated with the ancient John Oi.sco & Son, Rankkks, Nu. :13 U'lril St., And all Disorders resulting from COLDS in as H class they never kt-ep time as correctly, nor have they lllrh prii-rdBiot lo« prl.-cil; Pnp.rOnrl»ln< ; Curlnln .Shndca ; Ilnlihut Ilcnds, Creeks. done as good set vice, as >our«. and by B.4NKS AND UANKEU.S generally thiougliout the ntul Boiili-rb A vplundid uMKirimrnt (It Bead, Throat, and Vocal Organs. In these statenicnts I am suetHlned by my predecessor' Mr. Tongues and Sornwh, A Hartford author is engaged on a history of woman’s This Kemedy does not" Dry np ” a Catarrh but I.OtH- Lawis. wb04tf ezpcrtenrc exreini- Gilt, Black \Yulnut nnd Uooowood. Fig Leaf to the Crltiuliiie.” A comprehensive subject, moving bad breath and headache; oltayaand aonihes the KUIVAUD 11. WILLIAMS, patiy’s office, \o. 20 Nassau Street, New York, on iippheafli)n . IlKN.IAMrN BUNKER A CO. bit riling li« B| in CaturrU; is so mild and agreeable In Its General Superintendent. Metallia Framed, Rondall's Mills, Jun.37lh,IH87. 6S sufcly. effects (hat It pOsltLecly SUb.^ciibers will eeluot their own Agente in whom they have American Watch Co., Wallhnm. I'erhaos tho best pun recorded was that Inscribed on con8iin-nl ol Koiioy iloo.lM, iimong wldcli will Iw found ond person singiilHr of tho verb e/ucto, to tench, and when As a TforbK Powder, Is pleasant to the tunte, and never spectively as follows:— SURGEON ^^H^DENTIST, literally traushited, become, ” Thou Tea-chest.” nauseates; when swallowed, Instantly gives to the Throat jomsr J. exsoo, I.\DIi;S’ HAOK COMHS, • and VooAt OkOANSa Appleton, Tracy &. Co., Wiililiam, hliiss. very Imnd.onu'nnil onllr-Iy now in atylo. A doatructivo fire occurred at BufTalo, N. Y., on Sat- Xn-oswrer, urJay night, causing a loss of about $160,000, and Delicious Sensation of Coolness and Comfort. Waltham Watch Company, Wiiliimm, Miii'i. 3ro—49 NKW VOIIK. EOM'N AM) lvd iONTiNUKF to*xucut*aU oiders for thasr lo nssdo A man in Hubbardston lived in a house on a high hill Try it! Safe, Reliable, and only 35 Cents Wm. Ellery, Hoston, Muss. in Waterville. f UHntHl servires. Sold by J)ru3gbitf, or mailed ^e, address A I, II D M N , C of sugar loaf shape. One night about 12 o'clock a Home Watch Company, Boston, Muss. Orncs — First door south of iUlIrnad Drldge. Ms n stranger came to tho door nnd routed the family up; OOOl’KR, WILSON & CO.,Prop'rs, All (he nt*w nnd popuLii BHHKT MU8IG Th* Public ar« Struct. sply-8 Fhilailelphla. invift d r«) i-mK and examine bufore purchasing cl<>cwhcri4 and when they came to ask iiim wlmt he wanted, ho re­ All of these, with fhe ezevplion of the Home Watch Com­ Dr, PINKIIAM lias Isioensee of two (and all) palcntP on Wholesale Agonta—Qeo.C Ooodwin & Co , Rnst Brothers ______i V. A JIKNUICK.SON. plied, soberly: Oh, nothing, only I waiitod to tell you pany, are warranted by the American Watch Company to bo J. B- BBADB.UKY. Hard Huhlter, which proteotM Itin customers and patfe'ots what a fine clmnoe you have to drain your cellar.” A Bird, Barton; W. Whipple A ('o., Portland. from further cost, which any one is liable to, by employ­ Ira li Low and Wm Dyer, Agents for Waterville, of the best material ou the most approved prlnc41e,and to Tin: miJ.SIC UBi-AllT.lllIKT ing those wiio hnve no I.loeiise. “ Rev. Charles Kingsley, the author' of more than one po^ss every requisite for a relitble tinte-kpepfr. Every OmCB, MA-Ijsr STHEET, Of TIIU interesting novel, has just arrived in New York, in the No. 1. dealer selling the*e Watches l.s provide 1 with the Company’s Fl.OUR AND CORN. Inst steamer. NKW AVATKRVILM-: BOOKSTORE tDr. Bolienck on Djrspep'lo. printed card of guarantee, which ^bould arcouipsny each W.iTKIlVII.LE, ME., A lady tlius describes Mr. Jolin G. Saze, in the Cora- SYUPTOMS, CAUSES, AMD ItEMEDT. M Htob sold, to that buyers may feel atire that tliey are pur­ till, just received liirRo inlditioiin, nnd ciistouicra will We are ret-elving a Tot of now llrnl n good st.K’k of incrchiJ Advertiser:— Symptoms of Dyipepala—A sense of AiUnesi, tight- chasing the genuine article. There are uumerous counter­ flesa, and' weight____ In______the stomach,_ _together_____ with___ flatu- Old Mixed, and Prime Yellow Com, He’s tall ns any lAmtjftllow feits nod imitations ot our Watches sold throughouc the Kc«peclfully offers his porvices to the public ns MUSICAL INBTIIUMENTB, lency, acidity, sour, offensive belching of wind, water- which wp offer to dealers and oonaumersat Ih* lowest morkol A giant in these days. brash, and vomiting, and a great deal of what a person country, and we would caution purchasers to be on their .MK.I.ODI.DNS, KLI1TK..S, VIOLINS, GIUTAli.S,&c. lie's wittier far than HViiff/er, , calls iin all-gone fbcllng at tlio pit of the stomach; fire- price. Wu have also a go*d supply cf qni-ntlv there is also a palpitation of the heart, which guard against imposition. Together wdlt a ctioloe collection of FLOUR Who sings in labor's praise, ph^.'ticians mistake for heart disease, and when the LIFZ ASSURANCE AGENT. Ami briglilest of Xow Fuglu id's bards stomach is In this oondiUpn It is coated with a mucus Any grades of Waltham Watcher may be purchased of S/ieC Music, luslruclton Bunks, ^c. ij-f. J on hanil at (ho reduced prices. U nU.NKKtl fe 00.. . . is lie where’er he roams, or sllrae. Tho rough fibTnus portions of the stomach, Watch Lealers throughout the country. 62 Komi* IPs UlMs. similar to what wo toe In tripe, is what throws out tho AH ill wfiiit nre invited to cull. . WIro, nltliongh Doctor //o/mss Is bright, gastric Juice, and when the stomach gets a thick coat llOUUl.kM At AlMMJnO.V. \\ hliitiR to extend the benefits of Lifo A'-suraiice, he ■'Ji"?.'.’ _ _ G. A. IIKNHICKSON. Can always brighten homes. of sliiiiu on It, ft pravonts the goitrlo Juice from flowing, tiplm—7 182 Itroudwny, Xcw York. Buy yonr Hardware and digestion ceases. 