Free Presbyterian

VISIONThe Official Organ of the Free Presbyterian Church of

History & Heritage

Congregation Call: Sandown Road

AND THE ROME News: Ministerial Installations REFORMATION

May - June 2016 . Issue 21 . £1

Consider Christ Update: Greater Dublin Youth: Spotlight on the Schools: 12 ROMAN CATHOLICISM 18 GRADUATION SERVICE

History & Heritage: Congregation Call: Sandown Road 04 Selina: Countess of Huntingdon 16 06 Rome and the Reformation 18 Spotlight on the Schools 08 News 20 Consider Christ Update 11 Youth: It’s Done...So Do! 21 Missionary Vision

Subscriptions Editorial FP Vision is available from your local Free Presbyterian Church, f 2016 is the year of anniversaries, Christians are exhorted to intercede for or by contacting Colin McKee: Tel: 028 91821304 it is also the year of elections. those who bear this responsibility and to do Mob: 07764224363 IUncertainty reigns in the Republic so that they, the people of God, might “lead [email protected] of Ireland following the stalemate of its a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness national ballot. Assembly elections have and honesty” (1Timothy 2:1-2). They Presbytery Publications Committee been held in N Ireland, with a UK-wide must seek to be blameless in their conduct Dr R Johnstone (Convenor) Mr I Campbell referendum on EU membership to follow. towards God and men, to be good citizens, Rev D Creane And, of course, a complex nomination Rev L Curran (Associate Editor) process precedes decision on the US the society to which they belong. But they Mr C McKee (Business Manager) Presidency in November. first of the kingdom of God, and then of Rev T Nelson (Editor) must also pray earnestly for rulers who do Dr S Pollock (Associate Editor) not hinder the spread of the Gospel – and Rev M Lecky How, and by whom, we are governed is the commitment of its adherents to live important. The Bible does not stipulate a God-honouring lives – either by permissive particular model of government. It does legislation or active persecution. not name persons or parties for which we should or should not vote. It does And so, whatever the poll, we hope that establish principles. the candidates chosen and the decisions made will facilitate the establishment of A good government will protect and good government, for “when the righteous provide for its citizens. It will encourage are in authority the people rejoice, but the law-abiding, deter lawlessness, and when the wicked beareth rule, the people punish the evil-doer (Romans 13:1-7) mourn” (Proverbs 29:2). Design and Print by – and it should be supported (Matthew Pepper Collective T: 07729 526366 22:17-21, Titus 3:1, 1 Peter 2:13-17). ⁞⁞ Timothy Nelson, [email protected] ‘OUR OWN GOD’

“I am the LORD thy God.” Exodus 20:2

here is no true living and no safe dying without God. By nature, we are ‘without God in the world’ is upon us for good, His ear is open to our cry, His hand is T(Ephesians 2:12), having forfeited all claim and outstretchedassembly and to church hold and of uphold. the first We born. have Our Him Father’s always, eyeno title to Him. With no life to live for Him, and no light in which matter who else forsakes us. ‘This God is our God forever and to know Him, how helpless and hopeless we were! Yet God, ever’ (Psalm 48:14). He gifts Himself to us and then makes it again in a new covenant, a covenant of grace and declares in own God. awhom promise we lostfull inof Adam’sgrace and breach love: of ‘I the am first the covenant,Lord comes our first duty of obedience to acknowledge Him only, as our thy God’ (Exodus 20:2). He ‘which is, and was, ‘Thou shalt have no and which is to come’ (Revelation1:8); ‘gracious WHAT SHALL other gods before me’ and merciful, abundant in goodness and truth’ WE RENDER happinessHis first commandment lies in this – is:having Him and none (Exodus 34:6), speaks that we might ‘fear this UNTO HIM WHO other, as our God. ‘Happy(Exodus is that 20:3).Our people whose real glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD’ HAS RENDERED God is the Lord’ (Psalm 144:15). No idol or lust (Deuteronomy 28:58). He becomes our God, not HIMSELF BACK must get the Lord’s place in the heart. What shall on the basis of works, but of free grace. TO US IN THAT we render unto Him who has rendered Himself EVERLASTING back to us in that everlasting covenant, sealed What more can He give to us than Himself? What COVENANT? by precious blood and witnessed by three that will He not give, when He gives Himself! It is bear record in heaven? Let us love Him with the grace and only grace that gives us a true title to whole heart and love all who bear His image, God, whose greatness and goodness are beyond measure. for this is the sum of the ten commandments (Matthew Limitless resources of wisdom, help and power are available 22:37-40). With saving faith in the heart we say with the for all in covenant union with God in Christ. Incalculable is Psalmist: ‘O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, thou art my Lord’ (Psalm 16:2). ‘Thou art my God and I will praise glorious God is ours! thee’ (Psalm 118:28). Truly, ‘He is [our] praise, and he is the worth of our treasure when the unchanging, infinitely [our] God’ (Deuteronomy 10:21). He assures us that, as our God, we are His children: ‘I will be their God and they shall be my people...[I] will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the ⁞⁞ Rev Leslie Curran, Associate Editor, is the Director of Let the Bible Speak radio ministry in N Ireland, and a regular preacher on its Lord Almighty’ (2 Corinthians 6:16,18). As our Father, He worldwide network of broadcasts. has dignified us with a name and a place among the general 03 HISTORY & HERITAGE: SELINA COUNTESS HUNTINGDON


