We consider a standard cbet in SRP (Single Raised ) 40-80% of pot, and for 3BP (3 Bet Pot) 30-80% of pot. For some definitions if someone bets 100% of pot, then the action is made, it will not qualify for the definition. This is because often it will skew the opportunities. For example, to be extreme, someone min bets then folds to a huge overbet all-in shove. I wouldn't want this to be included in a fold to flop raise definition because the person will fold nearly 100% of the time here, so it's not accurate. Any kind of action must be sized correctly in the definition for it to count as an opportunity. This will not give as many opportunities for sure, but they will be much more accurate, giving us a better read.

In the popups at the tables you will notice some definitions are bold, green, or red. Bold means the definition is for a 3BP or higher. Green means this person is significantly lower than the average for this stat, and red means this person is significantly higher than average for this stat.

This document is color-coded to show which popup each definition can be found in. If the definition is used for a badge it will not be in a popup.

Badges are Bold (just for this document) Popup: EDGE-3Bet, EDGE-4-5Bet, EDGE-RiverBet, EDGE-Cbet, EDGE-TurnCbet, EDGE-CheckRaise, EDGE-FvR, EDGE-FoldtoCbet, EDGE-TurnFoldtoCbet, EDGE-RiverFoldtoCbet, EDGE-RiverCBet, EDGE-PFR, EDGE-Donk, EDGE-VPIP, EDGE-Steal, EDGE-Foldto3Bet, EDGE-vsHero, EDGE-MissedCBets, EDGE-FvsSteal

3B_vsISO: 3bets vs. an raise. Iso raise can be up to 6bb. (shows cardrange and spark) BBvsSB_3betRange: SB raises and the BB makes a 3Bet. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsBtn_3betRange: makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized Button open. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsCO_3betRange: Blind makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized CO open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsEPMP_3betRange: Blind makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) BTNvsCO_3betRange: Button makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized CO open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) BTNvsEPMP_3betRange: Button makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) COvsEPMP_3betRange: CO makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) MPvsEP_3betRange: MP makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP open. Effective stacks for opener and 3bettor 25bb+. (shows cardrange and spark) HM.3Bet=22-66(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting that this person has 22-66. HM.3Bet=77-TT(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting that this person has 77-TT. HM.3Bet=Broadway(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting, that this person has Broadway cards. Broadway is defined as any two cards 10 or higher that aren't AK and aren't paired. HM.3Bet=JJ+AK(different vs positions): Shows how often when someone 3bets that this person has JJ+ or AK. HM.3Bet=SuitedConnector(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting, that this person has a suited connector. Suited Connector is defined as 63s-Q9s, 53s-J9s, 43s-T9s. HM.3Bet=WeakAces-Kings(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3bettings that this person has weak aces or weak kings. Weak Aces & Kings are defined as: A2-A9 and K2-K9 suited or unsuited. HM.SqueezeRange: Shows a spark graph for a preflop squeeze. Foldto4B_after_3BvsISO: Recipient 3bets vs. an isolation raiser, then folds to a 4bet. Min3B=JJ+AK: This is the % of time that a player makes a 3bet which is up to 2x the size of the last raise, and has JJ+, or AK. 4Bet_Betsize2x-2.5xWEAK: Recipient open raises, gets 3bet, then makes a 4bet 2-2.5x the 3bet(ex.3b is 9, 4b is 18-22.50). Recipient must fold to a 5bet preflop for this to count as a success. 4Bet_BetsizeGreaterThan2.5xWEAK: Same as above but 4bet is >2.5x. 4Bet_BetsizeLessThan2xWEAK: Same as above but 4bet is <2x. 4Bet_MoreThan50bbShoveWEAK: Recipient 4bet shoves and range is everything EXCEPT 99+,AQ+. Player starts the hand with 50+bb. (shows cardrange) 4Bet-{various positions}: Recipient opens and get 3bet, then makes any size 4bet. These are total, not range. 4BetTotal: Recipient makes a 4bet preflop. This is by total %, not 4bet Range like the HM2 stat. (shows cardrange and spark) 4BvsSQZ(opener): Opener 4bets vs. a squeeze. (shows cardrange) 5Bet-{various positions}: recipient 3bets, gets 4bet, then makes a 5bet. These are total, not range. BackRaise: Recipient cold calls initial raise, then gets squeezed. Initial raiser can call or fold, and recipient 4 bets. Recipient can have 20+bb. (shows cardrange and spark) Btn4BvsResteal: Button open raises and gets 3bet from one of the blinds. Then the button makes a 4bet. Button starts hand with 46+bb. Call4B_Range: Shows cardrange when someone calls a 4bet. Recipient must have atleast 46bb. (shows cardrange) Cold4Bet_Fv5Bet: Recipient makes a cold 4bet then folds to a 5bet. Fv4Bet_{all vs position}: Recipient makes a 3bet, and folds to a 4bet. Fv5Bet_{all position vs positoin}: Recipient makes a 4bet and folds to a 5bet. HM.4BetRange(all position vs position): Shows the 4bet range, not the total frequency. HM.5BetRange(all position vs position): Shows the 5bet range, not the total frequency. HM.Cold4Bet: Player 4bets after there is a raise and 3bet by other players in front of him. The 3bet can't be all in. Bet_Check_BetVALUE: Recipient makes standard-sized bet on flop, checks turn, and bets at least 30% of pot on the River.. Heads up on flop, and effective stacks 25+bb. To qualify the player's hand on the River must be in the top 20% of available hands using at least 1 hole card. BetRiver_.4-.6: River bet of 40-60% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_.6-.8: River bet of 60.1-80% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_.8-1: River bet of 80.1-100% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_1-1.25: River bet of 100.1-125% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_1.25-inf: River bet of 125.1% or more of pot. Final pot must be at least 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BluffRaiseRiv: Raises