8chenck's Seaweed Tonic dis­ I will cheerfully alford all iufbrmatlnn and every solves this mucus or sUme, and restores the stomach to fttcilHy ill bis power, and invites AT its natural condition. HENRIOKSO^ LIBRARY. > . GovEr.NOit CiiASiiiKULAiN lius sont nn Scheiick's Mandrake Pills are also reqalrcd to carry careful attiMitiou to tho GILDHETITS, Kendall’s M off this morbid matter. Two-thlrdi of (ho cases of Like the Volcano, Bolls give ls4«ue to the foul and fiery con­ Afai n - St,, iffz/i'ry/ He, OR' nest request to tliu Government tlmt Ad- Consumption are caused from this diseased state of tho following facts: and get First (’Uss (luoiln at the lowest niaket pri stomach; the liver becoming torpid. It ceases to throw tents of the deep iu terlor. To remove the cause of such sof REAHLY npp. p.o. iiiirul Farrugiit, wlio is now in llie Meiliterru- out bite, and In a short time the whole system U do- ranged. The mucous membrane of Uio bronchial tubes ' It is only necessary to vitalize tho Blood by supplying it LIME AND CEMENT. - /iieun, muy be inslrueled to send u United Slates sympathizes With the other-organs, and before the pa­ ' THE laUITABLE TKUM.‘«.. • K 00 a year; for 6 mo.: >5 c for 8 mo.; slii[) to transport the suffering JufFu colonists to tient Is awaro of it, he or shona'las Bronchial’*—* ' * or ruhuo-’* * with its Life Element, liioif, 10 c. a week. ew Mme fresh foom the Kiln, just receivet. Al«o Ros- nary Consumption.inmtion. 117“ A doposil rctjulrcd of RtrunRcpa. •rndale and Newark Centent. kept oonstanily on hand their old home in Maine. Schenck''• Pulmonic Byrap cannot act fVeely thronth TirB PEIUVIAN PYUUP, Nand for nah at (he Corner Grocery, Kendell’s Mills, by the blood when thosyetem i« in (hie locked-up condition, without the aid of the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake (n protected solution of tbe Protoxidu|of Iron) will do this ef LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, I). BUNKER A CO. PllU. The Liver has all the venous blood to strain, and The Library opeos at 8 o'clock a.m., and closes AGRICULTURAL FAIRS IN MAINE. when It (rots In a morbid condition, blood and bile run fectuany,and give btrznqtu, vigor aud xcw urz to the wboii- at 8 p M. throngh the system mixed, and the whole body becomes 1 8_6^y. so low and tho blood so thick, It can hardly run throngh system. 92 Broadway, Nkty Yonic, the veins. In a majority of cases hemoirhages occur THE niGHKST PRIZE State Horse KxliibitUiou, at Augusta, Tuesday (Tom this (hick oondlUoii of tho blood. The Mandrake E.XTFACT OF A LkTTI'R .THOM I*RV. UlCIIAKD S. EdKB MARBLE WORKS. - Pills act on the Liver similar to calomel, or they do "rant.4 to policy-holders every benefit wbicli Wednesday and Thursday, Sept 8d, 4th aud &th. what that does—it unlocks tho gall bladders, starts tho OK Bolton, Ma88. The l■ubacriber. at his old AwarduJ to any Suwing Machine ior Family bile, and the blood begins to circulate naturally throu^ ” For years I wa^ a sufTt-rfr from Boils, so that my life he- onit [lossibly result from the benign principles stand, will furnUh at short East Somerset, at Hartlaud, Tuesday and Wednesday, tho veins, and the hemorrhages cease. If, when persons eame wearisome ihtou4>> til Ir frequent imd peri-lstent recnr- Sewing, Hi tho Exposition, was ■ Sept, loth am! Ittii. are attacked with homorrhago, they would first take a good purgative, sometliing that would act on the liver, fence ; finally n carbuncle formed in (lie small of my back. of mutual life assurance. MOriOMENTS, Fnnoh:>cot Central, at Racon's I'nrk, Oharleston, they would soon be relieved fhun bleeding from the During its prugirss lirge plecev of decomposed flesh were SILVEK IfirDAI. •very day 01 two cut away, und tbe prostration and general Wednesday and Thurduy, Sept. 16tUand 19th. lungs, and It Is the only way, for astringents are only Tlio cash as.sets of this Socict} amoii nt at TABI.UTH, Wo'it I'enobsoot, at Exeter, TuasdAy, Wednesday nnd temporary, and Irritate tho bronchial tubes, and lay tho disturbance of tbe systeui vfere great, Ihifore I had recov' T<) THE Thursday, Sopt. 24th. 25tU and 26th. groundwork tbr consumption. ered fiom tUia attack two soinller carbunclee brokeont hlghrr the present time to over Four Millions of 9 Grave Stones, tjC., Waldo, at lieifast, U ednesday, Thursday und Friday, DR. 8CUENCK will profbsalonally at his rooms up. tud 1 was nguiii (lirrareiied with a r cui rence of the suf- every week, 82 Bond Btreot, Now York, and SS Hanover ferhi^^s to «hich 1 httd eo ioug bst>s of the paid. W’lieii (lolicies. become p!iid-up by the Its Peculiarities und Great Advantages nnd Thursday, Oot. 8th, 9th nnd 10th. ■ BLADDER, KiDNKYH, GItAYKL, DRGPSY, OBGANIO NO CTmK-A.LB. latter plan, they realize to tho holders uii an­ Nortli Walilo, nt Unity, Wednesday and Thurstlay, weakness, female OuMPLAINTS, OENEUAL Are seen nt (he First Glance. WEED SEWING MACHINE CO. Oct. 9th and loth. DEBILITY, But If you want a medlclue that will cure Ohronlefnot in­ and all diseases of the nual eush income. Andrhscoggin Ai^Icultura! and Horticultural, at Lew- flammatory) HheumatUm, Mumps, Bore Throat, Swellings, * iston, Tuesday ana WednotHlay, October fitli and 9tli. URINARY GHGANP, TTih Socii.fv pnniliiWa ilh atriVflv nii U'ly about* a Bklrt should not fkll to T. 1(1. OODING, AGENT. whether extatlngin Old Sores, Bruises, Tootbsuhe, U-tadaehe,Insect Stings,-pain 1110 ooLiLiy coniHicis IIS uusincss siriciiy on | pu„i,u|„j MALK OR FEMALE, in the Back and Cheat, also, loternally, Diarrhoea, DyMutery, ilie Cabii Plan* Ifd (liviilemU also being ROOMS AT from whatever cause originating and no matter of 8KIIIT 18 W.iKIlA.NTKD. A CARD. HOW LUNG standing. Collo, Croups and Vomiting, you have It la Dr. Tobias’ lYon- available in cnsli, its premiums arc gradually I'lsdnse* of these organs require tlie use of a diuretic. derfol Venetian I'lulmunt. It never fist Is w be u aa^-d aocorU lU ^uliarity la that It can b« ALVsaxD into anv sax A ok Mrs. Bradbury’s Millinery EsUbliihaent., If no treatnienc is aabmltted to, Coisuwfption of insanity Inasroucli an 160,000 to 200,000 bottles Hill’s Rem- log to the directions. Every drop of It is pnk up by *l[o- rcduccil cucli year, iiislcud u! being lAcroascd sixa. lut} wt-aivr i»ay dvsira. Waterville, July 24,1867. % v»<^DT'have found tlieir wity intd thousands uf ttiiuilies; may euMue. Our Flesh aud Blood are suppoited from these By Gnttapzlng proportiei th* Bklrt will adjtivt Itralf to i, aud .whereas many honest persons are afraid to use it for sources, and the blae himt^ir. and be has doneiso fbr nineteen y'eaia. Ills by reu.son oi annual interest, as is the case in soy rise of (be hip-i, •(> oa U perfHotly fit ali. Laoiss. fekr of humbupgeVy—I wlll speak, then judge ye This HEALTH AND lIAPPINKSg, medicine la kuown t1iroui,hout the world. The be«t ph>ft- Thf CO irirurtitin of ^be Hklrt U »uch that it caonot com* and Note Companies. apart, os tb* ends of the wir* art foNtetied wcurely to (h* TUB PORTLAND medicine was compounded by a regular Dr. Rodgers, of that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable rem­ dans recommend it. Thousands of certllicaliw can ftescen tapes. Ellwand. 