raise for the Countess of Huntingdon emanated At the age of twenty-one Selina married Theophilus Hastings, from many sources. Even King George III expressed who would become the 9th Earl of Huntingdon. Theophilus Pthe wish that “there was a Lady Huntingdon in every had the honour of carrying the sword of state at George II’s coronation. God was weaving his plan. The Huntingdons Wesley’s son, “It is my judgement, Mr Wesley, that your uncle were to be found often at court mixing with royalty and diocese in my kingdom.” On another occasion he told Charles Huntingdon have done more to promote true religion in this furtherance of the Gospel. Marriage to Theophilus brought and your father and George Whitefield and the Countess of manyother aristocracy.duties, organising This influence servants God and would the oversight later use ofto herthe apt to despise their labours.” husband’s estates, her husband relying much on her diligence, country than all the dignified clergy put together, who are so Selina’s grandfather was Sir Robert Shirley, proclaimed First also the care of four children. Earl of Ferrors and Viscount Tamworth by Queen Anne. despite her ill health. Within five years of marriage she had The wealth of the family lay in great estates in England The Countess, with homes in various parts of the country, and Ireland. Sir Robert’s second son was Washington who married Mary Levinge in 1702. They moved to Ireland where was gradually becoming disillusioned with life. She felt it totravelled be empty extensively. and void Sheof purpose. mixed inThis influential disillusionment circles, was but was born, but they returned to England for the birth of their second,Washington Selina, served in August as an 1707. army Soonofficer. after There, her abirth first the daughter family received the news that her mother had completely disowned returned to Ireland, where Selina spent much of her youth. her.compounded It was at this when point her that fifth God child began died to inmove infancy in her and life. she It was through the preaching of Benjamin Ingham that Selina’s her life was torn apart when her mother and father separated. sisters-in-law were converted. It would be through their HerSelina mother was five left when with another her younger sister sister.was born, Very but little a year is extant later faithful witness that Selina would be converted. While she about Selina’s childhood, apart from a few anecdotes. From was a regular churchgoer and very much a philanthropist, these emerge a picture of a serious-minded child who often giving much to good causes, Selina had no peace of heart. She saw the joy and happiness emanating from the lives of those impression on her life; she witnessed the funeral of a child of who embraced Christ, and it was on 26th July 1739 that Selina hercontemplated age, which the she eternal followed world. to the One graveyard. incident Afterwards, left a profound she was saved, not from a life of degradation, but from her own would pray earnestly that when she came to die God would self righteousness. She would now commence a life devoted deliver her from her fears and grant her a happy departure. to Christ and His cause. There was a marked change; she had Although unconverted, she had a concern for her soul. an insatiable desire to read the Scriptures and to witness.

04 throughout the country. Churches were built and the college maintained solely from the purse of Lady Huntingdon. Her concern for souls remained undiminished regardless of their social status; she wanted lost sinners to hear of Jesus Christ. Preaching stations established throughout the country exceeded one hundred, and she organised weekly pulpits supply from the students of Trevecca. These works were commonly known as ‘Lady Huntingdon’s Connexion’.

Selina’s vision extended to the expenditure of the huge sum of £600 to send two missionaries to India some twenty years before the arrival of William Carey. And she provided

the work in America commenced the financial resources to continue “MY WORK IS DONE, bequeathed to her upon his I HAVE NOTHING bydeath. George This Whitefield,legacy spoke and TO DO BUT GO TO volumes of the esteem in MY HEAVENLY which she was held. FATHER.” Lady Huntingdon died at the News of the conversion of the Countess she was determined to advanced age of 83, her life’s work of Huntingdon generated much gossip support those who would take complete. The doctor attending heard in court circles, especially since she the message to desperate souls. her utter these words, “My work is done, I have nothing to do but go to my was perceived to side with Methodism. heavenly Father.” Her last wish was to be Methodists were disdained by the The Countess continued to face buried beside her husband, Theophilus, Established Church because they personal tragedy. She lost several of her with no monument to be erected in preached the Gospel to all in the open children, and then her beloved husband her memory. However, throughout the air, and such practices were considered Theophilus when she was only thirty country there were souls who were nine. Despite these personal setbacks, monuments, thankful to God for the life considered a betrayal of her class and of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, for theundignified. Church of Selina’s England conversion in which wasshe months after her husband’s death, she through her devotion to God, they heard was raised. The setbacks she had she remained devoted to the Lord. Only the Gospel and were converted. not for self delight, but to spread the had prepared her to deal with life as a gospelwrote, from“I want pole my to heartpole.” on She fire appointed always, In all avenues of work two ingredients religiousencountered outcast. in a difficult childhood – and she organised meetings in her the eighteenth century, God called men She began to form close relationships homea personal and invited chaplain many – George of the aristocracy Whitefield toare preach, required, and manpower He used Lady and Huntingdon finance. In to come and hear him preach. Many of the nobility were touched through the pleased to provide such in our day with supportwith many for ofthe the spread field preachersof the Gospel. and humbling message of the Gospel. ato vision provide for financial His glory! support. Lady Huntingdon May He be Into the provide eighteenth much century, needed materialism financial received the praise of King George III, and human reason prevailed. God was In 1747, Selina went to Wales, but, her sole desire was the praise of the rejected and His Word considered accompanied Harris, Rowland and King of Kings. She lived to hear these redundant. Commerce was a driving others as they preached, and witnessed words, “Well done, thou good and faithful force, and drinking was the country’s the response of their hearers under servant.” In our day, may we use what favourite pastime. Alcohol abuse was tremendous conviction of sin. Shortly God has given to us to labour for Him! prevalent, with many employers quite after this a Bible college was started in happy to pay their workers wages in gin. Trevecca, near the home of Harris. It ⁞⁞ Maurice McCaughey is a licensed minister Selina understood that the only solution was the Countess’s desire to see men of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. He to these problems was the Gospel, and trained and equipped to take the Gospel pastors the congregation in the city of Bristol.



‘ ather’ Raniero Cantalamessa, The Christian world is preparing to Clearly Cantalamessa is not arguing Preacher to the Papal celebrate the fifth centenary of the for an embracing of Reformation FHousehold since 1980, Protestant Reformation. It is vital truth, Bible truth! The fact is, the participated at the inauguration for the whole Church that this Reformation occurred because of the of the Church of England’s Tenth opportunity is not wasted by people clash between right and wrong. Either General Synod in Westminster remaining prisoners of the past, Luther was right, or Rome was right, Abbey in November 2015. The trying to establish each other’s but not both. Either we believe that Catholic Herald reported that rights and wrongs. Rather, let us take salvation is by grace alone, through Cantalamessa praised the “theological a qualitative leap forward, like what faith alone, in Christ alone, and that and spiritual enrichment” of the happens when the sluice gates of a river this is the message of the Scriptures, or Reformation. Fine words – but was or a canal enable ships to continue to we do not. It is not about establishing this really the thrust of his message? navigate at a higher water level. “each other’s rights and wrongs” or Is Cantalamessa’s address indicative clinging to “certain distortions” – it of a new dawn in the Vatican? Is there This does not mean ignoring the great to be, at last, acknowledgement of the theological and spiritual enrichment Gospel, and announcing that message, errors that prompted Luther to make that came from the Reformation untaintedis about affirming and unembellished, the message to ofa lostthe his monumental protest? We must set or desiring to go back to the time world! the headline in context, and allow the before it. It means instead allowing essence of Cantalamessa’s speech to be all of Christianity to benefit from its Cantalamessa continued… heard. During his homily, delivered in achievements, once they are freed Unity is not a simple matter. One has the presence of the Anglican Primate from certain distortions due to the to start with the big Churches, those and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, he heated atmosphere of the time and of that are well structured, putting said this: later controversies. (Emphasis mine) together that which unites them,

