NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ANNUAL SURVEY OF AMERICAN LAW VOLUME 74 ISSUE 2 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW ARTHUR T. VANDERBILT HALL Washington Square New York City New York University Annual Survey of American Law is in its seventy-fifth year of publication. L.C. Cat. Card No.: 46-30523 ISSN 0066-4413 All Rights Reserved New York University Annual Survey of American Law is published biannually at 110 West 3rd Street, New York, New York 10012. Subscription price: $30.00 per year (plus $4.00 for foreign mailing). Single issues are available at $16.00 per issue (plus $1.00 for foreign mailing). For regular subscriptions or single issues, contact the Annual Survey editorial office. Back issues may be ordered directly from William S. Hein & Co., Inc., by mail (2350 North Forest Rd., Getzville, NY 14068), phone (800-828-7571), fax (716-883-8100), or email (
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