1 bought the receipt of an old KngllHh minis­ edy. at tbe depot, 66 CortUndc Street. No family having clilldrsn, The following is nn example, showing the Tills Bklrt is made of (he very best of materUI, nianufiir- KEROSENE OIL COMPANY ter. Used it for Boro throat; found it good fur other IIKLMnOLD’8 EXTRACT BUCnU, ahould be without it In case of Croup Thousands of chil­ turtd expreMly for ft,—has teCvived the most Haltering «Dco- oomplnints, and a more p«ipuUir medicine ia not In tho YslablUhed upwards of 18 yean, prepared by rate bf Its. last dividend, on policies in force, dren are aav«*d by It annuiiUy. Use It when Arid taken, rr- uiiuiiis of th* lAallcs. and of drtiUrs geDsialty, and It Is ths Would Inform the publle that they continue loMauathoturs market to*day. ' It U composed as follows: Gomn. Sp. H- T HI^LMBOLD, de»i;;n of (he luauufuolurers to mak** it the Must Lavendar, Camphor, J-uudanum, Oviganum, tharg uv, DRUGGIST.. cording to the dlteo'ions,and you will never lose a child for a single year: Age of the Assured .3.‘5 years 1 told Dr.Tlill, of Augusta wlmt 1 made U of; ho said r>94 Broadway, New York aud Ladles Will find It valuable In eradicating pimples ahd -—Life |H»liey—Amount Assured — Graceful, Parable, and Perfect Fitting Skirt Portland Kerosene Oil, ” it must be good.” kiy friend. Dr Boutelle, tliinkn eply-^__ ^ 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. blotches Only 60 cts. and S! Pcf bottle Sold bv the drug* in the Market. liunestly it is not safe for Internal use. 1 have used it gists throughout the the United State* and In Europe. De­ Annual Premium iJBTS 15 (only one Premi­ Ladles will please Uaru of our Agents the manner of Col- PlIOM ALliBKT COAL KXCLUHTBLT! for most 28 Years, and if.the doctor will examine the 180 TERRIFIC ONSLOUGIITI Upslng aud arrmigli'g the Bklrt when purchasing. lbs. house I live in and And that a single soicw bas boon pot,66 Oortlandt 6tr eet, New York. splm-40 um paid). Cosh reduction irom second An­ Now Is the season for those huge black swarms of tiles, that Alauufectnrud by the Fotontoes, The prevalenee of a large quant (y Of Inferlni aud feoMfer loosened, a beaver l>at is ready for his well formed head. ODK88A BKltlT GO., GloootsUr, Mom. ouv oUs in tliw market, at a cheap price—many of which oie ao torment man and btast. TAKR NO MORK unpleasant AND UNSAFE tlRMR- nual premium SI 16 34. Permanent addition 1 honestly put it into tho luurkut to do good, uot ex- Dll'S for uoplenMnt and dangerous dlsesre*. Use llKlM-. D. A IW., Agetila, ttalorvllle.____ little better than Naptba itself—and the exUtence of foist ifo peoilng to muke a fortune. It has done gooil, as the ports in regard to FoKTtAND KltHOfiRNM UlL, lender R a Pntcher’s Lightning; Fly-Killer •0 o’sKiraaoT buottu akd 1mpiu>tbi> Boss Wasu. to |>olicy, on wliich no nddiiioiiul premiums arc tens’ thtmsy^uds ot' the land dodlere, •lacoiLBuja it will make a clean sweep of thi-m—every shret will kill a quart. sply—37 ELMWOOD STABLES RE-OPENED. nutter of justice te ourselves, as wall as oafsly to eoaourntrs akved lii% Ufb’,r8c#Btly, iu Bloody DyaeuCery, apd did Beware of bogus Imitations, which some ni ly ray are ‘^Jusc i required, $346 95. 'These dividends increase Ih it some BOttor should be token of these focte. Therefore uot keep him on hb bea two or four weeks either^ good.” There Is nolhlng at all comparable with It. Turner’s Tlr Doloimix or Vnlversol Keumlgls we ogelo prereut au advertlaament and would cell ettentloa Bold ever) where. Fries 81x Cents. 6wspi with the age of the policy. Sale, Livery, and Boarding Stable. to (he high stardard of our Oil, ibe fire teat of whleli U Ifefe T challonge the trial in at! Bowel Complaints, as the PHI !>( o safe, certain, and speedy Oure for Nearmlgto aod all drgrtre Fahrenheit, and oflrn reooUes tonslderabW lilthst; aafeat and inoit reliable medicine eiof ofi'eiwd to Uie pen- Nervous Dlsonse^ Tbe severest costs srs oompleteiy ond In 1866 thu Society issued policies to thu -UlIK subit'itber will give bij .utlra (..rsousl gtt.nflon to also, we wobl’l say ibat we me determined to molnMa ks i)le. 1 sell It nt prices within the reach of all. While Importcuit to Females. 1 III. i.l.ove bu.tnr..—«.pw:lklly to llo.rdtiig of Uorws. long established reputation, perinaoeatl/cured la • very short time. Neurvlgl* in the amount of TiiiitTY of Dollars medloino manufacturers are amassing fortuues, 1 am Theoelebrated DH. DOW contlnms to deaote his entire Vb. .mbit. »ra .jtt.usl ra uuJ couv.nWbt. eatisfied to make a live of It, by selling at about half foep or head Is utterly banished In a few hours. No form of Wsi.rTlItv.Au,. 7.1557. U-tf 0. 0. BOLWAY. Portland KeroMne Oil Company. dme'tothetrsMitment ofall diseases Incident to the female Nervous DJiaose wUhvtaodslU msglo InflueDce. It has tbe .lust and lihe."Hl dealing towards its |)olicy the prioea asked for other pain killen- Portland He., Aug 4th,1887. ______ly—• Fouiid at most inedioltie dealers. None genuine un­ system An experlenee of twenty-three years enabUsblm to unqualified approval of many eminent phyeleUne. It eon- TIAULNET FUIITUAITS at SUlHir Doub, at holders—promptness in the payment of losse I’M"IEUE'B...... New■ Fbotogimph Hooms, less ray name Is foupd blowu in the bottle. fuarrntta speedy and permanent lellef in the woasT OAsu toliiJ nothing Injurious to tbo most delicate eystem. Fold T. HILL, Sole proprietor. orBurraiMioMandaM otbor Blonairaal ncrnngeiuwnie everywhere- Bent on receipt of il.OO and two postage —-guarantee its cutilinued uncx.TmpIed suc­ ^^-UEStl Caunad'FaaoMI, Oysters, Tomato**, fee., at Carriages for Sale. Woet Waterville, Mo. rom whatever ranee. Ajlleiters fur advice must contain C. A. OUALUEUB fe GO'S, Orders solicited. i ■ i ■lamps. TUHNBK Is GO. .130 Tremont st., Boston, Mass., cess. •1. OAoo, No. 0 Endlcott street, Boston, Proprietors. ALlUUT'B -IIEADB, and Tongnes and jBonmds. dust ub subscilber, having located In Waterville, Ifi Mwsfee^ lag loi sale a good assortmeut of N B,—Board fhrnUbed to those who wish to remain under Boxiou, July 1,1807. sply—-I WILLIAM 0. ALKXANDKK, PitKSIDEST. n opeopened and for sale by OllALMOlULMEKd...... fe CO. T treatment. HKNRY B. HYDE, VTuK PlIkblDKaT. i very eholc* arilel* ean b* bought at t Boston, June 22 1860. Iy62 OTKUP- CARRIAGES- IsrOTIOES. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, Aoidaiiy. Ktr ____ 011ALU1IK8 fc_00. marrtaats. With bis pieeent eteek, lo wbieh aldltloDS will be nda« OBAOE’B OEIiESaATED BALVB. JAMKS W. ALK.XANDKR, Beciietauv. >U1ME Daltlmore WhlUCoro, at etantly aude, «UI be found elegant new Top and Open In thli village, Aug. SUt, by Rev. Dr. Bhetilon, Mr. 0. A. OBALMERfl fe 00*8^ TO CONSUMPTIVES. L ------O------1 Buggiee; good style light wegone, and a vaiiely of seooad The R«r» EDWARD A. WILSON will send! firee of charge) cures In ■ vary short time ‘ '---t Jameg M. Carswell, of Boston, Mass., and Miss. Aurelia LARGE osoortmtot of Yellow War*, at band Top aad Open te all who doilro It, tho proMrlgtlon «l(h (bo dlroeNoeo air 0. Heath, of Sidney He. J. S Sli4a>gVIiY, fgent, A ______U Aa OHALMBE8 fe CO’8. CARRIAGES. ■Baking aid uslog ibo oimplo rsmody by which he was euiod GUTB, BURN8, 8CALD3, WOUNDS. BRUI8K9, 8PT14IN8, a iwQweffwfeioo,iwQweffi and that droad disonoeConaumptioo* Ills KKYSIPBLAS, SALT ItllKUM, KINOWOBM. OilAP- ■ MAIN 8TRKKT, Ksiiiiuu CoUFTT —In Probata Court,at Augusta, on tb* Painin.f. U .JtleiMA «Uli UraiMHiaBM that bavlU atfa fourth Monday of August, 1867. ------it. «a)yetJ^4lit te bonodt (ho otto rtl and bo bopei ovory oq/- FBD UXMDS, UOIL8. VKOKIN LIMBS, IBLONS, Watekvjllk, Mk. aooa baraalD, rHANOIl KKNHIUI -dbrorwUAdn. IdriFihU proeoripilon, HI U «U1 eoot them nothing, 0111LBLA1N8, he. QHILLA a BUOWN.BROH’N. Guardian of GbarlM 0. Brown aod truaraTlIa, ^ul, 6, iM7. 1 Endmey prow abUiulng. FleaeoaddroM R Ilia 0. BrowM.of' OU" ntoDl In said County, minors, having Uav. EDWARD A. WlLdON,, It Is prompt in ooilon, removes pain at onee, and redueei petitioned for Ueens* to sell Ih*following real estateof■ ' sail,Id WATEBVnXE CLASSICAL XNSTITDTX. Ho.186 South tkiooad Kreet, WllUaiuoburgh, New York tbe most angry locking seelUngaaod lotUmmaUons, fis if bj Admiuiltrator’i Kotice. wards, th* proceeds to be plac*d on Intrrest. vis i All th* In*n- terMl of said woids lo all' or nny part of the rvol eelafoiol snogle,^tbas affording rellet and a eompleie cure. otice is hereby gWen, that tbe Nubscrlbsx has boss duly SK’J'U W. MOWLK M SON, IkMton, P/opriWore. appolofed Administrstor on tbe estate of Dooiel 11- Blown, late of CUutOD, deceased, situate In Rm THK FALL TERM Sold by all Druggists, Qrooora, tad at all eouatry stores. FALL HATS. County of Keuuebeo: I N LEAVITT REYNOLDS, Uteof Wiuslov , IHFORnATIUN. sp4w—8 Latsatstyls fall llats, may be fcuud at the OsPsaso, That notice thereof be glvsn Ibrfe weeks suo- \17ILL bafts tba 2d I>A> or Sirrotau. ('or rurtbar h'- InfSrmaltongnoraeiood (e pxo^lnoo a luaniiant growth of ______I ___ MISMH flBmU’S. In tha Cooaty of Kenneboo.dooeoMdi inUsUt*. and bos un­ esArivety prior to lbs fourth Monday of Bepiember asst, in ! T1 tkulara faudfor Oatalo^tuo. hair upon e bald bead erhoariUosoraoe, eloo a recipe for (be IIXLUBOLD’8 BJCTRAOT BUOUU and l»PgOT» Boss dertaken that trust Ly giving bond as the Isw directs: All th« Mail, a iiewMpaper printed In WaUivlIlt, that all persons' J. II. IIANWN, friarl,^ removal of on (he skho, H’asii euiessecrelaod delloate disorders in all (bcii stages, at p«rMHU. Iberaforss having dtmakds against (be •state of raid iuterested may attend at a Court of Probkte then tob* bold- leaving the laum soR clear, and beautiful, ean be obUlnod Uitlf expanse, Utllp or DO ohgngs In ul^, ao ^oeouvsnleooe HOUSE FOR SALE. dwesksed are d*4red to exblbU^ tbe same fur sett lament; and •u’a”*ui*u7ta',Lid»boui ItUsdaot jourraH pbuioira,bod. iha fhga TUOltn CIIAFIiAN, OwniiST, in Its action, and fires foom all tajuriogs propet ties. I 1 oI B. DOOLITTLE. paymentto JOBIAU 0. UUTCUIN80N. _ It.K. BAKIR.'Judfa, to fO U ft KIIL'K'b Niw KuoH^ orar Cao^la'a RaO:. ly—47»p Itis WoA4wsy»NK» Vork- sp2y-37 i W August Sfith, 1867 10 AttoU, d. QsiToa. Rrfl.ltr ■"I • jH" "m €l)e JWflil,.... ^J?ntcr»iHc, Sr^jt, 6, 1867. 4 N- a. n. pi'Lsireit, in. v>. i:isr8TJBA.]sroE Fresh Arrivals — Latest Styles - -New PR. MATIISON’S SURE BBMESIES MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. BO use, SIGN AND CARRIAGE —FOR— H;oMai:o^.A.Tiii8T. and Elegant —Lowest Prices. PAINTING, • J^ecuder ^ (Phillips, SPECIAL DISEASES. ALSO GRAINING, GLAZING AMD rAPKRlNO 0 K K I r K W. A. CAFFIIEY, O. n. E8TY AOIiNTS, INDIAN E in ni F. N A Oi O u tl E contlnura to meet all ordera Ai hifl n«U8«, rnnirr 'remplo nnd Kronl Slrcftt^, MA.SUl'ACTimKIl AND DKAl.ICIl 1» IV A PER VI A A A’ . Piapared expraaalyfor LADiiB,Bnd1* Summer Arrangement. In theabove lino. In a manner Wateiiviixk, Mr. aupcrlor to anything elaefor regulating the t ftt haa given aatMacUon to ill) usimlly be found «t his oflice from 11 to 1 oncli dny Offer InstirAUceln thefoIloiringcompHnlcr:—• F tJ BIST I T XJ B F , ayatemin caaea o fobsteucLlonfrom whatever C'omment'fii^ .<4prif 20fA, 1867. (he beat employers for a pc* Oi' ALL nKSCKlPTJONS. oauae,and latherriore ofthw greatest value riodthatlodlcatca aome expe* IIARTFOKD FIRE INSURANCE CO., to thuBe who muy wish to avoid an evil to Nand after Monday,ftov.26th. the ’aaaeoger Train wH rience in the bualneaa. which they'are liable. Iftakco aadtreeted,! t O leave WatervHie for Portland and.Hoaton at|10,00,t Ordera promptly attended KDMUNI) F. WKBU, OK lIAnTTOKD, CONN.,’ Looking Glassos, Spring Beds, Mattresses^ will cure any cone ,curable by niodieine .and and returning will be due al ft.lU a.m. toon application at bla abop Children's Carriages, Willow Ware, itlaalao petfeetly safe Pul I direction! ac* ArcoDimodatton Train for Danger wlllleaVe atO.OOA.M Mmln Bircrl, CouDBellor at Law, Incorporated in 1810, with perpetual charter. company each bottle- I’rler ® I fl. fjTT” R K* and returning will be duo at O.OOf .m* oppoelte Maratoit’i Bloek, Capital nnd Surplus, $1,083,IGU 02, Picture Frames &o.. MKMBKK;-*Tbls tnedlclni la dealgned ex* Freight trainfor Portland will leaveut 6.40 a m. W A TKRVILLK. M/ni Soiicilor in 7}anK-iiiptcy, preaaly for OHPTIKATK (lASKH which all ThroughTleketa.,ol,,MRS. BRADBURY II nnd vlidlilty lliiit ho Is iropiirc'd to o.x.outo nil rencennd Hoeton,also, In Boston at Eastern and Bostun & their phofo^rlon In (he latest and anywhere In th*» Ptute. The stock and vorkmanshlp will bo For rmpurltica of the Hlood raaultiiig from Imprudence Has I c pleasure to announce that she wow occupies her orders in the line »*| of the tlr.'t qn.nlltv, .an*l our woik 1.8 warmnled to be whut tl Maine stations for statjous on (bis Hue. 1 mrvit 0 Iful uiMtincr. cauMiig hlruptiotiH on theakin; i^ore Throat. Mouth,nnd ' W. IIATCn, Sup’t, Surgicnl tfe Mutdioiiicnl Dt'tili.'