06 EITHER WE BELIEVE In view of the presence of the monarch It is also a cause for sadness that THAT SALVATION at the General Synod, Presbytery on this occasion Your Majesty’s IS BY GRACE mandated its Clerk, Dr Ian Brown, response included a favourable to write to Her Majesty expressing reference to current major advances ALONE, THROUGH its concerns. The text of the letter in ecumenical unity. The catalogue FAITH ALONE, IN follows… of “progress ... in pursuit of Christian CHRIST ALONE, AND unity” which you outlined bears no THAT THIS IS THE It was with immense sorrow and alarm reflection to the perfect unity that MESSAGE OF THE that we learned of this recent visit when is expressly defined by our Lord SCRIPTURES, OR WE Raniero Cantalamessa sought to advise Jesus Christ in St. John chapter 17 your Gracious Majesty on the matter verses 20-23. The piecemeal efforts DO NOT. indulged in by the ecumenical of concern to learn of the manner in movement in their current journey whichof Justification he abused by Faith.this opportunity It is a matter to are as diverse from the unity that exists between the Father and the Luther’s position at the Reformation Son as darkness is from light (cf. 2 misrepresent and redefine Martin Corinthians chapter 6 verses 14-18).

wason the promoting matter of the Justification persistent byerror Faith of We would respectfully remind Your RomanALONE inCatholicism Christ ALONE. before In doing so, he Majesty of the position and since Reformation you professed at your which is vastly more important than times and was articulating THERE IS coronation when you what divides them; not imposing a false gospel as judged by NOTHING nobly took your stand uniformity but aiming at what pope with William III and, like chapter 1. MORE him, stated regarding the Francis calls “reconciled diversities”… the definition of Galatians IMPORTANT The Anglican Church has a special role Protestant Faith, “This in all of this. It has often defined itself May Your Majesty be THAT THE we will maintain.” With as a “via media” (Middle Way) between pleased to note that our QUESTION OF prayerful concern we Roman Catholicism and Reformed Lord Jesus Christ stated the HOW LOST plead that God will have Christianity. From being a “via media” true position respecting SINNERS mercy upon you and give in a static sense, it must now become salvation in St. John chapter Your Majesty His grace to 14 verse 6 when He said, “I MAY BE absent yourself from the more and more a via media in a dynamic RECONCILED sense, exercising an active function am the Way, the Truth and path of false ecumenism as a bridge between the Churches. the Life: no man cometh TO A HOLY which betrays the glorious The presence among you of a priest of unto the Father but by GOD! Gospel of the blessed God the , in circumstances Me,” that is, salvation is by and to give direction to of such special significance, is a sign Christ alone. our nation to follow our that something of the kind is already only Saviour to His Father’s house happening. (Emphasis mine) It is also evident from this speech given through faith alone in Christ alone. by Cantalamessa that his key objective This is the classic approach of the was to promote Union with Rome. It is to be hoped that Queen Elizabeth ecumenist, arguing that what divides This is hardly surprising given the fact will have had opportunity to read that Cantalamessa is subject to his this communication, and that, though with what unites. But it is a fallacy, if the master, Pope Francis, who as a Jesuit late, she will be alerted to the dangers matteris of little at issue significance is of the very in comparison essence of is sworn to oppose the Reformation. of unbiblical ecumenism, which has the Gospel – and there is nothing more However, it is a prospect that should long been the tool of the Roman important that the question of how be anathema to Your Majesty and to Catholic Church in its endeavours to lost sinners may be reconciled to a the Church of England. It is regrettable bring ‘errant souls’ back to the fold holy God! Incidentally, readers may be that in pitching for this unbiblical unity of ‘Mother Church’. We can, and we interested to learn that Cantalamessa, he has found common cause with some must, pray to that end. together with RC Primate of England who occupy the highest positions and Wales Cardinal Vincent Nicholls, within the Church of England, although was one of the keynote speakers in last any such person, of whatever rank he May’s Alpha Leadership Conference may be, is an unreliable witness to the ⁞⁞ Rev Timothy Nelson. in London – but then we have long truth of God’s Word and treacherous recognised the ecumenical agenda of to the position to which the Church of Alpha and its misrepresentation of the England and Your Majesty should be Gospel! fully committed.



t a special service in Ballygowan on Friday 26th congregation in Ballynahinch, Revs T Nelson and T Baxter, February, Mr Paul Hanna was ordained and installed as also contributed, together with Moderator Rev T Murray Aminister of Mount Merrion church in Belfast. and Mount Merrion Clerk of Session Mr J Dunn who oversaw Interim Moderator Rev D Priestley led the service and pictures show Mr Hanna with his wife and children, with those participants included Revs M Lecky, I Brown, P Foster and T whopresentations participated to Rev and & members Mrs Priestley of Session and Rev and & MrsCommittee. Hanna. Our Martin. Present and former ministers of Mr Hanna’s home


t Thomas Laverty, former assistant minister in Ballymena, has been Mordained and installed in the Liverpool congregation, with a sizeable contingent in attendance from N Ireland.

Rev I Brown, Interim Moderator, conducted the service in which Revs D Stewart, J Greer, D Smith and Moderator Rev T Murray also participated. Clerk of Session Mr Albert Robinson welcomed Rev Laverty, and refreshments were served at the close. Rev Laverty is pictured with Liverpool elders Albert Robinson and Andrew Hetherington.



uring 2015 Hillsborough Sunday School children and being used for really motivated and blessed both adults and teachers raised £1000 for the orphanage in Nepal. In children and encouraged everyone to continue supporting this DFebruary this year Rev and Mrs Graham visited and vital work. were presented with the cheque. Hearing what the money is


ictured is Rebekah McMullan (Moneyslane) with ev David Gordon has stepped down after serving for 30 Minister Rev W McDermott and Clerk of Session Mr years on the Presbytery Mission Board. He is pictured P Rreceiving a gift from Board Chairman, Rev I Harris. answers to the Children’s Catechism. W Sterritt. Rebekah received a certificate for reciting

New Contact Details Rev Alan Smylie 42 Ballantine Lane, Lisburn, BT27 5FG Tel. 028 9267 8850

09 On the morning of 7th September lady in the Victorian era, was perishing souls from destruction. 1838 Grace Darling looked out of something very remarkable indeed. And yet, sadly, this world gives no her bedroom window located high There were newspaper articles, thanks, no praise, and no adoration up on the Longstone lighthouse on pictures taken, excursions to the to Him. I wonder, is he your Saviour? the North Sea coast. Her father was lighthouse, songs, plays, poems and Have you trusted in Him to save you the lighthouse keeper. It was no even some offers of marriage made! from your sins? Have you thanked ordinary day. Grace wondered if the A hundred years after the event a Him for doing so? I hope that you previous night’s storm had eased, museum was opened in her honour. have and that you do. but it hadn’t. Suddenly she noticed something that made her heart race. Boys and girls, in my Bible I read of A ship had run aground on nearby poor, needy, sinful souls out on life’s ⁞⁞ Compiled by rocks! Grace and her father set out raging seas, tempest tossed, lost Robert McConnell in a rowing boat to try and rescue and undone. They are sinking under those who were stranded. Battling the load of their sin and wickedness. against the swelling seas, they Then I read of a wonderful Saviour, saved the lives of five people. the Lord Jesus Christ, who left heaven to rescue those in danger “Master, carest thou As the news of the rescue spread, of being lost forever. In love and not that we perish? Grace became a national hero. Such mercy, He reaches out his nail- And he arose, and courage, especially from a young pierced hand to save many weak, rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.” Quiz: Mark 4:38-39 One Use the Bible references to fill in the gird below. Down Rearrange the letters in the blue highlighted squares to spell out a word.

