
Teaching and Learning Group

Tuesday 6 March 2018, 8.15 am Cantell Training Centre

Present: John Draper, Primary Zoe Agius, Bassett Green Primary Miranda Dodd, University of Siobhan Dodds, Chair,

1. Welcome: Siobhan opened the meeting. Following a discussion with Roisin Philip it has been agreed that Siobhan will now Chair these meetings. Siobhan continued in asking for confirmation that those at the meeting were happy to meet at the Cantell Training Centre for future meetings. Also, for us as a group to think about how we can make the group bigger, widen the interest to include secondary schools.

2. Apologies for absence: Sarah Carpenter

3. Minutes from meeting held on Tuesday 23rd January 2018: Siobhan went through the minutes to give opportunity for any feedback.

4. Matters Arising: Siobhan confirmed that with Tricia Phelan stepping down and having been asked to chair, Siobhan Dodds will Chair any future meetings.

5. Programmes update (NQT etc):

NQT - Swaythling Primary only have one NQT currently and they are getting on ok. Cantell School have had 10 NQTs – 1 programme. Need to look at sharing out training for the Summer Term.

Appropriate Body – Cantell are using Alliance and the students are getting support. Second visits are currently being carried out for quality assurance.

CPLD – Roisin Philip to look at CPD needs, twilight sessions. There is a massive impact when trying to take NQTs out for the day. More INSET days might be beneficial, rather than twilight sessions. For consideration.

NQT + 1 – It was agreed that all need to be supported well. Second visits are being arranged.

Miranda Dodd to send her teacher research to those in attendance so that it can be shown to NQTs and other members of the group.

6. School Direct update:

Primary recruitment is almost complete for salaried positions, but there are still 14 training positions to be filled. Recruitment is ongoing.

Secondary: Southampton University have cut support for small course subjects. Cantell have recruited one for PE with no salary. Some others have been interviewed and a science place has been offered. Recruitment is ongoing.

Good or better learning for every child, for every lesson

7. Transition Project: Jet Trust is also looking at Transition and Miranda introduced the book, A Story like the wind by Gill Lewis. “A beautifully illustrated story of freedom, music, and seeking refuge. A small group of refugees is crowded on to a boat on the sea. They share their stories as the boat travels towards the dream of safety and freedom. One boy, Rami, has brought his violin, and his story of how the violin was invented, and of a stallion that could run like the wind, weaves through the other stories, bringing them all together into a celebration of hope and of the power of music and story. A very special, beautifully illustrated, fable for all who strive to understand, and to stand together with, those around them.”

If Jet Trust and other schools were interested in the book and those schools with City of Sanctuary links there may be options for helping with funding, we could try to raise money ourselves or look into applying for funding in order that Y6s are able to take their own copy away for the summer before they start. If everybody chipped in, get parents involved early via parent voice. Liaise with publishers to see if a deal can be made.

We could ask the local book stores if they would be willing to support this.

Primaries can discuss the book as part of their Hook day and Seniors can discuss and launch it during the transition. It could be used for a summer reading challenged if students could all have their copy before they leave Primary. May be an option of asking the Author to visit schools.

If all schools are involved and all students get a copy, then everybody is working off the same page.

Students can learn different parts of the story. There is a concern about reaching all students that may not be in the catchment.

Actions: Siobhan to see if we already hold a copy of this in our school LRC. Liaise with J Hartley, Head of Yr 7 regards transition week. Miranda happy to contact Schools of Sanctuary and Author- report back at the next meeting.

Next Meetings: Tuesday 8th May 2018, 8am – Cantell Training Centre, CTC Tuesday 3rd July 2018, 8am – Cantell Training Centre, CTC

Good or better learning for every child, for every lesson