Free Presbyterian

VisionThe Official Organ of the Free Presbyterian Church of

Interview: Rev. Gordon Ferguson

Investigating the Issues: Abortion

30 Years FPC News in Kenya Margaret Russell reflects on the work at Bible Christian Faith Church

Mar - Apr 2013 . Issue 2 . £1

‘A Look at the Book’: Genesis YOUTH: What Music Missionary Vision 12 should I Listen to? 21 ‘Sending Forth’ Services

04 Interview with Gordon Ferguson 16 A Word to Women 06 Investigating the Issues: Abortion 18 A Look at the Book: Genesis 10 Children’s Corner 20 The Believer’s Books 11 Youth Focus 21 Missionary Vision

Editorial Subscriptions ne of the four conventional heard, we long for Divine intervention, for a FP Vision is available from your temperate seasons, following ‘rending of the heavens’ (Isaiah 64:1) local Free Presbyterian Church, winter and preceding summer’ or by contacting Colin McKee: ‘O A certain Virgil Kraft once observed, ‘spring Tel: 028 91821304 – the definition is factual but hardly Mob: 07764224363 inspiring. It does little to convey the shows us what God can do with a drab and [email protected] gentle beauty of spring, and the welcome dirty world’. The wonderful transformation most feel for those months that arrive to witnessed every year in the natural world Presbytery Publications Committee dispel the darkness of winter. is indeed a picture of what He can do in the Dr R Johnstone (Convenor) spiritual realm – life instead of death, light Rev I Kenny (Secretary) instead of darkness, warmth instead of In nature, spring stands for growth, renewal Dr S Barnes coldness. May God revive His work and, as Rev D Creane and new life. Nationally and politically, it is the song says, ‘bring back the springtime’! Rev L Curran (Associate Editor) often a metaphor for the start of better times Mr C McKee (Business Manager) – the celebrated ‘Prague Spring’ of 1968, Rev T Nelson (Editor) and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ just last year Speaking of new beginnings, I think Free Dr S Pollock (Associate Editor) come to mind – times of hope, of reform, of Rev A Smylie increasing freedom. grateful to all who took time to respond so Presbyterian Vision still qualifies. I am were such an encouragement! Do continue And what of the church? Does it not need topositively stand with to our us andfirst pray issue for – your us. comments awakening, quickening, a new experience of that blessed phenomenon we call ‘revival’? I think we all know the answer. At a time Timothy Nelson when it is ‘success’ if we can hold the ground ⁞⁞ [email protected] we have, when there is complacency within Designed by Pepper Collective Printed by JC Print. and apathy without, when our voice is barely ‘Risen with Christ’

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” Colossians 3:1

he resurrection of Christ of necessity presupposes more dominion over Him! He lives, having the keys of hell and His death. Our Saviour’s death was the completion of death, possessing all power in heaven and in earth. He sits Tof His humiliation. ‘Thou hast brought me into the at the right hand of the Father and as our covenant head He dust of death’ (Psalm 22:15) was a cry that described the has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly degradation and darkness of the cross. Jesus knew that He places even in Him. Because He lives all who die in Christ shall was to suffer and die as our Substitute – but He also knew that live also. His resurrection is the pattern of theirs, since there death could not hold Him in the grave! is a union between Christ and His people by which they are vitally one. While His body was placed in the earth it could not remain there. He rose bodily from Joseph’s tomb and did what no Though our bodies return to the dust they shall not see one else had done. Elijah raised the widow’s son and Elisha corruption forever! ‘This corruptible must put on incorruption, restored a young man to life; but they were raised from the and this mortal must put on immortality’ (1 Corinthians 15:53). dead to die again. Lazarus too was raised from the dead only As the Saviour rose with the same body, though changed, so to yield his body at the appointed time to the grim reaper. He will change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned Every dying saint falls asleep in Jesus. The body sleeps in its like unto His glorious body. As His body was raised from the lonely bed of earth and the soul goes to be with Christ. so the resurrection of the saints will be to them the day of the Paul reminds us that Christ is ‘the firstfruits of them that slept’ gladnessdead to be of glorifiedtheir hearts. and crowned with gladness and honour, sheaf was brought as a token or pledge of the complete harvest What consolation would there be in this world if the hope of and(1 Corinthians dedicated 15:20).to God During as a testimony the feast ofof the the firstfruits, gratitude the of firstthe the resurrection were taken away? We would be ‘of all men people for the harvest He had given. This was a picture of Christ most miserable’ (1 Corinthians 15:19) – but it is not so, death is swallowed up in victory! ‘Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Corinthians 15:57). ‘the firstfruits’ – a pledge of the resurrection of all who are His. righteous dead were virtually raised in Him. All His chosen hadAs the a resurrection firstfruits, when Christ their rose Head as our appeared representative. as ‘risen indeed’. All the ⁞⁞ Rev Leslie Curran, Associate Editor, is the Director of Let the Bible Speak radio ministry in N Ireland and a regular preacher on its worldwide network of broadcasts. He was the first to enter heaven bodily after lying in the grave. The first who rose from the dead to die no more, death has no 03 The Interview: Rev Gordon Ferguson

TN: Where did you work? GF: I worked in the Ulster Bank for ten

TN: You were brought up in the years, first in Belfast, then Lisburn, West, isn’t that so? a spell in Head Office, before GF: Yes. I was actually born in westfinishing again. my Ibanking did enjoy career my in time the Portadown, but County Armagh withArea theOffice bank. in Omagh – back to the

childhood memories since we TN: How did you come into the doesn’t figure significantly in any In early moved to Fermanagh when I was Free Presbyterian Church? December just over four. We lived in various GF: My background was Church of 2012, the General locations there, near Derrygonelly, Ireland, in common with most Presbytery appointed Protestants in Fermanagh, Lisbellaw – so, yes, my upbringing although we did attend Methodist Rev Gordon Ferguson to then Springfield, and finally near succeed Dr John Douglas was very much in the West. services for a time since the church as Principal of the was nearby. TN: Whitefield College of the What about your schooldays? GF: Bible. The Editor caught up After primary school I spent almost A friend with a concern for me with Mr Ferguson recently seven years at Portora Royal School brought me to hear various other in his new surroundings. in Enniskillen. However, I did not preachers including the late Pastor really enjoy my years at school. I Willie Mullan, and Dr Paisley when was glad to move into employment. he ministered in the Ulster Hall.