One Across PRIZES! Two Across Are you 12 or under? Send your answer, name, address and church to: One Down: Luke 5:6 Answer: Rev. Stephen Pollock This item was too full causing it to break. Email: [email protected] 15 Fernagreevagh Road, Loughgall, One Across: Matthew 4:18 Armagh, BT61 8PN Jesus saw Simon and Andrew beside this sea. Two Across: Jonah 1:4 £5 WINNERS LAST TIME: The LORD sent a great wind and a mighty ______. »» Kaitlyn Millen »» Lucas Rankin (Ballymena) (Ballynahinch) »» Amy Crooks »» Zoe Burns (Cookstown) (Ballymagerney) »» Aaron Oliver »» Katie McConnell (Tullyvallen) (Mourne) »» Emma Stewart »» Luke Robinson (Coleraine) (Clogher Valley) EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T WIN THIS TIME, PLEASE KEEP TRYING – MAYBE NEXT TIME! 10 Youth Focus

⁞⁞ Compiled by Dr Stephen Pollock

It’s do!

he statement of THE house with the words: we receive the salvation provided but it Jonah from the SCRIPTURES “Then hath God also to should not cause us to think of these Tbelly of the the Gentiles granted truly existing the one without the other. whale: “Salvation is AN UNREPENTANT repentance unto life.” Remember Christ preached: “Repent ye, of the Lord” (Jonah KNOW NOTHING OF (Acts 11:18) We and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). A 2:9) should never UNBELIEVING receive the salvation faith that rests in Christ is a faith that stop the sinner asking REPENTANCE.FAITH OR AN that God has provided runs from sin. A repentance that turns the question that by the grace that God from sin is a repentance that trusts in comes from the belly of a works in us. Yet we must Christ. The Scriptures know nothing of prison: “What must I do to be also recognise that: an unrepentant faith or an unbelieving saved?” (Acts 16:30) repentance. The believer repents and Repentance and faith are duties the penitent believes. They are rightly God has, from all eternity, chosen to that God requires of the sinner looked on as two sides of the same save a multitude of sinners that no Paul preached how God commands all coin. Paul summarised his ministry in man can number. Christ willingly gave men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Ephesus: “Testifying both to the Jews, In response to the jailer’s question Paul and also to the Greeks, repentance that salvation. (See John 6:37-40) Thus replied: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, toward God, and faith toward our Lord salvationHimself as is aprovided sacrifice infor full; sin the to securesinner and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Jesus Christ.” (Acts 20:21) need provide nothing. Yet this does not At times the New Testament preachers mean that the sinner need do nothing! emphasise faith, and at other times The united note of Scripture is that When the Saviour began His public repentance. In future articles we will salvation is provided for us in full, while ministry, He preached the responsibility look at faith and repentance separately. we are responsible to receive it freely. of sinners: ‘Repent ye, and believe the This can help our understanding of how It’s done, so what will you do? gospel’ (Mark 1:15)

Repentance and faith are gifts From the Old to the Young that God gives the sinner However abundant and suitable may be the provision which God has made for the Paul reminds the believers in Philippi salvation of men, there are many who fail of attaining eternal life. There are those that their faith was a gift from God, whom Christ shall profit nothing… It is therefore, not less necessary that we should just like their sufferings (Philippians know what we must do in order to secure an interest in the redemption of Christ, 1:29; see also Ephesians 2:8). So than that we should understand what He has done for our salvation. the Jerusalem church responded to EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T WIN THIS TIME, PLEASE - Charles Hodge, The Way of Life, Pg13 KEEP TRYING – MAYBE NEXT TIME! Peter’s report of his visit to Cornelius’ 11 ‘FAITHS’ SERIES

ll Christians will have a desire to share the gospel Aof Christ with people they meet. As we rub shoulders with others in this world we discover that they have their own faiths and world-views. As such it is helpful to understand what they might think or believe in order to witness for the Saviour. This year we will consider the faiths of some of those you might meet.

This month Colin Maxwell continues to give helpful advice as to how we can share our faith with Roman Catholic friends and acquaintances. ROMAN CATHOLICISM PART 2

ast time, we looked at the and may welcome a conversation. DON’T LET THE opportunities afforded to Some things to remember include: CONVERSATION LChristian young people GET AWAY FROM (indeed to us all) to positively THERE MAY BE THE witness for Christ to Roman COMMON GROUND OF AN THE BIBLE. Catholics. We considered various ACQUAINTANCE WITH THIS ALONE reasons why many of them are THE BIBLE disillusioned with “religion” and The devout Roman Catholic may IS DESCRIBED suggested some ways in which we have some knowledge of his Bible AS BEING THE might evangelise them. Nothing is and use it to defend the errors of his SWORD OF THE impossible with God. church. This common ground can be used to advantage. However, we SPIRIT. Now we turn our attention to need to establish that the Bible can the devout Roman Catholic only be interpreted in a way that who, notwithstanding some is entirely consistent with itself. disappointments, is determined to This will invariably lead to the persevere with his religion. In many evangelical truth that we embrace. ways, he may be easier to witness He may run to the declarations of to than the secular Roman Catholic Church Fathers or various Church