or check raises river with a hand that is not in the top 20% of available hands. Final pot must be at least 30bb, and the River is heads-up. Implicits are included. FlushComesRiverRaise: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on river and recipient raises or check/raises. Heads up on the River. (shows spark) HM.BetRiverW$SD(also for IP/OOP): Shows how often when betting the river wins money at showdown. HM.SRP.BetRivIP-vsMCBWEAK(different bet sizes and OOP, also for 3BP): Shows how often when betting the river vs. a missed cbet a certain bet size that the person is weak. Weak is defined by worse than the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included. HM.SRP.DoubleBarrelOOPvsMCB(also for 3BP): Calls a flop raise, flop is checked back by the flop raiser. Shows how often the recipient bets the river after betting the turn. (shows spark) HM.SRP.RiverBetIP=(Different bet sizes also for OOP and 3BP): Shows how often when making a river bet it is a bluff. Bluff is defined by a hand which is not in the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included. SRP-DelayedCbet-IP&BetRiver: Single raised pot. Recipient skips a flop cbet IP on flop, makes standard-sized bet on turn when checked to, and bets the river. (shows riverhandrange and spark) SRP-DelayedCbet-OOP&BetRiver: Same as above but recipient is OOP. SRP-Float_DoubleBarrelRange: Single raised pot. Heads up on flop. Recipient calls standard flop cbet IP, then makes standard-sized bet on the turn andd bets on the River. (shows riverhandrange and spark) 3BP-MissFCB_XbackRange: 3bet pot. Recipient is IP and misses a flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB-0-.4WEAK: This is % of time someone cbets up to 40% of pot in a 3b pot and has worse than 30% of all available hands. Draws stronger than inside straight draws are not counted as Weak (Inside straight IS Weak). Implicits are included. BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.4-.6WEAK: Same as above but for 40.1-60% pot cbet. BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.6-.8WEAK: same as above but for 60.1-80% pot cbet. BetsizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.8-1WEAK: same as above but for 80.1-100% pot cbet. BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB-0-.4WEAK: This is % of time someone cbets up to 40% of pot in a SRP and has worse than 30% of all available hands. Draws stronger than inside straight draws are not counted as Weak (Inside straight draw IS Weak). Implicits are included. BetSizeTell_SRP_FlopCB-0-.4WEAK: This is % of time someone cbets up to 40% of pot in a single- raised pot and has worse than 30% of all available hands. Draws stronger than inside straight draws are not counted as Weak (Inside straight draw IS Weak). Implicits are included. BetSizeTell_SRP_FlopCB.4-.6WEAK: same as above but for single raised pot and 40.1-60% pot cbet. BetSizeTell_SRP_FlopCB.6-.8WEAK: same as above but for single raised pot and 60.1-80% pot cbet. BetSizeTell_SRP_FlopCB.8-1WEAK: same as above but for single raised pot and 80.1-100% potcbet. Flop3betRange: Shows range for a 3bet (reraise) on flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.BBvSB-BetvMCB: Big Blind calls an open raise from the SB, then bets the flop vs a missed cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.BNvCO-BetvMCB: Same as above but positions are Button and Cutoff. HM.SRP.CB-Ace=WEAK(different bet sizes – Also 3BP version): SRP, shows how often when cbetting the flop has worse than top 30% of available hands (20% for 3BP). Player must show down. HM.SRP.CB-3Str8Rainbow=WEAK(different bet sizes – Also 3BP version): Same as above but there is a possible straight on the flop and all flop cards are of different suits. HM.SRP.CB-Low=WEAK(different bet sizes – Also 3BP version): Same as above but flop contains no cards higher than a 9. HM.SRP.CB-Monotone=WEAK(different bet sizes – Also 3BP version): Same as above but flop contains all cards of the same suit. HM.SRP.CB-Paired=WEAK(different bet sizes – Also 3BP version): Same as above but flop contains a pair, and WEAK is defined by having worse than pairing the lowest card on the flop, or a weak draw (inside str8 draw or worse). HM.SRP.CB-(different positions and IP/OOP – Also 3BP versions): Makes a Cbet on the flop. HM.SRP.IP-CB-CallvRaise (Also OOP and 3BP versions): Makes a C-Bet on the flop and calls a raise. HM.SRP.IP-CB-ReRaise (Also OOP and 3BP versions): Makes a C-Bet on the flop and 3-Bets when gets raised. SRP-BetvsMissedFlopCB(hu): Recipient calls raise preflop, then bets when opponent misses a Cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) SRP-BetvsMissedFlopCB(multiway-IP): Same as above but flop is multiway. SRP-MissFCB_XbackRange: Single-raised pot. Recipient is IP and misses a flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) 3BP-MissTCB-XbackRange: 3bet pot. Recipient is IP and makes a standard-sized flop cbet and gets called, then misses a turn cbet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) BetsizeTell_3BP-TurnCB.4-.6WEAK: 3Bet pot. Recipient makes standard-sized flop cbet, then bets 40-60% of pot on the turn with a weak hand. A weak hand in this spot is defined as a hand that is not in the top 25% of available hands. Implicits are included. BetSizeTell_3BP-TurnCB.6-.8WEAK: same as above but for 60.1-80% pot turn cbet. BetSizeTell_3BP-TurnCB.8-1WEAK: same as above but for 80.1-100% pot turn cbet. BetSizeTell_SRP-TurnCB.4-.6WEAK: Single-raised pot. Recipient makes standard-sized flop cbet, then bets 40-60% of pot on the turn with a weak hand. A weak hand in this spot is defined as less a hand that is not in the top 25% strength of all available hands. BetSizeTell_SRP-TurnCB.6-.8WEAK: Same as above but for 60.1-80% pot turn cbet. BetSizeTell_SRP-TurnCB.8-1WEAK: Same as above but for 80.1-100% pot turn cbet. HM.FlushComes-TurnBet(different bet sizes): A flush is made possible on the turn. Shows spark graphs for different bet sizes. HM.RaiseFlop-BetTurn: Raises a Flop bet and gets called, then makes a bet on the Turn. Shows spark graph and turnhandrange. SRP-DelayedCbet-IP: Single-raised pot. Recipient is IP and skips a flop cbet. Recipient gets checked