^try, in the !.•* rrpren-nied to lie. No,'v; 1.088 ofllulr; Old boros; Swclllnga; Pains In the Hew and Commodioas Place of Bnsiuest, ll xeex:ei ir /*Our Doors wlU be k!lu»drle(l with HUY HEAT, nnd not Augusta, May, 18G7. 22 and moot skillliil imuincr. wlih steam. ------Ordirs follclted hy inidl or otherw*i o. HoM'^ ; and all otheralgna of an active virulent pulconin the nthe third building south of that occupied by her forte ■ systout • No remedy evur dlncovered haa done what haehoen Not, 8, IMO^ ______' '' ' - Furbish & Sanders many years. Extracted without Pain, .HchU'Vod by thlHl t cured a gentleman from the South, Fare Beduced to Boston. Mrs. B. retnras thanks for a long eontlnued and generous 6 Tiirhlnh, stopping at Nt‘Wpor\.,a6d for which he preaented Dr.M.wlth I ndfi Ibe li lluu «e H Mirc ut ( nidi- (lefs.rtlibh ngenf ha W. t'nnderf. 48 IVntenillt^. May 10,1807 patronage, acd pledges her best efforts to offer % complete e BOKeot thedfbicrUur fTictf ol CtilnTeforni fr riher. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Jh-uOUafter bnvlngboen under the treatment of the moat em* Stock of ineiH phyKlchine in Uultlmore, Philadelphia, and New'York, tl W* huTP lJecT.rcJt of nil Patents for VUI.OANITK PLATE. STEAM .Summer Arrangement. Old Stand opposite tho P. 0. for FIVE tearhI Never despair of a permanent cure, no fEiXlinery a/nd Fanoy (3-ooda 11 S* Offtis Hour* from 8 a m. foOr m. matter howobatinate your case has been, until you hava NTIL further notice the 8teamprs of the Portlsnd 8team Offlre orer UiMUkfcou'i Niv D< Ine.*a nrently carried on hy us, and hIhH continue 1 Waterrille, April 80,1867, 44—If the in nn’ifneluro and rale of tlicir Slnmlani lininil. of NERVE INVIGORATOR. Fareln Cabin...... Bl-ftO For MervouB Debility ; Seminal lYeaknees; JLoasof Power; Deck Fare,...... 1,00 ITT-SpwilalalUntioii will baglTcn t. turnlfhlng rtlelaa ST/^JAM li/CFjyJ'UJ i^lOAPS, B( IJootJt and Shoos. lmpoteDey,Gonfu8tooa.flhougbt; LoasofMomory ; Irritable Package Tickets to be had ef ihe Agents at reduced rates forMOUIlNINO and FUNERAL ocrailona. S- PALM EH, Temper; Gloomy Apprehensions; Fear; Despbnd'-’ncy,Mel* A ootinuancr of pablle nafronage In raapactfnlly frlle tad. a at(h. old store dIracHy opponlte tho d’ost Offleo. FiBight taken as UBua). AMERICAN CASTILE, ancholy .and another evils caused by secret habltsorexces* May 22, ’67. L. BILLINGS, Agent, WatcrTlJIc.fab.ltt, 18fe.1 WENTAL OFFICE, Ail K(counts due (tic late (Irin of Hnakelt A Mayo being In* slveindulgencv This buki remedy is composed oft he moat P eluded in the above e.ile. 1 would an early pH>imml. CHEMICAL OLIVE. over soothing, Btrengtbening, and invigorating medicines 1 n the 1 ehall keep couBtantly In *lore a full a<90itmeDt of goo U CilANE’S PATENT, ortland and New York AMEBICAN AND ^REIGK FATEIQT8. FAMILY, wholevegetable kingdom .forming in combination,the moat b AI.UKK'S JKWKI.RY for perfectantldotefor thisobstlunto classof maladlevever yet STEAMSHIP COMPANY'^. i.\DiK8i> .\M) niii.nnvAbs >vvah. EXTRA, discovered It has>een sent to every State Inehe Union, R. H. EDDY, b STOlili, NO. 1. ' positively curlngthousands who have never seen tbeinrent- of the befI nnipufrtrturs. I*artlcular attention will be glran to 80LICITOH, OF PATENTS, ' opp. I’lopis'.s NnTI Bank, OLEINE. or. rettoVlns them to sound health. Nervous sufferer! SEMI-WKKKLY l.INF. AND SODA wherever you may he, don’t fall to test the virtues of this «i C((Stotn ll'orl', Late kgenlofU.S. Patent Ofllee, Washington, an* WiTKltVH.I.K, MR- AH of jHlPEUlOn tlUALlflES, In paekagea aultable for WoRDXRFUlIUmedt. One large bottle lastsii month. Price The eplendid and fast SteamablpB DIR* b the trade nnd family uee. aiO. These FOUK SUHK HEMBDIKS areprepnred atnjy IQtl, Capt. 11. hiiBRWoon, and FUANOO* 4er the Act of 1H37.) for Gentlemen Ilrr • iriSo of nU kli.da neatly Office, and can he oliial ned NOW HER* F.LBE . The prices may ii _ „ Cilloroform, ICiher or Ni- Importing ourchemhnlf direct,nnd U8lng;nnl) the be?t NlA, Gapt W. \Y. SuBRwooD, will, until further notice, ■ eem large, hut thev are thecheape^t In the end, heenuso run as follows; 78 State SlreettOppoeite Xitby Stf€tti Uous Oxld. Gas administered ulitui dcsiied._____ [<0__ W^terrille, .lan'y 22et^l8(17. ^ ______mn'cilala, Htid aa our good* nro manufai'lured under the Y personal aupervlalon ot our aenlor partner, who hna had rilKY CUHK. Fvot Express EVRRTwuRrr., with full Leave Galt’s Wliarf, Portland, every WEDNESDAY and BOSTON. thirty year," prartlcal oxperlenre In the huainetia. we thoiefore dlreotlona.ln asealed package,secure from observation, on Saturday, at 4-pm., and leave Pier 88 Kast River, c aaanrelhe public with conJldence that we CAN and WILL fur rceelptofthe price by mall New York, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 4 FTRRan extennlve practice of upwards oftwenty years NEW GOODS. MEAT, FISH, . o’clock P.M c nlah the continnes toseeiire Patents In the Doited States; also IMPORTANT CAUTION. Theac vessels are fitted up with fine accommodations \ JUST ARRiry.U JIHHT (Jt»OI)8 AT TIIK l.OWKRT VniflKSl Id Great Britain, ,^nd other lorelgn countries. Ca­ Vest /ntfia (foods. Groceries, d'C lO** Thousanus of Dollars are paid tu tfwindling quacks for passengers, making this the most speedy, safe and veats, Specifications, Bonds, Asilgnmenis, and all Papers Having recyrtlv cnl.»rged and creeled NE\'^ 'VOHKS, eon* -ally, which Uwoivethau thrown away. rhlK comes.fiom comtortablc route for travellerB between New York and or Drawings for Patents, executed on liberal terms, and $ tnhilng all the modern linprovcmentH. we an* enabled to fur* MAXWELL’S Having bought the trusting (othedecepllveadverti%mentHof men calling them* .Maine. Passage, In State Jtopm, $6.00. Cabin Passage, with dispatch. Researches made into American or Foreign 1( nieh n supply of Ron p-s ol the llrai tin III iea, adapted to rielves Doctors .who nave no