12 to give. I remember once giving a him if he should so claim. Admittedly devotee of the Virgin Mary a recording thisbut hisis an church experience officially centred anathematizes argument, of a Protestant minister preaching on but it may penetrate the defences of the the errors of Rome. The tape was duly yearning Roman Catholic. It is, after all, copied and passed on. The preaching an experience based on the truths of style and content, while substantially God’s word and therefore admissible. correct, took no prisoners. My erstwhile friend was offended and I had to work HANDLE SPECIFIC DOCTRINAL hard over a two-year period to get the DISPUTES VERY CAREFULLY relationship back to where it was before Sometimes, despite all efforts to the I gave him the tape. I learned the hard contrary, you do end up dealing with way. subjects such as the doctrine of the Mass or Mary’s role in the redemption ENCOURAGE YOUR DEVOUT of the soul. You need to be aware ROMAN CATHOLIC CONTACT of what Rome teaches on TO ATTEND GOSPEL MEETINGS WE these issues and how to WITH YOU SHOULD SERVE refute her error. You You might also introduce them to those GOD IN WITNESSING need to avoid giving Roman Catholics who have converted NOT ONLY TO ROMAN the impression that to Jesus Christ. Like Ezekiel, these CATHOLICS, BUT TO ALL the Protestant (and converts have sat where the Roman by implication, the Catholic is now sitting. While the rest HE SENDS ACROSS Bible) has no answer of us are merely looking in and working OUR PATHS. to these teachings. on what other people tell us, they This controversy has know the background by experience. raged for hundreds of years Be aware that such an invite may lead and there are many helpful to a reciprocal invite to attend the Councils. We neither want nor need to resources out there. Although written Roman Catholic Mass with them. Here get bogged down in needless arguments over 60 years ago, Lorraine Boettner’s your principles of evangelism and over the Church Fathers! This can ‘Roman Catholicism’ is still the main separation clash. Although this two- be avoided by pointing out that they reference book. This is because Rome way invite sounds reasonable, yet the cannot be right if they contradict the has not fundamentally changed in her reality is that it is not a level playing writings of the Scriptures. Don’t let the main doctrines for hundreds of years. pitch at all. You have the spirit of truth conversation get away from the Bible. Boettner’s book may still be located in and they possess the spirit of error. This alone is described as being the second hand bookshops and is available However, there is nothing to be lost by sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). in its entirety online. There are other extending the invite, risk or otherwise. more recent resources. You do need, WE SHOULD CENTRE ON THE however, to be very discerning if you The Christian has something in his FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES AND engage the services of the Internet. witnessing that his Roman Catholic NOT SIDE ISSUES Some claims made about Rome, and friends cannot produce. After the Debates surrounding Peter’s marriage arguments used to try and refute her, Christian has done his homework or Mary’s children are side issues. are not particularly helpful. Let us not properly and sought to avoid some fall into the trap of throwing whatever of the pitfalls already stated, he may relatively short and we should make comes to hand at the Pope! This will totally and prayerfully rely upon the Our opportunity to witness may be as much hay as we can while the sun prove only to be counterproductive. sovereign work of God. The sower does shines. Keep to those great truths that not sow God’s word to see it return unto are more likely to lead to conversion. LEAVE THE GROUND READY For Luther, it was the doctrine of FOR ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY the Lord. Even the stoutest heart may TO WITNESS TO THE ROMAN behim subdued void. Our by labour the saving is never grace in ofvain God. in deeds of the law. In my witnessing, I CATHOLIC Most of the Reformers were devout justification by faith alone, without the always try to emphasise the freeness This may be you again, or God may use Roman Catholics and some were of God’s salvation: it is without money another Christian. The important thing strong, persecuting priests. Yet God and without price. Another doctrine I is to leave the Roman Catholic with a not only saved them as individuals, favourable impression. It is important but used them to bring about the great of Jesus Christ. Flowing from these that we, as Evangelical Protestants bring forth is the absolute sufficiency glorious truths is the fact that the child are reasonable people to talk to. If you The same God still lives today and we of God can have assurance of salvation. perceive that an argument is starting, shouldrevival inserve Europe Him andin witnessing further afield. not This is something a consistent Roman then it might be better to walk away only to Roman Catholics, but to all He Catholic can never claim. Not only does until things cool down. Also be careful sends across our paths. his works-based religion prevent this, as to the resources you may choose


hat is the ultimate goal of evangelism? This was Wone of the many questions answered on the Training Weekend. The theme was ‘The Theory of Evangelism’ and we began with the basics - knowing the God we want to share with others. We then worked our way through topics such as ‘The Characteristics of an Evangelist’ and ‘The Ultimate Goal of Evangelism’ - which is always to bring glory to God. It was great to get away from our busy lives, spend time with other young people, and develop our knowledge together.

⁞⁞ Kathryn Hamilton

SOUTH DOWN 4th – 8th July 2016 Youth Council Age: 16+, Cost: £130 MADRID, SPAIN 23rd – 30th July 2016 Age: 18+, Cost: £375 SUMMER SUMMER Events GARDENSTOWN, SCOTLAND OUTREACH 6th – 13th August 2016 OUTREACHES EVENT Age: 18+, Cost: £235 Please go to DELEGATES MEETING THE GIRO D’ITALIA for further details and to download application forms. 25th June 2016, 11AM Mon 16th May, 8.00pm, Londonderry FPC

Meet @ Odyssey SSE arena 14 A WORD TO WOMEN

“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines.” (Song of Solomon 2:15)

ineyards are not a common sight in themselves”. Likewise if we guard against little the British Isles. Last summer we visited sins then we will protect ourselves against Vthe palm house in the Botanic Gardens in greater sins. Belfast, and there we saw a beautiful vine laden with grapes. In warmer climes, such as Israel, What sins might be viewed as little sins? Eve thought that the forbidden fruit looked good, needing support to grow and careful attention to would be good for food, and bring wisdom keepvineyards it healthy. flourish. Carefully The vinenourished is a climbing and cared plant, for, (Genesis 3:6). In reality it brought fear, shame, it yields a harvest of luscious grapes. In the Bible misery, suffering and ultimately death. Peter we read of the vineyard being walled or hedged followed the Lord Jesus afar off. Such negligence (Matthew 21:33, Isaiah 5:5), for protection. led him to deny knowing the Lord Jesus, even using oaths and curses in his repeated denial. In Proverbs 24:30,31 the vineyard of the Rome categorises sin as venial or mortal. slothful man, devoid of understanding, The Bible makes no such distinction, is depicted as overgrown with all sin is mortal, for unforgiven it will thorns and nettles and having the IF WE GUARD damn the soul in hell. Had there stone wall broken down. Neglect AGAINST LITTLE SINS only been ‘little sins’, it still would results in decay and a scanty THEN WE WILL PROTECT have taken the blood of God’s harvest. And in the Song of OURSELVES AGAINST perfect Son to cleanse them. Solomon the bride complains of GREATER SINS the little foxes spoiling the vines. It is not good to be constantly They do not just eat the fruit but introspective, but sometimes it is they play together among the vines good to take a long hard look at our and destroy as much as they devour. Their lives. The world we live in has no regard sharp teeth damage the vine stems and reduce the yield. Their cute appearance belies the its attitude. Have we let our standards slip? Are damage they can do. wefor tolerating God’s laws ‘little and sins’? we are Take easily David’s influenced warning, by “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not As Christians we need to pay careful attention hear me.” (Psalm 66:18) Take encouragement to little things. Sin is a little word but it is not a from David’s prayer, “Create in me a clean heart, small matter. We would be aghast if someone asked us to steal or murder but if asked to turn a blind eye to ‘lesser’ wrongdoing, we are tempted andO God; attempts and renew to remove a right spiritmotes within from me.”(Psalmthe eyes of to comply. Few criminals started their delinquent others.51:10) Failure Let go to of recognise petty grievances, the beam selfishness,in our own life by robbing a bank. Few drug addicts thought spiritual detriment. When we fall, remember, be reduced to misery. We need a right view of sin. “Ifeye we will confess allow our the sins, little he foxes is faithful to flourish and just to our to Likewhen the taking little their foxes, first little legal sins high are that obnoxious they would in forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all God’s sight, and will impair the work of the Spirit unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). in our lives. ⁞⁞ Olive Maxwell lived and worked for over twenty years None of us is perfect. This should not be used in the city of Cork. She and husband Colin continue to as an excuse for sin. The old adage is, “Take care serve with the Mission Board focusing primarily on the of the pennies and the pounds will take care of