TN: Timothy Nelson GF: Gordon Ferguson

04 It was in Dr Paisley’s Ravenhill Road Church that forward. The church has now been constituted I was converted, through the preaching of visiting and the Rev Patrick Baker has been ordained and American evangelists, in February 1966. While I installed as minister. This is a development for did not leave the Church of Ireland immediately, which we are most grateful. the connection with the Free Church was established, and the break came in 1969. That was TN: Retirement has brought you back to the year Rev Ivan Foster conducted a memorable . GF: We felt that was the right thing and Anne and services he conducted in our church in Lisbellaw. I prayed that the Lord would open doors of Manymission other in Springfield, family members and I werewas led saved to attend under the usefulness for us as we returned to the Province. ministry of Mr Foster, and, later, Rev Gordon Cooke led my parents to Christ. TN: Were you surprised when asked to consider the work of the College? TN: Lisbellaw brought one very GF: I certainly was. I had known that there would be important encounter. an opportunity for me to help out in teaching the GF: Yes, it was there that I met my wife! Anne has been Greek class, but I had no thoughts of becoming a great help to me and unfailingly supportive in Principal. However, when the contact was made, I the work to which the Lord has called us. I am very felt duty bound to consider the matter before the thankful. Lord. I decided to allow our Presbytery to decide, and I am very conscious of the great responsibility TN: How did you come to be in the ministry? committed to me by the Presbytery. GF: I was concerned about the future and had a sense of calling for some time. Opportunities TN: What would you say to those who think this is to preach arose, mostly in prayer meetings and GF: an odd way to begin ‘retirement’? Youth Fellowships, and while often I didn’t feel One thing is sure – I will not be able to give the long I succeeded in doing what I set out to do, I was years of service rendered by Dr Douglas. All I wish burdened about entering the ministry of our to do is my best. I am, thankfully, in good health, and church. Things came to a head in June1973. Then, my desire is to use whatever abilities the Lord has the Lord showed me – through 1 Samuel 27:7 – given me in His service. I will seek to do that, in the that I should prepare for entry to the Theological College, for the next few years as He enables. Hall in October 1974. Four years of study followed. TN: What is your vision for the College? TN: You had an interest in London from the first. GF: I would like to see more of our young people GF: I did. After completing my studies here, I went to raised up to carry the work forward, home and London to study Classics at London University, abroad, into the future. We are committed to spending four years in the capital. Things did not providing the best training we can here, and to open up for continued ministry on the mainland help and guide with any additional, specialised at that time, and I was advised to consider serving ‘back home’. Subsequently, I was called to the surely indicative of the Lord’s favour, and it would Mourne congregation in 1982, and we spent bepreparation the best tribute required. we could A flourishing pay to over College thirty is

witness that had been, by now, established in predecessor. As a church, we owe much to the Londonfifteen happy found yearsitself withoutin Kilkeel. a minister. Then, in I had1997, never the visionyears ofof spiritual,Dr Douglas, sacrificial and I am service honoured given to by have my lost interest in the city and, in due course the way been chosen as his successor.

for which I had been burdened for a long time TN: How can our readers help you? was opened for me to take up the work in a field GF: I would emphasize just how important it is for TN: Did you enjoy your fifteen years there? everyone to pray - for me, for our lecturers, our GF: Very much so. There were all the usual challenges staff, our students and our overseeing committees of pastoral ministry, an expanding schedule of – that is crucial, and it is a practical way of sharing radio broadcasts, and opportunities for me to in this vital ministry. Take an interest in the life and become involved in the work of the British Church work of the College, attend deputation meetings, Newspaper and the Trinitarian Bible Society. The and seek to encourage all who serve. Your help will Lord was very good to us, and the work moved be much appreciated!

05 Investigating the Issues: Abortion

o abortion is illegal in Northern that it is not so serious, certainly not wrong. Ireland? If only it were as simple as In addition, abortions have been carried out Sthat! Abortions are being carried here for decades in cases where there are out every week in hospitals and clinics detected ‘foetal abnormalities’ like Down’s throughout the province. While the 1967 Abortion Act only applies to the mainland, Syndrome and Spina Bifida. a lack of clarity in our laws, together with Abortion is the sanitized name for the some spurious court rulings and an ever more permissive interpretation of existing put abortion rates in England, Scotland and Walesmurder at of around the unborn 200,000 child. per Current year. Nofigures one already opened. Now we have the opening of appears to know precisely how many happen legislation, means that the flood gates have a Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast. in Northern Ireland. But is it too much to say that all these so-called ‘terminations’ are so There, abortions are carried out up until many murders? If we are to justify the claim, the ninth week of pregnancy. Because medication is prescribed, rather than the is alive; and then that it is morally wrong to surgical option, there appears to be a view takewe must that firstlife. establish that the unborn child

06 WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? notice the point at which the Lord is killing of the unborn in Exodus 21:22- Medically speaking, every individual is recognising this unborn child as an 25, “If men strive, and hurt a woman unique. What makes us unique is the individual – as David. One Hebrew word with child, so that her fruit depart fact that our genes – the blueprint in is translated “my substance, yet being from her, and yet no mischief follow: DNA – differ from those possessed by unperfect” (v16). This word can also be he shall be surely punished, according every other person. This combination rendered ‘embryo’ or ‘foetus’. Literally, as the woman’s husband will lay upon of genes is determined at conception. it means ‘wrapped’, or ‘unformed mass’. him; and he shall pay as the judges Such a combination did not exist prior What a good description of an embryo! determine. And if any mischief follow, to conception, but at this point, though then thou shalt give life for life, eye for only consisting of one cell, it contains So the Lord’s recognition of this eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot all the unique information to determine individual as David, occurs at the for foot, burning for burning, wound for the individual characteristics of the embryo stage – at the latest, within wound, stripe for stripe.” Simply put, if a hours of conception – and long before person concerned. Our uniqueness woman is injured so that she miscarries is thus determined at the moment of implantation in the womb which occurs (“her fruit depart from her”) even if conception. The unborn child has a several days later. The word “book” the child is born alive with no injury detectable heartbeat between the 18th (v16) refers to ‘a register, a record book’ (“yet no mischief follow”), the offender and 25th day after conception, detectable or ‘a legal document’. So the Lord has a “shall be surely punished.” But if harm brain cell activity at 40 days, and by 6-8 book, or a blueprint, for every life, and does come to the child (“if any mischief weeks is a perfect miniature baby albeit in it details of the members (organs or follow”), then the punishment will be in only about 10mm in length. body parts) making up At this time, by ultrasound that individual body. kind, “thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot scan, the baby may be seen It is not just a “Which in continuance moving in the womb. were fashioned” (v16) for foot, burning for burning, wound for piece of human may also be rendered wound, stripe for stripe.” Notice that the A key portion of Scripture tissue with ‘what days they should life of the unborn child has equal status is Psalm 139: 14 –16. Here, the potential be fashioned’. So even with that of the adult in this scenario. David praises God for his for life; it is own life and development, the body of the development of with special emphasis on the organs specific within timing the of pregnancy follows rape? Such instances the person What about the ‘difficult cases’? What if the time before he was David, though embryo is contained in will often be cited. While we must born. The word translated this book, and “when extend the greatest sympathy and “wonderfully made” is not as yet unborn... as yet there was none support to those in such a situation, the the term usually rendered the Lord is of them” (v16) – before facts remain, the unborn child is alive, ‘made’. It means ‘to be recognising conception has even and God forbids the killing of that child. marked out’, or ‘to be set this unborn taken place. Neither is it appropriate to build an apart’. In addressing the child as an argument around the case where life- matter of the origin of individual – In Jeremiah 1:5 the saving treatment results in the death human life, and the unborn as David. Lord refers to the of the unborn child. No one is accusing child, Scripture indicates prophet at the point the woman in this situation of unlawful that we are not simply where his body is killing – that would be insensitive and ‘made’ – we are marked out, unformed, at the early unscriptural – but it must be emphasized set apart by the Almighty as individuals, embryo stage. “Before I formed thee in that such instances are exceedingly rare. those who are special in the sight of God. the belly I knew thee; and before thou The truth is, abortion is just one of many The word “works” (v14) means ‘a thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto crimes that man has legitimised and product’, or ‘a thing made’, so the Lord camest forth out of the womb I sanctified the nations.” Once again, therefore, legalized. Christians must be prepared owns this unborn child as His product, the embryo, in God’s eyes, has both to hold to the teaching of God’s Word, our something He has personally made. only rule of faith and practice; to speak “Substance” (v15) may be translated out for those who have no voice; and to ‘bones’ or ‘body’. So we can read verse DOESsignificance GOD and SANCTION identity. TAKING show compassion for those burdened 15, ‘My body was not hid from thee, THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN? with the guilt of past sin, pointing them when I was made in secret, and curiously We have established, both medically and wrought in the lowest parts of the earth’. scripturally, that life begins at conception. to Christ. Notice that this body, though unborn, is One question remains: is it morally not a non-entity, it has ownership: ‘my wrong to take the life of the unborn for Dr Lindsay Wilson, a medical doctor, is the th ⁞⁞ body’ (“substance”). It is not just a piece any reason? The 6 commandment is minister of Castlederg congregation, former of human tissue with the potential for clear: “Thou shalt not kill.” That ought Deputy Moderator and current President of the life; it is the body of the person David, to be enough to settle the question, denomination’s Youth Council. though as yet unborn. Now we must but there is particular reference to the