to on the turn and makes a bet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) SRP-DelayedCbet-IP_FvXR: same as above and then recipient folds to a check/raise up to 4x the amount of the turn bet. SRP-DelayedCbet-OOP: Single-raised pot. Recipient is OOP and skips a flop cbet, and flop gets checked around. Recipient makes a bet on the turn. (shows turnhandrange and spark) SRP-DelayedCbet-OOP_FvR: same as above but the recipient's bet is 40-80% of pot and then folds to a raise. SRP-MissTCB-XbackRange: Single-raised pot. Recipient is IP and makes a standard-sized flop cbet and gets called, then misses a turn cbet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) TurnCbetIP: Raises or 3bet Preflop and is called. Shows how often the player bets the Turn after betting the Flop 30-80% pot size and being called. (shows turnhandrange and spark) TurnCbetOOP: same as above but for OOP. 3BP-BBFoldCBvsXRfromSB: BB 3bets SB open. BB makes standard flop cbet and folds to a check/raise from the SB. Effective stacks are 32+bb on flop. 3BP_BTNFoldCBvsXRfromCO: Button 3bets vs. CO open. Button makes standard flop cbet and folds to a check/raise from the CO. Flop is HU and effective stacks on Flop are 32+bb. 3BP-CBflop_XRturn: 3Bets from OOP and gets called. Cbets flop and gets called. Check/raises vs a turn bet. Turn is HU. (shows turnhandrange and spark) 3BP-XRflopCB: Recipient calls a 3bet Preflop OOP, and check/raises a standard cbet on the flop. Heads up on Flop and effective stacks of 32bb+ on Flop. Check/raise is any size. (shows flophandrange and spark) 3BP-XRturnCB: Recipient calls a 3bet preflop OOP, calls a standard flop cbet, and check/raises a standard turn cbet. Heads up on Turn. (shows turnhandrange and spark) BtnOpens-FoldvsXRonFlop: Same as below except flop can contain any cards. BtnOpens-FoldvsXRonFlop-A_hi: Button makes standard-sized open raise and gets called, then makes a standard-sized flop cbet and folds to a check/raise on an Ace high flop. BtnOpens-FoldvsXRonFlop-K_hi: Same as above except the flop is King high. BtnOpens-FoldvsXRonFlop-LowFlop: Same as above except the highest possible card is a 9 on the flop. HM.3BP.CheckRaise-asPFR: Makes a 3bet prelop and gets called, then check/raises the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.SRP.CheckRaise-asPFR: same as above but it's a SRP. HM.XRcb-AceFlopWEAK: How often someone is weak when check/raises a flop cbet on a flop that contains an Ace. Weak is defined as worse than the top 20% of available hands. Player must show down. HM.XRcb-3Str8RainbowFlopWEAK: Same as above but there is a straight possible on the flop and none of the cards are the same suit. HM.XRcb-LowFlopWEAK: Same as above but flop contains all cards 9 and lower. HM.XRcb-MonotoneFlopWEAK: Same as above but flop is monotone. HM.XRcb-PairedFlopWEAK: Same as above but flop contains a pair. HM.XRvBNcbet: Calls a Button open and check/raises the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) SRP-BetvsMissedFCB_FvXR: Single raised pot. Recipient bets vs. a missed flop cbet IP, then folds to a check/raise. The bet is 40-80% of pot, and the check/raise is min to pot-sized. Effective stacks 25+bb on flop. SRP-CBflop_XRturn: Single raised pot. Cbet flop heads up OOP, then check/raise turn. Effective stacks are 25bb+ on flop (show's turnhandrange and spark) SRP-FoldtoDoubleXR: Recipient gets check/raised twice in a single raised pot and folds to 2nd check/raise. The bet sizes are 40-80% of pot, and the check/raises can be any size. SRP-XRflopCB: Single raised pot. Recipient calls a preflop raise while OOP, and check/raises a standard flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) SRP-XRflop_BetTurn: Single raised pot. Check/raises the Flop vs a 40-80% bet and then makes a turn Bet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) SRP-XRflopGIVEUPwhenCalled: Single raised pot. Recipient check/raises Flop and gets called, then doesn't put any more money into the pot. The Flop bet is 40-80% pot size. SRP-XRriverCB: Single raised pot. Recipient calls a preflop raise while OOP, and calls 2 standard cbets, then check/raises a standard river cbet. (shows riverhandrange and spark) SRP-XRturnCB: Single raised pot. Recipient calls a Preflop raise while OOP, then calls a standard Flop cbet, and check/raises a standard Turn cbet. Heads up on Turn and effective stacks 32+bb on Flop. (shows turnhandrange and spark) 3BP_BLfoldCBvsBTNraise: One of the Blinds 3bet Button open. The Blind makes a standard flop cbet and folds to a Flop raise from the Button. Effective stacks are 32+bb on Flop, and Flop is HU. 3BP_BLfoldCBvsCORaise: Same as above except CO raises the Flop instead of BTN. 3BP_BLfoldCBvsEPMPraise: Same as above except EP or MP raises the Flop. 3BP-FoldCBtoMinRaiseOnFlop: Recipient 3bets Preflop and gets called, then makes a standard cbet and folds to a minraise or min check/raise. Flop effective stacks are 32+bb. FlushComesRiverBetFold: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on river, and recipient bets then folds to a raise or check/raise. River is heads up. FlushComesTurnBetFold: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on turn and recipient bets and folds to raise or check/raise. Heads up on the Turn. HM.BetTurnOOPvMCB-FvR: Bets the turn while OOP vs. a missed flop Cbet from IP, then folds to a raise. HM.SRP.CB-FvR-AceFlop: Makes a Cbet in a SRP on the flop and folds to a raise. Flop is Ace high. HM.SRP.CB-FvR-MonotoneFlop: Same as above but flop is all 3 cards of same suit. HM.SRP.CB-FvR-LowFlop: Same as above except flop has no cards higher than a 9. HM.SRP.CB-FvR-3Str8RainbowFlop: Same as above except flop has 3 cards to a straight and no cards are the same suit. HM.SRP.CB-FvR-PairedFlop: Same as above except the flop contains a pair. HM.3BP.CB-FvR-(same textures as above): All same as above except for a 3BP. HM.SRP.FlopCB-(Pot Bet Sizes)-FvR: For different bet sizes, makes a flop Cbet and folds to a raise. HM.3BP.FlopCB-(Pot Bet Sizes)-FvR: Same as above but for 3BP. 3BP-BtnFoldtoCB_JTxFlop: Button opens and gets 3bet from the Blinds, and calls the 3bet. Recipient (Button) folds to a standard-sized flop cbet with a Jack and a Ten both on the flop. The 3rd highest card is lower than the Ten. Effective stacks on Flop are 32+bb and Flop is HU. 3BP-BtnFoldtoCB-2Broadway: Button opens and gets 3-Bet from the Blinds and calls the 3-Bet. Button folds to a Flop C-Bet when the board has exactly 2 cards that are Ten or higher. 