uiedicaleducatlon, and whose on* $ft 00. Meals extra. works, to determine the validity 'or utility of Patents or STOCK AND nOOD AVILL the damiind, for Kxpori nnd Hoinevilc t oiiauiiipiluii. LT rocoraniendallonls what they say of themselves. Advertls- Goods foiwarde'd by this line to and from Montreal, Inventions—and legal Gopies of the elalmsof any Patent tl ft fupeilor quality of ingphysinlanA,iu nlnecasesout often,are impostors; and Quebec, Bangor Bath, Augusta, Ksstport and St. John. furnished by remiitingOne Dollar. Assignments recorded n —Of- XiEATITE «Sc aOEE’S tnediolues ot tbiskind found In drng stores, are generally Shippers are requested to send their freight to the at Waibiogton. worthless,—got up to bell and not to cube. The Sure Kem* steamers as early as 8 P.M., on the day chat they leave BEo Ageneyin the United Rlntes poesesses snpertor If I. A 1) I K S • n 0 0 T S , n. i\ snoiiEs <1 ca, j STEAM EEFNED SOAPS edies can be obtained at mt OrriCR only . and are watranted Portland facllltlea for obirining Palenta, or aaccriofning Hie Yi SOI.I) llT Al.l, TIIK Bsrepresented, In every respect, or the pbiqb villox repunb* For freight or pasaage apply to (Vomievly I. U DOOLITTLE & CO .) EMERY & FOX. Galt’s Wharf. Portland. patenlabllliy of In * en(i«dn». ll WIIOI,K3\I.E ailOCBliS TIlitOUOllOUT THE STATE ID. Personsat a distance maybe cured at home in the* Daring eight months the sabserlbcr. In the course of his and of the latest shortest possible lime, by sending for them. Dr. Mattlson Is J. F. AMES, Pier 88 East River, New York. we reapi*e(fully aolldt 4he trade of the citlient of Uatervlllo June. 27th, 1867. large praetTee, made on rwici rejected applleatiens. BIX G I and HBrriPuiidmg town-*, nnd ahall apare mi ptiua to au educated physician of over twenty yenrs'experlence, ten TKKN APPEALS; iviar OHX of which was decided in aie Y NEW VOHK STYLE, I ^We perhrt aati.-fnrtinn to nil and uieiit LKATUKt^ OORF, in general practice.until,icompelled by 111 health, toadopt FA von by the Commissioner ef Patents I their eonUiiuid patronage ,Tl>7 (’oiuinerrln I Hi -17 niid -If) Ilcavli 8tfrel,v an OFFICE PRACTICE.treating all atcidentf* resulting from 1 ni r OoBcifitlnc ef (ho following I prudence in bothsexe" giving them his whoii attention. TSSTtMOHIAtS. I We intend tokcep nothing hut i»OKTLANI), MK. ^ Circulars glvlrgfuH Information, with undoithtrd teistl- Y Ladlaa'Ylne Olore rail' Dutton DMinoralf, D l-C M.rrli 24,18«0 ______•’"'r.*!!______” I regard Mr. Eddy asone of the most oapabli ahd see- FII^SX CLA-SS OOOIDS, monlats ; also a book on SI’HGIAL DISKASKS.ln a^eai(‘d 1 •* “ “ Lare PoIInIu C envelope sentfiee. Be sure and send foi them for without oiHsruL praetitSoners with whom I have had official Inter­ “ “ “ Hutton “ ll testlmOnialsno bTRANqer cun betrusted. Encloyea stampfor course.’ OUARLKB MASON, *• “ Congrea.^ Hoota G to aell them ua ‘dC)ZEP^, Commissioner of Patents J^LE Y ostage.and direct to lilt. .MATTIBON , IVO . 38 lUVIOIV ij “ •* “ Hutton Highland Polbh Low ns Biicli Goods can lx- alTordod, rnnKT,iMi4iviOFM I*:, n. i. as ” I have no hesitation In assuring Inventors that they eaw- Fine Goat PolUh Hoota. llavlngi.'tkcn (he store lately not employs person Most comfxtsht and TiusTWoaTDY, I Ulaaea *' “ and In every way to fully auataln the excellent reputation and moreoapableof putting tbelrappliratlons luaform to AVII.L MK FORFK'TKn BY DR I.. BIX 0hHd’D8*“ Kid “ I entahUrthed by former ownera. occupied by secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the The ftbore aio extra flue quality of goodi for LAPILi$ and ^DUU if tAlllug to cure in leas ( me than any other phyal- PatentOfflee. EDMUND BUHRK. MI3r*K8, nicer gooda thaq hare ovei ^en offered In Woter* Ho have Bernrt'd tho aerUcea^of .. rSDitH®*"* effeotUBlly and perman 'ntly, with less re.^trali Late Comraissloner of Patents. N. H KMERT, from'’CCHpatlon or fear of exposure lo all weather,with sa ] vllle before. Pleaae call and examine. I fi. II. M \’r riiKWS m! ploas.:01 medicines, Mr. R .TI. Eddy Has made for me THIRTEEN appllca- And an endloaararletr of other Goods,Serge and Leather, ^ corner of Main aud Temple tionsoD all but one of which patents have been granted and Pegged and Hewed, lot Men,Women and Children of the Into firm, fo favorably Known to the trade, and feel “ .SKLf-.'.UUSK AND SOLITARY HABITS, that Is MOW psHPtHO Such unmistakeable proof of groat 13 ! contident that no one who may tavoi ua with acull will go [jystrectf, will keep constantly Hepl 2D. UC«._____ .______Thelrt’ff^oh’ and conequeners; talent and abllD) on liU part loads me to recommend all 1 away (tiarntletled, Inventors to applj to him ro procure tbeir patents,aa^|hey GROCERIES 1 No Citdit given for a longei time than 30 days. Phorter on handn good assortment of PECIAL ailments and situations. G. L. ROBINSON & CO., may be sure ot huvi np the most faithful attention besCowed credits more d'--alriibl«. Ineideulto MaiXi«d ail*l®ittgl« Ladlea; on thelieases,and at very >ea.ioDab)e ohaiges.*’ C. A. CiiALJir.ns Co. (Snecessorsto J. PurMsn,) JOHN TAGGART. The aubscrilKir rffora for aale at the stand of'. Groceries, West India Goods, SEC'ET AND DELIO.ATK lUSORDEKS; W.lirvlllo, Slay 28’b. lol7...... <8 Dealers lo (be following celebrated Cook Stoves: Boston,Jan. 1,1667.—Iyr26 the l:itu FR i:s II M i: A TS .1 .V I) FISn. Afl'tfCtions; Eruptions and DisO^ct oj theskln .MU. HEX,I. I’LATT, MTF 4 the Nose, Throat and Body: Plmplei-<.il Iho Fare Mutcliless, Superior, Walerville Airtight, ALL STYLFA Wliii-h Iheypropofc.ln in-llforrAY DOWN, n« tlie crcJil fy. SMOLANDEll’S EXTRACT BUCHU H A N s r o M * B Hi. o.r k, oUlnps of the Joiuts; Nervouaneaa; ConRiJtution.a] au.1 Norombega, Katalidin, Dictator, Bangor. CHIP BONN ET8, uni i-t» ln'lli buyer iinj .eller; therefor, they . ««-r \V eaknuNScs In Youth,and thu mote advanced,at all CURES wllliiaherestvieilj loth. ‘ No CredllSj.tem.’i r of Also, Parlor and Chamber Stores of various patterns As A good Stock of Groceries , and hindsomo BOTH SEXES, SINGLE OK MARRIED. we haye a very large stock of the above Stoves we will sell at ALL EIDREY DISEASES Gomnrlsing 'I'cuii, CoIVcc, Mulni-es, Siiici-s mu! nil vuvic- j PANi'V ^ItAAV, C kSH paid for nioyt kinds of Produce low prlcps, in order to re^uos our stock. Wat* rvlllo. Fob 22d, 1868. ___ 3t AND lic’s in tliis lino'. - i DR. L. D1X*S ALSO DKALKU0 IN