07 News

Whitefield College Matron Retires

fter many years of faithful and Adedicated service as Matron of Bible, Mrs M E Walkingshaw has retired. Her commitmentthe Whitefield to the College College of was the acknowledged at the Graduation and Commencement Service in September 2012, though she was unable to attend. Subsequently a presentation was made at the Lecturers and Students’ Christmas lunch in December. ‘Matron’, as all know her, is pictured with The Moderator, Rev J Greer, Deputy Moderator, Rev A Smylie, and Lecturers Revs J Armstrong, G Dane and R Johnstone.

Silver Anniversary

special service was held in Londonderry Free Presbyterian A Church to mark Rev Ian in the ‘maiden city’. Mr Brown, the denomination’sBrown’s twenty-five Clerk years of ofPresbytery, ministry was ordained in the Londonderry congregation in November 1987.

He is pictured with members of Session, George Wallace, Scott Mackay and William Doherty; and with his wife Gillian and children Aaron, Joel and Chloe. 08 News

Sunday School Success Cardiff Outreach

welve Free Presbyterian young people plan to travel to south Wales, 15-18 March. The visit coincides with the T‘Six Nations’ international rugby match scheduled for the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, on Saturday 16th. Open-air witness will be held in the lead-up to the game. The group ames Porter (centre) will also participate in the Cardiff outreach meeting that the entire child’s catechism from the Rev. James Porter evening, and in the Lord’s Day services at Rhiwderin where J(Minister of Markethillreceives Free Presbyterian a certificate Church) for reciting and Rev Richard Monteith ministers. Please support this venture Sunday School superintendent Mr. Wilbur McMullan. in your prayers.

Newtownabbey Independent Christian School

Part-time Primary Teacher Required Summer Term & from September 2013 Applications in writing to: Rev B McClung, 9 Sherwood Parks, Newtownabbey, BT36 5FY

Free Presbyterian Easter Convention MARTYRS’ MEMORIAL Free Presbyterian Church Friday 29th March, 8.00pm: Youth & Missionary Rally Reports, DVD Presentation, Youth Choirs Speaker: Rev D Park (Missionary Council Chairman) Monday 1st April, 3.30pm: Afternoon Meeting Missionary Report + Ballymena Male Voice Choir. Speaker: Rev J Greer (Moderator) Monday 1st April, 7.30pm: Evening Meeting Singers: Mourne Male Voice Choir. Speaker: Rev Alan Smylie (Deputy Moderator)

Creche & ‘Kids’ Club’ - Refreshments Available to Purchase – Bookstalls

09 Boys and girls, when I was young I which can be up to 2.5cms in diameter. remember how exciting it was to draw Even in something as small and delicate as back the curtains on a cold winter’s the snowflake we see the handiwork and morning and see a wonderful blanket of perfection of God’s creation! white snow covering everything in sight. Just like everything else that God has In the Bible, snow is mentioned over made, snow has its purposes as well. And twenty times. Once God wanted to draw it is not just to be a source of fun and Job’s attention to the wonders of creation, games! When the severe cold weather so He asked him a question: ‘Canst thou comes, snow actually has a warming enter into the treasures of the snow?’ effect. It acts like a big fluffy blanket of (Job 38:22). That was a good question! protection for grass, plants and trees, I wonder if you have ever stopped and helping them to survive against those thought much about the treasures and the blasts of icy cold winter air. In nature ⁞⁞ Compiled by Robert McConnell secrets that are found in the snow? God has thought of everything. He does everything perfectly! Firstly, although it floats down silently and gently, rather like feathers falling, But we are far from perfect. We sin snow is in fact very heavy. It takes huge, against God every day. However, the powerful snowploughs to keep the roads Bible says that we can be made perfect, clear. If just 10cms of snow were to fall not in ourselves, but as, ‘…in Christ.’ on an area of 1km square it would weigh (Colossians1:28). His righteousness and Wash me and over 21,000 tons! Yet when the snow spotlessness covers the believer. Just I shall be whiter comes, sometimes covering thousands of as the clean, pure, white snow covers square kilometres, it falls so softly and the rubbish dump making it look perfect than snow. quietly without any noise or fuss. we too can have Christ’s perfection to Psalm 51v7 cover us. David prayed to God and asked, Then, secondly, when you look at the ‘Wash me and I shall be whiter than snowflakes themselves as they fall on snow’ (Psalm 51:7) and he was then the sleeves of your coat you see how able to say, ‘Blessed is he whose…sin is beautiful they are. No two snowflakes are covered’ (Psalm 32:1). I trust that you the same. Every one comes in the shape are depending on Christ and that you are of an exact hexagonal pattern, some of covered in His righteousness today. Fill in the blanks I was typing out this verse from Isaiah 1, but some of the keys on the keyboard didn’t Prizes work sometimes. Help me out by filling in all the blanks to complete the verse. Then, Send your name, address using those same letters, spell out the name of one of the books found in the Bible. and answer to Com__ now and let __s r__ason together saith the Rev. Stephen Pollock Lor__, though you__ si__s be as scarle__ they shall Email: [email protected] 51 Old Junction Road, be as white as snow th__ugh the__ be red like Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, cri__son they shall be as w__ol. BT78 3RN. Winners from January in next issue! Answer: ______