3BP-BtnFoldtoCB_9orLowerFlop: Button opens and gets 3-Bet from the Blinds and calls the 3-Bet. Button folds to a Flop C-Bet when the board has 3 cards that are 9 or lower. Flop effective stacks are 32+bb, and Flop is HU. 3BP-BtnFoldtoCB-AceRagRag: Same as above but instead Flop contains an Ace and two cards 9 or lower. 3BP-BtnFoldtoCB-QKAhi: Same as above but instead Flop contains an Ace, King, or Queen. 3BP-MissCB_Fold.oop: 3bet pot. The 3bettor checks from OOP and folds to a standard-sized bet. 3BP_NONE&DONE_BBvSB: BB 3bets vs. SB open. BB doesn't put any money in postflop. Flop is HU. 3BP_NONE&DONE_BLvBTN: Same as above except one of Blinds 3bets the Button. 3BP_NONE&DONE_BLvCO: Same as above except one of Blinds 3bets the Cutoff. 3BP_NONE&DONE_BLvEPMP: Same as above except one of Blinds 3bets EP or MP. 3BP_NONE&DONE_BTNvCO: Same as above except the Button 3bets the Cutoff. 3BP-RaiseFlopCB-IP: Recipient calls a 3bet while IP preflop, and raises a standard cbet. Flop is heads up and effective stacks are 50bb+ on flop. Raise is any size. (shows flophandrange and spark) BlindFoldvsBTNcbet: Recipient in the Blinds calls an open-raise from the Button up to 4bb, and folds to a standard-sized flop cbet. HM.3BP.RaiseFlopIP-GIVEUPwhenCalled: Raises a 30-80% pot size Flop bet in a 3BP while being IP, and then doesn't put anymore money into the pot after being called. The player can either fold or check down as long as he doesn't put anymore money in for it to be a success HM.BBvsSB-FlopRaiseCB: Big Blind raises a Small Blind flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.BNvCO-FlopRaiseCB: Cutoff open raises and Button calls. Button raises a Cutoff cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.BNvCO-FvCB: Cutoff open raises and Button calls. Button folds to Cutoff cbet. HM.RaiseCBip-(Different Flop Textures): Raises a flop cbet for different flop textures. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.SRP.IP-CallvFlopCBet: In a SRP the recipient calls a Flop C-Bet while IP. HM.SRP.OOP-CallvFlopCBet: Same as above but recipient is OOP on the Flop. HM.SRP.IP-FvFlopCBet: In a SRP the recipient folds to a Flop C-Bet while IP. HM.SRP.OOP-FvFlopCBet: Same as above but recipient is OOP on the Flop. HM.SRP.IP-RaisevFlopCBet: In a SRP the recipient raises a Flop C-Bet while IP. HM.SRP.OOP-RaisevFlopCBet: In a SRP the recipient raises a Flop C-Bet while OOP. HM.SRP.IP-RaisevFlopCB&Fv3B: In a SRP recipient raises a Flop C-Bet while IP and folds to a 3- Bet. HM.SRP.OOP-RaiseFlopCB&Fv3B: Same as above but recipient is OOP on the Flop. LimpCall-XFold: Limps then calls a raise. Then check folds to a standard flop cbet. SRP-MinRaiseFlop=STRONG: Single raised pot. Recipient min raises or min check/raises flop bet of 40-80% size with a hand which is in the top 10% of available hands. Flop is HU. SRP-RaiseFlopCB-IP: Single raised pot. Recipient raises a standard flop cbet while IP. Heads up on flop and effective stacks 32+bb on flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) 3BP_1&DONE_BBvSB(SBcallsflop): BB 3bets SB open. BB makes standard flop cbet, and SB calls. BB doesn't put anymore money into the pot. 3BP_1&DONE_BLvBTN(BTNcallsflop): One of the blinds 3bet vs. button open. The blind makes a standard flop cbet, and the button calls. The blind doesn't put anymore money in after the flop. 3BP_1&DONE_BLvCO(COcallsflop): Same as above but Cutoff instead of Button. 3BP_1&DONE_BLvEPMP(EPMPcallsflop): One of the Blinds 3bet vs. EP or MP open. The Blind makes a standard flop cbet, and EP or MP calls. The blind doesn't put anymore money in after the Flop. 3BP_1&DONE_BTNvCO(COcallsflop): Button 3bet vs. CO open. Button makes standard cbet, and co calls. CO doesn't put anymore money in the pot. 3BP-FvsDelayedCbet_asIP: 3bet pot. Recipient calls a 3bet while IP, checks back the Flop, then folds to a standard-sized Turn bet. 3BP-FvsDelayedCbet_asOOP: 3bet pot. Recipient calls a 3bet while OOP, the Flop gets checked through, then folds to a standard-sized turn bet from the PFR. 3BP-RaiseTurnCB-IP: Recipient calls a 3bet while IP Preflop, calls a standard cbet, and raises a standard Turn cbet. Flop is heads up and effective stacks are 32+bb on flop. Raise is any size. (shows turnhandrange and spark) DoubleBarrelCallRange: Calling range for a double barrel cbet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) F2DB-3BP-Axx: Fold to Double Barrel in 3bet pot, on Ace flop. Recipient is IP, and flop is HU. This can be helpful if you think someone is floating you a lot on Ace high boards in 3bet pots. FlushComesTurnFold: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on turn and recipient folds or check folds. FlushComesTurnRaise: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on turn and recipient raises or check/raises. (shows spark) HM.3BP-FlopFloatWEAK-IP(andOOP and SRP): Calls a standard-sized flop CB in a 3BP with worse than the top 25% of available hands. Implicits are included. HM.CallFlopDonk-FvTurnBarrel: The Preflop raiser is IP on the flop and calls when bet into, then folds to a turn follow up bet. HM.FloatIP-(different flop textures): Calls a bet on the flop for different board textures. (shows spark) HM.SRP.FvTurnCB-(IP and OOP also for 3BP): Folds to a turn cbet. SkipCB_XC-XFturn: Recipient skips making a cbet on the flop, and check-calls. Then check-folds the turn to a standard-sized bet. SRP-CBflop-XFturn: Single raised pot. Cbet flop heads up OOP, then check folds turn to a standard- sized bet. HU on Turn. SRP-Float_WEAK-IP: Single raised pot. Calls a preflop raise, and calls standard flop bet IP with bottom pair or worse, or a weak draw (inside straight draw or worse). SRP-Float_WEAK-OOP: Same as above except recipient is OOP. SRP-FvsDelayedCbet_asIP: Recipient calls a raise while IP preflop, checks back the flop, then folds to a standard-sized turn bet. SRP-FvsDelayedCbet_asOOP: Recipient calls a raise while OOP preflop, flop gets checked through, then recipient check-folds to a standard-sized turn bet. HU on Flop. SRP-MinRaiseTurn=STRONG: Single raised pot. Recipient minraises turn with a hand which is in the top 10% of available hands. The turn bet is 40-80% pot size. Turn is HU. SRP-RaiseTurnCB-IP: Single raised pot. Recipient calls standard flop cbet, and raises standard turn cbet while IP. Heads up on flop and effective stacks 40+bb on flop. Raise is min to pot-sized. (shows turnhandrange and spark) 3BP-2&DONE-IP: 3Bets IP and gets called. Then fires 2 standard sized continuation bets while HU, gets called and doesn't put any more money in. Effective stacks on Flop are 32bb+. 