or over 50 years there has been Under his ministry, the church grew, night prayer meetings, a Monday night a Free Presbyterian witness in and the work of God was taken Bible study, and the other activities FBallyhackamore, East Belfast. A through the week, the Word of God is site on the corner of Hewitt Parade and formed as a result of his labours and central. Sandown Road was given by a godly God’sforward. blessing Other was congregations upon his ministry were lady, Mrs Campbell, for the erection in East Belfast. Rev McIlveen retired There is a very strong emphasis on of a meeting house. A permanent in 2011, and the vacancy ended when youth work. Each week, many children building was opened for the preaching Rev Garth Wilson was ordained and and young people from around the of the Gospel at the end of 1964. It has installed in November 2013. local area, with no church connection, undergone a number of extensions and attend the Sunday School, the Bible refurbishments over the years, the last MINISTRY classes and the Tuesday night children’s of which was completed in 2001. meeting. This vital ministry is essential but all Christ-centred. Underpinning in evangelising the district and bringing Student ministers, including Revs theOur weeklyentire churchweekly activities programme are varied in the Gospel into homes as yet unreached. James McClelland, Ivan Foster and Sandown is the place of prayer. Every There is also an outreach Sunday school William McCrea served in the early other work in the congregation in Holywood each Lord’s Day afternoon, days of the new congregation. Then depends on the work done in the place and most of the children who attend are in 1968, Rev David McIlveen was of prayer. from homes with no church background placed in charge of the work. He was at all. A week of Bible Club meetings is subsequently installed as the minister The focus of our ministry is on the held in Holywood each year and again preaching of the Word of God. Through this brings in many children from the served the Lord faithfully at Sandown. the Lord’s Day services, the Thursday surrounding areas. in October 1973, and, for 43 years,

16 STUDENTS Another one of the blessings for the Sandown congregation has been to see two of its young people go and train for the Lord’s work. Philip Knowles, who came through the Summer Camp and Youth Fellowship, is currently in his

College of the Bible. Rachel Crawford is nearingthird year the of end training of her at two the year Whitefield period of training at New Tribes Mission. While we miss them both from our congregation, yet we are happy that they have been called to train for the work of the Master. It is our prayer as a congregation that the Lord would call others from among us into His service.

VISION What of the future? We thank the Lord for the blessings of the past, even recent blessings, but we must not rest on them. So as a congregation we look We have been blessed as a congregation HIGHLIGHT forward to the future with anticipation over the years, with a good group of and expectation for even greater young people who meet each Friday calendar is the Sandown Summer Camp. blessings! Recently we considered night for fellowship and instruction from One of the highlights of the church For almost 30 years, the church has what Caleb asked of Joshua in Joshua God’s word. It is encouraging to see their organised a residential youth Summer 14:12, “Now therefore give me this eagerness and also to see their desire mountain…” From the Short Strand to play their part in congregational life and now at the Folk Museum, Cultra. right up to Ballybean, the mountain and to become involved in the various Camp, first of all in Lawrencetown Many young lives have been impacted of East Belfast is vast, but we desire aspects of the work. and transformed as a result of the the spirit of Caleb who pressed on in Summer Camp: young children have the work and sought to see land being OUTREACH been saved, young believers helped taken for the Lord. May God give us If the people of the area will not come to the in their faith. A varied programme of such boldness and such vision for the church, then the church goes to the people. activities is organised by a dedicated work of God that we may not be content Every week from April to September, team of workers under the leadership with what we have, but be seeking to a faithful group of outreach workers of Paul & Cecilia Roberts. There are press on and claim new ground for the knock doors and seek to reach people two devotional meetings held each Master! for Christ on their own doorsteps. We day, taken every year by children’s are thankful for those who have been evangelist Miss Joyce Walsh. So while reached over the years through this the camp is a time of fun for the young means. Scripture commands us to “…Go people, yet it also a time when they are ⁞⁞ Rev Garth Wilson out into the highways and hedges, and taught the Word of God. compel them to come in, that my house weeklymay be outreach filled.” (Luke programme, 14:23) Throughthrough nursingOpen Airs, home tract meetingsdistribution, and through through a the children’s work, all of these are ways in which we seek to evangelise East Belfast, which is a vast mission be reached and souls to be won but we field. There are thousands of homes to much more than this.” (2 Chronicles 25:9)believe We “…The desire LORD to know is able the to power give thee and Spirit of God that our labours may not be in vain. There needs to be action but there also needs to be unction. 17 SPOTLIGHT ON THE SCHOOLS A Presbytery Education Board Feature


Left: Year 1 pupils Faith and Ethan taking part in a role play, Left: Rev Cranston, former minister, with the pupils and ‘At the Doctor’s. Right: Year 2-7 pupils have been creating teachers. Right: Portadown -Newtownabbey School Science Fair their own animations in ICT winners, with judge Christina Irwin and teacher, Mrs J Brown.


The school has sponsored a puppy, called Fifi, which is being trained Below: Pupils recently had a visit to be used as a guide dog for the blind. Pupils enjoyed a visit from from the local paramedic team Hazel Flanagan with her guide dog.


Left: Year 1-4 pupils building an igloo for their ‘Arctic theme’. Left: School leavers: Hannah Dane, Jemma Monteith, Right: Former minister Rev Mercer called in to say ‘Hello! Amy Foster, Andrew Dobbin. Right: Key Stage 1 pupils made Roman helmets in History.