10 Youth Focus

⁞⁞ Compiled by Dr Stephen Pollock Why am I here? ‘Begin each day: as if it were on purpose’ The origin of this statement is unknown, but the things that are made, even his eternal power wisdom cannot be disputed. We are not on this earth and Godhead…’(Romans 1:20). Thus our purpose by accident. We are made by God, and ‘The LORD is to glorify God by showing His glory to the world hath made all things for Himself…’ (Proverbs 16:4) around. We do that with our lips: ‘Whoso offereth So, when we consider our purpose on this earth, we praise glorifieth me…’ (Psalm 50:23). To praise God must not leave God out of our thinking. Our purpose is to glorify Him. And we do it by our lives, living in is to glorify God. The writers of the Catechism referred to it as ‘Man’s chief end’. Paul leaves nothing the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, out when he instructs the Corinthian church: ‘… untoa way the that glory reflects and Hispraise character: of God.’ ‘Being(Philippians1:11) filled with whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.’ (1Corinthians 10:31) All of creation is to the glory of So, begin each day ‘on purpose.’ Purpose to show God. How much more those who are redeemed? God to others in your words and in your walk. ‘For ye are bought with a price: therefore Then others may glorify God. ‘Let your glorify God in your body, and in your light so shine before men, that they may spirit, which are God’s.’ (1Corinthians Purpose to see your good works, and glorify your 6:20) show God to Father which is in heaven.’ (Matthew others in your 5:16). Stating the believer’s purpose is much words and in easier than understanding it, which, your walk. in turn, is easier than living it. How do From the Old to the Young we live out our purpose? We must begin ‘Man’s tongue…is given to him as a proper by remembering that we cannot add anything instrument for speaking forth the glory of God. to the glory of the perfectly glorious God. God is So it must needs be a strange perverting of the tongue, not a God who is ‘worshipped with men’s hands, to set it against the heavens, and let it loose to the as though he needed anything…’ (Acts 17v25). dishonour of God…’ What is it, then, to ‘glorify’ God? Well, creation is said to ‘declare the glory of God…’ (Psalm19v1). ‘A holy life is a life of light; it is a shining light, to let the blind world see the glory of God. Sin darkens the glory and essential glory to the world around. ‘For the of God, draws a veil over it.’ Thomas Boston (‘Of Man’s Creation ‘glorifies God’ by showing His nature invisible things of Him from the creation of the Chief End and Happiness’, Works, Vol.1, Pg.9f) world are clearly seen, being understood by the

11 What music should I listen to on my iPod? (Other devices available!)

Modern technology has transformed the way in which we listen to our music. Using an mp3 player, iPod, or mobile phone, you can have a private collection of thousands of songs you can listen to wherever you want, whenever you want. How can we differentiate between good, wholesome, God-glorifying music and that which is poisonous to the soul?

Do you have a Sounds from Heaven question about The Bible teaches that music is a gift of Christian belief or God. The Psalms were sung to musical behaviour? Send accompaniment (Psa.150). The Psalmist uses your questions the metaphor of music to describe the beauty to: questions@ of the natural creation (Psa.96:11-12, 98:8). Thus, ‘good’ music should:

This month, Heaven is depicted as a place which is alive 1. Give us a greater view of God’s glory Rev. Peter with music, expressing the happiness of its 2. McIntyre (Clogher inhabitants (Rev.5:8, 14:2, 15:2). and sin Valley) was asked 3. EncourageAffirm a biblical godly view living of and man’s depravity ‘What music Man is a spiritual creature, made in the image Christian service should I listen to of God, and this gift of music touches the spirit 4. Prompt the reading of the Word of God on my iPod?’ of humanity in a unique manner. So we should and prayer 5. Agree with the truth of Scripture beauty and glory of God. All that we do – and thisseek includes music that what reflects we listen something to – should of the be according to God’s Word, and for His glory. criteria? Does the music you listen to fulfil these 12 What music should I listen to on my iPod?

Music ... will be good for the soul or dangerous to the soul.’

Does Satan have his music? musical rhythm of the human body, many have well documented immoral Scripture and experience teach us that causing tension rather than soothing lifestyles; and, tragically, an alarming Satan distorts every gift of God. This the mind and the soul. William Shafer, number have taken their own lives. means we must expect to hear the a non-Christian sociologist wrote: Never consider the modern pop culture antithesis of godly music in the world “What is undeniable about rock is its to be just harmless entertainment! As today. We discover this form of music in hypnotic power. It has gripped millions you listen your thinking may well be the modern ‘pop’ phenomenon. Most of of young people around the world and warped by Satan’s distortion of God’s this has developed out of the ‘Rock and transformed their lives” (“Rock Music”). gift of music. Roll’ or Beatles era and, as such, has been nurtured in sinister soil. Popular Music is Never Neutral music, in which western youth culture the lyrics. These songs frequently Music is either from God or Satan. It is immersed, will have a detrimental blaspheme,Satanic influence promote is also immoral found in will be good for the soul or dangerous impact on those who listen, for it behaviour, preach a message of to the soul. We should remember rebellion and express the hopeless the words of the Apostle Paul when darkness of a lost generation. And selecting our music: Takecarries the the music marks itself. of satanic The dominance influence. of what of the artists themselves? Some “Whatsoever things are lovely, the beat and the powerful intensity of are steeped in the occult; others have whatsoever things are pure... the rhythm are opposed to the natural a record of drug and alcohol abuse; think on these things” (Phil.4:8). 13 WonderfulWho could forget the dangerous effects of ‘Hurricane Sandy’! God would have us see Him as a place of safety for our souls. East coast Americans were told to find a place of ‘refuge.’ Thus The Hebrew term derives from one of the words for ‘trust’. Words Seeing this is a help to us when we think about what it is to The Bible often refers to itself as ‘Scripture’ (2 Tim.3v15-16). refuge’. It is the word that is used in Psalm 2v12: “Kiss the The word denotes ‘writing’ – which, in turn, consists of groups of Son,trust lest in the he angry, This and root ye word perish means from ‘tothe flee way, for when safety his or words. So the Bible is a collection of words. When we study the wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their Bible we are studying words, and we gain much by examining trust in him.” The blessing is promised to those who take the words used. The words used by Spirit-inspired men give us refuge in the Lord. wonderful pictures of God and what He is to His people. Thus a soul is saved when he runs to the Lord for refuge, and Take the word refuge. In Psalm 46v1, God is pictured as a refuge for protection from the wrath of God. The unsaved soul is in for His people. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present danger from the outpouring of God’s just wrath for his sin. help in trouble.”(Psa.46: 1) Psalm 62v8 reiterates the personal Safety is found only in the person and work of Christ. But the nature of this: “…God is a refuge for us.” A refuge is a place of child of God is not only saved through faith – he lives by faith. safety and security. The word is used in the context of ‘trouble’. Life brings many trials, dangers and troubles. Where is safety The prophet Isaiah gives us another insight when he speaks of found? Preservation and security for our souls is found by “a refuge from the storm” (Isa.25: 4).

fleeing for refuge, to the place of refuge, the Lord Himself! What are you doing this summer? Looking ahead with Ryan McKee (Assistant Minister, Magherafelt FPC)

Summer is a time of opportunity for young people. Prepare to make the most of your summer!