3BP-2&DONE-OOP: Same as above but 3bettor is OOP. CallRiverBet_.4-.6: Recipient calls a river bet that is 40-60% of the pot. Final pot must be atleast 20bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) CallRiverBet_.6-.8: Recipient calls a river bet that is 60.1-80% of the pot. Final pot must be atleast 20bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) CallRiverBet_.8-1: Recipient calls a river bet that is 80.1-100% of the pot. Final pot must be atleast 20bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) CallRiverBet_1.001-1.25: Recipient calls a river bet that is an overbet to 125% of the pot. Final pot must be atleast 20bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) CallRiverBet_1.25+: Recipient calls a river bet that is 125% of the pot or greater. Final pot must be atleast 20bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) CallsRivOverbetsThin: Calls any overbet on river with a hand that is not in the top 10% of available hands on the River. Pot must be at least 30bb. (shows riverhandrange.) FlushComesRiverFold: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on river, and recipient folds or check folds. Heads up on the river. HM.BluffRiverIPvsMCB(also for OOP): Bets on the River after opponent misses betting again. Shows how often when this happens that the player has worse than the top 20% of available hands. HM.CallRiverW$SD(also for IP/OOP): Shows how often when calling the river wins money at showdown. HM.FloatTurn(IP also OOP): Calls a turn bet. (shows spark) HM.Fv3rdBarrel-RiverFlushDrawsMiss: Possible flush draw on the flop that never gets there. Calls flop and turn but then folds to a river bet. HM.Fv3rdBarrel-RiverStr8DrawsMiss: Possible straight draw on the flop that never gets there. Calls flop and turn, but then folds to a river bet. HM.SRP.FvRiverCB(IP & OOP also for 3BP): Folds to a river cbet. HM.SRP.IP-FvBet-XX-Bet (also for OOP and 3BP versions): Calls a Flop Bet, turn goes check-check, Folds to a River bet. HM.SRP.IP-FvXX-Bet-Bet (also for OOP and 3BP versions): Flop goes check-check, calls a Turn Bet, and folds to a River Bet. HM.SRP.IP-FvXX-XX-Bet (also for OOP and 3BP versions): Flop and turn get checked through, and then recipient folds to a River bet. MissCBip-Call70-Fold90: Recipient misses a cbet IP, calls a turn bet of atleast 70% pot-sized, then folds to a river bet that is atleast 90% pot-sized. This definition can be useful to use against people who like to pot control and get to showdown cheaply with weak or medium made hands. SRP-2&DONE-IP: Single raised pot. Recipient raises preflop IP and gets called. Then fires 2 standard sized cbets, gets called, and doesn't put any money in on the river. HU on Flop. SRP-2&DONE-OOP: Same as above but recipient is OOP. SRP-RaiseRiverCB-IP: Single raised pot. Recipient calls standard flop and turn cbets, and raises standard river cbet while IP. Heads up on flop and effective stacks 60+bb on flop. Raise is any size on river. (shows riverhandrange and spark) 3BP-3BarrelRange: Shows riverhandrange and frequency when recipient fires 3 standard barrels in a 3bet pot. River is HU and River bet must be at least 30% of pot. Effective stacks are 32+bb on Flop (shows riverhandrange and spark). HM.SRP.3Barrel(Parlay)(also for 3BP): Shows how often that someone fires 3 streets total, not just the river barrel. HM.SRP.3Barrel-AfterFlopCB(Parlay)(also for 3BP): Shows how often someone fires the last 2 barrels after making a flop cbet. SRP-3BarrelRange_.4-.6: Single raised pot. Raiser makes 2 standard cbets on flop and turn, then river bet is between 40-60% of pot. (shows riverhandrange and spark) SRP-3BarrelRange_.6-.8: Same as above but river bet is 60.1-80% of pot. SRP-3BarrelRange_.8-1: Same as above but river bet is 80.1-100% of pot. SRP-3BarrelRange_Overbet: Same as above but river is an overbet. TripleBarrelBluff(SRP): In a SRP the PFR bets Flop, Turn, and River each 40-80% of pot. It is a success if the hand on the River is not in the top 20% of available hands or if a fold to a raise occurs. BvB_StackOffRange(50bb+): Blind vs. blind all in preflop with atleast 50bb. All players fold to the Blinds (shows cardrange). HM.StackOff(different stack sizes): Shows the card range and spark of what people are stacking off with preflop. Note: It's not possible to make this perfectly in NoteCaddy, so it may be a couple of bb's off, but it should be very accurate. HU on the Flop. ShortStack_AI_Range-BBvBTN: BB all in preflop range vs. Button. BB starts hand with 15-35bb. (shows cardrange and spark) ShortStack_AI_Range-BBvSB: same as above but BB is recipient, and is all in vs. SB. ShortStack_AI_Range-SBvBTN: same as above but SB is recipient and is all vs. BTN. The BB must fold. 3BP.Donk_FvR: Calls a 3Bet Preflop, then donks into the raiser from OOP on the Flop and folds to a raise from the PFR. The Donk size is between 30-80% of pot. Effective stacks on the flop are at least 25bb. DonkthenCall_XFturn: Calls a raise preflop, donks on the flop and calls a raise, then check folds the turn. DonkTurnWeak: Check calls flop bet, then donks out on turn with worse than the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included. HM.SRP.HU.FvDonk(different Textures – Also 3BP versions): Is the preflop raiser and then folds to a lead out on the flop. Heads up on the flop. HM.Donk-(different flop textures): Bets into the raiser on different flop board textures. (shows cardrange and spark) HM.Donk-FvR-(different flop textures): Bets into the raiser on the flop and folds to a raise for different flop textures. SRP-DonkFlopRange: Single raised pot. Recipient bets into the raiser from OOP. (shows flophandrange and spark) SRP-DonkTurnRange: Single raised pot. Recipient calls a raise preflop, then check calls a 40-80% pot flop cbet, and donk bets the turn. The turn donk bet can be any size. (shows turnhandrange and spark) SRP-DonkRiverRange: Single raised pot. Recipient calls raise preflop, check calls flop and turn bets of 40-80% pot, then donks out on the river. The river donk bet can be any size. (shows riverhandrange and spark) SRP-RaisesDonkFlop: Single raised pot. Before being able to act on the Flop, the PFR gets bet into 40-80% of pot, and makes a raise. ColdCallRange-BBvsBT-2x: Cold calls a min raise from the Button while in the Big Blind. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCallRange-BBvsBT-+2x: Cold calls a raise higher than a min raise from the Button while in the Big Blind. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCallRangeIP: Cold call a raise in position. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCallRangeOOP: Cold call a raise out of position. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCallRange-SBvsBT-2x: Cold calls a min raise from the Button while in the Small Blind. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCallRange-SBvsBT-+2x: Cold calls a raise higher than a min raise from the Button while in the Small Blind. (shows cardrange and spark) Flat-KK+: This is % of time of when the recipient is dealt AA or KK, he just calls a raise rather than 3betting. HM.LimpCallRange-(all positions): Shows the Limp-call Range, not the total frequency. LimpCallRange: Limps then calls a raise. (shows cardrange and spark) LimpRaiseRange: Limps then reraises a raise. (shows cardrange and spark) BTNfoldstoCOopen: CO makes a standard-sized open raise and the recipient (Button) folds preflop. HM.BBvBN-FvSteal-2x: Big Blind folds to a min raise from the Button. HM.vsHeroResteal-4betRange: Makes a 4bet vs. a Hero resteal. Shows the range instead of the total frequency. Steal_2Barrel_FvTurnXR: Steal from Cutoff or Button. Cbets 40-80% of pot on flop and turn, and folds to turn check/raise. The player is IP on the Turn. Steal_CbetFold: Steal from Cutoff, Button, or Small Blind. Cbets 40-80% of pot and folds to raise or check/raise. Call3BetQQ+: Shows how often when the recipient raises and calls a 3bet preflop he/she does it with QQ, KK, or AA. IP.OpenRaise-Call3Bet: Recipient opens and calls a standard-sized 3bet while IP. (shows cardrange and spark) OOP.OpenRaise-Call3Bet: Recipient opens and calls a standard-sized 3bet while OOP. (shows cardrange and spark) ColdCall3bRange: Calls a 3bet when there is a raise and 3bet in front. (shows cardrange and spark) FoldtoSqueeze-asCaller: Recipient cold calls a raise, then gets squeezed and folds. FoldtoSqueeze-asPFR: Recipient open raises, gets called, gets squeezed, and folds to the squeeze. HM.Call3BetRange(different positions and IP/OOP): Shows the range instead of the total frequency of calling a 3bet preflop. HM.Call3Bet=22-66: Shows how often when calling a preflop 3bet, that this person has 22-66. HM.Call3Bet=77-TT: Shows how often when calling a preflop 3bet, that this person has 77-TT. HM.Call3Bet=Broadway: Shows how often when calling a 3bet, that this person has Broadway cards. Broadway is defined as any 2 cards 10 or higher that aren't AK and aren't paired. HM.Call3Bet=JJ+AK: Shows how often when calling a preflop 3bet, that this person has JJ+ or AK. HM.Call3Bet=SuitedConnector: Shows how often when calling a 3bet, that this person has a suited connector. Suited Connector is defined as 63s-Q9s, 53s-J9s, 43s-T9s. HM.Call3Bet=WeakAces-Kings: Shows how often when calling a preflop 3bet, that this person has weak aces or weak kings. Weak Aces & Kings are defined as A2-A9 and K2-K9 suited and unsuited. Some definitions in vsHero popup may be disabled due to space limitations. Feel free to add them to your popups if you like. vsHero_Foldto4Bet: Recipient folds to a 4bet from the hero. vsHero_Foldto5Bet: Recipient folds to a 5bet from the hero. HeroViewedAs-3bet: This will show how often the person has seen you 3bet. (shows cardrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-4bet: This will show how often the person has seen you 4bet. (shows cardrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-DonkFlop: This will show how often the person has seen you make a donk bet on the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-FlopCbet: This will show how often the person has seen you make a flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-FoldtoCbet: This will show how often the person has seen you fold to a 30-80% pot size cbet on the flop. HeroViewedAs-FoldtoTurnCbet: This will show often the person has seen you fold to a 30-80% pot size cbet on the turn after calling a flop cbet. HeroViewedAs-FvsFlopRaiseFromIP: This will show often the person has seen you fold vs. a flop raise while you are OOP on the flop. The raiser is IP on flop. HeroViewedAs-FvsFlopXR: This will show often the person has seen you fold vs. a check/raise on the flop. HeroViewedAs-RaiseFlopIP: This will show how often the person has seen you raise a 30-80% pot size flop bet while you are IP on the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-Steal: This will show how often the person has seen you make a preflop steal. (shows cardrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-Squeeze: This will show how often the person has seen you squeeze. (shows cardrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-TurnCbet: This will show how often the person has seen you make a cbet on the turn after making a flop cbet. (shows turnhandrange and spark) HeroViewedAs-XRflop: This will show often the person has seen you make a check/raise on the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) HM.BB-HeroStoleFromSB: Shows how often the Hero has open raised from the SB into the BB note recipient. HM.HeroViewedAs-Fv3Bet: Shows how often the person has seen you fold to a 3bet preflop. HM.vsHero-CallRestealIP: Calls a Hero Resteal, while recipient is IP. HM.vsHero-CallRestealRangeIP: Same as