Graduation Service was held in November for three Trainee A & Probationary Teachers who have completed their studies as part of the Presbytery Education Board Teacher Training Scheme: Mrs Faith Hanna [nee Monteith]; Miss Catherine

Frazer]. Osborne and Mrs Leanne Haffey [nee

Faith has obtained a B A Open withDegree, Honours, with Honours, in Modern from TheLanguage Open StudiesUniversity, with Catherine English Osborne& French a from B A,

B Ed, with Honours, in Music from StranmillisThe Open University,University andCollege Leanne and a Diploma from London College of Music “I cannot bring this little address to a political decadence, you have given us in in piano teaching. close without trying to pay some sort of America something that is truly healthy; tribute to you who have so wonderfully you are to our country something like Rev Thomas Murray, Moderator of maintained the Christian schools. Some a precious salt that may check the Presbytery, presented the graduates of you, no doubt, are serving as teachers ravages of decay. May that salt never with the Diploma of Christian on salaries necessarily small. What lose its savour! May the distinctiveness Education and preached on the early words can I possibly find to celebrate of your Christian schools never be life of Moses. The Presbytery Teacher the heroism and unselfishness of such lost. But if you deserve the gratitude Training Scheme commenced in March service? Others of you are maintaining of every American patriot, how much 1988. It requires prospective teachers the schools by your gifts, in the midst of more do you deserve the gratitude of to have a degree or to begin studying for many burdens and despite the present Christian men and women! You have an external degree, while undergoing poverty and distress. When I think of set an example for the whole Christian teacher training in one of the schools such true Christian heroism as yours, I world; you have done a thing which under the supervision of the Principal. count everything that I ever tried to do elsewhere has been neglected, and the Trainee and Probationary teachers in my life to be pitifully unworthy. I can neglect of which is everywhere in the must also attend the Education Board only say that I stand reverently in your Church! Above all, may our God richly Seminar every August for four years. presence as in the presence of brethren bless you, and of His grace give you a Upon completion they receive the to whom God has given richly of His reward with which all the rewards of Diploma. grace. You deserve the gratitude of earth are not for one moment worthy to your country. In a time of spiritual and be compared.” In the 1920s-30s a separation took place in USA from the apostate of this cause was famous scholar J. GreshamPresbyterian Machen, Church. who Onealso championdelivered a series of lectures subsequently TEACHER REQUIRED FOR published under the title: ‘Education, Christianity and the State’. Gresham NEWTOWNABBEY SCHOOL Machen pays tribute to Christian School Teachers, and, while the PART TIME – VARIOUS SUBJECTS Details: Rev McClung (028 9083 5942) acknowledgement of the teachers in ourcontext Christian is different, Schools today: it is a fitting


ver the past 4 years ‘Consider Christ’ has covered The response has been mixed. There have been many all the major towns in Ireland within reach in opportunities to present the Gospel to those who are Oone day and a couple requiring an overnight stay. genuinely interested; and yet, at the same time, sadly, there Each effort has targeted a town or city with a population of have been others who would not even accept the literature. It 20-35000. For the larger cities, like Galway, it took three separate days to cover the ground. Until now we have interest there has been in spiritual things. These are like avoided Dublin, with a population of some 1.1 has been noticeablethe people thatat Laodicea the more in affluentRevelation the 3:17 area, who the saidless million; but now we believe the time has come “I am rich, and increased with goods, and have to focus on that vast and needy city. need of nothing;” The Lord’s answer showed PLEASE PRAY their true condition when He described them WITH US FOR SUCH A GRACIOUS OUT- as “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” But they need the Lord and Our initial plan is to concentrate on the POURING OF THE HOLY outside of the M50. In January and March, SPIRIT IN IRELAND. that is why we go. weGreater began Dublin in the area northern first – region the territory and moved lying in an anticlockwise direction, knocking doors in We schedule Gospel Meetings in the area on the Portmarnock, Malahide and Swords. From here, in the will of God we will proceed in the direction of Blanchardstown, Clondalkin, Dun Laoghaire and Bray. knowledgeMonday that it is evening the purpose following of God Outreach “by the foolishness Day. Again of preachingthe response to save varies; them but thatwe continue believe.” confident (I Corinthians in the A major advantage has been the ease of travel. With the 1:21) Those who do attend are usually a mixture of saved present road system Dublin can be reached in around an and unsaved. Increasingly we encounter believers who hour from Newry. As a result our faithful band of labourers are disillusioned with the sensationalism of extreme has not had to get up at such “unearthly hours”, and has Pentecostalism, and who desire to be fed on the pure Word been able to spend more time on the doors. Their zeal and of God. There is a great need and appetite for such preaching dedication, in spite of the rain, hail, snow and occasional in Ireland. sunshine (sometimes all four in one day!) has been a great encouragement to the organisers. Truly we are “labourers While we know organisation and outreach is important, together with God.” (I Corinthians 3:9) It has been wonderful essential to any work is a move of the Spirit of God upon the to get to know so many from across the denomination who hearts of the unconverted. Please pray with us for such a have a mind to work for the Lord. When the minibuses roll gracious out-pouring of the Holy Spirit in Ireland; and if you in to the meeting point it’s like “the gathering of the clans”! While the primary objective is to reach the lost with the to have you with us. can join the team on the Outreach Day we would be delighted should not be underestimated. ⁞⁞ Dr Lindsay Wilson Gospel, the benefit of such fellowship with other believers 20 MISSIONARY VISION

DO YOU AND FOR PRAY FOR OUR THEIR FAMILIES MISSIONARIES? AT HOME? raying for our missionaries Focusing on themes from Paul’s letters, t began with the reading of is not an option, but an we should pray they will have a strong a small publication about a Pobligation, and not just for a few personal walk with God; spend time in Imissionary couple. ‘missionary minded’ members. Christ His Word in the midst of busy ministry; commanded prayer for labourers be filled with the Spirit; exhibit spiritual The mother of the lady missionary for the harvest field (Matthew 9:36). fruit; keep themselves in His love and so deeply resented her son-in-law Surely He expected prayer to continue experience His love through them for for taking her daughter away from for them as they laboured! family, fellow workers and unsaved; be her, and she had never written to filled with a knowledge of His will; be her daughter during all her years Paul wrote from the foreign field and he given boldness; and be strengthened in of service. It saddened me that urged congregations to pray for him and the inner man. a Christian would behave like his fellow missionaries. In 2 Thessalonians this. Then my son-in-law came 3:1, 2, he exhorted: “Pray for us, that we Paul also asked prayer, “that God would to break the news to me: God had may be delivered from unreasonable and open unto us a door of utterance, to led him to work in South Australia, wicked men.” Taking the Gospel into the speak the mystery of Christ” (Colossians taking my daughter and grand- strongholds of darkness, missionaries 4:3). Present day missionaries face daughter away from me! I must are prime targets. Satan will attack them. many doors that need to be opened. admit that I had to swallow hard So pray for deliverance from ungodly Visas and work permits are difficult to and ask God for grace for myself men – and from untimely accidents, obtain. Fluency in language only comes and for all the families concerned. unnecessary sicknesses and every device by long hours of disciplined dedication A friend later wrote urging us to of a relentless foe. and study. Nothing is easy! count it an honour to have raised children who were prepared to Paul’s letters reveal his ‘humanness’. He And so, our missionaries, like Paul, cross the seas to serve our Saviour. experienced loneliness, fatigue, trials, would plead, ‘Brethren pray for us’ (2 We do count it an honour, yet there and even disagreements with fellow Thessalonians 3:1). is a cost, for those who go and for missionaries (Barnabas). Missionaries those they leave behind. So, yes, face temptation just like other Christians. ⁞⁞ Dr Ron Johnstone pray for our missionaries, but However, their situation may intensify remember to pray also for those the temptation. Excessive fatigue who have surrendered them to the exacerbated by loneliness and pressure service of the Lord. of responsibilities may cause depression or discouragement. ⁞⁞ Rev William McDermott