Plan Participate Pray ‘Remember now thy Creator in the ‘Not forsaking the assembling of ‘Lord, what wilt thou have me to days of thy youth’, Ecclesiastes 12:1 ourselves together’, Hebrews 10:25 do?’, Acts 9:6 Endeavour to spend time every Even in the summer, the Christian’s duty Have you sought God’s will for day in the study of God’s Word and is to honour the Lord in public worship on your life this summer? Perhaps prayer. These is a must for every day the Lord’s Day. Don’t neglect this privilege! you have felt the Lord leading you throughout the year, but with the Use it as an opportunity to get unsaved to serve Him among boys and extra time that summer affords, plan friends and family members under the girls in children’s ministry, or in to use a portion of each day to get sound of the preaching of God’s Word.The outreach to a community. Ask alone with God. Perhaps you could Youth Council, in their annual Summer about opportunities to serve in your study through a book of the Bible this Camp, provides another great opportunity own congregation. There are ways summer. Also, set aside additional to fellowship with young people. This to serve the Lord with the Youth time for special seasons of prayer for year, two camps will be held and, as in Council. This summer there are unsaved friends and family members, openings in child evangelism as well as well as for missionaries and your outdoor sports activities, team challenges, as in two outreach teams in England. previous years, these will be filled with local congregation. Quiet Time devotional groups, singing, preaching and fellowship. We praise God It seems quite far away at present, that the camps have been used of God in but soon summer will be here, and encouraging young believers in their walk it will pass quickly. Determine in with God and in pointing others to saving your heart to honour the Lord this faith in Christ. Why don’t you come along? summer!

14 South Down 29th June - 5th July 2013 Convoy 1st - 7th July 2013 Belfast Training Weekend 10th - 16th Aug 2013

Wonderful th th Cost £180; Maximum 6 on each; 15 -17 March, Faith Mission Centre, Portadown th C h i ldren’s Age:16+ Applications by 30 April 2013 Details and application forms at

Applications to be received by 9th March Outreaches To book, contact Paul Cairns M: 07962 486077; E: [email protected] Application forms & further details Words on

Shannagh-More London 2013 rd th Outdoor Education Centre 3 - 10 August Newcastle Liverpool 2013 th th 29th July- 2nd August 17 - 24 August (Ages 12-15) Cost £220; Maximum 10 people on each; Age:18+. Tollymore National Applications Outdoor Centre, th

Ma i nland by 30 March 2013 Newcastle Outreach 13th-16th August (Ages 16-18) Details and application forms at Non-refundable deposit required by 30th March

S u mm er C a mp s 2013 Youth Spring Rally

th Council Fri 8 March, Magherafelt FPC, 8.00pm Preacher: Rev John Greer (Moderator) Events

Martyrs’ Memorial ANNUAL CASTLEWELLAN WEEKEND Youth Camp 3rd – 6th May CEF Centre, Rossnowlagh £69 or £67 for 15 and under. 22nd – 26th July Applications to Rev D Creane, Details of activities, cost, deposit etc 92 Banbridge Road, Lurgan, Co Armagh, BT66 7HQ

Other Call Maurice Bannatyne to include Name, Address, Contact Number,

events 028 95089065 Age, Church Attended + £10 deposit

15 A Word to Women

God has given us His Word for our good. He wants us to enjoy it fully, in holy obedience to Him.

ou don’t have to be a Latin student to couldn’t. Even though Eve was deceived about have heard the words that Julius Caesar the consequences of trusting Satan’s promises Yreportedly wrote in his memoirs on (“Ye shall not surely die”, Genesis 3:4), she going to war in Zela, Turkey, “Veni! Vidi! did know that the only one she should take Vici!” – ‘I came! I saw! I conquered!’ Since instruction from was the Lord Himself. But then there have been many variations of this she came into the Garden of Eden, she “saw phrase in music, art and literature. One such that the tree was good for food, and that it was is attributed to King Jan III of Poland after pleasant to the eyes” and “she took...and did the 17th-century Battle of Vienna, “Venimus, eat” (Genesis 3:6). She came! She saw! She Vidimus, Deus vincit” – ‘We come, We see, God disobeyed! conquers’. Satan knows how to attack us at our weak points. He knew that with Eve it was her desire say “She came! She saw! She disobeyed!”. Eve for nice things, those things which looked nice hadIf we every consider privilege the first possible woman, at creation.Eve, we could Not and seemed to hold wonderful promises (“a tree to be desired to make one wise”, Genesis 3:6). ‘God has said “No” – but surely just a bite createdjust the in first perfection woman, for she a was perfect also husband the first of this fruit won’t be that harmful!’ andwife andplaced the firstin a mother perfect in environment the Bible. She with was everything necessary for survival. Better God has His reasons when he says “No” to still, God the Creator was her friend something, just as we do when a small child, Satan and companion in the beautiful seeing a sweet shop, makes a dart across a knows how to Garden of Eden. She could speak busy road to get to it. We shout “No!” – we attack us at our with Him face to face, without rebuke him – why? Because we don’t want him weak points. He knew shame or guilt. Life, indeed, was to have sweets? Of course not. It’s because we that with Eve it was her paradise for Eve! But, sadly, not can foresee the dangers that he can’t see, and desire for nice things, for long. God’s arch enemy, Satan, we are trying to warn him and keep him safe. those things which knew that if he was to succeed in looked destroying this perfection that Dear friend, please know that God has given nice. God had made, he would have to be us His Word for our good, to warn us of the subtle, devious and cunning. consequences of disobedience (see 2 Timothy 3:16). He does not set out to stop us enjoying In her innocence, Eve, was none of these life; indeed, He wants us to enjoy it fully, in things. She didn’t have the foresight to holy obedience to Him. Be thankful that He understand that such characteristics could cares enough to warn us! exist and so she believed whatever Satan told her. But God knew what Satan was capable of, and this is exactly why He gave Adam ⁞⁞ Karen Murray lives in Tandragee, N Ireland. She is a and Eve the instructions about ‘all’ the trees busy minister’s wife and is actively involved in the life and witness of her local congregation. they could eat from, and about the ‘one’ they


orena Rusovan, Co-ordinator Next morning, we visited the juvenile of ‘Children at Risk Ministries’, marathon, but so enjoyable. Our group prison – children aged 14-18 – for Linvited the Park family to spend sangWe finished enthusiastically, early - at 4 many am! It stayedwas a real up another service. Doru and Rodica are Christmas at Deborah House, a home to receive us, and everywhere we went, children’s workers, and they witness for abused girls, in Romania. We food was provided. here every week. The children learn accepted the invitation. The visit was hundreds of Bible verses. One young very special, and we’ve all returned On Christmas night I spoke again in man who wanted a ‘nice copy’ of God’s home with cherished memories. Bethany, to a packed congregation. The Word was told if he learned Psalm 119 he young people went out carolling. My would get one: he responded by reciting Christmas time in Romania centres children joined them – but the older all 176 verses! We were asked to return around Christ and the church. Lord’s members of our family stayed behind! and conduct a Vacational Bible School. Day before Christmas, I preached in the Such is the governor’s respect village church of Utvin, near Timisoara. Boxing Day morning Christ had for the mission, it seems there I was glad to fellowship again with took us to Bethel compassion for is an open door for evangelism. Baptist Church in the outcasts Pray for God’s direction as we years ago, I had the privilege of pointing Timisoara, and the think of the 70 young men and these folks. During my first visit four of society. And some young people to Christ; three of ‘Christmas for All’ He can still 12 young women. May God save them connected to the Deborah House, service. For twenty transform a them and bring them out of the other, a local girl. In the evening two years, this meeting Romanian child spiritual bondage! I ministered in Bethany, Rev. Eugen has helped the poor from a Delilah to Groza’s church in Timisoara. We were and needy of the area. blessed as various choirs participated, a Deborah, ... to The Deborah House a woman used of with the Deborah House and I preached on ‘The Great and girls, poor children girls.Our final Meeting few daysthem were is always spent God to lead her Immeasurable Gift of God.’ nearby and from a blessing, and we have come orphanages, teenagers people. to love them in the Lord. The Another service was held on Christmas from juvenile prison, home is a physical shelter, and a Eve at 6.00pm, when the youth pastor inmates and warders from the local spiritual haven. Christ had compassion spoke. At 9.00pm various groups went jail – all were present. The Mayor, local for the outcasts of society. And He can out carol singing around the homes. Senator, and many pastors and leaders still transform a Romanian child from We joined one group, 45 young people also attended. I had the honour of a Delilah to a Deborah, from a woman ready for a night of singing and praise. speaking on ‘The Greatest Gift of All.’ who used her femininity to destroy to a Traditionally, this lasted all-night, but Afterwards over three hundred children woman used of God to lead her people. with Ulster visitors, it was curtailed. received a hot meal and special gifts. Recovery requires removal from a destructive environment to somewhere she can discover the real meaning of the word ‘home’. The aim is to provide the skills needed to live an independent life, and to show the girls how to become the people God intended them to be.