above but shows the Range instead of total frequency. HM.vsHero-FlopCB-FvR: Makes a cbet on the flop and folds to a raise from the Hero. HM.vsHero-FvResteal: Steals then folds to a resteal from Hero. HM.vsHeroCbet-FlopXR: Makes a flop check/raise vs. a Cbet from the Hero. (shows spark) HM.vsHeroIso-3Bet: Makes a 3bet preflop after Hero makes a isolation raise. (shows spark) HM.vsHeroOpen-SqueezeButton: Makes a squeeze on the Button after the Hero opens. (shows spark) HM.vsHeroResteal-4bet: Open steals, then Hero resteals, then recipient makes a 4bet. (shows spark) HM.vsHeroResteal-4betRange: Same as above but shows the Range instead of total frequency. HM.vsHero-Resteal5bet: Makes a resteal vs. a Hero open, then makes a 5bet after Hero 4bets. (shows spark) HM.vsHero-Resteal5betRange: Same as above but shows the Range instead of total frequency. HM.vsHeroSteal-Cold4Bet: Hero makes a steal, then another person 3bets, then the recipient makes an open 4bet. (shows spark) HM.vsHeroSteal-Squeeze: Makes a squeeze after the Hero steals. (shows spark) HM.SBsteal-vs-HeroBB: Shows how often and with what range the SB steals vs. you. (shows cardrange and spark) was3BarreledbyHero: This shows how often you have fired the third barrel after double barreling vs this person. (shows riverhandrange and spark) was3BetByHero: This will show how often you have 3bet this person. (shows cardrange and spark) was4BetByHero: This will show how often you have 4bet this person. (shows cardrange and spark) wasCheckRaisedonFlopCBetbyHero: Shows how often you have check raised the this person's flop cbet. HU on Flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) wasRaisedonFlopCBetbyHeroIP: Shows how often you have raised this person's flop cbet when you are in position on the flop. (shows flophandrange and spark) wasSqueezedByHero: This will show how often you have squeezed this person. It counts for when the person is the preflop raiser, not the caller. (shows cardrange and spark). HM.SRP.IP-SkipFlopCB-FvTurnBet (also for 3BP): Misses a C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the Turn and folds. HM.SRP.IP-SkipFlopCB-CallvTurnBet (also for 3BP): Misses a C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the Turn and calls. HM.SRP.IP-SkipFlopCB-RaisevTurnBet (also for 3BP): Misses a C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the Turn and raises. HM.SRP.IP-SkipTurnCB-FvRiverBet (also for 3BP): Misses a Turn C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the River and folds. HM.SRP.IP-SkipTurnCB-CallvRiverBet (also for 3BP): Misses a Turn C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the River and calls. HM.SRP.IP-SkipTurnCB-RaisevRiverBet (also for 3BP): Misses a Turn C-Bet IP, then gets bet into on the River and raises. HM.BB.Fv2xSteal (also for SB, BN, and 2.01-2.5x, 2.51-3x, 3.01x+): Folds vs a 2bb open steal raise. A steal is from the CO, BN, or SB. HM.BB.Callv2xSteal (also for SB, BN, and 2.01-2.5x, 2.51-3x, 3.01x+): Calls vs a 2bb open steal raise. A steal is from the CO, BN, or SB. HM.BB.ReStealv2xSteal (also for SB, BN, and 2.01-2.5x, 2.51-3x, 3.01x+): 3-Bets vs. a 2bb open steal raise. A steal is from the CO, BN, or SB.

3BP-1&DONE-IP(CalledOnFlop): Recipient 3bets IP and gets called. Then makes standard cbet on Flop while HU gets called. Recipient doesn't put anymore money in after the Flop cbet. 3BP-1&DONE-OOP(CalledOnFlop): Same as above but 3bettor is OOP. 3BP-1&DONE-IP(CalledOnFlop)-Ace: Same as above but IP and the Flop has an Ace. 3BP-1&DONE-OOP(CalledOnFlop)-Ace: Same as above but OOP and the Flop has an Ace. 3BP-BetvsMissedFlopCB(hu): Recipient calls 3bet IP then bets vs. a missed Flop cbet. HU on Flop. 3BP-BetvsMissedRivCB: Recipient calls 3bet IP, calls Flop and Turn cbets, then bets at least 30% of pot vs. missed River cbet. River is heads up. Effective stacks on Flop are 32+bb. 3BP-BetvsMissedTurnCB(IP): Recipient calls 3bet IP, calls Flop, then bets at least 30% of pot vs. missed Turn cbet. Turn is HU. 3BP-BTNfoldtoCBfromBLINDS: Button calls 3bet from Blinds, and folds to a standard Flop cbet. Flop is HU. 3BP_CheckBackFoldTurn: 3bet pot, check back Flop HU, then fold to a standard sized bet on the Turn. 3BP-COorSBfoldtoCBoop: CO or SB call a 3bet from OOP(Button or BB), and fold to standard Flop cbet. Flop is HU. 3BP-EPorMPfoldtoCBfromIP: EP or MP call a 3bet from an IP 3bettor, and check-folds to standard Flop cbet. Flop is HU. 3BP-TripleBarrelBluff: Recipient 3bets Preflop and fires 3 standard barrels. The hand on the River must be worse than the strongest 20% of all available hands. River bet needs to be at least 30% of pot. Implicits are included. Flop effective stacks are 32+bb, and the Turn is HU. 5Bet: 5-Bet is made by recipient. When recipient 3-Bets he must have 50+BB and the 4-Bettor must have 45+BB(shows cardrange) BBvSB-FTS: BB folds vs. SB open. SB raise size can be up to 5bb. BBfoldtoBTNsteal: BB folds vs. a Button steal. Steal size is up to 4bb. CallsRivOverbets: Calls any overbet on the river. Pot must be at least 30bb. (shows riverhandrange) Donk_FvR: Recipient donk bets the flop 30-80% of pot, and folds to a raise from the PFR. This includes any kind of Preflop action. Foldto3BFlop: Recipient raises or check/raises Flop and folds to a reraise. Foldto4Bet: Fold to 4bet preflop. Foldto5Bet: Fold to 5bet preflop. Foldto5Bet-BNorSB: Same as above except the recipient is the BN or SB. FoldtoCold4B(stealopen): Steal is made by CO or Button. 