Also, Oranges, Fitts, Unlttlns, Unnants, niul a variety (Pent, end hnilalirn (Pearl Ornaments RHEUMATIC DIFFICULTIES of Cdurectioucry. with an uM^ori ntof TO BLACKSMITHS. PRIVATE MKDICAL OFPiOE. Ilanlwara, IrOi. nnil St*.’') TAln*". OII»i QUm, Tin 21 Rnt^coll Btrects Boston, Mass., Wars Aq Prior* tl. JBold overywlicro. lI^opes\)y constant attention to business o merit a sharu RIBBONS. FLOWERS, Ac. KEGS ProTldence Horde SbouB. AIuo the Patent Toe One door north of Post inuPOft M^d Strwt, Watprvllle J. A. BDRLRIQll, Wholesale inggist, Boston, Gen’I Agent of natronace. AMOS C, HTAltk JU'l opened hy »i)U Gorke For rale at Manuructurem Priced. « HO Hrra rged that pattcuts never see or hear each other ly -37 IViiterTnie, Marfh 21st, 18C7 ______38______At AKNObD fe MKADEK’3. lU’collDct, the oNLTentrance to his OfUceis ^o 21, having no E . & 5 . E I S U E ir connuv.dou with his resl'leiicc, conaequenaly no faml ly Inter- A NKW FAMILY SEWING MAC.UINE ’ 0. J, riEucK, ri ptiou,KO tliHt ou*Q0 account eau any person hasitatvapply* 'pitK SINGKR HANUFACTUKINO OO.ha.cju«!pradill!«(t^7 N I CI^ W A . M.auhood : How Lost, how Restored, g at hi^olltcu. 1 newfimll.v Sewing Machine, which is (he beat and cheap* New Book of Choruses. DR. DIX n», luvuiuntary Hvmlnnl Losfes, Impo* hem, hind,d)raid.etc*, but It will do so better than any otb«'r style, coloreixo would give proniini of vslnsble stiwk, N announcing to the citl* Stleetel urd arranged from (he «ork-< of TKXCT. Mental and lii>»*lcal Incapacity, Iraiudlmints to BOiiTOrt This new machine Is so very simple In structure tfaataehild provided thej* (ltd not trot fast. In addltlnn I may say, (hat. zeua of Watervillu nod vl- Marriage, etc ; oDo OoxsoKPTioK, KpiLiPSV, and lice In. SIXI'KEN YEARS can ienrn (o ni>v It, and having no liability to get out of or­ this horse, now new to us, Isa fast horae and ol trotting ] Rossini, Aiilx-r, I’lllini, Dotiizelll, GoiiiitJ, blood on both sluV's; being half brother to t^owmodore Van- clnlty, bis change ia locution , duced by BclMiidulgt-nce, or sexual extravagance. ni:Aedln treatment of Special Diseases, a fact so well known der, it la ever ready to doits work. All who are Interested In Mr. P. would retiir.. thunks Vt-idi, Floloiv, Spiiiitiiii, \Vii"Ufr, lli-ruld, (T^ Price I.) a St-iiled envelope, only six cents. sewing machines art Invited to call and examine thlsr.ew derbllt, Bonner’s UuJ* \Voodruff,!H©se Washington, aad maay The relcbroted autlM»r, In thiv admirable essay, cleany o miiy Oitisens, FublUbers, Merchants, Hotel Preprielors, other fast horses. * .... to former patrons, und invito &c,,hat heismuoh rtcomtnended, andpartlculoriyto MHchine, which has never been exhibited In M ateivtllebefore ' a continuation of their favors. Bi-sliop, Uaili;, Benedict, and otlier.4. demonstrates, froin a thirty years* successful piaotke, that thlsweek. MKADKR A PHILLIPS, Agents. Ilrredcr. .r« InTiled to .-..min. .t tfcrir »n«». Ha has fltlod up rooms as tho nlinnlng coh*-eqvienfCS of self abuse may be radically SIRANGKRS AN!) TKAVELLKRS. 85 NICKAWA i. of > b»«iitllMr*‘'**“*‘ ral‘"'i •‘••'I* MS'*. above, for the oonTcnlence of KormtiiK iv Mort Vnlu.blo C.'llcctlon cnrKii without'hadangeroi'suse of Internal medicine,or the •yo avoid and escape Imposition of Foreign and Natl aud weighs 1200 pounds . __ annlh-utlon of (he knii**—pointing out a mode of cure at aKliMB-$l$ forBsaiod Fei*»k«,* $*0 wanani those doxiring FOU SOmm'lKS, t'O.NVKNTIO'S, CllOIUS, SINUINO «;ukM, mure tiunioroualn Boston than other large cities Kisrox SUUUOLS, CLU«3 AND SOOI.AL Cni')bK.4. once flmple, ceitaln and elI>'Ctual, by nieaiii of which every . Season from May i5 S«p*- . , Fiotnres from Life, sufferer, uo matter what his coudltion may be, may cure 1)K L. UIX WILL stand the onsaing Season at the Sul le 43 T- 8, LAJIC. By Edwin Bruce. hlmsell cheaply, prlvotely, and ramcally. ' roudly refers to Professors and respectable Physicians—many and wUlendeuvor to give the ij:>» This Lecture shonid be iu the hands of every youth f whom consult him lu crltlealcases ,becau8e of bis moknowf- of T* S. LANG. North Vassalboro. Fast Driving. aante^eneral satlirfketlon oa heielofore. Thore who have hud and every man In the land. dgeilvklli and reputation,attained through so longexperleuot, their ptetorea made in otlnr places, are partleultrly iavited PRICE THREE DOLLARS. Sent, under seal, In a plain cnvclcpe, to any address,post­ roctlcc and observation h> try the quality of work made at tb« ^ Copies mal I^, p oat • pai>l - paid, on receipt of six ccriis, or two post stamps. AKFLICIED^AND UNFORTUNATE! Tkrus—IFarronf, $100 — Seaeon $75. SEC. 6th of Art. 6th of the By-Lftwa of the Town off OUVFU D1T80M It 00., Publlsbe a, Add«„.h.p.bUrt.r.,^^ C.KUKE ft CO ’ NEW rnOTOGTlAVIl ROOMS. e not robbed and add to your sufferings I n bcin g deceived by Watenrilloreads ns follows:— 8 277 Washington Si., Uoiton. My experience In making Photographs warrants me In prom* IJ7 Bowery, IVew York. I’osl •‘fllce box 4,686. belying hoostSi mlsrepiesentatlons,false promises and pre* Cush required for all Season Service, and a oonditlonal BB It further ordered, That no person shell ditve oi- idng good results and aatisfaclloa to all. ly—16 eEwdoDit of note, with surety If n qiiired, for Warranty. rlde any horse through or in any street or public place !» Particular attention piUd to COPYING,In all Its brouches. Dr. Ordway's Lait Song. sold YllUge, OD the run, or at an Immoderate pare, dengeroue FOREIGN AND NATIVE QUA LS, God. Knox is black, 11 years old, 16 D3 hands high, and to the safety of the parsons passing or being (hereon, or thw Honest work, ^ (I'pT Oravcft of (he l.u^ed Ones .Flatit Beanllful NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE whokn w ttle of the nature and character of Special DIsa weighs 1060 lbs. By North Horso, he hv HRPs Ver­ property of any person, except in cases of urgent nooessitj* .1 Honest deiiliiig, Flowers.'” Just Opened! eases,and Liiisas to their cure. Some exhibit forged Dlplouiaa mont Ulacklinwk. Dnm A llninbletoiiian Mare; under penalty of one dollar.” ol InttitutloDs or Gollrges, which neverexisied In any part of g. d. Hambletoiiian marc. ny This By Law will be enforced nfterlhis date. ivnJ Fair Prices. May he u«e i a« a Bang, or Boug and Chorus. Embelliiihed the woild; others exhibit Diplomas of (he Dead, bow obtained, I !