heDr. Stanleytravelled Barnes to Romania, first introduced and formed me to lastingthis mission-field. friendships, After especially the revolution, with the Groza family. We thank him, and his dear wife Ina, for sharing their vision, and for all they have done, under God, to advance the Lord’s work in this land.

⁞⁞ Rev David Park, minister of Ballymoney Free Presbyterian Church, serves as Missionary Council Chairman and Mission Board Secretary in our denomination.

17 A Look at the Book: GENESIS

What a vast field of study is presented to us in the first book of the Bible! Genesis has 50 chapters. It covers a period of at least 2,300 years.

n terms of our own lifetime, an equal period of history appropriately, opens with the words, “In the Beginning“. would not only reach back to include the activities of This suggests a host of useful topical subjects for Bible Study. Ithe apostles and the early ministry of our Lord but also Creation, Divine revelation, temptation, Satan’s work among’ border on the days of Malachi! men, sin, death, promise, prayer, marriage, family Worship, redemption, prophecy – all of these and more have their Yet God has been pleased to compress these two millennia, beginnings in the chapters which follow. for the most part, into the small compass of a few chapters. Genesis chronicles momentous events from that primeval Some relate the beginnings of Genesis to the 11 distinct age and uses them as a basis for the unfolding of the plan of “generations” which occur, making 12 parts to the Book in redemption. This we will come to see in the analysis of the all. You can locate these by looking up the references: 2:4; Book. 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10; 11:27; 25:12, 19; 36:1, 9; 37:2. Above all, the student should not fail to note how all the beginnings Different outlines, of course, have been suggested. Frequently of Genesis have their antithetical climax in the book of Genesis has been taken as THE BOOK OF BEGINNINGS. Indeed Revelation - a marvellous testimony to the absolute and this is how it came by its title, which is derived from the Divine unity of Scripture. Septuagint. This Greek version of the OT Scriptures, thought to be the work of 70 scholars (hence the symbol LXX), was Dr. Morgan’s outline is easily remembered – a requirement written in Alexandria, 300 BC. The name Genesis indicates for any useful outline – but it seems to concentrate mainly “generation” or “origin.” (See Matthew 1:1, where ‘genesis’, on the earlier chapters: Generation, Degeneration and the Greek word, is translated “generation”). Chapter one, Regeneration.

18 Outline of Genesis

Chapters Characters Christ foreshadowed or seen in the:

1-11 Adam Foundational deliverance, 3:15,21 And The substitutionary sacrifice and promise of Introductory Noah The ark, the sinner’s refuge, 6-9

12-50 Abraham The altar of intercession, 22 Biographical Jacob The God of Bethel and Peniel, 32 and Joseph Forerunner and Interpreter Explanatory 45:5,7 41:15,45 (Made known to his brethren when they see him the second time, Acts 7:13 cf Genesis 42:8.)

A TWO-FOLD ANALYSIS ABRAHAM, THE FRIEND OF GOD THE DESIGN OF THE AUTHOR I prefer a straightforward division of Thankfully Genesis, in common with all the book into two parts: last three share greater prominence, Scripture, has a Divine origin. It derives Of the five central characters, the from One who says “My thoughts are (i) Genesis 1-11 is largely introductory the entire book. This corresponds to not your thoughts” (see Isaiah 55: 8, and lays the foundation for the greater chaptersoccupying 12-50, approximately the second four-fifths division inof part of the book, and for the rest of the outline. sum up the origin of the Bible and the Scripture. These are fundamental supernatural9). No, the first perfection words of of this its first message: book chapters. Therefore it need be no Abraham, however, has a prominence “In the beginning GOD...” surprise that they have been subject to that continues through the rest of Satanic assault, especially chapters I, 3, the Bible, something immediately Resembling a miniature Bible, these 6 and 7. discernable in the New Testament. He words lie equally at the back of the holds a supreme position as the friend of creation of this universe, and at the back (ii) Genesis 12-50 demonstrates God and the father of the faithful (James of the whole scheme of redemption that the book is not only historical 2:21,23; Galatians 3:7,29). In Genesis, and our eventual salvation. All true but also biographical. The narratives more chapters are devoted to the life scholarship, all true Bible study, all of this one man than to the narrative sound investigation, thinking and characters: Adam, Noah, Abraham, of creation, the fall, the antediluvian doing, can build only on this sublime of Genesis focus on five principal foundation – in the beginning, God! fully illustrate God’s dealings with chapters 1-11 prepare the way for men.Jacob In and Adam, Joseph. there These is the fivepromise figures of hisperiod coming. and theThese flood chapters, combined! in round Even No other explanation for the genesis the sinners redemption; in Noah, the of life, or of the world, will stand. The Genesis history, while the remaining 39 same goes for the Bible, starting with of the covenant for the land. With Jacob, chaptersfigures, account concentrate for 2,000 on 300 years years. of the Genesis itself. There is no other way thefinding history of grace; marks in theAbraham, appearance the giving of a particular and peculiar people, and Moreover, ‘Abraham’s chapters’ pertain four words of the opening chapter. to account for its origin but in the first Joseph’s life reveals indisputably the to the last 100 years of his 175-year preservation of that people. And, the life span. The scientists and educators of this age would certainly change ⁞⁞ Dr John Douglas is the senior minister the emphasis in Genesis if they could. of Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church. He doctrines of grace are exemplified NOAH, irresistible grace; ABRAHAM, For them, those 100 years would served the denomination as long time Clerk unconditionalhere: ADAM, reflecting election; total depravity;JACOB, merit little attention, while the 2,000 of Presbytery and was, for over thirty years, particular redemption; and JOSEPH, years so hurriedly passed over by the Principal of the Whitefield College of the Bible. the preservation of the saints of God. inspired pen would receive a detailed (cf Genesis 6:5-7; 6:8; Isaiah 51:2; treatment, perhaps expanding into as Genesis 48:16; 50:20). many volumes.