3Bet is made by SB or Button. Cold 4bet is made by SB or BB. The recipient is the 3bettor that folds to the cold 4bet. FoldtoRiverRaise: Bets river and folds to a raise or a check/raise. FvsHalfPotCB: Fold vs. ½ pot continuation bet. 1/2 pot is defined as 45-55% of pot. HeroCall: Calls a 30-80% pot size river bet with worse than the top 25% of available hands. Final pot must be at least 20bb. HM.3BP.CB-FvR: Note recipient 3bets preflop, gets called, then makes a 30-80% pot size cbet on the flop and folds to a raise or a check/raise. HM.3BP.FlopStab-FvXR: Calls a 3bet preflop, then bets on the flop vs. a missed cbet, and folds to a check/raise. HM.3BP.BN-FvTurnCB: BN calls a 3-Bet from the Blinds. Then calls a Flop C-Bet and folds to a Turn C-Bet. Flop and Turn C-Bets are 30-80% of pot. Heads up on the flop. HM.3BP.BN-FvRiverCB: BN calls a 3-Bet from the Blinds. Then calls Flop and Turn C-Bets and folds to a River C-Bet. C-Bets are 30-80% of pot. Heads up on the flop. HM.3BP.FvThirdBarrel-75+: Shows how often a player folds to a 3rd barrel which is 75% of pot or more. The Flop and Turn bets are between 30-80% of pot. The player can be the PFR or the Caller. HM.3BP.IP-CB-XX-FvRiverBet: Preflop 3-Bettor makes a Flop C-Bet IP and gets called. Then the turn goes check-check. The recipient folds to a bet on the River. Bet sizes are 30-80% of pot. HM.3BP.IP-EPMPCO-FvCB: EP, MP, or CO calls a 3-Bet from the Blinds, then folds to a C-Bet on the flop. Heads up on the flop. C-Bet size is 30-80% of pot. HM.3BP.TurnStab-FvXR: In a 3bet pot, calls the flop bet, then bets the turn when checked to and folds to a check/raise. HM.BBvSB-FvRiverCB: BB calls a SB open raise, then calls Flop and Turn C-Bets and folds to a River C-Bet. C-Bet sizes are 40-80% of pot. HM.BBvSB-FvTurnCB: BB calls a SB open raise, then calls a Flop C-Bet and folds to a Turn C-Bet. C-Bet sizes are 40-80% of pot. HM.BB-FvHeroBNsteal: Hero open raises up to 4bb on the Button, and the note recipient folds in the Big Blind. HM.BB-FvHeroSBsteal: Hero open raisesup to 5bb in the Small Blind, and the note recipient folds in the Big Blind. HM.BNopen-FvSqueeze: Button open raises, SB calls, BB squeezes. Button folds to the squeeze. HM.FvTurn3Bet: NOT the note recipient bets 30-80% of pot on the Turn that is maximum of 35% of his stack. Recipient raises the Turn a maximum of 70% of his stack and folds to a 3-Bet. HM.RaiseFlopDonk=Weak: The Preflop raiser is IP on the Flop and gets bet into. Recipient raises the flop with worse than a hand which is in the top 15% of available hands. Implicits are included. HM.SRP.FlopStab-FvXR: Calls a raise preflop, then bets the flop vs. a missed cbet, and folds to a check/raise. HM.SRP.IP-CB-XX-FvRiverBet: Makes a C-Bet from IP in a SRP. The Turn goes check-check, and the recipient folds to a River Bet. Bet sizes are 40-80% of pot. HM.SRP.TurnStab-FvXR: In a single-raised pot, calls the flop, then bets the turn, and folds to a check/raise. IsoFoldto3B: Recipient raises after a limper, then folds to a 3bet. Doesn't include a limp/raise. LimpsAAKK: Recipient limps with AA or KK. The % shown is how often when a player is dealt AA or KK that he/she limps with it. It is NOT the % of their total limps which are AA or KK. RaiseFlopandTripleBarrelBluff(SRP): Single raised pot. Shows how often when someone raises a flop bet and is called, then bets the turn, and river that he/she has worse than the top 15% of available hands. Resteal: Cutoff, button, or small blind opens, then recipient 3bets. (shows cardrange and spark) Resteal-Fold_toBTN4bet: Recipient is in blinds. One of the blinds makes standard 3bet vs. a button raise. The button makes a 4bet and the 3bettor folds. SBFoldvsBBFlopRaise(SRP): Doesn't include three bet pots. SB opens and BB calls preflop. SB makes standard flop cbet and folds to a min to pot-sized raise. SkipCbet-Monster: Shows how often someone doesn't Cbet the flop when flopping a top 10% flop hand. SqueezeFold: Recipient 3bets after a limper and a raiser, and then folds to a 4bet. SRP-1&DONE-IP(CalledOnFlop): Preflop raiser cbets IP and gets called on flop. Then checks back turn and doesn't put anymore money in. HU on the Flop. SRP-1&DONE-OOP(CalledOnFlop): Single raised pot. Preflop raiser cbets OOP and gets called on flop, then doesn't put any more money in the pot. SRP-1&DONE-IP(CalledOnFlop)-Ace: Same as above but for IP and Flop has an Ace. SRP-1&DONE-OOP(CalledOnFlop)-Ace: Same as above but for OOP and Flop has an Ace. SRP-BBfoldtoSB_CB: SB open raises and BB calls. BB folds to SB standard flop cbet. SRP-BetvsMissedFlopCB(hu): Single raised pot and heads up on the flop. Preflop raiser checks and recipient makes a bet IP. SRP-BetvsMissedRivCB: Single raised pot. Recipient calls 2 standard barrels, then bets on river when checked to by the PFR. SRP-BetvsMissedTurnCB(IP): Single raised pot. Recipient calls standard flop cbet, then bets on turn when checked to. Doesn't include min turn bets. SRP-CallFlopRaise-FoldTurnOOP: Single raised pot. Bets 40-80% pot size on the flop and calls a raise. Then check folds on the turn to a 40-80% bet. Turn is HU. SRP-CallFlopXR-BetTurn: Single raised pot. Bets flop IP, then calls a check/raise. Opponent checks turn and recipient bets turn. HU on the Turn. SRP-CallFlopXR-FoldTurn: Single raised pot. Bets flop IP, then calls a check/raise. Opponent makes standard-sized bet on turn and recipient folds. SRP-CBetFoldTurn: Single raised pot. Cbet flop, then cbet turn and fold to a raise or a check/raise. HU on the Turn. SRP-CheckBackFoldTurn: Single raised pot. Recipient checks back the flop IP, then folds to a standard-sized turn bet. HU on the Flop. SRP.FlopCB-FvR: Raises preflop and gets called, then makes a 40-80% size cbet on the flop and folds to a raise or a check/raise. SRP-FoldtoFlopDonk: Single raised pot. Preflop raiser gets donked into on flop and folds. Donk bet must be a regular sized bet (40-80% of pot). HU on Flop. SRP-FoldTripleB_AKover(Qhimaxturn): Single raised pot. Recipient calls raise preflop, and calls flop and turn cbets. The highest card on the board for the turn is maximum of Q high. Ace or King hits on the river and the recipient folds to the 3rd barrel. HU on Flop. SRP-FoldTripleB_AKQhitsTurn(Jhimaxflop): Single raised pot. Recipient calls raise preflop and calls flop and turn cbets. The highest card on the flop is maximum of J high. An Ace, King, or Queen hits on the turn, and the recipient folds to the 3rd barrel. HU on Flop. SRP-FoldTurnDoubleB_AKQJover(maxT-hiFlop): Single raised pot. Flop is T high or lower, and an overcard hits on the turn. Recipient calls flop cbet, then folds to turn cbet. HU on Flop. SRP-HalfPotCB-FvR: Single raised pot. Recipient makes a 45-55% pot cbet, then folds to a raise or check/raise. HU on Flop. XRcb-WEAK: Recipient check raises a flop continuation bet and has worse than the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included.(shows flophandrange)