e are now on I say with Paul, “Now I beseech the threshold of you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Wmoving to South Christ’s sake, and for the love of Australia. As time has gone by, the Spirit, that ye strive together our feelings toward the work with me in your prayers to God have only intensified. There for me.” (Romans 15:30) Some is a healthy nervousness, points for prayer include: prompting reliance upon the Lord, but there is also • Wisdom in adapting to the an increased excitement Australian culture for the work. I would like • The two elders: Lloyd Glover to thank congregations for (Port Lincoln) & Trevor the opportunity to come on Spiers (Lock) deputation and to share my • Further growth in grace burden for South Australia. I am among the young people truly thankful for the prayerful • The bringing in of new and financial support of the families Lord’s people and am conscious that we “are labourers together with God” in this work. ⁞⁞ Kyle Graham


“ hou hast set my feet in a large thank the Lord for sending us cleaners, come and take notes on what they are room” (Psalm 31:8b). Truly painters, movers and a new employee reading. We are looking forward to the Tthis has been our experience who has been a tremendous asset to the arrival of more literature. Thanks to all with the literature ministry here in ministry. who serve alongside us by generous Kakamega. donations of books and finance! There opened, we moved into a “large room” It has been wonderful to see those is a great opportunity for expansion of on ground level Only in four the monthsmall, just after inside we the Lord is sending our way – other this ministry in the future. Pray with the side entryway. God has provided! missionaries, pastors, people of other and for us for the Lord’s direction and The new shop accommodates more religions, university students. We have enabling. shelving and some storage room as made “in shop reading” available to well as an area for small meetings. We the university students and a number ⁞⁞ Kathy Walker


have enjoyed the weeks spent Liberia is very different from what I in Liberia already, especially imagined. The capital, Monrovia is not Iworking among the children. like the Africa you may think of, with Wednesday afternoons a Bible Club is mud huts and wild animals – unless you held in the Church at Paynesville where On I am teaching on the Tabernacle. It is a essential to living and working here is real encouragement to see the children patiencecount the – dogs something and chickens! which I amOne slowly thing come in to hear the Word of God. I hope learning! It is completely different from and pray that the children will come to , but both countries see their need of a Saviour. Several new need Christ. So continue to pray for the children have just started attending and land of Liberia, that God would move it has been good to see them come out and bring many to Him. regularly as well. ⁞⁞ Christina Logan


Praise to the Lord for leading The drugs awareness meetings continue to be l praise the Lord for the many us into 5 new schools this a source of encouragement and blessing. This opportunities in schools over the year. Please pray for help year I’ve held meetings and conducted outreach last few months, especially the three with Bible Clubs this summer in Portavogive and Kilcooley, Bangor. More are mornings in Darkley Primary School. and Youth Council outreach. planned for Cullybackey, Shankill Road and ⁞⁞ Jonny Smith Newtownards Road, Belfast in May and June. Please Pray for May 9-12 in Lisnadill Some have professed faith in Christ. How good Primary; May 16-19, Mullaglass; Prayer for Bible Clubs to see them grow in the knowledge of the over the summer months Saviour! Points for Prayer: Drugs Awareness 18-22, Dromore CWU Hall; July 25- in Mullaglass, Ballymena, Meetings and associated outreach; safety and 29,July Sandown4-8, Youth Camp; Council Aug Outreach; 1-5, Mourne July Ballygowan, Ardaragh, Belfast, wisdom as we go into some “challenging areas”; & Mission Board Camp; Aug 15-19, Comber & Bangor. on-going visitation to addicts. Tullyvallen; Aug 15-19, Banbridge FPC. ⁞⁞ Robert McConnell ⁞⁞ Chris Killen ⁞⁞ Joyce Walsh


MISSION Office: Chairman: Secretary: Mr George McConnell, Rev Ian Harris, Rev David Park, BOARD 3 Carrigenagh Road, 23a Moneydaragh Road, 55 Market Street, DETAILS Kilkeel, BT34 4NE, NI Annalong, BT34 4TY Ballymoney, BT53 6ED T. 44 (0) 28 4176 5574 T. 028 4376 8040 T. 028 2766 2039 E. [email protected] E. [email protected] E. [email protected]




8rd-13th BALLYGOWAN, 25th-29th BALLYGOWAN, BIBLE WEEK HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB Time: Sunday, 7.00pm Time: Mon – Fri, 11.00am Monday – Friday, 8.00pm Speaker: R McConnell Speaker: Dr R Johnstone Theme: The High Priest’s Garments

30th-7th ENNISKILLEN, LOUGH ERNE CONVENTION th th 8 -13 MONEYSLANE, Time: Sunday, 12.00 & 8.00pm BIBLE WEEK Mon – Sat, 8.00pm Time: Sunday, 7.00pm Speakers: Drs J Douglas & R Johnstone, Mon – Fri, 8.00pm Rev T Murray Speaker: Rev T Murray Theme: The Life of Abraham AUGUST

th th 17 -27 ISLANDMAGEE, th th GOSPEL MISSION 8 -12 BALLYNAHINCH, HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB Time: Sundays, 9.00pm Mon – Fri, 8.00pm Speaker: Rev P Hanna Speaker: Revs Brown & McCrea Details to follow


Time: Monday, 8.00pm JULY Speakers: The Moderator & Others

18th-22nd BALLYGOWAN, SPORTS WEEK Time: Mon – Fri, 9.00-12.00am Speaker: J Smith