19 The Believer’s Books

‘Augustus Toplady’ ’ Douglas Bond

his attractively produced fruitfulness. This approach manages to shrink from saying that the cause for little volume is meant to give a useful overview of the key aspects which Toplady contended all his life Tserve as an introduction to of a very full life. was decidedly the cause of God’s truth. the life and ministry of Augustus He was a bold defender of Calvinistic Toplady – a worthy subject indeed! What were, perhaps, most interesting views about election, predestination, It is probably true to say that many were the insights given in relation perseverance, human impotency, and readers are acquainted with the name to Toplady’s controversy with John irresistible grace. On all these subjects of Toplady only because they have seen Wesley. Many will be unaware of this it appended to the most celebrated – most of those who are will likely much more scriptural that the theology hymn to come from his pen, ‘Rock of side with Wesley, who is much better ofI holdArminius. firmly In that a word, Calvin’s I believe theology that is Ages’, but there is much more to the life known. However, while not excusing Calvinistic divinity is the divinity of the of this remarkable individual. any intemperance of language or Bible, of Augustine, and of the Thirty- attitude, Bond shows that Toplady was Nine Articles of my own church, and of After chapters dealing with Toplady’s on the right side of the argument. the Scots Confession of Faith’ Just so. birth and early life, conversion and college years, ordination and early Incidentally, he also demonstrates that All in all, this is a good read. It is readily ministry, there follow eight themed the words and ways of Wesley in these available, and is not expensive. snapshots of his 38 years on this earth, disputes are not beyond criticism. viewing his life in terms of preaching, Bishop Ryle concluded that Toplady’s praying, scholarship, pastoring, theology was ‘scriptural, sound and ⁞⁞ Timothy Nelson contending, praising, hymn writing and true’, and he continued: ‘I will never

The Martyrs’ Memorial Free Presbyterian undertaking of sowing the Word of God. The From the Church has ordered a special printing of gospels will be supplied by the Trinitarian the Gospel of John – 100,000 copies, initial Bible Society. The version will be the God Archives printing, for distribution throughout Ulster. honoured Authorised Version. They hope to increase this to a quarter of a The Revivalist, million copies. Churches, mission halls, ministers, preachers, March-April, 1973 evangelists and all Christians interested can Believing that the only answer to Ulster’s have supplies freely for distribution in their 100,000 problems is to deal with the problem of sin districts. GOSPELS FOR in the human heart, and that this is possible ULSTER only through the new birth, the church has Editor’s note: Forty years on, the message of God’s felt compelled to proceed upon this massive Word is still the only real answer to Ulster’s problems!

20 Missionary Vision

Kenya: ‘Sending Forth’ Services

ission Board organised two ‘Sending Forth’ Mission Board would like to thank all who travelled to Services in January for outgoing missionaries Mto Kenya. time out of a busy schedule to preach with great acceptance 3rd, saw a large congregation, with many family members atsupport both theservices, meetings, and Moderatorthe ‘home’ Rev congregations John Greer for for finding their and friends, convene The for first, the hostedsending by forth Lisburn of Rev on Thursday and Mrs unstinting hospitality. Patterson. Malcolm and Alison left on the 14th January and are settling into their new home in Kitale, and commencing Please continue to ‘hold the ropes’ for the Pattersons, Miss their ministry for the Lord. Please pray for them, and for Russell, and all who serve in Kenya. Remember the country those family members remaining in N Ireland. with elections looming. Pray for the work of the Bible Christian Faith Church, that God, through it, would bring The second service, hosted by Tandragee on Tuesday 8th, blessing to many hearts and lives. marked the return of Margaret Russell to Kenya for her thirtieth year of service. Margaret is now back in Kapenguria, ⁞⁞ Rev Ian Harris and is re-adjusting to life and ministry there once again. (Mission Board Convenor)

Nepal News he Free Presbyterian closer links with the Free Church in request, before recommending to the Church’s connection with Northern Ireland. April 2010 brought Ulster Presbytery that an autonomous TNepal ‘Mission to the a vital development – Rev Graham Free Presbyterian Church be formed Unreached’ goes back to March 2006 was sent by our Mission Board to help in Nepal. In January, our Presbytery when Rev Wesley Graham preached establish a college in Kathmandu for duly passed this proposal. Next month, at a pastor’s conference. The bond the training of pastors and evangelists. the Moderator, Rev John Greer, and has strengthened, with ministers This has played an essential role in the the Mission Board Chairman, Rev Ian travelling to speak at this annual event. formation of the work in Nepal, with Harris, will join Rev Wesley Graham In addition, there have been regular 86 men and 40 women being trained in Nepal and seek to prepare the way autumn trips to visit many of the for evangelism in remote parts of the for this next phase in the work. Truly, churches and bring encouragement to country. this is a remarkable development! Pray believers. that wisdom may be given as these Recently the Mission applied to become matters are considered and important part of the Free Presbyterian Church. decisions made. ruling board of the Nepal Mission The Mission Board gave serious From the first, Paul Thapa and the have been interested in forming and prayerful consideration to this ⁞⁞ Rev Wesley Graham 21 Field Report

30 Years in Kenya

n October 1982, Mission Board Hospital for nursing orientation. Even back to worship in the churches. sent Rev David McIlveen and then, I saw a great need in Sunday school IMr George McConnell on a fact- ministry. I did not rule out medical During 1993 tribal clashes erupted finding trip to Kenya. work, but government authorisation for in West Pokot, and Kapenguria was such a work was then impossible. My severely affected. All non-Pokot felt I eagerly awaited news of that visit medical training has been invaluable, threatened, even though many had because I believed that God was calling but I have concentrated on Sunday spent their lives in the area and knew me there! The report was good, and school work, producing a curriculum, the language and culture well. On I was sent to Kenya on a 3-month training teachers, and writing lessons 2nd January 1994, gunmen attacked visitor’s visa. Little did I know then in Kiswahili. Nathaniel Kendagor’s home in Lityei. that three months would stretch to His sister Ruth died instantly, and almost 30 years! BCFC had a turbulent start, and every his nephew Isaac two days later. The step was taken with much opposition. church and many in the community I was converted when 17, and after As a missionary, I felt this keenly. In were stunned! Much soul searching training as a nurse and midwife, God Kenya, a church cannot operate legally followed, imploring the Lord to reveal called me to missionary work. When I without registration. At that time Himself in the midst of this awful tragedy. As the two young people Bible, God spoke to me about Kenya. be registered, especially one arising were laid to rest on church owned land Revfinished Nathaniel in the WhitefieldKendagor visitedCollege Ulster,of the it was difficult for any new work to in Lityei, little did we know that one presenting the need for missionaries in denomination like the AIC. After refusal day the Christian Academy would be the Bible Christian Faith Church (BCFC). ofout its of application, secession fromBCFC an appealed influential to established on the same ground. Surely The leaders of that church had separated the Attorney General. Meanwhile the the death of those two bright, zealous from the African Inland Church (AIC) work went on, and a small Bible School young people was not in vain! in 1980 due to its membership in an opened in September 1986. organisation that associated it with the In 1992, while I was on furlough, May World Council of Churches. Margaret In 1988 the authorities continued to Spiers, Anne McAuley and Gillian Armstrong, a missionary with African pressurize BCFC. On Sunday 21st August Gillespie had relieved me. Gillian Inland Mission, had joined our church worked closely with Ruth Kendagor in Armagh. She knew the Kendagor Rev Nathaniel Kendagor, another Pastor, and, on hearing of her death, the Lord family. Hearing of their stand, she was andsecurity adult officers worshippers visited were two churches.arrested burdened Gillian to come to Kenya. instrumental in introducing them to and held on remand in Kapenguria Mission Board sent her in October the Free Presbyterian Church. I met until Monday evening, when they were Margaret once, and she had an evident released. The following day the court moved to Kapenguria, and now is vision for God’s work in Kenya. Sadly, serving1995. Shein Kakamega, lived first Western in Kitale, Kenya. then she passed away in 1981 at just 47. services. The next Sunday, BCFC people She has worked with the teenagers, metfined in the homes. church The and Bible banned School its worship moved witnessed the establishment of several I arrived in Kapenguria on the 8th July to my house. We continued teaching small nursery schools in outlying 1983. God’s people in the BCFC warmly as the church continued to appeal the BCFC churches, and is now assisting welcomed me. Soon I went to Nairobi refusal of registration. After about three in the congregation in Nyaporo, thirty to learn Kiswahili, and then to Eldoret years, tension eased, and people trickled minutes’ drive east of Kakamega.