-«’ with an appropriate Lithograph tltlu This uuwicompoaHU’n NEW STOKE AND KEW GOODS'. unknown; not enly assuming and advertising In names of J NYK, Insp. Rolloe. try fr AND BE CONVINCED. nf Dr.Ordway 's IS uuiveraallv admired and metEiug with a (bosclQherted in the Diplomas, butto fuitherthfhluipositJoD (X^Marcs will be kent nt hny for $8 per week, and nt WaterylUe. March 18,1667.______87 Watervllle, Jul)^ 136L____ 4 most extraordinary sate. Fitee 60 cents. Mailed post.paid. THE umlurdlgnfJ hadtsken the Store assume names of other most celebrated Physicians long since grass for $1. No risk'tnken. Senson to commence Ol.IVNU D1T80N ft 00.. I’ubhthers, dead. Neither bednoelvod by . May 1st, nnd end August Ist. Booky Mountains! 9 277 Washington aireet. Postou, 1 Sl'OVES, TINWAKE, &C. No. Ticonic Rote, QUACK NOS 1 RUM MAKERS, XnoHAS S. Lano. led! orcupled by II P. H«nJe,,Aiia hedjudt ^hrough false certificates and rcferenets.and rtoommendations Ai-kil 16,1867 *0tf. DR. lUIEEEK’S MESSRS. CURTIS & BOYNTON, Wti can aell you $t our Cnkun ill a ol their mediclaes by itie dead, whoeaunot expose or con* NEW AND CHOICE STOCK OK ira^otthem; or who, besides, to farther tbeir Imposltioot ARNOLD & HEADER. ll.%RD\VAKE STOKR. Soothing and Healing Balsam, oopvfrom Medical book# much (batls written of the qualities No. 36 Nortk Street,—Boston, Rueoessors to m —OK— • West India Goods and Groceries. aiid'effects of different kerbs and plants, and ascribe all the ANUFAOTI’RB a fiOAl’about ae good atean be Inugined same to their Pills, KxUaots, Specifies.&e., most of which, if AH of these Goods have heen selected with great care, and will or deecrlbed, One trial convinces the most skeptical of OLINTON, ' NATURE'S ASSISTANT. notulI,ooniatn Mercury, het-ause of the ancient belief of Its ELDEN & ARNOLD. Mits merits. Dirt vanUhea under Its application like frost un­ be sold at the vxby lowirt peioah. “curing everything,” butnow known to “kill more than Is der noonday sun. A K«wnil uiMjrtmont of Hw^ifnre, Iron «nl Steel, IT HAS PROVED INFALLIBLE FOU BURNS. FIKZEN •cured,'-’ and those notkllled.oonslItutloDaRyinjured forllfe, Dealers In Stuvet ftud Tlnwnre, IMowe mid I’luw Liistinga. Limbs, Brulieiq Spralus, Woumlaof all kinds. Pains (a the Al.your«omp4eMoa. Nd medical examluellon regulred. Uvia $450,000 in>u $2.76 per pair. L. T. BOOTH IIV, Vromptu faid. (I’O '4'IIK liAUIKN. The cclebrutid DR. L. Dl.X par At tty p!xpr.!. Otiifo, or nt tho V. &J£. U^. ITeiwt. BLOOK OF THE LOTUS I tlculaily invilcB allUdles who need k Msdioal ok RUS' A Superior Article, -at BIBLE DICTIONARY, Iwpaiisa youthful •ppearaoee,jBakM ihe complexloa soft Issues Full Life Folloies a;t Lowest Rates. QIC At adviser, to call at h4s Itooaie, Na,2l Budleasthtruet^ Bob- K. k 8. F18URR*8. (COMPLUTK IK UMB VOLUHI.) and fair. muting .(.luM lAxi at Ur. from AW O.V,., *b,ilvrdl< tou. Mass., which they will find arranged for ihsir specie I a«- J. II. MORGAN, nm Alcld.nt or uitturgi d.itlll. with or Without ouniprnr.. commodatton. , BLOOU OF THE LOTUS tlou (or tot.lly dlrwhllu*.Old drat.,.« iho.Mdh.utni.ypr.. i his Diotioxaxt embodies the resulte of the moat recent MEhOHANT TAlLOn. ______. ^ % - I Da.DlX havjogdevotedovertwcutyyesrsAothispartlculer ORGANS, PIANOS AND MKLODEONS. study, rveeereb, and In^stlgatlon, of about six^-flve of will remove Small Tox marks. fer... All. approved forms .. of SLife Policies wriiteu AAT... lowxs ', of ttkedreatuentof sUdL^aees peeulisr to females,It Tthe mo8i«iaiueQtaud.advanced Biblical Boholarv now llrlug. Main St. ... WATEUVILJ.K. l adUf, try the Bloom of (bo Coiur If tt does oot do XATM TBAK AKT omsa csNPAKY. Ihe combined l.i4« ^nd eH (both In this country andio Kurops) A spL'Odid lot tor sale very low, at Dradbnry’s Aocideut Pdllcy forms tbeNsev usd .ouxArasT losucauoe ex- ail other known-praotltloners lntbesaft|ipeedy« Glergymen of all denomlnattous spprove It, end regaM it as all reeommended, tko mouejf to he vefunded. foilldlDg,UaIo 81. Che test work of lu kind In the Engtlrh Unguage.and one AU Gnruieiit. mude up with cure, nt tho lowe.t on»h SoklUMrs. R. F. BaAMiuxY*i. Watorvlllc. Princtpsl Do- 7A“i;Q. BATTBUBOU. Pr-'t. HOONEV DKNE.B, S..V. *",?,*““iSS“;rrp7r:d' I A. LYFOUD k 00. which ooght to be In the hande of every Bible ivader iu Ihe priuen, and wairnutcd to fit noutly- pot,lllBBKHT & 00 d iSTreuiont Ro«, Uostou. ______Und. rryeATBoxAUK ukhcrcti'UU.v BouriTEu...£I] Ajfents oantod every where. s,. p. OOOT..I.V, A,w»., .. auZrX loelreulatingthieworfc, dgvttts will And a pleasant ani WAruBVUuu^ Mu. •"* PARTNER WANTED. profitable employment. The immerovs objectlona which are WateraUI.. ^uly 1^", 1867. ______♦_____ which flow from a morbid slate of the blood. The Doctor is usually vneouutfred In selling ordlaery worhe will not exUt now fully prepared (0 treat In his peenUnr style, both medt with THIS. ood '.UEAD l. > Uaury. Buy Ilortlord-. B.H-r»U NEW H-AlTB, A FIRM In Watervllle doing a pleasant marofiaotarlng bu- TO PfANO BUYERS. callyandsuT|icaUy,aUdUeasesof the feiueJe itK^ and they But.'on theeontrary, encourAgemeo*>and friendly jild will Bnad PrapwaOou, .od } bu .r. »ure «o b.J* I- fnCbllowlog shapea can be found at ar#reM»ootfony lOTlted io call at rV riness that may be almvst Indeflnitel) Increased, would G Foraalv t»y ^ t A.vIIaLM_B]^^ A CO. like ft partner. AnAn'aotlv. notlve businessbuilnew mauui.u who wouldwoaM'Uhe like to mrmeW., oielul, .nU lu- No. 91 Kndipolt eireel, Doslov. Km Hnim. >■:.d«dribl.oponiag. Baqulr* *1‘b* , ^ •“*“ suss an answer. ...e eKm Wataemllla Mall M. arl.le^M Unw ftX U A III CCOVaSilOgeanraMlog 0everyVeiy TOWUTown CHUand twODtt'ounty in the country, to wbciA ALSO Two 7-oeU«(| «v«r .trvii); PImio,, fur ml, at k Rraut i flnan.Jan.l !897.-ly27 •filoe of (he WatetTllle Mall or addreea Box 36, F, 0. RAGS! RAGS!! 4 WahirvlUe, Me. the most liberal tnduoemente will be offered. Ou8*V.ooUv, ow stapg I’iiiiio.'Carved I.*g8 and ' Cavh pnid for Veal CaWm, by ^ For particulars, apply to, or address /1iSII,.B4tlu |irioe pildfor .Bjr Ihlni of which Stntw Cor<] uiid Titdiulo, OU oan4>Qy for 80 cts. per gai. at C. 11. HP.DINQTON'B H. B. BCHANTON * V» pa'paperean be made,at t^a QIrdleS) and Aeorus—fttr Trimmlog (hebhovt. Mouldlna.. One Kutca Urge one, grand action, tlolh Cash paid for H6rthemCorn,at Br.HiM. j ON h good MUVABBES a« oau bef'^nd In WatervHlb. mail offiob. by the the beet of raakere. Caab .paid for J)rie