22 In February 1996, after much prayer and perseverance, registration was granted! This marked the end of a long struggle and gave BCFC the opportunity to establish and expand its work. In the same year, the Armstrong Evangelical then in Makutano, the trading centre nearBookshops Kapenguria. were opened, Cherry first Dale in Kitale, was Margaret Armstrong Margaret Russell, 1982 Margaret Russell the BCFC bookshop committee, with a faithfulthe first team bookshop of seven manager. staff, run Todaythese Kenyan public schools, and prayed Academy, teaching music and choir, and bookshops. Consignments of books and much about starting its own school. gives invaluable help in the bookshops. gifts from Ulster have helped greatly, This vision became reality in January From 2009-10, Joanne Greer, now in and the bookshops have assisted in 1998 when a small preschool started in Liberia, provided relief for furloughs and making good contacts locally and Lityei. In September that year, a building taught in the Academy. throughout Kenya. programme commenced, and continued to 2009. The Academy, starting with Rev Malcolm and Mrs Alison Patterson Rev Ian Harris was part of a Mission fewer than 30 students, today has have now arrived. They have been here Board delegation that stood with us over 600! I remember surveying previously, and now have been sent for as we came to terms with the sad loss a longer period. We appreciate this of Ruth and Isaac. Subsequently, God what teacher would be able to help us additional help and trust God to bless those first foundations and wondering called him to Kenya. He was accepted establish such an institution. I did not their labours. So many have contributed by Mission Board and arrived with his know of anyone, but God did! He had to the establishment and expansion of family in 1997. He taught in the Bible already challenged Noreen McAfee. The the witness in North West Kenya! And College, and his eight-year ministry Mission Board sent her, and since August the service, perseverance and vision of saw churches established in Kitale, 2000 we have worked with the BCFC to those in BCFC must be acknowledged. Moi’s Bridge and Nyaporo. Mrs Linda see the erection of buildings and the Harris was greatly involved in women’s establishment of nursery, primary and Today there are twenty-one churches and ministry and in the bookshops. When secondary departments. These excellent outreaches, two ordained ministers, six the Harris’s returned home, Rev Gregory facilities were made possible by the pastors, and elders and laymen involved McCammon taught for 4 months in the in the work. Sunday School, Teen, Youth, College. Later Rev Dave DiCanio worked our Free Presbyterian churches. and Women’s ministries continue every sacrificial giving of so many throughout here, 2009-10, teaching in the College week. Together, we are labourers with and renovating the property. On 6th May 2006, the Mission Board of the God. To Him be all the glory! North American Presbytery sent Kathy The BCFC was always concerned about Walker, a music teacher from Orlando. ⁞⁞ Margaret Russell what children were subjected to in She has worked in the churches, and the (Field Leader, Kenya)

KENYA: CHRISTIAN ACADEMY DVD Mission Board has just produced an up-to-date DVD on the work and of the Christian Academy in Kenya.

Contact the Mission Board Office (see below) for your FREE copy. Joy Gillespie (Spain): Joy is home for several months of deputation. Anyone wishing for such a Coming meeting should contact Rev David McMillan (028 3778 8150). & Kathy Walker (Kenya): Kathy was due to leave for her home in USA in early February. She will Australia: Please continue to pray that work permits will be granted to the Gardiner and Hall spend a few months visiting the churches in USA and Canada before returning to the field. Going families to enable their removal to Perth and Tasmania. Pray too for the Patrick family, preparing to return home to Northern Ireland after many years of service in Australia.

MISSION Office: Chairman: Secretary: BOARD Mr George McConnell, Rev Ian Harris , Rev David Park, 3 Carrigenagh Road Kilkeel, 23a Moneydaragh Road 55 Market Street Ballymoney DETAILS BT34 4NE, NI Annalong BT34 4TY BT53 6ED T. 44 (0) 28 4176 5574 T. 028 4376 8040 T. 028 2766 2039 E. [email protected] E. [email protected] E. [email protected]

23 Dates for the Diary

March 3rd-17th Moneyslane, Gospel Mission Speaker: Rev T Martin (Lisburn), Time: Sunday at 3.30pm, Monday - Friday at 8.00pm

10th-15th Lisburn, Bible Week Speaker: Rev J Greer (Ballymena), Time: Sunday at 7.00pm, Monday - Friday at 8.00pm

10th-24th Antrim, Gospel Mission Speaker: Rev A Patterson (Mourne), Time: Sunday at 7.00pm, Monday - Friday at 8.00pm

17th-22nd Crossgar, Annual Foundations Bible Conference Speaker: Dr R Johnstone (Newtownards) Theme: ‘Objects around the Cross’ Time: Sunday at 7.00pm, Monday - Friday at 8.00pm

22nd BANBRIDGE, Praise Service Speaker: Rev M Baxter (Mulvin), Time: Friday at 8.00pm

Offering: For ‘Bibles to China’ project Singing: Rev F Greenfield, Combined Calvary Choirs, Kingdom Heirs 23rd , CONSIDER CHRIST OUTREACH For details of venue, times, transport, programme etc contact Dr L Wilson: Mob: 078 8626 5600 Email: [email protected]

25th NEWTOWNABBEY (Kindly Granted), Whitefield College Christian Workers’ Training Academy Graduation Speaker: Rev J Greer (Ballymena), other Lecturers participating Time: Monday at 8.00pm

29th RASHARKIN, Easter Missionary Rally Speaker: Rev Milos Solc (Czech Republic), Special Testimony & Singing Time: Friday at 7.45pm Supper Served

31st+ 2nd MOURNE, Easter Missionary Services Speakers: Rev R Hall (Tasmania), Miss J Gillespie (Spain), Mr C Killen (N Ireland) Time: Sunday at 12.00am & 7.00pm, Tuesday at 8.00pm

April 6th-7th NEWTOWNABBEY, Soul Winners’ Convention Speaker: Rev John Hanna (Spain), Time: Saturday at 7.30pm, Sunday at 11.30am & 7.00pm

7th BALLYGOWAN, Radio Ulster Broadcast Service Speaker: Rev A Smylie Station: 1341 MW Time: Sunday 10.15am – 11.00am